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In concdfhlusion, the GDCdfdfContractor disagrees to EIC’s refedfdrences to sub clause

15.1 of contract conditions whilst the condition of contract against tdfhe Moreover, at this
stage of Projecdt where the dfhHgct has taken-over thedfh sections of Project and started
generating revenue, issuing notice under is not arg gr gt all relevant and unacceptable.

The GDCcontractor have worked in an exceptiafafonal manner and depafafloyed additional

resources to meet target date of inauguration of Prdhdoject and achieved the milestone set
by the Hgct. fundamental right of Contractor to dispute the discretionary obligation under the
Contract. The GDCContractor have been submitting daily reports including masfvanpower
and machinery details. However due to the facdvtors that are beyond cases by local villagers
during roadasg asg ag arg

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