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Agreemeirt,)is entered*x
(the andbetwee'nFalcon
This settlementagreementandrelease 9t" l{ Dudley(collectively'
t, our. !$ rywrt"a
TransigInc. (.Falcon and
*ocR) andthecity of Dallasc.civr,t*ri&tivety, ttreirmies'j for themut'al


A d d i ti o n ,a cco rd i n gtou' oup' ""o' a"o.inVolum e10,Page335oft heM ap
w 523' 527, an,d529 Pontiac
Recordsof Dallas coontvli'enas, also known
Au;"", Dallas,TexasOereinafter"TtactNo'

b. Lots E, F, G, andH, Bloc,k 315907 of ForestAvenuearrdEiglth StreetIndustrial

Addition, accordingt" " ..p-i"*rc.o in volume 10, Page335 of the Map
as 535, 539,543,and549Pontiac
Recordsof Dallascormty,-i&as, alsot"gy"
An;; pJt^, Texas(trereinafter "TractNo'2');

c . P a r t o f l o t s B , J , K , a n d L , a n d t h e e , n t i r e t y o f l o t se,dditign,
C , D , E ,an
F ,addition
G , H , ato
n dthe
Zlsg,i,of Foresteu"* uJEUft ft Streit Indusfiial
the William John Elliott S.rvey'
City-oi the Dallas, 1"*t *A Tang out-of
known as 528, 532,536,540' 544'
AbshactNo. 44g, oaras connty, Teias,-also
3324Cedarcrest Boulevard'and
and 550 PontiacAvetrue, and3226,3308,arrd nrract No'3')'
2Sdl;il;;il; ;iilbdlur, renas(hereinafter
to asthe uProperty'"
Collectively,TractNos. l, 2 and3 shallbereferred
certainbusinessesou the Properly relatedto
whereas, ocR conductsand/or operate.s and
storageandsaleof metalmaterials;
pgrohase/coU".,i"rir"f""gg prororiog, reciamation,
propertyis locatedwithin the 100-yearflood plain,
whereas, trrecity contendsthat the entire prohibitedocR
51A-5.1bret seq.andits predecessors)
and the city,s flood prain ordinance(s"rtioo a-metasahage.use, anoutsidesalvageor
and its predecessorsiiinterest to* oltririrlioiePrnaing flood plain
usie,or most other *o oo-*y oi th" rrop"rty" un"r trt" date ttrat the city's
otJi"** appliedto the Property;and
.Wherels,the City contendsTractNos' |,2 md3 do not havethe properzoning certificatesof
tlretype b"id doneoo TractNos' 1,2 and
occupancy,and/orspecificusepermitsio conauci "rtrrir*r
3; and

the being
business .oooo"t,d tno*rr, andco:riendth; ail necessary
and 3 for on Tracts
specificusepermits-harv;;a obtainedto conductthebusinessbeingdone
occupancy and/or
2and3;and secondary metalsf"y-"I-q license,No' 1144106'
\Yhereas,on April 13,2010,thecity Texas'
ro"."rrut o to tlle u*irr&, t"r,g cooouctedat 523pontiacAvenue,Dallas,
to FalconTransit,
* is Partof TractNo' l; and
the City conteirds Liceirse No. 1144106wasissuedin errorandis void,
changesryrl lade.aoolicationfor specific
Whereas,Falconhasmadecertainrequests!o.,"o..*9 relatedio ftu"t Nos' 2 and3;
City, which requests ;;;=J*i"il by the diry dffi'
useperrrits to the

of litigation'
without the expenseanduncertainties

Therefme, the Partiesagreeasfollows:

2(a)-(c)'3' 4 and5:
follows in Paragraphs

attempttg nrotriul ocR fiom
will not file any lawsuit ot *nt" any other oo tttt Propertyinvolving the
continuingto conductandlor"G"tt " storageand saleof any
purcnase/tflectiorLsalvage,pi"rorirg, reclamationn
dateof this Agreement'the city
b. For a perioil of 270daysfroq the efffeotive
-CitV io thep'rchase
*'6*l,"1;t"d of uregulated
asainst oCR for fi;ili.rt;t Coa" at ttrefroperty if T.V :o"h"
metals,,underChapter40B of theDallg uponthe allegedlack of
or in part,
rawsuit,craim, J#g;; i*J,t
", ToJ, tr"v"riog license. Ttris provision does not
a valid ,*"a"ri
b*t{ on conduct that would
conteinplateany iawsuit, tloi* o' "h*g"
otherwiseb"roh;fuiby itrehonerof avalid
or until the
tlateof this Agree,rne,lrt'
. For a periodof 270daysaom ttrlefflgtive not file anYlawsuitor undertake
naturalexpirationotfr" ri.-t", *r" city-*i[ metalsrecyclinglicense
any actiono, to zuspendor t"uot" secondary
if suchattempteasuspension or revooationis
No. 1144106"ordo"t
contentionor allegatioo.,n9."),h: lT::
base4 in whole ;il;;, 91 ft. or $
was issuedi" .*;;,;f.h;Jd nol havewer beenissued,c) Falconwas
reason,and/ord) the Propertyis not
not eligible fo, tr,-"ii-.;;se for whatever
obtainedthe prcper or n€c€ssary
propoly zoned ; th8|t Fdcon has not
use permits:.Thir Agreementdoesnot
certificatesor o*piili"i-rprrin.. on conduct
conte,lnplate*rp"*io" or r;vocation oi tn" tcense based
thatwould otherwisebe the basisfor
zubsquent, ,rrr*i$rioo?il"ii.r*"
the suspensioo o, *uo"ation of sucha license;and

codesif such
will not iszueoCR anvcitationt f"t J;;;;;d*:t-fi"*
part ipon the contentiono'r allegationthat
citationsarebased,in whole or in
hasor requiresa specificusepermit'
certificateof o*olut"V tn* it olt11entfy
daysfrom the effectivedateof this
ocR will, on or beforethe expirationof 270
usinganyportionof the Propertyfor
L ocR will foreverceaseanddesistfrom from the City for
any pupose thaf would r€quirea certificate"qd"*p13V usesunderChapter
the ..metal.ur""gt;*1'o.tiA" salvageor reclamltion-'
metals*Jdi"g license*dT
51A of the Dallas city code or a seJondary dl
Chapter40B of th";fu; City CodeanOwitt removefrom the Property
*"titiuft andequipmentassociated with thoseuses;'igno('.t*v)T.
salvageor reclamation3'
operateu oorr*oroili"g.-.*"*"rirt*gr"aor j'outsid,,e
on all portionsof theProperty;
useqnderCft"ptolie Jf tftt DallasCity CoOe

Propert%if any, and any
city code *ooiiirrg tiie puvsioa conditionof the
laws andregulations'if
and all viofationsof"statemi federalenvironmental
ocR shall exeouteaud
3. withh thirty ilays of the effectivedateof this Agreement
approvedby the city as
file with the deedrecordsof Dalla"scounty * i*qt*Tl
Cityts benefitthat disallow
to its forrr *"tui"i"g J."d reshictions*f"f' fot S:
of occupancyfrom the
any r^e of the nopE ty-tftut w:uf1 requirea^certificate as
Cify for usesthaf L the effectivedate of this Agree'rneo!are descibed
..metalsalvagd'or "outside salvageot reclamation"usesundercaapter 51A
theDallascitycodeorrequireasecondary*"turyrecyclinglicenserrnder by
chapter 40B of d;;i; aity code, *tor *a *tit suchuseis permitted
pemolttodby specific use Permit
rigtrt undo trre applicabir-^olitg ordinanceor obtainedan SUP(and a
('SUP') andthe party seekingto opoutt'oth'utt has
iicot*, ifrequired) for thatrse;
dateof this Agreemeirt'ocR
During the thirty dayperiodrlu"yt"g the effective
Propertyor any portion of the
shall not conveyany ownershipinterestio the
or otherw^ise @nveysany rigfuts
5. If ocR sells, assigns,rents, leases,licelrses,
a"yt afterthe effectivedateof
concerningthe Propertywithin orr" y"*-[JiZO
this Agreement,Oin tiiU expresslyLxcharle from the contractto sell' assign'rent'
Prop€rtyail dghts (if any)to
lease,licmse or or rcclmation"
continuea nonconforming'lnetal saliage' or--"outside-t3*g p'rchaser, assignee,
useon anyparr -d oin *iu providgthe
licensee*itn a tue andconectcop-yof this
rente,f,lessee,or "ia,l;,p.rtv,
ocR wil, *ithr";;;;"* effectivedateof this Agee,ment'causea tnre
"i* i" the dled recordsof Dallas
and correct copy of this Agreement; b" iif"A in thosedeedrecordsif
counry Texas,andthe crtymay to"ii ttir-egr""**t
OCRfailsto do so.
are coxtractualand are not
The Partiesagreethat the terrrs of this Agreement
fi. All agreenrents, warranties,@ve'nants'terms'
and cooditions tlrit;;;;ishall sgrviveits executionandshallbe binding
upon and inure"fto q"l"l"nt of andbe enforceablebv the ttgd 19Tt'*:'
t'"^ ex€cutofs,officers, dircctors,assigns,beneficiaries' me,mbers, and related
tnrstees,receivers,affiliates,parhefs' ve,l$uters,ownenL
companiesof the Parties'
the entire agee'mentand
n The Parties agree that this Agreementcontains
with respectto all matters
understandingbetween-*J *ing the Parties
andsupersedes andre'nders null andvoid any andall
describedin this Agree,lneot if any' between
prior agreements, aiangcnrcnts,dfcussionsand.nderstandings,
of this Agreemelrl N"^:t1
and amongall Partiesrfi"tiog io the subjectmatter
promisegor.inducements contary to the tems of thil
Agreerrent*irt, *d;;Eiiab.otlrerwise express$setforilr in this Agree'me'nt'
facts,promisesor representations
all partiesexpresslydisctaimrelianceuponany
madeby anyotherpartn or its age,lrts, seryicersor attornela,priollg tlre etrecfv.e
ohanged, modified"ame'lrded'
dateof this egreement.This Agfeementcannotbe
or terminatedexctpt by a subseque,lrt in writing executedby all Parties'

or rElresentationsto
The Parties4greethat no parly has made any warranties
to the extent,if my' as
induceanyotherp*ty; Jto ittto this Agleementexle'pt
Party is relying upon any
*V i" J*prorfy ttutte in this Agreement. No
represe,ntationor roi.**t of any frnd that is not expresslys€t forth in this
that the City has
Agreernent.fq:rtrer,-ircn specifilally ]Sees andaclnrowledgesmy peirdingor
denial of
made ,ro ,"prr*tutioor co"c.rni"g thi approval9r
or anyothermatter'
fut * applicationsuv ocn to thecity relatedto zoning
9. The Parties acknowledgethat the agree,ments, provide ggod'
cove,nants, t€,rns, and conditionscontJrnedin tiis Agreeme'nt
sufficient,uoa''aruauGconsideratiou for everypromise,duty,releasgobligation,
andthelike containedin this Agreemelrt'

If the City performsasdescribedin Paragraphs l(a)-(d)' 9C& on its own behalf

10. employees,represe'ntatiles'
and on behalf of its age,lrts,serrrants,atiorneys,
and as{gns,doescompromise'
officers,directors,'pah6, pti"ttprfl.ror""ttort,
assign,settle,,*iJi[i*r,rrti"q"irb" acquit,indemniry,andforeverdischarge
officers, pafilers, receivers,beneficiaries,parmt and
"ir"otorr, predecessors'successors'
subsidiary corporations,representatives,s€trvants' entities, and all
assigns,indeperrdentcontactors,insurers,related "qtiut"a their
persons'natural;;;"*o it qri"iq'witit theuror anyof therr or actingin
*-'l atl of thgm-r' namod herein or not'
behalf,jointly *d;;;;tut;*in of action'
from all obligations,claims,demands,d*,ug",, losses, e€ments'jldgments'
dues' agr.
debts, accounts' bonds, covenants,oharfes'
ojevw kind' nature,c1'at6,",
liabilities, penalties,€xpe*ses,liens,andh;suits
at law or in equity, by statute'
or description,wheth& in contact or tort, or unsuspected' real or
ordinance,or otherwise,known or unknown' suspeoted directly or indirectly
imagined,t*eC oi;;ritg*tliquidated or'unliquitlated,
uo*rd as a consequence of the
arising from, groruingout of, retateo o, io,
mattersdescribedin the recitals of this Agreeinentconcei:ringthe Property'
inoluding all demands,claims,liens, and @usesof action for personalrrfury,
propertylamaggbusinessintemrption,lossof profits,monettrylosses,expenses'
utto*uyt' fwi, conhibution,indemnity,negligence,negligSncep€r se' gfoss
o.glig**, stict poducts liability, breachof warranty,malice,intentionaltort,
to.ipu*r, nuisance,fraud, fraudule,ntconcealmeirt, inversecondemnation/taking'
treacn of contracUthird-party beneficiary, breach of the duty of good faith -and
fair dealing,conspiracy*d uiotationof anylocal or state grjedaal statute'law,
rule, regulitioq or constitutionalprovision. OCR acknowledges that the release
in this Lgreementis a geireralreGase,aud it expresslywaivesand assuaesthe
risk of any and all obligations,claims,delnandqdamages, lo$es, actions,carNes
of actiott" debts, accounts,bonds, covenanb, charges, dues, agfeemeirts,
judgnents,liabilities, penalties,exp€nses, liens,andlawsuitsthat existas of this
iuti U"t which OiR aoes not know or suspectto exist, whether tbrough
ignomncgoversigtrt,error,negligffi@,or otherwise,andwhich' if known,would
riaterially affectthe decisionto enterinto this Agreement.OCRalsoassumes the
risk thatin" fu"t" or law involvedin this case may be than
othe,lrrise it believes.

11. If OCRperformsas descnlbed in Paragraphs 2(a)-(c),3, 4 and5, the City, on its

own beiralf and on behalf of its ag€nts, se,rrants,attorneys,errployees,
representatives, office,rs,dilectors,partners,prinoipals,T{eessoT, and-assigUs,
doescompromisgassign,settle,remise,release,relinquish,acquit' and forever
discharge-OCR and its agents, attomeys,enrployees,principals, directots,
truStees,of;Eoer3,partrerS, executors,adminiSEatorqreceivers,beneficiaries,
parent anil subsidiary corporations,representatives,servants,predecessors,
succ€ssors, asslgn$,independent contractors,insurers,relatedor affiliatedentities,
andall personso-nafirral or corporate,in privitywith the'mor anyof themol acting
in theiriehalf, jointly andseverally,eachandall of them,whethernamedherein
or not, from aiiobligatio*, claims,demands,damages, losses,actions,causesof
actioq debts,accorrrtb,bondg covenants,chages, dues, agfeernents,judgme'lrts'
liabilities,penalties,expenses, lie,lrs,andlawsuitsof everykin4 nature,oharaCter,
or description,whether contaot or tort, at law or in equity' by staftte'
ordinanci or otherrn'ise, known or unknown'suspectedor unsuqected'leal 9r
imagined,fixed or contingent,liquidatedor unliquidated,directly or indirectly
arising frorn" growing oui o{,, or accnredas a conscqu€nce of the
mafiers describedin-tlre recitals of this Agreementconcerning the Property,
including all demands,claims,liens, and causesof action for personalinjury'
property-damage, businessintemrption"lossof profits,mongtry losses,expenses'
attorneys' fees, contributiorUinde,mnity,negligence,negligencepef sq _gross
negtigence,stict productsliability, breachof warranty malicg intelrtionaltort'
tJrpit., nuisance,fraud, fraudulentconcealmen!inverseconde,mnation/taking
breachof contract/third-partybe,neficiary,breachof the duty of good faith-and
fail dealing,conspiracy,andviolationof anylocal or stateor federalstatutglaw,
rule, regulation,
-io br constitutionalprovision. The City acknowledgesthat the
release tftir Agreementis a generalrelease,md it expresslywaives and
assumesthe risk of any and all obligations,claims,demands,damages,losses,
*tiqor, gau5esof acd.On,debts, accounts,bonds, covenants,Charges,dues,
agreements, judgm€nts,liabilities, penalties,exltenses'liens, and lawsuitsthat
of this date,butwhich the City doesnot know or suspectto exist,
"ii*t "r ignoraocg oversigfo!elror, negligence,or otherwise,md whiclr' if
eot€finto this Agreemenl The
known, would materiallyaffect the dr'ision to
involved in this casemay be
City also assumestf," titt that the facts or law this Agreementdges
otherwisethail it b"il;. N;fi"ithstandingthis Paragraph,
oitlr" like, if any,concerning
not releaseOCRfrom anyta(es,^rorro*L, fines'

12. The Partieseactrretrnesent andwarrantto one anotherthat all claims' demands'

eachotlrer arising9ut o-fthe
and causesor *ti* *rtrcn a"v may have against -egrr.*.nt
are owned by them'
matters dccribed i" A; ,oitar or mr
demand,or causeof actionhas
respectivelyandtfrJno part 9f any sughclaim; or othenn'ise
been pledged,*.iiJ] ilf"rta sold, conveyed,encu-nnbered,
Accordingfy, each Partyalso
disposedof to anyotherpersonor_anyotho eotity. the claims
an interestin any of
representsandwanantsthat no otherpersonhas of
that hasnot beenr"f*.Jot Cis"larg"dby this Agr-eementor otherwise' Each qrte'f
ttratit trasthe power and authority to
into this eeru*r*t,;; tUuiit ft* tle ple ri$t t9 eiecutethis Agreementasthe
own€rof said rrr" pmtiesfurrherafee that this warrantyof ownership
"ru#" thereonimmediat€ly
shall be deenredbreachedand a causeof Ltioo accnred continuationof any
qp." rlr";.ldd dgrnandor the institutionor
suit, actionoot pi#aint by- the opposite party' .or any p€rso& firm -o1
party' conhary to this
cor-porationclainintby: #o"bt 91 ""io tn" opposite may
ng".**t, anC*raiin"atry *"i *it, action"or proceeding,-this
;r?;;as a defens"otLy way of counterclaimor cross-claim-
13. This Agree,me,nt is enteredinto, accepted,amdqg-formablein Dallas
Texas,for venueand all otherpurposes,alrd roio og go":*u4 Texasandthe
of the Stateof
enforcedi1 u*rOurr"";th *C *ug*t io A" laws
the unitd statesthat may
Texas,orcepttrt"t *v *ogi.t 6riu* rule of Texasor
jrnisdictiol.gtherthanfederallaw shall
requirereferencetode law of someother
revokg or e'nforceany
be disregarded.Atty .i[i 6,.ognt to construe,modifu, the breachof
;ofr]i;ni ttrise.greenl€ntor to recoverdamagesresultingfrom
in a cor't of competeirt
aoy prousron or fii. eg*emeert shall be brought personal
jgrisdiction in Dallas Cognty,Texas,*li"tt court-shallhave exclusive
ffiJffi *a *,*o", urdtilLruqo consent
*alot ptoonal jurisdictionin tlratforum'
count€rparts'each of
14. This Agreementmay be exeoutedin multiple identical which togefhershall
which sball be consideredan original for alipurposes,
counterpartshall be deerned
constihrteorrtyon" andthe same-Agreemerrt.'Each
to the co.nterpartsand
effectivewhen ,li prrd; have adxed their signattrrel shall executeas many
tft"V ft"rr Ueenaem.ted to atl oth€rParties' The
ofthis egf;t*t asmaybenecessary to effectuatetheAgree'me'nt'
nine month period following the
15. A8 to lawsuitsfiled during the two yeu md
behalf and on behalf of its
effective date of this Agreerrent,OiR;t it o*o ofrc€f,s, directors,
agents, servang,*ltt;;ryr, employees,re,preseirtatives,
to hotdharmlessthe city aad
parbrers,prio.ipurr, ,"."".1roo, u"^auirigi, ugr*r
rqnesentatives' independent
its officers, einployees, agentst- attorneys' or
contractofll,i""";;;"itA it umfiui"A *titio, ane aU persors' na'firral
coryrorate,in privity with themor aoyof themor actingin their behalf,joinfly and
swerally, eachand all of them,whethernamedh€reinor nof andto defendand
indemni$,fhemor aoy of them as to my claimsasserted by one or mors future
ownErc, assignees, renters, lessees,licensees, or sucoessors of the Property
alleging the existenc,eof nonconformingrights to opaate 'tnetal salvage"or
*outsidesalvageor reclamation"usesundef,Chapter51A of theDallasCity Code
orthe ri$t to obtainandhavea secondarymetals r.ecyclinglice,nseunderChapter
40B ofthe DallasCity Code,whetherbasedon atotl, conhact,statute,ordinance,
or anyothertheoryof recoveryto the extentthat anyarerelatedto or ariseout of
OCR's intentional or negligent faift.ue to perform or properly perform any
provisionof this Agreement.This indemnification,hold hamrlesganddefenseis
specificallyintendedto operateandbe applicableevenif it is allege4charged,or"
provqr that all or someof the claimsor damagesbeing soughtwere solely and
completelycaused,or causedio parq by the City, or its officer, employees,
agents,attorneys,representatives, insurers,relatodor affiliated entities,and all
persons,natrml or corporate,in pnvity with themor anyof themor actingin their
behalf,jointly and severally,eachandall of thern,whethernamedhereinor nof
drring any eventsor dealingsbAweenthe Partiesincluding but not limited to, all
de,mandso claims,lieirs,md causesof actionfor personalinjury, propertydamagg
businessinternrption,loss of profits, monetarylosses,exlrerrs€s, attomeys'fees,
conhibution,inde,nrnity,negligence,negligencep€trs€, grossnegligeirce,stict
productsliability, breachof warranty,malice,intentionaltort tespass,nuisance,
frau4 fiaudulent concealment, inverse condemnation/takingbreach of
contract/third-partybeneficiary, breachof the duty of goodfaith andfair dealing
conspiracy,and violation of any local or state or fedenalstatute,law, rule,
regulation,or constihrtional provision.

16. Should Falcon, OCR, Benjie Smith and/or Kenrt Dudley, their einployees,
servants,contractors,sussessoni or anypersonsin aotiveconcertor
activeparticipationwith Falcon,OC& BemjieSmith md/or Kent Dudley fail to
fully performwery provisionof this AgreemenftheCity mayentertheProperty,
removeall personsandpersonaltyfrom theProperty,fenceandlock the Properlyn
anddiscontinuewaterserviceto'theProperty,andplacea lien on the Propedyfot
its costs.

17. This Agreernentshall be effectiveas of the dateupon which it hasbeen fully

executedandacknowledged by all of theParties.
On behalf of the City of


Beniie Smith Beniie Smith

PrintedName PrintedName

OwnerPresident Oumer/President
Title Title

Septe,nrber Sentember

BenjieSmith --..,.. Ke,ntDudlev

PiintedName PrintedName

14-2010 Seoterrber

on this day pe'monallyape€ard
BEFORE ME, the undersignedNotary Public'
verifieshe is authorizedto makethis

acknowledgmentonbehalf of the City of Dallas'

2010, 4o
davof Seote,mber
/< C'"-a4 6c7obol Qa/o
to certiffwhichwitnessmyhandandofficialseal'

5" A-', Up..e

NotaryfuUicin andfor

Notary Publio,on this day persoaallyappearedBENIESIurr'H,
BEFOREME, the rmdemigned

known to me and being by me duly sworn"on his oath and said that he has read the Settlernre'nt
on his own
Agreementand Releaseandherebyverifieshe is authorizedto makethis aclcnowledgrnent

beh'alf and on behalf of Oak Cliff Recycling, Inc' and

swoRN AND SUBSCRIBEDTO BEF10REME on this, the 14s day of septeenber
certifuwhich witnessmyhand andofficial seal.

tlotw Pubtlc,$rrcolTua ln
MyconimgEun ErP.o5€4{oll

BEFOREME, the gndersigned
NotaryPublic,on this dayparsonally KENIDUDEY,

known to me and being by me duly sworrg on his oalh and said that he hss read the Settle,ment

andReleaseandher*yverifies heis authorizedto makethis


SWORN At{D SUBSCRIBEDTO BEFORE ME on this, the 14e day of Se,ptembu2010,to

c€rti$'which witness myhand and offficial seal.

Publicin andfor


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