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NIC : Anxiety Reduction

1. Teach the client to visualize or fantasize about the absence of anxiety or pain, successful

experience of the situation, resolution of conflict, or outcome of procedure.

Ajarkan klien untuk memvisualisasikan atau berfantasi tentang tidak adanya kecemasan atau

rasa sakit, pengalaman sukses dari situasi, resolusi konflik, atau hasil dari prosedur.

Ebn : Use of guided imagery has been useful for reducing anxiety

(Tyron & McKay, 2009).

2. Teach the client techniques to self-manage anxiety

Ajarkan teknik klien untuk mengatasi kecemasan

Ebn : Teaching clients anxiety reduction techniques can help them manage side effects with

self-care behaviors (Lu & Wykle, 2007).

3. Assist family to be supportive of the client in the face of anxiety symptoms

Bantu keluarga untuk mendukung klien dalam menghadapi gejala kecemasan

Ebn : Supporting the formal and information caregivers of a patient with anxiety as well as

the patient may improve overall patient outcomes and allows the family to fully understand

the problems the patient is experiencing (Kang

et al, 2011).

4. Encourage the client to use positive self-talk.

Dorong klien untuk menggunakan self-talk positif.

Ebn : Reducing negative self-talk and increasing positive self-talk can be beneficial for all

types of anxiety (Hill,2010).

5. If irrational thoughts or fears are present, offer the client accurate information and

encourage him or her to talk about the meaning of the events contributing to the anxiety.

Jika pikiran irasional atau ketakutan hadir, tawarkan informasi akurat kepada klien dan

dorong dia untuk berbicara tentang makna kejadian yang berkontribusi kecemasan

Ebn : Avoid and suppress painful emotions, thoughts, and sensations, and limit their

involvement in meaningful activities (Hayes-Skelton et al, in press).

6. Provide clients with a means to listen to music of their choice or audiotapes.

Berikan klien sarana untuk mendengarkan musik pilihan atau rekaman audio mereka

Ebn : Music had a positive effect on reducing anxiety in reviewed studies on music listening

and postoperative anxiety and pain (Nilsson, 2008).

7. Use therapeutic touch and healing touch techniques.

Sentuhan penyembuhan mungkin jadilah salah satu intervensi keperawatan yang paling

berguna yang tersedia untuk mengurangi kecemasan

Ebn : Healing touch may be one of the most useful nursing interventions available to reduce

anxiety (Maville et al, 2008).

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