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0 Introduction

The most commonly used surveying instrument is the Total Station. With this instrument,
students are able to determine the angle and distance to the point to be surveyed with the
aid of trigonometry. The angles and distance may be used to calculate the relative position
such as Easting, Northing and Elevation. From this level experiment, student need to be able
to conduct this activity and know on how will the instrument works in order to get good result
to tabulate the data.

2.0 Objectives
 To determine the coordinates for each point of building.
 To determine the length from Total Station to each point.
3.0 Theoretical Background

When theodolite instrument is combined with interfaced EDM and electronic data collectors,
it’s become electronic tachometer instruments (ETIs) or commonly known as Total Stations.
Total Stations can read and record horizontal and vertical angels together with horizontal,
vertical and slope distances in all direction. The microprocessor in the Total Stations can
perform a variety of mathematical operations such as averaging multiple angle
measurements, averaging multiple distance measurements, determining coordinates,
distances between points and making atmospheric and instrumental correction.

Prism is used alongside with the Total Station also with electro-optical EDM to reflect
the transmitted signals. It has the characteristic of reflecting light rays back precisely in the
same direction as they are received. The quality of prism is determined by the flatness of the
surface and the perpendicularity of the 90’ surfaces. Prism can be tribrach-mounted on a
tripod, centred by optical plummet or attached to prism pole held vertical on a point with the
aid of level also it is mounted on adjustable-length prism pole which are portable and suit for
stakeout survey. The height of prism is normally set to equal the height of instrument.

4.0 Apparatus and Procedure


 Total Station
 Prism
 Prismatic Compass
 Pole
 Tripod

1. Set the tripod legs and it should be parallel to the level of chest.
2. Then, set up the prismatic compass and set in the bubble.
3. Point the prismatic compass at North and mark with pole to make it zero angle.
4. Then replace the prismatic compass with total station.
5. Secure the centring screw while bracing the instrument with the other hand and
install the battery once it secured.
6. Focused the optical plummet also adjust the levelling foot screw in order to centre the
survey point and the bubbles.
7. Next place the prism with its own tripod at each point in order to get the coordinates
and the distance from the Total Station.
8. Take the reading of coordinate and distance automatically from the Total Station.
9. Tabulate the data.

5.0 Data and analysis

Unadjusted Adjusted coordinates

Reduced HCR (B)

Stn. Latitude Departure
and length (l)
Latitude Departure
CP 59o 46’ 19’’ 540 656
14.219 24.249
B 28.065m 14.219 24.249

CP 39o 19’ 48’’ 554.219 680.249

9.989 8.185
C 12.914m 9.989 8.185

CP 0o 26’ 50’’ 564.208 688.434

18.894 0.147
D 18.895m 18.894 0.147

CP 346o 53’ 07’’ 583.102 688.581

46.855 -10.916
E 48.110m 46.855 -10.916

B 64o 59’ 03’’ 629.957 677.665

5.263 11.279
F 12.447m 5.263 11.279

F 106o 11’ 45’’ 635.22 688.944

-7.936 27.325
G 28.454m -7.936 27.325

C= C=
∑l = 148.885 627.284 716.269
-87.194 -60.269

Table1.0: The latitude and departure value obtained from the result of Total Station
 Central point, CP(656,540)

 Liner misclosure calculation:

Area of building:

Adjusted coordinates
DMD (m) Area = DMD (L)
Latitude Departure

14.219 24.249 24.249 344.797

9.989 8.185 56.683 566.206

18.894 0.147 65.015 1228.393

46.855 -10.916 54.246 2541.963

5.263 11.279 54.609 287.407

-7.936 27.325 93.213 -739.738

Sum = 4229.028 m2

Table2.0: The area of Facilities and Management Building obtained from the
6.0 Discussion

Our activity were conducted at the Facilities and Management Building. Our
instrument that used in this activity are prismatic compass, total station and prism.
The purpose of the experiment is to determine the coordinates for each point of
Facilities and Management Building. Another purpose in the activity is to determine
the length from Total Station to each point. The central point, CP(656,540) for the
building given in this experiment. 6 (six) points observed in this experiment and there
were point B, C, D, E, F and G. This lab activity define as open traverse as the point
observed is not turning to the first point.

We also need to determine the latitude of the building observed. We can determine
the latitude and depart as using the formula of Latitude as ∆Latitude L Cos ᵦ and
Depart as ∆Depart L Sin ᵦ. The result also lead to the data of linear misclosure by
using the formula ;

The linear misclosure that calculated is 1.405 ( Second Class ). We also determine
the area of the building by using the formula :

The total area of the Facilities and Management Building is 2114.514 m².

However the error might occur in order to obtained good result such as human error.
For example during setting up the total station, the bubble was not adjusted correctly.
Next, during setting up the prism, the position of the prism is not locating at the right
spot. In order to get accurate result, more points should be recorded in this activity.

7.0 Conclusion
From the experiment conducted, the aims of the experiment which are to determine the
coordinate for each point of the building and to determine the length from the total station to
each point were successfully achieved. The experiment apparatus or tool is consists of total
station, prismatic compass as well as with the pole and prism. All of these tools need to be
handled properly from the start of the experiment till the end. The reading must be taken
accurately to prevent from obtain the inaccurate data that will not ease the preliminary works
of the construction. From the data computed at the data and analysis interpretation, the sum
of the area computed is 4229.028m2 and the total area computed is 2114.514m 2. After the
survey has been conducted on the site of the project selected, the data will be given to the
contractor and the project can be started after all the information collected has been

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