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1. Click on the link for more information about the person. Answer the questions in each box.
(3-5 sentences minimum​).
2. Then, choose the “Nerd” that you think had the greatest impact on Computing and ​explain WHY​.
1. Name: ​ J​ ames Arthur Gosling

Time Period: ​Born May 19, 1955- still alive

Major Accomplishment:

​During his career his award for some of his work along the way. His first was the
Officer of the Order of Canada. The second was the IEEE John von Neumann
medal. Gosling’s third award was the Economist Innovation Award. He wrote
several books about most things he worked on, like the ​Java Programming
Language Third ​and​ ​Fourth Editions.

Click here to read more about this man on his homepage

2. Name: ​Jerry Yang and David Filo

Time Period: ​Jerry Yang: born 11/6/1968 and David Filo: born 04/20/1966

Major Accomplishment:

​These two men created a web serviced worth $4.48 billion. There are multiple
products within this company like Yahoo Sports, Yahoo Finance and Yahoo Music
for example. THey also other communication services such as email.

Click here to read more about them.

3. Name: ​Steve Jobs​

Time Period:​February 24, 1955- October 5, 2011

Major Accomplishment:

​He was the CEO and co-founder of Apple Inc. Jobs also funded the outbreak of
The Graphics Group. He also founded NEXT Inc. with $7 million.

Click here to read more about them.

4. Name: ​Linus Torvalds​

Time Period: ​Born December 28, 1969

Major Accomplishment

He has been awarded for a lot of his hard work and dedication for his career in
software engineering. In early years of his career he developed versions of Linux
on AlphaServer systems. “In 1996, the asteroid 9793 Torvalds was named after
him” (Wikipedia). Also Torvalds received the IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer
Electronics Award in 2018.

Click here to read more about them.

5. Name: ​ T​ Im Berners-Lee

Time Period: ​Born June 8, 1955

Major Accomplishment:

​After TimBL graduated from The Queen’s College and Oxford he went on into a
career in engineering. He took the idea of hypertext and connected it to
Transmission Control Protocol. “​He used similar ideas to those underlying the
ENQUIRE system to create the World Wide Web​” (Wikipedia).

Click here to read more about them.

6. Name: ​Donna Dubinsky​

Time Period: ​Born in 1955

Major Accomplishment:

​Dubinsky played a significant role in the creation of personal digital assistants.

She is also the CEO of Palm Inc. Along with that she is co-founders of Handspring
with Jeff Hawkins.

Click here to read more about them.

7. Name: _____ _____________________

Time Period: ______________________________

Major Accomplishment:

​I clicked on this link to go to the site and it said “We are sorry, the page you
requested cannot be found.”

Click here to read more about them.

8. Name: ​Ada Lovelace​

Time Period: ​December 10, 1815- November 27, 1852

Major Accomplishment:

She is mainly known for her work on Charles Babbage’s proposed mechanical
general-purpose computer. She emphasized the difference between the Analytical
Engine and previous calculating machines.

Click here to read more about them.

9. Name: ​Marc Andreessen​

Time Period: ​Born July 9, 1971

Major Accomplishment:

Andreessen started his career in becoming an entrepreneur and software

engineering by being at part-time assistant at the National Center for
Supercomputing Applications. In 1992 he recruited to be an employee at NCSA. In
1993 he also his project with Erica Bina, Mosaic was immediately popular after its

Click here to read more about them.

10. Name: ​Douglas C. Engelbart

Time Period: ​January 30, 1925-July 2, 2013

Major Accomplishment:

During his college years he studied to become an electrical engineer. After he

graduated from college he land a research position for the Stanford Research
Institution. By 1959 Engelbart had enough behind him to pursue getting approval
for his research.

Click here to read more about them.

Who do YOU think had the biggest impact on computing? Why?

Steve Jobs because he paved the way for new and upcoming engineers and entrepreneurs in this modern day and age. His work
and being provided something for otheres to use and look up to so they can enjoy what they do for the world. He created a
multi-million dollar company thatpeople across the world use everyday. One day someone will follow in his footsteps to do what
he did but only better.

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