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Lateralization of brain function

The lateralization of brain function is the tendency for some neural functions or cognitive
processes to be specialized to one side of the brain or the other. The medial longitudinal
fissure separates the human brain into two distinct cerebral hemispheres, connected by the
corpus callosum. Although the macrostructure of the two hemispheres appears to be almost
identical, different composition of neuronal networks allows for specialized function that is
different in each hemisphere. Each human's brain develops differently leading to unique
lateralization in individuals. This is different from specialization as lateralization refers only
to the function of one structure divided between two hemispheres. Specialization is much
easier to observe as a trend since it has a stronger anthropological history. The best example
of an established lateralization is that of Broca's and Wernicke's areas where both are often
found exclusively on the left hemisphere. These areas frequently correspond to handedness,
however, meaning that the localization of these areas is regularly found on the hemisphere
corresponding to the dominant hand (anatomically on the opposite side). Function
lateralization such as semantics, intonation, accentuation, prosody, etc. has since been called
into question and largely been found to have a neuronal basis in both hemispheres. Another
example is that each hemisphere in the brain tends to represent one side of the body. In the
cerebellum this is the same bodyside, but in the forebrain this is predominantly the
contralateral side. Language functions such as grammar, vocabulary and literal meaning are
typically lateralized to the left hemisphere, especially in right handed individuals. While
language production is left-lateralized in up to 90% of right-handers, it is more bilateral, or
even right-lateralized, in approximately 50% of left-handers. Broca's area and Wernicke's
area areas associated with the production of speech and comprehension of speech,
respectively, are located in the left cerebral hemisphere for about 95% of right-handers, but
about 70% of left-handers
Are you a right or left brainer?

Right/Left Brain Dominance Test


Which Side Are You On? Circle either “A” or “B” that most accurately
describes you.

1. A. At home, my room has organized drawer and closets. I even try to organize
other things around the house.
B. At home, I like the "lived-in" look. I clean as I see a need and when I have
the time.

2. A. My desk is usually clean and has everything in place.

B. I leave my work out on my desk so I can work as I am inspired by ideas.

3. A. I like using the "tried and true" method.

B. I like creating new methods.

4. A. I follow directions carefully when I build a model, make a craft, etc.

B. I like to build a model my way, making my own creation.

5. A. I complete one project at a time.

B. I like to start many different projects, but do not like to finish them.

6. When I am asked to write a report on a subject, I........

A. research information, then outline and organize my writing.

B. work in my own self-inspired direction.

7. When I had to do a project in class, I.....

A. used my parents' ideas, a book's illustrated project or modeled another

student's project who received an "A+" from my teacher.
B. loved the challenge, and like a "mad scientist," I produced a unique project.
8. When I am in charge of a big job with many people working, I usually...

A. organize, give everyone their responsibilities, make lists, and make sure
everyone finishes their part on time.
B. work at my own pace, let others work on the job as they want. I want to take
care of needs/problems as they arise.

9. Which of these activities would you like to do the most?

A. planning the details for a trip/project
B. creating an original art form

10. I hate it when other people.....

A. are indecisive about what activities to do when I am with them.
B. plan activities in step-by-step detail when I am with them.

Add the number of "A" responses.

Write the sum here.______

Add the number of "B" responses.

Write the sum here.______

Adopted from :
Which side of brain are you?

The Contribution of the Corpus Callosum to Language Lateralization

The development of hemispheric lateralization for language is poorly understood. In one
hypothesis, early asymmetric gene expression assigns language to the left hemisphere. In an
alternate view, language is represented a priori in both hemispheres and lateralization
emerges via cross-hemispheric communication through the corpus callosum. To address this
second hypothesis, we capitalized on the high temporal and spatial resolution of
magnetoencephalographic imaging to measure cortical activity during language processing,
speech preparation, and speech execution in 25 participants with agenesis of the corpus
callosum (AgCC) and 21 matched neurotypical individuals. In contrast to strongly lateralized
left hemisphere activations for language in neurotypical controls, participants with complete
or partial AgCC exhibited bilateral hemispheric activations in both auditory or visually driven
language tasks, with complete AgCC participants showing significantly more right
hemisphere activations than controls or than individuals with partial AgCC. In AgCC
individuals, language laterality positively correlated with verbal IQ. These findings suggest
that the corpus callosum helps to drive language lateralization.
Choosing words: left hemisphere, right hemisphere, or both? Perspective on
the lateralization of word retrieval
Language is considered to be one of the most lateralized human brain functions. Left hemisphere
dominance for language has been consistently confirmed in clinical and experimental settings and
constitutes one of the main axioms of neurology and neuroscience. However, functional
neuroimaging studies are finding that the right hemisphere also plays a role in diverse language
functions. Critically, the right hemisphere may also compensate for the loss or degradation of
language functions following extensive stroke-induced damage to the left hemisphere. Here, we
review studies that focus on our ability to choose words as we speak. Although fluidly performed in
individuals with intact language, this process is routinely compromised in aphasic patients. We
suggest that parceling word retrieval into its sub-processes—lexical activation and lexical selection —
and examining which of these can be compensated for after left hemisphere stroke can advance the
understanding of the lateralization of word retrieval in speech production. In particular, the domain-
general nature of the brain regions associated with each process may be a helpful indicator of the
right hemisphere's propensity for compensation

History of Brain Split

The "split brain" was first discovered in the laboratory by Roger Sperry and Ronald Meyers in
the late 1950's. Initially they began experimenting with cats, and later proceeded to study
monkeys. In 1961 the first human patient was subject to the split brain surgery.The procedure
worked well as a "cure" for patients who suffered from severe epilepsy and did not respond to
anti-epileptic drugs. It was soon discovered that patients who had a commissurotomy had
some interesting difficulties. Patients were not able to communicate information from one
hemisphere to the other, almost as though they now had two separate brains. Here is an
example of a standard experiment done to examine split brain perception. Sperry and other
scientists proceeded with further experimentation in order to determine the relationship
between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. How (and what) the hemispheres
communicate would provide valuable insight into the "mind" of a split brain patient. How did
a commissurotomy affect one's perceptions of the outside world? In one experiment, a word
(for example "fork") was flashed so only the right hemisphere of a patient could receive the
information. The patient would not be able to say what the word was. However, if the subject
is asked to write what he saw, his left hand would begin to write the word "fork". If asked
what he had written, the patient would have no idea. He would know that he had written
something, he could feel his hand going through the motion, yet he could not tell observers
what the word was. Because there is no longer a connection between the two hemispheres,
information presented to the right half of the brain cannot convey this information to the left.
Interestingly enough, the centers for speech interpretation and production are located in the
left hemisphere. Similarly, if the patient is blindfolded and a familiar object, such as a
toothbrush, is placed in his left hand, he appears to know what it is; for example by making
the gesture of brushing his teeth. But he cannot name the object to the experimenter. If asked
what he is doing with the object, gesturing a brushing motion, he has no idea. But if the left
hand gives the toothbrush to the right hand, the patient will immediately say "tooth brush".
Micheal Gazzaniga, who did his graduate work in Sperry's laboratory, did further experiments
which showed the attempts of the left hemisphere to compensate for it's lack of information,
as well as attempts by the right hemisphere to get it's knowledge conveyed. These
experiments, pioneered by Sperry and colleagues, provided insight into the functionings of the
two hemispheres and how they are different.

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