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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

3 February 2019 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C



o be chosen by God for a challenging mission is surely a great
sign of honor. But in most cases, this sign of distinction becomes
also a burden as the chosen “missionary” or prophet has to
face difficulties, oppositions, and even persecution in the fulfillment of
his/her mission. In such circumstances, faithfulness to the God-given
mission carries a heavy price.
Such was the experience of the prophet Jeremiah and of Jesus
himself, the greatest of all prophets who was rejected by his own
townsfolk in Nazareth. But he remained faithful to the end, in spite
of all opposition and disappointments, simply because he knew that
the salvation of all human beings depended on his perseverance.
Faithfulness at all costs to our mission is the message of God’s
Word to us today.
In this Eucharist, let us place our hope in Jesus and get our strength from him as we work
for the coming of his Kingdom.

God and to you, my brothers Gloria

and sisters, that I have great-
ly sinned, in my thoughts All –Glory to God in the
and in my words, in what highest, and on earth peace
Entrance Antiphon I have done and in what I to people of good will. We
(To be recited only when no Entrance have failed to do, (strike your praise you, we bless you, we
Hymn is sung.)
breast) through my fault, adore you, we glorify you, we
Save us, O Lord our God! through my fault, through give you thanks for your great
And gather us from the na- my most grievous fault. glory, Lord God, heavenly
tions, to give thanks to your Therefore I ask blessed
holy name, and make it our King, O God, almighty
Mary ever-Virgin, all the Father.
glory to praise you. Angels and Saints, and you, Lord Jesus Christ, Only
my brothers and sisters, to
Greeting pray for me to the Lord our
Begotten Son, Lord God,
P –The grace and peace of God. Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-
God our Father and the Lord P –May almighty God have ther, you take away the sins
Jesus Christ be with you! mercy on us, forgive us our of the world, have mercy on
All – And with your spirit! sins, and bring us to everlast- us; you take away the sins of
ing life. the world, receive our prayer;
Penitential Act All –Amen! you are seated at the right
P –Coming together as P –Lord, have mercy! hand of the Father, have mer-
God’s family, with confi- All –Lord, have mercy! cy on us. For you alone are
dence let us ask the Lord’s the Holy One, you alone are
forgiveness, that we may of- P –Christ, have mercy! the Lord, you alone are the
fer this Eucharist with a puri- All –Christ, have mercy! Most High, Jesus Christ, with
fied heart. (Pause) P –Lord, have mercy! the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
All – I confess to almighty All –Lord, have mercy! God the Father. Amen!
Collect (Opening Prayer) F rude, it does not seek its own
P –Grant us, Lord our God,     interests, it is not quick-tem-
pered, it does not brood over
that we may honor you with va-tion! injury, it does not rejoice over
all our mind, and love every- wrongdoing but rejoices with
one in truth of heart. * In you, O Lord, I take ref- the truth. It bears all things,
Through our Lord Jesus uge; let me never be put to believes all things, hopes all
Christ, your Son, who lives shame. In your justice rescue things, endures all things.
and reigns with you in the me, and deliver me. Incline Love never fails.
unity of the Holy Spirit, one your ear to me, and save me. If there are prophecies,
God, for ever and ever. R. they will be brought to noth-
All – Amen! ing; if tongues, they will
* Be my rock of refuge, a
stronghold to give me safety, cease; if knowledge, it will be
for you are my rock and my brought to nothing. For we
fortress. O my God, rescue me know partially and we proph-
from the hand of the wicked. esy partially, but when the
R. perfect comes, the partial will
1st Reading Jer 1:4-5.17-19 pass away. When I was a child,
Today’s passage contains * For you are my hope, O I used to talk as a child, think
the call of the prophet Jeremi- Lord; my trust, O God, from as a child, reason as a child;
ah. Of particular importance my youth. On you I depend when I became a man, I put
is the warning about the stiff from birth; from my mother’s aside childish things. At pres-
opposition which he will meet womb you are my strength. R. ent we see indistinctly, as in a
among the Israelites. mirror, but then face to face.
* My mouth shall declare At present I know partially;
This feature of Jeremiah’s your justice, day by day your
fate foreshadows that of Jesus, then I shall know fully, as I am
salvation. O God, you have fully known.
who was also rejected by his taught me from my youth, and So faith, hope, love remain,
own people. till the present I proclaim your these three; but the greatest of
wondrous deeds. R. these is love.
R –A proclamation from the
Book of the Prophet Jer- The Word of the Lord!
emiah 2nd Reading 1 Cor 12:31-
All – Thanks be to God!
The word of the Lord came Today’s Second Reading
to me, saying: “Before I formed is the famous passage that Gospel Acclamation Lk 4:18
you in the womb I knew you, has been dubbed “A HYMN All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
before you were born I dedi- “The Lord sent me to
cated you. A prophet to the na- TO LOVE.” These fourteen
verses are the most beautiful bring glad tidings to the
tions I appointed you. poor, to proclaim liberty
But do you gird your loins: and challenging commentary to captives.”
stand up and tell them all that I to Christ’s commandment to Alleluia! Alleluia!
command you. Be not crushed love our neighbor as he did.
on their account, as though I R –A proclamation from the Gospel Lk 4:21-30
would leave you crushed be-
fore them; for it is I this day First Letter of Paul to the This is a sad moment in the
who have made you a fortified Corinthians life of Jesus. Today’s episode
city, a pillar of iron, a wall of foreshadows the final rejec-
Brothers and sisters: tion which Jesus will suffer
brass, against the whole land: Strive eagerly for the great-
against Judah’s kings and est spiritual gifts. But I shall in Jerusalem, as well as the
princes, against its priests and show you a still more excellent innumerable rejections he will
people. They will fight against way. If I speak in human and suffer through the centuries.
you, but not prevail over you, angelic tongues, but do not P –The Lord be with you!
for I am with you to deliver have love, I am a resounding All – And with your spirit!
you,” says the Lord. gong or a clashing cymbal. P –A proclamation from the
The Word of the Lord! And if I have the gift of holy Gospel according to
All – Thanks be to God! prophecy, and comprehend all
mysteries and all knowledge; Luke
if I have all faith so as to move All – Glory to you, O Lord!
Responsorial Psalm Ps 71
mountains, but do not have Jesus began speaking in the
R –I will sing of your salva- love, I am nothing. If I give synagogue, saying: “Today
tion! away everything I own, and this Scripture passage is ful-
R. M. Velez if I hand my body over so that filled in your hearing.” And all
F Dm C
I may boast, but do not have spoke highly of him and were
    
 love, I gain nothing. amazed at the gracious words
   Love is patient, love is kind.
It is not jealous, it is not pomp-
that came from his mouth.
They also asked, “Isn’t this the
I will sing of your sal- ous, it is not inflated, it is not son of Joseph?”
3 February 2019
He said to them, “Surely He ascended into heaven and is ever more firmly believe in
you will quote me this proverb, seated at the right hand of the the presence of Jesus in the
‘Physician, cure yourself,’ and Father. He will come again in Eucharist, the sacrament of
say, ‘Do here in your native glory to judge the living and the love, let us pray! R.
place the things that we heard
were done in Capernaum.’ ”
dead and his kingdom will have C –That the observance of
And he said, “Amen, I say to
no end. Pro-Life Sunday may re-
you, no prophet is accepted in
I believe in the Holy Spirit, awaken in all Catholics a
his own native place. the Lord, the giver of life, who greater appreciation of the
Indeed, I tell you, there proceeds from the Father and preciousness of human life,
were many widows in Israel the Son, who with the Father and of their duty to promote
in the days of Elijah when the and the Son is adored and glori- and defend it in all its aspects,
sky was closed for three and a fied, who has spoken through let us pray! R.
half years and a severe famine the prophets. C – Let us pray in silence for
spread over the entire land. It I believe in one, holy, cath- our personal intentions.
was to none of these that Elijah olic and apostolic Church. I (Pause) Let us pray! R.
was sent, but only to a widow confess one Baptism for the
in Zarephath in the land of forgiveness of sins and I look P –Lord, grant us courage
Sidon. Again, there were many forward to the resurrection of and wisdom, faithfulness and
lepers in Israel during the time the dead and the life of the world consistency in living out our
of Elisha the prophet; yet not to come. Amen! prophetic mission in spite of
one of them was cleansed, but mockery and persecutions.
only Naaman the Syrian.”
Prayer of the Faithful You who live and reign for
When the people in the syn- ever and ever.
agogue heard this, they were P –At Baptism, we have All – Amen!
all filled with fury. They rose come to share in the prophetic
up, drove him out of the town, mission of Jesus. This call has
and led him to the brow of the become clearer at our confir-
hill on which their town had mation. Aware of the difficul-
been built, to hurl him down ty of being faithful prophets
headlong. in our society, we pray: Preparation of the Gifts
But Jesus passed through P –Pray, brethren . . .
the midst of them and went All – Lord, grant us courage! All –May the Lord accept the
away. C –That the whole Church, sacrifice at your hands, for
The Gospel of the Lord! under the guidance of her the praise and glory of his
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus leaders, may fulfill her mis- name, for our good and the
Christ! sion of proclaiming the Word good of all his holy Church.
of God to all peoples, let us
pray! R. Prayer over the Offerings
C –That all believers may P –O Lord, we bring to your
Profession of Faith faithfully fulfill their task of altar these offerings of our
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) being prophets of God in the service: be pleased to receive
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- places where they live, let us them, we pray, and transform
ther almighty, maker of heaven pray! R. them into the Sacrament of
our redemption.
and earth, of all things visible C –That those who are per- Through Christ our Lord.
and invisible. secuted on account of their All – Amen!
I believe in one Lord Jesus commitment to promote jus-
Christ, the Only Begotten Son tice may bravely persevere Preface IV
of God, born of the Father be- in their mission, let us pray! P –The Lord be with you!
fore all ages. God from God, R. All –And with your spirit!
Light from Light, true God from P –Lift up your hearts!
true God, begotten, not made,
C –That those who are pro-
moting dialogue and peace All –We lift them up to the
consubstantial with the Father; Lord!
between warring factions
through him all things were may succeed in their praise- P –Let us give thanks to the
made. For us men and for our worthy efforts, let us pray! R. Lord our God!
salvation he came down from All –It is right and just!
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy C –That those who find it
hard to love as Christ did P –It is truly right and just,
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- our duty and our salvation,
gin Mary, and became man.* may persevere in their effort, always and everywhere to
For our sake he was crucified remembering that love is all give you thanks, Lord, holy
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- that matters most in our aspi- Father, almighty and eter-
fered death and was buried, and ration to attain eternal life. let nal God, through Christ our
rose again on the third day in us pray! R. Lord.
accordance with the Scriptures. C –That all Catholics may For by his birth he brought
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
renewal to humanity’s fallen servant. Save me in your mer- P –May the Lord make you
state, and by his suffering, ciful love. O Lord, let me never kind and compassionate
canceled out our sins; by his be put to shame, for I call on that you may become in-
rising from the dead, he has you. struments of His love.
opened the way to eternal life, All – Amen!
and by ascending to you, O Prayer after Communion
P –May He give you a deep-
Father, he has unlocked the P –Nourished by these re- er appreciation for His
gates of heaven. deeming gifts, we pray, O
And so, with the company Lord, that through this help gift of life.
All – Amen!
of Angels and Saints, we sing to eternal salvation true faith
the hymn of your praise, as may ever increase. P –May He make you strong
without end we acclaim: Through Christ our Lord. in the moments of trial and
All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, All – Amen! wise in your judgment.
God of hosts. Heaven and All – Amen!
earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest! P –May almighty God bless
Blessed is he who comes in you: the Father, and the
the name of the Lord. Hosan- Son, and the Holy Spirit.
P –The Lord be with you! All – Amen!
na in the highest! All – And with your spirit!
P –Bow your heads and P –Go in peace, glorifying
Memorial Acclamation the Lord by your life!
P –The mystery of faith! pray for God’s blessing.
(Pause) All – Thanks be to God!
All – When we eat this Bread
and drink this Cup, we
proclaim your Death,
O Lord, until you come
again! Appreciate the Value and Sacredness of Human
Life through the Help of St. John Paul’s Encyclical

All – Our Father . . .

P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
All – For the kingdom, the with its illustrated
power, and the glory are Synthesis
yours, now and for ever.

Sign of Peace
Breaking of the Bread
All – Lamb of God . . .
and the full color
Communion pamphlet “The Wonder of Life and Its Enemies”
P –Behold the Lamb of God,
behold him who takes away the
sins of the world. Blessed are
those called to the Supper of
the Lamb.
All – Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under
my roof, but only say the
word and my soul shall be
Communion Antiphon Copies are available at the Word & Life Center
(To be recited only when no
Communion Hymn is sung.) and all major religious bookstores.
Let your face shine on your Get the complete set at the discounted price of only P 140!

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio, R. Molomog
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: Fr. B. Nolasco • Circulation: R. Saldua

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