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MATH LEAGUE CONTEST GRADE 4 SAMPLE TEST & SOLUTION 2000 FOURTH GRADE MATHEMATICS CONTEST ‘Math League Press, PO, Box 17, Tenafly, New Jersey 07670-0017 1999-2000 Annual 4th Grade Contest Spring, 2000 4 Instructions = Time Do not open this booklet until you are told by your teacher to begin. You will have only 30 minutes working time for this contest. You might be unable to finish all 30 questions in the time allowed. = Scores Please remember that this is a contest, not a test—and there is no s ing” score. Few students score as high as 24 points (80% correct). Students with half that, 12 points, should be commended! = Format and Point Value This is a multiple-choice contest. Each an- swer will be one of the capital letters A, B, C, or D. Write each answer in the Answer Column to the right of each question. We suggest (but do not require) that you use a pencil. Each question you answer correctly is worth 1 point: Unanswered questions receive no credit. You may use a calculator unless your school does not allow you to use one. Please Print First Name Last Name School Grade Level Do Not Write In The Space Below To the Teacher: Please enter the student's score at the right before you return this paper to the student. Student's Score: The school's top scorer will receive the book Math Contests Grades 4,5,6 (Vl. 2), Other high scorers will receive Certificates of Merit. In any one school year, no student may win both a book and a certifi- cate. The book and certificates were in the original contest package. If needed, duplicate book awards may be ordered as described below. Nine books of past contests, Graites 4, 5, & 6 (Volumes 1, 2, & 3), Gmdes 7 & 8 (Valmes 1, 2, & 3) and High Schoo! (Volumes 1, 2, & 3), are available, for $12.95 each volume ($19.95 Canadian), from Math League Press, PO. Box 17, Tenafly, N J. 07670-0017. Copyright & 2000 by Mathematics Leagues Inc, 1 Answer 9%. Multiply the number of sides in a triangle by the number of sides in a square. The number _?_ is mot a factor of this product. A3 B)4 C5 D6 Tate one frozen yogurt bar for every 3 ice cream bars. If | ate 12 ice cream bars, how many frozen yogurt bars did I eat? A)4 B)9 C15 D) 36 1999-2000 4TH GRADE CONTEST Column 1. What number is 2 more than 999 + 999 1 A) 1001 B) 1998 ©) 2006 D) 2002 2. Tate 2 more than 2 dozen mints. How many mints did I eat? 2. A) 4B) 22 C) 26D) 48 3. Every day, iny elephant begs for 3. 3 bags of peanuts. For how many bags does it beg each week? A)3. B)7 C10 D)21 4. 50 + 100 + 150 = 2 x50 4, A)2 B)3 C4 D6 5. In which of the following 5. numbers is the hundreds’ digit greater than the tens’ digit? A) 9764 B) 8459 ©) 1234 D) 1000 6. Which of the following sums is not equal to the other three? 6. A) 19+91 B) 18 +81 © C) 27+ 72—-—D) 36463 7. The number ? reads the same forwards and backwards, 7. A) 98766789 B) 45545454 C) 12343214 D) 10535301 8 8. 10. 21 + 21 + 21=31+31+31- 2. 10. A)10 By). C)21_—-D)30 V1, 11422433444 = 142434442. ul A)10 B)40 C)100—-D) 110 12, When 106 is divided by 3, the remainder is 12. Ayo B) 1 C2 D) 3 Go on to the next page wm Q

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