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Name: ____________________________________

Math Unit 5 - Perimeter, Area, and Surface Area

There are five chapters in this unit.

Chapter 1: Square Units

• 5.1 Square units

• Find the area of a figure in square units.

• Recognize that the area of a triangle is half the area of a square or rectangle,
sharing the same base and height.

• Find the shaded area of a figure.

• Recognize the base and height of a triangle.

In this section, students will learn to find the areas of figures in unit squares and recognize
that the area of a triangle is half the area of a rectangle, sharing the same base and height.

Students will also learn the following methods to find the shaded area of a figure:

• Calculate the area of a triangle by 1/2 x base x height.

• Subtract the areas of triangles of the unshaded parts to obtain the shaded area of the

Important Notes
• Students at this level must be able to recognize the base and the high of a triangle.

Name: ____________________________________
Chapter 2: Rectangles and Squares
• 5.2a Rectangles and Squares

• Find the area of a composite figure by dividing it into squares and/or


• Find the area of a composite figure by subtract the area of the small square or
rectangle from the area of the large square or rectangle.

• Draw a line of symmetry to divide a figure into two equal halves of the same

• Find the area of composite figures.

• Find the shaded area of a given figure.

• 5.2b Practice A

• Practice finding area or perimeter of figures.

In this section, students will learn how to find the area and the perimeter of a composite
figure made up of squares and/or rectangles. They will be given some of the lengths and
may have to find missing lengths before they can find the perimeter of the area of a figure.

• Square units - A unit used to measure area.

• Base- The surface a solid object stands on, or the bottom line of a shape such as a
triangle or rectangle. 

• Height- he distance from top to bottom. Or at right angles from any base to the furthest

• Area- The size of a surface.

Method 1 Videos:


Method 3

Method 2
Name: ____________________________________
Chapter 3: Area of a Triangle
• 5.3a Area of a Triangle

• Compare the area of a triangle with the area of its related rectangle.

• Identify that the area of a triangle is half the area of the rectangle sharing the
same base and vertical height.

• Identify the height of given triangles related to the given base.

• Use formula to find the area of triangles — 1/2 x base x height.

• 5.3b Area of a Triangle

• Realize that different triangles sharing the same base and height have the
same area.

• Find the area of a triangle with given base and height.

• 5.3c Area of a Triangle

• Identify the base and height of given triangles and use the formula 1/2 x base x
height to find the area.

• Use 1/2 x base x height to find the area of the shaded triangle related to a
given rectangle.

• Find the area of the shaded part of a rectangle by subtracting the area of

• 5.3d Practice B

• Practice concepts learned in Chapters 1, 2, and 3.

In this section, students will be able to compare the area of a triangle with the area of its
related rectangle. They will also learn to identify that the area of a triangle is half the area
of the rectangle sharing the same base and vertical height and that the height of given
triangles is related to the given base. Students will also be taught the formula to find the
area of triangles.

Note: The height of a triangle is always perpendicular to the base.

• Base- The surface a solid object stands on, or the bottom line of a shape such as a
triangle or rectangle. 

• Height- he distance from top to bottom. Or at right angles from any base to the furthest

• Vertex- A point where two or more line segments meet.

Name: ____________________________________

Chapter 4: Area of a Parallelogram

• 5.4 Area of a Parallelogram

• Compare the area of a parallelogram with the area of its related rectangle.

• Compare the area of a parallelogram with the area of two congruent triangles.

• Infer that the area of a parallelogram = Base x Height.

• Find the area of the shaded parallelogram by subtracting the era of two
triangles from a rectangle.

• Use the formula, Area of a Parallelogram = Base x Height.

• Identify the base and height of the given parallelograms to find the areas.

• Find the areas of composite figures made up of rectangles, triangles and/or


After this chapter, students will learn to compare the area of a parallelogram with the area of its
related rectangle. They will also be able to compare the area of a parallelogram with the area of
two congruent triangles.

• They will also be able to find the area of a parallelogram by application of formula after
identifying its base and height.

• Students will also be able to find the areas of composite figures made up of rectangles, triangles
and/or parallelograms.

Note: A parallelogram is a four-sided plane rectangular shape with opposite sides parallel.

• Parallelogram- a flat shape with opposite sides parallel and equal in length.

• Base- The surface a solid object stands on, or the bottom line of a shape such as a triangle or

• Height- he distance from top to bottom. Or at right angles from any base to the furthest

• Congruent Triangles- Triangles are congruent when they have 

• exactly the same three sides and exactly the same three angles.

• Composite Figures- A figure (or shape) that can be divided into more than one of the
basic figures.


Name: ____________________________________
Chapter 5: Surface Area
• 5.5 Surface Area

• Find the number of faces of prisms and pyramids.

• Form a net of a rectangular prism. Find the area of each face and total area of
all the faces to find the total surface area.

• Find the total surface area of a rectangular prism.

• Find the total surface area of a cube.

• Find the surface area of cuboids and cubes.

In this section, students will learn to find the number of faces in both prisms and pyramids. They will be able
to form a net of a rectangular prism.

They will also learn to find the total surface area of the following figures:

• Rectangular prism

• Cubes and box-shapes

• Faces - any of the individual flat surfaces of a solid object.

• Prisms - A solid object with two identical ends and flat sides.

• Pyramids - There are many types of Pyramids, and they are named after the shape of their base.

• The base is a polygon (flat with straight edges) and all other faces are triangles. No curves!

• Net - A pattern that you can cut and fold to make a model of a solid shape.

• Total Area

• Surface Area- The total area of the surface of a three-dimensional object.

• Example: the surface area of a cube is the area of all 6 faces added together.

• Sum - The result of adding two or more numbers.

• Cubes - A box-shaped solid object that has six identical square faces.

• Cuboids - A box-shaped object, six flat faces and all angles are right angles, all of its faces are

Note: The name "cuboid" comes from "cube" and -oid (which means "similar to, or resembling")
and so says "it is like a cube".

Surface Area

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