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Police Brutality

A topic that affects society is police brutality and why it should be enforced harsher for

the police who kill people for no reason. It seems like everyday we see a situation on social

media where cops handle the problem by ending the person’s life even though they aren’t

threatening the cops. They do not have weapons and they are listening to everything the police

are saying to do.

The Root says, “​Police officers killed 1,129 people in 2017. More people died from

police violence in 2017 than the total number of U.S. ​soldiers killed in action ​around the globe

(21). More people died at the hands of police in 2017 than the number of black people who were

lynched in the worst year of Jim Crow (​161 in 1892​). Cops killed more Americans in 2017 ​than

terrorists​ did (four). They killed more citizens than airplanes (​13 deaths worldwide​), mass

shooters (​428 deaths​) and Chicago’s “top gang thugs” (​675 Chicago homicides​). Yet only 12

officers were charged with a crime related to a shooting death.” People do not realize cops are

dangerous people and many are scared when they are around. If we enforced it harsher, then the

punishments for the police would be worse and there would not be as much homicides.

CNN says, “​Few police officers ever face trial for shooting deaths, let alone are

convicted. In recent years, fatal shootings of unarmed black men across the United States have

sparked outrage and concerns over police use of lethal force. Despite several high-profile cases

and increased video evidence, convictions have been rare. ​Between 2005 and April 2017, 80

officers had been arrested on murder or manslaughter charges for on-duty shootings. During that

12-year span, 35% were convicted, while the rest were pending or not convicted, according to

work by Philip Stinson, an associate professor of criminal justice at Bowling Green State
University in Ohio.” Only 80 cops got arrested for murder, that is so little compared to how

many cops are in the United States of America. Many get away with killing innocent people.

“Then-St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley shot and killed Smith in December 2011, after

Stockley and his partner, Brian Bianchi, witnessed a suspected drug transaction and Smith

allegedly fled the scene. After the police chase ended, Stockley exited the SUV with his

department-issued handgun and a personal AK-47 pistol, a violation of department policy,

according to a criminal complaint. Stockley fired five times into Smith's vehicle. The outcome

was Stockley was acquitted after St. Louis Circuit Judge Timothy Wilson said the state failed to

prove that Stockley did not act in self-defense.” The police violated the department's policy and

still did not get punished. The system needs to get better and get justice for the people who were

killed and their families.

Police brutality is a serious topic in society. Too many are getting away with crimes that

they did to innocent people. The system has to give them harsher punishments for what they did.

They should be put in prison for their whole life.

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