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BSL Transport Phenomena 2e Revised: Chapter 2 - Problem 2B.

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Problem 2B.6
Flow of a film on the outside of a circular tube (see Fig. 2B.6). In a gas absorption
experiment a viscous fluid flows upward through a small circular tube and then downward in
laminar flow on the outside. Set up a momentum balance over a shell of thickness ∆r in the film,
as shown in Fig. 2B.6. Note that the “momentum in” and “momentum out” arrows are always
taken in the positive coordinate direction, even though in this problem the momentum is flowing
through the cylindrical surfaces in the negative r direction.

Figure 1: Fig. 2B.6 in the text. Velocity distribution and z-momentum balance for the flow of a
falling film on the outside of a circular tube.

(a) Show that the velocity distribution in the falling film (neglecting end effects) is

  r 2  r 
vz = 1− + 2a2 ln (2B.6-1)
4µ R R

(b) Obtain an expression for the mass rate of flow in the film.

(c) Show that the result in (b) simplifies to Eq. 2.2-21 if the film thickness is very small.

BSL Transport Phenomena 2e Revised: Chapter 2 - Problem 2B.6 Page 2 of 6

Part (a)

We assume that the fluid flows only in the z-direction and that its velocity varies with radius r.

vz = vz (r)

As a result, only φrz (the z-momentum in the positive r-direction) and φzz (the z-momentum in
the positive z-direction) contribute to the momentum balance. The fluid is assumed to fall
because of gravity and not because of a pressure difference.

Figure 2: This is the shell over which the momentum balance is made for flow down the exterior
of a cylindrical tube.

Rate of z-momentum into the shell at z: (2πr∆r)φzz |z

Rate of z-momentum out of the shell at z + L: (2πr∆r)φzz |z+L
Rate of z-momentum into the shell at r: (2πrL)φrz |r
Rate of z-momentum out of the shell at r + ∆r: [2π(r + ∆r)L]φrz |r+∆r
Component of gravitational force on the shell in z-direction: (2πr∆rL)ρg

If we assume steady flow, then the momentum balance is

Rate of momentum in − Rate of momentum out + Force of gravity = 0.

Considering only the z-component, we have

(2πr∆r)φzz |z − (2πr∆r)φzz |z+L + (2πrL)φrz |r − [2π(r + ∆r)L]φrz |r+∆r + (2πr∆rL)ρg = 0.

Factor the left side.

−2πr∆r( φzz |z+L − φzz |z ) − 2πL[ (r + ∆r)φrz |r+∆r − rφrz |r ] + 2πr∆rLρg = 0
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Divide both sides by 2π∆rL.

φzz |z+L − φzz |z (r + ∆r)φrz |r+∆r − rφrz |r

−r − + ρgr = 0
L ∆r
Take the limit as ∆r → 0.
φzz |z+L − φzz |z (r + ∆r)φrz |r+∆r − rφrz |r
−r − lim + ρgr = 0
L ∆r→0 ∆r
The second term is the definition of the first derivative of rφrz .

φzz |z+L − φzz |z d

−r − (rφrz ) + ρgr = 0
L dr
Now substitute the expressions for φrz and φzz .

φrz = τrz + 
 z = τrz

φzz =   τzz + ρvz vz = ρv 2

zz + HH z

Since vz does not depend on z, the ρvz2 terms cancel.

2  − ρv

 z+L  z z
−r − (rτrz ) + ρgr = 0
L dr
So we have
(rτrz ) = ρgr.
From Newton’s law of viscosity we know that τrz = −µ(dvz /dr), so
d dvz
−µr = ρgr.
dr dr

At the wall r = R, we assume the no-slip boundary condition, and at the gas-liquid interface
r = aR, we assume the free-surface boundary condition.
B.C. 1: = 0 when r = aR
B.C. 2: vz = 0 when r = R

Integrate both sides of the differential equation with respect to r.

dvz ρg 2
−µr = r + C1
dr 2
Apply the first boundary condition now to determine C1 .

ρg ρga2 R2
0= (aR)2 + C1 → C1 = −
2 2
Divide both sides by −µr to solve for dvz /dr.

dvz ρg C1
=− r−
dr 2µ µr
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Integrate both sides of the differential equation with respect to r once more.
ρg 2 C1
vz (r) = − r − ln r + C2
4µ µ
Apply the second boundary condition now to determine C2 .
ρg 2 C1 ρg 2 C1
vz (R) = − R − ln R + C2 = 0 → C2 = R + ln R
4µ µ 4µ µ
ρg 2 ρga2 R2
= R − ln R
4µ 2µ
With the constants of integration in hand, the velocity distribution is known.
ρg 2 ρga2 R2 ρg 2 ρga2 R2
vz (r) = − r + ln r + R − ln R
4µ 2µ 4µ 2µ
ρgR2 r2
2 2
= − 2 + 2a ln r + 1 − 2a ln R
4µ R
ρgR  r 2
= 1− + 2a2 (ln r − ln R)
4µ R
  r 2  r 
vz = 1− + 2a ln .
4µ R R
Part (b)

The mass flow rate w is, assuming constant density ρ,

dm d(ρV ) dV
w= = =ρ .
dt dt dt
The volumetric flow rate dV /dt is average velocity times cross-sectional area.

w = ρhvz iA
The average velocity is obtained by integrating the velocity over the area the fluid is flowing
through and then dividing by that area.
= ρ  vz dA A
ˆ aR
=ρ vz (2πr dr)
ˆ aR
= 2πρ rvz dr
ˆ aR
  r 2  r 
= 2πρ r 1− + 2a ln dr
R 4µ R R
Make a substitution to solve the integral.
u= → r = Ru
du = → R du = dr
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The mass flow rate becomes

ˆ a
w = 2πρ (Ru)(1 − u2 + 2a2 ln u)(R du)
1 4µ
πρ2 gR4 a
= (u − u3 + 2a2 u ln u) du
2µ 1
πρ2 gR4 u2 u4

2 u
= − + 2a − + ln u
2µ 2 4 4 2
2 4 2 4 2 2
πρ gR a a a a 1 1
= − + 2a2 − + ln a − + − 2a2 − + ln 1
2µ 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 2
2 4
 2 4 4 2

πρ gR a a a 1 a
= − − + a4 ln a − +
2µ 2 4 2 4 2
2 4
πρ gR 3 1
= a4 ln a − a4 + a2 −
2µ 4 4

πρ2 gR4
w= (4a4 ln a − 3a4 + 4a2 − 1).

Part (c)

If the film thickness is very small, then we can say that a is only slightly above 1. That is, we can
say a = 1 + ε, where 0 < ε  1. Substitute this into the final answer for w.

πρ2 gR4
w= [4(1 + ε)4 ln(1 + ε) − 3(1 + ε)4 + 4(1 + ε)2 − 1]

The Taylor series expansion for ln(1 + ε) is as follows.

ε2 ε3 ε4
ln(1 + ε) = ε − + − + ···
2 3 4
Substitute this into the equation for w.

πρ2 gR4 ε 2 ε3 ε4
4 4 2
w= 4(1 + ε) ε − + − + · · · − 3(1 + ε) + 4(1 + ε) − 1
8µ 2 3 4

Expand the other terms.

πρ2 gR4 ε 2 ε3 ε4
2 3 4 2 3 4
= (4 + 16ε + 24ε + 16ε + 4ε ) ε − + − + · · · − 4ε − 14ε − 12ε − 3ε
8µ 2 3 4

Multiply the two terms in parentheses together. Only powers up to ε4 in the resulting series are
πρ2 gR4
4 2 16 4 3 24 16
= 4ε + 16 − ε + 24 − + ε + 16 − + − 1 ε4 + · · · − 4ε − 14ε2 − 12ε3 − 3ε4
8µ 2 2 3 2 3
2 4
πρ gR 2 52 3 25 4 2 3 4
= 4ε
 + 14ε
H+ ε + ε + ··· −  − 14ε
4ε H − 12ε − 3ε
 H H
8µ 3 3
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We’re left with

πρ2 gR4 16 3 16 4
w= ε + ε + ···
8µ 3 3
2 4
πρ gR 16 3
= ε (1 + ε + · · · )
8µ 3
2πρ2 gε3 R4
= (1 + ε + · · · )

2πρ2 gε3 R4 2πρ2 gε3 R4
= +ε + ··· .
3µ 3µ
Keep only the first term of this series for the flow rate.

2πρ2 gε3 R4

Comparing this with Eq. 2.2-21 on page 46,

ρ2 gW δ 3 cos β
w= , (2.2-21)

we see that they are equivalent if W = 2πR and δ = εR. Note that since the fluid here is flowing
straight down, β = 0 and cos β = 1.

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