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Galileo’s discovery of the model of the solar system in which earth and other planets revolve around the

sun was met with hostility by the scholars of the time as well as the Catholic Church. Because until then,
the accepted theory of the solar system was the Ptolemaic system which states earth is at the center
and the sun revolves around the earth. So, Galileo’s theory not only against the accepted scientific
theory of the time, but also against scripture. The monks and scholars of the time levelled their criticism
and hostility towards Galileo, and so we see in this passage from Galileo’s letter to a powerful nobility of
the time (Grand Duchess Christina)- he is pleading that personal attacks towards him are unfair since he
has merely stated his position based on his observations and scientific method. He had not, on purpose,
sought to criticize or refute the accepted theory of the time.


Difference Between Locke and Hobbes

John Locke and Thomas Hobbes were known as social contract theorists as well as natural law theorists.
However, they had diverging views in their theories and opinions. Thomas Hobbes was an English
philosopher from Malmesbury. He became famous when his book, “Leviathan,” laid the foundation of
Western political philosophy. Hobbes garnered recognition in several areas; he was the champion of
absolutism for the sovereign.

John Locke, on the other hand, has been coined the father of liberalism. He was one of the most
influential Enlightenment thinkers and proved to be a great English philosopher and physician. He even
greatly contributed to the American Declaration of Independence, focusing on the classical
republicanism and liberal theory. John Locke obtained his education at a prestigious institution in
London – Westminster School. He also obtained a bachelor’s degree in medicine at Oxford.

They had widely varying stands on different issues.

When it comes to the issue of the human nature, Locke believed, men are usually true to their word and
fulfill their obligations. He used the American frontier and Soldania as his examples that people could
live in a state of peace and respecting property rights. Even though, in some places and times, violent
conflicts could arise, they could mostly be resolved in a peaceful manner. Hobbes, on the other hand,
said that human society is in a continual fear and danger and violence; in such a state, the life of man
would be poor and brutal. So while Locke thought -human nature was essentially good, and that we
should have natural rights such as "life, liberty, and property"- Thomas Hobbes thought all people were
cruel, and engaged is a struggle for survial.

The stand on the social contract is different in Locke and Hobbes’ philosophies. Locke believed that we
have the right to life and impartial protection of our property. The government’s role is to protect the
citizens’ natural rights, as well as rights to property and liberty..and government should be
representative of and responsive to the people. Conversely, Hobbes believed that government must
impose law and order to prevent the state of war. People will be safe as long as laws are enforced and
people follow the laws. Governments are designed to control, not necessarily represent.


Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712 – 1778

Born in Geneva, Rousseau spent the early years of his adult life traveling in poverty, before educating
himself and traveling to Paris. Increasingly turning from music to writing, Rousseau formed an
association with Diderot and wrote for the Encyclopédie, before winning a prestigious award which
pushed him firmly onto the Enlightenment scene. However, he fell out with Diderot and Voltaire and
turned away from them in later works. On one occasion Rousseau managed to alienate the major
religions, forcing him to flee France. His Du Contrat Social became a major influence during the French
Revolution and he has been called a major influence on Romanticism.

He believed in the goodness of people. He believed that people were naturally innocent but the
corruption of governments and churches took away that innocence. Rousseau's most famous piece of
writing was "Social Contract". Here he introduced his political theories, and how in his current society
there was no freedom. He explained that all humans should enter the social contract with a recognition
for good will and truthfulness. All citizens should be committed to the good of all, even if it's not in their
personal best interest. He believed that living for the common good produced peace, equality, and
liberty. His ideas helped stop and settle revolts for the next 200 years. They also influenced the works of
famous revolutionaries, such as Thomas Paine and Marquis Lafayette.


Kant, Immanuel 1724 – 1804

A Prussian who studied at the University of Königsburg, Kant became a professor of mathematics and
philosophy and later rector there. The Critique of Pure Reason, arguably his most famous work, is just
one of several key Enlightenment texts which also include his era-defining essay What is Enlightenment?

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