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Significance of Amavasya

Amavasya is the no moon day and it is the starting day of the first quarter of the
lunar month. It is a known fact that there is no moonlight found on Amavasya
night and the fortnight that follows is considered to be the growing phase of the
moon ( Sukla Paksha) - a time of power and growth and auspicious for starting or
doing good things. Etymologically, Amavasya means 'dwelling together', as 'Ama'
means 'together' and 'vasya' means 'to dwell' in Sanskrit.

Significance of Amavasya

Amavasya is generally considered auspicious to do any kind of a good thing. A

few, of course, deny this fact on the ground that no moon night is propitious for
black magic and evil powers. Still, in general, the belief goes that Amavasya is a
great day of spiritual significance, since the day is dedicated to the worship of the
dead ancestors. People pay homage to the dead forefathers by way of Tarpanam
and offerings to the poor and get rid of their sins and sorrows. Most of the people
make it a point to have a dip in any of the holy rivers and wash away their bad
karma. It is also a regular custom in the Hindu families to go on fasting or take
only one meal on Amavasya to organize the senses and bring mind and heart under
control, thereby, try to reach that unattainable goal of Liberation.

The importance of observing Amavasya in particular months and days

Mauni Amavasya: This Amavasya is observed on the day when the Sun and the
Moon are in the Capricorn sign. It is on this Amavasya day, Manu Rishi came to
this earth and the creation of the universe started. On this day, religious minded
people and those who wish to follow the path of Mukthi and Satkarma go on
mauna vratha (keeping complete silence} throughout the day to keep control over
their desires and emotions and achieve that equipoise which will make us surrender
at the Lotus feet of the ultimate power known as God or Lord Narayana. The
silence of the day renders mental balance, physical discipline, spiritual
enlightenment and austere lifestyle to the observers. People usually visit Maha
Kumbh and have a bath to get rid of their karma effects on this day.
Mahalaya Amavasya: Mahalaya Amavasya is the last day of Mahalaya paksha,
the dark fortnight of Aswayuja, which falls in September or October. It is the
particular period for offering oblations to the departed souls, no matter whether
they are related to you or not. It is known as the punya kala to do all kinds of
offerings to the destitute and perform all obsequies and rites. Mahalaya Amavasya
has its mythological significance with the association of Maharathi Karna. Karna,
the great man known for his charities was lacking in the charity of food that when
he went to Heaven, he was not able to find food there. So, he was sent back to
earth for 14 days by the God of death to enable him to offer food to the poor and
the downtrodden. So, this amavasya is the right time as considered by many to
respect the departed souls.

Thai Amavasya: The Amavasya in the month of Thai is noted for the tarpanam
performed on the day, since it solves the problems related to health, money and
relationships. Even if the ancestors have curses, we can relieve them from them by
offering to the poor. It purifies the mind of unwanted desires and brings prosperity
and long life to the family.

Somavathi Amavasya: If Amavasya falls on Monday, it is called Somavathi

Amavasya and people observe Somavar vratha to free themselves from grief,
diseases and sorrow. It was recommended by Bhishma to Yudhistra that taking a
dip in the holy rivers on this day will fetch salvation for human beings. Married
women observe somvar vratha to lead a happy married life. They worship the pipal
tree on the day to get long life for their husbands.

Shani Amavasya: Amavasya falling on Saturdays is the right moment to pray to

Shani God and reduce the bad effects of the ill placed planetary positions of Shani
Bhagavan. People undertake any offering that is tainted with black color on this
day to appease Shani god.

Diwali Amavasya: This is auspicious to perform Lakshmi Pooja and bring riches
to the family.

To conclude, Amavasya is a great day for doing offerings, respecting the departed
elders and starting any new activity.

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