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Knitting and crocheting

niting and crocheting are both great crafts, particulary this time
of the year. When the weather is cold, you can spend those
winter by the fireside and creating some beautiful hats, mittens,
scarves, blankets or whatever else you want from yarn.

here are many patterns that you can try that are realy easy.
Many of the patterns can be completed in just a few hours, so
if you have a realy frightfull weather, can rack up some great
gifts to give the other. If you love kniting and crocheting, there are so
many great beginning patterns and projects to make.

ou can make some finger puppets, rufeld socks edging, cute dolls
like teddy bear and puppy, doll costume, and many more.
Crocheting is fun and easy for me, but you will need a lot of
pations or you will ruin it. I more like kniting handycrafts than making
somethink to wear like jumpers and mittens.

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