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Ardani Patanduk

Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknologi Mineral, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta
Jl. SWK 104 (Lingkar Utara), Condongcatur, Yogyakarta 55283

The most important factor in the formation of

SARI geothermal systems is the source of heat and water
sources. In high-temperature geothermal systems (>
This research was conducted in four places around
150ºC) it is usually necessary to have a magmatic
the meso-structure area of Central Java-Yogyakarta,
heat source. This geothermal system is usually
namely Gedongsongo, Diwak, Candi Umbul, Dukuh
located around volcanoes where high heat flows are
temple, and Parang Wedang area. The geothermal produced by subsurface arc magma (Tian et al.,
manifestations found in the four regions were 2018). The heat energy produced by mechanical
carried out by examining the geochemistry of the
friction along faults during transpressional
water and its relationship with the heat source in
deformation can also function as a heat source for
each of these geothermal manifestations. This study
high-temperature geothermal systems. Therefore,
is intended to determine the water characteristics of tectonic friction heat characterized by many faults
geothermal manifestations of the system in this can also be recognized as an additional heat source
meso-structure of volcanoes to determine the heat
for geothermal systems (Mase and Smith, 1987;
source and water source of geothermal systems in
Zhu, 2016; Tian, 21018).
these five regions and their relationships. The results
of the study show that the types of water sources and
Therefore a study was conducted to determine the
heat sources in these four regions have different water characteristics of geothermal manifestations
characteristics. And also, geothermal fluids show from a system in volcanic meso-structures in
variations in the chemical components of each
Yogyakarta-Central Java to determine the heat
research site, which means that each place has a
source and source of water from geothermal systems
different water source, one of the geothermal
in these five regions and how they are related (Fig.
systems in the five regions has a high enough

Kata kunci: Geotermal, chemical, source,


Panas bumi merupakan sember energy alternative
terbarukan. Sumber energy panas bumi Geothermal
energy has the potential to be produced in Indonesia.
This is because Indonesia is located on an active
volcano lane which has a large geothermal potential.
Volcanoes in Indonesia are 129 volcanoes (Firdaus,
Figure 1: The Research Location Map (Google
The research area is located in five places (Fig. 1), Earth)
namely: Parangwedang, Umbul Temple, Dukuh
Temple, Diwak and Kedongsongo. Litology in the GEOLOGICAL SETTING
study area consists of quarterly volcanic rocks. At
Java, an island in the Indonesian archipelago is a part
the place where the geothermal manifestations
of a long volcanic arc that extends from Sumatera to
appear in the form of hot springs. Every place must
have a hot fluid that has a different chemical content. Nusa Tenggara (Fig. 3). The volcanic arc is due to
subduction of the Indo-Australian plate be- neath the

Figure 2: cross-section of the location of the study and its topography

Eurasian plate, with a rate of about 6 to 7 cm/a
In this study the authors used the method of
(Hamilton, 1979; Simandjuntak and Barber, 1996;
collecting data from previous researchers or
Purnomo, 2014). The subduction started in the
secondary data. The data used in the form of water
middle Paleogene (Hall, 2002; Purnomo, 2014) and
geochemical data on geothermal manifestations that
produced the east–west trending Southern Mountain
are at the location to be studied. Analysis of
volcanic arc (Soeria-Atmadja et al., 1994; Purnomo,
geochemical data using RockWorks16, and
2014). Later, in the magmatic periods of the
Microsoft Excel software. After that an
Neogene and the Quaterna- ry, additional volcanic
interpretation is made. List of data can be seen in
arcs were formed to the north, also trending from
Table 1.
east to west (Van Bemellen, 1949; Hamilton, 1979;
Purnomo, 2014). The older rocks (Tertiary) are
andesitic, while the younger (Quarternary) rocks are RESULT AND DISCUSSION
more alkaline (Soeria-Atmadja et al., 1994;
Purnomo, 2014). Clements et al. (2009) noted that Hydrochemistry and geothermometry
subduction caused lifting and erosion in the southern The results of hydrochemical analysis for
part of the island, as indicated by the exposure of Gedongsongo, Diwak, Umbul, and Parangwedang
Cretaceous basement (Purnomo, 2014). water samples show different types of water. Based
on the plot in the piper diagram (Fig. 4), the
Java Island is located in the subduction zone Gedongsongo water sample (G code in red) and
between the Eurasian plate and the Indo-Australian Diwak (code D in purple) has the dominant cation
plate. This makes the island of Java has considerable content in the form of Ca-Mg ion and the dominant
geothermal potential. The research area is located in anion is CO3-HCO3 ion or in other words this water
the area of Central Java and D.I. Yogyakarta. The is called calcium water magnesium-bicarbonate.
morphology of the study area is a volcanic plateau. This shows that Gedongsongo and Diwak water
In general, the study area is composed of volcanic samples are shallow groundwater and fresh
rocks that are quarter-old. Geothermal groundwater, and there are also samples in Diwak
manifestations found in the study area were hot which contain dominant ions in the form of Na ions
springs, fumaroles, and warm ground. The tectonic and HCO3 ions or in other words this water is called
activities that occur on the island of Java have Sodium-Bicarbonate water (Fig. 4). The high
resulted in the development of varied geological sodium ion content indicates that this water is deep
structures. The structural pattern of the research area groundwater and may be classified as old
is generally Southwest-Northeast, Northeast- groundwater. While the high content of bicarbonate
Southeast. The structure pattern that is formed is a ions indicates that this water is affected by meteoric
reflection of the pattern of strictness of the island of water. That way, both of these points show that this
Java which is generally north-south. Diwak water is mixed water, which is between deep
groundwater which mixes with surface groundwater
(meteroric water).

For the Parangwedang water sample (code P in

green) it has a very dominant Ca and Mg and Cl and
SO4 anions (Fig. 4). The high content of Na and Cl
ions indicates that the water comes from very deep
groundwater which is in the deep aquifer and is
probably old. While the high SO4 ion content
indicates that the water is affected by magmatic
solutions which have high H2S and / or SO2 content.
While the content of Ca and Mg ions that are high is
likely to come from volcanic rocks that are rich in
Figure 3: Tectonic regime of collisions between the composition of calcium and magnesium. That
Asian Continent plates and Indian- way, it can be concluded that this Parangwedang
Australian oceanic plates that influence sample is water originating from deep ground water
structural patterns formed in the study which rises to the surface due to the presence of hot
area (Purnomo, 2014).

Table 1: Chemical composition (in mg/L), (n: data not available: data source 1. Phuong et al., 2012; 2. Phuong
et al., 2005; 3. Hutami et al., 2014, 4. Purnomo et al, 2014; 5. Juliarka et al., 2016).
Location Code Temp ( C ) pH SiO2 HCO3 Cl SO4 Na K Mg Ca Paper Reference
Gedongsongo UW-1 21.9 3,45 58 50 1.8 247 34.3 15.0 13.4 42.5
Gedongsongo UW-2 40 5,36 109 59 1.2 136 25.3 8.6 10.3 32.6
Gedongsongo UW-3 56 6,1 86 200 0.8 31.8 14.1 7.9 15.1 37.1
Gedongsongo UW-4 32.2 6 82 465 0.8 2.6 10.7 5.5 14.7 35.9
Gedongsongo UW-5a n 6,31 23 100 0.7 3.5 2.3 1.2 0.7 3.5
Gedongsongo UW-6 18 5,42 51 107 0.7 50.3 6.8 3.1 5.6 18.2
Gedongsongo UW-7A 50 6,1 93 501 0.8 3.4 11.8 6.4 19.8 38.9
Gedongsongo UW-7B 25 5,9 89 496 0.8 2.9 12.3 6.0 17.6 40.7
Gedongsongo UW-8A 35.2 6,84 92 1732 998 0.2 700 44.2 117.7 217.3
Gedongsongo UW-8B 38.1 6,78 95 1824 1088 0.1 746 47.1 126.0 278.4
Gedongsongo UW-9a 23,8 7,87 51 351 7.2 4.4 23.2 2.4 26.9 62.1
Diwak UGW-17 A 39,5 6.80 n 1435 111,4 0,8 128 1,90 30,4 134,5
Diwak UGW-17 B 27,5 7.40 n 292 19,21 1,4 46,2 0,60 6,92 19,37 Phuong
Derekan UGW-20 25,8 7 n 145 1,48 1,03 69,5 0,20 3,66 6,01
Derekan UGW-21 38,5 6,9 n 1560 119 0,31 131 2,20 31,3 144,3
Candi Umbul MCU 36 7.3 0.020 21,08 17,43 26,755 20 3,45 n n Hutami et. al.
Candi Dukuh MCD 36 7.3 0.130 36,34 40,13 43,198 28 7,45 n n (2014)
Parangwedang J58 39.2 7.6 26.2 43.96184.5 477.0 1640.0 21.4 8.7 2047.6 Purnomo (2014)
Parangwedang PRWD 1A 47 n n 0 7177 315 1284 32,00 3 n
Parangwedang PRWD 2A 47 n n 0 7124 312 1303 33,00 3 n Juliarka
Parangwedang PRWD 1B 49 n n 76 6750 78 334 7,00 766 n
Parangwedang PRWB 2B 49 n n 4 7550 142 876 6,00 730 n

Figure 4: Piper diagram of samples of all the water sample

convection flow and mixes with magmatic water, Umbul Temple and Hamlet Temple are included in
and this water is in contact with volcanic rocks. the type of water sulphate. This type of water is
formed by condensation of the geothermal gas
As for the Umbul Temple water sample, Dukuh towards the surface, so that it is generally formed at
Temple (code C in blue) has the dominant content of shallow depths.
Na and K cations and Cl and SO4 anions (Fig. 4).
The high content of Na and Cl ions indicates that the
water comes from very deep groundwater which is
in the deep aquifer and is probably old. While the
high SO4 ion content indicates that the water is
affected by magmatic solutions which have high
H2S and / or SO2 content.

Figure 6: Triangular diagram Na-K-Mg1/2(from

Giggenbach, 1988) for the water
samples from the study area.

Based on the results of the plot on the

geotermometer diagram Na-K-Mg (Fig. 6), water
samples from Gedongsongo, Diwak and Umbul
Figure 5: Cl-SO4-HCO3 ternary diagram of the Temple are in the form of "immature water" so that
geothermal water samples they cannot use the geothermoter to estimate
reservoir temperature. While the results of the
sample plot, Parangwedang water lies in "partial
Geothermal fluid type can be known based on the equilibration", with an estimated temperature of
ratio Cl-SO4-HCO3 anion concentration in fluid around 100ºC to 160ºC.
using a plot on the Giggenbach ternary diagram, Table 2: Quantitative analysis of the
1991 (Fig. 5). Based on the results of the plot in the geothermometer
Cl-SO4-HCO3, diagram, water samples from
Gedongsongo and Diwak are included in the
Bicarbonate type of water (except UW-1 and UW-2
samples). The element of bicarbonate in water will
move to follow the gradient of groundwater, the
farther away the influence of groundwater will be
even greater. The plot results on the Giggenbach
diagram show that all Diwak samples have high
HCO3 concentrations compared to Gedongsongo.
This represents that Diwak experienced an increase
in bicarbonate concentration because it was located

The Giggenbach ternary diagram shows that the

Parangwedang water sample has a high Cl
concentration, but a small concentration of HCO3
and SO4. So that the Parangwedang water sample is
included in the water chloride type. This is likely to
be influenced by seawater, where the Na / Cl ratio is
less than 0.86 which is between 0.05 and 0.18.

high, low-intermediate, high, low-intermediate
From the list of data in Table 2, we can know the enthalpy, consecutive.
value of the Na-K-Ca geothermometer in the 5. K / Mg geothermometers, water samples from
Gedongsongo area between 22.19-12°C. For the Gedongsongo, Diwak, Umbul, and
Diwak area the value is 13.7-18.11°C. For Candi Parangwedang temples are classified as low
Umbul, the value is 54.80. Whereas there is no Ca enthalpy low, low, and low-intermediate.
data in the Dukuh and Parangwedang Temple 6. Based on geothermometer analysis, the
regions, so there is no geothermometer for Na-K-Ca. Gedongsongo area is the highest enthalpy area
Based on Corney 1990's Classification in Lee 1996, compared to other regions.
the Gedongsongo area included enthalpy low-
intermediates. Diwak area includes low enthalpy, REFERENCES
Umbul Temple including low enthalpy.
Firdaus, A., Harmoko, U., Widada, S. (2014),
“Pemodelan Steady State Sistem Panas Bumi
For the geothermometer value of Na / K in the
Daerah Sumber Air Panas Diwak-Derakan
Gedongsongo area the value ranges from 180.49-
428.46°C. for the Diwak area the value is 88.03- Dengan Menggunakan Software Hydrothrem
94.36°C. for the value of the area 29.29-100.41°C. 2.2”, Youngster Physics Journal, Vol.3, 243-
For Umbul Temple 267.07°C and Candi Dukuh
319.66°C. Whereas for the Parangwedang area the Giggenbach, W. (1988), “Geothermal solute
value ranges from 60.52-122.05°C. Based on equilibria.derivation of Na-K-Mg-
Corney 1990's Classification in Lee 1996 the Cageoindicators, Geochim, Cosmochim”, Acta,
Gedongsongo area included enthalpy high- 52 (12), 2749–2765.
intermediates, including enthalpy low-
intermediates, Umbul temples including enthalpy Giggenbach, W. (1991), “Chemical techniques in
highs, and Parangwedang including low- geothermal exploration”, Appl. Geochem.
intermediates. Geother. Res. Dev. 11, 9–144.
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For the K/Mg geothermometer value in the (2014), “Studi Pendahuluan Daerah Prospek
Gedongsongo area the value ranges from 28.51- Panasbumi Berdasarka Data Manifestasi
73.98°C. for the diwak area the value is 16.34- Panasbumi, Geokimia Dan Isotop Fluida
23.32°C. For Derekan area there is no Mg data so Panasbumi Komplek Gunung Telomoyo,
there is no Geothermometer value K / Mg. For Candi Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah”, Program
Umbul, the value is 87.78°C and Candi Dukuh is Studi Teknik Geologi Universitas Diponegoro,
worth 113.12°C. For the Parangwedang area the Semarang.
value ranges from 15.90 - 114.03°C. Based on
Classification Corney, Gedongsongo included Juliarka, B. R., and Niasari, S. W. (2016),
enthalpy low, Diwak including low, Umbul Temple “Geothermal Exploration Using Geochemical
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CONCLUSION Kusumayudha, S. B., Markam, A. P., and Rahmat,
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UW-2 samples). The Parwangwedang spring Resources - An Engineering Approach”,
fluid is included in the water chloride type. Proceeding Twenty First Workshop on
Umbul Temple and Hamlet Temple are included Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford
in the type of water sulphate. University, California.
2. Geothermometer Na-K-Mg, water samples from
Gedongsongo, Diwak and Umbul Temple in the Phuong, N. K., Heu, H., Harijoko, A., Itoi, R., and
form of "immature water" and Parangwedang in Unoki, Y. (2005), “Geochemistry of The
the form of "partial equilibirium" with Ungaran Geothermal System, Central Java,
temperatures around 100 C to 160 C. Indonesia”, HAGI-IAGI-PERHAPI The 30th
3. Na-K-Ca geothermometer, water samples from HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI
Gedongsongo, Diwak, Umbul Temple, and Annual Conference and Exhibition.
classified as low-intermediate, low, and low Phuong, N. K., Harijoko, A., Itoi, R., and Unoki, Y.
enthalpy, consecutive. (2012), “Water Geochemistry and Soil Gas
4. Geothermometer Na / K, water samples from Survey at Ungaran Geothermal Field, Central
Gedongsongo, Diwak, Umbul, and Java, Indonesia”, Journal of Vulcanology and
Parangwedang temples belong to intermediate- Geothermal Research, 229, 23-33.
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“Geothermal System on The Island of Java, on GeoSciences and Engineering, 118.
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