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The Winfield Municipal Building Commission meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m.
on September 23, 2010 at the Winfield Town Hall by Huey Lovejoy, Chairman.


Huey Lovejoy, John Marshall, and Pat Woodrum


Dick Whitney

Mayor Ron Stone; Jackie Hunter, Town Recorder; Tim LaFon, Town
Counselor; Gloria Chapman, Staff, Jessie Parker, Town Engineer.


John Stump, Steptoe & Johnson.


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Motion was made by John

Marshall to approve the minutes, seconded by Pat Woodrum. Motion carried.

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Motion was made by John Marshall to approve the

August 2010 Financial Report, seconded by Pat Woodrum. Motion carried.


Reported under ³Old Business´.


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The Mayor reported that the benches were received today and should be installed
within a week, along with the finishing touches on the landscaping.

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There is a pending court hearing on September 27, 2010 and

final hearing November 25, 2010.

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Jesse Parker of S & S Engineers presented the members Engineering

Addendum No. 1 for their engineering work on the emergency bridge replacement in
Woodland Forest in the amount of $ 8,000.00. Pat Woodrum made a motion to approve
the Engineering Addendum and John Marshall seconded the motion. Motion carried.

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September 23, 2010
Minutes, Municipal Building Commission


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John Stump of Steptoe & Johnson was present for the first reading of Ordinance 2010-
2011-2 approving the design, acquisition, construction and equipping of a stormwater
system and all necessary appurtenances for the Town of Winfield. Mr. Stump explained
that approval of the ordinance will authorize the Building Commission to lease Series
2010 Revenue Bonds (United States Department of Agriculture), in the aggregate
principal amount of $ 2,000,000. Motion was made by John Marshall to approve the
first reading of Ordinance 2010-2011-2 and Pay Woodrum seconded. Motion carried.

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John Marshall moved to go into executive session at 8:00 PM. Motion was seconded
by Pat Woodrum. Motion carried.

John Marshall moved to return from executive session at 8:16 PM. Pat Woodrum made
a second. Motion carried. No action was taken.




Motion was made by John Marshall and seconded by Pat Woodrum to

adjourn at 8:25 until the next special meeting on October 28, 2010 at 7:30.

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