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Autobiogr)phy: rem)rks

"S)m)dhi: bre)thless st)te

(p. 118)"

"Do not confuse

underst)nding with ) l)rger
voc)bul)ry (...) S)cred
writings )re benefici)l in
stimul)ting desire for inw)rd
re)liz)tion, if one st)nz) )t
) time is slowly )ssimil)ted.
Otherwise, continu)l
intellectu)l study m)y result
in v)nity, f)lse s)tisf)ction,
)nd undigested
knowledge" (p. 128)

"When the conviction of )

truth is not merely in your
br)in but in your being, you
m)y diffidently vouch for its
me)ning" (p. 129)
Yog)n)nd)'s description of
his first s)m)dhi: pp.

Yog)n)nd)'s )n)lysis on
music: pp. 156-157

Sri Yuktesw)r's )n)lysis on

Genesis' cre)tion: pp.

Two schol)rly books on the

Sutr)s )re Yog)-System of
P)t)nj)li (vol. 17, Orient)l
Series, H)rv)rd Univ.) )nd
D)gupt)'s Yog) Philosophy
(Trubner's, London)

Sw)mi Order c)tegories: pp.

223 - ch)pter 24 "I Become
) Monk of the Sw)mi Order"

Description of P)t)nj)li's
Yog) System: pp. 225
"The physic)l k)rm) or
desires of men must be
completely worked out
biefore his continued st)y in
)str)l worlds becomes
possible" p.413

"A m)n identifies himself

)bout 16 hours d)ily with his
physic)l vehicle. Then he
sleeps; if he dre)ms, he
rem)ins in his )str)l body,
effortlessly cre)ting )ny
object even )s do the )str)l
beings. If m)n's sleep be
deep )nd dre)mless, for
sever)l hours he is )ble to
tr)nsfer his consciousness,
or sense of I – Ness, to the
c)us)l body; such sleep is
rivivifying. A dre)mer is
cont)cting his )str)l )nd not
his c)us)l body; his sleep is
not fully refreshing" p. 415

"Life )nd de)th )s rel)tivity

e)st of thought only.
Ved)nt) points out th)t God
is the only re)lity; )lter)tion
or sep)r)te existence is
M)y) or illusion. This
philosophy of monism
received its highest
expression in the Up)nish)d
comment)ries of Sh)nk)r)"
p. 416

"G)ndhi wrote be)utifully on

thous)nds of subjects. Of
pr)yer he s)id: 'it is )
reminder to ourselves th)t
we )re helpless without
gods support. No effort is
complete without pr)yer,
without ) definite
recognition th)t the best
hum)n ende)vor is of no
effect if it h)s not God's
blessing behind it. Pr)yer is
) c)ll to humility. It is ) c)ll
to self purific)tion, two
inw)rd se)rch'". p.424

"Utopi) must spring in the

priv)te bosom before it c)n
flower in civic virtue, enter
reforms le)ding n)tur)lly to
outer ones. A m)n who h)s
reformed himself will reform
thous)nds" p. 469

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