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Analysis and Heat Stability of Taurine in Milk1

B. SAlOl
Department of Food Chemistry
IAV Hassan II
Rabat, Morocco

Department of Food Science and Nutrition
University of Minnesota
St Paul 551~

ABSTRACT be a dietary essential for the very young infant

(9, 14). The need for taurine supplementation in
A method based on fonnation of the
fluorescamine derivative of taurine and baby foods has been suggested by Martensson
HPLC was developed for analysis of tau- and Finnstrom (21) and Subba Rao (35), who
rine in milk. Taurine in milk ranged from reported that taurine is added to many vitamin
2.4 to 12.0 mg/L. The degradation of premix fonnulations used in infant nutritional
taurine in taurine-fortified milk and in a preparations to provide the same measure of
buffered taurine and lactose solution (pH nutrition that human milk provides.
6.7) was determined by heating at SO, Nonnal cow's milk, from which most for-
100, and 120·C. First-order reaction ki- mulas are prepared, contains only smaIl
netics were observed for taurine losses in amounts of taurine (I, 29), and little is known
about the heat stability of taurine in milk. Be-
milk and buffered solution. Activation
energies were 20.5 and 21.0 kcaIlmol for cause it is a primary amine, taurine might react
milk and buffered solution, respectively. with the reducing sugar lactose during the heat-
The taurine loss in milk seems to proceed ing or storage of milk. Erbersdobler et al. (7)
through browning with the same degrada- reported a range of 3 to 14 mgIL and 18 to 129
tion rate as lysine. mg/L for taurine contents in cow's milk and
(Key words: taurine, heat stability, analy- human milk, respectively, whereas Matsuyama
sis) et al. (~3) fo~d 1..6 and 46.9 mg/L as average
values m cow s milk and human milk respec-
tively. '
Varioos methods have been reported for the
Taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid) is an estimation of taurine (6, 8, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26,
end product of sulfur amino acid metabolism 31,33,35). Some of these methods lack sensi-
found in low levels in cow's milk. Consider- tivity or are time consuming and, therefore,
able evidence exists for the importance of tau- may not be suitable for routine determination of
rine during growth and development of humans taurine (3). Application of HPLC for the quan-
and other mammals (9, 34). The possible im- tification of taurine has been limited and most
portance of taurine to neurotransrnission, retinal reports have been restricted to using ion-ex-
function, cardiac function, muscle function and change chromatography as reported by Larsen
epilepsy has been reviewed (12, 13, IS, 28). In et al. (19).
the newborn of many species, including hu- The objectives of this research were to de-
mans, taurine synthesis is limited and seems to velop an HPLC method for the quantification
of taurine in milk, to investigate its heat stabil-
ity in milk, and to determine the reactivity of
taurine with lactose in buffered solution.
Received December 7,1989.
f'ccepted February 13, 1990. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Published as Paper Number 17,644 of the contribution
series of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station
based o~ research conducted under Projecll8-087 and sup- Milk Samples
ported, m part, by IAV Hassan n, University of Minnesota
USAID Project 608-0160 and the International Foundation The milk samples tested in this study were
for Science, Stockholm, Sweden. from the US and Morocco. Taurine in skim

1990 J Dairy Sci 73:1700-1706 1700

milk was determined from four retail skim milk ery studies were done in which known amounts
samples obtained in St. Paul, Minnesota, and (5 and 10 mgIL) of taurine were added to skim
two skim milk samples from the University of milk. Taurine recoveries averaged 96% with a
Minnesota herd. Taurine in Moroccan milk was standard deviation of 4.8% when three samples
also determined using eight retail whole milk for each concentration were used.
samples obtained in Rabat. Samples were ana-
lyzed in duplicate. Reaction with Fluorescamlne

The derivatization procedure was based on

sample Treatments
the method used by Datta and Naryanaswami
To determine the effect of temperature on (3) and Udenfriend et al. (36). Milk sample
taurine stability in milk, a taurine-fortified milk supernatant (200 ~), buffered taurine-lactose
was prepared by adding 20 or 30 mg of taurine (200 J.!l), or taurine standard (200 JlI) were
(Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) to I L of placed in a 2-dr vial with 2.0 ml of .2 M borate
skim milk purchased at a retail store. The milk buffer (pH 9.0). Fluorescamine (200 J1l; Sigma
was fortified to give a level of taurine high Chemical Co.) solution in acetone (3 mg/ml)
enough to measure its degradation accurately. was added, and the vial contents were mixed.
The sample was warmed and mixed to dissolve The reaction with fluorescamine is rapid and
taurine. Fortified samples (5-ml portions) were was completed after gentle mixing. The sample
placed in Pyrex tubes (16 x 125 rom) with was filtered through a .45-Jlffi membrane filter,
Teflon-lined screw caps. The tubes were held in and 20 J.!l were used for chromatographic anal-
a covered water bath at either 80 or loo·C. ysis.
Duplicate samples were removed every 10 h
over a 50-h period for 80·C and every 4 hover High Performance Liquid Chromatography
a 16-h period for 1OO·C. For 120·C, milk sam-
ples were placed in glass test tubes that were The chromatograph equipment was a Model
sealed with a torch and heated in an oil bath. 501 pump (Waters Associates, Milford, MA), a
Duplicate samples were removed every 30 min Model 7120 injector with a 20- JlI sample loop
over a 2-11 period. (Rheodyne, Berkeley, CA), a Fluorichrom fluo-
To test the effect of temperature on the rescence detector (Varian, Walnut Creek, CA),
extent of browning of taurine, a solution of and an SP 4270 recorder integrator (Spectra
taurine at a concentration of 10 mgIL and lac- Physics, Piscataway, NJ). The excitation filter
tose at a concentration of 40 gIL was prepared was a 400-nm interference filter, and the emis-
at pH 6.7 using a phosphate buffer system (.2 sion was through a 3-70-cutoff filter and
M) as reported by Gomori (11). Samples of 5 4-76-band filter. The fluorescent taurine deriva-
ml of buffered taurine-lactose solution were tive was separated using an end-capped octyl
heated at the same temperatures and in the column (250 x 4.5 rom i.d.) with 5-Jlffi particle
same manner as the milk samples. Duplicate size (mM Instruments, Inc., Wallingford, CT)
samples were removed every 2 h over a and a mobile phase of 70% .05 M phosphate
12-h period and every hour over a 6-h period buffer (pH 2.1) and 30% acetonitrile at a flow
for 80 and 1OO·C, respectively. At 120·C, du- of 1.0 ml/min. A second mobile phase with the
plicate samples were removed after 10, 20, 30, same composition, but to which was added
and 45 min. tetrabutylammonium phosphate (.005 M) was
used for further identification of taurine. This
provided an additional mobile phase based on
Preparation of Milk Samples
for Analysis ion-pairing chromatography for the separation
of the fluorescamine derivative of taurine. Tau-
Milk samples of 5 ml were transferred into rine was quantified by comparing the peak
test tubes. One milliliter of TCA (12% wt/vol) heights of the samples to the peak heights of
was added, and the samples were mixed using a standard taurine solutions. 'Ibe standards used
mixer and centrifuged at 800 x g for 20 min. were 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 12.8, and 16.0 mgIL. The
The supernatants were decanted into 2-dr vials response of the fluorescence detector was linear
and used in the fluorescamine reaction. Recov- over the range of concentrations used.

Ioumal of Daily Science Vol. 73, No.7, 1990


Color Measurement gram of the taurine derivative in milk using a

mobile phase of 30% acetonitrile and 70%
The optical density of taurine-lactose
phosphate buffer (pH 2.1) is given in Figure 1.
buffered solutions was measured at 450 om (27,
The identity of taurine was confirmed by co-
32) on a Cecil CE 303 spectrophotometer.
chromatography with standards, the addition of
standard solutions to the milk samples, and by
Data Treatment using a second mobile phase to which the ion-
Linear regression with transformation of the pairing tetrabutylammonium phosphate was
dependent variable (taurine retention) was used added. A typical chromatogram showing tau-
to determine reaction order and rate constants rine derivative at 21 min when using the ion-
for heat degradation of taurine in milk and pairing mobile phase is given in Figure 2. The
~dentity of the other peaks is not known except
buffered solution. Linear and semilogarithmic
relationships were compared to determine if the m the case of ammonia, which gave a retention
reaction order was zero or first order. time of about 16 min with both mobile phases.
Taurine concentrations in the US milk sam-
ples ranged from 2.4 to 12.0 mg/L with an
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION average concentration of 6.1 mg/L and a stan-
dard deviation of 4.4 mg/L. Taurine in Moroc-
Taurine In Milk can milk ranged from 3.0 to 6.5 mg/L with an
average concentration of 4.6 mg/L and a stan-
A reverse-phase HPLC method utilizing
dard deviation of 1.2 mg/L. The coefficient of
fluorescarnine for derivatization was developed
variation due to variations in the analytical
to measure taurine in milk. A typical chromato-
procedure was between 1.2 and 5.7% with an
average of 3%.
The taurine concentrations in USA and Mo-
roccan milk were not statistically different at
the 5% level. The samples showed variation,
but the levels found are in agreement with
those reported by several authors. Erbersdobler
and Trautwein (5) and Erbersdobler et al. (7)



o 8 16 o
Figure 2. Chromatogram of taurine in milk extract with
Figure 1. Chromatogram of taurine in milk extract. The an ion-pairing mobile phase. The taurine derivative elutes
taurine derivative elutes at 5.5 min. at 21 min.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 73, No.7, 1990


100 ' t P = : : : ' " - - - - - - - - - - - - , 100 ' ! l ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

c c

120°C 100°C aGoe --

e:t: e:t:
'c 'c
:J :J
~ 120°C
0 '#.

10 +-~.,..-~.,..-~r__~.__...........,.--____1 10 +--~-"'---:L.-..,-----r-~--l
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 o 5 1a 15

Hours Hours
Figme 3. Taurine retention in milk heated at 80, 100,
Figme 4. Taurine retention in buffered lactose solution
and 120'C.
(pH 6.7) heated at 80, 100, and 120'C.

reported taurine content ranges of 3 to 14 mg/L Data for taurine retention in milk system and
and 4 to 11 mg/L, respectively. Ghadimi and a buffered solution at 80, 100, and 120·C are
Pecora (l0) found 28.5 and 7.1 mg/L in colos- presented in Figures 3 and 4. Lines were deter-
trum and mature milk. respectively. Roe and mined using linear regression based on first
Weston (30) reported 151 mg/L as an average order kinetics. The taurine degradation was bet-
taurine value, but this level seems high relative
ter described (higher r2) by semilogarithmic
to other literature values. Physiological varia-
relationship rather than linear relationship. The
tion of the taurine content in the various milk
samples may explain some variability, since
r2 for milk at 80, 100, and 120 ·C were respec-
tively .95, .96, and .98 for semilogarithmic
Ghadimi and Pecora (10) and Emersdob1er and
Trautwein (5) reported, respectively, that the relationships and .94, .96, and .96 for linear
cow's colostrum contained 88 and 84 mg/L of relationships. The r2 for buffered solution at 80,
taurine. 100, and 120·C were respectively .92, .91, and
.98 for semilogarithmic relationships and .87,
.87, and .92 for linear relationships. Regression
Heat Stability of Taurine
lines in Figure 3 were calculated using 10, 8,
Taurine-fortified milk and a buffered solu- and 8 data points for 80, 100, and 120·C,
tion containing taurine and lactose were used to respectively, whereas regression lines in Figure
detennine heat effects of taurine. The milk was 4 were calculated using 12, 12, and 8 data
fortified to give a concentration of taurine high points for 80, 100, and 120·C, respectively.
enough to measure its degradation beyond at Each sampling time has two data points.
least 50% loss in order to accurately establish Calculated first-order rate constants and r2
the proper reaction order and rate constants. for taurine retention in milk and in solution are
The added taurine could be expected to behave reported in Table 1. The calculated rate con-
in the same way as the natural taurine, since stants show that taurine degradation is about
this compound exists naturally as a free amino five times faster in buffered solution than in
acid in milk and animal tissues. milk. This may be due to the protective effect

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 73, No.7, 1990


TABLE 1. First-order rate constants (k) and ~ values for

taurine retention in milk and in buffered solution at 80, .8...----------------,
100, and 120·C.

T'C k (h) SE 1 ~
Milk 80 .015 .001 .95
100 .042 .002 .96 .6
120 .320 .009 .98 ......
Buffered solution 80 .069 .006 .92 E
100 .308 .032 .91 c:
120 1.658 .088 .98 0

IStandard error for calculated k. ......

~ .4
of milk solids and the competing reactions of .2
other amino compOlmds with the lactose in
milk. These results suggest that taurine degra-
dation in milk is limited under practical milk
.0 ........1L.-~-_._----r__---_1
heat processing conditions. Sterilization at
120"C for 20 min caused on a 10% loss of o 5 10 15
taurine. This loss is similar to the loss of lysine Hours
in milk as reported by Burton (2). He reported a
range for lysine loss of 3.3 to 11 % under Figure 5. Optical density of taurine/lactose buffered
sterilization conditions similar to the ones used solution heated at 80, 100, and 120·C.
The activation energies, Ea, obtained from
the slopes of Arrhenius plots were quite similar
for the two different heated systems. The value proceeds with a similar mechanism. However,
was 20.5 kcal/mol (r2 = 0.98) for fortified milk Kessler (16) reported an energy of activation of
and 21.0 kcal/mol (r2 = 0.95) for buffered 26 kcal/mol for lysine in milk heated between
taurine and lactose solution. The calculated QlO 100 and 160·C. This value suggests that lysine
values at 100 to 1I0·C were 2.06 and 2.09, acquires more energy than t2urine before it
respectively, for milk and buffered solution. undergoes degradation.
Activation energies or QlO have not been Studies have not been done to explain the
previously reported for taurine degradation, but losses of taurine in food during heat treatments,
those found in this experiment can be compared but nonenzymatic browning seems to be the
with the data found in studies on heat degrada- main reaction for taurine loss. This is based on
tion of the lysine contained in milk proteins. taurine structure and the similarity between ly-
Both have primary amino groups available for sine and taurine. The study of taurine loss
reaction. Mottar (22) studied the kinetics of through browning could not be measured in
lysine loss in milk over the temperature range milk because of the presence of other amino
130 to 150·C in a pilot-scale plate heat ex- compounds that also can undergo the Maillard
changer. He found a QlO of 2.14, which is close reaction. Therefore, to evaluate the extent of
to the values obtained in this experiment Bur- taurine contribution to browning, a solution
ton (2) using the data of Horak and Kessler with a pH and lactose concentration similar to
reported a QlO of 2.1 for lysine loss. The Ea milk was used.
derived in present work is in the reported range Data for optical density measured at 450 om
for lysine degradation in whey powder (17). of taurine and lactose buffered solutions heated
Because the values for E a and QlO are close to at 80, 100, and 120·C are presented in Figure 5.
the values obtained in studies outlined before, Lines were determined using linear regression
they suggest that taurine and lysine must ac- based on zer<rorder kinetics. The formation of
quire about the same energy before they have brown pigments was better described (higher
the possibility of reacting. This also implies r2) by a linear relationship rather than a semi-
that the heat degradation of both amino acids logarithmic relationship. The r2 values at 80,

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 73, No.7, 1990

TABLE 2. Zero-order rate constaDts (11:) and fl values for taurine degradation and subsequent color for-
optical deDsity (OD) increase in buffered solution at 80, mation likely occur through the Maillard reac-
100 and 120'C.
Temperatnre k OD/h When the combined results for taurine loss
rC) and browning in milk and in solution were
80 .017 .002 .89 compared with literature studies on lysine loss
100 .053 .003 .96 and browning, taurine degradation seems to
120 .901 .058 .97 occur in a way similar to lysine degradation.
1Standard error for calculated It. This degradation apparently proceeds at a simi-
lar rate of loss as lysine Wlder the same condi-

100, and 120'C were, respectively, .89, .96, and REFERENCES

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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 73, No.7, 1990

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