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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Honorable mr Wendy and my beloved friends. First of all, let us thank to Allah the
Almighty, Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this place. Second
of all, let us deliver sholawat and salaam upon our prophet Muhammad Saw,who has brought us from
the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right way.
At present, Indonesia is confronting a major challenge namely triple burden health problems,
because there are still infectious diseases, increasing non-communicable diseases and diseases that
should have been resolved began to reappear. In the 1990s, infectious diseases such as Upper
Respiratory Tract Infection, Tuberculosis and Diarrhea were the most common diseases in health
services. However, changes in people's lifestyles are one of the causes of a shift in disease patterns
(epidemiological transitions). In 2015, NCDs such as Stroke, Coronary Heart Disease, Cancer and
Diabetes actually ranked highest
Therefore, the Indonesian Ministry of Health specifically remind the public to maintain health
through Gerakan Masyarakat Sehat (GERMAS) to create healthy Indonesia. Today i would like to share
about GERMAS.
So what is GERMAS? GERMAS is a movement that aims to promote a culture of healthy living
and abandon the habits and behavior of unhealthy people. GERMAS also followed by promoting
healthy hygiene behavior and support for infrastructure programs on a community basis. There are at
least 7 important steps in GERMAS. Here are 7 steps of GERMAS that can be a guide to living a
healthier lifestyle :
First is Physical Activity. The behavior of modern life often leaves many people with minimal
physical activity. Convenience in everyday life because of technological assistance and lack of time
due to the busyness have made many people lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. The general part of physical
activity is one of the movements that is prioritized to improve the quality of one's health.
Second is eat fruit and vegetables. The desire to eat practical and delicious food often makes
the consumption of vegetables and fruit less actually healthier and beneficial to health. Some types of
foods and drinks such as junk food and soft drinks should be reduced or stopped. Increasing the amount
of fruit and vegetable consumption is an example of GERMAS that can be done by anyone.
Third is Do Not SMOKE. Smoking is a habit that has a lot of adverse effects on health. Quitting
smoking is an important part of a healthy life movement and the impact are not only for smokers; but
also for those around him. Asking for expert help through hypnosis or other methods of quitting
smoking can be an alternative to stopping these bad habits
Fourth one is Do not consume alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages have adverse effects
similar to smoking; both the adverse effects on health and the social effects on the people around them.
Fifth is Conduct Periodic Health Checks. One part of the meaning of germas is to be better
managing health. One of them is to do a routine health check-up and to not only come to a hospital or
health center when sick. This step can make it easier to detect diseases or health problems earlier.
Sixth is Keep the environment clean. An important part of GERMAS is also related to
improving the quality of the environment; one of them is more serious about maintaining environmental
cleanliness. Maintaining environmental cleanliness on a small scale such as the household level can be
done by waste management.
Last one is Using a toilet. The sanitation aspect is an important part of GERMAS; one of them
is using latrines as a means of disposal of sewage. Activities of pooping outside the toilet can increase
the risk of transmission of various types of diseases while reducing environmental quality.
In general, the goal of GERMAS is to lead a healthier life. A healthy lifestyle will provide many
benefits, ranging from improving health quality to increasing one's productivity. Another important
thing that should not be overlooked from a healthy lifestyle is a clean and healthy environment and a
reduced risk of wasting more money on medical expenses when sick. Thank you for your attention, i
hope it is helpful for you.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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