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ce PREPARED BY: SK. MOHON UDDIN MARINE ENGINEER KHULNA BANGLADESH obs. Pomes & Pumping Systems. TON FREEH WATER GENERETOR cuss onl. we Classt-fteation. of pumps - \ Working principle of zeciprocating pumps G Working Principle of Gear pump- WX Working Principle of carew pumps. wa Working — practple of Heleshaw and Axial displocerren + Gear. nm plate) pump . we Types of CentsHfugal pumps - YE How Radfal and oxfal ‘thauct ame eleminaed tn A cortnifugal pump. Whot- js cavitation 7 Bhat rearuses should be taken te reduce cavitation. UX draw the chorecteststic pitm curve of type different per of centrifugal pumps - YS Which. pump ard under wha emndition. ts better for: Main L-O pump . and user . 2 UW Working Patnciple of @ canter ring pump Vw. Stripping — systems for tonkens (Refers +o Tanners) &. enge wen size osm) ty. ALLE /P REQUIREMENTS. TY OW TON HEIGH OP BEMEDH. BILGE yy HEU FI 'S. what 1s MINIMUM Toe Cin Ubomm) 1G. MENTIONS MOTERIML FOR DIFF. paets OF A 17. FW. SALINITY HIGH ACTION - wHeT 1s THE EFFECT OF Hi@H saLanity WOTER 2 1%, VAcuUM DROPPED , c4usEn a ACTION + FW, Po Dynomic Pimps. focitive Dicplacement Pumps ® Conbifug ot r] G Reet pro. ——~@) Sim lex | Taiploe Special € on rrelactas ny © “Banal © Rotary —a9 single H+ Differ er aaa ® Srratt Volura @ Ary viscoutty « Bston) Lost Motion’, Piston, ryeoren slo alee a eTaen atiug Rod ,

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