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Persuasive Writing

Persuasive Writing:
Persuasive writing encourages readers to think or feel certain way or to
see the writer’s point of view. It can also motivate readers to take action.
Sometimes persuasive writing can do both of these things at the same time.
 Advertisements communicate a specific message to the audience.
They appeal to emotions, senses, or interests to sell a product or service
or to make a point.
 Letters to the Editor make a claim and influence reader to think or
feel a certain way or to take a certain action. They may be written to
respond to an article or another letter to the editor or simply to express
the author’s opinion.
 Persuasive reports try to convince readers to think, feel, or act in a
certain way. Persuasive reports must include details that support the
writer’s claims.
 A claim is your point of view on the topic. It is important for readers to
understand early on what your claim is.
 Facts and reasons give information to help readers accept your claim.
Research information to support your claim. Present facts and reasons
only if they support what you claim.
 Organization helps the reader understand your message. Organize
your reasons and evidence from the least to the most important.
 Rhetorical Questions A question that is asked which makes the reader think. e.g.
How would you feel is you had 2 hours of homework every night?
 Repetition Words or phrases are repeated so that they stick in the reader’s mind.
e.g. remember what is was like to be at school, remember how much work you had.
 Emotive Language When words are used to make the reader feel a certain
emotion, like sadness or anger. e.g. We are the poor, helpless children who are
forced to do hours and hours of homework every night.
 Exaggeration When information is given that is over the top, or slightly untrue.
e.g. If I get set one more homework I am going to move to the moon!
 Facts and Statistics When truthful information is given to back up a point. e.g.
95% of pupils feel that there is too much homework
 Groups of Three When 3 adjectives or phrases are used to emphasize a point. e.g.
Homework is boring, dull and uninteresting.
Write about the following:
Your principal wants to invite a celebrity speaker to your
school. Think about the celebrity you would choose to have
speak; then, write a letter to persuade your principal to invite this
person. Be sure to include convincing reasons and details to
support your choice.

Fill in the graphic organizerClaim

Reason 1 ______________________________ Reason 2
________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
______________ ______________

Supporting details/Examples Supporting details/Examples

_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________

Restate your main idea:

Summarize your supporting reasons:
First draft











































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