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General Application of SAE Steeis: These applicatíons are intended as a general guide
onJy since !he selection may dcpend on the exaci character of!he service, COSIof material.
machinability when machining is required, or other Iactors. When more than one steel is
recommended for a gi ven applicauon, information 00 the characteristies of eaeh steel
listed wi11be found in the section beginning on page 433.
Adapters, 1145 Differenrial gears, 4023
Agricultural steel, 1070, 1080 Disks clatch, 1070, J 060
Aircraft forgings, 4140 Ducti1e steel, 30905
Axles froot or rearo J 040,4140 Pan blades, 1020
Axte shafts, 1045,2340,2345.3135, Farígue resistíng 4340, 4640
3140,3141,4063,4340 Fender stock for cars, rimmed°
BaU-beariog races, 52100 Forgings
Balls for baU bearings, 52100 aircrañ, 4140
Body stock for cars, riouned' carbón steel, 1040. 1045
Bo1LSand screws, 1035 heat-treated, 3240. 5140. 6150
BoIL~ hJgb-duty.6L50
anchor, 1040 smaUormedium. 1035
cold-beaded.4042 large, 1036
connecung-rod, 3130 Free-cuning sreel
heat-treated.2330 carbono 1111, 1113
heavy-dury, 4815. 4820 ehromium-niekel steel, 30615
steering-arm.Sl Jü manganese steel, 1132, 1137
Brake levers. 1030, 1040 Gears
Bumperbars.1085 carburized, 1320.2317.3115.3120.
Cams free-wheeling, 4615, 4620 3310,4119,4125.4320.4615,4620,
Camsbafts, 1020. 1040 4815. 4820
Carburized pans. 1020,1022. 1024, 1117. beaHrealed.2345
1118.1320.2317.2515,3310.3115, carand lrUck,4027. 4032
3120.4023.4032 cyanide-hardenlng, 5140
Chain pins transmission, 4320. 4815. differentia1.4023
4820 high duty, 4640.6150
Chains transmission, 3135. 3140 oil-hardening, 3145, 3 J 50, 4340, 5150
Clutcbdisks, 1060,1070.1085 ring, 1045.31 15,3120.4119
Clutch springs, 1060 transmission, 3115. 3120. 4119
Coil springs. 4063 truek aod bus, 3310,4320
Cold-beaded bolts. 4042 Gear shiñ levers, 1030
Cold-heading Harrow disks, 1080
slecl,30905. 1070 Hay-rake teeth, 1095
wire or rod, rimmed", 1035 Key stock. 1030.2330. 3130
Cold-rolledsleel.1070 Leafsprings.1085,9260
Connectíag-rods, 1040.3141 Levers
Connecting-rod bolts, 3130 brake, 1030. 1040
COrroSi.OD resisting, 517.10,30805 gearsbift.l030
Covers transmission. rimmed' heai-treared, 2330
Crankshafts.- 1045.. 1145.3135.3140.
- Lockwasb.ers.106O
3141. Mower knives, 1085
Crankshafts Diesel eugíne, 4340 Mower sections, 1070
Cushion springs, 1060 Musie wíre, 1085
Cullery stainless, 51335 NULS.3130
Cylinder smds. 3130 heat-treated,2330
Deep-drawing sreel, rimmed", 30905 Oi! pans automobile, rimmed'
• The "rimmed"and "killed" steels listed ore in lileSAE 1008. 1010.• ud 1015group,See general
descdpríon ortbese steels,

Pinioos c:atbIIti2ed. 311.5. 3120. 4320 oí I·hanlening. 51.50

Pistoo pins. 311.5. 3120 oíl-tempered wire. 1066
Plow seal. 1095
beams. 1070 vlh-e. 1060
disks. 1080 Spring wire, 100
shares, lOSO hard-drawn. 1055
Propellershafts. 2340. 234.5, 4140 oü-tempered. 1055
Races ball-bearing, .52100 Stainles irons,SI210.51710
Ring gears, 3115. 3120.4119 Steel
Rings snap, 1060. 1070. 1090 cold-rolJed, 1070
RJvccs, rimmcd' cold-headinll.30905
Roe!and wíre, kílled' free-cultinll carbon. I I 111, I 113
Roe!cold-helIdi n2. 1035 (ree-cultinll c:hrome-níckel. 30615
Roller bearin¡s. 481.5 frce-cuttinll maoganese. I132
Rollers (or bearings. .52100 mínimum distonion. 461.5. 4620, 4640
$crews and bahs. 1035 son ductile. 3090.5
ScrewSlOCk SleCring arms. 4042
Bessemer. 1111. 1112. 1113 Sleering-arm bah!. 3 I30
opea-bearth, 1115 Steering lcnuckJcs. 3141
Screws beal-ttealed. 2330 Steering-knuckle pins. 4815. 4820
SeU! SprinllS. 10956 Tac:its. rimmed'
Shafts Thrusl wasbers, 1060
axle, 1045 oil-hardened, S 1.50
c:yanide-bardeoing. 5140 Transmissioo shafis. 4 140
Ilcavy-duly. 4340. 61.50. 4615. 4620 Tubing. I().IO
oil-hatdening • .51.50 Irom axle, 4140
propclIc:r. 2340. 234S. 4 140 seamless_ 1OJO
transmission. 4140 wclded, 1020
Sheeu and"ril)5. rimmed' Universaljoínts.114.5
SNlp rings, 1060. 1070, 1090 Valvc springa. 1060
Spline sbafls. 1045. 1320.2340. 2345. Washers loc:k. 1060
311.5,3120.313.5.3140.4023 Welded stroclures. 3070S
Spring cllps, 1060 Wire and red, k.llled'
Sprlngs Wire
con. 1095.4063.61.50 coId-heading. rimmed'
clutch, 1060 hard-drawn $pring. 100S. 10S.5
cushioo_ 1060 music:. 108.5
harck1rawn coíled. 1066 oíl'lelllpCled spnng. 10.5.5
Icaf. 1085. 1095. 4~3. 4068. 9260. Wrisl-pins autOmobile. 1020
61.50 Yates. 114.5
Abstracted Carbón and Alloy Steel Grades According lo AI$I
üesignation and Their Applications
AISI Grade Application
lUlO Automobile bodws
1()lIU.41~O Axlcs
1035.40-12.41115 1J01",
1020. 11)40 C'\lnsh:lfIS
1040. 31~U. ~34U Connccting rods
1045. 1145,3135.31-1(1 FOl'g('<.I cranksJmll;-,
1060 Lock wa ..hcrs
II)~U kailroad mils and whccts
lH!J$,41H)3.6150 Springs (coil)
1OS5. 40(.J, (i 15U. 92(lU s1)I'j ti 1':,$ (10:).1')
1040 Tubiug
1045. 1055 \\fir e
1085 \Vi!'c (1IIUlOic::)
4141>. R74H Aircmft forgings, tnbing, Iiningsx
~111~1 B:llI bcorings nnd reces
3135.31./U 'rransnussion chains
4023 Differontial gelll'S
4027.4032 Gears (cars and uucks)

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