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By :
Name : Pratiwi Kusuma Kurniawati
Student ID : B1B017007
Entourage : VI
Group :3
Assistant : Afif Ghalib Ammar Zain




A. Background

Digestion is the process of breaking complex foods into simpler substances.

The process of digestion takes time in digesting the food, and the time needed to digest
the food is called the rate of digestion. The food consumed by fish will undergo a
process of digestion in the digestive system before the feed nutrients are absorbed
which will be utilized for biological processes in the body. The process of digestion in
the digestive system of the fish will involve digestive enzymes produced by the body.
The results of the digestion process are in the form of amino acids, fatty acids, and
monosaccharides which are absorbed by the intestine epithelium then spread
throughout the body by circulating systems (Kay, 1998).
Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) belong to the omnivorous group. Natural food
consists of plankton, small crustaceans, snails, worms, mosquito larvae and so on.
Catfish that cultivated in ponds, it additional food can be in the form of fine bran,
remnants of the kitchen, snail meat, maggots and pellets, because catfish are classified
as omnivores. Catfish is very greedy if given any food, to the extent that the carcass is
eaten so that it is also classified as a scavenger. On spreading too high, then in a state
of hunger can cause mutual prey (cannibals) (Santoso, 1994).
Food is needed to produce energy as a body building material, basic
metabolism, movement, production of sexual organs, maintenance of body parts,
enhancing body fluids, replacing damaged body cells and helping other physiological
processes that take place in the body. A number of foods eaten by fish, ± only 10% are
used to grow or add weight. While the rest is used for energy or indeed cannot be
digested. The amount of weight of food needed for growth or adding to the body's
body is called change value or conversion (Schmitdt & Nielsen, 1990). Feeding is the
only energy investment that directly affects allocation and utilization of energy in
energy budgets for fishes. Many ecological factors, especially water temperature,
affect growth and other metabolic processes by influencing feeding (Zhang et al.,
Metabolism is all chemical reactions that occur in the body of living creatures,
consisting of anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism is the process of synthesizing
small chemical compounds into larger molecules, for example amino acids into
proteins. Metabolism is a key component in fish bioenergetics. Most of the knowledge
on fish metabolic rates is derived from respirometric experiments conducted in the
laboratory, where environmental complexity is minimized (Enders & Boisclair, 2016).
Metabolic rate is influenced by biotic factors and abiotic factors. Biotic factors that
affect the metabolic rate include temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, carbon
dioxide, ammonia, and pH. Abiotic factors include weight, sex, stress, and food ratio.
The metabolic process requires energy, while filtering energy from food requires
oxygen, the metabolic rate can be predicted from the rate of oxygen consumption
(Lestari & Dewantoro, 2018).

B. Purpose

The objectives of this laboratory activity is to see the digestion rate or the rate
of gastric emptying on fish.

A. Materials

The tools used in this laboratory activity are 4 units of glass aquarium,
dissection kit, analytical scales, and tray.
The materials used in this laboratory activity are catfish (Clarias gariepinus),
and pellet.

B. Methods
The methods that we use in this practice are :
1. Glass aquarium filled with water as high as 25 cm is prepared and aeration is
2. Fish is dispersed in the aquarium.
3. Pellet as much as 2,5% of total body weight of fish is given, and pellet is
consumed by fish for 15 minutes.
4. The total body weight of fish is measured.
5. The fish is dissected, fish gastric is taken and weighed as 0 minutes after feeding
6. Step 4 and 5 are repeated after 30 minutes (By), and 60 minutes (Bz).
7. Graphic is made.

A. Result

Table 3.1. The Result of Observation of Rate Digestion in Catfish (Clarias

gariepinus) Entourage VI
X (0’) Y (30’) Z (60’)
Bx (g) Bx (%) By (g) By (%) Bz (g) By (%)
1 1,12 1,23 0,78 0,82 0,99 0,89
2 1,27 1,3 1,25 1,14 0,97 1,01
3 1,19 1,15 1,12 1,19 1,03 0,91
4 0,92 1,02 1,29 1,17 0,95 0,76

Calculation of Group 3:
Bx 1,19
0’ Bx% =  100% = x 100 % = 1,15 %
Bxt 103

By 1,12
30’ By% =  100% = x 100 % =1,19 %
Byt 94

Bz 1,03
60’ Bz% =  100% = x 100 % = 0,91 %
Bzt 113

Digetion Rate

Group 1
Group 2
0.5 Group 3
Group 4
Bx% By% Bz%

Figure 3.1 Chart of Rate Digestion Observation Result in Catfish (Clarias

gariepinus) Entourage VI
B. Discussion

The rate of digestion is the rate at which the food from the fish body breaks
from complex molecules to simpler molecules and then it will be absorbed by the fish's
body. The process of digestion that occurs in the stomach can be measured by knowing
the rate of gastric emptying (Elliot, 1997). The rate of digestion can be called a pattern
with the process of gastric emptying. The process of fish digestion starts from the
gastric (in fish that have gastric) and continues at the intestine which will end up in the
waste disposal material. The process of digestion starts from food into the mouth,
digests mechanically and is assisted by salivary glands and then enters the pharynx,
oesophagus and is accommodated in the gastric to be digested chemically with the help
of digestive enzymes. Foods that have become small molecules then enter the intestine
to process the absorption or absorption of the rest to the rectum and to the anus to be
removed. The results of digestion in the form of amino acids, fatty acids and
monosaccharides will be absorbed by the intestine epithelial and then circulated
throughout the body by the circulatory system (Gumisiriza et al, 2009). Higher the
fiber in fish food, the digestion and absorption of nutrients will decrease, that high
fibre in diets could result in increased weight of excreta and reduced nutrient
absorption. Moreover, that catfish could not tolerate high level of plant based proteins
in their diets due to their low palatability, higher fibre and anti-nutritional content
(Adeyemi et al., 2016).
Factors that influence the rate of digestion in fish include internal and external.
Internal factors include age, body size, activity, stress, and gender. External factors
include turbidity (on visibility and O2 content), food and chemical factors in the waters
(O2, CO2, H2S, Ph, and Alkalinity). Usually the more fish activity, the more energy
will be needed so that the metabolic process is high and requires foods that are of a
much better and more abundant quality (Kay, 1998). Digestion rates are influenced by
physiological and environmental factors. Body temperature, health, food size and
stress result in decreased feed efficiency and nutrient uptake. Based on the Department
of Water Affairs and Forestry, the water temperature for optimal growth of fish ranges
from 25oC-30oC. Temperatures outside this range will cause fish growth to slow down
and decrease resistance to disease, especially those caused by bacteria and fungi
(Lusiastuti et al., 2016). Temperature is main factor that determined the digestion rate
because the apparent digestibility of fish increases with increases in temperature within
a suitable temperature range. The metabolic rate of fish increased with increases in
temperature within a certain range, beyond which the metabolic rate decreased with
further temperature increases. As temperatures rise the evacuation rates increase,
which may contribute to lower digestibility. In contrast, high water temperatures may
result in rapid digestion by high digestive enzyme activity (Zhang et al., 2017).
Digestion rates generally correlate with the metabolic rate of fish. The longer
the time, the stomach content (BLR) decreases so that the body weight of the fish
decreases. Gastric emptying rate is also affected by the food consumed by fish. If
digested fish feed comes from vegetable fish feed, then the rate of emptying fish will
depend on how much the fish eats feed from plants, because those foods containing
extracts from plants contain cell walls containing cellulose so that the fish will be
difficult to digest, whereas in fish feed derived from animal fish feed the digestive
process will be easy (Lagler, 1977). Increasing the activity of metabolic enzymes
causes the metabolic rate to be faster and the level of metabolites in the blood will be
higher. The high level of metabolites in the blood causes fish to be hungry and have
appetite, so the level of feed consumption also increases (Lestari & Dewantoro, 2018).
The higher the temperature, the fish appetite increases, but the increase in
temperature at the start of denaturation will reduce the rate of predation, therefore there
are two opposite effects, so the optimum point will occur, namely the most appropriate
temperature for increasing feed consumption. At the optimum temperature will
encourage digestive enzymes to work effectively, thus affecting the activity of
enzymes involved in the metabolic process. Metabolic enzymes affect the process of
catabolism (producing energy) and anabolism (synthesis of nutrients into new
compounds that needed by the body). At temperatures above 32oC catfish larvae begin
to decrease appetite and the digestive process is disrupted. The disturbance because
digestive enzymes such as proteases which consist of trypsin, chymotiripsin, elastase
and carboxy peptidase, amylase enzymes, chitinase and lipase enzymes decrease
activity due to denaturation. In the imperfect digestive process, many feces will be
produced, so a lot of energy is wasted, but if the activity of digestive enzymes
increases, the rate of digestion will also increase, so the level of gastric emptying is
high. The high level of gastric emptying causes the fish to get hungry quickly and
their appetite increases. Therefore there are two opposing effects, then there will be an
optimum point which is the most appropriate temperature for the body's metabolism
(Lestari & Dewantoro, 2018).
Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) are all omnivores. The digestive system of catfish
starts from the mouth, oral cavity, pharynx, osefagus, stomach, pylorus, intestine,
rectum and anus. The anatomical structure of fish mouth is closely related to how to
get food. Snoring around the catfish's mouth acts as a food treader or detector and is
found in fish that are actively nocturnal. The oral cavity in catfish is enveloped by
mucus-producing cells that facilitate the passage of food into the next segment, also
there is a taste organ which functions to select food. Pharynx in fish serves to filter
food, because the pharyngeal gills are not food-based, they are discarded through gill
slits (Fujaya, 2002). Digestion in catfish occurs faster because catfish are omnivorous
animals, so food that enters will be easily digested properly in the stomach (Schmidt
& Nielsen, 1990).
Based on this lab activity we obtained data on the comparison of catfish gastric
weight percentage after being fed with a certain time difference. In 0 minute after
feeding, the weight of catfish gastric is reached 1,19 gram with weight percentage is
1,15%. In 30 minutes after feeding, the weight of catfish gastric is reached 1,12 gram
with weight percentage is 1,19%. In 60 minutes after feeding, the weight of catfish
gastric is reached 1,03 gram with weight percentage is 0,91%, Based on this lab
activity we obtained at 0-30 minutes the percentage of gastric weight increased and
then decreased in 60 minutes, the results obtained were not in accordance with the
statement of Rounsefell (1953), that the longer the measurement time after being fed
the smaller the weight of the fish gastric. This happens because there are several factors
that cause a mismatch of results with reference, there is a mistake in cutting the fish
gastric, so it is possible there are still have intestines which are also weighed which
can add weight to the scales and fish that are in stress conditions can also affect the
catfish diet.

Based on the result can be concluded that are the rate of digestion is the rate of
breakdown of food. The digestion rate on catfish in our group (group 3) are 1,15% at
the first attempt (0 minute), 1,19% after 30 minutes, and 0.91% after 60 minutes. There
is increase the digestion rate after 30 minutes, this can caused by several factor.

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