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Judy, my dear sister...PLEASE SAVE ON A FLASHDRIVE.

I ask that you read through this whole

document AT LEAST ONCE. Even if you don't believe or if you think the ideas are preposterous,
please just keep these things in the back of your mind. You can label me as a crazy person if you
want. I just want you to have this information in your head. But after you read through it once --
Please also keep it with you for safekeeping and hold on to it.
The information contained within will explain as events unfold. It will provide insight as to why
certain local and world events are happening and sort out the confusion. It will seem
overwhelming at first but please give yourself time to digest this information. It took me 10
years to sort through all this so I’ve had plenty of time to ponder, think, reflect and eventually
accept this as truth. I’ve had the help of the Holy Spirit to clarify many things and through trial
and error and falling many times through my own stubbornness, I’ve finally reached a stage
where I can share all that I’ve learned. I have confidence that my words are worth its salt.
This world is a simulation. It is a made up world full of deception and lies. You, me, and
humanity are all here as slaves. Three-fifths (3/5) of the world live on or below the poverty line.
Whole societies exist where people are barely eking out a living one step away from destitution
(I’ve been to several).The rest of us are just trying to survive with the bread (sustenance) and
circus (entertainment) that are provided to us to make life somewhat seem fulfilling. It is an
endless cycle of enslavement and exploitation through the taking of our life energy in so many
different ways.
Everything that governs us and holds society together– media, government, economy, politics,
educational system, medical establishment, food industry, agriculture, family structures,
hierarchy, social norms are swayed by the influences that are put there by the establishment.
They are not there by accident. It is all strategically placed there by the powers that hold this
world together to keep their “cattle” (us) in tight control.
This world is a prison. Just like in the Matrix movie, it is a prison we cannot touch, see, or taste
but in our deepest of hearts, we can feel it. It is there. All of us around the world are inmates
with our own prison numbers and prison wear that is the fleshsuit. We are bound by this world
through our flesh (bodies) that need oxygen, food to eat, water to drink, and need for shelter.
None of us are immune to what the human condition requires from the poorest to the richest.
Therefore, we are all stuck in this matrix. And there are powers that hoard and manipulate
resources that given the needs of our human existence, the majority of the world’s inhabitants
are denied the tools, education, and resources to live out of poverty. Of course there are
beautiful things in this world like friendship, love, community, giving, and goodwill that give
humanity joy but by and large, this prison is built on a system of power and control that puts
humanity in a pretty miserable state. When you minus the distractions, the temporary numbing
devices, the short-lived bursts of various pleasures, the soul is left to wonder, “IS This IT? Is this
No amount of wealth, Climbing the ladder, or “Making It” makes a difference as we are all
building towards a future that eventually leads to sickness and death at the end of a 80-year
(many populations much shorter) cycle. Living a life of comfort with amenities and giving the
best to our children is what drives people to strive after the “good life”. This is good and noble in
itself. There is nothing wrong with this concept. However, when this is ALL that is focused on and
the majority of life is based on, life becomes pretty meaningless whether one realizes it or not. It
is like being a mouse in a maze and spending your whole life chasing and accumulating the
cheese totally failing to realize --- IT IS JUST A MAZE.
There are people that think they can make this world a better place. People who recycle, create
sustainable living spaces with permaculture farms, opt out from the centralized living systems
like living off grid, etc. These are noble endeavors. However, we must remember that this world
is ROTTEN at its CORE. No amount of trying to intrinsically “make the world a better place” will
replace the system at its very essence. Even with recent would-be world-changing inventions
and discoveries, many efforts have been squashed and hidden (murder is not exempt) in order to
keep the power structures in place. Discoveries are relegated to specific confines that result in
consequences if crossed. Humanity advances but only to the level that the “powers” allow,
whether it be to serve their own purposes or to prepare humanity for their future plans.
Who are these “Powers”? It is the hidden hand. It is the invisible. The Bible states that “we
fight not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities…”. The very obvious ones
that these “Powers” work through are those that sit in the positions of power in the world.
World leaders, presidents, political bigwigs, heads of banking, those that control media, etc.
However, they are not exempt from operating in our communities, local governments, our
churches, our companies, and organizations as well (especially huge “aid” organizations that get
funding from the top). On a very personal level, these Powers can also work through friends and
family as well. Hence, some of us experience much sorrow in our lives through abuse, domestic
violence, etc. Although we can’t directly see it, we live in a very spiritual world.
These same Powers are responsible for the numerous wars (notably World War 1 &
2)throughout history as well as genocides and terrorist attacks (false flags). Whenever there is an
invasion, ethnic cleansing, and coup d’etats, you can be sure that the Powers are behind it. These
bloody events are orchestrated and executed methodically and meticulously, sometimes taking
decades to plan and get their chess pieces in place. Entire countries are brought under their
subjugation and control (like Afghanistan), their economies crumbling and bringing the
population to its knees. Back home, racial and religious tensions are also highlighted in the
media which is meant to divide/conquer keeping the population segregated and living in a state
of “us” and “them”.
In a world full of inequalities, wars, diseases (many man-made), lack of resources, lack of
education, and as an anecdote: entire populations having to walk miles to acquire something as
basic as water, it is easy to see that there is an incredible amount of INJUSTICE in the world. It is
not by accident. And yes, it is malicious. For those fortunate enough to be in wealthier societies,
there is another war raging. This is the war for your MIND. The information blackout and the
suppression of TRUTH is akin to the book “1984” where totalitarian governments control free
thought and brainwash the public into thinking everything is fine in the make-believe fairytale
world that they have created (think North Korea). The Powers bombard us with irrelevant news
and alter the storyline to tell one side of the story. Or they litter the networks with numerous
ways to distract us through reality television and the like. Keeping us blinded and asleep until the
day of the slaughter.
Do these Powers have a home base? Yes they do. They are the Papacy. Their headquarters is
the Vatican represented by the Roman Catholic Church. This is the Beast. They have a history
going back almost 2 centuries in 380 A.D. when they used violence to get people to belong to
their “church”. They profess to believe in Jesus and God but they have actually hijacked the
Christian faith (because it was getting too popular) and implemented some of the Biblical
principles in their mostly pagan doctrine and rituals. They worship Mary above Jesus (which is
actually a representation of the Sumerian mother goddess Ishtar). The Roman Catholic Church is
the seat of Satan. The Pope and his consorts have very high authority in the kingdom of Satan
on earth and this is where all orders come from. These orders are strictly followed by many
leaders of countries on earth. Other leaders that are not part of this network are either bribed,
extorted, and somehow coerced to come in to compliance. Together with the Jesuits, Khasar
Jews, moguls of industry (i.e. steel, mining, music), financial institutions (i.e. Federal Reserve,
World Bank, IMF), think tanks, big-scale NGOs (i.e. United Way), foundations (i.e. Bill Gates),
renowned universities, even Fashion houses!, the Papacy controls the trends and events of the
world economically, politically, and socially. Those regions whose leaders pledge allegiance to
the Papacy are given resources, tools, and lucrative deals both for themselves and the countries/
regions that they represent. Other regions who do not pledge allegiance constantly experience
upheavals and unrest to bring them under the Papacy’s control. Those that fight the good fight
against the Papacy and keep them out are forgotten and left to the wayside (think Cuba and
Vietnam). They are left to survive on their own and their currencies are decimated which
prohibits them from acquiring substantial goods outside their borders for trading. Other
countries that refuse to come under the Papacy’s rule are completely invaded and overtaken (by
a false accusation, think U.S. invading Iraq) and thereafter become vassal states of the Papacy,
completing losing sovereignty of their countries’ natural resources, human capital, and general
economy. The population is left to fend for themselves in a society that becomes riddled with
crime, failing infrastructure, greedy politicians, rising inflation, and dwindling quality of goods
and services. The tentacles of the Papacy (Satan’s seat of power) are far-reaching and the
network is vast and extensive. It touches almost every aspect of life for a human that lives on
earth. And not just physically. The spiritual influences are all around us, keeping us in a state of
bondage and false reality.
On a very macro level, these Powers have infiltrated our culture, ideas, and thoughts through
mainstream media. They communicate through symbolism and numbers which are littered
throughout T.V. programs, commercials, news, movies, and multi-part television series. Similar to
the Popes in the Roman churches that fed religion through the Latin texts that nobody
understood, these “codes” are only meant for the Powers and those that pledge allegiance to
them. In a very twisted way however, the masses are given “hints” and clues as to their future
plans for them. These are Veiled through somewhat make-believe themes that seem silly and
ridiculous but this is their way of revealing “truth” to the masses. In the world of Spiritual Laws,
they are only allowed to do what they show. The symbol of 923 is constantly shown in media.
Which is the sign of the 2nd 911 (like the twin towers) heralding the takedown of America.
Hope. Is there such a thing in this dark, crazy world? Yes there is. “Take heart. I have overcome
the world”. This is what Jesus said. These are the beautiful words that comes with a promise. The
Bible is a holy, anointed book set in motion before the foundation of this world. It talks about the
beginning as well as the end. It is God-breathed and the words in it are eternal. It contains
explosive truths that Satan actively tries to hide to keep humanity in the dark. The Bible is a lamp
unto our feet. Because it is God’s word. “…Earth shall pass away but my Words shall not pass
away.” Most importantly, it tells us of a Savior. Humanity needs one because we are all stuck in
this matrix. So God sent one. To bail us out. You see, we are not meant to be here. We are
Eternal Beings. God created You (your soul). “Before the foundation of this world, I Knew You…”
We are not meant to be in these bodies or this three dimensional world. Our souls have been
trapped in this dimension since humanity first fell. We are stuck in a realm where we are
severely limited by our physical senses because we are “born into sin”. The enemy was actually
able to make our prison suits from skin! Everyone is born through a woman’s womb. This is how
we enter the matrix of our prison cells. Our physical bodies were created for slavery. They are
literally shells where our soul energies are harvested and used as fuel for Satan’s kingdom. Yes,
we are prisoners of Satan’s kingdom (this world). We are the main batteries that make it run.
This is the curse that we are born into. There’s no getting out of it. It’s like being in a maximum
security prison where you have to serve a life sentence without parole. Nobody was able to lift
this curse.
Until God sent Jesus. This was 2,018 years ago. God sent a ruse down to earth and tricked Satan.
Not even Satan knew that Jesus’ death would bring about the redemption of humanity. That’s
why you see stickers everywhere, “Jesus Saves”. Because he really did save us. This brings tears
to my eyes. The Holy Spirit inside me wants to proclaim it from the rooftops. This is the Good
News. Heck, it’s the best news in the history of mankind! We were slated for death. “The wages
of sin is death”. We were going to die. These are the consequences of having a sinful nature
because we were “born into sin”. We want to do good. But these prison suits make us sin. This
how we are designed. Half good (because of our souls)and half bad (because of our fleshsuits).
When Jesus died, he took our place. “He bore our sins and by his stripes (sufferings), we are
healed”. He was the perfect lamb (completely sinless, son of God from heaven) that was the
ransom that released us all from this horrible curse. Remember I thought you were kidnapped
and paid him off to “release you”. We paid your ransom to get you off the hook. That’s what
Jesus did for us!! He released us from Eternal Death. He was severely beaten and nailed to the
cross (died). The power of the release is in his blood. Without the spilling of blood of the perfect
lamb, humanity would never have a chance. He was sacrificed and the “veil was torn” (the curse
was lifted). No more death! “Oh Death, Where is your Sting?” Through one man (Adam)
humanity fell and through one man (Jesus), we have Eternal Life. This is the beautiful story of
humanity’s redemption and how much God loved us to rescue us. He watched his son suffer and
die in the physical realm so he can have all of us back together with him again. Because we
belong to him. We are his children too!
There is a song that I love “Jesus Messiah, Name Above All Names, Blessed Redeemer,
The rescue for sinners, the ransom from heaven, Jesus Messiah, Lord of All”
He is indeed the Lord of All. He is undoubtedly my Lord. I am so grateful he took my place. I am
an eternal soul and now I am able to live eternally with my Father in Heaven. He saved a wretch
like me. I once was lost. But now am found. Was blind but now I see…
My sister, I pray that you will see too. The truth will set you free. And the truth is that Jesus is
taking us out from this crummy world! Once and for all! Forever! Whoohoo! Hallelujah! There is
one stipulation though. It hinges on John 3:16 For God So Loved the World that He Gave His
Only Begotten Son, that Whosoever BELIEVES in Him shall not Perish but have Eternal Life. This
beautiful scripture is Set in Stone! That’s right! All you have to do is Believe in your heart and
Confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Personal Savior. You just have to Believe in Him. That
Jesus is the Son of God. You have to Believe that He died for you. That he rose again after he
died (he came to Life after he Died – proof that he is the son of God). You have to Believe that
Jesus was your Ransom. And that Jesus is the antithesis to the current trend of this world.
That’s why Jesus said, “If you lose this life, you will find it. If you find this life you will lose it.”
meaning if you follow the world, you will lose your life (eternal life). Because following the World
means following Satan (because he rules it, currently). Jesus is the Way , the Truth, and the Life.
Believing in Him means believing in the Truth. This includes knowing how evil this world is and
knowing that this world belongs to Satan. That there is no hope in a fallen world. That your time
on this earth is Temporary and that you are going to a better place. It means living for God and
following the Bible and not the trends of this world. Looking forward to being with Him
someday. It means having a RELATIONSHIP with God.
Can you have a relationship with God? Yes you can! I’ve tried it myself. God is real! He
communicates. He answers prayers. He appears out of nowhere (his Spirit). In my dreams, in
situations, in conversations…he is always guiding me and prompting me. And leading people to
me… I’ve seen them all! I wouldn’t have been on my own for these many years and in so many
different countries if he wasn’t taking care of me everywhere I went. Every time I ask him for
something…there it is or someone shows up or the Holy Spirit gives me insight on what I should
do. Pretty soon it just becomes automatic and you are just one with the Holy Spirit where he is
just communicating all the time, giving you realizations and insights on everything. Sometimes
you just want to turn him off! Haha. Once you accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes and lives with
you. He inhabits your being. It is like having a buddy giving you advice all the time. He lives in
your conscience and imprints God’s wishes on your heart. He makes miracles happen all the
time. I haven’t been as diligent in reaching him lately but…”Draw closer to God and He will draw
closer to you” I’ve found this to be true. Especially in my time of need. If you devote time to
praying and reading the Bible, he will make his presence known to you. Sometimes in a big way
where the impossible happens. It’s actually shocking. I wish I could tell you about all the miracles
and amazing things God has done for me on my journey. Someday I will write a book about it.
Talk to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit sometime. The response you get will be alarming…
because then you will know…this is for real. Remember, they communicate through the words in
the Bible, dreams, visions, situations, coincidences, magazines, youtube videos, conversations,
numbers, people, what you see at the market, they communicate in ALL ways. They are higher
beings. They created the universe! They can bend reality, change hearts, change time and space
to communicate with you. Yes, they can do that. I’ve seen it.

So what’s next? Oh boy, you haven’t seen nothing yet. Big things are coming. First things first.
You are living at the end of the church age. This is the age of Grace. You are living in the time
period of Revelations (last book of the Bible). Remember, the Bible is God-breathed which
means that the events in Revelations (and book of Daniel) are an endtimes prophecy. These
prophecies have to happen. They are set in stone much like John 3:16 For God so Loved... Many
prophecies in the Bible have already come to pass (you can research this). This is how you will
know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is real. The events in Revelation will start to unfold.
Right now, we are living in the time period right before the 1 st Rapture and start of Tribulation.
This is the era when all those that believe in Jesus and his finished work on the cross (dying for
us) will be resurrected (like Jesus was) and go up to heaven in the Rapture. The believers will get
transformed to their glorified bodies (spiritual bodies) in a “twinkling of an eye.” This is why it is
so critical to believe in Jesus NOW.
*Add more info about the RAPTURE and how important it is to be Ready for this Critical Event.

Right now, let’s just deal with what’s on the horizon. RAPTURE. BE READY PLEASE.
First admit that you need a Savior. That your sins have blocked you from access to be with God
and go to heaven. Your sins are not forgiven UNTIL you say in your heart that you want to accept
God (Yahweh) as the Creator and believe in the work (die on the cross) that Jesus of Nazareth
(Yeshua) did for you to be saved:
"If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from
the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is
with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Romans 10:9-10
At this point I will include the little excerpt I see from the Youtube Channel Midnight Hour Oil. I
see she did a really good job of putting this part together so I don't feel bad about including it
here (if she doesn't mind). I will just copy it word for word with some minor additions.
To "confess" here means to agree or concede, and the word "Lord" means to give someone
deciding power over your life. In other words, the plan of salvation requires that a person both
believe in the shed blood of Jesus Christ to cover their sins, AND he/she must come into
agreement with the Lord Jesus Christ, surrendering his/her life to his Lordship, His leading and
guiding from that point forward. Jesus said, "And he said to them all, If any man will come after
me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." Luke 9:23
This means that a Believer/Follower of the Lord Jesus Christ is willing to deny his/her flesh (sin)
DAILY in order to embrace the Lord's agenda. It is not easy, but it is worth it. And the Lord has
supplied us with a provision of power, His Grace, to enable us to live the life He Calls us to. It is
not by our own works or power that we come into salvation in Christ Jesus, but by his shed
blood alone, and our willingness to surrender our lives to Jesus Christ. As the Apostle Paul
explains, "For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves. It is
the gift of God, not by works so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
So please accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior...
It is not the words you will pray that will save you, but it is the attitude of your heart. Do you
admit that you are a sinner in need of God's forgiveness? Do you believe that Jesus Christ died
for your sins, and that He was raised from the dead in order to make a blood atonement for your
sins? Are you ready to surrender your life to Jesus Christ, laying down your own will and agenda
to embrace the will of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Please pray this and really mean it.
"Father God, I recognize that I am a sinner in need of forgiveness. I ask that you would cover my
sins now with the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe he died for my sins (to save me)
and rose again on the third day and that he is the true son of God. I ask that Jesus would come
into my life now. I surrender my life to Jesus and acknowledge that He is now Lord of my life. I
ask that you would guide me into your perfect will and plan for my life from this day forward. In
Jesus' name I pray. Amen"
Salvation is free, but it was not cheap. And choosing to follow Jesus is simple, but it is not easy.
But stick with it and never give up. I promise it will all be worth it.
"What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived -- the
things God has prepared for those who love him" 1 Corinthians 2:9

The age of Grace is quickly coming to an end and during the Tribulation which happens right
after the 1st Rapture, it will be harder to get saved. Plus Satan’s minions will keep telling lies like
the people got taken by alien forces in spaceships when it is actually the real rapture. I will go
into detail about this later. But the primary thing that you will have to deal with if you miss the
rapture is the Mark of the Beast.
The Mark of the Beast. What is it? As foretold in Revelation 13:17, you won’t be able to buy or
sell anything without this mark. It is the branding of Satan which identifies all of his “subjects”
to him. This will be an RFID chip that will be injected into your hand and will make life very
convenient for the technological advancing world that is upon us. Satan has set it up perfectly
over the years in the increasingly digital age. All your banking, medical records, supermarket
transactions, doctors visit, insurance claims, coffee shop runs will be done by swiping your hand
against a scanner. Waving the card in front of the scanner is the last step before it will be cool or
trendy to have it implanted where you will just have to wave your hand. It will be a computer
chip with all your data, all your info, your passwords embedded so that you will never have to
carry anything again. You will be able to open doors with it, start your car, there will even be
programs that track your fitness (the fitbit is a precursor to this). I mention this because the
Bible is very strict about what happens if you get this. There is NO turning back if you get this
mark. You are damned to HELL not only because you have pledged allegiance to the god who
runs this world (Satan) but there are some huge changes that happen to you (physically and
The RFID chip uses nanotechnology that bind to your DNA. The Powers have cultivated and
researched ways to get this chip to bind to your neurotransmitters and brain synapses to connect
you to the mainframe. Your brain will essentially be one with the supercomputers and your
brain will be one of billions of connected to the “network”. You will be in the Hive Mind. Your
thoughts, characteristics, and personality will no longer be yours. You will share thoughts with
computers and other minds connected to the hive. You will become half human and half
machine. This is what Robocop and Terminator movies are all about. Getting the human
population used to the combining of man and machine. For this moment when all will be
encouraged, tempted and later coerced to take the RFID chip.
The Holy Spirit is a delicate thing. It softly murmurs to your heart and prompts you to pray or to
talk to God. It works hand in hand with your conscience. When your heart and mind is no longer
sensitive to the Holy Spirit because of this RFID chip, you will have essentially destroyed the
mechanism that houses the only element that binds you to God – the only way that you are
sealed until the day of redemption – through this Holy Spirit. You have to guard the Holy Spirit
living inside of you with your life. Because that is your ticket to Heaven. God won’t
communicate with you and he won’t rescue you if you don’t have Him with you. It’s not that he
doesn’t want to. It’s just that your essence or being is corrupted and he can’t take you back. You
are no longer You. You will not be allowed into Heaven and you will go to Hell. The Bible is VERY
strict about this. *If you end up in a camp and they try to give you this chip, say NO even at the
cost of being executed. It says in the Bible that those who lose their life to avoid the chip will
automatically go to Heaven. They will also be rewarded for denying the chip. And remember,
what is in the Bible is 100% true and will come to pass. So just lose your life if you have to. It’s
not worth going to hell for. Pray that you will be brave to do this. Many will go to hell because
they are too scared to die.
But I tell you this now. Your life will be pretty miserable without it. Imagine not being able to
engage in any commerce, housing, jobs, social life, entertainment because of it. You might have
to be homeless. You might have to eat out of garbage cans. You might have to steal just to
survive. Trust me, you want to believe in Jesus NOW. You want to invite the Holy Spirit to come
live inside you NOW. You want to build a relationship with Jesus NOW. Before it’s too late. You
want to go on the first bus. Because not only will you have to deal with the Mark of the Beast.
There is a massive deception coming. It involves fallen angels disguising themselves as friendly
aliens and getting you to believe their religion (which is basically worshipping them and their
god, Satan). They will be outwardly beautiful but actually they are disgusting Reptiles that are
hiding under human skin. Cloning will be rampant and you will meet humans that have no souls.
Actually, some people are proclaiming that the cloning is rampant now and there are robotoids
walking all over the place.
Events on the horizon before or right after the Rapture include: Emp attack where the grid goes
down, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, stock collapse, missiles flying, War, nuclear
attack, dollar collapse, foreign invasion, military people everywhere trying to take you to fema
camps. Later, civil unrest, murders, rapes, famine, no jobs, no goods and services, and
cannibalism. This is all going to happen in the United States (and very soon). You are living in the
hotbed of Babylon. The U.S. is one of Satan’s playgrounds and he’s gonna make sure he has total
control here. Because it is the most free nation in the world. And he doesn’t like that. There are
also many Christians here and the nation is founded on Christian principles. And Satan doesn’t
like that either. It is also a place of judgement because God is not happy with the sins that are
happening there which includes abortions, porn industry, all the gayness. He is allowing these
things to happen in the U.S. I advise you to rethink leaving the country. It is just gonna get worse
and worse. And I’ve been in civilizations where the society is falling apart. It’s not fun.
If you plan on staying in the U.S. -- Think of shielding yourself against the criminal elements. Get
an alarm system for your house. Get cameras. When the grid goes down, consider boarding up
your windows because in a society with no electricity, anything goes. Get extra locks. Make it
hard for the criminal. When there’s a disaster, avoid going to where the authorities tell you to
go. Especially foreign troops. They are just rounding you up. Get a weapon. Learn how to use it.
Think Argentinian collapse in the 90’s. People were eating dogs and cats. Doing heinous crimes.
And kidnapping was commonplace.
I’m not instilling fear. I’m just saying think of these things when these things start happening.
Think what your strategy will be. Remember, it will not be as obvious at first. And then the signs
of a falling society will start to show itself. Robberies, burglaries, car theft, home invasion, it will
start to manifest. Just be aware and watch for the signs. And talk to God. He will show you the
way. I promise. Sometimes I land in a country with no knowledge and shady situations. He has
taken care of me time and time again. He is there. Just call on him. Prayer is key.
Oh I have to add about Planet X. I keep having dreams about it. It’s a red planet. It will appear in
the sky soon. There is also a blue planet that is in the same solar system. These planets have
their own moons as well so you will see lots of planetary bodies in the sky. It will be very
beautiful but scary at the same time. These are definite signs that the God of the Bible is real.
Because it is foretold in Revelations that the moon will be turned red and vice versa. This will be
from all the iron oxide from Nibiru (Planet X). That’s why the clouds will be a deep copper red
also just like the in the photo I showed you back in New Zealand. Some people are even
recording purple skies which I suspect to be because of the blue planet (Blue Kachina in the Hopi
Prophecy). The Powers are actively trying to hide these with chemtrails and the sun simulators.
It’s very annoying. The deception is rampant.

I will add to this manuscript as time goes on. Thanks for listening in due time.

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