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Chemical Engineering and Processing 44 (2005) 1181–1187

Synthetic activated carbons for the removal of hydrogen cyanide from air
Terzić M. Oliver a,∗ , Krstić Jugoslav b , Popović Aleksandar c , Dogović Nikola a
a Institute for Medical and Technical Protection, Katanićeva 15, 11000 Beograd, Serbia and Montenegro
b Institute of Chemistry Technology and Metallurgy, Department of Catalysis and Chemical Engineering,
Njegoševa 12, 11000 Beograd, Serbia and Montenegro
c Faculty of Chemistry, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Beograd, Serbia and Montenegro

Received 15 November 2004; received in revised form 4 March 2005; accepted 11 March 2005
Available online 23 June 2005


Copper containing and copper free synthetic activated carbons produced from porous sulfonated styrene/divinylbenzene resin were studied
for assessing the removal efficiency of HCN vapors from air. The pore structures and surface chemistry of these activated carbons were
analyzed through N2 physisorption at 77 K and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), respectively. Incorporation of copper into starting
material significantly increased HCN breakthrough times, but decreased benzene breakthrough times. The surface area and pore volume of
the adsorbents also decreased with incorporation of copper. Results of XPS analysis revealed partial or complete reduction of the starting
divalent copper on the surface of the adsorbents confirmed by the lack of formation of (CN)2 during the adsorption of HCN. The performance
of copper containing water vapor activated adsorbent was compared to the performance of ASC Whetlerite carbon.
© 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keywords: Activated carbon; Heat treatment; Porosity; Chromatography; Hydrogen cyanide

1. Introduction such as lack of control of carbonaceous starting materials,

friability of active carbon support, complexity of impregna-
Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is an acutely poisonous com- tion techniques [1–3], poor dispersion of impregnates in the
pound, which might enter the human body by breathing con- deeper pore system [4], and presence of hazardous chromium
taminated air. The HCN vapors are commonly released to the species [5]. In order to overcome some of these shortfalls,
air from various sources including vehicle exhaust emissions, Barnes et al. [6] used approach based on the incorporation
chemical processing, extraction of gold and silver from low- of the desired metal(s) into the sodium carboxymethylcellu-
grade ores, metal plating, steel, iron, and finishing industries, lose by ion exchange prior to carbonization and activation.
petroleum refineries, and waste disposed of in landfills. The Although obtained materials showed some benefits, fibrous
best-known adsorbents for the removal of HCN from air are nature of the precursor was retained and material exhibited
the metal salts impregnated activated carbons. These materi- poor mechanical properties.
als are usually obtained by wetting of the non-impregnated In this work, copper containing and copper free syn-
carbon with a solvent containing the transition metal salt, thetic activated carbons produced from porous sulfonated
followed by drying. This method is used to produce ASC styrene/divinylbenzene resin were studied for assessing the
Whetlerite carbons which contain salts of copper, chromium removal efficiency of HCN vapors from air. It has been
and silver, and have been shown to be effective adsorbents shown that adsorbents of this kind have improved mechanical
for removal of HCN, cyanogen chloride and hydrogen sul- characteristics of beads and can be prepared with tailorable
phide. However, these materials possess some disadvantages, structural properties, including pore size distribution and sur-
face area [7,8]. Furthermore, the ion exchange properties of
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +381 64 261 0995. the resin enable easy incorporation of significant quantities
E-mail address: oterzic@eunet.yu (T.M. Oliver). of copper into the material as an active ingredient. Two pairs

0255-2701/$ – see front matter © 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1182 T.M. Oliver et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 44 (2005) 1181–1187

of adsorbents were synthesized by thermal decomposition of samples were cooled in the argon atmosphere in the same
starting resins being in H+ and Cu2+ form, respectively. Dur- way as the first two samples. The total mass of water used
ing heat treatment, one sample from each pair of resins was during activation process was 8.10 g, thus giving the flow of
activated with water vapor. Nitrogen adsorption at 77 K has 5.4 cm3 /h at a superficial linear velocity of 0.595 cm/h. After
been used to characterize the pore structure of the adsorbents. cooling, all samples were immediately placed in weighing
The external surfaces of the adsorbents have been studied bottles and stored in a vacuum desiccator containing anhy-
using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The perfor- drous CaSO4 .
mances of synthetic activated carbons were evaluated by the
breakthrough data of HCN and benzene vapors and compared 2.2. Methods
with the performances of commercial non-impregnated BPL
carbon and ASC Whetlerite carbon produced from material The copper content in CAC samples was estimated by
similar to BPL carbon by the common method. Along with atomic absorption spectroscopy after total oxidation of the
the breakthrough of HCN, eventual concurrent formation of pulverized samples and nitric acid dissolution.
cyanogen (CN)2 was also monitored. Dynamic rather than Cu 2p, O 1s, C 1s and Cu Auger XPS experiments were
static measurements were chosen in view of the greater rele- carried out on a Kratos 300 ESCA instrument supplied with
vance of the data to filtration systems. data acquisition facilities. The instrument was calibrated
using C 1s XP spectra, which were assumed to be 284.6 eV
[9]. Chemical shift data has been used to study the oxidation
2. Experimental states of incorporated copper.
The nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms were mea-
2.1. Synthesis sured at 77 K using a gas sorption apparatus Thermo Finnigan
Sorptomatic 1990. Carbon samples were outgassed 16 h at
Macroreticular styrene/divinylbenzene sulfonic acid ion 300 ◦ C prior to the adsorption analysis. The various models
exchange resin Amberlite 200 (registered trademark of and appropriate software-WinADP version 4.0 CE Instru-
Rohm and Haas Company) in the Na+ form was washed ments were used to analyze the obtained isotherms.
with distilled water in a column, converted to the H+ form Breakthrough tests were carried out using an instrumen-
by passing through 2 mol/dm3 hydrochloric acid solution, tal gas chromatography method for automatic determination
and rinsed with distilled water in order to achieve neutral of the C6 H6 or HCN/(CN)2 concentration in a flow sys-
pH. This resin was used as the starting material for preparing tem, as described earlier [10]. Breakthrough tests were per-
the pair of adsorbents denoted as carbonized amberlite formed with inlet vapor concentrations of 10.00 mg/dm3 for
resin in H form (CAH). For obtaining the pair of copper C6 H6 and 2.00 mg/dm3 for HCN. All measurements were
containing carbons, designated as carbonized amberlite performed at (292 ± 1) K. The carrier gas was air with rel-
resin in Cu form (CAC), the resin was treated as described ative humidity RH = 45 ± 5% and volumetric flow rate of
above, saturated with a 0.5 mol/dm3 copper sulfate solution, 0.172 dm3 /min. The ratio of concentrations at the outlet and
and rinsed with distilled water until no sulfate ions were inlet of the adsorbent bed was monitored as function of time.
detected in the washing solution (via a barium chloride The activated carbon adsorbents used for comparison pur-
test). poses were a coal based, steam activated Chemviron BPL,
Heat treatments were performed in a horizontal metal tube 12–30 mesh, and Chemviron Whetlerite, 12–30 mesh. The
(3.40 cm diameter) with gas inlet, in a furnace modified for pore structures and surface chemistry of these activated car-
temperature programming. For all samples, approximately bons are described elsewhere [11,12].
20 g of resin beads, dried at 105 ◦ C for 16 h, were placed
between quartz wool plugs in a tube. The adsorbents denoted
as CAH1 and CAC1 were prepared from resin samples apply- 3. Results and discussion
ing the heat treatment procedure which included a 1 h heat
up to 200 ◦ C and 1 h hold at 200 ◦ C. Then, the temperature 3.1. Synthesis
was raised by 100 ◦ C increments during 0.5 h and held at the
new temperature for 0.5 h. The temperature rise cycle was The yields (based on the weight of starting material) and
repeated until the final heat treatment temperature of 800 ◦ C copper content (in mg/g of the adsorbent) for CAH and CAC
was reached. After holding 1 h at this temperature, the sam- samples are presented in Table 1. It is obvious that in the case
ples were allowed to cool down to room temperature over of CAH2 and CAC2, a weight loss occurred indicating some
next 18 h. During the entire heating and cooling procedure heterogeneous chemical reactions of oxidation of carbon with
the argon at 0.4 dm3 /min was passed through the tube. water vapor at temperatures above 700 ◦ C [13]. The weight
The adsorbents denoted as CAH2 and CAC2 were pre- yields for copper containing samples are higher than of their
pared in the same manner as previously described except that corresponding copper free samples, as expected. In addition,
after reaching 700 ◦ C the argon was replaced with the acti- the copper content in CAC2 is higher than in CAC1 because
vation medium (mixture of argon and water vapor). These of higher loss of the organic part of the material.
T.M. Oliver et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 44 (2005) 1181–1187 1183

Table 1
Weight yields and copper contents of the investigated carbons
Sample Weight yield (%) Copper content (mg Cu/g)
CAH1 36 –
CAH2 29 –
CAC1 46 256
CAC2 38 284

The particles of all synthesized activated carbons are

spheres of great physical integrity with slightly smaller
dimensions (mean diameter 0.18 mm) compared with the ion
exchange resin.

3.2. Surface chemistry

Fig. 2. Cu Auger X-ray photoelectron spectrum of CAC1.
During heat treatment, the copper may be transformed to
CuO and/or be reduced to Cu1+ or Cu0 . The decomposition of copper. Although reduced copper could undergo oxidation
of the pure copper sulfate occurs at about 700 ◦ C [14], but it is with water vapor, it retrieves zero state due to prolonged con-
found that interaction with the carbon surface leads to prema- tact with carbon surface under argon gas.
ture low temperature breakdown of the compound according Nevertheless, activation did produce some changes in the
to the following equation [15]: surface chemistry of the materials. The typical asymmetric
peaks of the C 1s core level XP spectrum obtained on the
CuSO4 + C → Cu + CO2 + SO2 (1)
CAH1 and CAH2 samples are given in the Figs. 3 and 4.,
The results of the stoichiometric calculations based on the respectively.
assumptions that the effect of the copper on the decomposi- While XPS scan of CAH1 gives only the peak at 284.6 eV
tion is insignificant, and that all copper in the samples is in assigned to graphitic carbon, the XPS scan shown in Fig. 4
zero state, are consistent with the small differences (4–5%) evidences two additional peaks on the surface of the CAH2 at
in the weight loss observed between analogous samples of 286.0 and 287.3 eV for C O (phenolic, alcoholic or etheric)
the CAC and CAH carbons. and C O (carbonyl or quinone) functional groups, respec-
The XPS data confirmed previous assumption by showing tively. Similar results are obtained with copper containing
that the copper in both CAC samples is present predominantly samples. Obviously, the activation treatment performed with
in the Cu0 state. The XPS scans of these samples, showing the a water vapor resulted in the chemisorption of oxygen on the
Cu 2p peak, and the Cu Auger spectrum, are almost identical surface of the carbons [16].
thus, only CAC1 scans are given in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively.
Accordingly, we can assume that in the samples inves- 3.3. Nitrogen adsorption
tigated divalent copper is reduced with carbon during the
heat treatment of copper-containing resin. The introduction of Fig. 5 shows the nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms
activation medium did not produce notable change in the state obtained with CAH and CAC samples. The predominant

Fig. 1. Cu 2p X-ray photoelectron spectrum of CAC1. Fig. 3. C 1s X-ray photoelectron spectrum of CAH1.
1184 T.M. Oliver et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 44 (2005) 1181–1187

size distribution for mesopores was calculated according to

BJH method from desorption branch of isotherm. The val-
ues of Vmic are calculated using Horvath–Kawazoe equation
[17,19]. These results are in good correlation with values
obtained using the Dubinin–Radushkevich (DR) equation
[20] that has been shown to successfully describe the adsorp-
tion of vapors by microporous carbons.
It can be observed that in the synthesized samples specific
surface area, total pore volume, micropore volume and meso-
pore volume all increase significantly with activation. During
activation process, unsaturated carbon at the edge of the
graphite-like basal layers as well as the unorganized carbon
is burned out. The difference of burning speeds of different
parts of the layers cause an asymmetrical burning which
results in the development of microporous structure. The
Fig. 4. C 1s X-ray photoelectron spectrum of CAH2. widening of existing pores or/and burnout of walls between
adjacent micropores leads to an increase in the volume of
In the CAH samples, water vapor activation increases SBET
for 40%, while this increase in the CAC samples is 33%. On
the other hand, the activation increase of the total pore volume
is lower for CAH samples (23%) compared to the CAC sam-
ples (44%). In the CAH samples, increase in the volume is
obtained mainly in the micropore region (39% compared with
10% for the mesopore region), while in the CAC samples, sig-
nificant increase in volume (44%) is obtained in mesopore
As can be seen from comparison of data for CAH1 and
CAC1, the incorporation of copper into the material caused
about 29% reduction of SBET , Vmic , and Vmes , while Vtot was
reduced for 32%.
The Horvath–Kawazoe distribution of micropores in the
Fig. 5. Adsorption/desorption isotherms of nitrogen at 77 K for the CAH carbons is shown in Fig. 6. It is shown that in the process of
and CAC carbons. activation, micropore distribution of carbons has not changed
significantly, especially in the case of CAH samples. In the
character of all these isotherms is type I [17] but with pos- both samples, about 70% of the cumulative micropore vol-
itive slope across much of the pressure range indicating the ume is attributed to the pores having pore half-widths between
presence of mesopores beside micropores in the materials. 0.2 and 0.3 nm. The median micropore half-widths for CAH1
Moreover, all isotherms exhibit a hysteresis loop usually and CAH2 are 0.252 and 0.253 nm, respectively. The incor-
associated with the filling and emptying the mesopores by poration of copper did not lead to significant change in the
capillary condensation. The shape of the loops is similar for median micropore half-width, only slightly decreased the
all samples. contribution of pores in the 0.2–0.3 nm region, and increased
The specific surface area (SBET ), total pore volume (Vtot ), in the 0.3–0.4 nm region. Therefore, it seems that copper only
micropore volume (Vmic ), and mesopore volume (Vmes ) are blocks the entry of micropores and do not enter into micro-
presented in Table 2. The specific surface area of sam- pores, otherwise the micropore distribution should change
ples SBET , was calculated according to Brunauer, Emmett, more significantly.
Teller method from the linear part of the nitrogen adsorp- The BJH poresizes plots for the samples are given in Fig. 7.
tion isotherms [18]. Vtot was given at p/p0 = 0.997. The pore Only notably change in the mesopore distribution obtained by
introduction of copper into the material (CAC1 versus CAH1)
Table 2 can be observed in the pores having half-widths between 1
Surface areas and pore volumes of investigated carbons and 5 nm. The volume contribution in this region decreased
Sample SBET (m2 /g) Vtot (cm3 /g) Vmic (cm3 /g) Vmes (cm3 /g) markedly, probably because copper jams those mesopores.
CAH1 446 0.472 0.220 0.251 Since the mesopore distribution in the whole did not undergo
CAH2 623 0.582 0.305 0.277 drastic change it can be assumed that that the finely divided
CAC1 320 0.322 0.156 0.192 elemental copper sits here uniformly dispersed in the matrix
CAC2 427 0.463 0.208 0.277
of carbon material.
T.M. Oliver et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 44 (2005) 1181–1187 1185

Fig. 6. The Horvath–Kawazoe micropore distribution of the CAH and CAC carbons.

3.4. Removal of HCN The breakthrough time as well as the shape of the break-
through curve for HCN did not differ much among CAH
The experimentally determined breakthrough curves of samples. The breakthrough curve was typically sigmoidal,
HCN vapors, correlated with asymmetrical S-shaped curves with a rapid initial increase in concentration followed by a
according to the modified Yoon–Nelson model [21], are much slower asymptotic approach to the influent HCN level.
shown in Fig. 8. The breakthrough times were relatively short, as expected

Fig. 7. The BJH mesopore distribution of the CAH and CAC carbons.
1186 T.M. Oliver et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 44 (2005) 1181–1187

Fig. 8. The breakthrough curves of HCN vapors (292 K, inlet concentration Fig. 9. The breakthrough curves of benzene vapors (292 K, inlet concen-
2.00 mg/dm3 ) for CAH1, CAH2, CAC1, CAC2, BPL and ASC Whetlerite. tration 10.00 mg/dm3 ) for CAH1, CAH2, CAC1, CAC2, BPL and ASC
from the assumption that mostly weak physical adsorption of
HCN is taking place on the surface. The similar assumption increase of the active surface for HCN adsorption. That is
can be made with non-impregnated BPL carbon which fol- why the CAC2 carbon is much better adsorbent than CAC1
lowed the trend of CAH carbons and showed poor ability to carbon even though the difference in the total copper content
remove HCN. is not significant (Table 1).
Incorporation of copper into the resin beads generally led The performance of ASC Whetlerite was only slightly
to an increase in the HCN breakthrough times. This was par- better than the performance of CAC2 carbon. Although ASC
ticularly obvious in the case of CAC2 compared to CAH2. Whetlerite carbon possesses better textural characteristics
Furthermore, the concentration of effluent increased grad- [11] than CAC2 carbon, it seems that relatively large
ually with time and the HCN breakthrough profile became copper loading (28%) of CAC2 carbon compared to ASC
more inclined, suggesting chemical activity in the CAC sam- Whetlerite carbon (7%) is the major factor contributing
ples. It is known that the copper, added to the activated to the obtained results. In the case of ASC Whetlerite
carbons, acts chemically with HCN towards formation of pre- along with breakthrough of HCN the evolution of (CN)2 is
cipitate [22]. In the case of divalent copper, the precipitate is detected.
copper (I) cyanide and the reaction is followed by the release
of (CN)2 : 3.5. Removal of benzene
2CuO + 4HCN → 2CuCN + (CN)2 + H2 O (2)
The experimentally determined breakthrough curves of
Carbons impregnated with mono- or zero-valent copper benzene vapors, correlated with asymmetrical S-shaped
species do not have a tendency to produce (CN)2 upon expo- curves according to the modified Yoon–Nelson model [21],
sure to HCN: are shown in Fig. 9.
Benzene is physically adsorbed in the micropores of the
CuO + HCN → CuCN + 21 H2 (3) activated carbon and its breakthrough time depends very
2Cu2 O + 2HCN → 2CuCN + H2 O (4) much on the adsorbent’s surface area and micropore vol-
ume. The order of the breakthrough times of benzene vapors
In the CAC pair of adsorbents, during HCN removal the on the carbons generally followed the order of increasing
appearance of (CN)2 in the effluent stream was not observed. micropore volumes, as would be expected. The decrease in
This result is consistent with XPS data showing that the cop- surface area and micropore volume caused by the introduc-
per is present on the surface of these adsorbents primarily in tion of copper in the starting material (Table 2) resulted in
the zero state. lower breakthrough times of CAC samples compared to the
The breakthrough time for HCN was much longer for corresponding CAH samples (Fig. 9). Thus, the role of cop-
CAC2 than CAC1. According to the results listed in Table 2, per seems to be completely different for HCN and benzene
a heat treatment with water vapor caused significant increase adsorption. In HCN adsorption copper acts as an active site for
in Vmes as well as in the other parameters. Since the active the chemisorptions, while in benzene adsorption the presence
component copper appears to have an even distribution within of copper diminishes the active adsorption area that provides
the mesopores of the material, this treatment also led to the physisorption.
T.M. Oliver et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 44 (2005) 1181–1187 1187

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