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`Pl; gth;


e. Iadhug;gd;> M.E., M.I.S.T.E.

= NuZfhk;ghs; ghypnlf;dpf; fy;Y}hp
Ngh@h; - 606 907.
KAL PATHIPPAGAM– 99446 50380, 96266 26747


Unit – I

1. Define : a) Density b) Specific weight
XuyF fd msTs;s nghUspd; epiwahdJ density
(mlh;j;jp) vdg;gLk;. ,J '' vd;w FwpaPl;bd; %yk;
Fwpf;fg;gLfpwJ. SI Kiwapy;> ,jd; myF ' kg/m 'MFk;.
mass m
Density,    ( kg / m 3 )
volume V
XuyF fd msTs;s nghUspd; vilahdJ
specific weight vdg;gLk;. ,J 'w' vd;w FwpaPl;bd; %yk;
Fwpf;fg;gLfpwJ. SI Kiwapy;> ,jd; myF ' N/m 'MFk;.
weight W mg
Specific weight, w    ( N / m3 )
volume V V
2. Define : (i) Specific volume (ii) Specific gravity
 XuyF epiwAs;s nghUshdJ milj;Jf; nfhs;Sk; fd
msT specific volume vdg;gLk;. ,J densityd; jiyfPo;
tpfpjkhFk;. ,J 'v' vd;w FwpaPl;bd; %yk; Fwpf;fg;gLk;.
SI Kiwapy;> ,jd; myF m3 /kg MFk;.
volume  V
Specific volume, v  (m3/kg)
mass m
 Specific gravity vd;gJ xU nghUspd; density (my;yJ
specific weight)f;Fk; xU standard nghUspd; density
(my;yJ specific weight)f;Fk; cs;s tpfpjkhFk;. Specific
gravity MdJ 's' vd;w FwpaPl;bd; %yk; Fwpf;fg;gLfpwJ.
,J xNu khjphpahd ,uz;L msTfspd; tpfpjkhf
,Ug;gjhy;> ,jw;F myF fpilahJ.
density (or specific weight) of the given substance
density ( or specific weight) of the standard substance

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3. Define : pressure. What is atmospheric pressure?
 XuyF gug;gstpy; nray;gLk; nrq;Fj;J tpir pressure
(mOj;jk;) vdg;gLk;. ,J 'p' vd;w FwpaPl;bd; %yk;
Fwpf;fg; gLfpwJ.
Force  F
Pressure, p  (N/m2)
Area A
 ,J tspkz;lyf; fhw;wpd; %yk; G+kpapd; Nkw;gug;gpy;
nrYj;jg;gLk; mOj;jk; MFk;. fly; kl;l mstpy;>
atmospheric pressured; kjpg;G 1.03125 bar my;yJ
barometery; 760 mm cauk; MFk;.
4. What is absolute pressure and gauge pressure? Write
the relationship between them.
 ve;j xU systemj;jpYk; cs;s cz;ikahd pressureMdJ
absolute pressure vdg;gLk;.
 Gauge pressure (pg) : ,J pressure gauged; %yk;
mstplg;gLk; msT MFk;. midj;J pressure gaugefSk;
absolute pressure kw;Wk; atmospheric pressure
Mfpatw;wpw;F ,ilNaahd tpj;jpahrj;ij kl;LNk
Absolute pressure = Atmospheric pressure + Gauge pressure
5. Define : Vacuum pressure. Write the relationship
between vacuum pressure and absolute pressure.
Vacuum pressure (pg) : Atmospheric pressuref;Ff;
Fiwthd pressure MdJ vacuum pressure my;yJ
negative pressure vdg;gLk;. ,jid mstpl vacuum
gaugefs; gad;gLj;jg; gLfpd;wd.
Absolute pressure = Atmospheric pressure – Vacuum pressure
6. Define temperature? What are the two scales used for
measuring temperature?
Temperature vd;gJ xU nghUspy; cs;s ntg;gj;jpd; jd;ik
my;yJ ntg;gr; nrwptpd; msit eph;zapf;Fk; gz;G MFk;.
1) Celsius or centigrade scale 2) Fahrenheit scale
7. What is Centigrade and Fahrenheit scale? Give the
relationship between them.
 Centigrade msTNfhypy;> jz;zPhpd; ciwepiy zero
vdTk; jz;zPhpd; nfhjpepiy 100oC vdTk;

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vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg; gLfpwJ. ,e;j ,U Gs;spfSf;Fk;
,ilNaahd ,ilntsp 100 rk ghfq;fshfg;
gphpf;fg;gl;L> xt;nthU ghfKk; xU degree Celcius vd
Fwpf;fg; gLfpwJ.
 Fahrenheit msTNfhypy;> jz;zPhpd; ciwepiy 32oF
vdTk; jz;zPhpd; nfhjpepiy 212oF vdTk;
vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg; gLfpwJ. ,e;j ,U Gs;spfSf;Fk;
,ilNaahd ,ilntsp 180 rk ghfq;fshfg;
gphpf;fg;gl;L> xt;nthU ghfKk; xU degree Fahrenheit
vd Fwpf;fg; gLfpwJ.
C  5 ( F  32)
8. What is absolute temperature?
Absolute zero temperature vd;gJ> ve;j xU nghUspd;
ntg;gepiyAk; ,jw;F fPo; nry;y ,ayhj xU ntg;gepiy MFk;.
9. Mention the S.T.P conditions.
Standard atmospheric conditiony; temperature kw;Wk;
pressured; msT Standard Temperature and Pressure
(S.T.P) vdg;gLk;. S.T.P kjpg;Gfs; fPo;f;fz;lthW:
Standard temperature = 15 C = 288K
Standard pressure = 760 mm of Hg = 101.325 kN/ m 2
10. State the N.T.P conditions.
Normal atmospheric conditiony; temperature kw;Wk;
pressured; msT Normal Temperature and Pressure
(N.T.P) vdg;gLk;. N.T.P kjpg;Gfs; fPo;f;fz;lthW:
Standard temperature = 0oC = 273K
Standard pressure = 760 mm of Hg = 101.325 kN/ m 2 .
11. Define heat. Write the formula for heat transfer.
 xU system kw;Wk; surroundingf;F ,ilNaAs;s
ntg;gepiy NtWghl;bd; fhuzkhf mjd;
boundaryiaj; jhz;b flj;jg;gLk; Mw;wyhdJ heat

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 m kg epiw nfhz;l nghUshdJ> T1 vd;w Muk;g
ntg;gepiyapypUe;J T2 vd;w ,Wjp ntg;gepiyf;F
ntg;gg;gLj;jg; gl;lhy;, heat transfer d; msT,
Q  m.C.(T2  T1 )
,q;F, C = nghUspd; specific heat kjpg;G (J/kg.K)
12. Define specific heat capacity.
XuyF epiwAs;s xU nghUspd; ntg;gepiyia xU degree
cah;j;Jtjw;F Njitg;gLk; ntg;gj;jpd; msT>
mg;nghUspd; specific heat capacity vdg;gLk;.
13. Define specific heat capacity at constant volume.
J fd msT khwhj epiyapy;> XuyF epiwAs;s xU
nghUspd; ntg;gepiyia xU degree cah;j;Jtjw;F
Njitg;gLk; ntg;gj;jpd; msT vd tiuaWf;fg;gLfpwJ.
14. Define specific heat capacity at constant pressure.
,J mOj;jk; khwhj epiyapy;> XuyF epiwAs;s xU
nghUspd; ntg;gepiyia xU degree cah;j;Jtjw;F
Njitg;gLk; ntg;gj;jpd; msT vd tiuaWf;fg;gLfpwJ.
15. Why Cp is always greater than Cv?
thAthdJ mOj;jk; khwhj epiyapy; ntg;gg;
gLj;jg;gLk;NghJ> mjd; fd msT mjpfhpf;fpwJ. ,t;thW
thA tphptiltjd; %yk; Ntiy nra;ag; gLfpwJ. vdNt>
specific heatMdJ fd msT khwhj epiyapy;
ntg;gg;gLj;Jk;NghJ cs;sijtpl> mOj;jk; khwhj
epiyapy; ntg;gg; gLj;Jk;NghJ mjpfkhf cs;sJ.
16. Define : Adiabatic index.
,uz;L specific heat capacityfSf;F ,ilNaahd tpfpjk;
xU constant MFk;. ,J adiabatic index vd miof;fg;
gLfpwJ. ,J γ vd;w FwpaPl;bd; %yk; Fwpf;fg;gLfpwJ.
Adiabatic index, γ 
17. Define : Work
 Work MdJ nrYj;jg;gLk; tpir (F) kw;Wk; tpir
nray;gLk; jpirapy; nghUs; efh;e;j J}uk; Mfptw;wpd;
ngUf;Fj;njhif vd tiuaWf;fg;gLfpwJ.
 ve;j xU processYk;> mechanical work done,

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W   p.dV (N - m or J)

18. Define : (a) System (b) Surroundings

 VNjDk; xU thermodynamic process eilngWk;
epiyahd gug;G my;yJ ,lkhdJ thermodynamic
system vd tiuaWf;fg; gLfpwJ.
 Boundarf;F ntspapypUe;J systemj;jpd; gz;Gfisg;
ghjpf;Fk; ve;j xU fhuzpAk; surroundings vdg;gLk;.
19. Classify the thermodynamic systems.
1. Closed system 2. Open system and 3. Isolated system
20. What is closed system? Give example.
 Closed system MdJ heat kw;Wk; workI boundaryIj;
jhz;b flj;Jtjw;F mDkjpf;fpwJ. Mdhy; massI
flj;Jtjw;F mDkjpf;fhJ. Closed systemj;jpy; cs;s
,aq;Fk; nghUspd; mass MdJ khwhky; ,Uf;Fk;.
 piston kw;Wk; cylinder mikg; ghdJ closed systemj;jpw;F
xU cjhuzk; MFk;.
21. What is open system? Give an example.
 Open systemj;jpy; ,aq;Fk; nghUspd; epiwahdJ
boundaryIf; fle;J nry;fpwJ. Heat kw;Wk; workk;
boundaryIf; fle;J nry;Yk;. ,e;j processd; NghJ sys
temj;jpy; cs;s mass MdJ epiyahf ,Uf;fhJ.
 Compressor unit MdJ open systemj;jpw;F xU cjhuzk;
22. What is isolated system? Give example.
 Surrounding %yk; ve;j tifapYk; ghjpf;fg;glhj system
MdJ isolated sytem vdg;gLk;. xU isolated systemj;jpy;>
mass, heat my;yJ work vJTk; flj;jg;gLtJ ,y;iy.
,J xU fw;gidahd system MFk;.
 UniverseI surrounding Mff; nfhz;l xU open system
MdJ isolated systemj;jpw;F xU cjhuzk; MFk;.
23. Define state of a system.
ve;j xU fzj;jpYk; xU sytemj;jpd; jd;ikNa mjd; state
vdg;gLk;. Sytemj;jpd; gz;Gfis Fwpg;gpLtjd; %yk; ,J

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24. What are extensive properties? Give examples.
 xl;Lnkhj;j systemj;jpw;fhd xU gz;gpd; kjpg;ghdJ>
me;j systemj;jpd; jdpj;jdpahd ghfq;fSf;fhd
gz;Gfspd; $LjYf;Fr; rkkhf ,Ue;jhy;> mj;jifa
gz;ghdJ extensive property vdg;gLk;. ,e;j gz;Gfs;
systemj;jpd; epiwiag; nghWj;J khWgLk;.
 cjhuzk; : Total volume, total energy, total mass, etc.
25. What are intensive properties? Give examples.
 Systemj;jpd; epiwiar; rhh;e;jpuhj gz;Gfs; intensive
properties vdg;gLk;. ,e;j gz;Gfs; systemj;jpd;
jdpj;jdpahd ghfq;fspy; rkkhfNt ,Uf;Fk;.
 cjhuzk;: Temperature, pressure, specific volume, etc.
26. List out the different thermodynamic processes.
 Constant volume process
 Constant pressure process
 Constant temperature process
 Isentropic or reversible adiabatic process
 Polytropic process
 Hyperbolic process
 Free expansion process
 Throttling process
27. What is cyclic process?
xU sytemj;jpy; Muk;g epiy kw;Wk; ,Wjp epiy xd;whf
,Uf;FkhW eilngWk; process MdJ thermodynamic
cycle my;yJ cyclic process vdg;gLk
28. Differentiate closed cycle and open cycle.
 Closed cycle systemj;jpy;, working substance MdJ
Row;rp Kiwapy; jpUk;g jpUk;g gad;gLj;jg; gLfpwJ.
 Open cycle systemj;jpy;, working substance MdJ
tphptile;j gpd;G atmospheref;F ntspNaw;wg; gLfpwJ.
29. Define point function. Give example.
 xU system gpd;gw;wpr; nry;Yk; ghijiag; nghWj;J
kjpg;Gfs; khwhky; ,Uf;Fk; function MdJ point
function MFk;.
 Example : Pressure, temperature, volume, etc.
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30. Define path function. Give example.
 xU functiond; kjpg;hdJ> system gpd;gw;wpr; nry;Yk;
ghijiag; nghWj;J khWgl;lhy;> mj;jifa function
MdJ path function vdg;gLk;.
 Example : Work done, heat transfer, etc.
31. State the law of conservation of energy.
,e;j tpjpg;gb> Mw;wiy Mf;fNth my;yJ mopf;fNth
KbahJ. Mdhy; xU Mw;wiy kw;nwhU Mw;wyhf khw;wyhk;.
mjhtJ ve;j xU systemj;jpd; nkhj;j Mw;wYk;
32. State zeroth law of thermodynamics.
,e;j tpjpg;gb, ,uz;L systemfs; xU %d;whtJ
systemj;Jld; jdpj;jdpNa thermal equilibriumj;jpy;
,Ue;jhy;> me;j ,uz;L systemfSk; xd;Wf;nfhd;W
thermal equilibriumj;jpy; ,Uf;Fk;.
33. State first law of thermodynamics.
,e;j tpjpg;gb> xU system thermodynamic cycley;
,aq;Fk;NghJ> nrYj;jg;gLk; epfu ntg;gkhdJ nra;ag;gLk;
epfu Ntiyf;Fr; rkkhf ,Uf;Fk;.
34. State Kelvin-Blank’s statement
nfhLf;fg;gLk; nkhj;j ntg;g Mw;wiyAk; mjw;F rkkhd
Ntiyahf khw;wf;$ba tifapy;> cyclic processy; ,aq;Fk;
xU heat engineI tbtikg;gJ rhj;jpakpy;iy.
35. State Clausius’s statement
ntg;gkhdJ xU hot bodyapy; ,Ue;J xU cold bodyf;F ve;j
xU cjtpAk; ,d;wp gha;e;J nry;Yk;. Mdhy; ntg;gkhdJ
xU cold bodyapy; ,Ue;J xU hot bodyf;F ve;j xU
ntspg;Gw NtiyAk; ,d;wp gha;e;J nry;y ,ayhJ.
36. What is a perfect gas?
jput epiyapypUe;J Kw;wpYk; Mtpahfp> midj;J
ntg;gepiy kw;Wk; mOj;j epiyfspy; thA tpjpfisg;
gpd;gw;Wk; nghUshdJ perfect gas vd tiuaWf;fg;

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37. State Boyle’s law.
Boyle tpjpg;gb> ntg;gepiy khwhj epiyapy;> nfhLf;fg;gl;l
epiw nfhz;l xU perfect gasd; mOj;jkhdJ mjd; fd
mstpw;F vjph; tpfpjj;jpy; ,Uf;Fk;.
fzpjg;gb, p  or pV  Constant
38. State Charle’s law.
Charles tpjpg;gb> mOj;jk; khwhj epiyapy;> nfhLf;fg;gl;l
epiw nfhz;l xU perfect gasd; fd msT mjd;
ntg;gepiyf;F Neh;tpfpjj;jpy; ,Uf;Fk;.
fzpjg;gb, V  T (or)  Constant
39. State Gay-Lussac’s law.
Gay-Lussac tpjpg;gb> thAtpd; fd msT khwhj epiyapy;>
nfhLf;fg;gl;l epiw nfhz;l xU perfect gasd;
mOj;jkhdJ mjd; ntg;gepiyf;F Neh;tpfpjj;jpy; ,Uf;Fk;.
fzpjg;gb, p  T (or)  Constant
40. State Joule’s law.
Joule tpjpg;gb> xU perfect gasd; internal energyy; Vw;gLk;
khWghlhdJ mjd; ntg;gepiy khWghl;bw;F
Neh;tpfpjj;jpy; ,Uf;Fk;.
fzpjg;gb> dE  dT (or) dE  m.C.dT  m.C(T2  T1 )
41. Write the general gas equation.
p1V1 p2V2
 = Constant
T1 T2
42. Write the characteristic gas equation.
p.V  m. R.T (or) p  RT
43. What is universal gas constant?
midj;J thAf;fSf;Fk; molecular weight (M) kw;Wk;
characteristic gas constant (R) Mfpatw;wpd;
ngUf;Fj;njhif xU constant MFk;. ,e;j constant MdJ
universal gas constant vdg;gLfpwJ.
M. R  Rmole  Ru
44. Write the relationship between C p and Cv

C p  Cv  R ; Cv  R
 1

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45. Define enthalpy

Internal energyiaAk;, pressure kw;Wk; volumed; ngUf;Fj;
njhif (p.V) iaAk; $l;bdhy; fpilg;gNj enthalpy
vdg;gLk;. ,J H vd;w FwpaPL %yk; Fwpf;fg;gLk;.
fzpjg;gb, enthalpy, H  U  p.V
46. Write the expression for change in enthalpy during a
H  Q  m.C p (T2  T1 )
47. Define entropy.
ntg;gepiyiag; nghWj;J ntg;gj;jpd; kjpg;gpy; Vw;gLk;
khw;wj;ijf; Fwpg;gNj entropy vdg;gLk;. xU nghUSf;F
ntg;gj;ij mspf;Fk;NghJ mjd; entropy mjpfhpf;fTk;>
mg;nghUspy; ,Ue;J ntg;gj;ij ePf;Fk;NghJ mjd; entropy
FiwaTk; nra;fpwJ.
48. Write the expression for change in entropy during a
dS 
49. Draw the p-V and T-s diagram for constant volume

p2 2
Temperaturre (T)


p1 1 1 Q

V1=V2 S1 S2
Volume Entropy (S)

(a) P-V diagram (b) T-S diagram

50. Write the expression for change in entropy during

constant volume process.
T  p 
dS  m.Cv . ln 2   m.Cv . ln 2 
 1  p1 

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51. Represent the constant pressure process on p-V and
T-s diagram.

Temperaturre (T)
1 p1=p2 2

1 Q

V1 V2 S1 S2
Volume Entropy (S)

(a) P-V diagram (b) T-S diagram

52. Write the expression for change in entropy during

constant pressure process.
T  V 
dS  m.C p . ln 2   m.C p . ln 2 
 1  V1 
53. Show the isothermal process on p-V and T-s diagram.
p2 1

Temperaturre (T)

1 T1=T2 2

p1 W 2

V1 V2 S1 S2
Volume Entropy (S)

(a) p-V diagram (b) T-S diagram

54. Write the expression for work done during

isothermal process.
V  V 
 W  p1V1 . ln 2  (or) W  m. R.T1 . ln 2 
 V1   V1 
55. What is isentropic process?
Reversible adiabatic process MdJ isentropic process
vdg;gLk;. Adiabatic processd; NghJ, system kw;Wk;
surroundingf;F ,ilNa heat transfer Vw;gLtJ ,y;iy.
56. Write the relationship between temperature, volume
and pressure during isentropic process.
  1
p1  V2  T2  V1 
   
p2  V1  T1  V2 

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57. Draw the p-V and T-s diagram for isentropic process.
p2 1 T2 1

pV =C

Temperaturre (T)
No heat
p1 W 2 T1 2

V1 V2 S1 = S2
Volume Entropy (S)
(a) p-V diagram (b) T-S diagram

58. Represent the polytropic process on p-V and T-s diagram.

p2 1 2
pV =C

Temperaturre (T)

p1 W 2 1 Q

V1 V2 S1 S2
Volume Entropy (S)
(a) p-V diagram (b) T-S diagram

59. Write the expression for work done during polytropic process.
p .V  p2 .V2 m. R.(T1  T2 )
W 1 1 
n 1 n 1
60. What is throttling process.
xU gas my;yJ vapour MdJ xU rpwpa jpwg;G (small orifice,
partially opened valve, etc.) topahf tphptile;J nry;Yk;
epfo;T throttling process vdg;gLk;. ,e;j epfo;tpd; NghJ
heat transfer Vw;gLtJ ,y;iy. vdNt internal energyy;
khw;wk; Vw;gLtJ ,y;iy. W  0 ; Q  0 ; U  0 .
61. Write the expression for polytropic index.
p 
log 10  2 
Polytropic index, n   p1 
V 
log 10  1 
 V2 
62. Write the expression for polytropic specific heat.
   n
Polytropic specific heat, Cn  Cv  
 n 1

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63. What is steady flow system? Give examples.

 Steady flow systemj;jpy;> mass kw;Wk; energy Mfpait
control surface topahf gha;e;J nry;Yk; tPjk; constant MFk;.
 Example: Boiler, steam condenser, steam nozzles kw;Wk; air
compressors Mfpait steady flow systemj;jpw;F
cjhuzq;fs; MFk;.
64. Write the general steady flow energy equation.
 C2   C 2 
m g. Z1  1  h1  Q  m g. Z2  2  h2  W 
 2   2 
65. List out the applications of steady flow energy
a) Steam generators ( Boilers) b) Steam condensers
c) Steam nozzles d) Air compressors
e) Steam or gas turbines f) Air heaters, etc.
66. Mention the steady flow energy equation for boiler
and steam condenser.
Boiler  Heat transfer, Q  h2  h1 J/kg.
Steam condenser.  Heat transfer, Q  h2  h1 J/kg.
67. Write the steady flow energy equation for nozzle.
C1 2 C2
 h1  2  h2
2 2
where, C1 – Velocity at entry, C2 – Velocity at exit
h1 – Enthalpy at entry, h2 – Enthalpy of exit
68. Write the expression for final velocity of steam in
steam nozzle.
  1

  p2   
Final velocity, C2  2  C p  T1  1     C1 2
  p1  
 
69. Give the steady flow energy equation for rotary
compressor and reciprocating compressor.
Rotary compressor  Work input, W  h1  h2
Reciprocating compressor  Work input, W  Q  (h1  h2 )

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70. What is non-flow energy equation.
xU closed systemj;jpy;> boudaryf; fle;J mass transfer
Vw;gLtJ ,y;iy. vdNt> flow energy, kinetic energy
kw;Wk; potential energy Mfpait epuhfhpf;fg;gLk;. Closed
systemj;jpw;F, energy equation,
Q  W  u
,JNt non-flow energy equation vdg;gLk;.

Unit – II
1. What is air cycles and air standard efficiency?
 Engine cylindery; cs;s fhw;whdJ njhlh;r;rpahd
gy;NtW epfo;TfSf;F cl;gLj;jg;gl;L> mjd; Muk;g
epiyf;F jpUk;GkhW nra;ag;gLfpwJ. ,JNt air cycle
 AirI working fluid Mf gad;gLj;jpg; ngwg;gLk; thermal
efficiency MdJ air standard efficiency vdg;gLk;.
2. Define thermal efficiency.
Thermal efficiency,
Output Heat supplied  Heat rejected
  Work done 
Input Heat supplied Heat supplied
3. Define relative efficiency.
Relative efficiency (or) Efficiency ratio,
Indicated thermal efficiency (or)
Actual thermal efficiency
rel 
Theoretica l (Ideal) theraml efficiency (or)
Air standard efficiency
4. What are reversible and irreversible processes?
 xU processI reverse nra;Ak;NghJ mjd; system kw;Wk;
surrounding Mfpait KOtJkhf Muk;g epiyf;Fj;
jpUk;gpdhy;> mj;jifa process MdJ reversible process

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 xU processI reverse nra;Ak;NghJ mjd; system kw;Wk;

surrounding Mfpait KOtJkhf Muk;g epiyf;Fj;
jpUk;g tpy;iynadpy;> mj;jifa process MdJ
irreversible process vdg;gLk;.
5. List out the conditions for irreversibility.
 Cycle KOtJk; ve;j xU Mw;wy; ,og;Gk; ,Uf;ff; $lhJ.
 ve;j xU free expansion process my;yJ throttling process
,Uf;ff; $lhJ.
 Surrounding kw;Wk; working substanced; ntg;gepiy
kw;Wk; mOj;jkhdJ xNu khjphpahf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.
 Working substance MdJ ed;whf ntg;gj;ijf;
flj;Jtjhf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.
6. List out important thermodynamic cycles.
1) Carnot cycle [constant temperature cycle]
2) Otto cycle [constant volume cycle]
3) Diesel cycle
4) Joule or Brayton cycle [constant pressure cycle]
5) Dual combustion cycle
6) Rankine cycle
7) Stirling cycle
8) Ericsson cycle
7. Draw the p-v diagram of Carnot cycle and mention
the processes.

2 Qs Isothermal Isothermal
3 2 3
W Q Adiabatic
p Adiabatic T
1 4
Qr T1 1 4

V S1 = S2 S3=S4
(a) p-V diagram (b) T-S diagram
,jpy; ,uz;L isothermal processfs; kw;Wk; ,uz;L isentropic
(reversible adiabatic) processfs; mlq;fp ,Uf;Fk;.
8. Write the expression for efficiency of Carnot cycles.
(T2  T1 ) T
carnot  1 1
T2 T2

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where, T1  Minimum temperature of the cycle,

T2  Maximum temperature of the cycle
9. Define COP of refrigerator.
COPref  Heat extracted 
Work input T2  T1
10. Define COP of heat pump.
Heat rejected T2
COPhp  
Work input T2  T1
11. Draw the p-V and T-S diagram of Otto cycle.

Qs 3
2 C
4 2
Qr S=C
T =C
1 V
Vc Vs 1

V2=V3 V1=V4 S1 = S2 S3=S4

(a) p-V diagram (b) T-S diagram

,e;j cycley; ,uz;L reversible adiabatic (isentropic)

processfSk; ,uz;L constant volume processfSk; cs;sd.
12. Write the expression for efficiency of Otto cycle.
otto  1 
r  1
V1 Total cylinder v olume
where, r=compression ratio  
V2 Clearance volume
13. Draw the p-V and T-S diagram for Joule’s cycle.
p2 = p3 2 Qs 3
p= S=C

p 2 4
p1 = p4 S=C
T p=C
1 Qr 4 1
S1 = S2 S3=S4
(a) p-V diagram (b) T-S diagram

,jpy; ,uz;L adiabatic (isentropic) processfSk; ,uz;L

constant pressure processfSk; ,Uf;Fk;.

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14. Write the expression for efficiency of Joule’s cycle.

1 1 1
 joule  1 
 
 1
Rp  (r) 1
Higher Pressure
where, Rp = Pressure ratio 
Lower Pressure
15. Draw the p-V and T-S diagram of Diesel cycle.
p2 = p3 2 Qs 3

Adiabatic 3
4 2
Qr S=C
1 V=
Vc Vs 1

V1=V4 S1 = S2 S3=S4
(a) p-V diagram (b) T-S diagram
,jpy; ,uz;L adiabatic processfSk;, xU constant volume
processk;> xU constant pressure processk; ,Uf;Fk;.
16. Define cut off ratio.
Cut-off pointy; cs;s volumef;Fk; clearance volumef;Fk;
cs;s tpfpjNk cut-off ratio vdg;gLk;.
Cut - off volume
Cutoff ratio,  
Clearance volume
17. Write the expression for efficiency of Diesel cycle.

diesel  1  1    1
 
 .(r) 1    1 
Cut - off volume  V3  V3
,q;F,   Cut off ratio 
Clearance volume Vc V2
18. Draw the actual p-V diagram of Otto cycle.

p e
a b
Vc Vs

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19. Define mean effective pressure.

Working stroked; NghJ piston kPJ nray;gLk; average
pressure MdJ mean effective pressure vdg;gLk;.
Work done during the cycle
pm 
Stroke volume
20. Draw the actual p-V diagram of Diesel cycle.

c d


p a b
Vc Vs

21. Write the expression for indicated mean effective
pressure and brake mean effective pressure.

Indicated mean effective pressure, pmi  Indicated Power

n  Vs
Brake power
Brake mean effective pressure, pmb 
n  Vs
,q;F, n = No. of strokes per second, Vs = Stroke volume


22. Define fuel. What are the types of fuels?

 tspkz;lyf; fhw;wpy; cs;s oxygen cld; Nrh;e;J
vhpAk;NghJ mjpf msT ntg;gj;ij cUthf;Fk; nghUs;
fuel (vhpnghUs;) vd tiuaWf;fg; gLfpwJ.
 1) Solid fuels 2) Liquid fuels 3) Gaseous fuels
23. Give examples for solid fuels and liquid fuels.
Solid fuels : charcoal, coke, briquetted coal, pulverized coal, etc.
Liquid fuels : gasoline (petrol), paraffin, diesel, oil, etc.

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24. What are the advantages of liquid fuels.

1) mjpf calorific kjpg;G
2) Nrkpj;J itf;f Fiwthd ,lk; NghJkhdJ.
3) Fueld; gad;ghl;il valvefspd; %yk; fl;Lg;gLj;jyhk;.
4) J}a;ikahfTk; dust ,y;yhkYk; ,Uf;Fk;.
5) ifahs;tJ kw;Wk; vLj;Jr; nry;tJ vspJ.
6) mjpf efficiencyIj; jUk;.
25. List out the advantages of gaseous fuels.
1) Gaseous fuelfis KOtJkhf vhpf;f Fiwe;j msT
fhw;Nw NghJkhdJ.
2) ,J rhk;gy; kw;Wk; Gifia Vw;gLj;JtJ ,y;iy.
3) ,J mRj;jq;fspd;wp ,Uf;Fk;.
4) Fiwthd nrytpYk; mjpf ntg;gepiyia cUthf;fyk;.
5) Gaseous fueld; msit kpfj; Jy;ypakhf
26. What are the requirements of a good fuel?
1) mjpf calorific kjpg;G
2) Fiwthd ignition temperature
3) NfL tpistpf;Fk; thAf;fis cUthf;ff; $lhJ.
4) gw;w itj;jTld; mjpf efficiency cld; vhpa Ntz;Lk;.
5) Fiwthd msT Gifia Vw;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.
6) tpiy Fiwthf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.
7) Nrkpj;J itf;fTk; ifahsTk; vspjhf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.
27. What are the stages of combustion in SI engines.
1) Ignition lag stage
2) Flame propagation stage
3) After burning stage
28. What is ignition lag?
jPg;nghwp cUthtjw;Fk; vhpjy; %yk; fzprkhd msT
mOj;jk; mjpfhpg;gjw;Fk; ,ilNa xU Fwpg;gpl;l fhy
,ilntsp ,Uf;Fk;. ,e;j fhy ,ilntspahdJ ignition
lag vdg;gLk;.
29. What is combustion period?
jPr;Rthiy guTk; Neuk; combustion period vdg;gLk;.

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30. What is after burning?

cr;rgl;r mOj;jj;ij mile;j gpwFk; $l vhpjy; epd;W
tplhJ. Expansion strokey; xU Fwpgpl;l fhy msTf;F
vhpjy; njhlhe;J eilngWk;. ,j;jifa vhpjyhdJ after
burning vdg;gLk;.
31. List out the factors affecting flame propagation.
1) Mixture strength 2) Compression ratio
3) Load on Engine 4) Turbulence
5) Engine speed 6) Ignition timing
32. What is auto-ignition and self-ignition temperature?
 vhpnghUs; kw;Wk; fhw;W fye;j fyitahdJ> mjid gw;w
itg;gjw;fhd jPr;Rthiy ,y;yhj epiyapYk;> jd;dpr;irahd
tpid Ghpe;J Ntjp tpidapd; %yk; ntg;gj;ij cUthf;fyhk;.
jPr;Rthiy ,y;yhj epiyapy; jd;dpr;irahf gw;wp vhpAk; ,e;j
epfo;T auto-ignition vdg;gLk;.
 vhpnghUs; jd;dpr;irahf gw;wp vhpaf; $ba ntg;gepiy self-
ignition temperature vdg;gLk;.
33. What is pre-ignition?
jPg;nghwp cUthf;fg; gLtjw;F Kd;ghfNt> xU gbj;jhd
vhpnghUs; fyitahdJ #lhd gug;gpd; kPJ gLtjhy;
jPg;gw;wp vhpAk; epfo;T pre-ignition vdg;gLk;.
34. What are the effects of pre-ignition?
1) Enginey; detonation cUthtjw;F ,J top Vw;gLj;JfpwJ.
2) mjptg;g thAthdJ ePz;l Neuk; cyliner Rth;fSld;
njhlh;gpy; ,Ug;gjhy;> cylinder Rth;fSf;F ntg;gk;
flj;jg;gLtJ mjpfhpf;fpwJ.
3) xU cylinder nfhz;l engined; Ntfk; kw;Wk; outputI pre-
ignition Fiwf;fpwJ.
4) gy cylinerfisf; nfhz;l enginey; pre-ignition %yk;
nraypog;G Vw;gLfpwJ.
35. Define detonation or knocking in SI engine.
vhpjypd; NghJ> xU cNyhfr; Rj;jpahy; mbg;gJ Nghd;w
rj;jj;Jld; jpBnud mOj;jk; mjpf mstpy; caUk;
nrayhdJ detonation my;yJ knocking vdg;gLk;.

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36. What are the effects of detonation?
1) mjpf ,iur;ry;
2) ghfq;fspd; Nrjhuk;
3) fhh;gd; gbTfs;
4) mjpf ntg;gf;flj;jy;
5) Fiwthd output kw;Wk; efficiency
6) Pre-ignition
37. List out the methods of controlling detonation.
1) Engine speedI mjpfhpj;jy;
2) jPg;nghwp ckpOk; Neuj;ij Fiwj;jy;
3) Throttling %yk; inlet manifoldy; mOj;jj;ijf; Fiwj;jy;
4) jz;zPiu cl;nrYj;Jjy;
5) mjpf octane nfhz;l vhpnghUisg; gad;gLj;Jjy
38. Mention the various factors affecting detonation.
1) Type of fuel 2) Induction pressure
3) Ignition timing 4) Engine speed
5) Mixture strength 6) Compression ratio
7) Combustion chamber design 8) Cylinder cooling
39. Define Octane number.
Octane number vd;gJ> xNu tifahd ,af;fr; #oy;fspy;>
nfhLf;fg;gl;l vhpnghUspd; knocking gz;Gld; kpfr;
rhpahf nghUe;jf; $ba iso-octane kw;Wk; n-heptane
fyitapd; fdmstpy; iso-octaned; rjtPjk; MFk;.
40. List out the advantages of high octane fuels.
1) mjpf compression ratio cld; engineI ,af;fyhk;.
,jdhy; detonation ghjpg;G ,y;yhky; mjpf efficiencyIg;
2) Detonation Vw;glhky; mjpf outputIj; jUkhW engineI
supercharging nra;ayhk;.
3) jPg;nghwpia Kd;$l;bNa Vw;gLj;jp mjpf powe kw;Wk;
efficiencyIg; ngwyhk;.
41. What is performance number?
,J detonation gz;gpid Fwpf;f cjTk; msTNfhy; MFk;.
Knock limited indicated mean effective pressure (KLIMEP)
vd;gjid mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L ,J
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Performance number (PN)  KLIMEP of test fuel

KLIMEP of iso - octane
42. Define HUCR.
HUCR vd;gJ> Fwpg;gpl;l ,af;fr; #oy;fspy; xU
vhpnghUis Fwpg;gpl;l enginey; gad;gLj;Jk;NghJ> mjpf
gl;r efficiency fpilf;FkhW ignition kw;Wk; mixture
strength rhpnra;ag;gl;l epiyapy;> Nfl;ff; $ba tifapy;
Kjy; detonationI Vw;gLj;jf; $ba compression ratio MFk;.
43. Give examples of anti-knock agents.
Tetraethyl lead, Aniline, Ethyl Iodide, Ethyl alcohol, Xylene,
Toluene, Benzene, etc.
44. Mention the stages of combustion in CI engine.
1) Ignition delay period
2) Period of rapid or uncontrolled combustion
3) Period of controlled combustion
4) Period of after burning
45. What is delay period or ignition lag.
vhpnghUis cl;nrYj;jpa Neuj;jpw;Fk; mJ gw;wp vhpaj;
njhlq;Ftjw;Fk; ,ilNa xU Fwpg;gpl;l fhy ,ilntsp
,Uf;Fk;. ,e;j fhy ,ilntsp ignition delay period
46. What are physical delay and chemical delay periods?
 Physical delayd;NghJ vhpnghUshdJ rpW mZf;fshf
cilf;fg;gl;L> Mtpahf;fg;gl;L> fhw;Wld; fyf;fg;gl;L
mjd; jhdhf gw;wp vhpAk; ntg;gepiyf;F cah;j;jg; gLfpwJ.
 Chemical delayd; NghJ> Ntjptpid nkJthf njhlq;fp
vhpnghUs; gw;wp vhpAk; tiu njhlh;e;J mjpfhpf;Fk;.
47. List out the factors affecting delay period.
1) Air-fuel ratio 2) Fuel properties
3) Intake temperature 4) Intake pressure
5) Compression ratio 6) Rate of fuel injection
7) Injection timing 8) Presence of residual gases
9) Engine speed 10) Engine load

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48. Define diesel knock.
fl;Lg;ghlw;w vhpjy; gbepiyapd; Muk;gj;jpy; mjptpiuthf
caUk; mOj;jj;jpd; tpisthf Njhw;Wtpf;fg;gLk; Nfl;ff;
$ba ,iur;ry; kw;Wk; gaq;fukhd thA mjph;TfNs diesel
knock vdg;gLk;.
49. List out the methods of controlling diesel knock.
 mjpf Centane number nfhz;l vhpnghUis gad;gLj;jp
 vhpnghUs; nrYj;jg;gLk; tPjj;ijf; fl;Lg;gLj;jp
 KnockI Fiwf;fty;y fuel injectorI gad;gLj;jp
 gw;wp vhpjiy J}z;lf; $ba nghUl;fis gad;gLj;jp
 Chamberf;Fs; Row;rpia mjpfhpj;jy;
50. Define cetane number.
Cetane number vd;gJ> xNu khjhpahd jukhd test enginey;
NrhjidapL;NghJ> nfhLf;fg;gl;l vhpnghUspd;
nray;jpwDld; kpfr; rhpahf nghUe;jf; $ba cetane kw;Wk;
 -methylnaphthalene fyitapd; fdmstpy; cetaned;
rjtPjk; MFk;.
51. What are the methods of generating air swirl in diesel
engine combustion chamber?
1) Induction swirl
2) Compression swirl
3) Combustion induced swirl
52. Mention the types of combustion chambers used in CI
1) Open combustion chamber 2) Turbulent chamber
3) Pre-combustion chamber 4)Energy cell
53. List out the factors to be considered for combustion
chamber design.
1) Combustion chamber Rth;fspd; kPjhd ntg;g ,og;G
2) cl;nrYj;Jk; mOj;jk;
3) Nozzle tbtikg;G
4) EngineI vspjhf start nra;tJ
5) guhkhpg;G
6) Njitg;gLk; vhpnghUspd; msT
7) fhw;wpd; gad;ghL
8) Fiwthd exhaust ntspaPL
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54. What is proximate analysis?
xU fuely; cs;s fPo;f;fz;ltw;wpd; msitf; fz;lwpa
proximate analysis gad;gLfpwJ.
(1) Moisture content (2) Volatile matter
(3) Fixed carbon and (4) Ash
55. What it ultimate analysis?
Fuely; mlq;fpAs;s fPo;f;fz;l nghUl;fspd; rjtPjj;ijf;
fz;lwpa ultimate analysis Nkw;nfhs;sg; gLfpwJ.
(1) Carbon (2) Hydrogen (3) Oxygen
(4) Sulphur (5) Nitrogen (6) Ash
56. Write the expression of stoichiometric (minimum) air
required for complete combustion of fuel.
100  8 C  8 H  S  O 
mmin  2 2 kg.
23  3 
,q;F, C – Mass of carbon (kg); H2 – Mass of hydrogen (k)g,
O2 – Mass of oxygen (kg); S– Mass of sulphur( kg.)
57. What is excess air?
nrYj;jg;gLk; theoretical air MdJ fuel KOtJkhf vhptjw;F
NghJkhdjhf ,Uf;fhJ. Njitg;gLk; theoretical airI tpl
$Ljyhf nrYj;jg;gLk; fhw;whdJ excess air vdg;gLk;.
58. Write the expression of minimum volume of air
required for complete combustion of fuel.
Vair  1000.5CO  0.5H2  3CH4  3C2 H4  O2 
59. Differentiate : Volumetric analysis and gravimetric
 xU gaseous fuely; mlq;fpAs;s nghUl;fspd; msit
mjd; volumeI mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L fzf;fpl;lhy;>
mJ volumetric analysis vdg;gLk;. ,jpypUe;J> gaseous
fuely; cs;s xt;nthU nghUspd; rjtPjj;ijAk; mjd; fd
mstpy; fz;lwpayhk;.
 xU gaseous fuely; mlq;fpAs;s nghUl;fspd; msit
mjd; mass my;yJ weightI mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L
fzf;fpl;lhy;> mJ gravimetric analysis vdg;gLk;.
,jpypUe;J> gaseous fuely; cs;s xt;nthU nghUspd;
rjtPjj;ijAk; mjd; epiwapy; fz;lwpayhk;.

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60. Define calorific value of fuel.
XuyF ( solid kw;Wk; liquid fuelfSf;F 1 kg, kw;Wk; gaseous
fuelfSf;F 1 m 3 ) msTs;s fuelI KOtJkhf vhpf;Fk;NghJ
ntspaplg;gLk; ntg;gj;jpd; msT mjd; calorific value
vdg;gLk;. ,jd; myF liquid kw;Wk; solid fuelfSf;F kJ/kg
vdTk;> gaseous fuelfSf;F kJ/ m 3 vdTk; Fwpf;fg;gLk;.
61. What is Gross or Higher Calorific Value (HCV)?
xuyF epiw (my;yJ XuyF fdmsT) nfhz;l xU fuelI
KOtJkhf vhpf;Fk;NghJ> vhpjypd; tpisthf cUthFk;
nghUl;fis fhw;wpd; ntg;gepiyf;F (15 o C ) Fsph;tpj;j
gpd;G> ntspaplg;gLk; ntg;gj;jpd; msT gross my;yJ
higher calorific value vdg;gLk;.
62. Write Dulong’s formula for HCV.
 O 
HCV  33800C  144000 H2  2   9270S kJ/kg
 8 
,q;F, H 2  Mass of hydrogen (kg/kg of fuel)

O2  Mass of oxygen (kg/kg of fuel)

63. What is Net or Lower Calorific Value?
xuyF epiw (my;yJ XuyF fdmsT) nfhz;l xU fuelI
KOtJkhf vhpf;Fk;NghJ ntspaplg;gLk; ntg;gj;jpypUe;J>
vhpjypd; tpisthf cUthFk; nghUl;fspdhy; fpufpf;fg;gLk;
ntg;gj;ijf; fopj;jgpd;G fpilf;Fk; ntg;gj;jpd; msT
netmy;yJ lower calorific value vdg;gLk;.
64. Write the expression for LCV of solid and gaseous fuels.
For solid fuels : LCV  HCV (9H2  ms )2466 kJ/kg
,q;F, H2  Mass of hydrogen (kg/kg of fuel)
ms  mass of moisture or steam (kg/kg of fuel)
m 
For gaseous fuels : LCV  HCV   s 2466 kJ/ m 3
 Vs 
,q;F, ms  amount of steam condensed (kg)
Vs  Volume of gas used at S.T.P ( m 3 )
65. Define water equivalent.
xU nghUs; (my;yJ xU apparatus)d; ntg;gepiyia 1 o C
cah;j;Jtjw;F Njitg;gLk; ntg;gj;jpw;F rkkhd ntg;gj;ij
fpufpj;Jf; nfhs;Sk; jz;zPhpd; msNt mg;nghUspd; water
equivalent vd tiuaWf;fg; gLfpwJ.
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66. What is the use of calorimeters? List out the various
types of calorimeters.
ve;j xU fueld; calorfic kjpg;igf; fz;lwpa
calorimeterfs; gad;gLj;jg; gLfpd;wd. ngUk;ghYk;
gad;gLj;jg;gLk; calorimeterfs; gpd;tUkhW:
1) Bomb calorimeter (for solid and liquid fuels)
2) Junker’s calorimeter (for gaseous fuels)
3) Boy’s calorimeter (for gaseous fuels)
67. What is the use of Orsat apparatus?
Boilerfspd; combustion efficiencyI Nrhjidapltjw;F> flue
gasy; mlq;fpAs;s nghUl;fis fz;lwptJ mtrpakhfpwJ.
,e;j flue gas analysisf;F Orsat apparatus gad;gLfpwJ.

Unit – III
1. List out the uses of compressed air.
 Pneumatic drillfs;, riveterfs;, road drillfs;
Nghd;wtw;wpy; gad;gLfpwJ.
 Spray painting NtiyfSf;F gad;gLfpwJ.
 I.C enginefspy; starting kw;Wk; supercharging
nray;fSf;F gad;gLfpwJ.
 Gas turbine plantfs;, jet enginefs; kw;Wk; air motorfspy;
 Lifts, rams, pumps,Nghd;wtw;wpy; gad;gLfpwJ.
 Blast furnacefs; kw;Wk; Bessemer converterfspy; air
blastI cUthf;Ftjw;Fg; gad;gLfpwJ.
 Air operated brakefspy; gad;gLfpwJ.
 Castingfis Rj;jg;gLj;Jk; sand blasting operationfspy;
2. Classify the compressors based on the design.
1. Reciprocating compressors
(a) Single acting compressors
(b) Double acting compressors
2. Rotary compressors
(a) Steady flow compressors
(b) Displacement compressors

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3. Give examples for rotary compressors.

Centrifugal compressor, axial flow compressors, roots
blower, vane blower, screw compressors, etc.
4. Mention the methods of compressing air.
(a) Isentropic or adiabatic compression
(b) Polytropic compression
(c) Isothermal compression
5. Write down the expression for work done by a
compressor in polytropic compression.
 n1 
p n
W  n p1 .V1 . 2  1
n 1  p1  
 
6. Write down the expression for work done by a
compressor in isothermal compression.
p  p 
W  p1 .V1 .ln 2   m.R.T1 .ln 2 
 1  p1 
7. Define isothermal efficiency of compressor.
Isothermal work inputf;Fk; actual work inputf;Fk; cs;s
tpfpjk; isothermal efficiency vdg;gLk;.
ln 2 
Isothermal work input  p1 
iso  
Actual work input  n1 
n . p2  n 1

n 1  p1 

 
8. Define adiabatic efficiency.
Adiabatic work inputf;Fk; actual work inputf;Fk; cs;s
tpfpjk; adiabatic efficiency vdg;gLk;.
  1 
 p2 

  1  p1  
Adiabatic work input  
adi  
Actual work input  n1 
n . p2  n 
 1
n 1  p1  
 

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9. Define mechanical efficiency and overall efficiency.
Indicated power of compressor
Mechanical efficiency, m 
Power input (BP of prime mover)
Air power supplied
Overall efficiency o 
Power supplied by the prime mover
10. Define mean effective pressure.
Mean effective pressure,
Area of indicator diagram
pm   Spring scale
Length of indicator diagram
11. Write the expression for indicated power.
Indicated power, IP  pm .l.a. N.k
where, pm  Mean effective pressure; l  Stroke of piston
a  Area of cross section of cylinder;
N  Speed of crank; k  No. of cylinders
12. Define clearance volume.
Piston MdJ cylinderd; top dead centre (TDC)I
mile;jTld;> pistond; Nkw;gFjpf;Fk; cylinder headf;Fk;
,ilNa rpwpjsT ,ilntsp ,Uf;Fk;. ,e;j
,ilntspahdJ clearance space vdTk;> ,e;j ,ilntsp
milj;Jf; nfhs;Sk; ,lkhdJ clearance volume ( Vc )
vdTk; miof;fg;gLk;.
13. What are the effects of clearance volume?
 Suction volume FiwfpwJ.
 Aird; epiw FiwfpwJ.
 Clearance volume mjpkhdhy;> mjpf compression
 Mechanical loss mjpfkhfpwJ.
14. Define volumetric efficiency. Give its expression.
vol  Effective suction volume
Stroke (Swept) volume
1  p n
vol 1  C  C( Rp ) n 1  C  C 2 
 p1 
15. What is clearance ratio and pressure ratio?
Clearance volume
Clearance ratio, C 
Swept volume

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Delivery pressure
Pressure ratio, Rp 
Suction pressure
16. What are the advantages of multi-stage air compressors.
 xU kg air kPJ nrYj;jg; gLk; Ntiy FiwthFk;.
 mjpf volumetric efficiencyIf; nfhLf;fpwJ.
 Leakage ,og;Gfs; fzprkhd mstpy; Fiwf;fg; gLfpwJ.
 ,J rPuhd mstpy; torqueIj; jUfpwJ.
 Effective lubricationIj; jUfpwJ.
 Compressord; tpiy FiwfpwJ.
17. Define perfect intercooling.
Intercoolery; ,Ue;J ntsptUk; aird; ntg;gepiyahdJ
atmospheric aird; ntg;gepiyf;Fr; rkkhf ,Ue;jhy;>
mj;jifa intercooling KiwahdJ complete my;yJ
perfect intercooling vdg;gLk;.
18. Write down the condition for maximum efficiency in
multistage compressor with perfect intercooling
Intermediate pressure, p2  p1.p3
19. Write down the ratio of cylinder diameters for
minimum work input and same stroke for a
multistage compressor.
d1 p2
Ratio of cylinder diameters, 
d2 p1
20. Differentiate between positive displacement and
dynamic compressors.
 Positive displacement compressorfspy;> ,ize;jpUf;Fk;
,uz;L gug;GfSf;fpilapy; fhw;W ,Of;fg;gLfpwJ.
fhw;wpd; back flow my;yJ squeezing action %yk; mOj;j
mjpfhpg;G Vw;gLfpwJ.
 Dynamic compressorfspy;> njhlhe;J rPuhd Ntfj;jpy;
fhw;W ntspNaw;wg;gLk;. Compressord; rotory; ,Ue;J
energy MfJ fhw;Wf;F flj;jg;gLk;. Dynamic effect %yk;
mOj;j mjpfhpg;G Vw;gLk;.

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21. Classify gas turbines according to path of working

a) Closed cycle gas turbine
b) Open cycle gas turbine
c) Semiclosed cycle gas turbine
22. List out the advantages of open cycle gas turbine.
 ,J vspa tbtikg;G cilaJ.
 ,J vil Fiwthf ,Ug;gjhy;> aircraftfspy; gad;gLfpwJ.
 ,J Fiwthd ,lj;ij milj;Jf; nfhs;Nthk;.
 Coolant Njit ,y;iy.
 Combustion efficiency mjpfkhf ,Uf;Fk;.
 Initial cost FiwT.
23. Lis out the advantages of closed cycle gas turbine.
 ve;j tif fuelIAk; gad;gLj;jyhk;.
 Turbined; cl;Gwk; Rj;jk; nra;a Ntz;bajpy;iy.
 ntspg;gLj;Jk; power mjpfkhFk;.
 Thermal efficiency mjpfkhFk;.
 Fiwthd thermal stresse cUthfpwJ.
24. State the methods of improvement of thermal
efficiency of open cycle gas turbine plant.
1) Intercooling 2) Reheating 3) Regenerating
25. State the effects of intercooling in gas turbines.
1) fhw;wpd; specific volume FiwfpwJ. ,jdhy; high
pressure compressord; msT rpwpjhf;fg;gLfpwJ.
2) Net work output mjpfkhfpwJ.
3) mjpf heat Njitg;gLtjhy; thermal efficiency FiwfpwJ.
4) mjpf msT jz;zPh; Njitg;gLfpwJ.
26. State the effects of reheating in gas turbines.
 xU Fwpg;gpl;l expansion ratiof;F> reheater ,y;yhj single
stage turbineI tpl ,e;j turbined; output mjpfkhFk;.
 mjpf heat Njitg;gLtjhy; thermal efficiency FiwfpwJ.

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27. What are the advantages of using regenerators in gas
(a) Fuel economy mjpfhpf;Fk;. XuyF fhw;Wf;Fj; Njitahd
fueld; msT FiwfpwJ.
(b) Thermal efficiency mjpfkhfpwJ.
28. State the principle of jet propulsion.
xU ce;J rf;jpia toq;Fk; tifapy;> xU Fwpg;gpl;l epiw
nfhz;l fluidf;F momentum nfhLg;gNj jet propulsion
nray;Kiwapd; mbg;gil MFk;.
29. Classify the propulsion systems.
1. Air stream jet engines
i) Turbo-jet ii) Turbo-prop iii) Ram jet

2. Self contained rocket engines

i) Liquid propellant ii) Solid propellant
30. What is the difference between jet engines and rocket
 Air stream jet enginefspy;> vhpnghUs; vhptjw;F
Njitahd Mf;rp[d; tspkz;lyj;jpy; ,Ue;J vLj;Jf;
 Rocket enginefspy;> fuel kw;Wk; oxidiser Mfpait
rocketf;Fs; itf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;.
31. List out the components in turbo-jet engine.
1) Diffuser 2) Axial flow rotary compressor
3) Combustion chamber 4) Gas turbine 5) Nozzle.
32. Mention the advantages of turbo-jet engines.
 vspa tbtikg;G
 guhkhpg;Gr; nryT FiwT.
 mjh;tpy;yhky; ,aq;Fk;.
 mjpf Ntfj;jpy; ,tw;iw ,af;fyhk;.
33. List out the disadvantages of turbo-jet engines.
1) Material cost mjpfk;.
2) Unitd; tho;ehs; FiwT.
3) ,J mjpf rj;jj;ij cUthf;Fk;.
4) njhlf;fg; gz;Gfs; ed;whf ,Uf;fhJ.
5) Fuel consumption mjpfk;.
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34. List out the advantages of turbo-prop engines.
1) Specific weight FiwT kw;Wk; Fiwe;j frontal area
2) vspa tbtikg;G
3) Take-off kw;Wk; rha;thf VWk;NghJ mjpf power cw;gj;jp
4) 800 kh/hrf;F fPNo mjpf propulsive efficiencyIf;
5) Fiwe;j vibration kw;Wk;; noise.
6) guhkhpg;gJ vspJ.
35. What are the advantages of ram jet?
1) Turbo-jet engineI xg;gpLk;NghJ weight FiwT.
2) Turbo-jet engineI tpl mjpf thrustI cUthf;Fk;.
3) vspa tbtikg;G.
4) efUk; ghfq;fs; Fiwthf ,Ug;gjhy; guhkhpg;gJ vspJ.
5) ,jd; tpiy FiwT.
6) ,jid kpf mjpf Ntfj;jpy; ,af;fyhk;.
36. How rocket engines are classified?
1. gad;gLj;jg;gLk; propellantI mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L:
i) Solid propellant rocket ii) Liquid propellant rocket
2. Motorfspd; vz;zpf;ifia mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L :
i) Single stage rocket ii) Multi-stage rocket
37. What are the two types of solid propellant rockets.
(i) Restricted burring type rocket : ,e;j tif rocketfspy;>
propellant MdJ xU Kidapy; Kjypy; vhpf;fg;gl;L> gpd;G
gbg;gbahf mLj;j Kid tiu vhpf;fg;gLfpwJ.

(ii) Unrestricted burning type rocket :,e;j tif rocketfspy;>

propellant KOtJkhf xNu Neuj;jpy; vhpf;fg;gLfpwJ.
Kidfs; vhpahky; jLg;gjw;fhf mtw;wpy; washerfs;
nghUj;jg; gl;bUf;Fk;.
38. What are the limitations of solid propellant rockets?
1) nghpa mstpyhd combustion chamberfs; Njit.
2) ce;J tpir nray;gLk; Neuk; FiwT.
3) EngineI fl;Lg;gLj;j ,ayhJ.
4) EngineI Fsph;tpg;gJ fbdk;.

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39. What is bi-propellant?
,uz;L nghUl;fis cs;slf;fpa rocket propellanct MdJ
bi-propellant my;yJ di-propellant vdg;gLk;. nghJthf
fuel kw;Wk; oxidiser Mfpait ,uz;L cl;nghUl;fs; MFk;.
40. Give1 examples of liquid fuels and oxidisers use in rockets.
 Liquid fuels: Liquid hydrogen, kerosene, alcohol,
hydrazine and its derivatives.
 Oxidisers: Liquid oxygen, liquid fluorine, nitric acid,
nitrogen tetroxide, etc.
41. State the requirements of a good rocket fuel.
 mjpf fNyhhp kjpg;G
 vspjhf ifahs;tJ kw;Wk; Nrkpj;J itj;jy;
 rPuhf gw;wp vhpAk; jd;ik
 Fiwthd tp\j;jd;ik kw;Wk; JUg;gpbf;Fk; jd;ik.
 mjpf mlh;j;jp
42. List out the applications of rockets.
Rocketfs; fPo;f;fz;l NtiyfSf;F gad;gLfpwJ.
1) ,uhZtk;
2) Jet assisted take-off (JATO)
3) mwptpay; kw;Wk; Muha;r;rp
4) nraw;iff; Nfhs;fs; nrYj;Jjy;
5) tpz;ntspf; fyd;fs;; nrYj;Jjy;
6) jw;fhg;G kw;Wk; kPl;Gg;gzpfs;
7) rkpf;iQ mDg;Gjy;
8) tpisahl;L kw;Wk; nghOJ Nghf;F
43. list out the disadvantages of gas turbine.
1) Gas turbined; thermal efficiency FiwT.
2) ntt;NtW Ntfq;fspy; fueld; gad;ghl;il fl;Lg;gLj;J
tJ fbdk;.
3) Ntfj;ijf; Fiwf;Fk; rhjdq;fs; ,jw;F Njit.
4) Gas turbine bladefSf;F rpwg;G tif cooling system
5) Turbine bladeI cw;gj;jp nra;tJ fbdk; kw;Wk; tpiy
6) Gas turbiney; ,Ue;J ntsptUk; exhaust gas mjpfkhf
7) Combustion chamber kw;Wk; bladefspd; MAs; FiwT.

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44. List out the applications of gas turbines.
1) Air crafts
2) Power generation
3) Oil and gas industry
4) Marine propulsion
5) Thermal process industries
6) Gas compression and processing

Unit – IV
1. What is steam?
xU fydpy; cs;s ePiu #LgLj;Jk;NghJ> mJ Mtpahf
khWtjhy; fpilg;gJ ePuhtp (steam) MFk;.
2. Mention the various stages in the formation of steam.
1) Solid stage 2) Melting stage 3) Liquid stage
4) Vapourising stage 5) Superheating stage
3. What is saturation temperature?
ntg;gk; nfhLf;Fk;NghJ> ePh; nfhjpf;f Mukg;gpf;Fk;
ntg;gepiyahdJ saturation temperature my;yJ
generation temperature vdg;gLk;. tspkz;ly mOj;jj;jpy;
ePhpd; saturation temperature MdJ 100oC MFk;.
4. Define enthalpy of water?
,J sensible heat of water my;yJ liquid enthalpy vdTk;
miof;fg;gLk;. khwhj mOj;jj;jpy; 1 kg epiwAs;s ePhpd;
ntg;gepiyia 0oCy; ,Ue;J mjd; saturation temperature
( t s ) msTf;F cah;j;j Njitg;gLk; ntg;gkhdJ ehthalpy of
water vdg;gLk;.
5. What is latent heat of water or enthalpy of
Saturation ntg;gepiyapy; cs;s 1 kg epiw nfhz;l ePiu
khwhj mOj;jj;jpy; KOtJkhd dry steam Mf khw;Wtjw;F
Njitg;gLk; ntg;gkhdJ latent heat of water my;yJ
enthalpy of evaporation vdg;gLk;.

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6. State the conditions of steam.
a) Wet steam : ePuhtpapy; <ug;gjk; my;yJ ePh;j;Jspfs;
fye;jpUe;jhy; mJ wet steam vdg;gLk;.
b) Dry saturated steam : Wet steamI ntg;gg; gLj;jp
mjpYs;s ePh;j;Jspfs; midj;ijAk; ePuhtpahf khw;wpa
gpd;G fpilf;Fk; ePuhtpahdJ dry steam my;yJ dry
saturated steam vdg;gLk;.
c) Superheated steam : Dry steamI khwhj mOj;jj;jpy;
NkYk; ntg;g;gLj;Jk;NghJ> mjd; ntg;gepiy saturation
ntg;gepiyiatpl mjpfhpj;Jf; nfhz;Nl nry;Yk;. ,t;thW
ngwg;gLk; steam MdJ superheated steam vdg;gLk;.
7. Define superheat enthalpy and degree of superheat.
 Supeheated steam Mf khw;Wtjw;F saturation
ntg;gepiyf;F mjpfkhf nfhLf;fg;gLk; ntg;gkhdJ
heat of superheat my;yJ superheat enthalpy vdg;gLk;.
 Sperheated steamd; ntg;gepiyf;Fk; ( tsup ) saturation
ntg;gepiyf;Fk;( t s )cs;s tpj;jpahrkhdJ degree of
superheat vdg;gLk;. Degree of superheat  tsup  ts
8. State the advantages of superheated steam.
1) Superheated steamd; mjpf ntg;gepiyahy; thermal
efficiency mjpfhpf;fpwJ.
2) ,J mjpf ntg;g Mw;wiyf; nfhz;bUg;gjhy;> ,jidf;
nfhz;L mjpf Ntiy nra;a ,aYk;.
3) Steam Fsph;e;J Foha;fspd; Rtw;wpd; kPJ gbtjhy;
cUthFk; ntg;g ,og;G jtph;ff
; g; gLfpwJ.
4) Turbine bladefspd; kPJ mhpj;jy; kw;wk; JUg;gpbj;jy;
Nghd;w tpisTfs; jtph;f;fg; gLfpwJ.
5) Miyapd; xl;L nkhj;j cw;gj;jpj; jpwd; mjpfhpf;fpwJ.
9. Define dryness fraction.
Steamd; dryness fraction vd;gJ> dry steamd;
epiwf;Fk; nkhj;j wet steamd; epiwf;Fk; cs;s tpfpjk;
MFk;. ,J ‘x’ vd;w FwpaPL %yk; Fwpf;fg;gLk;.
Mass of dry steam
Dryness fraction , x 
Total mass of wet steam

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10. Define wetness fraction.
Steamd; wetness fraction vd;gJ> ePh;j;Jfs;fspd; epiwf;Fk;
nkhj;j wet steamd; epiwf;Fk; cs;s tpfpjk; MFk;. ,J ‘y’
vd;w FwpaPL %yk; Fwpf;fg;gLk;.
Mass of water particles
Wetness fraction, y 
Total mass of wet steam
11. Define enthalpy of wet steam.
1 kg epiwAs;s ePiu 0oC ntg;gepiyapy; ,Ue;J khwhj
mOj;jj;jpy; wet steam Mf khw;Wtjw;F Njitahd ntg;gk;
enthalpy of wet steam vdg;gLk;. ,J ‘ hwet ’ vd;w FwpaPL
%yk; Fwpf;fg;gLk;.
hwet  hf  ( x . hfg ) kJ/kg
12. Define enthalpy of dry saturated steam.
1 kg epiwAs;s ePiu 0oC ntg;gepiyapy; ,Ue;J khwhj
mOj;jj;jpy; dry steam Mf khw;Wtjw;F Njitahd ntg;gk;
enthalpy of dry saturated steam vdg;gLk;. ,J ‘ h g ’ vd;w
FwpaPL %yk; Fwpf;fg;gLk;.
hg  hf  hfg kJ/kg
13. Define enthalpy of superheated steam.
1 kg epiwAs;s ePiu 0oC ntg;gepiyapy; ,Ue;J khwhj
mOj;jj;jpy; superheated steam Mf khw;Wtjw;F
Njitahd ntg;gk; enthalpy of dry saturated steam
vdg;gLk;. ,J ‘ hsup ’ vd;w FwpaPL %yk; Fwpf;fg;gLk;.
14. Write the formula for enthalpy of superheated steam.
hsup  hg  C ps . (tsup  ts ) kJ/kg
h g = Enthalpy of dry steam (kJ/kg)
C ps = Specific heat of superheated steam (kJ/kgK)
tsup = Temperature of superheated steam (oC)
t s = Saturation temperature (oC)
15. Define critical point.
Critical point vd;gJ> ePuhdJ cs;Siw ntg;gk; vijAk;
vLj;Jf; nfhs;shky; Neubahf ePuhtpahf khwf; $ba Gs;sp

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16. Define critical temperature and critical pressure.
 Critical temperature vd;gJ> jput epiyapy; cs;s xU
nghUs; Nkw;nfhz;L jput epiyapNyNa njhlhe;J ,Uf;f
Kbahj xU ntg;gepiy MFk;.
 Critical pressure vd;gJ> critical temperaturey; jput epiyapy;
cs;s xU nghUshdJ> Nkw;nfhz;L jput epiyapNyNa
njhlh;e;J ,Uf;f Kbahf xU mOj;jk; MFk;.
17. Write the critical conditions of water.
1. Freezing temperature of water
at atmospheric pressure = 0oC = 273.15 K
2. Boiling temperature of water
at atmospheric pressure = 100oC = 373.15 K
3. Critical temperature of water = 373.946 oC = 647.1096 K
4. Critical pressure of water = 220.64 bar
18. State the changes in volume and temperature of
water during steam formation.
Melting stage kw;Wk; vapourising stage Mfpa gbepiyfspy;
ntg;gepiy khwhky; ,Uf;Fk;. Solid stage kw;Wk;
superheating stage Mfpa gbepiyfspy; ntg;gepiy caUk;.

Solid stage, liquid stage, vapourising stage kw;Wk;

superheating stage Mfpa gbepiyfspy; fd msT
mjpfhpf;Fk;. Melting staged;NghJ fd msT FiwAk;.
19. Draw the phase diagram for water.

Solid -
liquid line

Solid Liquid
Pressure, p (bar)

p1 1 2 Vapour

pt Liquid -
3 Vapour line
p4 Triple point
tt B
Temperature, t (°C)

20. What it triple point? State its condition for water.

Triple point vd;gJ xU nghUshdJ jpl> jput kw;Wk; thA
Mfpa %d;W epiyfspYk; fhzg;gLk; xU Gs;sp MFk;.

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ePUf;fhd triple point epiyfs; :
 Triple point pressure, pt  4.58 mm of Hg (611.2 Pa)
 Triple point temperature , tt  0.1oC (273.16 K)
21. Define specific volume of water.
ePhpd; specific volume vd;gJ nfhLf;fg;gl;l mOj;jk; kw;Wk
ntg;gepiyapy;> XuyF epiw nfhz;l ePhpd; fd msT MFk;.
,J ‘ v f ’ FwpaPL %yKk; m3/kg vd;w myfpYk; Fwpf;fg;gLk;.

22. Define specific volume of steam.

Steamd; specific volume vd;gJ nfhLf;fg;gl;l mOj;jk;
kw;Wk ntg;gepiyapy;> XuyF epiw nfhz;l steam MdJ
milj;Jf; nfhs;Sk; fd msT MFk;. ,J m3/kg vd;w
myfpy; Fwpf;fg;gLk;;.
23. Write the formula to determine the specific volume of
superheated steam.
vsup   vg
v g = Specific volume of dry steam (m3/kg)
Ts = Saturation temperature (K)
Tsup = Temperature of superheated steam (K)

24. Define density of steam.

Steamd; densityvd;gJ nfhLf;fg;gl;l mOj;jk; kw;Wk;
ntg;gepiyapy;> XuyF fd msT nfhz;l steamd; epiw
MFk;. ,J ‘  ’ vd;w FwpaPL %yKk; kg /m3 vd;w myfpYk;
25. What do you mean by external work of evaporation?
ePh; MtpahFk;NghJ ntspg;Gw vjph;g;gpidj; jhz;b>
ePuhtpapd; fd msit mjpfhpf;fpwJ. mjhtJ ntspg;Gw
Ntiy nra;ag;gLfpwJ. ,J external work done my;yJ
external work of evaporation vdg;gLk;.

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26. What is internal energy of steam?

ePhpd; ciwepiy ntg;gepiyf;F Nkyhf> (wet, dry my;yJ
superheated) steamf;Fs; cz;ikahf Nrkpj;J itf;fg;gLk;
Mw;wyhdJ mjd; internal energy vdg;gLk;.
27. Write down the formula for entropy of superheated
 Entropy of superheated steam,
 Tsup 
ssup  s g C ps . ln  kJ/kgK
 Ts 
28. What are steam tables?
ntt;NtW mOj;j epiyfspy; ePuhtpapd; gz;Gfs;
Nrhjidapd; %yk; fz;lwpag;gLfpd;wd.
ml;ltizaplg;gl;l ,e;j gz;Gfs; mlq;fp njhFg;G
steam tables vdg;gLk;.
29. State the uses of Mollier charts.
Steam tabley; cs;s kjpg;Gfspd; tiugl tbtNk Mollier
chart MFk;. ,e;j glj;jpy;> X-mr;rpy; kJ/kg.K vd;w myfpy;
entropy msTk;> Y-mr;rpy; kJ/kg vd;w myfpy; enthalpy
msTk; Fwpf;fgl;L ,Uf;Fk;. xU Fwpg;gpl;l ntg;gepiy
kw;Wk; mOj;jj;jpy; steamf;fhd entropy kw;Wk; enthalpy
kjpg;Gfis Neubahf fz;lwpa nghJthf Mollier chart


30. List out the methods of heating and expanding the steam.
1) Constant volume process (v = C)
2) Constant pressure process (p = C)
3) Constant temperature (isothermal) process (t = C)
4) Hyperbolic process ( p.v C )
5) Reversible adiabatic (Isentropic) process ( s1  s2 )
6) Polytrophic process (  C )
7) Throttling process ( h1  h2 )

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31. Show the constant volume heating of steam in p-v and
T-s diagram.

2 2


1 Q

v s
32. Write down the expression for work done during
hyperbolic expansion of steam.
v 
W  100. p1 . v1 . ln 2  kJ/kg
 v1 
33. Write down the expression for heat transfer during
polytropic expansion of steam.

Q  (h2  h1 )   n 100( p1 .v1  p2 .v2 )

 n 1 
34. Mention the process in which the entropy remains
constant. Show that process in p-v and h-s diagram.
Isentropic (reversible adiabatic) expansion ( s1  s2 )
p2 p2


v s
35. What is throttling process? State its effects.
Steam MdJ xU rpwpa jpwg;gpd; topahf nry;YkhW
mDkjpf;fg; gl;lhy;> mj;jifa nray;Kiw throttling
vdg;gLk;. ,e;j nray;Kiwapd; NghJ>
(1) mOj;jk; FiwfpwJ ( p2  p1 )
(2) Ntiy nra;ag;gLtjpy;iy ( W  0 )
(3) Heat transfer eilngwhJ ( Q  0 )
(4) Enthalpy khwhky; ,Uf;Fk; ( h1  h2 )

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36. What is the use of calorimeter? State its types.
Steam calorimeterIf; nfhz;L steamd; dryness fraction
kjpg;G fz;lwpag; gLfpwJ. Calorimeterfspd; tiffs; :
1) Bucket calorimeter
2) Separating calorimeter
3) Throttling calorimeter
4) Combined separating and throttling calorimeter

Unit – V

1. Mention the difference between fire tube boilers and

water tube boilers.
 Fire tube boilerfspy;> jz;zPuhy; #og;gl;l tubefspd;
topahf #lhd flue gas nry;Yk;.Flue gasd; ntg;gj;jhy;
ePh; #lhfp steamMf khWk;.
 Water tube boilerfspy;> gy tubefspd; topahf jz;zPh;
nrYj;jg;gLk;. #lhd flue gas ,e;j tubefis #o;e;J
mDg;gg;gLk;. ,jdhy; ePh; #lhfp steamMf khWk;.
2. Give examples for fire tube boilers and water tube
Fire tube boiler: Lancashire boiler, Cornish boiler,
Locomotive boiler Kjypait.
Water tube boiler: Babcock & Wilcox boiler, Stirling boiler,
LaMont boiler Kjypait.
3. Give examples for low pressure and high pressure
 Low pressure boilers: Cochran boiler, Cornish boiler,
Locomotive boiler, etc.
 High pressure boilers: Velox boiler, LaMont boiler,
Benson boiler, BHEL boiler, etc.
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4. What are the main features of high pressure boilers?

1) rpwg;ghd ePh;r;Row;rp Kiw
2) ,izahf nghUj;jg;gl;l Foha;fs;
3)Nkk;gLj;jg;gl;l ntg;gg; gLj;Jk; Kiw
4) epWTtjw;F Fiwthd ,lk;
5) rpf;fdk;
5. List out the important parts in LaMont boiler.
1. Feed pump 2. Circulating pump
3. Steam separating drum 4. Radiant evaporator
5. Convection evaporation 6. Superheater
7. Economiser 8. Air pre-heater
9. Blower
6. List out the important parts in BHEL boiler.
1. Boiler drum 7. Pulveriser
2. Feed water line 8. Furnace
3. Main steam line 9. Electrostatic precipitator
4. Radiant super heater 10. Forced draught fan
5. Convective super heater 11. Induced draught fan
6. Air preheater 12. Chimney
7. List out the advantages of high pressure boilers.
1) Power plantd; efficiency mjpfhpf;Fk;.
2) TubeDs; scale cUthtJ jLf;fg; gLfpwJ.
3) vil Fiwthf ,Uf;Fk;.
4) Fiwthd ,lj;ijNa milj;Jf; nfhs;Sk;.
5) Tubefis nghUj;Jtjw;F MFk; Neuk; kw;Wk; nryT
Fiwthf ,Uf;Fk;.
6) ghfq;fis mikg;gjpy; mjpf Rje;jpuk; ,Uf;Fk;.
7) ntg;gf; flj;Jk; tPjk; mjpfk;.
8) Steam cUthf;fg;gLk; tPjk; mjpfk;.
9) Fsph;e;j epiyapy; ,Ue;J boilerI tpiuthf ,af;fyhk;.
8. What is meant by boiler mounting?
Boilerd; ghJfhg;Gf;Fk;> steam cw;gj;jpahFk; nray;
Kiwia KOtJkhf fl;Lg;gLj;jTk; Njitahd
mj;jpahtrpa cgfuzq;fs; kw;Wk; ,izg;Gfs; Mfpait
boiler mountingfs; vdg;gLk;.

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9. List out the important boiler mountings.

1. Two safety valves 5. Steam stop valve
2. Two water level indicators 6. Feed check valve
3. Fusible plug 7. Blow off cock
4. Pressure gauge
10. What is the function of safety valve?
Boilery; cs;s steam pressure MdJ> working pressureI
tpl mjpfkhFk;NghJ> safety valve jpwe;J kpFjpahd steamI
ntspNaw;WfpwJ. ,t;thW> boilerd; cl;Gwk; xU khwhj safe
pressureI njhlh;e;J guhkhpf;f safety valve gad;gLfpwJ.
11. What are the types of safety valves commonly used?
1. Lever safety valve
2. Dead weight safety valve
3. Spring loaded safety valve
4. High steam and low water safety valve
12. State the functions of fusible plug.
Boiler shelly; cs;s ePh;kl;lk; ghJfhg;ghd msit tplf;
FiwAk;NghJ> furnacef;Fs; steamI mDg;gp mij
mizg;gjw;F fusible plug cjTfpwJ. ,t;thW> over heating
%yk; boiler ntbj;J tpLtij jLg;gjw;F fusible plug
13. What are the functions of steam stop valve?
1) Boilery; ,Ue;J main steam pipef;F nry;Yk; steamd;
msitf; fl;Lg; gLj;JfpwJ.
2) Njitg;gLk;NghJ> steam nry;tij KOtJkhf jil
14. State the functions of feed check valve.
1) jz;zPiu boilerf;Fs; nry;y mDkjpf;fpwJ.
2) Feed pump epWj;jg;gLk;NghJ my;yJ gOjilAk; NghJ>
boilery; ,Ue;J jz;zPh; ntspNwWtij jLg;gjw;F
15. What are the functions of blow-off cock?
1) BoilerI Rj;jg;gLj;j my;yJ Nrhjidapl> mjpypUe;J
ePiu KOtJkhf ntspNaw;w cjTfpwJ.
2) Boilerd; mbg;gFjpapy; Njq;fp ,Uf;Fk; NrW kw;Wk;
frLfis ntspNaw;w gad;gLfpwJ.

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3) Boilerf;Fs; ePh;kl;lk; kpf mjpfkhf ,Uf;Fk;NghJ>
kpFjpahd ePiu ntspNaw;wp ePh;kl;lj;ij Fiwf;f
16. What are boiler accessories?
Boiler plantd; efficiencyI mjpfhpf;fTk;> boilerd; gFjpfs;
rhpahf Ntiy nra;tjw;F cjtpahfTk; ,Uf;Fk;
cgfuzq;fs; boiler accessories vdg;gLk;.
17. List out the important boiler accessories.
1. Economizer 5. Feed pump
2. Air preheater 6. Steam separator
3. Super heater 7. Steam trap, etc.
4. Injector
18. What is the function of economizer? Where it is placed?
 Furnacey; ,Ue;J tUk; #lhd flue gas %yk;> feed
pumpy; ,Ue;J tUk; jz;zPiu #lhf;FtJ
economizerd; Ntiy MFk;. ,e;j #lhf;fg;gl;l
jz;zPhhdJ boilerf;F mDg;gg;gLk;.
 Boilerf;Fk; preheaterf;Fk; ,ilapy; flue gas tUk;
ghijapy; economizer nghUj;jg; gl;bUf;Fk;.
19. What are the advantages of economizer?
1. jz;zPh; Kd;$l;bNa #lhf;fg; gLtjhy;> furnacey;
KOtJk; #lhf;Fk;NghJ Njitg;gLk; vhpnghUspd;
msT Fiwf;fg; gLfpwJ.
2. Flue gasy; cs;s ntg;gk; gaDs;s tifapy; gad;gLj;jg;
3. Boiler plantd; thermal efficiency mjpfhpf;fpwJ.
20. What is the function of air preheater? Where it is
installed in boiler?
 Furnacef;F nrYj;jg;gLk; fhw;iw> furnacey; ,Ue;J tUk;
#lhd flue gas %yk; Kd;$l;bNa ntg;gg; gLj;JtJ air
preheaterd; Ntiy MFk;.
 Economizer kw;Wk; chimneyf;F ,ilapy; air preheater
nghUj;jg; gl;bUf;Fk;.

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21. Mention the advantages of air preheater.

1. vhpnghUspd; MtpahFk; jpwd; mjpfhpf;fpwJ.
2. vhpnghUs; vhpAk; Ntfk; J}z;lg;gl;L> Gif kw;Wk;
rhk;gy; cUthtJ Fiwf;fg; gLfpwJ.
3. Fiwe;j juKs;s vhpnghUis vhpg;gjw;F rpwpjsT
excess air NghJkhdJ.
4. Boiler efficiency mjpfhpf;fpwJ.
22. Write down the functions of superheater? Mention its
location in boiler.
 Boilery; ,Ue;J tUk; steamI NkYk; #LgLj;jp> mjd;
ntg;gepiyia> khwhj mOj;jj;jpy; saturation
ntg;gepiyia tpl mjpf msTf;F cah;j;j super heater
 Furnacey; ,Ue;J tUk; #lhd flue gas nry;Yk;
ghijapy; super heater nghUj;jg; gl;bUf;Fk;.
23. State the function of injectors and feed pump.
 jz;zPiu Nky;Nehf;fp ,Oj;J boiler drumf;Fs; mOj;jj;
Jld; nrYj;Jtjw;F injector gad;gLfpwJ.
 jz;zPiu boiler drumf;F mOj;jj;Jld; nrYj;JtJ
feed pumpd; Ntiy MFk;.
24. What is the function of steam separator? Where it is
placed in boiler?
 Steam engine my;yJ turbinef;F nrYj;jg;gLtjw;F Kd;G>
steamy; cs;s ePh;j;Jspfis gphpj;J ePf;FtF separatord;
Ntiy MFk;. ,jdhy;> steamy; cs;s <ug;gjj;jhy; turbine
bladefs; ghjpf;fg; gLtJ jLf;fg; gLfpwJ.
 Turbine my;yJ enginef;F mUfpy;> main steam liney;
steam separator nghUj;jg; gl;bUf;Fk;.
25. Mention the function of steam trap? Where it is
located in boiler plant?
 Steam pipe liney;> steam MdJ partial condensation
%yk; jz;zPuhf khwptplf;$Lk;. ,jdhy; efficiency
Fiwe;Jtpl NehpLk;. SteamI ntspNaw mDkjpf;fhky;>
Fsph;tpf;fg;gl;l ePiu kl;Lk; ntspNaw;w steam trap
 Steam main pipe, header Nghd;wtw;wpy; steam trap
nghUj;jg; gl;bUf;Fk;.
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26. List out the impurities present in natural water.

1) fiuahj kw;Wk; ePhpy; kpjf;Fk; nghUl;fs;: ,it ePhpy;
cs;s fyq;fyhd NrW> tz;ly; kz;> Nrhbak; kw;Wk;
nghl;hrpak; cg;Gfs;> ,Uk;G> khq;fdPR> rpypfh> Kjypait.
2) fiue;Js;s cg;Gfs; kw;Wk; fdpkq;fs; : fhy;rpak; kw;Wk;
kf;dPrpak; cg;Gfspd; FNshiuLfs;> igfhh;gNdl;Lfs;
kw;Wk; ry;Ngl;Lfs;.
3) fiue;Js;s thAf;fs; : ePhpy; Mfprp[d; kw;Wk; fhh;gd;-il-
Mf;irL Kjypait fiue;Js;sd.
4) ,ju nghUl;fs; : fdpk mkpyq;fs; kw;Wk; vz;nza;
Nghd;w nghUl;fs;.
27. What are the effects of impurities?
 Scale formation
 Corrosion
 Foaming - ePhpd; Nkw;gug;gpy; Vw;gLk; rpwpa Fkpopfs;
 Priming - ePuhtpAld; mjpf mstpyhd ePh;j;Jfs;fs;
 Carry over - ePuhtpAld; %Lgdp Nghd;W ePh; Nrh;e;J
ntspNaWtJ cl;Gwk; gbfk; Nghd;w gpsTfs; cUthjy;
28. What is the difference between internal and external
treatment of boiler feed water?
 Boilery; ePh; Mtpahf khw;wg; gLk;NghNj mjpYs;s
mRj;jq;fis ePf;Fk; Kiw internal treatment MFk;.
 Boilerf;Fs; mDg;Gtjw;F Kd;ghfNt> Cl;l ePhpy;
fye;Js;s mRj;jq;fis ePf;Fk; Kiw external treatment
29. What are the common internal treatments given to
boiler feed water?
(a) Sodium carbonate treatment (b) Phosphate treatment
(c) Colloidal treatment (d) Blow down
30. Mention the common external treatments given to
boiler feed water?
(a) Sedimentation (b) Coagulation
(c) Filtration (d) Thermal treatment
(e) Chemical treatment (f) Demineralisation

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31. Define actual evaporation.
Actual evaporation vd;gJ 1 kg vhpnghUis vhpg;gjd;
%yk; Mtpahf;fg;gLk; ePhpd; msT my;yJ cUthf;fg;gLk;
ePuhtpapd; msitf; Fwpf;Fk;.
Water evaporated/hr (or) Steam generated/hr
ma 
Fuel used/hr
32. Define evaporation per grate area.
Mtpahf;Fk; jpwdhdJ> xU kzp Neuj;jpy; Mtpahf;fg;gLk;
ePhpd; epiw my;yJ cUthf;fg;gLk; ePuhtpapd; epiwf;Fk;
nkhj;j vhpA+l;Lk; gug;Gf;Fk; cs;s tpfpjk; MFk;. ,J m ga
vd;w FwpaPL %yk; Fwpf;fg;gLk;.
Mass of water evaporated/hr
mga 
Grate area
33. Define evaporation per heating surface.
xU kzp Neuj;jpy; Mtpahf;fg;gLk; ePhpd; epiw my;yJ
cUthf;fg;gLk; ePuhtpapd; epiwf;Fk; nkhj;j ntg;g
gug;Gf;Fk; cs;s tpfpjNk evaporation per heating surface
MFk;. ,J mhs vd;w FwpaPL %yk; Fwpf;fg;gLk;.
Mass of water evaporated/hr mw ms
mhs    kg/hr-m2
Total heating surface Ah Ah
34. Define factor of evaporation or generation factor.
Factor of evaporation vd;gJ> working pressurey; 1 kg
ePuhtpia cw;gj;jp nra;a Njitg;gLk; ntg;gj;jpd; msTf;Fk;>
stanard conditionfspy; 1 kg ePuhtpia cw;gj;jp nra;a
Njitg;gLk; ntg;gj;jpd; msTf;Fk; cs;s tpfpjk; MFk;.
h  hw
Factor of evaporation, F 
35. Define equivalent evaporation.
100oC ntg;gepiyapy; Cl;lePiu nrYj;jp> mNj 100oC
ntg;gepiy kw;Wk; tspkz;ly mOj;jj;jpy; (1.01325 bar)
me;j ePhpid ePuhtpahf khw;wf; $ba tifapy; eilngWk;
evaporation MdJ equivalent evaporation vdg;gLk;.
m (h  hw )
Equivalent evaporation, me  a
36. Define boiler efficiency.
ePuhtp cw;gj;jpf;F gad;gLj;jg;gl;l ntg;g Mw;wYf;Fk;> mNj
Neuj;jpy; vhpnghUs; vhptjd; %yk; nrYj;jg;gl;l ntg;g
Mw;wYf;Fk; ,ilNaAs;s tpfpjNk boiler efficiency vdg;gLk;.

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ma (h  hw )
b   100
37. What is boiler power?
100oC ntg;gepiyapy; njhlq;fp mNj 100oC ntg;gepiyapy;>
15.653 kg ePiu ePuhtpahf khw;WtNj boiler power vdg;gLk;.
mw (h  hw ) m (h  hw )
BP   w
15.6532257 35328
38. Define economiser efficiency.
Economisery; Cl;l ePiu ntg;g%l;l gad;gLj;jg;gl;l
ntg;gj;jpw;Fk;> economiserf;Fs; EioAk; flue gasy; cs;s
ntg;j;jpw;Fk; cs;s tpfpjNk economiser efficiency vdg;gLk;.
39. What is effectiveness of superheater?
Superheatery; cs;s ePuhtp fpufpj;Jf; nfhs;Sk;
ntg;gj;jpw;Fk;> mNj Neuj;jpy; flue gas %yk; nfhLf;fg;gLk;
ntg;gj;jpw;Fk; cs;s tpfpjNk superheater effectiveness
my;yJ superheater efficiency vdg;gLk;. ,J conducting
capacity vdTk; miof;fg;gLk;.
40. What are purposes of boiler trial?
1) xU Fwpg;gpl;l mOj;jj;jpy; ,aq;Fk; boilerd; efficiencyI
2) Heat balance sheet jahhpf;f.
41. List out the various heat losses in boiler.
1) ntg;g thAf;fs; (flue gases) vLj;Jr; nry;Yk; ntg;gk;, Q g
2) vhpnghUspd; <ug;gjj;jhy; ,of;fg;gLk; ntg;gk;, Qm
3) Grated; fPNo tpOk; vhpahj epyf;fhpahy; ,of;fg;gLk; ntg;gk;, Qu
4) vhpnghUspd; KOikaw;w vhpjyhy; ,of;fg;gLk; ntg;gk;> Qic
5) Radiation %yk; ,of;fg;gLk; ntg;gk;> Qr
6) $Ljyhd fhw;W vLj;Jr; nry;Yk; ntg;gk;, Qa
7) vhpnghUspy; i`l;u[d; ,Ug;gjhy; ,of;fg;gLk; ntg;gk;, Qh
42. What are accounted and unaccounted heat losses?
 Boiler triald;NghJ msTfisf; Fwpj;J fzf;fplf; $ba
ntg;g ,og;GfshdJ accounted heat losses vdg;gLk;.
 rhpahf fzf;fpl Kbahj ntg;g ,og;GfshdJ
unaccounted heat losses vdg;gLk;.

 

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