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A Manifesto on Mobile Computing in Geographic Education*

Marc P. Armstrong and David A. Bennett

The University of Iowa

Mobile, location-aware computing technology is widely available. In this article we sketch out a manifesto on
mobile computing in geographic education (MoGeo) for consideration and debate within the geographic
community. At the core of our argument is the idea that emerging mobile computing technologies will allow
teachers to bring the classroom and pedagogic materials into the field, and that the resulting in situ educational
experience will enhance learning by contextualizing the complex and abstract concepts that we teach. We
provide a set of key principles that can guide the development of field experiences for students using these new
technologies. Key Words: mobile GIS, wireless computing, geographic education, location-aware computing.

Introduction (MoGeo). We argue that synergistic advances

in geographic information system (GIS) soft-
n the palm of one hand we are now able to ware, data collection technologies, and mobile
I hold computing power that forty years
ago would have been contained in several
computing will have far-reaching effects in
academia in general and geography in particu-
refrigerator-sized cabinets. The rapid pace of lar. These technological advances have the po-
technological miniaturization, along with a tential to enhance both how we ‘‘do geography’’
commensurate reduction in power require- as professionals and how we teach about geo-
ments, has enabled the creation of mobile com- graphical processes in our classrooms. It would
puters that are becoming integrated into many be beneficial for our students, therefore, if we
aspects of our lives. Computers have, in essence, were to revise our curricula accordingly. At
become ubiquitous. They are embedded in cars, present, however, little has been written about
cell phones, kitchen appliances, surveillance the way in which mobile technologies can be
equipment, and, in some instances, even our used to further geographical education, an area
clothing (Weiser 1993; Davis 2002; Hull, Reid, of enormous opportunity for educational inno-
and Geelhoed 2002; Smailagic and Siewiorek vation. Mobile technologies will enable teachers
2002; Nakanishi et al. 2004). Lightweight, wire- to bring the classroom, Internet, and library to
less, tablet, and handheld ( PDA-like) computers the field. We suggest that such contextually
are now also commonplace, and most experts aware in situ learning environments will en-
agree that the trends we observe today in mobile, hance learning by coupling direct interaction
embedded, ubiquitous, and pervasive comput- with real-world phenomena and immediate ac-
ing are just a metaphorical tip of the iceberg. cess to associated knowledge repositories. Such
Indeed, these technologies have the ‘‘potential to a coupling, we contend, will reduce the cogni-
change radically the way people interact with tive burden associated with comprehending
their environment by linking together a range of abstract geographical processes, while simulta-
devices and sensors that will allow information neously providing valuable experience with sup-
to be collected, shared, and processed in un- porting technologies.
precedented ways’’ (CSTB 2001, 1). We outline a set of areas in which mobile
The purpose of this article is to put forth, for computing can be used to support MoGeo
consideration and debate, a manifesto on initiatives and suggest some guidelines for
mobile computing in geographic education educational projects that will, in turn, provide

*We thank The University of Iowa (UI) College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the UI Academic Technologies Advisory Council for their financial
support of this project, the UI Information Technologies Services for their financial and technical assistance in the deployment of wireless tech-
nologies ( Jason Mueller in particular), and Jerry Mount, Wenwu Tang, and Chetan Tiwari for their help in implementing of mobile geocomputing
technologies described in this article.

The Professional Geographer, 57(4) 2005, pages 506–515 r Copyright 2005 by Association of American Geographers.
Initial submission, August 2003; revised submission, June 2004; final acceptance July 2004.
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, and 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, U.K.
A Manifesto on Mobile Computing in Geographic Education 507
an impetus for the creation of new geographical we encounter the collection of articles assem-
knowledge. We are particularly concerned with bled by Platt (1959) that chronicles the devel-
an approach to MoGeo that integrates four key opment of different types of fieldwork during
technologies (Figure 1): the first half of the last century and, even more
recently, an entire special issue of the Geograph-
1. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to pro- ical Review (2001) that was devoted to this topic.
vide information about location Throughout this time, fieldworkers have been
2. Geographic information system (GIS) soft- quick to adopt new technologies that have
ware to provide data about what is at a lo- served to improve the ease and accuracy of re-
cation cording observations. Without exaggeration,
3. Wireless communication to provide in situ however, it is safe to say that the last forty years
access to the knowledge needed to interpret have brought technological changes of unprec-
these data and understand associated proc- edented scale to the discipline of geography. As
esses noted by Dobson (2001), these technologies
4. Handheld and tablet computers that provide have a clear connection to field observation,
the technology needed to package these ca- and we suggest that the complementary nature
pabilities into a single mobile unit. of locational technologies, such as GPS and
remote sensing, and emerging mobile com-
In the next section we present a general dis- puting technologies will induce further signif-
cussion about the promise of, and need for, the icant changes in this realm—some foreseen,
use of mobile technologies in geography. We others not.
then provide a set of pedagogical principles that Mobile computing devices, such as PDAs,
distinguish MoGeo from traditional approach- have the capability, built in or added on, to sense
es. Finally, we discuss impediments to the im- their location; this is leading to new ways of
plementation of these ideas. thinking about the role of geography in com-
puting ( Patterson, Muntz, and Pancake 2003).
Background and Need for Mobile Given rapid Moore’s-Law-like advances in mo-
Geographic Education bile hardware technology (Meindel 2003), the
GIS software industry has responded quickly
Geography has a long history of incorporating with products that run on mobile computing
field observation into research and teaching. devices. Simply put, the vendors have expanded
Almost 2,000 years ago, Strabo, who made ex- into a large and growing market for wireless
tensive use of secondary sources, also included field data collection (see, e.g., Peng and Tsou
‘‘descriptive’’ geography, with direct observa- 2003, chap. 9). This trend is opening new doors
tion and recording of data, in his tripartite for personal communication, marketing, emer-
categorization of the subject matter of the gency services, and navigation. For example,
discipline. Jumping forward a few millennia, visually impaired individuals can navigate
through a campus (Golledge et al. 1998; Helal,
Moore, and Ramachandran 2001), store owners
Global positioning
system receiver can ‘‘reach out’’ electronically to potential cli-
Wireless network
entele who travel near their establishments
interface card
(McDonough 2001), emergency personnel in
rural areas can have a multimedia ‘‘dialog’’ with
Personal digital assistant experts at distant hospitals (Bergeron 2001), and
running GIS software healthcare workers can monitor the status and
location of elderly or at-risk patients (Stanford
Researchers and policy makers in govern-
Figure 1 A handheld computer equipped with ment, industry, and academia have begun to
Global Positioning Systems (GPS), wireless net- recognize the potential of these technological
work interface card (behind GPS), geographic trends. The Institute of Electrical and Elec-
information system (GIS) software, and custom tronics Engineers (IEEE) has commenced pub-
communication software. lication of a new journal that is focused on this
508 Volume 57, Number 4, November 2005

general topic; Pervasive Computing: Mobile and posed by the instructor (McHugh 2002). This
Ubiquitous Systems recently began its fifth year of real-time feedback is designed to help an in-
publication. Federal level interest is evident in a structor distinguish between those concepts the
National Research Council (CSTB 2001) re- students have grasped and those that need fur-
port that documents the enormous changes that ther discussion.
are occurring in mobile, resource-constrained Researchers at the University of Maryland,
computing. In recent work produced by a Na- meanwhile, are working to construct a seamless
tional Academy of Sciences panel, the focus is environment in which a computing device re-
more explicitly geospatial, with an entire chap- mains location aware as one moves into build-
ter devoted to mobile, location-aware comput- ings where GPS signals do not penetrate
ing (CSTB 2003). More tangible evidence of (Banerjee et al. 2002). To accomplish this, they
governmental support for mobile GIS is seen must pass the tracking responsibility from the
through the financial backing of research efforts GPS to an alternative technology such as
like Project Batutta, a project funded by the triangulation from signal strength estimation
National Science Foundation’s Digital Govern- (Grejner-Brzezinska 2004). On many campuses,
ment program, that is focused on the develop- however, wireless technologies are being de-
ment and use of such technologies for field data ployed only for intrabuilding applications (e.g.,
collection (Nusser et al. 2003). Industry’s sup- Web access in offices and libraries) and are not
port for mobile and ubiquitous computing is being used explicitly to support outdoor edu-
evident in several collaborative efforts that have cational activities. On our campus (The Uni-
been established among computer and commu- versity of Iowa) we have successfully persuaded
nication industry leaders, government, and the information technology bureaucracy that
academia. Though there have been some early outdoor use is a plausible next step beyond in-
failures, the net result of these efforts leads us to door use. They have responded by installing
conclude that information technologies have wireless access points in two outdoor locations
begun a new era, and it is imperative that ped- to support the development of mobile GIS lab-
agogic initiatives in geography respond in kind. oratory exercises.

Wireless Computing on Campus With Wireless, Geography Matters

Universities have begun to invest in both the Many challenging problems that we address in
science and application of wireless technolo- our classes require an understanding of how
gies, and successful projects have been imple- complex and interrelated processes operate
mented on many campuses; the University of across space and through time. These process-
Georgia, Dartmouth College, and the Univer- es occur at multiple spatial and temporal scales
sity of Maryland are noteworthy examples. En- and, as such, they are complicated and abstract.
gineering students at the University of Georgia While educational experiences gained in a tra-
have built antennas for mobile computing that ditional classroom may provide students with
are deployed in downtown Athens. Students access to domain experts, abstract concepts re-
are then challenged to create and implement main difficult for many to grasp. Field trips can
innovative applications that make use of the help ground classroom discussions and enhance
technology. Dartmouth’s implementation is re- student understanding of spatiotemporal proc-
presentative of what we expect will be more esses, but such trips are limited to a particular
typical of wireless applications on university place and time; extrapolation beyond these
campuses. By providing campus-wide wireless bounds is left to the imagination of the student.
access to the Internet, campus administrators The educational value of a typical field trip also
see benefit to the educational experiences that may fail to reach its full potential because stu-
are generated when groups of students link to a dents lack access to supplemental materials and,
wireless network to engage in informal educa- if the group is too large or becomes too dis-
tional processes. Professors at Dartmouth are persed, access to expert knowledge and wide-
also creating innovative ways to incorporate ranging discussion. Answers to questions that
wireless technologies into the classroom. For arise through the exploration of the environ-
example, in a psychology classroom, students ment must wait until students return to a class-
electronically respond to in-class questions room, an Internet connection, or a library. We
A Manifesto on Mobile Computing in Geographic Education 509
suggest that such interruptions to learning in- however, prove to be a greater challenge. Con-
hibit intellectual exploration because students sider, for example, Figure 2, which represents
are not encouraged to form a web of under- one scenario for interactive learning. The idea
standing that links associated concepts. in this case is that students must successfully
Connecting an Internet-enabled wireless com- complete a set of predetermined learning ob-
munication device to a GPS receiver that re- jectives before progressing to more advanced
ports location provides an extremely powerful coursework. This process would provide real-
tool that can help to overcome this problem. time reinforcement, allow students to correct
Furthermore, it seems certain that location- their mistakes in the field, while the concepts
aware mobile computers will have an increas- and motivation for learning are current, and to
ingly significant impact on our daily lives. As a proceed at their own pace. We should expect,
consequence, it is important that geography however, variability not only among different
students, in general, and GIScience students, in students but also for an individual student. A
particular, understand the potential strengths student could possess relatively sophisticated
and weaknesses of this emerging technology. knowledge in one area and struggle in other
Such an understanding will give our students areas because of experience, learning style, or
the knowledge needed to compete successfully motivation. If the learning process is overly
in a rapidly changing job market and lead to the constrained into a stepwise, linear activity path,
appropriate and ethical use of advanced geo- students may encounter bottlenecks that unduly
spatial technologies. We further contend that inhibit progress and, as a result, quickly become
the need for such an understanding is, in fact,
widespread within the academy and that the ac-
tivities described here will have important ram- Lab n
ifications in a wide range of disciplines, literally
from anthropology (studying the ecological
context of ancient sites) to zoology (accessing Learning yes
Lab n+1
taxonomic keys while conducting field surveys). objectives
A Way Forward
Identify weakness
1. Conceptual (e.g., didn’t understand the idea of topology)
With MoGeo-enabled fieldwork, context as- 2. Procedural (e.g., problem with sequencing of steps or software)
sumes a dominant role, since we must strive to 3. Mechanical (e.g., error and accuracy)
deliver educational material to a student when
and where it is needed. We must know who the
students are and the class in which they are en-
rolled. We must know the laboratory exercise
particular students are attempting to complete Figure 2 Each laboratory exercise should be as-
and where they are located in the landscape. We sociated with a set of quantifiable learning objec-
must know which concepts a student has mas- tives. These objectives may be conceptual (e.g.,
tered and which ones present him or her with an understanding topology), procedural (e.g., under-
educational challenge. In essence, we must con- standing how field-based data collection is imple-
struct a digital abstraction of each student in mented using a particular software package), or
space-time. MoGeo applications must pull con- mechanical (e.g., performing required tasks accu-
textual information from students and then rately and completely). Using mobile GIS technolo-
push appropriate educational materials back to gy and contextually triggered ‘‘pop quizzes,’’ the
them. Some elements of this coordinated pull system could assess how well students meet
and push of information will prove to be stated objectives and, in some circumstances, iden-
straightforward. Providing access to an educa- tify where mistakes are made (e.g., discrepancies
tional video clip about a particular feature when between the students’ work and expected product).
a student comes within ten (or 100) meters of it, Remedial actions could include recapturing points
for example, seems technically straightforward. that are incorrectly located, completing a step that
Understanding which concepts a student has was inadvertently skipped, or searching Web-based
mastered and which require reinforcement will, resources that describe a particular concept.
510 Volume 57, Number 4, November 2005

frustrated with the system. Thus, the learning This information can be tailored to a partic-
process may be best thought of as a partially ular educational goal depending on the course
ordered set of activities, and students should be being taught, or even a particular student’s
provided opportunities to complete activities in progress in that course. For example, a con-
a manner that best meets their abilities and textually appropriate and locationally trig-
needs. The challenge, then, is to use student- gered video (e.g., a professor discussing the
centered context to guide dynamic, nonlinear process of stream meanders is made available
learning that identifies weaknesses and pro- as a student approaches an oxbow) would be
motes understanding. While context-sensitive designed to help students gain insights into
computing has received some attention from processes operating at a site. By augmenting
the research community, much work remains to reality with a contextually aware overlay of
be done (Satyanarayanan 2002). knowledge, the world becomes, in essence, a
museum (but at a finite number of locations).
MoGeo Design Principles Though researchers have begun to exper-
We believe that the context-specific delivery of iment with context-sensitive hypermedia ap-
appropriate materials, together with direct in- plications using PDAs (Bellotti et al. 2002),
teraction with real-world phenomena and im- significant challenges remain to be addressed.
mediate access to knowledge repositories, will In particular, the conceptualization of abso-
reduce the level of abstraction associated with lute and relative location must be carefully
traditional educational experiences and, thus, nuanced. In this case, a locational trigger re-
lead to greater understanding of geographical fers to the decision to push or provide access to
processes. This leads to a set of prescriptive specific types of information. For example, a
principles about MoGeo system design. locational trigger could be based on the dis-
tance between a student and a point, line, or
1. Thou shalt make the abstract concrete area, or based on a computed topological
through in situ learning experiences. relationship (inside, adjacent). However, the
The study of many geographical processes value of an appropriate distance parameter
occurs at medium (e.g., over a landscape or a might change, depending on educational or
city) or large (e.g., a sampling quadrat or geographical context. Moreover, the location-
station) spatial scales. In the context of a sensing sampling interval and rate of move-
conventional lecture, geographical concepts ment of the student will have to be synchro-
are described using abstractions. Relating nized correctly, and fuzzy tolerances for
these abstractions to real-world processes particular contexts may need to be established.
often proves challenging to students. Mobile 3. Thou shalt accommodate multiple learning
computing will, to a greater extent, allow styles.
students to study geographical processes in It is well known that people process in-
situ while having access to reference materi- formation in different ways (Smith 2002).
als, expert knowledge, their professor, and Some individuals, by preference or necessity,
their fellow students. The challenge to ed- are visual learners, while others preferential-
ucators is to provide appropriate materials to ly use auditory channels. These alternative
students in a timely manner. This requires a learning styles should be taken into consid-
careful evaluation not only of content but of eration when class materials are produced.
appropriate scale and dimension as well. Locational triggers could, for example, de-
2. Thou shalt define flexible locational liver information in graphical, textual, audi-
triggers. tory, or symbolic (mathematical) form. Links
MoGeo technology can be used to turn re- among these alternative representational
ality into something analogous to the self- forms should be provided to help reinforce
guided tour systems available at many muse- the concepts being presented.
ums. When the location of a student in a par- 4. Thou shalt make learning interactive,
ticular educational context is obtained, this dynamic, and student centered.
information can be communicated to a data The progress of students can be moni-
server that then delivers appropriate location- tored as they use a mobile computer. We can
specific information to the student in the field. know: (1) where a student is; (2) the progress
A Manifesto on Mobile Computing in Geographic Education 511
a student has made on a particular project; cerns may be manifested as stark invasions
and (3) how well the student did on particular into an individual’s personal information or
aspects of the problem. ‘‘Pop quizzes’’ can be physical space, or more subtlety as a slow
launched based on context (e.g., course, erosion of our collective sense of privacy as we
location, individual, identified mistakes or willingly increase our use of these technolo-
conceptual shortcomings) to test how well gies for convenience, knowledge, or pleasure
the student learned the lessons being taught, (see, e.g., Curry 1998; Onsrud, Johnson, and
and, if necessary, remedial actions can be Lopez 1994). In particular, mobile computers
taken. Such actions may include an alterna- can be used with GIS software and Web-
tive presentation of the material (e.g., textual based resources to determine a wide variety of
instead of graphical), access to additional information about particular locations. For
Web-based resources, online discussion with example, a student could saunter up to a sin-
professors or peers, or repeating steps where gle-family dwelling unit, determine its ad-
problems occurred. (We anticipate that the dress, and link that information to telephone
use of such quizzes will make our courses numbers, the names and telephone numbers
very popular.) of neighbors, assessed valuation, and many
5. Thou shalt teach about spatial relationships other types of information available from
and their digital representation. public and commercial information provid-
Traditional GIS applications have tended ers. Though there are few formal restrictions
to partition data into different generic types on what can, and cannot, be done, students
(i.e., attribute, geometrical, topological), should be taught responsible use of the tech-
and these continue to be fundamental cate- nologies (CSTB 2003). On an even more
gories. Geography students engaged in field- ominous note, Dobson and Fisher (2003)
based data editing should be able to observe have written about geoslavery, which is ena-
and capture attributes that are associated bled by mobile computing and positioning
with a particular feature, as well as alter its technologies. With these technologies, indi-
geometry (e.g., add or remove curvature) or viduals can have their location monitored and
connectivity (e.g., establish that streets do, or their behavior controlled. For example, the
do not, actually connect). They must also location of children and persons convicted of
learn about other basic geographic concepts particular crimes can be used to determine if
relating to pattern, accessibility and distance they are violating specific agreements or con-
(Nystuen 1963). ditions. This has important ethical, develop-
6. Thou shalt instruct about safe editing prac- mental, and social consequences.
tices and metadata. 8. Thou shalt promote personal safety.
Data check-in and check-out procedures Faculty must consider personal safety is-
need to be established to provide adequate sues when designing MoGeo applications.
quality control and assurance. It is possible, For example, if waypoints are established as
for example, that a student might confuse part of completing an exercise, their location
different types of oak trees based on field could expose students to danger or cause
observation. To facilitate error correction, it them to behave in an unlawful manner (e.g.,
must be possible to trace the history of trespass). While the risks with respect to
alterations in case there are systematic MoGeo do not appear to be greater than
operator-induced errors that are observed. those associated with other types of field ex-
Part of this process involves fastidious atten- periences, they clearly do not disappear as a
tion to the collection of metadata (see Guptill consequence of using the technology.
1999). 9. Thou shalt practice safe communication.
7. Thou shalt instruct about privacy and Wireless network security receives con-
ethical use. siderable attention from information tech-
Mobile computing technologies bring with nology professionals, and justifiably so.
them very real concerns about privacy (Arm- Commonly used wireless protocols (e.g.,
strong 2002; Monmonier 2002; Beresford 802.11b) have well-known security prob-
and Stajano 2003; Myles, Friday, and Davies lems (Arbaugh 2003). Wireless computers
2003; Gruteser and Xuan 2004). These con- can be used to access networks, with and
512 Volume 57, Number 4, November 2005

without security provisions enabled. Wire- improve if students could stand next to the
less security has two main components: au- Iowa River and:
thentication and encryption. Authentication
ensures that only those individuals with le- 1. Retrieve the real-time USGS flow data (e.g.,
gitimate access rights can use the network. In on 1 June 2003, discharge at this location was
a university setting this might include pro- 2,540 cfs,;
viding network access only to current stu- 2. Build a stage-discharge curve, type in a dis-
dents, faculty, and staff and be consistent charge value, and construct a visualization of
with restrictions placed on the use of other the associated flood extent, with the student’s
university facilities such as libraries. En- current position captured and highlighted
cryption is used to prevent unauthorized in- using GPS;
terception of information. Current systems 3. Link to images or streaming video of past
often use a relatively easily defeated, but flood events;
nontrivial, protocol called wired equivalent 4. Link to streaming video of the instructor
privacy (WEP). Future systems will use discussing floodplain processes and drawing
much more difficult to defeat encryption his or her attention to key spatial features
and authentication technologies based on with the aid of an integrated map;
the recently ratified IEEE 80211i standard 5. Link to geographically referenced air photos
(Cam-Winget et al. 2003; Housley and Arb- of the flood and establish the extent of the
augh 2003). flooded area using GPS;
10. Thou shalt not write bloated code for mo- 6. Search the World Wide Web to understand
bile devices. spatial relationships (e.g., land-use patterns)
At the present time, mobile devices tend within the Iowa River watershed and the role
to have limited RAM, electrical power, pe- of the Iowa River watershed within the larger
ripheral storage, and processing capability context of the Mississippi River; and
(Viredaz, Brakmo, and Hamburgen 2004). 7. Engage in online discussions with other stu-
Consequently, it is important that code be dents at different locations in the watershed
lightweight. or the instructor, perhaps with the assistance
of a dynamic map and communication tech-
nology that would allow for multiway dis-
cussions of specific geographical features
A MoGeo Example (e.g., a student may notice that Iowa City’s
Introductory courses that are designed to teach treatment facility appeared to be below flood
students about physical processes can make level and want to question the instructor
extensive use of MoGeo concepts. To illus- about the implications of this situation).
trate their utility, consider the following class-
room application in Introduction to Physical Through the kinds of interactions and par-
Geography. ticipation in data exploration and analysis illus-
An instructor in Iowa City, IA, is teaching a trated by this example, we expect that students
module on fluvial processes and flooding. This will gain a better understanding of geographical
instructor chooses to use the 1993 flood that processes.
affected much of the Midwest to illustrate as-
sociated concepts. The instructor tells the stu- Concluding Discussion
dents that on 21 June 1993 the Iowa River at
Iowa City had a mean daily discharge of 26,200 What we know about geographical processes is
cubic feet per second. What does this statement derived, in part, from a collection of real-world
mean to typical undergraduate students? Can observations. Yet we often teach these processes
they relate this value to what they see on a daily in the classroom with digital or photographic
basis? Do they realize that this value is ten times images substituting for the real thing. MoGeo
that of a typical June day? Do students under- offers a new educational paradigm that provides
stand the relationship between velocity, dis- a tighter coupling between reality and how we
charge, and stream stage? Between land use and teach about it. While the promise of MoGeo
flooding? We expect understanding would within an academic setting is alluring, we would
A Manifesto on Mobile Computing in Geographic Education 513
be remiss if we did not point out some chal- technologies like 802.16a become a reality,
lenges that might impede its full implementa- however, the leash may stretch to a very com-
tion. These include technological impediments, fortable 50 km.
such as bandwidth requirements, as well as con- Handheld devices also lack sufficient display
ceptual limitations, such as user interfaces and area to present maps, images, or even some tex-
appropriate system use and deployment. tual material in standard form. The small-form
Handheld devices have limited computing factor, at best, necessitates a redesign of the
power; they are slower and less capacious than typical user interface and, at worse, diminishes
desktop systems. Consequently, in their current the potential utility of mobile computing for use
form, they cannot support the analysis of some with maps and imagery. Though computational
of the more intensive computational problems power and user interface issues can be amelio-
associated with geographical analysis (e.g., rated with the use of tablet computers, these
some types of interpolation). GIS software devices are quite costly. Currently, putting a
packages, however, often provide analytical mobile GIS device with a PDA form-factor into
routines that can be accessed from customized the hands of a student will cost around $500, and
source code. Computationally intensive, field- this figure could more than triple if tablet PCs
based laboratory exercises can, therefore, be are used.
constructed by wrapping such routines into us- Other problems that must be overcome fall
er-friendly and laboratory-specific interfaces, generally into the human-behavior domain. We
uploading collected data to a server for analysis, now have only a cursory understanding of the
and sending the results back to the handheld way in which these new mobile technologies are
device. This solution, however, exacerbates shaping the contours of human actions
bandwidth problems. (Armstrong 1997; Grudin 2002). When new
The commonly deployed 802.11b commu- technologies are introduced into educational
nication protocol (so called Wi-Fi) spreads settings, they sometimes are widely adopted and
information over 22Mhz of the 2.4-GHz in- appear to succeed (overhead projectors). Other
dustrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band and technologies fare less well in most university
produces a theoretical upper limit to data trans- settings (televised lectures and opaque projec-
mission of 11Mbps per channel. Twenty stu- tors). In other cases, the introduction of tech-
dents, roaming across the landscape, sending nology engenders new types of behavior, some
and receiving streaming video, real-time voice positive, some negative (Davis 2002). In the
communication, and large spatial data sets, are context of mobile computing, we have attempt-
likely, therefore, to overtax the bandwidth avail- ed to sketch out a positive view, knowing that
able to the current generation of wireless tech- the downside is very real: better and faster
nology. While it is often true that promised cheating, dissolution of boundaries between
improvements in technology fail to meet our class time and private life, and the inability of
expectations, there is hope in the near term with students (and professors) to adapt to new tech-
respect to wireless bandwidth. The 802.11g nology are just a few examples.
protocol is backward compatible with 802.11b Despite these technological and conceptual
and increases the maximize transmission rate to challenges, we expect MoGeo to improve the
54Mbps per channel. This technology is now educational experiences of students in two
available in stand-alone routers or in dual- important ways. First, students will have the
mode (with 802.11b) configurations. On the opportunity to work at the cutting edge of
horizon lies 802.16 with up to 75Mbps per information technologies and, thus, be better
channel, a technology referred to as Wi-MAX prepared for a rapidly changing world of com-
(Vaughan-Nichols 2004). puting (CSTB 2001). Second, mobile com-
A second issue with the 802.11b communi- puting will allow students to study many
cation protocol is range; students should be geographical processes in situ while also having
within approximately 300 m (outdoor, 100 m access to online reference materials, expert
indoor) of an access point. While the 802.11g knowledge, their professor, and their fellow
protocol increases this distance, the fact remains students. We believe that this educational par-
that currently available wireless technologies adigm shift will help students gain a better un-
place an electronic leash on MoGeo. When derstanding of many geographical processes.’
514 Volume 57, Number 4, November 2005

Literature Cited Grudin, J. 2002. Group dynamics and ubiquitous

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