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Answer the following word problems. Show your solution.

1. The new school building has 4 floors. Each floor has 7

classrooms. How many classrooms does the new school building

2. Diego has 90 pesos. He plans to use all of his money to buy

crackers at 10 pesos per pack. How many packs of crackers can
he buy?

3. There were 24 cookies left in the jar. 3 children came and

shared the cookies amongst them equally.
a. How many cookies will the children get?
b. If 1 more arrived and they all had to share the cookies equally,
how many cookies will each child have?

4. 11 carpenters need 5 nails each to finish the job. How many

nails do they need all in all?

Math (G2; Q3; Q1) 1

5. 30 colored pencils were in the container. If 3 kids were to
share them equally, how many colored pencils will each child get?
How about if there were 5 children sharing equally, instead of
just 3?

6. My brother and I will have to share these 18 pieces of candy.

How many pieces of candy do we get each?

7. Julio needs 10 popsicle sticks to make a house. He wants to

build 8 houses. How many popsicle sticks does he need all in all?

8. There are 35 students in the class. If there are 5 clusters,

how many students are there in each cluster?

Math (G2; Q3; Q1) 2

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