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Faisal Brahmanstya Azis


Quality Revolution: Leading the Innovation and Competitive Advantages

M. A. Berawi
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 21 No. 4, 2004
Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom

Knowledge management has the capacity to improve quality management, avoid or

minimize loss and imperfection caused by worse performance, and maximize reliability in
global market. Quality is used by customer to evaluate the economic value of a product. To
achieve quality, all stakeholders (customer, consultant, contractor, entrepreneur, supplier, and
government) have to collaborate to achieve quality.

Quality model value (QVM) is a combination from the usage of information and
communication technology (ICT), also the ability to innovate from human to overcome
challenges and improve a product’s quality. According to Gavrin (1998), there are five
definition and perspectives about quality, which are:

1. Transcendent
Quality is not a thought or matter, but a third entity that is independent of both. Even
though quality cannot be defined, we know what quality is (Pirsig, 1974).
2. Product based
Quality is based on the presence or absence of a certain attribute (Abbott, 1955).
3. Manufacturing based
Quality is conformity with requirements (Crosby, 1979; Ishikawa, 1955).
4. User based
Quality is suitability for use (Juran, 1975; Deming, 1982).
5. Value based
Quality is the level of excellence with acceptable prices and control of variation at
acceptable prices (Broh, 1982).

IJQRM | Vol. 21 | No. 4 | Spring 2004

Paper Resume |2

QVM can be used as a tool to aid companies to face globalization and society. QVM
concept demands companies to acquire new designs that gave a proactive benefit. QVM
concept can be implied to any type of product and business process innovation. The success
of a product can be seen from how far the product can fulfill or overcome customer’s needs.

QVM takes account into input changes in products to make the company more
responsive and prepare changes related to uncertainty that will be faced. There are several
mathematical approach in QVM, which are:

1. Deterministic Approach
 Definition :
A system in which the interaction between its parts can be detected with certainty,
so that the output can also be predicted.
 This model does not consider events (such as PERT) and focuses on critical factors
that have definite value.
 It is used to find the factors that most influence the quality, so that optimal quality
can be achieved.
 The deterministic model system has certainty in terms of identifying the quality of
a product.
2. Probability Approach
 Definition :
A system whose future conditions cannot be predicted.
 It is based on opportunity calculation techniques in calculating uncertainty.
 It is used by reviewing previous data to find out the chance of something
happening in the present and in the future.

The QVM described in this paper is used to assist companies in facing globalization
and one world community. QVM produces synergies between technology, behavioral
problems, and human innovations needed to compete and survive. The basic idea of the
mathematical technique used in this method is to increase product strength factors and
minimize deficiencies. In addition, the QVM also takes the changing factors into account in
the project. The use of QVM can make companies more responsive in predicting existing
changes and anticipating things that happen, and developing plans to compete with

IJQRM | Vol. 21 | No. 4 | Spring 2004

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