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Roll No. Answer Sheet No. 29 Sig. of Candidate. Sig. of Invigilator. MATHEMATICS $SC-II SECTION — A (Magis 15) Time allowed: 20 Minutes (Science Group) NOTE: Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section a to be answered on the question paper itself. It should be completed in the first 20 minutes aml handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting Is not allowed. Do not use lead pemell. Q.1 Circle the correct option le. A/B/C /D. Each part carrlas one mark. () Standard form of quadratic equation is: A. bx+c=0, b#0 B. ar t+bxt+c=0,a40 c. a? ,a#0 oO. a? =0,a40 (i) —-Sumofthe cube roots of unity is A oO B. 1 -1 D. 3 (iii) The nature of the roots of equation ax? + bx +c = Ole determined by: A ‘Sum of the roots: B. Product of the roots c. ‘Synthetic division O. Discriminant (™) In continued proportion a: 5 =5:c, "c"is said to be. Proportional to "a" and"b" A Third B. Fourth c Means D. Antecedent #41 yet oO (x= 1X42) A A Proper fraction 8. An improper fraction © Anidentiy ©. Acconstant term (vi) The domain of R = {(0,2) , (2,3),(3,3), (3,4)} is: A {0,3,4}, B. {0,2,3} c {0,2,4} D. 2,3,4} (vi) Point (1,4) ies in the quadrant: A a om Cn DoW (oi) Sum of the deviations ofthe variable x rom is magn is always: A Zero B. One c. Same D. Infinite. (0 radians is equal o A oe B. 135° 150° D. 30° (%) A cchord passing through the centre of a circle is called: A Radius 8 Diameter. Circumference D. —Secant (x) Locus of a point in a plane equidistant from a fixed point is called A Ras B Otcle Circumference D. Diameter (xi) A tangent line intersects the circle at: A Threepoints B. Twopoints C. — Single point. No point at all (xii) The semi circumference and the diameter of a circle both subtend a central angle of. A 90° 5B 180° c 270° D. 360° (xiv) The length of the diameter of a circle is how many times the radius of the circle? A 4 B 2 ce 3 D4 (xv) The measure of the external angle of a regular ootagon is: x x x x aA 2 ee ha D. us 4 6 oc 4 a For Examiner's use only: ‘Total Marks: Marks Obtained: —28A 1809 (4) — Lt Roll No. Answer Sheet No. a Sig. of Candas Si. ot nvr " egsoml onl uals : (Science Group) 15:49) Jie 20 " we tH eR Reni hekenp Luci hl iitort einLbecrtee covplsg sili itd a 6 LALO TL pierre Tons Si PELs Ade a ePieGer-tom (i) a i ax +bx+e=0a40 2 br+e=0, B40 3H 7 a’ =0,a#0 ~ av =bx,a¥0 o eatieAnLbn (iy : 3048 1 e 1 ow 0 tl he PISAL ar thrte=Oebe- fil) Gs CE & Abe, atips oh etl Eababe le” (wy a i be Oy w) wo i 4 ete wt Pein | a | ‘ede Dom R 3x R= (0.2),2,3.8,9,0,414 | (wn a {23,4} 10,2,4) _g 0.23) {03,4 ay 2s etme 4) a | (wip a woo. me nooo 1 a seotbsfee shel ® PS | (i) a mts ew ae al a basses (eo) a 30° a 150° 38° Dist eg, al grid Te Sled | (x) . i bs we : ~e th i) 7 : a woe a SeAyveL | (il) a ae ee Bye poe wh a | gto ese ag BSL eA | (xi) a Cee 2m oy 10° 907 ein ence ndugscens| am 4 ~ 3 & 2 1 wit | . ebuurfunibel yh | ow) a $2 £6 EUS . | - a put Po 15 As PL . 4 —28A 1809 (l) — a 3° MATHEMATICS SSC-HI Science Greup Time allowed: 2:40 Hours Total Marks Sections B and C: 60 NOTE: Attempt any nine parts from Section ‘B’ and any theses questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary anewer sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers Neatly and legibly. 7 ‘SECTION ~ B (Masia 36) Q.2 Attempt any NINE parts. All parts carry equal marks. (9x4=36) w Solve the following equation by completing square: ik’ +mx+n=0 , 10 (ii) Show that the equation x? +(mx+c)? =a*has equal roots, if c? = a?(1 +m") Note: a3 aa, Qs. ae. az. (ii) Find "m", if sum and product of the roots of the equation 5x? + (7 -2m)x+3=0 is equal to a given number"2" (v) Use synthetic division to find the values of "!* and "my", # (x1) and (x-+1) are the factors of the polynomial x° ~ 3x? + 2mx+6 (¥) The sum of five times a number and the square of the number is 204. Find the number. (v)_ Find *p"in the following continued proportion 12, 3p~6 , 27 @et3P-@-5f 4 (x+3¥ +x" 5 (vii) The surface area "4" of a cube varies directly as the square of the length "/" of an edge and 4=27 ‘square units when (vil) Using componendo-dividendo theorem, solve the equation units. Find "4" when (x) Resolve -—** 4 _ %) If U={1,2,3.4,5,6,7,8,9,10} , A ={1,3,5,7,9} , B={2,3,5,7} then show that (AU By = 4’ B" Cale Ite (x\xe N Ax55},M={ylye PA y<10} then make the following relation from "L"to"M" ={(2,)|y< 2} . Also write the domain and range of "R". (xi) The sugar contents for a random sample of 6 packs of juices of a certain brand are found to be 2.3, 2.7, 2.5, 2.9, 3.1 and 1.9 milligram. Find the median, (xii) In a circle of radius 10 m, find the fength of an are intercepted by a central angle of 60° sin6+cos@ ___cos20 tan?O-1 sind cos ‘SECTION -C (Marin 24) ‘Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. (3x8=24) (xiv) Verify the identity Prove that in any triangle, the sum of the squares on any two sides is equal to twice the square on half the third side together with twice the square on the median which bisects the third side. Prove that the tangent to a circle and the radial segment joining the point of contact and the centre are perpendicular to each other. Prove that the measure of a central angle of a minor arc of a circle, is double that of the angle subtended by the corresponding major arc. Ciroumscribe a circle about an equilateral triangle ABC with each side of length 4 cm. ‘An observation balloon is 4280m above the ground and 9813 m away from a farmhouse. Find the angle of depression of the farmhouse as observed from the observation bation. —28A 1808) —

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