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Compiled by Group VI

Class I.B

The name of the member :

Annisa Melvina 181110046
Dinda Ayu Rahma 181110049
Elfiana 181110051
Fauziah Ninda Putri 181110054
Geby Dwi Sari 181110056
Varah Robinson 181110079

Lecturer :




Praise gratitude the author pronounced Allah SWT presence which has bestowed his
grace and grace so that the writer can finish this paper just in time. This paper aims to fulfill the
task of an English course entitled "Flood".

In the preparation of this paper, the authors get much help and encouragement from
various parties. Thus, the authors express their gratitude and hope that the help given gets a
worthy reply from Allah SWT Amen.

The author realizes that the preparation of this paper still lacks and the authors expect
criticism and suggestions for improvement in the future. Hopefully this paper is useful for
readers and writers.

Padang,6 September 2018

Group VI


FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................. i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ ii
A. Background ...................................................................................................................1
B. Problem Formulation ....................................................................................................1
C. Purpose...........................................................................................................................1
A. Definition of Flood .......................................................................................................2
B. Types of Flood ..............................................................................................................2
C. Cause of Flood ..............................................................................................................3
D. Negative Impacts From Floods .....................................................................................4
E. Flood Mitigation Measures ...........................................................................................5
A. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................7
B. Suggestions ...................................................................................................................7


A. Background
Floods are the inundation and terrain events (which are usually dry) due to the
increased volume of water. Almost all countries in the world experience flooding problems,
not least in developed countries though.
The cause of flooding is usually due to high rainfall, lower soil surface compared to sea
level, settlements that build on the plains along the river or times, the presence of garbage so
that the river flow is not smooth.
At the present time the people no longer care about the environment in which they live.
This is seen from the less people who care about environmental sustainability. Many people

who still throw garbage carelessly also defoliate the forest. Destroying the environment or
exploiting the environment can cause excessive flooding.
Based on the circumstances and circumstances in the environment, we compiled this
paper so that the public has its own awareness that maintaining cleanliness and
environmental sustainability is very important.

B. Problem Formulation
Based on the purpose of the above papers, the problems discussed can be formulated as
1. What is flood understanding?
2. What causes flooding?
3. What is the impact of flooding?
4. How to cope with flooding?

C. Purpose
The objectives of this paper are:
1. To find out the cause of the flood
2. know the impact of the flood
3. For know how to cope flood

A. Definition of Flood
Based on the Decree of SNI M-18-1989-F (1989) in Suparta 2004, flooding is a relatively
high flow of water, and is not accommodated by river channels or channels. Then in the Class
XI Geography Book written by Nurmala Dewi in 2007, flooding was the event of a flooded
area by water, both rainwater, river water, and tide. Based on these two notions, we conclude
that flooding is the flow of rivers or sewers that overflow because the river or ditch is unable
to withstand the flow of water.
Flooding is a land-immersed event by water. Flood events occur when water is
inundated by dry land. Flooding is generally caused by river water that overflows into the

surrounding environment as a result of high rainfall. The flood power is capable of destroying
homes and sweeping the foundations.
B. Types of Flood
Based on the source of water that became a reservoir on earth, the type of floods are divided
into three, namely river flood, lake flood, and sea tidal flood.
1. River Flood
Occurs because the river water overflows. Example when the river flood Citarum
Karawang, West Java. Below is the data from the example of river flooding. The Citarum
River flood is widespread on Wednesday (24/3), soaking 10 districts with 15,510 houses in
Kabupaten Karawang, West Java. A day earlier, nine districts with 9,561 houses were
submerged as high as an average of three meters.
2. Lake Flood
Occurs because the lake water overflows or dam collapsed. An example of a lake
flood was a flood when it hit gintung in 2009.
3. Tidal floods
Occurs among others due to storms and earthquakes. Below is the data from tidal
flood samples.

C. Cause of Flood
1. environmental damage, marked by an increase in the average temperature of the
atmosphere, the sea and the earth's land (global warming). The condition of the warming
earth causes climate change to become increasingly unstable. The impact of climate
change on Indonesia can be felt by the increasingly dry dry season and the higher
intensity of rainwater in the rainy season. Rising sea level is due to melting polar ice
plains that immediately make coastal abrasion faster. Both of these natural phenomena
make the setting of land that is usually dry and can be inhabited by humans or commonly
known as the flood.
2. environmental management system. Environmental management increasingly influences
the presence of flood disasters, along with the tendency for urban areas to increase. The

denser population, especially in urban areas, has an impact on increasing demand.
Widespread residential areas have a direct effect on the reduction of water catchment
areas, because almost all of the land surface is replaced with asphalt or concrete. This
condition is worsened by the arrangement of buildings and areas that do not pay attention
to the drainage system. Lack of availability of trees that can function as water infiltration
is an increasingly perfect combination to bring floods.
3. human. The difference between the village and the city, apart from being seen from the
density level, is the pattern of life. People in the village are more able to be friends with
the surrounding nature while in the city often ignore environmental aspects. The proof is
that in big cities, high-rise buildings and concrete roads displace water catchment lands,
increase malls rather than build rivers.
4. flooding occurs because the flow of the river water is very high to exceed the capacity of
the river channel and then overflows into the surrounding area. High river water
discharge occurs due to high rainfall. Flooding can also occur due to human error by
dumping garbage in rivers and other water channels, poor management of upstream areas,
and poor drainage management. In the hydrological cycle, the upstream area is actually a
water catchment area. Poor upstream area management causes a lot of water to flow as
surface water which can cause flooding. Poor drainage management is related to the
development of residential areas or other activities. Due to poor drainage, surface water
cannot flow properly so that it becomes flooded. , rivers become garbage dumps so that
the flow of water is obstructed. Floods cannot be avoided and certainly occur.
5. Floods that are essentially natural processes can be disastrous for humans if the process is
about humans and causes loss of life and material. Non-floods come, instead humans
come to floods.
6. Blockage of river flow or ditch
7. Deforestation
8. High rainfall
9. At least absorption area
10. Establishment of houses along the river

D. Negative Impacts from Floods

The flood disaster that occurred in Indonesia caused a very bad impact, both material
losses and psychological losses. The effects or consequences of flooding in Indonesia are:
1. Damaging the structure of the building and its contents
2. Causes landslides.
3. Clean water is hard to find,
4. Reduced food supply for plants, animals and humans because they are isolated by
flood and
5. Plants destroyed by floods.
6. Loss of life,
7. Damage to buildings including bridges, sewage systems, roads, and

8. Infrastructure damage also often damages electricity transmission and sometimes

power plant, which can turn off power.
9. Lack of clean water is combined with human waste in flood waters
increase the risk of waterborne diseases, which can include typhus,
giardia, cryptosporidium, cholera and other diseases depend on the location of the flood.
10. Damage to roads and transportation infrastructure can make it difficult to mobilize
assistance to those affected or to provide emergency treatment
11. Floods usually flood agricultural land, so the land cannot be run and
prevent plants from being planted or harvested, which can cause shortages
food for both humans and livestock.
12. Economic difficulties due to temporary decline in tourism, rebuilding
costs, or food shortages cause price increases after the effects of flooding
severe. The impact on those affected can cause damage
psychological to the victims, especially death, serious injuries and loss of hart
Characteristics and Effects of Floods
According to Soemarno (2011) flooding has several characteristics and consequences, which
are as follows.
1. Flooding usually occurs when heavy rain falls continuously throughout the day.

2. Water inundates certain places with a certain height.
3. Flooding can cause houses, plants, animals and humans to be washed away.
4. Floods erode the surface of the soil so that land deposits occur in low places.
5. Floods can anchor rivers, ponds or lakes.
6. After the flood, the environment becomes dirty by soil sediment and garbage

E. Flood Mitigation Method

To cope with the occurrence of flooding, it is necessary to control the following:

1. Optimization of rivers or ditches

Rivers or sewers should be maintained and used properly. The river or ditch is not for landfills.
The cleanliness of the water and the swift current must be monitored every time just to observe if
there is a flood at any time.

2. Prohibition of making houses along the river

Land on the banks of the river should not be used as residential areas. In addition to causing
flooding, also the pattern of community patterns became irregular.

3. Carry out selective logging and reforestation programs

The tree that has been cut down should have a replacement. Cutting down woody trees then
replanting new tree shoots. It aims to regenerate forests so that they are not bare.

4. Using simple flood detectors

To monitor signs of flooding, a flood detector is needed. This detection tool is made simply so
that people are able to make it.

We did not expect the floods to come, but when the floods hit us, of course we could
not just stand by and surrender to it. There are many ways to deal with these floods, including:

1. Save valuables

2. Save the people we care about afterwards if possible please also help the people around
3. Move important items such as electronic items, beds, and household items to a higher
place, such as the second floor of a house or attic.
4. If we don't have an attic then take away important items such as blankets, money,
jewelry and food ingredients as best we can.



1. Conclusion

Flooding which is essentially a natural process can be a disaster for humans if the
process is about humans and causes loss of life, material and environmental damage. In the
context of the natural system, flooding occurs in its place. Floods will affect humans if they
inhabit areas that are naturally floodplains. So, it is not the flood that comes, it is precisely
humans who come to the flood.

If we can accept this, then the flood disaster experienced by humans is actually the fruit
of human failure in reading natural characters. Human failure to read whether an area is safe or
not to live. For example, human failure to read the character of an area so that they do not know
the area is a flood area. Or, already knowing the area is flooded but doesn't care. We can see this
example from people who choose to live on the banks of rivers or in river valleys.
2. Suggestion
After drawing conclusions, our suggestions are:
1. Humans should think first before acting so that the action does not interfere with the
environmental balance.
2. Before floods hit the country, we should take preventive measures.



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