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FE MUST, HAVE TO, BETO 1. Monamptten rnaronmust (+ nndbHnnTe Ges to) Heer Tomko oAny chopy, KoTOpas yrro- ‘TpeGnactes TombkO & HACMaRUZeRt BPEMEHLLH He HSMCHACTCS B ROCBEKHOR peuH. You must come at once. He said that | mustcome at once. ‘Tot Donen HemeanenHo pHATH. On ckazaa, uTo 1 GamKen HeMennenHO npainra, + Eeait aeficteie oTHocHTes K MPollinoMy HH GyaylLieMy, TO AONMeHCTBOBAHHe nepe- faetes raronom to have to. I had to do it at once. TU have todo it at once. © Must Moner esipamata. A dormer Gout (ome npHuinoce) caeraTe To neMeameHno. A Oydy donacen (rue npaacrea) cacrate 370 HeMenjIeHHo. + o€mamiocts, gon (¢ Tost apertia ronopamiero) | musttell you about it. ‘Must do it alone? + AMMHOCTHDIA kaTeropHeckHh sanpeT You musin'tstop to speak with strangers. + HacToHuHRsih coneT You must read the book. You musin'tphone him. 51 donwen Bam 06 3TOM pacckasaT. 5A donmen penate 910 OAH? Tht ne Qorkna ocranasnieateca H pasro- BapiBaTe ¢ HeaHaKOMBIMH OEMH. Tet Joascen nposnTare KuHry. ‘Tec ne donaren eny sponte. / He nado coy spon. 2. Boroex Moaanstiom sHavern maros to have to ynoTpeGxmeTca Bo Bex BHAD-EpeMeHHNX shopax H Bbipamaer OGasanHocMe Wik HeOdxodUMOCMe, COYCROBAENHYIO OGcMos- menecmeant. 1 have to stay at home tomorrow. I had to stay at home yesterday. | have to stay at home every evening. I've had to stay at home the whole week. Mue npudemes octataea saptpa aca Mute nputtitoce Buepa ocTaTbcA oma. Mue npuxodumes cuseTs noma Kaaabi Beuep. Mute Bcio Heaeio npututoce cHaeTs 10a. © Bonpocutenbaa o1prtieTemsHas copées rnaroza to have to oGpasyiorest ¢ MOMOUIO BenlonoraterbHoro marozta ta do. Idlon’t have to go to work today. Dicyou have to stay at home yesterday? Ceroaia mie He Kado MATIC Ha paGoTy. Buepa TeGe npuuioce cHmeTh ftoma? 3. Y monanbnoro rarona must ect» Take 3KeHBaAeHT to be to, KoTOpEIh ynoTpeGameTcA BaByx chopmax — Present # Past Indefinite, # MomeT BeIpamaTb: + npeagapHTeabHylo ACrOBOpeHHOCTS Ha OBsRaHHOCTS We were tomeet at five. Who is to come? © yRasanns H pacropaenna The medicine is to betaken after meals. Children are notto leave the school without their teacher's permission. Mpl Zosownbl Gblau BeTpeTHTbCA B MATS. Kro donxcent npufira? Flexaperso nypicno mprinmats nocne eabt. Aenmt ne noseoreno noxugars uKony 6e3 paspeuieniia ysrrreas. Er) Ynotpe6ute raaron must uan have to 8 NpaBVABHON topme. EXERCISES eal Ve He says eee tell ir the trath 2. He to drive last year. 3. winthe game. 41 look for anotherjob next month BL cecenenenn wake up early yesterday. 6 [type this article now? 7, Iwas late because I sseunnnnene type an article. 8, ["lprove it and you 1. amit "1 Tight, 9. The house was too small forthem and they look for another house last year. TOs Tass leave in an hour. BanonHte nponycku raaronamn must, have to, be to BMpasuiAbHOH chopme. 1. Aswe had agreed |... meet him at 7. 2. PenoW [on ennne do the work mysel. It's my duty. 3. Susan says | drive her to the station. She thinks it’s my duty. 4, The baby -sitter was il and EVEN ws... look efter the child herself 5. “You ... . look after the children properly, fees! them and take them for a walk,” Mrs. Swift said to the baby-sitter. 6, The guide meet the group and take them to the hotel yesterday. 7. The children didn’t understand the rule and the teacher. -----n €XDI a cctoss the road alone,” the mother said to the child. 9. Foon take:the umbrella because the forecast was bad. 10, The bell had gone and I answer the question. LL. Idicin’t know | ‘10 work extra hours. We hacin't agneed on that. 12. “When eee. (J) netum the book?” Steve asked the irarian, 13, Interrupt the speaker because | didn’t get the point. 14 . shout at children. On gommex npaitma iepes aecsrs MAY. F aymato, Toi nama caeaaTs Boo pabory cama. ‘Mue nprnerca cHora ¢ im RoTpewaTScA. (Ona Hacranpana, HMHe MpHuMNOcs cormacHTscs. sell the car one of these days. It keeps breaking down. 1 2 3. 4 5, Kan wes noropopnanich, of MOTHER Spit aaltTH 9a WHOM BeHEpON. (to call for me) 6, Thi xe aonKer o6pamart paHMaRHs Ha ero saMettarnm, OH HEDOCHHTANHDIA NeIORER. 7 8. 9. 10. On esiamaea necuactHe, # fleGope nprmuocs ero npoctATs. ro a zamKeH jenats, Kora npreAyt rocTH? On nosponiin HaM, 1 Ham MpHuntoce ero Mparaacie. Dro npexpackil pacckas. Bui zonkbi ero Hanewaratb. LL, Cefuac o aomien Gums 8 Ramnebopanit, a Yepes aes — n Roopaao. 12. Tare qommex cesses Kam Tem, WTO OM roROPHT. Ito paayuno. 13. «Ryaa noctaaume uenoaan?s — enpocua Taxcnct muce Kein. 14, TeGe mpunetes exars tyaa cHoBa? 15. Tarte qommex ctupart ator canrep B ropmtel Boze. Fey MUST BE DOING, MUST HAVE DONE 1. Mogampiet rmaron must Momet pipamate npeBnozosienue, @ komopom 2oopauyiit hpacmunecicu yeepen. B stom 3HascHHn must ynoTpeGaAcTCA ToNbKO B UMBep3uMeEnb- Abt TpemnomeHHaX, HHcbHHHTHE ChbicnOROTO Marona ynOTPEGAGeTCA TAK Ke, KAK T10- ronom can (cm. Unit 67) + mustdo He must get up very early. AlonseHo Sbimbs, oF pao BeTAeT. He must know about it. AlonxeH0 Cet, oH stiaet 06 310M, + mustbe doing He must be reading. Ho-sudumomy, oH saTaer. * must have done He must have already come. Bepcamo, on ysxe mpamien. + musthave been doing He must have been waiting for already On waer ye, donrcwo Gums, ac. an hour, 2. Mpearoenna Tina On, doar Obi, He npumer. On, Beposmmno, nexecrnribili KenoBeK. Aon, 802.x0H0 Guim, onsiMb He NOH CeOIO WeNY. — Moniio nepenecTH cneaytouyHy o6pasom: He must have failed to come. He must be a dishonest person. Don must have misunderstood his wite again. a He nytalire npeanomenia THna On dosuicen Obit ... ¢ NpeanoKeHHaMH THN OH, doa- EHO Guime, He had to do it himself Emy npuutioce smo céenamb camomy. He must have done it himself. On, donaierto Guumb, cenan amo cam. — Caroline is s happy. John must have proposed to her. — 0h, I'm sure he had to propose to her. She wanted to marry him so much. 3. ina pipamentia npeanonoweria, oTHocmueroea K Gyzyutemy, yroTpeSnaeTer to be (un)likely to. He is likely to pass his exam Aonocto Goims / Haseproe, on eAact aksanen. He is unlikely tocome. ps avon mpriner.

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