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ISSN 1648-0627 / eISSN 1822-4202
2018 19: 228–241



Iryna BASHYNSKA1, Anastasia DYSKINA2

Odesa National Polytechnic University, Odesa, Ukraine

E-mails: (corresponding author);

Received 07 June 2018; accepted 12 October 2018

Abstract. The population of the planet is constantly growing, people are moving to the cities. Recently, more and more interest
is being given to smart cities as a guarantee of at least comfortable living of citizens, as a maximum – an ultramodern autono-
mous city with artificial intellect, anticipating the needs of residents, capable of functioning autonomously for a long time. The
purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of smart cities, highlight the distinctive and common features and outline the
initial stages of the route map for the development of a specific city into a smart city. After the study, it became clear that the
concept of “smart city” is very broad, scientists are investing a huge number of parameters that characterize a smart city, but it
was possible to identify common characteristics. Also, the hypothesis was tested that the city’s urbanization should be oriented
towards the inhabitants of this city, i.е. implemented not by a single algorithm, but by an algorithm that is adapted to the needs
of a particular city. We proposed a methodology for the preparatory stage of the city’s self-mastering, which is based on expert
assessments by a prior ranking, includes 2 stages and which was tested on the example of Odessa (Ukraine). At the first stage,
the questionnaire contained questions about the six main characteristics of a smart city. At this stage three characteristics were
singled out, which are of particular concern to Odessa citizens and the second survey contained 36 clarifying questions only
for these three characteristics. The results allowed to distinguish 6 characteristics from which it is necessary to start Odessa’s
growth as a smart city.

Keywords: smart city, smart city concept, Kyiv Smart City 2020, Songdo, Masdar, Odessa, coefficient of concordance.

JEL Classіfіcatіon: I31, O18, O39.

Introduction subject of attention not only urbanites and sociologists,

but also representatives of business. The most advanced of
The concept of “smart cities” is gaining popularity over
them are convinced that the main consumer in the market
the last 10 years. That is why, at the beginning of the pre-
vious decade, the global IT-leaders have come to the smart of smart cities will be a citizen, surrounded by real-time
cities market and offer city governments comprehensive information services, is ready to pay for living in clean and
urban management solutions. In practice realize and scale safe neighborhoods, in energy-efficient buildings using af-
to different cities this integrated approach was not fully fordable and fast transportation. Consequently, the creation
implemented. So far smart city is a set of isolated vertical of the concept of smart city is one of the most urgent and
solutions. To integrate them on the basis of single digital debatable issues for the development of the infrastructure
platforms is an urgent and difficult task for business and of the entire city.
city authorities. Preliminary research has shown that at the moment
Today, smart city does not replace the development of there is a fairly large number of cities that can be considered
society with technological rearmament of the urban envi- a smart city. At the same time, they have many common
ronment. People’s participation in the processes of man- characteristics, but there are also unique, respectively, it was
agement, improvement, joint use of property becomes the previously revealed that there is no standard for measuring

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Business: Theory and Practice, 2018, 19: 228–241 229

urbanization. Thus, the main purpose of the study is to de- crowdsourced smart cities (Alizadeh 2018); Energy Saving
velop recommendations for starting the construction of a (Pan and Cheng 2018, Lu et al. 2018, Hou et al. 2018), Green
smart map for any city. The preliminary hypothesis consists technologies for Smart Cities (Zhou et al. 2018, Zhang et al.
of the following: the map of a city’s smartization is unique, 2018, Kai et al. 2018), Smart Governance (Gascó et al. 2016,
but is based on unified defined criteria, which need to be Razaghi and Finger 2018, Almeida et al. 2018, Zambonelli
identified by studying international experience. et al. 2018); sustainable urban transformation (Ernst et
After this introduction, we present a literature review. al. 2015); Smart Mobility (Nicolaї and Le Boennec 2018,
Later, we conduct the theoretical and empirical analysis. Geoffron 2017); Smart Society (Cifaldi and Serban 2018),
Then, we discuss the results. Finally, we present the con- Smart Healthcare (Cook et al. 2018, Venkatesh et al. 2018,
clusions. Chaudhary et al. 2018, Wang et al. 2018) and so on.
The term “smart city” can be interpreted broadly and
1. Literature review differently. But in any way, information and telecommuni-
cation technologies that help solve public problems within
Recently, many scientists discuss the concept of smart city, the framework of a multilateral partnership between citi-
both in general and locally, delving into specific aspects. zens, business and government (European Parliament 2014,
The paper “Smart Cities” by Betis et al. (2018) as well as Dyskina 2017) play a key role. This understanding dates
Edy Portmann et al. (2016), brought together recent inter- back to 1993 in the Silicon Valley, USA, where the concept
national research on one of the most challenging and mul- of “smart community” appeared. Such communities were
tidisciplinary subjects of present and future engineering, defined as any purposeful co-operation between businesses
architectural, medical, economic, information, and social and residents in terms of improving living and working
sciences: the smart city paradigm. The article aims to ana- conditions with the use of accessible information technolo-
lyze the features of “smart cities” and show how composed gies (Lindskog 1997).
current international technological trends in basic urban
infrastructure segments to be used in the future. Petar Solic
2. Methodology
et al. (2018) analyzed a set of papers that deal with a number
issues appearing in the process of moving towards building Scientific research is considered in continuous development
efficient smart cities architectures. Gathered technical con- and is based on the connection between theory and practi-
tributions went throughout standard review process with at ce (step-by-step methodology, as well as the relationship
least three reviews per paper. Total of 12 accepted contribu- between theory and practice, is shown in Figure 1). At the
tions are divided into three main groups; ranging from the first stage of the scientific work the research is conducted
hardware to the upper networking layers and finally ending in the theoretical direction. The authors solved the tasks
with application layer. Harish Kumar et al. (2018) explore all of this stage with the help of observation, measurement
the possible services among various city dimensions which and description.
can make a city smart. The ideas related to smart services Theoretical tasks were aimed at studying and identify-
are collected from the peer vetted creative crowdsourcing ing the causes, relationships, and dependencies that make
process performed online in India. it possible to establish the behavior of an object-the process
Many scientists have studied their cities (Achmad of building a smart city, to identify and study its charac-
et al. 2018, Woyke 2018, Bradbeer and Tsang 2018) and teristic features and features on the basis of the principles
countries (Pinheiro Junior and Cavalheiro 2017, Dias and and methods of cognition developed in science. Here the
Cacho 2018, Gómez-Expósito et al. 2018) on the subject use of axiomatic methods, systemic, structural-functional
of whether or not they are smart, which part corresponds analysis predominated. As a result of the knowledge, the
to the conventional indicators of smart city, what factors authors formulated a hypothesis: it is possible to single out
hinder the further development in this direction and which the main characteristics of a smart city, but in order to build
steps should be taken. a city map, it is necessary to coordinate the initial directions
In view of the fact that it is not always possible to evalu- with the inhabitants of this city.
ate all aspects of a smart city, some authors are deepening Theoretical cognitive tasks were formed in such a way
into one of the factors: explain the sustainable technologies that they could be tested empirically, which is carried out
that will make tomorrow’s smart cities pleasant places to at the second stage of the study. At this stage, statistical
live (Hammoudeh and Arioua 2018, Bardell 2018); Smart methods (questioning, poll), method of expert evaluations,
city readiness (Achmad et al. 2018); the developing a more mathematical modeling and for speeding up the process of
realistic and ultimately more practical smart city (Finger automated data processing prevailed.
and Razaghi 2016, Shahidehpour et al. 2018); ecosys- In particular, to test the hypothesis, a method of a priori
tems of smart city (Attour and Burger-Helmchen 2015); ranking of expert estimates was used. For this in two stages
230 I. Bashynska, A. Dyskina. The overview-analytical document of the international experience of building smart city

Figure 1. The schema of the methodology (source: authors 2018)

Table 1. The results of the conducted survey of residents of we conducted a survey of residents of Odessa online and
Odessa online and internally (source: authors 2018) internally. Table 1 presents the gender, age, and educational
Sample size Ppl. (%) attainment for the sample.
1 stage 396 At the first stage, the questionnaire contained ques-
Online 312 (78.7%) tions about the six main characteristics of a smart city. We
In a personal meeting 84 (21.3%) checked the results of the survey for consistency of opinions,
2 stage 594 using the concordance coefficient and the questionnaires
Online 398 (67.0%) were processed by the a priori ranking method using MS
In a personal meeting 196 (33.0%)
Excel (more details are considered below). At this stage,
Age (total for 2 stages)
three characteristics were singled out which are of most
concern to Odessa citizens and the second survey contained
10–18 8.4%
36 clarifying questions (both open and closed) only for these
18–28 14.6%
three characteristics, such as:
28–45 57.6%
– Do you consider the work of the City Hall transpar-
45–75 16.2%
No data 3.2%
– How do you assess the work of transport?
Education (total for 2 stages)
– You are satisfied with the quality (transport services,
Without education 10.1%
housing, health care, educational services, public
Specialized secondary 9.4%
and social services, etc., your option);
Incomplete higher education 21.4%
– You are satisfied with the state (cultural facilities,
Higher education 42.0%
health facilities, education facilities, etc., your op-
PhD 12.8%* tion);
No data 4.3% – Which of the following should be improved in the
Note: *The professional sphere of authors has slightly distorted first place (the condition of the beaches, road condi-
the sample around the city, because Surveys were conducted
among colleagues also. tions, etc., your option);
Business: Theory and Practice, 2018, 19: 228–241 231

– Which of the following should be allocated addi- and in the case of smart grandeur, creating a smart city hub,
tional funding (public transport renewal, housing research laboratories, open source data incubators, educa-
repair, repair of tourist facilities, video surveillance, tional centers, smart city schools and innovation education
etc., your option); (as in form both in terms of content), computer centers from
– Estimate from 0 to 10 the degree of coverage of the the smart grid and others.
city’s transport network, where 0 – public transport The innovation ecosystem should include three compo-
goes only along the main streets and avenues of the nents, namely education (research, progressive scientists),
city, 10 – by public transport you can get absolutely activation of innovations (implementation) and their output
to all the streets of the city and so on. on a broad market, that is, business. It is a prerequisite for the
We chose certain questions so that you can see that they transformation of the city in a smart city. Thus, innovative
were clear, varied, some overlapping. A large part of the ecosystem allows the city to become more competitive and
questions also implied the statement of personal opinion, comfortable for residents. There are some smart conditions
so as not to miss important details. To bring the entire list in Kyiv, namely the presence of a significant number of edu-
of questions is not necessary, because he is second-rate. cational centers, an environment for innovation (cowork-
The processing of the results was carried out in a similar ings and first incubators), 90,000 registered IT outsourcing
manner to the first stage and allowed to distinguish 6 char- companies, but this still needs further development.
acteristics from which it is necessary to start the Odessa’s The second direction is extremely important, which
dismantling. emphasizes the majority of sociological surveys – this is
a matter of transforming city management. The fact that
2.1. Theoretical direction the concept of Smart city – is not only the introduction
2.1.1. The international experience of building smart city of e-services, but also qualitative change in management
In Ukraine, the term “smart city” is also gaining momen- (Mutiara et al. 2018). The strategic approach to Smart city
tum. In November 2013 the seventh time in Kiev hosted concept is when the problems are solved by increasing the
the International Forum of smart-city and exhibition under managerial and technological level, which means finding
the same name. The forum considered new approaches to solutions, new design and reengineering processes along
urban development, security, ecology, housing and trans- with technological solutions, namely:
port infrastructure, and social sphere. The exhibition pre- 1. Urban data – the organization of data collection
sented the latest technologies of intellectual construction, should become the center for turning the city into
leading world technologies, equipment and solutions in the a smart city and the basis for the introduction and
context of the entire city. The concept of Kyiv Smart City development of new management processes, models
2020 (2017) development provides the following key areas: and functions. All smart grids are closely linked to
– improving the quality of life of citizens; ICT, but these devices are worthless without a well-
– modernization of physical and technological infra- established data management;
structure development of the city; 2. Development of integrated and open IT infrastruc-
– use of technologies for effective city management; ture of the city;
– compliance with environmental standards, sustain- 3. Integration of management systems and the creation
able economic development and social inclusion; of integrated services and solutions (not just the au-
– active public involvement. tomation of existing ones) – that is, the introduc-
The concept of Kyiv Smart City was created on the basis tion of the principle of managerial interoperability
of the British Institute of Standards methodology. The docu- beyond the technical;
ment suggests the city’s vision of smart city, which includes 4. Development of partnership and cooperation be-
important conceptual foundations of smart city that distin- tween the city government, businesses and citizens
guish cities from cities that are engaged in the introduction to develop modern services, improving them based
of electronic services or automation processes. on clear KPIs.
Thus, the first step towards building the concept of Kyiv The third step towards building a Kyiv smart city con-
Smart city is that Kyiv must become an innovative city, that cept – without which no “smart city” in the world can do – is
is, it will be aimed at creating an innovative ecosystem of involving citizens in managing the city. According to soci-
the city, which combines territorial communities aimed at ology in the capital, there is a very high demand for public
collective actions in the field of creating knowledge flows, participation and it is no coincidence that the e-petition
support for technological development and commercializa- and e-budgeting service that is already operating in Kyiv is
tion of innovations. developing so actively. Smart City is a city of smart citizens.
In practice, this is a combination of inventors, incuba- That is why it is not only a matter of developing democracy-
tors, venture business and intellectual property institutions, based e-formats. But as proposed in the concept, creating
232 I. Bashynska, A. Dyskina. The overview-analytical document of the international experience of building smart city

a wide range of opportunities for citizens to participate in A smart city is strategically suited to the development
city management. For example, the creation of special work- of these six areas, while wisely utilizing the resources and
ing groups on e-government, anti-corruption council and activity of its residents, acting consciously and independent-
public information. In modern cities around the world, any ly. The authors of the definition emphasize that the main
tools are used to engage citizens in strategic processes and thing – to maintain the integrated principle of development
decision-making, assessing the quality of services and the and the list of components given – is not exhaustive.
work of officials. The definition of the European Parliament (2014) is
The fourth component of the Kyiv Smart city concept based on the same six points. According to him, a smart
is transforming the city into a comfortable and modern city seeks to solve social problems, using IT solutions in the
one, but it is about quality of life here and the city’s com- activities of various municipal entities and their partner-
pliance with the international standards proposed for the ships (Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine 2014). At the
implementation of ISO 37120. To do this, key priorities were same time, the European Parliament points to the prob-
identified, as a result of a survey of key groups of influence in lematic context: smart cities are seen as responses to the
the city were identified: representatives of the departments challenges of large-scale urbanization (overpopulation,
of the Kyiv city state administration, business, the public energy consumption, resource allocation, environmental
and the IT community. The polls confirm that Ukraine is protection). Cities are turning into strategic points for ad-
far behind the modern European and successful cities of dressing poverty and inequality, unemployment and energy
the world. flows management.
A very important aspect for introducing the concept By definition of community and forum “Global smart
of Kyiv Smart city is the need to appeal to international cities” (World Smart city 2016), created by the International
experience and expert organizations, as well as search for Organization for Standardization (ISO), International
resources for investing in Kyiv Smart city concept in inter- Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International
national markets, EU funds and special programs. In fact, Telecommunication Union (ITU), smart city is sustainable
it is necessary to create an external innovation ecosystem and resilient. Sustainability implies that current needs can
around Kiev, the city must go to the international Smart city be met without undermining the opportunities of future
environment, which is very actively developing, growing generations – in the environmental, social and economic
and becoming competitive. aspects. Resilient means that the city is successfully adapting
In today’s discussions at the international level, the con- to changing conditions that exist.
cept of a smart city is not confined only to technologies as Smart city in its best, according to international orga-
the main factor of development. Truly smart are cities that nizations is:
create conditions for the growth of human capital. The more – male-centric (focused on people, businesses, work-
these opportunities and the more favorable the environ- ers, tourists, etc.);
ment, the smarter the city. This approach was the basis of the – well managed;
European vision of a smart city and was described in 2007 – accessible and open (for all people and new ideas);
by the Center for Regional Science of the Vienna University – discloses data about its activities;
of Technology, which is presented in Table 2. – protects personal data;

Table 2. Characteristics of a smart city (source: author 2018)

3. Smart people
1. Smart environ­ment 2. Smart living 4. Smart economy 5. Smart mobility 6. Smart governance
(social and human
(natural resources) (quality of life) (competitiveness) (transport and ICT) (participation)
1.1. Attractivity of 2.1. Cultural 3.1. Level of 4.1. Innovative 5.1. Local 6.1. Participation in
natural conditions facilities qualification spirit accessibility decision-making
1.2. Pollution 2.2. Health 3.2. Affinity to life 4.2. Entrepre­ 5.2. (Inter-) national 6.2. Public and
1.3. Environmental conditions long learning neurship accessibility social services
protection 2.3. Individual 3.3. Social and 4.3. Economic 5.3. Availability of 6.3. Transparent
1.4. Sustainable safety ethnic plurality image & trade- ICT-infrastructure governance
resource 2.4. Housing 3.4. Flexibility marks 5.4. Sustainable, 6.4. Political strate-
management quality 3.5. Creativity 4.4. Productivity innovative and safe gies & perspectives
2.5. Education 3.6. Cosmopo­ 4.5. Flexibility of transport systems
facilities litanism/ Open- labour market
2.6. Touristic mindedness 4.6. International
attractivity 3.7. Participation in embeddedness
2.7. Social public life 4.7. Ability to
cohesion transform
Business: Theory and Practice, 2018, 19: 228–241 233

– based on integrated services and infrastructure; 2.1.2. Stages of development of the concept of smart city
– proactive in the education and development of citi- World practice allows distinguishing three conditional pha-
zens. ses of formation of smart cities, reflecting the change of key
The technological aspect of Smart city is reflected in technologies and types of projects under implementation
the definition of IBM (2010) and the company has be- (Table 4).
come one of the leading promoters of the concept of Smart To date, there are already concepts about the reference
city. The leader of the global IT-market considers smart architecture of a smart city, and within the framework of
city as “instrumented, interconnected and intellectual”. individual projects worked out critical technologies. There
“Instrumented” means the ability to get different data on is a need to exit isolated vertical projects to common plat-
urban life and infrastructure in real time with sensors, mea- forms that provide access to data and provide all the security
suring devices, personal devices. “Interconnected” points to requirements. This approach, according to the European
the ability to integrate data on digital platforms, providing ideologues Smart city, will provide a transition from “digi-
universal access to various city services. “Intelligent” refers
tal” bridge to a truly intelligent.
to the processing of the information obtained through the
Smart cities of the first phase of the development of the
services of advanced analytics, modeling, optimization and
concept of smart city include those that were reduced from
visualization in order to make the best decisions.
scratch by big players in the IT industry. The purpose of the
Only in Europe there are more than 240 cities claiming
management companies was to test the solutions devel-
the status of smart according to Top 5 smartest Smart Cities
oped. According to plans, the new city was completely built
in the world (2017). It is difficult to estimate their exact
up with smart buildings, intelligent energy and transport
number, since the only criteria for assigning cities to the
networks were built. Examples of Smart city 1.0 – Masdar
category Smart is not developed. Existing ratings present
(UAE) and Songdo (South Korea).
both socio-economic indicators of the effectiveness of inno-
The full name of Songdo is Songdo International
vations, as well as the degree of availability of technological
Business District. The project was conceived in the mid-
1990s by the industrial giant Daewoo, and was later re-
The implementation of “Smart City” projects has
deemed by the American developer Gale International
prompted research institutions to develop Smart city mea-
and the South Korean company POSCO E & C. The proj-
surement indexes, the most popular of which are presented
in Table 3. ect has been officially launched since 2001, with about $
Analyzing the data presented, we can draw the following 35 billion invested; now it is completed at 70% (Shapiro
conclusion that it is often impossible to find the necessary 2015). Network equipment for the city has been developed
indicators at the city level (most of them available at the re- by Cisco. A central control node is created, which, based
gional level), therefore, researchers have to use average val- on the received data (RFID tags, sensors), regulates traffic
ues; with most indices it is impossible to work dynamically, flows and energy flows.
to compare indicators for different years, due to changes in Transport model of the city so that residents could aban-
methodology and the number of countries participating in don the car, any place can be reached in 15 minutes, 25 km
the study; most research is based on the processing of large paved bicycle paths, buses and subways. At the same time,
cities (usually capitals), avoiding the middle and small cities. numerous charging stations for hybrid and electric vehicles

Table 3. Indices of measurement of “smart cities” (source: Arcadis and the Center... 2016, Cities Economy General Urban Go-
vernance IESE... 2017, Ericsson 2017, City Prosperity Initiative 2017)
Indices of Responsible Year / Number of
Measurement Criteria
measurement organization Frequency cities
Arcadis and Center
Arcadis sustaina- for Academic and 3 categories: social (people), ecological (planet) and eco-
2015 / annually 100
ble city index Business Research nomic (profit).
10 key areas: economics, human capital, technology, envi-
Cities in motion Spanish Business ronment, international advocacy, social cohesion, mobility
2013 / annually 180
index School IESE and transport, governance, urban planning and public
Networked society 4 characteristics: sustainability, cooperation, participation
Ericsson 2011 / annually 41
city index and mobility.
6 categories: productivity, infrastructure development,
City prosperity
UN-Habitat 2012 60 quality of life, social engagement, environmental sustaina-
bility, governance and legislation.
234 I. Bashynska, A. Dyskina. The overview-analytical document of the international experience of building smart city

Table 4. Stages of development of the concept of smart city (source: authors 2018)
Criteria Smart city 1.0 Smart city 2.0 Smart city 3.0
GIS-Informing. Semantic networks, aggregated data, open source data
Smart Networks, Wireless
Networks and Leading terrestrial for pattern recognition, generation of alerts, visuali-
Internet Access Points, 3G / 4G,
communication communication zation of information, predictive analytics (semantic
Wireless Broadband Services
channels web, predictive analytics)
Centralized moni- Intelligent transport (hybrid
Related transport (renewable energy for transport) –
toring and trans- systems for transport) – automa-
Transport unmanned control, autonomous service (Connected
port management ted traffic management systems
transport, autonomous vehicle)
systems (intelligence transport, GIS map)
Internet of Things: integration Ubiquitous computing of collected data (introduction
Vertical isolated of sensor and identification of microprocessor controllers in a variety of types of
Data processing data acquisition technologies and standards and household and industrial equipment). Cloud compu-
and storage system based on protocols between machine inte- ting, sensor networks in combination with Web 2.0,
RFID-technology ractions. Computer Computing social networks, crowdsourcing platforms for collective
and Analysis (Big Data) computing.
Electronic Electronic payment Urban service platforms (e-par- Standardization of urban services platforms based on
services of city services king, e-ticketing, e-commerce) the Internet of things
Sustainable inf- Smart Networks, Wireless
rastructure and Internet Access Points, 3G / 4G, Intelligent automated buildings and infrastructure
buildings Wireless Broadband Services
Building design CAD BIM 1.0 (3D, visualization) BIM 2.0, 3.0 (Intelligent building, simulation)

are installed in the city, and a free parking place for low- Consequently, the technological successes of Songdo
emission vehicles is organized. are so great that they affect many scientists. However, they
Thanks to automation in Songdo, an efficient energy do not quite meet the goals of the city to attract global com-
grid, adapted to changes in demand, has been formed. panies and employees from around the world. It was with
Energy consumption in each building has decreased by 30%, this calculation that the city was built from the city directly
since special glass allows to save on cooling of premises, to the airport in Incheon, the largest transport hub in the
install only LED lighting devices, use alternative sources country. But while in the business quarter there are 36,000
of energy, and exhaust hot water heats up technical and people, 90000 live in Great Songdo, and 99% of people who
residential premises. have bought housing in the city are Koreans (Smart city of
An entire system of water saving solutions is devel- the future – Songdo (South Korea) – 2016). Young fami-
oped. Rainwater is watered by street vegetation, washing lies come here because high schools are opened in the city.
streets. The sewage and water of the city canal are cleaned Songdo is not as comfortable for the life of the city. It is not
and also reused. Rooftop vegetation reduces storm drains; so popular with the employees: the company employees do
it absorbs sunlight and uses it for photosynthesis, cooling not like the “Stone Jungle” business district. The old model
the surrounding air. As a result, clean water consumption of infrastructure is also noted: there are no speed trains
in Songdo is approximately 10 times lower than in con- going between Songdo and Seoul towns, the city connects
ventional cities. An entire system of water saving solutions the usual route. However, office space is already occupied by
is developed. Rainwater is watered by street vegetation, 70%. The management of Gale International believes that it
washing streets. The sewage and water of the city canal are will have to economically stimulate companies to move to
cleaned and also reused. Rooftop vegetation reduces storm Songdo city (Chronicle of events from… 2017).
drains; it absorbs sunlight and uses it for photosynthesis, The “Green” city of Masdar was designed in 2008 in
cooling the surrounding air. As a result, clean water con- accordance with the plan for the development of the non-
sumption in Songdo is approximately 10 times lower than raw materials industries of the United Arab Emirates. City,
in conventional cities. occupying 6 square. km near the capital and the interna-
Gale International – a major shareholder and investor tional airport, there should not have been any emissions
Songdo project – plans to extend such projects throughout in the atmosphere at all. The project was estimated at 22
Asia, and will be sold model of the city entirely. billion dollars, partly invested in it by the state-owned
In 2013, along with the city of Changsha, China be- company Mubadala (The Arab world. Ecologically clean
gan construction of the first appearance of Songdo city. city of the future – Masdar in the UAE 2017). The project
Municipalities of Chinese cities Chongqing and Dalian was developed by the British architectural firm Foster and
have also agreed with Gale International on the creation of Partners. According architects, in order to provide envi-
similar cities (Bondarev 2016). ronmental cleanliness, city electric vehicles should be used.
Business: Theory and Practice, 2018, 19: 228–241 235

The buildings were designed to give a natural shadow; on – Smart + Connected City Lighting – Smart City
the street mounted controllers that support a comfort- Lighting:
able temperature regime and allow you to save on cooling. – Smart + Connected City Operations Centre –
About 400 companies, including Siemens, Mitsubishi Heavy Information Centre.
Industries, GE Ecomagination partners and others, placed Also, in addition to mobile access, citizens can use the
in the business quarter, but mostly their presence there for- services of information booths, interactive displays. So,
mally. There are about 2000 people working in the office such a system provides working spaces, cloud platforms,
buildings, and only 300 students of the Masdar Institute of test tools, smart devices, interfaces for access to municipal
Science and Technology always live in the city. The com- data and marketing resources, and advises startups and
pletion of the Maydar project shifted to 2030 (Goldenberg small companies.
2016). However, such plans for developers were hampered Since 2012, the Municipal Institute of Informatics
by the economic crisis and recession. Many potential inves- (IMI) of Barcelona has developed the Sentilo platform. It
tors have decided to postpone funding. As a result, by 2016, allows different sensor systems on urban infrastructure to
construction is completed only by 5%. The route for autono- exchange data. Sentilo is designed to further enhance the
mous vehicles had to consist of 100 stops, of which only two reach of devices and make functional add-ons.
appeared. There is a station where you can rent bicycles – but Platform services are based on data from 9 thousand
to the nearest city, Abu Dhabi, 16 kilometers, and cycling sensors that are located throughout the city and fix:
paths are not built. In addition, managers announced that – air temperature;
the original idea of total absence of emissions can not be – noise level;
realized. Unfortunately, today only 50% of emission reduc- – the level of loading of containers for garbage;
tions have been achieved compared to other UAE cities. – level of loading of parking space;
So, Smart City 1.0 is a municipality that maximizes the – traffic;
use of advanced technologies as a tool for viability, stabil- – water level in reservoirs;
ity and control. These cities are often criticized for their – electricity consumption;
technological orientation and the influential role of large – gas consumption;
corporations such as IBM and CISCO. – moistening the soil.
For the Smart city 2.0, a comprehensive strategic vision The project is being implemented with the participa-
of the city’s development is becoming an important part. For tion of a wide range of industry partners. Most companies
such projects, close cooperation between the city adminis- are suppliers of equipment and ready-made solutions that
tration and a large technological company is required. The can be applied to project tasks. Several firms integrate their
key trend – the introduction of integrated urban infrastruc- software with services available on the Sentilo platform.
ture management systems that would allow monitoring and The Rio de Janeiro municipality has launched a joint
dispatching of critical facilities, envisaged the emergence project with IBM to implement a monitoring system to
of threats. With such solutions, network managers move to prevent shifts in favelas located on the slopes of the hills.
a new level of management, and new types of services for In the future, a full-fledged operation center was created on
citizens appear. the basis of the information platform. It not only foresaw
An example of the introduction of Smart city 2.0 is the the weather, but also received data from all departments,
cities of Busan (South Korea), Barcelona (Spain) and Brazil allowing them to respond to emergency situations of any
(Rio de Janeiro). type, including crimes and accidents. IBM notes that in
Busan City Hall, in partnership with Cisco, five local the project, the company was not only a developer and
universities and the City Center for Mobile Application service provider, but a full-fledged advisor to the measure.
Development, has launched a security and monitoring sys- Solutions tried out in Rio are supposed to be sold to other
tem. The system operates on the basis of AGM’s CityMind cities (Linsday 2010).
platform and allows you to analyze video images, detect Thus, Smart city 2.0 is appropriate if the technology tools
patterns for analytics. According to Report Technologies are specifically designed to address problems such as pol-
for smart cities (2017) the complex of software solutions lution, sanitation, health and transport, in agreement with
includes: their citizens. Unfortunately, the participation of citizens
– Smart + Connected City Safety and Security – Street in the formal structure and decision-making meetings is
Surveillance; imperfect and calls only a small minority.
– Smart + Connected City Traffic – Road Traffic So, the next generation of “smart cities” addresses the
Monitoring; tasks of social inclusion, ensuring equal access to technolo-
– Smart + Connected City Parking – intelligent park- gies, as well as budget savings and environmental protec-
ing space; tion. Citizens actively participate in local projects – share
236 I. Bashynska, A. Dyskina. The overview-analytical document of the international experience of building smart city

thoughts, complement the data of city services. For example, to a standstill in 25 years, the company remains in a win.
in the cities of the future inhabitants, having measured the The initiative was popular – all panels for two solar panels
air quality in playgrounds or in the whole area, agree joint in the Leopoldau and Donaustadt districts were sold out
efforts on additional landscaping and new pedestrian zones. for a week, and two more stations were later constructed
Answering the challenges of the previous stage of devel- in this way.
opment, Smart City 3.0 claims the principle that a smart city Thus, at the third stage, a reasonable city as a community
can not exist without a reasonable village. Projects extend of citizens not only follows the administration’s instructions,
to the countryside: “Cities of the Future” in Japan tracks but also independently organizes local projects. In order
crop harvesting in surrounding areas, Smart Grids extend for this system to work successfully, it is necessary to invest
beyond the city to balance the flow of resources between in a new type of infrastructure (Wi-Fi network, available
the city and the countryside. high-speed connection), to formulate a special investment
Another feature of “City 3.0” – maximum reuse of re- policy, to control social inequality and to support broad
sources and common consumer products. The reference public debate
points of the “multi-turnaround economy” are points of Having considered the development stages of the Smart
exchange of bicycles, places where you can take repair tools city concept, it can be argued that executives and suppli-
and other examples of this kind. ers of cities recognize that there should be a clearer and
A number of such initiatives in the field of smart govern- quicker path to wider implementation of proven technolo-
ment are implemented in London: gies and solutions. We need to understand how to set the
1. Community Talk London – an internet portal where right business models and deployment strategies to ensure
discussions, polls, Q & A sessions, focus groups are this expansion. At the same time urban strategy increas-
held (Zinchenko 2018). The themes range from ingly emphasizes sustainability and climate adaptation and
simplifying the rental sector to the safety of cyclists. focuses on the development of smart city that is relevant
Policies consult with citizens to assess the effective- to people and their everyday lives. According to Navigant
ness and relevance of the proposed activities in vari- Research, global intellectual property revenue is expected
ous urban communities. When registering on the to increase from $ 36.8 billion in 2016 to $ 88.7 billion by
portal, some information about the citizens is col- 2025. Consequently, the concept of a smart city is not only
lected, which allows, for example, to invite certain implemented within the framework of point projects, but
groups of the population to join the discussion. also included in strategic plans for the development of large
2. London Datastore opens over 500 datasets provides cities. Digital innovations become road maps to increase
data on various aspects of urban life, and London human capital and technological breakthroughs through-
Dashboard visualizes the statistics. out the city.
3. The Listen London platform collects user comments
about political initiatives. 2.2. The empirical part
4. The Team London platform, funded by the 2.2.1. Results and discussion
Technology Strategy Board, organizes small volun- In our opinion, the road map for the development of a
teer projects and employment projects for young “smart city” for Ukraine has the following way of imple-
people. menting the concept.
5. London Schools Atlas interactively displays detailed First, cities should study their society. Success is im-
information on all London schools, including at- possible without purpose, therefore it is necessary to study
tending classes, on the map, and also forecasts how the needs of citizens and business, their interests, unique
many boys will qualify for school in the coming features, way of thinking, level of education, age structure,
years. etc., in order to understand why the population needs a
Vienna regularly occupies top lines in the annual rank- “smart city”, which they want to see and what it must change
ing of smart cities. Continuing to develop infrastructure in their environment.
projects, the city also launched a number of projects of an- Secondly, when it is determined “why”, it is necessary
other type. For example, in partnership with the local power to work out a strategy “how” to implement the concept.
company Wien Energy, the Vienna administration involves Namely, how will the initiatives of the “smart city” be dis-
citizens as investors in solar power plants. This is consistent tributed, what are the functions and objectives of such a
with the goals of renewable energy development that the policy? The implementation of such a strategy requires a
city plans to achieve by 2050 (Mason 2015). “smart government”.
Citizens can pay a whole solar panel or half of it, and Thirdly, the benefits of a “smart city” are aimed, first of
then Wien Energy “rent” the panel and annually pays 3.1% all, at the population, on improving its living conditions.
of the purchase price to citizens. Since these panels come Therefore, the idea should be supported by citizens. They
Business: Theory and Practice, 2018, 19: 228–241 237

should be interested in its development, implementation 10. 6.3) Transparent governance

and continuous work on their involvement in the process. 11. 6.4) Political strategies & perspectives
We propose a mechanism to identify the needs of so- 12. 5.1) Local accessibility
ciety by the example of the city of Odessa (Ukraine) using 13. 5.2) (Inter-)national accessibility
the priori ranking method (Bashynska 2015, Tanashchuk 14. 5.3) Availability of ICT-infrastructure
et al. 2018). Advantage of the method is in its simplicity 15. 5.4) Sustainable, innovative and safe transport sys-
and transparency. In our case, a white-held survey of 990 tems
people, 710 people were interviewed online and 280 in- Next, we use the processing algorithm (Bashynska 2016)
person. Women – 60%, age – from 10 to 75 years. All data and determine the coefficient of significance of each fac-
was immediately transferred to MS Excel to speed up the tor, established in general for the group of experts by the
data processing process (the online survey was conducted formula:
using a tablet, online using Google Forms). The way is simi- (1)
lar with Harish Kumar et al. (2018)
The survey took place in two stages: first, the main signs Determine the normative coefficient of significance Sf,
for the smart grid for the population were identified (6 main which is defined as the magnitude of the inverse number
characteristics from Table 2): 1) Smart environment; 2) of ranked factors:
Smart living; 3) Smart people; 4) Smart economy; 5) Smart
mobility; 6) Smart governance.
The research found that for the inhabitants of Odessa Thus, in our case, the factors for which the value of the
the main factors (those that need to be developed in the coefficient of significance is equal to or greater than the nor-
first) are three: 2) Smart living, 5) Smart governance and 6) mative coefficient (0.0667) will be considered significant.
Smart mobility. Thus, in the second stage, 15 factors were Summarize results in a Table 6.
ranked (Table 5): Then using MS Excel check whether there are any re-
1. 2.1) Cultural facilities lated (equally) evaluations in the experts’ statements (they
2. 2.2) Health conditions should not be, under the condition of using the algorithm).
3. 2.3) Individual safety Calculate the coefficient of concordance:
4. 2.4) Housing quality
5. 2.5) Education facilities
6. 2.6) Touristic attractivity
7. 2.7) Social cohesion
8. 6.1) Participation in decision-making
9. 6.2) Public and social services

Table 5. Matrix of expert assessments (fragment) (source: authors 2018)

Expert Factor number (n)

number (m) 1 2 3 4 5 … 15
1 15 5 4 6 10 … 2 120
2 15 6 5 4 8 … 1 120
3 14 6 9 10 8 … 2 120
4 13 5 4 10 9 … 3 120
5 14 5 4 6 8 … 2 120
6 13 9 4 15 6 … 3 120
7 11 6 5 4 8 … 2 120
8 15 5 7 8 9 … 3 120
9 15 7 5 11 10 … 1 120
10 7 9 4 6 10 … 2 120
11 11 6 4 5 8 … 2 120
12 11 5 4 6 8 … 3 120
13 15 6 5 4 9 … 3 120
… … … … … … … … 120
990 8 12 11 13 14 … 2 120
Table 6. Integrated matrix of expert assessments (fragment) (source: authors 2018)

Expert Factor number (n)

number Si
(m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 15 5 4 6 10 7 9 1 3 8 11 13 14 12 2 120
2 15 6 5 4 8 7 10 2 3 9 12 14 11 13 1 120
3 14 6 9 10 8 4 5 1 3 7 12 11 13 15 2 120
4 13 5 4 10 9 7 8 1 2 6 15 12 14 11 3 120
5 14 5 4 6 8 7 10 1 3 9 12 13 11 15 2 120
6 13 9 4 15 6 7 10 5 1 8 12 11 14 2 3 120
7 11 6 5 4 8 7 9 1 3 10 13 14 15 12 2 120
8 15 5 7 8 9 4 10 2 1 6 14 11 12 13 3 120
9 15 7 5 11 10 4 9 3 2 8 13 12 14 6 1 120
10 7 9 4 6 10 5 8 1 3 14 12 13 15 11 2 120
11 11 6 4 5 8 7 9 1 3 10 14 12 15 13 2 120
12 11 5 4 6 8 7 10 1 2 9 13 15 12 14 3 120
13 15 6 5 4 9 7 10 1 2 8 12 11 13 14 3 120
14 12 5 7 8 4 6 10 3 2 9 13 15 11 14 1 120
15 5 8 2 7 9 6 13 4 3 10 11 14 12 15 1 120
16 10 15 7 5 11 3 2 8 13 12 14 6 1 9 4 120
17 15 6 5 4 8 7 10 2 3 9 12 14 11 13 1 120
18 14 6 9 10 8 4 5 1 3 7 12 11 13 15 2 120
19 10 8 4 14 6 9 5 1 3 7 12 15 2 11 13 120
20 10 5 4 6 14 7 1 8 3 9 12 13 11 15 2 120
… … … … … … … … …
990 8 12 11 13 14 3 15 6 5 4 9 7 10 1 2 120
Sj 13201 5839 4866 7285 8208 6047 8897 1879 2396 8330 12467 12573 12884 11860 2068 ≈118800
(Sj-Sav)2 27888961 4330561 9326916 403225 82944 3508129 954529 36493681 30514576 168100 20675209 21650409 24641296 15523600 34245904 230408040
m*n-Sj 1649 9011 9984 7565 6642 8803 5953 12971 12454 6520 2383 2277 1966 2990 12782 х
Kj 0,0159 0,0867 0,0960 0,0728 0,0639 0,0847 0,0573 0,1248 0,1198 0,0627 0,0229 0,0219 0,0189 0,0288 0,1230 х
Place 15 5 4 7 8 6 10 1 3 9 12 13 14 11 2
I. Bashynska, A. Dyskina. The overview-analytical document of the international experience of building smart city
Business: Theory and Practice, 2018, 19: 228–241 239

With a coefficient equal to zero, there is no consistency Ukrainian cities. However, due to the fact that at the first
of opinion; with a coefficient equal to one, – the highest stage we identified the characteristics of a smart city based
level of consistency. So it is checked whether the hypothesis on world experience, the first stage of the empirical research
about agreement between experts is accepted and whether can be used for other cities and countries. The results of this
it is possible to trust the results of the questionnaire of the stage by themselves suggest that for the second stage, the
expert group. residents will be selected characteristics reflecting national
In our case, the coefficient is quite high, so we can ac- specialties.
cept the results. As part of further research, we consider the promis-
Analysing Table 6, we can draw the following conclu- ing direction in developing technologies for cities, namely,
sions: residents of the city of Odessa find the following fac- their synergetic effect. So one technology is cheaper, but
tors the most important for the beginning the smartization the second one allows to solve at once 2–3 problems of the
(presented in descending order): Participation in decision- city, and the third, for example, is absolutely safe. It is the
making, Sustainable, innovative and safe transport systems, development of an algorithm for selecting such technologies
Public and social services, Individual safety, Health condi- or a technique for calculating their applicability and syn-
tions and Touristic attractivity. Accordingly, the city’s lead- ergetic effect, which will be an important step in the search
ership should focus on these characteristics, what will allow for a universal algorithm for smartization, as far as possible.
the government to enlist the support of citizens.
It is worth noting once again that such a procedure Acknowledgements
should be carried out in every city, because for example,
Odessa consider the attraction of tourists an important fac- The authors are thankful for the unconditional support
tor that will not be typical of other, non-recreational cities. received from DEcon, prof. Filyppova Svitlana.
Thus, the hypothesis was confirmed: the map of a city’s The research was supported by the Ministry of Education
smartization is unique, but is based on unified defined cri- and Science of Ukraine (0017U003804).
teria. In order to develop it, it is first needed to conduct a
survey of city residents (by the proposed method), which Author contributions
will firstly secure their support and the process of smartiza-
The authors contributed equally.
tion will go faster, and secondly, it will reveal unique char-
acteristics of the city.
Disclosure statement

Conclusions The authors do not have any conflict of interest.

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