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StressCheck™ Software,

Release 5000.1. 7
Training Manual

© 20 11 Halliburton

Landmark So ~ware

Part Number 16177 8 Revision E Apri l 201 1
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© 20 10 Halliburton
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‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬ )
StressCheck Software
Training Manual
Introduction ......... ...... ........ . .. . .... ........................... . 1-1
What is StressCheck™ Software? . . . . . .... .. . ... . .... ............ . ...... 1-1
Course Objectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Training Course and Manual Overview ......... .. .... . ... .. ........... .. 1-3
Licensing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

Theory, Calculations, and References .. .. . ... . ...... .. ... . ....... 2-1

Casing Design Methodology ...................... . .. ... . .. . ... .. . .. .. 2-2

Wellbore Temperatures and Casing Design . . ....... . . ...... . ... .. ...... 2-4
Temperature Deration . ... . . . ...... . . .... ......... ..... ...... .. .. . . ... 2-4
Drilling Temperatures . ... . . .... .- ............ . .... . ................... 2-5
Production Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Initial Conditions . . . . ... . . .......................................... 2-7

Basic Material Properties ............. . ...... . ... ..................... 2-9

Stress ... ..... .. . . . . ... . . . . .. ..... ... .. . .......... . ... . . . .......... 2-9
Strain ..... ........... .. ........................................... 2-9
Modulus of Elasticity (Young's Modulus) .. .. ...... . . . . ... ..... ... .. . . . . . 2-9
Yield Strength (Tensile) ..................... , .. . ............. ....... 2-10

Pipe Ratings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11

Axial . . . . ............. ........................................... 2-11
Burst ............ . ........... .... . .............. ... . .... ..... . ... 2-12
Collapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2
Yield Strength Collapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 13
Plastic Collapse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 13
Transition Collapse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Elastic Collapse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Diameter to Wall Thickness Regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
Effect of Tension on Collapse . ... ... .. ..... . .. .. . .. . ... . ....... . .. 2- 16
Effect of Internal Pressure on Collapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 16

StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬

Reduced Wall vs. Nominal Dimensions ............. ........... ......... 2-18

Tension Due to Bending ........................ ....... .............. 2- 19

Triaxi al Stress Analysis ...... .. .. ....................... ............ 2-20

Von Mises Equation . .. . ... . ..... . ... .................. .. . ...... . ... 2-20
Triax ial Design Ellipse ............................... ....... ........ 2-21

Buckling ........................................................... 2-23

Casing Buckling in Oil Field Operations ...... ..... .... .... ............. 2-24

AP I Connection Ratings . ..... ... ..... . ..... . ... . . . ........ ... . ...... 2-25

Preliminary Design ... . .. . . .. ......... ...... ......... . ........ . . .. .. 2-26

Why Should You Do A Preliminary Design? ........ . ............. . . . . . .. 2-26
What Data is Needed to Perfonn a Preliminary Des ign? ..... . ....... . ... 2-26
Minimum Casing Diameter ..... ... ... . . .... . ............ . ........ ... 2-26
Minimum Casing Shoe Setting Depth .. ................. .... . .......... 2-27

Detailed Mechanical Design ......................................... 2-28

Burst Loads .... ................ . . .......................... ....... 2-28
Drilling Loads .... . ...... .................... ... .. .......... . . .. 2-28
Production Loads . . .... .. ... . ... ..... .. . .............. ...... . ... 2-32
Co llapse Loads ..... . . . . . . .. ....................................... 2-34
Drill ing Loads . .. .. ............................................. 2-34
Production Loads ..... . ... . ... .. .. . .... .. .... . . . ......... . . . .. .. 2-37
Axial Loads . ... . ......... ..... .. ... .. .... ... ...... . . . . ............ 2-38
Runn ing and Cementing ..................................... .. ... 2-38
Service Loads ... ..... . . . . . . . .. , .. , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-40
Load Lines .. . ..... . . . . . .... ................ . ..... . . . .. .... .... . . . 2-40
Automatic Load Generation .............................. . ........ 2-41
Design Factors ......... .. .. ....... . ... ............ ... . .. .. .... .. . . 2-41
Design Factor Selection ....... ........ ... .. ...................... 2-41
Graphical Design .. . ...................................... . .. . .. ... 2-42
Load Line Corrections ........... .............. . ..... ............ 2-43

External Pressure Profiles ..... . ... .................... ....... . . . ... . 2-44

Mud and Cement Mix Water External Pressure Profile ................. .. .. 2-44
Permeable Zones ..... . . . . . . ...... .............. . .. .... . .... . ... .... 2-45
Poor Cement Disabled .. . ... . . . . ... ..... ................... ..... . 2-45
Poo r Cement Enabled - High Pressure Zone .. ....... . .......... . .. ... 2-46
Poor Cement Enabled- Low Pressure Zone .......................... 2-47

ii StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
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Minimum Formation Poor Pressure .. . ....... . .. . . ... .. . ..... . . ...... .. 2-48

TOC Inside Previous Shoe .. . ... . .. .. . . . . ....... .. .... . ... . . ... ... 2-48
TOC in Open Hole (With and Without Mud Drop Enabled) . . . ... . . . . . . .. 2-49
Pore Pressure with Seawater Gradient . . .......... . .... . .. . . ... . ..... . .. 2-50
Fluid Gradients (with Pore Pressure) ...... ......... .. . ........... . . ... . 2-51
Mud and Cement Slurry .... . ... .... . .... . .. . ........................ 2-52
Frac@ Prior Shoe with Gas Gradient Above . ..... .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. ..... . .. 2-53

EDMM and the Well Explorer .... . .. .... .. .... ... .. . ... .. ... ...... 3-1
Overview ..... .. .. ...................... . ....... .... .. ..... .. ..... . . 3-2

Describing the Data Structure ... . . .. ... . . ... .. .. ... .. .. . . . ... ... . . . ... 3-3
We ll Explorer Components . . ... . . .. .. .. . ... .. ... . ............. ....... 3-5

Working with the Well Explorer . . . . .... . .. . .. . .. . ........... ... .. ..... 3-6
Drag-and-drop Rules ... . . . . . .. . ......... . .... . . . .. .. . ................ 3-6
Instant Design . ... ..... . ................ . . .. .. . . . .................. . 3-7
Import . .. . ... . . . . . ... . .. . . . . ................. ........... .......... 3-7
Export ........ .. . . ... . .... . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . ............. ...... 3-7
Attachments ......... . ... . ........ .. ... . ... .... . .. .. ... . ........... 3-8
Well Explorer Node Properties . . .. . .. . .............. ............ .... ... 3-9
Data Locking . ................ . . ....... .. . .. . .. .. ....... .. ..... .. 3-9
General Tab. .............................. ......... . ... .. ...... 3- 11
Audit Tabs . ... . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . .... .. ... .. .. . . . .... . .. .... 3-1 1

Datums .................. . . ... ... . ....... ........ . ..... . . .. ..... ... 3- 12

Project Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
System Datum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 12
Elevation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 12
Well Properties .... .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. . ....... .. .. . . . ....... . .......... 3- 12
Depth Reference Datum(s) ............ .. .. . .... . .. . .......... . .... 3- 13
Design Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 16
General Tab (Design Properties Dialog Box) . .. .. . . . .. .... . .. ...... . .. 3-16
Depth Reference Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 17
Workflow-How to Set Up Datums for a Design .. .. . . .. . ........ . . ...... 3- 18
Changing the Datum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 19
How This Works ... ... .. . .... .... ... .......... . . .... . ........ . .. 3-19

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual iii
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬

Concurrency and Multi-user Support ... ...... .. . ... ............... .. . 3-21

SAM in the Application Status Bar .. ... ..... . ... . . .. .. .. .......... . . .. 3-21
SAM in the Well Explorer .... ....... ................. ... ......... ... 3-22
Reload Notifi cation ...... . .. . ....................................... 3-23
Reload ............ . ................... .. ................... .. . 3-23
Ignore ............ . .................... . . . .................... 3-23
Cancel ....... .............. .......... ............ ............. 3-24

Working With Catalogs . . . . .............. . . ..... . ... ........ ........ 3-25

Getting Started ...... ............ ....... . ............... .......... ..... 4- 1

Workflow ...................................................... . .... 4-2

Enter General Data ..... .. .................. .. .................. ..... 4-2
Specify Design Parameters for a Casing String . . .. .. . . .................... 4-3
View Graphical Results and Perform Design ....... . . . ... ... ........ ...... 4-3

Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4

Starting the StressCheck™ Software ......... .. . . ....................... 4-4

Files and Templates .................................................. 4-6

What Type of Files Does the StressCheck™ Software Use? .................. 4-6
What is a Template File? .... ............... ....... .............. ..... 4-6
Opening an Existing Template File ......................... . . . .. .. . . 4-7
Saving a T emplate File .. ....... ... ......... .... ................. . . 4-8

Main Window Layout ......... ........... ............ ............... . 4-9

Title Bar ......................................................... 4-10
Menu Bar ............. ... . .... ........ .......... ................. 4-10
File Menu ..................................................... 4-10
Ed it Menu ... .. .. ... .. . .. . ............ . . . . . .. . ................. 4-10
Wellbore Menu . . .... . ..... ..... ....... . . . . ..... .......... ...... 4-10
Tubular Menu ............ . .................................. ... 4- l0
View Menu ...... . . ... . .. .............. ... . .. .................. 4- 11
Composer Menu ..... . ................ . .. .. ..................... 4-11
Tools Menu ........... ........ .............................. . .. 4- 11
W indow Menu ...... .. ................... . ..................... 4-11
Help Menu ......... . ............... .. . ... .................. . .. 4-1 1
Wizard Toolbar ... ................. ........ ... .... .. ............... 4- 11

iv StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬

Data Entry Forms . .. .. .. ..... . .. . ... ............ .. .................. 4- 12

Dialog Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
Spreadsheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13

Helpful Features ........... . .. ....... . ...... . . ... . ........ . . . ... . ... 4-14
Online Help . ..................... .. .... ....... .... ............. . . . 4-14
Setting Options . .... . . .. .......... . .. . . ... ... ......... . ............ 4-15
Plots Group Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
Spreadsheets and Tables Group Box .. ... ....... .. . . . ... .... . ... .. . . 4- 17
Print Layout Group Box . . ..... . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... ... ... . .... . . ...... 4- 18
Depths Group Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
Safety Factors Group Box .. . . .... ..... ...... .......... .. . ...... . .. 4- l 9
Other Group Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 19
Configuring Units ....... .. . . ........... . ...... . ..... . ...... . ....... 4-20
Using the Unit System Dialog Box .. ............... .. ............... 4-20
Using the Convert Unit Dialog Box . ........ . . .... . . . . . . ...... . .. . .. 4-22
Customizing Graphical Views . . .. . .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . ...... . .. ......... 4-24
Changing Plot Properties . ................... . ......... .. ... ... . . . 4-2 5
Zooming ........ . ...... ... ...... ... .. . . . ........ .............. 4-26
Configuring the Well Schematic ... ...... .. .... . . .. ... .. ............ 4-26

Accessing and Managing Pipe Inventory .............................. 4-27

Selecting and Deleting Pipes ............... ... ........ .. . . . .......... 4-29
Modifying Existing Pipes ................ .......... . . . ... .. . . . . . . .... 4-30
Inserting a New Pipe . . . . .. . . . . . . ....... ........ .. .. . . . .. ... .... . ... . 4-31
Tubular Properties . . . . .... .. ..... ................................... 4-32
Locking Tubular Properties and Password Security .................. . . . 4-32
Importing and Exporting Tubular Properties ......... . ....... ... . ..... 4-33
Grades .......... .. ....... ................ ..... ....... . . ....... 4-33
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 5
Class .. . .... .. . . . . .. .. ... .. . ......... . . . .... . ... . .. . ... ... .... 4-38
Temperature Derations ... . ..... . . ... . ............. . .. ... ......... 4-39

Well and Formation Information ... ..... .. ............ ......... .. . 5-1

Entering Well Data .. ... . . ..... ........ ... ........ . .. . ...... . . . . ...... 5-2
Creating a New Design ............ ...... . . .. ......... ... .... . . ....... 5-2
Design Properties Dialog Box .. .. ...................... .. . . . . . .. . . . 5-2

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual v
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬

Entering General Well Information . . .. . . .. .. . .... . . . .. .. . . .... ......... 5-6

Field and Controls .... .. ...... .. . ... .... . . . . .... ... . ......... . .... 5-7
Entering Pore Pressure Data ...... ......... . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . ... . ... .. . 5-8
Pore Pressure Spreadsheet Columns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Entering Fracture Gradient Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
Fracture Gradient Spreadsheet Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
Defining a Squeezing Salt/Shale Zone .......... . ... . . ....... . ..... . . . .. 5-12
Squeezing Salt/Shale Spreadsheet Columns . .. . ..... .. . . .............. 5- 12
Managing Wellpath Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
Entering Well path Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5- 14
Import Wellpath File ....... . ... . . .. .. . ............... . . . . ........ 5- 15
Dogleg Severity Overrides Spreadsheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5- 16
Defining the Geothermal Gradient .. . .. ... . . .... . .. . .............. . . . .. 5- 19
Fields and Controls . .. . . . .. .. . .. . ... .... . .. . . ...... . .... .. . ...... 5-19
What Effect Does Temperature Have on the Analysis? ........... .. ... .. 5-20
Define the Casing and Tubing Scheme . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . ......... ... . . . . .. 5-22
Fields and Controls . .......... .. . ................................ 5-23
Well Schematic ............................ . . . . ... .. .. . ......... 5-27
Defining Production Data ...... . .. .. . . ........ . ......... . ... ......... 5-28
Fields and Controls ..... . . . ... ................................... 5-28
Setting Up Tabs ... .................... .. . ... . .. . . . ....... . ........ 5-29
Splitting Windows into Panes . . ........ . .. . ... .. . ....... ...... ........ 5-30
Splitting the Tab into Vertical Panes ........... .... ..... ............ 5-30
Splitting the Tab into Horizontal Panes .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . .... .. .... . . . .. 5-31
Changing the Contents of the Pane ........... . .... .......... .. ...... 5-31

Tubular Load Data . . .. . ... . ..... ................................... . . 6-I

Entering Design Parameters . . .... .. ............. .... . .. . . .. .......... 6-2

Specifying the Initial Conditions .. ... ... . ...... . .. . .. . .. . . . ..... . . . ... 6-3
Defining Cementing and Landing Data ............. . .. . ......... .. . . . ... 6-4
Fields .. .. .. .. ................ ........ . ... . ........... . ....... .. 6-5
Defining the Starting Temperature Profile ........... . ....... . . .. .... . .. . . 6-9

Specify Tool Passage Requirements .. . ..... ... . .................. ... . 6- 11

vi StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬

Defining Burst Loads ... .. . . ............ . ... . ................. ...... 6-13

Selecting the Des ign Burst Loads and the External Pressure Profile .. ... ...... 6-13
Defining the External Pressure Profile ... ............. ............... 6-1 4
Defining Burst Load Details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6- 14
Viewing the Associated External Pressure Profi le ...................... 6-15
Specify Burst Load Temperature .......... ... ...................... 6- 16
View Burst Load Pressure Plots .............................. . . .... 6- 17
Burst Design Load Line .... ...... ................... ...... ....... 6-18

Specifying Collapse Loads .... .... . ... ......... . .... .......... . . .... 6- 19
Selecting Co llapse Loads ...... ...... ....... ....... .................. 6- 19
Selecting Di ffercnt External Pressure Profiles for Each Load Case. . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
Defining Collapse Load Details ........... . . .. ........................ 6-2 1
Viewing Collapse Load Pressure Plots ......... ...... ............... . ... 6-22
Collapse Design Load Line . .................... . ............... . .. ... 6-23

Specifying Ax ial Loads Details .... . ................................. 6-25

Defining Custom Loads .. . . . .... .......................... .......... 6-26

Displaying the List of Existing Custom Loads .......... ...... . .. ......... 6-26
Renaming a Custom Load .................... .. ...................... 6-27
Editing Custom Load Data ........ ........ ............... ........ .. .. 6-27
Define the Pressure Profile ..................... ....... . . .......... 6-27
Including the Custom Load in the Analysis .. .... ..................... 6-29
Defining the Custom Load Temperature Profile ... .. . .... .......... ... 6-30
Viewing the Pressure Profiles Including the Custom Load .... . .. . . ...... 6-32

Graphical Design ............................................... ... .. . 7-1

Performing an Automated Design ....................... . . ............ 7-2
Checking Burst Design Using the Burst Design Plot ............ .......... .. 7-2
Creating a Pipe Section .... ........... ....... .. . . .. ..... . .. .. .. .. .. 7-3
Modifying a Pipe Section .......... .... . .. . ... . . . . ............. .. .. 7-6
Comparing Burst and Collapse Design Checks ..... .. ............... .. . ... 7-8
Checking Collapse Design Using the Collapse Design Plot. .................. 7-8
What is the Collapse Design Load Line? ..... . ........................ 7-9
What is the Pipe Rating Line? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
Adding a Section to Satisfy Design Cri teria . . ...... . . ................. 7-11

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual vii
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬


Checking Ax ial and Service Load Profil es . . . .. . ... . . .. . .. . . . . ..... . ..... 7- 12

Using the Axial Load Profiles Plot .......... . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. ..... 7- 13
Using the Axial Service Load Profil es Plots .. . . . ... .. . . ..... . ... ... .. 7-14
Using the Service Load Lines Plot .................... . ......... . ... 7- 14
C hecking Axial and Triaxial Design .... . .. . ... . ..... . .. . . . .. .. ... . .... 7-15
Usi ng the Axial Design Plot .... . ..... . ........ .. .... . ..... . . . ... .. 7-16
Using the Triaxial Design Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18
Using the Triaxial Des ign Limit Plot . . . ... .. ... . ........ .. ......... . 7-2 l
Modi fy a Design .. . .. . ....... .. ................................. 7-22

Checking a Specific Casing Design .... . ..... ... . . . .... . . . . . .. . . .. ... 7-23
Compressional Load Check ............... . ........... . ...... . ....... 7-24

Minimum Cost Design .......... . . . ... . ... . ......................... 7-25

Fields and Controls .. .... . .......... . .............. . ..... . .......... 7-25
Maximum Number of Sections .. ... . ... ..... . . .. .. .. . . . . ... . .. . .. .. 7-25
M ini mum Section Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-25
Costof K-55 Steel. ... . ........ . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . ....... .. .... 7-26
Minimum Cost Search . ......... .. . . . .. . . ...... . .. . . . ..... . . . .... 7-27
Select APT and Premium Connections . . .. . . ...... . . .. .. . .. . .. ... . . . . . .. 7-28
Define Premium Connections ............................ . ............ 7-3 0

Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports .. .... . ...... .. .... . .... .. 8- I

Input Data Tables .... ....... .. ..................................... . . 8-2

Tabular Results . . . .... . ....... . ......... . . ... ..... . .... . .. .. . . . . . . ... 8-3
Viewing the String Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
What is the Maximum Allowable Wear? . . . . .. . .. ........ . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . 8-5

Reporting in the StressCheck™ Software and Microsoft Word ... . . . ..... 8-7
Generating StressCheck™ Software Reports . ..... . . .. ..... . . .. .. . . . ... .. . 8-7
Previewing and Printing StressCheck™ Software Reports ..... ... . .. . . ... . . 8-10

viii StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬

Exercises .. .. . ........... .. .... .. ......... . .. ... ........ ......... .. .... . 9- I

StressCheck™ Software Exercise Overview .. ... . ......... ... . . ....... 9-2

Exercise I: Review ing/Creating the Data Hierarchy ................ . ... 9-4

Exercise 2: Preferences and Workspace Configurati on .... ........ . ..... 9-5

Exerc ise 2 Answers . . .. ......... .. . ... . . ..... . .. ........... .. . . .... .. 9-7

Exercise 3: Rev iewing/Specifying General Data .. . .. . ....... .......... 9- 13

Exercise 3 Answers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9- 16

Exercise 4: The Design Process .......... .... ................... .. . .. 9-22

Exe rcise 4 Answers ... . ...... ......... ........... ........... ........ 9-27

Exercise 5: Minimum Cost ......... . ........ ............ . ... . .. .. ... 9-51

Exercise 5 Answers . . .. .. .. .. . .......... .... ............... .. .. . .. .. 9-52

Exercise 6: Analyzing Results ...... . . . . . .. .... ............... .. . .... 9-60

Exercise 6 Answers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-62

Exercise 7: Tables and Reports ....................................... 9-70

Exe rcise 7 Answers ............... . ............... ...... ............ 9-72

Exercise 8: Sensitivity Analysis ....... ......... ........... ........... 9-84

Special Pipe Tubular Properties .. .. ... . .. . .......... ......... ....... . . 9-84
Exerci se 8 Answers: Special Pipe Tubular Properties .... . ....... ....... 9-89
Taper String Design Check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-97
Exercise 8 Answers: Taper String Design Check ............... ....... . 9-98
High Collapse Casing .............................................. 9-105
Exercise 8 Answers: High Collapse Casing ... . ... .......... . . ....... 9-107

Exercise 9: Self Exercise .... ....... ...... . .... . ... .... .... . ......... 9-1 l l

Exercise 10: Template Exercise . .. ......... ....... .. ... ........... .. 9- 11 2

Exercise I 0 Answers .. .. ....... .. ......... .. ....................... 9-113

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual ix
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬

x StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
What is StressCheckrM Software?
The Landmark® StressCheck™ software is an extraordinarily powerful
and easy-to-use engineering tool for the design and analysis of casing

The StressCheck software was developed in cooperation with several

major oil and gas exploration and production companies as one
component of a next-generation system for well engineering. It is based
on casing design principles that are well accepted and broadly employed
in the industry. With the StressCheck software, sophisticated design
methods can be routinely employed to develop minimum-cost,
high-integrity casing design solutions with minimum expenditure of
time and effort.

The StressCheck software can be used to design casing strings that meet
or exceed all relevant design criteria from top to bottom. The
StressCheck software can yield significant savings in total casing costs
by providing a variety of automated formulations for specifying realistic
burst, collapse, and axial loads, rather than traditional worst-case
maximum load profiles, and by optimizing the number and length of
casing string sections. In some cases, as much as 40% can be saved in
comparison to casing designs developed by conventional methods. With
the Custom Loads feature, the StressCheck software also provides an
easy-to-use spreadsheet facility for specifying, in exact detail,
user-defined internal pressure, external pressure, and temperature
profiles when more unique load-case fonnulations are required.

Experienced engineers who understand the requirements of casing

design developed the StressCheck software with features that facilitate
thorough consideration of more sophisticated design issues. These
issues include:

Running, installation, and service loads, for more comprehensive

axial design

• Gas kick loads

• External pressure profiles for good and poor cement

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 1-1
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 1: Introduction

• Permeable zones

• Mud density deterioration

• Annulus mud drop

• Worst-case or user-entered temperature profiles

• Temperature-dependant and pressure-dependant gas-density


• Overpull limits

Allowable wear

• Pressure testing

• Automated minimum-cost API or triaxial design

The StressCheck software offers OLE to Microsoft™ Office

applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as other
OLE-compliant products. The StressCheck software includes powerful
and flexible unit systems, both standard (API and SI) and user-defined,
which make it easy to customize input and output unit conventions to
suit virtually any international need. The StressCheck software can be
used in combination with the powerful Landmark WELLCAT™
package to solve the toughest design problems.

Course Objectives
During this course you should become familiar with:

0 Fundamental casing design principles

0 Equations used to calculate casing ratings
0 Design criteria and data entry
0 Casing design and design checks
0 Documenting and analyzing results

1-2 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 1: Introduction

Training Course and Manual Overview

The purpose of this manual is to provide you a reference for entering
data and performing an analysis during the class. Perhaps more
importantly, you can refer to it after the class is over to refresh your
memory concerning analysis steps. This manual contains technical
inforn1ation concerning the methodology and calculations used to
develop the StressCheck software. If you require more technical
information than what is presented in this manual, please ask
your instructor.

The training course begi ns with a quick introduction. Following the

introduction, time is spent covering the theory, concepts, and features
used in the StressCheck software.

FLEXlm is a licensing method common to all Landmark products. It
provides a single licensing system that integrates across PC and network
environments. FLEXlm Licensing files and FLEXlm Bitlocks are
supported for Landmark Drilling and Well Services applications. For
more details, please refer to the LAM 2003.0-Windows Release Notes
(LAMReleaseNotes.pdf), located in the \Products\EDT\lnstall\LAM
folder on CD 5.

. .... .

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 1-3
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 1: Introduction

1-4 StressCheck™Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter B
Theory, Calculations, and References
This section covers the fundamental theory basis for StressCheckTM
software calculations and includes the design methodologies consid ered
for workflows.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-1
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Casing Design Methodology

The following displays a list of StrcssChcck features in a basic

workflow that follows a casing design methodology .

....... .......

Esbmate fonnati or: properties

• Port prtrn:re

• Fracture pressure

• Ur.-ilst11rbei:! ttmp~r•;rc profile

• Loc.&bon of squee%Jng sd!!s md s!".ll!e ::one1

• Locabon of p~eable i:: e>r:ts

• Shal.l ow gu

• L ocabon of fresh water sar."Cls " ~

Design wellpAlh
• Pm~ce of ItS and CO:
....... • Surface loca:ion

• Gcologiul

• Wrll 1r.•:rfm-ncr <Uta

• Muunurn doalea de1ennmat1 on

....... ~
Prclunm.ry Des111n

• D1rcc:ion.U Wrll Plan

• Shoe 10d Han.g.i: Dcptl-.i

• N·:mbtf of C'.a:ing S tnngs

• H ~!" and F1p" D11meters

• Mud Pr.,liram and ,...ementTops


2-2 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

........ ..........

Mccharuca! Drngn

• Bunt L oads

• Ccll~sc L oads

• Axi.U Loads
........ _:oo,,.

• Load Lines Wci~e1 1.ed Grade Jd cch on

• Dcngn Factors • 7ubular Properties

• Graphi cal D ~ sian • Pipe Inventoiy

• Cor.r.c chons s preadsheet

• Spec: al Ccnnecuons spreadsheet

• Stnr;.; secb oos sprcads~ccl

......... -....... ~

Spct11l ConsidcrahO:'I ~

Connecti ons

Stuck pipe

C Wear



Ccmbuicd loading llrlaxill 3t\Aly11 s)

Cerroni;, mv1r,.,nrr.'n:J

Squccung $.i!t a:.d .hale

Ar.r.•1!ar pressure bu1I d-up

Mulb stn~.g iwal 41nJlysis


StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1.7 Training Manual 2-3
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Wellbore Temperatures and Casing Design

Temperatures affect casing design in the following ways:

• Influence pressure loads (PVT properties of gas)

• Decrease the pipe rating (the yield strength is a function

of temperature)

• Result in axial thermal growth, which can lead to buckling in

uncemented sections and may require triaxial analysis to determine
combined loading effects

• Affect cement slurry design

• Result in annular pressure build-up

• fnfluence corrosion

Temperature Deration
A default schedule is provided in the StressCheck software that is based
on a linear deration of 0.03% per deg F.

Temperature Yield Strength

Fahrenheit Celsius Correction Factor

68 20 1.00

122 50 0.983

212 100 0.956

302 150 0.929

392 200 0.902

Wellbore temperatures during drilling, completion, production, and

workover operations can vary considerably from the undisturbed
profile. The StressCheck software uses worst-case estimates by default.
To accurately predict wellbore temperatures, a thermal simulator such
as the WELLCATTM software is required.

2-4 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Drilling Temperatures
For drilling load cases such as a gas kick or lost returns with mud drop,
the profile used to correct the design load line is based on the calculated
API c irculating temperature and a straight line drawn through the
midpoint of the user-entered undisturbed temperature profile .

Undisturbed .- - Temperature
Temperature Profile

- Mid-point of

Circulating - -• •


The calculation of the API circulating temperature is generally over-

conservative. If a more accurate profi le is necessary, thermal simulation
using WELLCAT - Drill should be used.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-5
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Production Temperatures
For production load cases such as a tubing leak, the profile used to
correct the design load line is based on maximum undisturbed reservoir
temperature at the perforation depth from TD to the surface.


.c Temperature - - - -•\.
Q) Profile


This profile is generally overconservative depending on reservoir fluid,

flow rates, and time after initial production. If a more accurate profile is
necessary, thermal simulation using WELLCAT - Prod should be used.

2-6 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Initial Conditions
The temperature used in the StressCheck software does not necessarily
lead to more conservative design. This data is used to define load cases,
determine the initial state of the casing, and dictate design and
analysis logic.



injection temp ~duction temp

~ /



fnitial conditions data is defined on a per-string basis; that is, different

initial conditions data can be defined for each string in the Casing
Scheme spreadsheet.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-7
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory. Calculations, and References


Well Cat

Stress Check

injection temp






The WELLCAT software can simulate a more accurate temperature

profile for both production and injection, which can lead to a less
conservative design criteria.

2-8 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Basic Material Properties

To define a material, the Young's Modulus, Poisson 's Ratio, and density
must be specified. Young's Modulus (ratio of stress and strain) and
Poisson's Ratio (ratio of lateral contraction to elongation) are the two
independent parameters that describe the mechanical behavior of an
e lastic material.

• The symbol for stress is: cr
• Stress is defined as: Load I Cross-sectional area
You can compare stress with: Pressure = Force/Area

• The symbol fo r strain is: £

• Strain is defined as: Change in Length I Initial Length


• You can define True Strain as: Ln (Final Length I Initial Length) .
True strain accounts for the material volume.

Modulus of Elasticity (Young's Modulus)

The symbol for Modulus of Elasticity is E

For any material, E is a constant which relates stress and strain as long
as they are proportiona l. (that is, a straight line graph).

E= cr/£

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-9
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Yield Strength (Tensile)

Yield strength is the stress above which irreversible plastic deformation



Stress which will

cause a 0.005
elongation I unit length

2-10 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory. Calculations, and References

Pipe Ratings

Axial, Burst, and Collapse loads are factors that directly affect the
performance ratings fo r the selected pipe or connection. Other factors
that affect pipe ratings include reduced wall thickness and tension due
to bending.

The axial strength of the pipe body is determined by the pipe body yield
strength formula found in APT Bulletin 5C3. Axial strength is the
product of the cross-sectional area and the yield strength. Nominal
dimensions are used.


FY= pipe body axial strength, lb

YP =minimum yield strength of the pipe, lb/ in 2

D = nominal outside diameter, inches

d = nominal inside diameter, inches

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-11
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

The following equation is commonly called the Barlow Equation and is
applicable to thin wall pipes. It assumes that burst is imminent when the
pipe begins to yield. The factor 0.875 appearing in the equation allows
for minimum acceptable wall thickness due to piercing operations as per
API specification 5CT.
2Y t
p = 0.875[ £J

P = minimum internal yield pressure, lb/in2

YP = minimum yield strength of the pipe, lb/in2

t = nominal wall thickness, inches

D = nominal outside diameter, inches


<Ye fil ID Theoretical Elastic

YR ________ ...,______
Material Yield
·. Actual Collapse Behavior

Yi eld Plasti c Transition

Collapse Collapse Collapse Elastic
15± 25±
Slenderness Ratio, Dlt

As per API Bulletin 5C3, collapse criteria consists of four collapse

regimes. These regimes are determined by yield strength and D/t. Most
oil field tubulars experience collapse in the p lastic and transition
regimes. Nominal dimensions are used in the collapse equations.
Collapse strength is primarily a function of the material's yield strength
and the D/t ratio. Collapse strength as a function of D/t is shown in the
preceding graphic.

2-12 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Yield Strength Collapse

Yield strength collapse is based on yield at the inner wall using the Lame
thick wall elastic solution.

(D/t) - 1


t = nominal wall thickness, inches

D =nominal outside diameter, inches

YP = minimum yield strength of the pipe, lb/ in 2

Plastic Collapse
Plastic collapse is based on empirical data from 2,488 tests.

P. P = rP [~
Dlt - s]-c

~ - (0.53 I 32x l 0- )~
5 10 16
A = 2.8762 + (0.1 0679x10- ) Yp + (0.2130 Ix I 0- )

B = 0.026233 + (0.50609xI 0- 6 ) Yp

C = - 465.93 + 0.030867 Yp + (0. 10483x I 0- ) ~ - (0.36989x l 0- ~

7 13


t = nominal wall thickness, inches

D = nominal outside diameter, inches

YP =minimum yield strength of the pipe, lb/ in 2

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-13
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Transition Collapse
Transition collapse is a numerical curve fit between the plastic and
elastic regimes.

46.95xl 0 [ ]
2+ (~)
F = ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3(~) 3(~) ]]

Yp 2 + rn -b) B ][ [
I- 2+ (~)

G = p}_


t = nominal wall thickness, inches

D = nominal outside diameter, inches

Yp = minimum yield strength of the pipe, lb!in2

(A and Bare defined in the section on Plastic Collapse.)

Elastic Collapse
Elastic collapse is based on theoretical elastic collapse. This criteria is
independent of yield strength and applicable to very thin wall pipe.
p = 46.95 x 10
E 2

2-14 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References


t = nominal wall thickness, inches

D = nominal outside diameter, inches

Diameter to Wall Thickness Regions

The four APl collapse regimes depend on the diameter to wall thickness
(D/t) ratio of the pipe of interest. Therefore:

Yield Collapse

) < (!l.t ) yp

Plastic Collapse

Transition Collapse

Elastic Collapse


StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Tra ining Manual 2-15
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Yp(A - F)
C + Yp(B - G)

(A, B, C, F, and Gare defined in the sections discussing Transition and
Plastic Collapse.)

Effect of Tension on Collapse

The biaxial effect of tension is incorporated in design by reducing the
design rating of the pipe. The reduced yield strength equation is based
on the Hencky-von Mises maximum strain energy of distortion theory
of yielding or triaxial analysis. In this case, the radial stress is ignored.
This theory only applies to elastic yield failure (the yield collapse
regime), but the reduction is applied to all the collapse regimes. T his
tends to be a conservative assumption. The collapse rating is not
increased with compression.


Ypa = yield strength of axial stress equivalent grade, lb/in

Yp = minimum yield strength of the pipe, lb/in

Sa = axial stress, tension is positive, lb/in2

Effect of Internal Pressure on Collapse

The biaxial effect of internal pressure (radial stress) is incorporated in
design by increasing the design rating of the pipe. The AP! chose to
increase the apparent applied collapse pressure instead of including P0
and P 1 in the collapse formulations. (They are only a function of ~P).

For all collapse loads, Pe>= D~P

2-16 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

This relationship can be derived for Hcncky-von Mises and Lame, if

higher order terms are ignored.

= P0 -[1- D2-JP.
= llP + (2-)p.
1 D/ t 1


t = nominal wall thickness, inches

D = nominal outside diameter, inches

Pe = equivalent external pressure, lb/ in 2

P0 = external pressure, lb/ in2

Pi = internal pressure, lb/i n2

To provide a more intuitive understanding of this relationship, the

equation can be rewritten as:

C = PD-
0 P·d


d = nominal inside d iameter, inches

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Train ing Manual 2-17
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Reduced Wall vs. Nominal Dimensions

r 87.5% of nominal pipe

b' ..k0 ~~~

Pipe cross-sectional are a

remai ns constant even when
the thickness is non-uniform
due to eccentricity.

Axial uses nominal dimensions. The piercing process during

manufacture may result i.n non-uniform wall thickness, but the
cross-sectional area of the pipe w ill remain constant The equation used
in API Bulletin 5C3 to define the axial rating is based on the product of
the cross-sectional area and the yield strength.

Burst uses minimum section. This represents a permissible 12.5% wall

loss due to acceptable tolerances in the piercing and rolling process of
manufacturing seamless pipe. (APl Spec. 5CT).

Collapse uses nominal dimensions. The API formu la for plastic,

transition, and elastic collapse have been adjusted using regression
analysis to account for API tolerances. No adj ustment has been made in
the yield strength collapse regime.

2-18 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Tension Due to Bending

Bending loads are superimposed onto the axial load distribution as a
local effect. The bending load formulation is included in all axial load
cases. Bending "force" is a convenient representation for design.
Bending stress is a function of the local radius of curvature in the
string component.

Stress at the pipe's outer diameter due to bending can be expressed as:
cr bending = 2r


<Jbending = stress at the pipe's outer surface

E = elastic modulus

D =nominal outside diameter

r = radius of curvature

Expressed as a force in English units, this can be simplifi ed to:


Fbending = bending force, lb

<!> = dogleg severity (0 / 100 ft)

D = nominal outside diameter, inches

A5 = cross-sectional area, in2

E =Young's Modulus, lb/in2

For steel pipe where E = 30 x 10·6 lb/in2 , then:

Fbending = 2 l 86D<l>As

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-19
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Triaxial Stress Analysis

Triaxial stress is not a true stress. It is a way of comparing a generalized

three-dimensional stress state to a uniaxial failure criteria (the yield
strength). The triaxial stress is often called the von Mises equivalent
(VME) stress.

If the triaxial stress exceeds the yield strength, a yield failure is

indicated. The triaxial safety factor is the ratio of the material's yield
strength to the triaxial stress.

Von Mises Equation


YP = minimum yield strength of the pipe, lb/in2

<>vME = triax ial stress

O'z = axial stress

cre = tangential or hoop stress

<>r = radial stress

2-20 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Triaxial Design Ellipse

Plotting the loads on this ellipse allows a direct comparison of the
triaxial criteria with the API ratings. Loads that fall within the design
envelope meet the design criteria.

Region of non-conservative Region of more efficient

uniaxial design design


~~ '61JO

:3 0
w ·'61JO

· 161X1D) · 13XlOOD «XUlO • .axxll) 0 taxlOD flXIOOO 13XlOOD l&XXIJO

Effective Tension (lbf)

Triaxial limit not applicable in

Collapse region

Combined compression and burst loading corresponds to the upper left

quadrant of the design envelope. This region is where triaxial analysis is
most critical because reliance on the uniaxial criteria alone would not
predict several possible failures.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 2-21
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Combined tension and burst loading corresponds to the upper right

quadrant of the design envelope. This region is where reliance on the
uniaxial criteria alone may result in a design which is more conservative
than necessary.

For most pipes used in the oilfield, collapse is an instability failure

independent of material yield. The triaxial criteria is based on elastic
behavior and the yield strength of the material and hence, should not be
used with collapse loads. The one exception is for thick wall pipes with
a low D/t ratio, which have an API rating in the yield strength collapse
region. This collapse criteria along with the effects of tension and
internal pressure (which are triaxial effects) result in the API criteria
being essentially identical to the triaxial method in the lower right
quadrant of the triaxial ellipse for thick wall pipes.

For high compression and moderate collapse loads experienced in the

lower left quadrant of the design envelope, the failure mode is
permanent corkscrewing due to helical buckling. It is appropriate to use
the triaxial criteria in this case.

2-22 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References


All service loads should be evaluated for changes in the axial load
profile, triaxial stress, pipe movement, and the onset and degree of
buckling. Buckling will occur if the buckling force, f buckling' is greater
than a threshold force, FP' known as the Pas lay buckling force.

Fbuckling =- Fa+ piAi - poAo


Fa= actual axial force (tension pos itive)

Pi = internal pressure

p0 = external pressure

FP = J4w(sin8)((£/)/r)

w = d istributed buoyed weight of casing

e = hole angle
El = pipe bending stiffness

r = radial annular clearance

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 2-23
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Casing Buckling in Oil Field Operations

Buckling should be avoided in drilling operations to minimize casing
wear. Buckling can be reduced or eliminated by:

applying a pickup force after cementation before landing the casing.

• holding pressure while woe to pre-tension the string

(subsea wells).

• raising the top of cement.

• using centralizers.

• increasing pipe stiffness.

In production operations, casing buckling is not normally a critical

design issue. However, a large amount of buckling can occur due to
increased production temperatures in some wells. A check should be
made to ensure that plastic deformation or corkscrewing will not occur.
This check is possible by using triaxial analysis and including the
bending stress due to buckling.

In high temperature applications, the intermediate and surface casings

should also be checked for possible buckling occurring.

Permanent corkscrewing will only occur if the triaxial stress exceeds the
yield strength of the material.

2-24 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

API Connection Ratings

Connection ratings for 8 round (STC and LTC) and buttress (BTC)
casing connections arc based on four failure criteria given in APT
Bulletin 5C3:

• Burst (Internal Yield) - The internal pressure which will initiate

yield at the root of the coupling based on connection geometry and
yield strength.

Leak - The internal pressure which exceeds the contact pressure

between the connection's seal flanks.

Fracture - The axial force which causes either the pin or coupling to
fracture based on the ultimate tensile strength. This is not consistent
with the pipe body axial strength, which is based on yield strength.

• Jump Out - The axial force at which an 8 round pin "jumps" or

"pulls" out of the box without fracturing. This criteria only applies
to STC and LTC connections.

The StressCheck software always reports the minimum safety factor

based on pipe body or connection. If th e connection is 1imiting the
design, then the criteria with which the API connection fails will be

This does not indicate that the connection is failing to meet the fai lure
criteria, but purely that it is the limiting part on the tubu lar. An example
of a string summary is shown bel ow:

Production Casing Burst Collapse Axial Triaxial

9 518'', 4 7.00, N-80 1.4 7 2.6 1 1.451 1.48


9 5/8", 53.50, t -80 1. 77 1.68 2. 131 1.61


9 5/8", 58.40, P- 110 2. 18L 1.28 5.03 1.80


L: Leak
J: Jump Out

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-25
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Preliminary Design

The largest opportunity for cost savings can be achieved during this
stage of the well design. Preliminary design includes:

data gathering and interpretation.

determination of shoe depths and number of casing strings.
selection of hole and casing sizes.
• mud weight and TOC design.

Why Should You Do A Preliminary Design?

The Landmark® CasingSeatTMsoftware can offer the drilling engineer a
selection of optimal casing ODs and setting depths based on geological,
lithologic properties and various drilling operations cond itions.

The design can be used as input data for detailed design (cannot yet
order casings).

• Maximum savings arc achievable at this stage.

Standard designs (received wisdom) can be challenged.

What Data is Needed to Perform a Preliminary Design?

• Number of casing strings
• Pipe diameters
• Hole sizes
Shoe and hanger depths
• Cement tops and mud program

Minimum Casing Diameter

Driven by well operational requi rements:

• Required well configuration

• Reservoir description
Completion design
• Tubing size
• M inimum production casing/liner

2-26 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Minimum Casing Shoe Setting Depth

• Isolate overlying unstable formations

• Isolate overlying shallow hydrocarbons

Isolate overlying lost ci rculation ('thief') zones

Isolate overlying fresh water horizons

• Prevent failure o f formations by induced c irculating pressures

during drilling operations

• Prevent fail ure of formations by induced c irculating pressures

during well contro l when closing in and c irculating out an influx

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 2-27
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Detailed Mechanical Design

Design loads represent the worst case loads that a particular casing
string could experience during the life of a well.

Burst Loads

Drilling Loads

Limited Gas/Oil Kick

This driiling load case creates an internal pressure profile that simulates
the maximum pressures imposed on the current string while circulating
a gas kick to the surface. This " limited kick" burst criterion is less
conservative than the full Displacement to Gas load case. It applies only
to burst design.

Reduce kick vol ume if

pressure profile
exceeds the fracture
pressure at the shoe.

Envelope of maximum
pressures experienced
while circulating gas kick
out of the hole.

Internal Casing Pressure

' Influx depth

The internal pressure profile is detennined based on specification of a

kick volume and intensity at a kick depth , where kick intensity is the
difference between the EMW for the kicking interval and the mud
density in the open hole interval from whence the gas kick evolves. It is
normally constrained by the fractu re pressure at the shoe above the open
hole TD. If you do not want to limit the internal pressure to the fracture
pressure at the shoe, deselect the Limit to Frac at Shoe check box on the
Design Parameters dialog box.

2-28 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Full Displacement/Evacuation to Gas

This drill ing load case models displacement of the drilling mud in the
casing by gas. It applies only to burst design.


' \

'' \

'' \

Limit load '' \

case by the \
fracture \

pressure at '' \
the shoe. \

pressure at the '' \
Pore ''
Pressure -....\ \

' t
Internal Casing Pressure Influx depth

By default, the gas column extends from the shoe depth (above open
hole TD) to the wellhead, but you can specify the depth of a gas/ mud
interface, where the mud column is on top of the gas column. This load
case represents a shut-in condition following a large kick. It is
commonly used as a worst-case burst criterion for protective
(intermediate) and surface casing. It is sometimes described as the
"maximum anticipated surface pressure," or MASP. Load and the
load-case formulation is consistent with so-called "maximum load"
casing design principles.

The internal pressure profile is based on a mud density, a gas grad ient,
and the pore pressure at the influx depth. It is normally constrained by
the fracture pressure at the shoe above the open hole TD. If you do not
want to limit the internal pressure to the fracture pressure at the shoe,
deselect the Limit to Frac at Shoe check box in the Design Parameters
dialog box.

StressCheck ™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 2-29
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Lost returns with Water

This drilling load case models a condition of partial or full loss of
subsurface well control where, fo llowing a kick event and consequential
loss of circulation at the shoe above the open hole TD, water is displaced
down the casing-drillstring annulus in an attempt to avoid further
deterioration of hydrostatic well control, to a condition of frac @ shoe
and water to surface, by maintaining the highest-possibl e fluid level in
the annulus. It applies only to burst design.

Fracture pressure
Fresh water --. at the shoe

Internal CasinQ Pressure

The internal pressure profile is determined from the fracture pressure at

the shoe above the open hole TD, and water in the annulus.

2-30 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Pressure Test
This drilling load case generates an internal pressure profile based on
mud density, applied pressure at the wellhead, and an option for
specifying a plug depth other than the shoe depth for the current string.
If an alternative plug depth is specified, the applied pressure is only seen
above that depth. This load case applies only to burst design.

Applied surface


Mud gradient-.-

Internal Casing Pressure

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-31
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Production Loads

Tubing Leak
This production load case applies only to burst design and models a
surface pressure applied to the top of the production annulus as a
consequence of a tubing leak near the wellhead. The internal pressure
profile is based on produced (reservoir) fluid gravity (gas), or gradient
(gas/oil) and reservoir pressure data (that is, pore pressure at the
perforation depth specified in the Production Data dialog box).

\ Completion
\ fluid gradient

Produced fluid~\
(gas) gradient 1
···-··-----······-····.......,....- ..~........- .:,,._
' ----~

eservoir pressure

Internal Casing Pressure

Above the production packer, for which the depth is specified in the
Production Data dialog box, the internal pressure profi le is based on a
surface pressure equal to the reservoir pressure minus the produced
fluid's hydrostatic pressure (from wellhead to perforation depth) applied
to a packer fluid density entered in the Production Data dialog box.
From the production packer down to the perforation depth, the internal
pressure profile corresponds to that which would develop for full
displacement of this section to the produced fluid (that is, reservoir
pressure minus the produced fluid hydrostatic pressure from packer to
perforation depth). From the perforation depth down to the well TD, the
internal pressure profile is based on reservoir pressure applied to the
selected packer fluid density.

2-32 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Stimulation Surface Leak

This production load case applies only to burst design and models an
injection pressure applied to the top of the production annulus as a
consequence of a tubing leak near the wellhead during injection.


·. .•
fluid ~·
C1 . . .Ll
gradient gradient

Internal Casing Pressure

The internal pressure profile is based on produced (reservoir) fluid

gravity (gas) or gradient (gas/oil) and injection pressure data.

Above the production packer, for which the depth is specified in the
Production Data dialog box, the internal pressure profile is based on a
wellhead injection pressure specified on the Burst Loads> Edit tab. It
is applied to a packer fluid density entered in the Production Data dialog
box. Below the production packer, the internal pressure profile
corresponds to that which would develop for the wellhead injection
pressure and wellhead-to-shoe displacement to the injection fluid.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-33
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Injection Down Casing

This production load case models the internal pressure profil e resulting
from an inj ection operation down the casing. Frictional pressure losses
are ignored. It applies only to burst design.

Applied surface


Internal Casing Pressure

Collapse Loads

Drilling Loads

Full or Partial Evacuation to Air

This load case should be considered if drilling with air or foam . It may
also be considered for conductor or surface casing where shallow gas is
encountered. This load case would represent all of the mud being
displaced out of the well bore (through the diverter) before the formation
bridged off.

2-34 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Lost Returns with Mud Drop

T his drilling load case mode ls evacuation of the casing due to lost
circulation. It applies only to collapse design.

' .,_
-~Mud gradient
1<4-- - -'"'°,-. - - - Mud drop due to
, hydrostatic column
·....., equilibrating wth
' , pore pressure


--··---', ,,,
Pore pressure ··...

Internal Casing Pressure Lost circulation zone

The internal pressure profile corresponds to a mud drop that can occur
due to dri lling below the shoe. This mud drop is calculated by assuming
the hydrostatic column of mud in the hole equilibrates with a specified
pore pressure at a specified depth.

T he default depth corresponds to the depth with a pore pressure resulting

in the lowest EMW in the open hole section. For prospects where there
is uncertai nty about the pore pressure profi le, a seawater or nonnal
pressure grad ient is often used to calc ulate the mud drop depth.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-35
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

The external pressure profile for this drilling load case is self-described,
model ing the differential pressure due to the higher lead and tail cement
slurry densities on the outside of the casing, from the TOC to the shoe,
immediately after the cement is displaced. It is unaffected by external
pressure profile selections made on the Collapse Loads > Select tab.
This load case applies only to collapse des ign.

'·.._~ Mud gradient

·.,_ Displacement fluid gradient
. -
'· ..,_,_,........ ' ......... ......
··--···-··..- ..._....._......._, _,...................... ...
,.... _ ' .........
•· ................. .....

. . ,~ Slurry gradient
... ~,

. -·------· -- .._ --·-- -· ... ·---::::i.. ..... -- ..... -- _...- ·- .......--

Casing Pressures Cement slurry

If a displacement fluid is used that has a lesser density than the

current-string value for Mud at Shoe in the Casing Scheme spreadsheet
(for example, seawater), the addition to collapse loading is considered
both above and below the TOC.

2-36 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Production Loads

Full Evacuation to Atmospheric Pressure

This production load case models total evacuation of the casing due to
the complete loss of workover or packer fluid into the formation, a large
drawdown of a low permeability or low pressure production zone, or gas
lift operations. It applies only to collapse design.

Gas filled-~
Full evacuation (gas
gradient with no
surface pressure)

Internal Casing Pressure

The internal pressure profile corresponds to an air column whose

density profile is calculated with a temperature-dependent and
pressure-dependent compressibility factor. Despite the similarity of this
load case to the Full/Partial Evacuation drilling collapse load case, it is
included to account for worst-case production temperature effects.

Above I Below Packer

This production load case represents a combination of internal pressure
profiles above and below the packer that can occur during different
operations. It applies only to collapse design.

Above the packer during production, it is assumed that the casing will
never see the fully evacuated pressures that can occur below the packer
because the production annulus is never in pressure communication
with the open perforations. In this case, the internal pressure profile
consists of a hydrostatic gradient due to the packer fluid density above
the packer and a fully evacuated profile below.

However, during completion or workover operations where the

work over or packer fluid is exposed to a depleted zone, a fluid drop may
occur corresponding to the hydrostatic head of the fluid equilibrating
with the depleted pressure at the perforations.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-37
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

This second scenario is modeled by specifying a reduced pressure at the

perforations and enabling the fluid drop above packer.

This load case uses the worst-case collapse pressures from both
scenarios (that is, a partial evacuation above the packer and fu ll
evacuation below) and represents a less severe alternative to a
full evacuation.

Axial Loads

Running and Cementing

Running in Hole (Shock Loading)

This axial load profile does not represent a load distribution seen by the
pipe at one particular time. Instead, it is constructed by calculating the
maximum tension seen at each point on the casing string while running
the casing in the hole.

The maximum tension experienced by a joint of casing is normally the

tension when picking up out of the slips immediately after making up
the joint. The imputed axial pseudo-load arising from dogleg-induced
bending stress can cause the maximum tension to occur at depths where
local well curvature (dogleg severity) was defined in either the Survey
Editor or Dogleg Severity Overrides spreadsheets. The following
factors are considered:

• The buoyed weight of the casing, based on the Mud at Shoe value
specified for the current string on the WeUbore > Casing and
Tubing Scheme spreadsheet.

• The well bore inclination if a valid well trajectory was defined in the
Wellbore > Wellpath Editor spreadsheet.

• Any bending-related axial pseudo-loads due to dogleg severities

defined in the Wellbore > Wellpath Editor or Wellbore > Dogleg
Severity Overrides spreadsheets. These loads arc superimposed on
the axial load distribution as a local effect.

2-38 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Overpull Force
Selecting this load case and specifying an overpull force generates an
axial load profi le that reflects this incremental force above the current
hookload when running the casing string in the hole.

Like the Running in Hole load profile, this axial load profile does not
represent a load distribution seen by the pipe at one particular time while
running the pipe (that is, the overpu ll force is not just applied when the
casing is on bottom). Instead, the case is considered at each stage of the
running operation (that is, with the casing shoe at a range of depths from
the surface to the setting depth).

The load profile is constructed by using the maximum force seen at each
point on the pipe during the entire running operation.

If overpull force is not specified, this case is identical to the Running

Load case with no shock loads. The following factors are considered:

• The overpull force is applied at the surface, with the stuck point
always assumed to be the bottom of the string.

• The buoyed weight of the casing, based on the Mud at Shoe value
specified for the current string on the Wellbore >Casing and
Tubing Scheme spreadsheet.

• Well bore inclination if a valid well trajectory was defined in the

Wellbore > Wellpath Editor spreadsheet.

Any bending-related axial pseudo-loads due to dogleg severities

defined in the Wellbore > Wellpath Editor or Wellbore > Dogleg
Severity Overrides spreadsheets. These loads are superimposed on
the axial load distribution as a local effect using the formulation
presented in the Running in Hole load case description.

If an alternate axial design factor is specified on the Tubular> Axial

Loads> Options tab, this design factor is also used as the criterion for
determining the allowable overpull as a function of depth presented in
the Maximum Allowable Overpull table.

Buoyed Weight in Mud (Pre-cement Static Load)

This load case generates the buoyed axial load distribution with the
casing at the current-string shoe depth specified in the Casing Scheme
spreadsheet, just prior to performing the cement job. The overpull force
is applied with casing shoe at the current string's setting depth.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-39
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Buoyed weight in Cement Slurry (Post-Cement Static Load)

This load case generates the buoyed axial load distribution with the
casing at the current-string Shoe depth specified in the Wellbore >
Casing and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet, immediately after performing
the cement job.

Service Loads

Ballooning I Reverse Ballooning due to burst I collapse loading

Service Loads models axial loads caused by in-service drilling and
production burst and collapse loads (selected on the Tubular> Burst
Loads and Tubular> Collapse Loads dialog boxes) that occur after the
casing string is cemented in place.

Load Lines
A single load line of maximum burst and collapse differential pressures
is generated. A burst load line example is shown below. It is formed
from two load cases used as burst criteria.

····- ..·--· ·--· :··; .·-r ·--· ···--· t
3000 . ·---· ···-· ;--· ·--·. ·--- ·--· ·-A ·-··· ·---; ·--· ·--· ···r ·--··· ·--·
g 4500 -· ·---· ·--i·--··--·· ·--· ···-··--··- ··--· ·-··~·- ···--· ·+·--· ---·~--· ·--··--1· ·--· --..~···--··--
s= i + i ; A load line consisting of the

~ sooo · --- ·--· l--· ·--· "/·--· ·--· ·--· ·--· 1 ···--··-I· ·--··---· ;::ur~m:hff~e;h~~ ·-· ·

~ •/
j f
formed tom the twi load

i .:: : 2r~ :~•· ·~_ :~·.~: ~:•·=i-: : :~ :r: :- :F --1- ·- ·-1 ---· ---
+ Displacement to Oas

1200 0-1-~-+-~~.--~-.-~-;-~~t--~-;--<-~~~~~-l
! Tubing Leak

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Oifferertilll Burst (psig)

2-40 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Automatic Load Generation

The StressCheck software calculates internal pressure profiles based on
the user input. A common external pressure is also selected and
calculated, which provides the StressCheck software with a set of
differential pressures.

For each load:

Internal Pressure - External Pressure = Differential Pressure

In the preceding example, two burst loads have been selected and
differential pressure has been calculated. The upper section of the casing
design is driven by the Displacement to Gas load and the bottom by the
Tubing Leak load.

A load line is then compiled of the maximum differential pressure at any

depth. In this case, the load line will be made up of both load cases.

Design Factors
To make a direct graphical comparison between the load line and the
pipe's rating line, the design factor must be considered.

Design Factor= Minimum Acceptable Safety Factor.

DF = SF . ~SF = PipeRating
mzn AppliedLoad


OF = Design fac tor (the minimum acceptable safety factor)

SF = Absolute safety factor

Design Factor Selection

Design factor selection is inextricably linked to the design method.

• The more conservative the design assumptions, the lower the

design factor may be to result in the same level of risk.

• The higher the load uncertainty, the greater the design factor (for
example, all else being equal, exploration wells should be designed
using higher design factors than development wells).

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-41
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

The three most important aspects of the design method that will have a
direct effect on the appropriate design factor value are:

Selection of load cases and the assumptions used with the load
cases (for example, use of a limited kick criterion vs. a full
displacement to gas, the kick volume and intensity used, whether
bending due to doglegs or shock loads are considered, and so on).

• The assumptions used to calculate the pipe 's load resistance or

rating (for example, whether a nominal or minimum wall section is
used and whether yield stress is derated as a function
of temperature).

• How wear and corrosion are considered in the design.

Graphical Design

:-1;-::::· -I T
Multiplying the actual load line
by the burst design factor

/r {- . results in the design load line.

\- \ - -l

+1·- -t- [ • 0•"1n
~ I.ft.
z tlll ~ .1i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OJI

l.....,._ . . . The burst rating of 9 518"

-10-- I.._
~. . ll'C
40 lbmlft N80 pipe exceeds
- -
Ii the burst load line at all
depths. Hence, the burst
-/ - design criteria has been
satisfied for the
1\ I .I - - I
--,.- production casing .

- - - -- -- -
I 511 JCID <SD mm 1S:ll !IDJ tQ5al ram 1.:J!Ul l!!IIll
&n I llt>M< ·~I)

2-42 Stress Check™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Load Line Corrections

Nonnally, you derate the casing rating by the Design Factor:

Maximum Allowable Load = Design Pipe Rating I Design Factor

Similarly, you can increase the load, which is how the StressCheck
software handles it:

Minimum Design Rating = Design Load x Design Factor

Apart from the design factor, two other effects which impact the design
can be considered in graphical casing design by increasing the load line:

The reduction of collapse strength due to tension (a biaxial effect).

The load line is increased as a function of depth by the ratio of the
uniaxial collapse strength to the reduced strength.

• The deration of material yield strength due to temperature. Like the

effect of tension on collapse, the load line is increased by the ratio
of the standard rating to the reduced rating.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-43
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

External Pressure Profiles

Mud and Cement Mix Water External Pressure Profile

No Surface Pressure

Mud Gradient

t------1 TOC
0 0 •

0 • 0
• 0
MD!-Water Gradient
• 0 (l>•f•ull v• l ue of 833 PPG)
• 0
• 0
• 0

• 0

0 • 0

• 0
0 •
• 0

• 0 • 0

The Mud and Cement Mix Water external pressure profile is based on
the mud density (current-string Mud at Shoe value in the
Wellbore > Casing and T ubing Scheme spreadsheet) from the hanger
to the TOC, and the cement mix-water density (from current-string
Tubular > Initial Conditions> Cementing a nd Landing tab) from the
TOC to the shoe.

2-44 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Permeable Zones

Poor Cement Disabled

No Surface Pressure

Mud Gradient

0 0 •

• 0
• 0
• 0 Semi-Static
• 0

Pressure in Cement

• 0

• 0

• 0

0 • 0 Formation
• 0 Pressure

• 0
0 0
• 0 • 0 Gradient

This external pressure profile is based on the permeable zones data in

the Well bore> Pore Pressure spreadsheet, mud density (current-string
Mud at Shoe value in the Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme
spreadsheet), TOC, and the cement mix-water density (from the current-
string Tubular> Initial Conditions> Cementing and Landing tab).
To use this profile assuming the cement job is good, do not select the
Poor Cement check box on the Tubular > Burst Loads > Edit or the
Tubular> Collapse Loads> Edit tabs for external profile).

The permeable zones considered in this external pressure profile

formulation are those that lie between the shoe depths for the current and
prior strings. If, in the Wellbore > Pore Pressure spreadsheet, no
permeable zones are specified within this interval, the Permeable Zones
profile is identical to the Mud and Cement Mix-Water profile. For a
more detailed explanation of this external pressure profile, review the
" Mud and Cement Mix Water External Pressure Profile" on page 2-44.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-45
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Poor Cement Enabled - High Pressure Zone


Mud Gradient

0 0 •

• 0
• 0
• 0
• 0


• 0

• 0

• 0

0 . 0 Formation
• 0

• 0
Gra dient

This external pressure profile is based on the permeable zones data in

the Wellbore >Pore Pressure spreadsheet, mud density (current-str1ng
Mud at Shoe value in the Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme
spreadsheet), TOC, and the cement mix-water density (from the
current-string Tubular> Initial Conditions> Cementing and
Landing tab) . To use this profile assuming the cement job is poor, select
the Poor Cement check box on the Tubular> Burst Loads> Edit or
the Tubular> Collapse Loads> Edit tabs for external profile). This
profile is used when the permeable zones have a higher pressure than the
surrounding formations.

The permeable zones considered in this external pressure profile

formulation are those that lie between the shoe depths for the current and
prior strings. If, in the Wellbore >Pore Pressure spreadsheet, no
permeable zones are specified within this interval, the Permeable Zones
profile is identical to the Mud and Cement Mix-Water profile. For a
more detailed explanation of this externa l pressure profile, review "Mud
and Cement Mix Water External Pressure Profile" on page 2-44.

2-46 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Poor Cement Enabled-Low Pressure Zone

l Drop in Mud Level

Mud Gradient

,___ ___, TOC
0 0 •

• 0
• 0
• 0
• 0

• 0

• 0

• 0

0 • 0 Formation
• 0 Pressure
0 •
• 0
0 0 Mix-Water
• 0 • 0 Gradi ent

This external pressure profile is based on the permeable zones data in

the Wellbore >Pore Pressure spreadsheet, mud density (current-string
Mud at Shoe value in the Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme
spreadsheet), TOC, and the cement mix-water density (from the
current-string Tubular> Initial Conditions> Cementing and
Landing tab). To use this profile assuming the cement job is poor, select
the Poor Cement check box on the Tubular> Burst Loads> Edit, or
the Tubular> Collapse Loads> Edit tabs for external profile). This
profile is used when the permeable zones have a lower pressure than the
surrounding formations .

The permeable zones considered in this external pressure profile

formu lation are those that lie between the shoe depths for the current and
prior strings. If, in the Wellbore >Pore Pressure spreadsheet, no
permeable zones are specified within this interval, the Permeable Zones
profile is identical to the Mud and Cement Mix-Water profile. For a
more detailed explanation of this external pressure profil e, review "Mud
and Cement Mix Water External Pressure Profile" on page 2-44.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 2-47
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Minimum Formation Poor Pressure

TOC Inside Previous Shoe

This external pressure profi le is based on the pore pressure profile
specified on the Wellbore > Pore Pressure spreadsheet, mud density,
TOC, and cement mix-water density. To use thi s profile, the TOC must
be inside the previous casing. This profile is only available as a burst
criterion for casing strings (not liners).

No Surface Pressure

Mud Gradient

1--- --1 TOC
0 0 •
MDI-Water Gradient
0 • 0
• 0 Dlscontlnu1tv at
• 0
Previous Shoe
• 0

• 0 Gra di ent m op e n
h ol e bel ow TOC
•0 0
• co rresp ondin g to
t h e m ini m um
• 0 e quivale n t mu d
0 • 0 we i g h t (EMW) in
the interval
• 0
0 •
• 0

• 0 • 0

The M inimum Formation Pore Pressure external profile a lways uses a

pressure profile reflecting the EMW corresponding to the minimum
pore pressure gradient in the open hole interval (that is, the interval
below the prior shoe depth).

2-48 StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

TOC in Open Hole (With and Without Mud Drop Enabled)

This external pressure profile is based on the specified pressure profile
defined on the Wellbore >Pore Pressure spreadsheet, mud density,
TOC, and cement mix-water density. This profile assumes the TOC is in
open hole. To allow the mud level to drop, check that the Allow Mud
Drop check box is selected on the Tubular > Burst Loads > Edit tab
for the load case. From the Apply Minimum EMW in Open Hole
pull-down list on the Tubular > Burst Loads > Edit tab, select
Previous Shoe (default) or Top of Cement.
No Sur1ace PresSl.Ke



Drop Discontinuity at TOC w/o
Mud Drop (if TOC selected).

0 • 0
Gra dient i n ope n
• 0 •
h ol e below TO C
0 • 0 corre sponds to the
• 0 Min PP equivalent
0 • mud weight (EMW)
in th e interval.
• 0
0 D

• 0 • 0

With Mud Drop enabled, hydrostatic

pressure equates to EMW of
Minimum Formation Pressure
applied to prior shoe or at TOC.

This profile is only available as a burst criterion for casing strings (not
liners). The options on the Tubular> Burst Loads> Edit tab are only
available if the TOC is in open hole (that is, the interval below the shoe
of the previous string).

The Minimum Formation Pore Pressure external profile always uses a

pressure profile reflecting the EMW corresponding to the minimum
pore pressure gradient in the open hole interval (that is, the interval
below the prior shoe depth, either applied from prior shoe depth or
current TOC).

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 2-49
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Pore Pressure with Seawater Gradient

This burst external pressure profile is based on a seawater gradient from
MSL to the mudline and a linear pressure profile from the pressure at the
mudline to the pore pressure at the shoe depth for the current string.

Seawater gradient <rom MSL

-t--.---1---~--..,.../ lo ML

Linear gradient connecting mud line

pressure and pore pressure at
shoe of current string.

0 0 •

• 0


• 0
• 0

• 0

•0 0

• 0

0 • 0

• 0
0 •
• 0
0 0
• 0 • 0 Pore pressure at
~.....---- casing shoe

ff this profile is selected for an onshore well, the profi le s impli fies to a
linear pressure profile from 0 psig at MGL to the pore pressure at the
shoe depth for the current string.

This external pressure profile has the greatest applicability for surface
and conductor strings in offshore wells.

2-50 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Fluid Gradients (with Pore Pressure)

T his external pressure profile is constructed from a mud density above
the TOC, a fluid gradient from the TOC to the prior shoe (when
applicable), and in open hole, either the fluid gradient be low the TOC or
the pore pressure profile.

No Surface Pressure

Specified Gra dien1

(Defaults to Mud Gradient)

0 0 •
D isc o nti n u ity at
• 0 prevtous shoe wi1h

0 pore p ressu re In
open hole.
• 0
Specified Gradient
(Defa u l1 value of
• 0

8.33 ppg)
S p ec i fie d pore U s ed w/ o pore
• 0 pressure u s ed _ press ure In open
with pore pressure


•0 0
• In open hole.

• 0

0 • 0

• 0
0 •
• 0

• 0 • 0

This is the only external pressure profile available for Tieback strings.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 2-51
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Mud and Cement Slurry

This external pressure profile is based on the mud density from the
hanger to the TOC and the cement slurry density from the TOC to
the shoe.
No surface pressure

Mud gradient to TOC

0 0 •
Cement slurry gradient
• 0


• 0

• 0

• 0

• 0

• 0

0 • 0

• 0
0 •
• 0
0 0
• 0 • 0

It is identical to the external profile used with the Cementing load case,
but it can be used with any of the other load cases.

This is the most conservative external pressure pro file and has the most
appl icabili ty to operations associated w ith inner-string cementing jobs.

2-52 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

Frac @ Prior Shoe with Gas Gradient Above

This external pressure profile is constructed from the fracture pressure
at the prior shoe, a gas gradient extending upward from that depth, and
a mud gradient extending downward. It represents a worst-case collapse
external profile where gas flow has occurred behind the casing.


Oas Gradient

0 0 •
Fracture press re at
• 0

prior shoe .
• 0
• 0


• 0

•0 0

• 0
M d gradient to current
0 • 0
sh e.
• 0
0 •
• 0
0 0
• 0 • 0

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 2-53
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 2: Theory, Calculations, and References

2-54 StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter Ii
EDM and the Well Explorer
Located by default on the left side of the application window, the Well
Explorer functions much like the Microsoft Windows Explorer.
Specifically, it is organized as a hierarchical data tree, and you can
browse the EDMTM database at seven descending levels, though this
varies between app lications. This section fami liarizes you with the basic
Well Explorer fu nctionality available in the StressCheck™software.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 3- 1
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer


In this chapter, you will become fami liar with Landmark® software
common features- the Engineer 's Data Model (EDM) database, and
how the data structure is exposed via the Well Explorer. Currently,
CasingSeat™ software, COMPASSTM software, Open Wells® software,
T~f . TM
StressCheck software, Well Cost software, WELLCAT software,
and WELLPLAN software use the common database and
data structure.

In this section of the course, you will:

0 Learn about the EDM data structure, common data, data locking,
and how to import and export data
D Become familiar with the Well Explorer components and how to
access data levels
0 Understand how datums are handled by the database
0 Learn about SAM and concurrent use of data in EDM
0 Learn how to access Catalogs from the StressCheck software

3-2 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM"'' and the Well Explorer

Describing the Data Structure

Shown below, the EDM database hierarchical data structure supports

the different levels of data required by drilling suite applications.



Hierarchical database
structure of the
EDM database.




The Case level applies only to the WELLPLAN software and is not discussed in
this manual.

The EDM database structure is exposed through a common Well

Explorer, which is shared by drilling applications such as StressChcck
(see the following figure).

StressCheck™Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 3-3
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer

Wei er
Database 1eve1 (filtered) ---~1e~"~•:il!ll!!l!!l!!!~:IDllll!:l2Df!lJ1
Company level --------11-~ fi Ful Feabse Oil Co.
Project level , t'I Kananga
Site level ~ N ~
Well level i. Al
+ i. A2
+ i. 82
+ i. 83
+ .t Cl
+ .t cs
+ N Ed'w:J
- I( Largo North Platform
+ .i U<N-05
LPN-004 - .t
Wellbore level --1-------11~1-.. 1
<JI.I' 1
- 1-,. STl
Design level - -- - - - - --1- (lll' Pl
'JJll' PU
- O Rig Contractors
.: 0 Al.PIN:
- • Scorrioo/
+ ~ Anchors {O)
+ til BOPs (0)
+ ~ Boiers (O)
Rig Contractors level + ~ Centrifuges (0)
+ .!2) Degassers (O)
+ &..I Hya'ocydones (O}
+ rg Motors (0)
+ ~ Pits (O)
+ ~ ~ (O)
+ ~ Shakers {O)
+ 0 Trai'lng Contractor
Templates - - -- -+---- CJ Tempates
+ CJ Workspaces
Tubular Properties ------1---,u~; Tt.t>Uar Properties
Catalogs iii Catalogs

3-4 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer

Well Explorer Components

In addition to the Well Explorer "tree" previously shown, components
of the Well Explorer (shown below) include the Filter, Recent Bar,
Associated Data Viewer, and the Well Configuration and Reference
Datum diagrams.
shows currently selected filter (notice x

the " funnel" on the database node that

indicates a filter is applied).

Recent Bar
shows the last selected data items; it is - t) EllM SOOO_l Si'll;lle User Db~ S000.1.7.0 ( "
used to quickly open recently - fl MA Feature Of Co.
used items.
- -- /(~
• _t Al
• _t A2
- .t 82
. ... 82-50
Hierarchical "Tree" - I.. 82-S l

The selected node shows the currently

6 82·Sl
. ... 82-52
open Design. • .t 83
• .t Cl
• .t C5
• /( Largo Norlh Platform
• l) Rig Cootractors .,

Associated Data Viewer >

Components "associated with" the t~ De~

selected data item (the Design, in this @ c~ lB 1 stations to 2,888.0 m

example). Double-clicking on Pore

E1Pore Presson ova-
~~ Frac Q-acient
Pressure, Frac Gradient, or Wellpath fl Geothe-mal Q-acknt Bottom Hole: o.o "F
opens the respective editor ~ ~ Casi'lg Assemblies 0 Cast'IO
on demand. H Tlbroo Assemblies 0 Tl.lbinQ

Well Configuration Diagram

shows the current Well configuration
for the selected Design, including
sidetracks for complex Wellbores.

Dab.m: Sarr1lle ~DA:

Reference Datum Diagram Datun Elevabon: 45. nm
shows the current reference datum .· Ar G1JP (MSt):
Ml!an Sea Level
45. nm

information for the selected Design.

~Depth {MSI.):

~ nt>:
9 1.44 m
137.16 m

For more information about the specific Well Explorer components and
associated features, see the StressCheck Help.

Stress Check TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 3-5
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer

Working with the Well Explorer

In this section, you will learn some basic operations performed with the
Well Explorer. For a detailed list of all features available in the Well
Explorer, see the StressCheck Help.

Drag-and-drop Rules
"Drag-and-drop" in the Well Explorer functions somewhat like the
Microsoft Windows Explorer. You can use drag-and-drop to copy
Companies, Projects, Sites, Wells, Wellbores, and Designs, as well as
associated data items and attached documents.

All drag-and-drop operations copy the data; data is never cut or moved.

To copy data, drag-and-drop the item from one location and paste it into
another. The item and all of its associated data are copied and pasted.

You can drag and drop associated items (Wellpaths, Pore Pressures,
Fracture Gradients, Geothermal Gradients, Hole Sections, Assemblies,
and so on) into open Designs from the Associated Data Viewer at the
base of the Well Explorer. The application automatically updates itself
with the copied data.

For more information, including the rules associated with drag-and-drop

functionality, see the StressCheck Help.

3-6 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer

Instant Design
To access the Instant Design dialog box, select File> New> Instant
Design; or right-click the Database level and select Instant Design from
the drop-down menu. This dialog box allows you to quickly and easily
create the hierarchy required to start a Design, from the Company to the
Design. Instant Design allows you to enter minimal information rather
than creating individual nodes for each level of the hierarchy.

Instant Design ~
Select the Company, Project, and Site
from the pull-down list of existing
Companies, Projects, or Sites. You can
also enter a new name for the data level.

Enter the name of the Well, Wellbore, Wdt!oo'e: IWelbcre "I

and Design. ~: 1~#!

oacun do!vabon abo•-e: MbYl Sea L~

~a.It Dab.In ~abon· ro:o-- ft

Specify datum information . r Qffihore ~ouid &-.abon: ro.o- ft

r \'i~ad S.-.abon: ro.o- ft

OK CMCd j ~

To access the fmport dialog box, select File> Import> Transfer File
(or SCK File); or right-click the Database level, and se lect Import from
the drop-down menu. The Import command allows you to import data
into the database that was exported using the Export command. The
import file contains the entire hierarchy of the Well (Company, Project,
and Site, and any child data, such as Wellbore and Design).

When you select Import, the Import Well dialog box opens and prompts
you for the XML or SCK file name to import. Enter the file name or
browse for the file, and then click Open. The Well hierarchical data is
then imported into the EDM database

The Export command allows you to export the selected node's data in
XML format. It includes any ch ild information that is associated with
the node. A dialog box opens to allow you to supply a directory and file
name for the XML fi le.

Stress Check™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 3-7
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM"• and the Well Explorer

You can associate a folder or a file, such as a document, picture (Word,
Excel, text file, JPG, and so on). Attached files can be of any type with
a recognized extension. Folder attachments will open any accessible
directory and display the contents of the folder.

Enter text that provides detailed Click Browse to navigate to the

descriptive information about the location of the file. If you know the
attachment. path, you can enter it without using
the Browse button.

r--+-11~ f.i ~ve attachment as link only (lned attachments can not be exported).

r Ea& Attachrnelt (~ aintenl!l can not be vcportrd

·- - · _ J

OK I _eancet_I ___,I -
__ _J ~ J
Select the Save attachment as a link/shortcut only check box if you want to save the attachment
as a link only. If you select this check box, only the link to the disk file is stored in the database. Any
edits you make are saved to the original disk file. You can edit the document directly from the Well
Explorer, or you can edit the disk file from its disk location; the changes are reflected in both places.
In the Associated Data Viewer, the icon representing a Linked document is shown as a paperclip
with a small arrow in the lower left corner.

3-8 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDMr" and the Well Explorer

Well Explorer Node Properties

Right-click any Well Explorer data node and select Properties from the
drop-down m enu to view or edit the selected node's properties in a
dialog box, such as the Company Properties dialog box shown below.

Compclny Properties fEJ




~ ... I Odcte I


A brief description of data locking features is provided below. Details of

the differences between the properties dialog boxes for each node, such
as the specific tabs and content, is discussed in StressCheck Help.

Data Locking
You can prevent other people from mak in g changes to data by locking
data at various levels and setting passwords. Users can only open the
data item in read-on ly mode. To keep changes, they must use Save As
or Export.

How Locking Works

You can lock Company properties only, or you can lock properties for
all levels below Company (Project, Site, Well, Wellbore, Design, and
Case). Passwords can be set to prevent unlocking.

By default, no passwords are set, and the "locked" check box on all
Properties dialog boxes can be toggled on and off with no security to
prevent users from doing something they should not.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 3-9
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM and the Well Explorer

In the Well Explorer, if a data item is locked, a small blue "key" appears
in the comer of its icon. When you open a locked data item, you see the
message: "This Design is locked and therefore Read-Only. Changes to
this Design will not be saved to the database. To keep your changes, use
the Save As or Export options."

Locking Company Properties

In the Properties dialog box for the company whose data you want to
protect, there are two buttons, Company Level and Locked Data, and a
check box, Company is locked.

When you click the Company Level button, you are prompted to set a
password to protect Company properties (and only the Company
properties). This password will then be required if a user wants to
"unlock" company properties and make changes.

After the password is set, select the Company is locked check box to
lock the company properties and prevent unauthorized changes to
the data.

Locking Levels Below Company

When you click the Locked Data button on the Company Properties
dialog box, you are prompted to set a password. This password will then
be required if a user wants to "unlock" any level below the company
(projects, sites, wells, wellbores, designs, and cases).

All levels are locked individually- that is, you can lock a Well, but this
does not mean that anything below it is locked.

After the Locked Data password is set, you can lock properties for any
data level below Company and prevent unauthorized changes to the
data. Open the Properties dialog box for the data level you want to lock
and select the "Locked" check box. (For example, to lock a Wellbore,
open the Wellbore Properties dialog box and select Wcllborc is locked.)


When a design is Jocked, all associated items (Pore Pressure, fracture Gradient,
Geothermal Gradient, and Wellpath) are locked with it.

3-10 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer

General Tab
On the General tab of the Company Properties dialog box, the Company
is locked check box and Locked Data and Company Level password
buttons are discussed below. All Well Explorer node Properties dialog
boxes, with the exception of the Database level, contain the "[Node
Type] is locked" check box.

Company is Locked Check Box

Select this check box to prevent editing of the Company data. [f this
check box is checked and either a Company Level or Locked Data
password has been specified, you will be prompted for the password
before you can deselect this check box.

Locked Data- Click this button to speci fy a password to lock all
data associated with the Company, including all Projects, Sites,
Wells, Wellbores, and Designs.

Company Level-Click this button to specify a password to lock

only the Company data. The Company level password is only
active if the "Company is locked" check box is checked.

Audit Tabs
ln dialog boxes that contain the Audit Tab, information such as when the
Company was created and last modified (and by whom) is displayed.

StressCheck ™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 3-11
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer


Datum terms are defined below and are grouped by the Properties dialog
box in which they are found.

Project Properties
The Project Properties dialog box contains a General tab in wh ich you
can specify System Datum and Elevation.

System Datum
The System Datum represents absolute zero. It is the surface depth
datum from which all Well depths are measured, and all Well depths are
stored in the database relative to this datum. Usually the System Datum
is Mean Sea Level, Mean Ground Level, or Lowest Astronomical Tide,
but it can also be the wellhead, rig floor, RKB, and so on.

The Elevation represents the elevation above Mean Sea Level. (If Mean
Sea Level is selected as the System datum, Elevation is grayed out.)

Well Properties
The Well Properties Depth Reference tab is used to specify and define
Wellborc datums.

3-12 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM"' and the Well Explorer

Depth Reference Datum(s)

The Depth Reference Datum represents zero MD. It is sometimes
known as the local datum, and it is measured as an elevation from the
System Datum. You can define one or more Depth Reference Datums
for a Well in the Depth Reference tab (in the Well Properties dialog
box). For each Depth Reference Datum, you must specify the elevation
above or below the System Datum. Properties IE]

E.w.1t.on 1ft Coetrador

r 1•00

0.•• Sln'Cilt ~ OFe

..., Offftn j:ioo.o II
°"""'Elr;•l>Cln: 150.011
1>6.CO~ ···1..
G.111> "4!1.) 150.0 f\
r \\~~et.on ~ II Mt..,Se.lne
I ... _Dic>Cti1>151.


()I( I ~_J __ _ I

Elevations above, Depths below: [System Datum]

This read-only label identifi es the current System Datum. It also states
that all elevations are measured ABOVE the System datum and all
depths are measured BELOW the System datum. (The System datum is
specified on the General tab (Project Properties).

A pull-down list below the label contains all defined Depth Reference
datums. Select the Depth Reference datum you want to use to view and
calculate data. If you do not specify a Depth Reference datum here, a
" Default Datum" with zero elevation above System datum will be used.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 3-13
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer

Information about each datum includes:

• Datum - Type, edit, or view the name of the datum.

• Default - When selected, this check box indicates that this is the
default datum. All Designs created below this Well inherit the
default datum.

Elevation - Type, edit, or view the elevation above the System

Datum (this must be a positive number). If you have a Design
associated with this datum, you cannot edit this field. If no Design
is associated with this datum, you can edit the elevation.

• Rig Name - Type, edit, or view the name of the rig.

• Date - Type the date on which the datum was created. The program
uses the date field to determine which is the newest datum, and then
uses that datum as the default for new Wellbores.

• For a Land Well - If the Well is a land Well, type the value for the
Ground Elevation above the System Datum (must be a positive
number). Leave the Offshore check box deselected.

• For an Offshore Well - If the Well is an offshore Well:

- Select the Offshore check box to indicate it is an offshore Well.

- Type the Water Depth (MSL to mudline). This is the column

of water.

- Type the Wellhead Elevation (positive above the

System Datum).

• For an Offshore Well that is Subsea - If the Well is an offshore

Well subsea:

- Select the Offshore check box.

- Select the Subsea check box. (The Offshore check box must be
selected before this option becomes available.)

3-14 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer

- Type the Water Depth (MSL to mudlinc). This is the column

of water.

- Type the Wellhead Depth (positive below the System Datum

specified on the General Tab (Project Properties)).

In the Summary area, a graphi c depicts the selected configuration
(onsho re, offshore, or offshore subsea), and displays current values. The
following values are calculated and/or displayed:

Datum - This is the default datum se lected in the Well Properties/

Depth Reference dialog box.

• Datum Elevation - Th is is the e levation of the default datum above

the System Datum.

Air Gap - This is the distance from ground level/sea level to the rig
floor. It is used in some calculations for hydrostatic head. Air Gap
is always positive. The application calculates Air Gap as follows:

(Air Gap, offshore Wells) = Datum Elevation - Elevation (of

the System Datum relative to Mean Sea Level)

(Air Gap, land Wells)= Datum Elevation - Ground Level

(relative to the System Datum)

Elevation is set in the Proj ect Properties > General dialog box.
Ground Level is set in the Well Properties > Depth Reference
dialog box. Datum Elevation is the elevation fo r the Depth
Reference Datum. Datum Elevation is always positive. If you
change the datum selection, the Air Gap updates automatically.

If you change the datum and it causes a negative air gap to be

ca lculated, a warning message appears to inform you that you cannot
select this datum.

[System DatumJ - Display the current System Datum.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 3- 15
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer

• Mudline Depth (MSL) - (Offshore only) Display the distance from

MSL to the sea bed, which is

Water Depth - Elevation (System Datum offset from MSL, which

is set in the Project Properties dialog box).

• Mudline TVD - (Offshore only) Display the distance from the

Depth Reference Datum to the sea bed (datum Elevation +
Water Depth).

Design Properties
The Design Properties dialog box is used to specify the Well name,
UWI, and other descriptive properties of the Design. You can also set
tight group security, activate the unit system for the Design, and specify
and define Depth Reference datums .

General Tab (Design Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to specify a unique Design name that identifies the Design,
and to provide additional information related to the Design. This tab is
also used to lock the Design and/or associated data to protect against
undesired changes to the data associated with the Design. A Design
name is required. Additional information on this dialog box is used for
informational and reporting purposes and is not required.

Design Properties [8J

Genor-al Audot Info Changie HsbJrV I

Qes91: Pll

~: !Proto~ iJ
!;ffec~ G
Depth Rrfl!rortt lnformabon

IDFE c 111.B ft (Scorpion)

Dab.In S.,vatlan: lli.8 ft
...l A.I" Wp (I-a): U~.Sft

· · ~an S!!a ~;el

""'*1e Depth q.tSt) : 328. ! ft
.. Mudtt l\'O: -442.9 ft


3-16 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDMn" and the Well Explorer

The follow ing fields are present:

In the Details section:

Design - Type the name that will be used to identify the Design.
The name must be unique.


If the " Design is locked" check box is selected, you caru1ot edit any of
the fields.

• Version - Type the version of the Design.

• Phase - Select the phase of the Design from the pull-down list
(Prototype, Planned, or Actual). The list of phases that appears in
the combo box is filtered; you can only have one Design marked as
"Planned" and one marked as "Actual." The Planned or Actual
option is removed from the pull-down list if another Design for the
same Wellbore already has it set. You can have as many Prototype
(the default) Designs as desired.

• Effective Date - Select the date from the drop-down list box. A
calendar dialog box will open. Use the arrow buttons on the
calendar dialog box to move to the desired month, then click the
day. The date you select populates the field.

Click arrows
to change to
... a
I August 2010 a
desired Mon Tue Wed ~ Fri Sat Sun
month. 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Click on the
---r,~-r<t-~.--11.- m is 29
desired day

Depth Reference Information

From the pull-down list of defined Depth Reference datums, select the
datum you want to reference for this Design. After you select a datum,
the Datum Elevation, Air Gap, current System Datum, Mudline Depth,
and Mudline TVD are all recalculated and display the updated values
adj acent to the rig elevation drawing on the Design Properties
dialog box.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 3-17
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer

Workflow-How to Set Up Datums for a Design

1. Access the Project Properties> General tab and select the System
Datum you want to use.

2. Access the Project Properties > General tab. In the Elevation

field, enter the value the System Datum is above Mean Sea Level.
If your System Datum is below Mean Sea Level, th is number is
negative. If your System Datum is Mean Sea Level, Elevation is
grayed out.

3. Access the Well Properties> Depth Reference tab.

• If the Well is offshore, select the Offshore check box and enter
the Water Depth below the System Datum.

• If the Well is subsea, select the Subsea check box and enter the
Wellhead Depth below the System Datum.

4. Access the Well Properties> Depth Reference tab. If the Well is a

land Well, make sure the Offshore check box is unchecked and
enter the Ground Level elevation above the System Datum.

5. Access the Well Properties> Depth Reference tab. Define the

Depth Reference Datum(s) you want to use, such as RKB or Rig
floor. Type the elevation above the System Datum in the Elevation
field and specify the effective Date for the datum.

6. Import or create a Design for this Well.

7. In the Design Properties> General tab, select the Depth

Reference Datum you want to use for this Design from the
pull-down list of datums you defined in Step 5.

3-18 StressCheck ™Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EOM™ and the Well Explorer

Changing the Datum

When you create a Design and save it for the first time, the EDM
database keeps track of the Depth Reference Datum that was set at the
time. This "original" Depth Reference Datum is not displayed; however,
if you or someone else changes the Depth Reference Datum in the Well
Properties dialog box, and you then attempt to open that Design, a
warning message appears. You are warned that you are trying to change
to a datum that is different from the datum in which you originally saved
the data, and any calculations will be invalid unless you change your
inputs (details provided below). You are given the choice to open the
Design in the original datum, or to convert to the new datum. If you
choose to convert your data, the data is adjusted. However, the change
is not saved to the database until you save the Design, at which time the
new datum becomes the "original" datum.

How This Works

If datum is the same as the original datum

If you open a Design in which the Depth Reference Datum (set at the
Design level) is the same as the datum in which the data was originally
saved, the Design will open normally.

If datum is different than the original datum

If you open a Design in which the Depth Reference Datum (set at the
Design level) is different from the original datum, the following occurs:

The application checks to see if the Well is a slant hole. If positive

inclination exists in wellpaths whose depths would become
negative after the datum shift, the program cannot make the
adjustments and a message pops up to inform you of this. Click
Open to open the Design in the original datum. If you click Cancel,
the Design will not open.

For Wells other than slant holes, the program issues this message:
"The currently selected Design datum is different to the datum with
which the Design was created. The application will then attempt to
adjust the data, but some data might be shifted or removed. If you
open the Design, we strongly suggest that you review your input
data; any changes will not be saved to the database until you
explicitly save your data. Please select "Open" to review the Design
using the datum with which it was created."

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 3-19
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDMrn and the Well Explorer

If you want to open the Design with the original elevation, select
Open. If you want to convert the data to the new elevation, select
Adjust. Open is the default.
- If you select Open, data is loaded to the original Design datum,
but the Depth Reference Datum set in the Design does not
change to match the original datum.

- If you select Adjust, the Well Explorer loads the data to the new
Wellbore datum and attempts to adjust the data; however, some
data may be shifted or removed. The program resolves the
deltas in the first depths of column data (strings, wellpaths,
columns, and so on) to adjust for the new gap and read zero
depth on the first line.


A fter you open the Design, you should review your input data. Remember that
the changes are not saved to the database until you explicitly save your data.

3-20 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer

Concurrency and Multi-user Support

EDM supports full concurrency for multiple applications that are using
the same data set. The SAM (Simultaneous Activity Monitor) server
moderates the activity. This messaging server notifies a user of all data
items currently open by other applications and users sharing the
same database.

SAM in the Application Status Bar

The SAM icon appears in the application Status Bar as follows:

Message Description

A green SAM icon in the status bar indicates that the

Messenger Service is active. If a tooltip is ava ilable, the
message "SAM-Connected" displays.

A green SAM icon with a red X in the status bar indicates that
the Messenger Service is not currently acti ve. If a tooltip is
available, the message "SAM-Disconnected" displays.

A red SAM icon in the status bar indicates the SAM service is
enabled but has lost connectivity. Hover over the icon to
display the tooltip "SAM - No longer responding".

No icon When no icon appears in the application status bar, this

indicates that the Simultaneous Activity Monitor has not been
configured for the application.

StressCheck™Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 3-21
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EOM™ and the Well Explorer

SAM in the Well Explorer

If a data item is open, one of the following icons appears on the
node icon.

Icon Description

A red SAM icon indicates that one or more users on other PCs have
this item open, and the current user is restricted to rea d-only access.
A blue SAM icon indicates that one or more users on the current
database have this item open, but the current user still has full
I~~ read-write access. A user must be careful when making changes to
the data, though this method enables data to automatically flow
between applications. Intentional updates to other live applications
should be anticipated before saving changes.

The first user to open a data item becomes the data item 's owner. When
another user opens the data item through an EDM application, that user
can see that the data item is currently being accessed by the first user,
who is the owner. Hover the mouse over the item to display a data listing
tooltip as seen below.

- fl Class
- i? Kananga
- /( Echo
- .t E3
- lo. E3SO (25/03/2008)
!t E350P1

hb27174, CCM'ASS, EU·2335{RW)

hb27174, waJ.PlAN 5000.1, EU·2335 {RW)
hb27174, Wei Cost, EU·2.335 {RW)
hb27174, WEUCAT, EU-2.335 {RW)
hb27174, Gasr195e.,t 5000.1, EIJ-2335 {RW)

RW indicates that the current user has read-write access.

RO indicates that the current user has read-only access.

3-22 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDMn;, and the Well Explorer

Reload Notification
A reload notification dialog box appears when the owner of the active
data item saves changes to the database. SAM then notifies any other
EDM applications of the changes. The change notifi cation dialog box is
then offered to the user to reload or ignore the data owner's changes, or
cancel the dialog box. The dialog box di splays the user name for the
owner and the application in which the changes were made. This enables
the user to identify the sou rce of the change that has been posted.

Well Explorer [g)

~ Strl!Ssehedc 5000.1 user, hb27174 hasmodfted the~. E3SOPL Do you Wl5tl
to reload this Ocsql) W¥fW1Q: tfyou choose to reload, you Wll ~ l!lf'I'( t.r<Sa.ed
chl!lfloes made ., lt-.s appkabon.
e,eload I _[glOI"~ Caned

T he Reload option results in the owner's changes be ing uploaded into
the current application.

The Ignore option gives you the ability to ignore the owner's changes
and continue working with the current data item.

You may choose to ignore the updates if you own the data item in
another application.

In this instance, you may choose to save later and overwrite changed
data in the other application as a result.

The user with read-on ly access to the data item may choose to ignore the
owner's changes in order to continue looking at the previous state of the
data. The user may also perform a Save As operation to save the current
data before reloading the changes. The WELLPLAN software does not
support Save As functionality for read-only access.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 3-23
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer

Select the Do not ask the question again check box to avoid receiving
any other reload notifications. This check box option is not remembered
between sessions. If you restart an application, you must select the check
box the first time it appears in order to stop the appearance of the
reload notifications.

The Cancel option gives you the opportunity to cancel the dialog box. If
this option is selected, the Do not ask the question again check box
is ignored.

Complete details about SAM settings can be found in EDM

Administration Utility Help.

3-24 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDMn.. and the Well Explorer

Working With Catalogs

Catalogs are used as a selection list to design a casing, tubing, liner, or

drillstring. Catalogs are editable and can be customized by using
Start> Programs> Landmark Engineer's Desktop 5000.1 >
Tools> Catalog Editor or by right-clicking the catalog node and
selecting Open from the drop-down menu. For more information, see
the Catalog Editor Help.

StressCheck ™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 3-25
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 3: EDM™ and the Well Explorer

3-26 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter II
Getting Started
When you first enter the StressCheck™software, a blank application window displays beneath the
menu bar and toolbars. Normally at this point, you would either create a new Design or open an
existing Design. However, particularly in multi-user environments, you may want to specify
different data files (for example, report format files, default bit sizes, default design factors,
default cost factors, or template files) to be used during this StressCheck session.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 4-1
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started


The workflow in the StressCheck software is broken up into three

stages, which are outlined below.

Enter General Data

0 Open the Design with which you want to work or create a Design
using the Instant Design feature. ("Instant Design" on page 3-7)
0 Enter general information, including the well name , description,
and total depth. (Wellbore > General)
("Enter General Data" on page 4-2)
0 Enter wellpath deviation (well path) data. (Wellbore > Wellpath
Editor) ("Entering Wellpath Data" on page 5-14)
0 Enter dogleg overrides (imposed doglegs independent of
deviation). (Wellbore > Dogleg Severity Overrides) ("Dogleg
Severity Overrides Spreadsheet" on page 5-16)
0 Defi ne the pore pressure regime. (Wellbore > Pore Pressure)
("Entering Pore Pressure Data" on page 5-8)
0 Define the fracture pressure regime. (Wellbore > Fracture
Gradient) ("Entering Fracture Gradient Data" on page 5-10)
0 Optional: Define any squeezing sa lt or shale sections for collapse
design. (Wellbore >Squeezing Salt/Shale) (" Defining a
Squeezing Salt/Shale Zone" on page 5- 12)
0 Specify the formation temperatures. (Wellbore >Geothermal
Gradient) ("Defi ning the Geothermal Gradi ent" on page 5- 19)
0 Define the Casing Scheme, including casing name, type, pipe ODs,
hole size, shoe, hanger and TOC depths, and the mud weight at the
shoe. (Wellbore > Casing and Tubing Scheme) (" Define the
Casing and Tubing Scheme" on page 5-22)
0 Enter completion and production data. (Wellbore > P roduction
Data) ("Defining Production Data" on page 5-28)

4-2 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Specify Design Parameters for a Casing String

0 Specify the design factors and other design parameters to use fo r
the casing design. (Tubular > Design Parameters) ("Entering
Design Parameters" on page 6-2)
0 Specify the maximum tool length for a specified tool OD that can
freely pass through the casing. (Tubular> Tool Passage) ("Specify
Tool Passage Requirements" on page 6-11)
0 Describe the cement and landing forces. (Tubular> Initial
Conditions> Cementing and Landing tab) ("Specifying the
Initial Conditions" on page 6-3)
0 Specify the temperature profile for the current string. (Tubular>
Initial Conditions> Temperature tab) ("Specifying the Initial
Conditions" on page 6-3)
0 Select standard load cases for burst, collapse and axial loads.
(Tubular > Burst Loads, Tubular> Collapse Loads, Tubular >
Axial Loads) ("Defining Burst Loads" on page 6-13, "Specifying
Collapse Loads" on page 6-19, and "Specifying Axial Loads
Details" on page 6-25)
0 Optional: Design additional custom loads. (Tubular> Custom
Loads) ("Defining Custom Loads" on page 6-26)

View Graphical Results and Perform Design

0 Review formation plots including pore pressure, fracture gradient,
pore/fracture/mud weight, and geothermal gradient. (View >
Formation Plots)
0 Review and analyze internal pressures and differential pressure
plots for burst and collapse loads. (View> Formation Plots)
0 Review and analyze design load line, graphical interactive weight,
and grade selection, including design review, graphical design, and
minimum cost design. (View> Design Plots) ("Checking Burst
Design Using the Burst Design Plot" on page 7-2, "Checking
Collapse Design Using the Collapse Design Plot" on page 7-8, and
"Checking Axial and Triaxial Design" on page 7-15)
D Review and analyze advanced results, including triaxial design
limit plot, and maximum allowable wear tables. (View> Triaxial
Check and View > Tabular Results) ("Tabular Results" on page 8-
3, "Checking Axial and Triaxial Design" on page 7- 15)

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 4-3
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Getting Started

Starting the Stress Check TM Software

Title Bar Work Area

Menu Bar - - - --



EllH 5000_1 s.ngie~ Cb(B'.»4 5000.t.7.0~.0l.OS.228)) "'
- .!l FU! 1'«11.n Cl co.

Hierarchical - ·- ~
• .t Al
• .\ A2
"Tree" -t e2
- ... 82.SO
~ !ml
. ... 82-51
. ... 82-52
• t. 83
• .i Cl
• .t cs
• N IM!IOt-Plotfoml
• ~ RogCor>~O<lln

@c.._,... 126 ......... II> 2,937. IM
Et Po<ePr-... o. .....
Associated 'ii'Ft..:G'- Ov..,_.
Data Viewe_r_ _ _ _.. 0 ~0--1 llol--0.0'f
B T..tini......,_ OTt.big

r - - - -....;_!-•1:$
: ··1:-

Datum DoU.Eh411on:
Diagram AIG.ap l)!Slj:
,....,,,..,,.. ... d
f>\.dne llop"1~): 91.-Mm
~ l\'D: U7.16m

4-4 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Starled

You can start the StressCheck software in two ways:

Select the Windows menu path Start> Programs > Landmark

Engineer's Desktop 5000.1 > StressCheck.

• Double-click the StressCheck desktop shortcut.

The first window to appear when you start the StressCheck software
looks similar to the one in the previous graphic. At this time, few menu
options are available and most of the toolbar icons are not available
for use.

You can select an item from the menu by using the mo use or the
keyboard quick keys. To use the quick keys to select an item, press and
hold the Alt key while pressing the underlined character in the menu
item. For exampl e, to open the File menu, press Alt-F.

You must open an existing Design or create a new Design to expand the
menu bar options or to activate additional toolbar buttons.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 4-5
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Files and Templates

What Type of Files Does the Stress Check TM Software Use?

File Extension File Type Purpose

*.DXT Data exchange (DEX) template file

*.DXD Data exchange (DEX) import/export fi les

*.SCK Well fi les created using the StressCheck software. Also

called "flat files".

*.SCT Template fi les created using the StressCheck software

*.TXT Data files for importing directional data

*.XML Extensible Markup Language (XML) file used to

transfer data

What is a Template File?

Templates contain common data that can be used and reused as defaults
for future casing designs. You can use templates as the basis for creating
Designs. Default data can be entered and saved in the template to a file
or to the EDM rn database. A template typically contains no specific well
data or data that is dependent on depth. Templates are used to describe
generic practices and parameters for general cases. For example,
templates can be used to set up default load cases for specific casing
string types typically used by an operating company.

A special group of default data already exists, which is the definition of

casing strings by name and type as speci fied in the Wellbore >Casing
and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet. T his information provides you with a
selection of design limits, load cases (burst, collapse, and axial), as well
as other tubular data. All combinations of casing strings can be defined
in this manner and saved in the template.

4-6 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Some menu items and parameters are disabled when a template is

defined. In template mode, no calculations are performed, so some
results are displayed as "NIA". Furthermore, some restrictions on
accessing various dialog boxes and entering data do not apply in
template mode. For example, you do not need to create pore pressure
data and fracture gradient data to access Tubular > Burst Loads.

Opening an Existing Template File

Templates can be opened from the EDM database or as a file from a
local or network drive. Templates are applied only once, when initially
creating or opening a Design, and cannot be reapplied. A company may
provide templates to users to set policy for certain materials, inventories,
casing schemes, and so on.

Select File> Template> Open From File or File> Template> Open

From Database to open an existing template file.

Import Templdte file t1Jfg]

look .. Ju o.n .:J ~ (!;) c1 Im·
When opening a
template file,
navigate to the My Recert

location and select
from a list of ~
existing templates

My Cc•l~l•.ct•

My Ndwork Fie name !Namial.act ::J ()pen
Flesdtype l!:iret$(heck T~ Ales\octl ..:.] Cancel

- -~----

When opening a Open Template rg)

template from the
EDM database, Tempja~: !Normal (System) :m::J I OK

-· ·-=- ·-- ~Sys~tem~)----~'
select from the
pull-down list. Cancel _J

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1.7 Training Manual 4-7
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Saving a Template File

After you have opened and perhaps changed a template, you can save it
with the same name or with a new name. By saving the template with a
new name, you can create different templates to meet various
requirements. All templates are saved to the EDM database.

Select one of the follow ing commands:

• File > Template > Save to save the template with the same name.
No dialog box appears. The template is saved to the database.

File > Template > Save As to save the template with a different
name as shown below.

• File > Template > Save As System Template to save the template
as a System Template that is available to all StressCheck users. The
dialog box is the same one that appears for the File > Template >
Save As command shown below.

The Save As System Template command may not be available due

to Company policy.

Save Template IBJ

~ I
c~ I
Specify the name of the
template file.
------~ He\:> J

4-8 StressCheck ™Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Main Window Layout

The StressCheck main window is shown below. In this window, the well
schematic is currently displayed. The main window is used to display
data entry dialog boxes and spreadsheets. It is also used to display
results. The main wi ndow has several distinct areas, as shown below.
Most of these options do not become available until after you open a
template fi le or Design.

Menu Bar Plot

Name of open Wizard Template Toolbar
Main Design Toolbar (custom loads)

." .

-rrrm - - ~SN UMl(l2S..Olt)

~1.11* (43),0 ft)
,,,. •. _ ,_ .xr~!.tt.t'IQ
Well Explorer

Data Viewer


Datum Diagram
• '-'ri:•-'I

Work area with
Well Schematic
Status Bar

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 4-9
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Title Bar
The Title Bar is located at the top of the main window. The Title Bar
displays the name of the active Design and the name of the active
spreadsheet, table, plot, or schematic (if the active window
is maximized).

Menu Bar
After a Design has been opened or created, the menu bar has a number
of options available.

r;J F~e Edit Wellbore Tubular View Composer Tools Window Help

File Menu
The File menu has commands to manage tiles and templates, import
Wellpath .txt files, import or export StressCheck .sck and Transfer .xml
files, access DEX data transfer, send StressCheck .sck fi les via email,
print documents, and exit the StressCheck software.

Edit Menu
The Edit menu has commands used to undo changes; cut, copy, and
paste information; manipulate OLE objects; view/ed it spreadsheet
properties; and find data in the Well Explorer tree.

Wellbore Menu
The Well bore menu is used to define data not related to a specific casing
string, such as well depth ; wcllborc deviation; and pore pressure,
fractu re pressure, and geothermal gradients.

Tubular Menu
The Tubular menu is used to define data related to a specific casing
string, such as design parameters, cementing and landing data,
string-section descriptions, connections, and load cases. Th is menu also
manages inventory items used wi th the current Des ign, such as pipe
inventory, special connections, and pipe grade properties.

4-10 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

View Menu
The View menu is used to display/hide the Well Explorer; display
wellbore, load case, and design plots; and display tabular reports.

Composer Menu
The Composer menu is used to add, edit, and configure Wall Plot
objects. The commands are only available when a Wall Plot is active in
the work area.

Tools Menu
The Options menu is used to customize the StressCheck software (set up
toolbars, status bars, tabs, defaults, options), and configure the
unit system.

Window Menu
The Window menu has commands to arrange and select windows.

Help Menu
The Help menu has commands to access online Help and obtain
information about the StressCheck software.

Wizard Too/bar
The Wizard tool bar provides easy access to common data selection and
form selection commands. It is used to select the current casing string.
The Wizard provides you with a predetermined sequence of entry forms
to help ensure that all necessary information is specified.

Go to the previous form in the Wizard list of entry. forms.

Current data
entry form. _ . , General
' I13 318'' Surface Casing
Go to the next form in the Wizard list.

All entry fonns access ible using the Wizard can also be selected from
the Wellbore and Tubular menus.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 4-11
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Data Entry Forms

The dialog box and spreadsheet are the two types of entry forms
available in the StressCheck software. They may all be accessed from
the Wellbore and Tubular menus, and most from the Wizard, depending
on how you are entering the well data.

Dialog Box
The first type of entry form is a dialog box, as seen in the example
below. When selected, the dialog box opens over the current window
contents. Dialog boxes are used to enter data such as design parameters
and load cases that cannot be conveniently presented in a spreadsheet.
All dialog boxes in the StressCheck software are modal, which means
you cannot access any other spreadsheets or dialog boxes until the
current dialog box is closed.

General r8]
ICom!lents I

~bon: fj<..:;.1

~'Seci>on Defntlon
Wei Depth {M)) : 116330.0 ft
0ngri N: ~o_.
o ___ ft (TVO) : ft
Ongri E: 0.0 ft
Azm.rth: 133.00

OK _J _ __,

4-12 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Ge tting Started

The following control buttons may be found on dialog boxes:

Select To

Update the well with the current changes a nd close the

I dialog box .

Disregard any changes made since the last update and close
Cara! I the dialog box.

Update the wel I with the current changes and keep the dialog
Apply ] box open.

I Display Help for the dialog box.

The second type of entry fo rm is the spreadsheet, as seen in the example
below. When selected, it fills the current StressCheck window pane.
Spreadsheets are used to enter depth and inventory data. Spreadsheets
remain in view until they are replaced by another spreadsheet or view.
Data is automatically applied when a further action occurs.

Pore Pressure/EMW
(psi (pp
142 3 6.37 No
1476.0 629.5 8.21 No
1804.0 782.5 8.35 No
4 1969.0 860.2 8.41 No

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1.7 Training Manual 4-13
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

He I pfu I F ea tu res

Online Help
The context-sensitive Help system can be accessed in several ways:

• Pressing Fl to view Help on the active spreadsheet, plot, table, or

dialog box.

• Selecting Contents from the Help menu.

• Clicking the H~ I button on an open dialog box.

• Clicking the context-sensitive Help icon cl ~'l b and then clicking on
the portion of the window for which you desire Help (such as a
toolbar icon or menu item). This feature is not available if a dialog
box is open.

4-14 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

The Help Contents is shown in the following graphic.

Click Back to go Click Print to Select the tabs to view the Index and
to the previous print the current Glossary, Search the entire help system,
help topic. help topic. or bookmark topics as Favorites.

Click Hide or Show to

Table __
of Contents. _ -~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.:;] ¢' di

Click a book to view

.,,...., v:i-

· . Goomo-
~ r....,.. ~


Welcome to StressCheck 111 Sortware

• •

the help topics : i =.~- Woh Lll>dmorle• S.msCMck~ - · casing •tmgl c111bedH>gMd10 mfft « onHd al Nit
associated with that _ ____ ,: ;
. Tho ~' °""""
boctom Tho S.msChock oppli<IUOO os bind on at"'!! <les1gf> pnncipln lhll n Wiii occtplod "'
onduttty Sophdbcatld de"ll" met- be """1ntly etn!>loyld to dMiop .......,nKost hog!Hr
~ ,,,.,.,,..,, txpll1Cillll9 at twna and llor1 StmsCIMlck • - • con yltld "9fldlt.,.. saw>gs ., If
item. Then click a ·. EON-
w.. i;.,mw
help topic to view it. · -wew:.m••,...... • Pr~1~atout.,,,,.odlormui.,t0Mlorspeerfyo>g....,stocbum ~ andoJOOI
~ f.IQo mlXll"l'IUm load pni6tn
~llwd.P...,,,_ • F_.,,flll opConozot..., Cltlho numbof ond ' - " ol CaMf1!1 Sl1V19 HCl"""
In"'""' eases "much .. con bo . - " ' · - -•• < doS'V"f d""'oped by<"""'
Cullom lood1 footu11 Ille ll'l'li<*""' lllo pt<Mdn an 1uy41M1St sprudshHl laolCy lo< speaty.n

-...i pranu11 oldomal po11u11 ~ ,.,.,..,...,.,. Ffoliln - m«0 - loock:-lormut«I<

C1icJ< on a oul>Jecl IO gll 11111td

• Gewno Slatted

· ~
• Str~~".#1!!
• Pf!fommq 0...,.. °"""'"

Setting Options
Options are not stored as part of the active Design and affect all Designs
analyzed with the StrcssChcck software until the options are changed.

To access the Options dialog box, select the Tools> Options

menu command.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 4-15
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Control the appearance of printed


Control the
appearance of the Font... v ~~sand Foottrs Select MD or TVD
graphical views-. --~
p Markers Lnes •• f;;
tU"nb!!rng to determine how
depths are
p Legend Depths
displayed in plots,
Font. ..
• MO (". T\-0
spreadsheets, and
Control the Spreadsheets and T!lbles - - -1-tables.
appearance of r.7 God 11 T~ Safety Fl!CtorS
spreadsheets and c-•
~I Pmbng Font •.. J C. Absolite f' ~
Specify how
Other safety factors
v Oetlliled Wizard List \ - Tiiie Font. .. display.
v Class1C: S<hemabc \·-

Plots Group Box

Se lect the Grid check box to display grid lines on a ll plots. These lines
are used only as cues to help guide the eye when visually analyzing data.

Font Button
Click the Font button to display the Font dialog box so you can change
the font, style, and text size used along the axes of all plots.

Select the Markers check box to display individual symbols to denote
each set of data displayed on all plots. Markers are usually drawn at
known or well-defined points, while the envelope lines connecting these
markers arc generally interpolated.

Lines Button
Click the Lines button to display the Lines dialog box so you can set the
color and thickness fo r each line marking each set of data on every plot.

4-16 Stress Check™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Select the Legend check box for the appropriate legend to appear in all
plots. When the legend obscures a relevant portion of the plot, click the
legend and drag it elsewhere.

Font Button
Click the Font button to d isplay the Font dialog box so you can change
the font, style, and size of text used in all plot legends.

Spreadsheets and Tables Group Box

Grid in Tables
Select the Grid in Tables check box to draw grid lines and row labe ls
on all results tables, such as the Well Summary tabl e.

Font Button
Click the Font button to display the Font dialog box so you can change
the font, style, and size of text used in all spreadsheets and tables.

Fonts for plots are customized by clicking the View T itle Font button in
the Other group box.

Printing Font Button

Click the Printing Font button to display the Font dialog box to specify
the font used when printing spreadsheets and tables. It is useful for
printing a small font on wide spreadsheets and tables.

Stress Check TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 4-17
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Print Layout Group Box

Headers and Footers

Select the Headers and Footers check box to display headers and
footers when a document is displayed by using the Print or Print
Preview commands.

• The file name displays in the upper left comer.

The date and time at which the document was displayed and the
page number displays in the upper right corner.

• The software version displays in the lower right comer.

• The well's description displays in the lower left comer.

Page numbers do not display when the Page Numbering check box is
not selected.

Page Numbering
Select the Page Numbering check box to display page numbers in the
upper right corner of each page when a document is displayed by using
the Print or Print Preview commands. This check box is disabled if the
Headers and Footers check box is not selected.

Select the Margins check box to add margins to the top, bottom, left,
and right sides of each page when a document is displayed by using the
Print or Print Preview commands. [f this check box is not selected, the
document is drawn out to the edges of every page.

Depths Group Box

MD and TVD are a pair of mutually exclusive option buttons that
determine whether depths in applicable plots, spreadsheets, and tables
are displayed by using measured (MD) or true vertical depth (TVD).

4-18 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Alternatively, you can switch between depths by clicking the MD/TVD

icon (jig) on the Engineering toolbar.

Safety Factors Group Box

Absolute and Normalized Safety Factors

Absolute and Normalized are a pair of mutually exclusive option
buttons that determine whether the safety factors reported in the various
tabular results are absolute or normalized to the appropri ate design
factor. In essence, the normal ized safety factor is the absolute safety
factor divided by the design factor that is specified on the Design
Parameters dialog box, or the design factor that is specified on the
Options tab of the Axial , Burst, and Collapse Loads dialog boxes.

Alternatively, you can switch between safety factors by clicking the

Normalized >Absolute Safety Factors icon ([RI) on the
Engineering toolbar.

Other Group Box

Detailed Wizard List

Select the Detailed Wizard List check box to add several dialog boxes,
spreadsheets, and design plots to the standard Wizard list. When this
check box is selected, the follow ing items are added to the Wizard:

• Dogleg Severity Overrides

• Squeezing Sal t/Shale
• Geothermal Gradi ent

View Title Font Button

C lick the View T itle Font button to access the Font dialog box so you
can change the title 's font, style, and size displayed in plot legends.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 4-19
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Configuring Units

Using the Unit System Dialog Box

Select the Tools> Unit System dialog box to add, remove, edit, and
switch unit systems. You can also import and export custom unit
systems. The unit system for the Design you are working on is stored at
the Well level. All unit systems are stored in the database.

The API , SI, API - US Survey Fleet, and Mixed API unit
systems are included with the StressCheck installation.

Unit Systems Editor (8J Select the unit

system you
Active V1ew1ng System: ~-~
·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - - -- -----1- want to use in
AP! I SI I AP! . us St.rvey F~t I ~~ AP! I
the analysis

~~ ~t
from the
I pull-down list.

.mlm------~A I1•
Area, lFA
Cement (Seid) Density
il 1
Cement SlwTy Density ppg
Cost per uit mass S/trlo
Cost s
Costft_ength s/ft
Cost/T"rne S/day Click Import to
Daly Percentage %/day
Depth, Distances, Heghts ft import a unit
Diameters In .,__ _ ___,,_system.
Dogleg Severity 0
/ lOOft Import _]
Enthalpy Btuibn
EQliValentMJdWeiglt ppgbbl"- 1 New... .,__ _ _ _..... Click New to
AowRate(Cement) .~-· I create a unit Corr4lressiiity 410-
bf l system.

~~_:e~~!'__ ----~~____v__
OK L ~ 1

The Unit System dialog box always contains three or more tabs arranged
along its upper left comer- one for each available unit system stored in
the database. The three left-most tabs are always API, SI, and API - US
Survey Fleet The Mixed API unit set is shipped with the StressCheck
software, but it can be deleted. Jf you create custom unit systems, they
are also present as tabs. When this dialog box is opened, the tab
contain ing the unit system associated with the active Design opens.

Most numerical dialog box fields and spreadsheet cells are associated
with a physical parameter such as depth, stress, or temperature, and each
physical parameter is expressed in a unit.

4-20 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

To look at the values for a different unit system, select another tab and
click OK.

To switch to another unit system, select the desired unit system from the
Active Viewing Unit System pull-down list, and click OK. All open
Designs are presented in this unit system.

The Status Bar at the bottom of the main screen displays the name of the
unit system that is currently in use. Unit system is set at the Well level
and affects all Wellbores and Designs below it.

For more information, refer to Unit System Help.


Be careful when you delete. Other users may want to use the unit system you are
planning to delete.

Creating a Unit System

To create a unit system:

1. Open the Unit System dialog box by selecting Tools> Unit System.

2. Click New.

3. Enter a name for the unit system.

New Umt System

Name: INorth easri


Template: IAPI ·US Su'Vey Feet o:J - -- Select the basis for
AP! the unit system from
SI the pull -down list.
Moced AP!

4. Click OK. You can now choose from a large variety of unit options
for all physical parameters used in the StressCheck software.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 4-21
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Using the Convert Unit Dialog Box

With a spreadsheet cell selected, press F4 or select Tools> Convert
Unit to enter or view data in any equivalent unit without changing the
unit systems currently in use. Only the value in the active cell/field is
affected. When you close this dialog box, any new numerical value
chosen is written to the field, but the value is displayed in the unit system
already in use. If you want a new unit system used, you must use Tools>
Unit Systems, which changes the unit systems for all fields.

To use the Convert Unit dialog box, a spreadsheet cell or a dialog box
field that is editable must be selected, and it must have a value
associated with a physical parameter (Tools> Unit Systems). For
default values, the program displays the value appropriate for the
units selected.

This dialog box contains the following items:

By default, this is the value displayed in the field or cell from which the
Convert Unit dialog box was invoked. You can type or paste a new value
into this cell, and it will be converted to the current unit system after you
click OK.

The Uni t list box has the units in which the value can be expressed.
Select the appropriate unit from this list and its value displays in the
Value field.


Be aware that when this dialog box is invoked, its name varies according to the cell
selected. For example, when it is invoked from the Zone Top cell in the Squeeze
Salt/Shale spreadsheet, the dialog box is titled Convert Depth Units. When it is
invoked from the Overburden Pressure cell, it is titled Convert Pressure Units.

After you click OK, the dialog box closes, and the value is placed in the
field or cell from which the Convert Unit dialog box was invoked.
Before the value is placed, it is converted back to the units used by the
active unit system. If this dialog box was invoked from a field or cell in
which the Paste command does not work, the value is ignored. The
Undo command can be used if a new value was entered.

4-22 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

In the following example, the Mix-Water Density units are changed.

Initial Conditions: 9 5/8"" Production Casing ~

Click in the cell or field that you want to convert the
CC!rnt!l'llln9 and l.andilo Temperabse I units. The Convert Unit dialog box displays. Select
Cemenlln9 Data the new unit from the Unit list. View the converted
t-b·'.Vater Density (ppg) value in the Value field .
Lead Sltrry Density (ppg)
~ Tai Sltrry Density (ppo) I is.60
T.,. S1Lny L.enoth (ft) Isoo.o
Dlsplacenent FUd Density (ppo) jH.80 OK
Float Colar Depth, p.v (ft) l14620.0 jo.4327
r Appied su-face PresSU'e {psi) r- sg

r Float Fa.led !:ielp

p~ v
Landing Data

I Pida.4) Force {bf)

r. Sladcoff Force (bf) Io


1. Click a cell or fie ld that you want to convert the units from the acti ve
spreadsheet or dialog box.

2. Select Tools> Convert Unit, or press F4 to display the Convert

Unit dialog box.

3. Highlight the desired unit in the Unit list box.

4. View the converted value in the Convert Unit dialog box's

Value fie ld.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 4-23
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Customizing Graphical Views

To change the properties of a plot or schematic, right-click the object
when the plot or schematic is active. The choices available vary
depending on the nature of the object.

Burst Pressure Profiles

: - C>tsplecement lo Gas
Losl Returns wllll Water
Ges Kick (50 0 bbl. 0 50 PlllJ)
2000 --
Tublnv Leek
Green Cement Pressure Test (Int)
G1'99n Cement Pressure lest (Eld)
Dnl Meed (BurSI)

g 600 0
~ 8000
"'~ 10000


12000 '
- -JI - ~
' '
. H--- - - -- --•-


' ' ' ~ , 1 I I o

-:-- - -- --:--- - - - ~ - -\ -·,- - -- -\\ ----~-

I I I I 0

: : : •t 'I 'I
14000 - -- - - ----.-1I


' ' I ' '
' '
16000 ------ - -- -- -- ---- - --- - - I
------ I
-- --- - - -- - - - - ------I I

1 500 3000 4500 6 00 7500 9000 10500 1 2000

Pressure (psi)

Right-click on the plot, then

select Properties.

4-24 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Changing Plot Properties

All plots can be modified by rig ht-clicking while a plot is active and then
selecting Properties. The StressCheck software uses two plot engines.
Each plot engine displays different Properties dialog boxes, as
seen below.

Burst O!!s1gn Ptop..,rll..,s

Older plot engine

Title for Current Plot
Properties dialog
P° Show Title
r specfy Title

Axes Labels for Current Plot

[ j X Axis Label
[j Y AxJS label


Properties ~
BadlgOUld I Fonts I Grid L.nes I AXIS Isles

Newer plot engine

Graph I LC9'fld Backgou-d I Scale J Aids l Gnd I Pict1.n '

Properties dialog
Shawl~ r;;
r. Floatng Anchorl!d To:
r r- r.
Left I ,- RJ<tit
,- r r


OK cancel ~

For details about configuring plot display, sec StressCheck Help.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 4-25
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

The older plot engine right-click menu features a Zoom facility. You can
zoom in as many as 10 times to investigate specific features. A Restore
feature allows the view to be restored to its last setup.

Select the desired Zoomx 1

magnification. - ) > Zoomx5
Select Restore to return to
the previous
magnification .

Configuring the Well Schematic

On the Well Schematic, the right-click menu Properties command
allows the display of various markers on the schematic, including
Cement, Tapered String, Reference Depths, Fluid, Casing Float Shoe,
TOC for Liners and Casing Strings, TOL, and a Non-Deviated
schematic view.

Well Schematic Properties [8J

Title ror c...1ent View
P Stiov.i Hie
P Specly Hie StressCheck Training

View Options
p Cement ~ TOC for Liners
P Tapeied String P TOC for C4smg Strings
P Reference Depths P TOL
r Fluid P Non-Deviated
P \iliji Casing Float Shoe

OK Apply J Help

4-26 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Accessing and Managing Pipe Inventory

When the Tubular > Pipe Inventory spreadsheet is accessed for the
first time, it displays an inventory of casing for the OD corresponding to
the OD designation in the Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme
spreadsheet for the string that is currently selected. The pipe inventory
for a different OD can be selected using the Select OD pull-down list on
the Template toolbar. The entire pipe inventory for all sizes can be
displayed by selecting All at the top of this list box.

Select the OD that you want to view

data for using this selection list.

00 Weoghl Grade or 10 Yield Int Ord! Ppe BUf\t Anal UTS Walltock Plan End ln lrwen.
(or) (pp~ Name (on) (psi) (on) Typt (p1ij Ob~ (psi) (~
olNom) Cost ($111) (ft)
13625 00200 C-75 12375 75£DJ 12250 Standard 60~6 9 1914400 9500) 87.50 4229
13625 ea 200 L-00 12375 IOJ)J 12250 Stand9rd 64:?2 0 :W59 21J.o12035 95CXXl 87 50 4353

13625 00200 C-00 12375 mil 12250 Standard r12•a 41336 2297290 lOOXll 8750 076
13625 ea 200 C-95 12375 9500) 12250 Stan~rd 7626 1 42576 242"917 10500'.l 87 50 4692
13625 Ill 200 T-95 12375 9SOOJ 122iD Sl andanf 7626 1 42576 2424917 '0500'.l 8750 4939
13625 lll:Dl P.110 12375 1100'.D 12250 Sl•ndanf IJBl'.)3 45738 28l7798 1251XD 8750 4538
13625 Ill 200 0.125 12375 125LUI 12250 Sl•ndard 11Xl34 4 4002 1 ll!Om 1351'.XXl 8750 4939

T he pipe inventory is automatically sorted on the basis of the three keys

specified in the Sorting dialog box. The default key settings are OD
(primary), weight (secondary) , and grade (tertiary).

The Pipe Inventory Catalog (accessed by using the Edit> Import from
Catalog and Edit> Export to Catalog commands when the current
view is the Pipe Inventory spreadsheet) contains a bui lt-in API catalog
that contains all APT casing, as listed in Table 1 o f API Bulletin 5C2, as
well as API line-pipe in the range of 22-42 inches OD.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 4-27
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Default performance properties for API line pipe are calculated on the
basis of API Bulletin 5C3 formulations for interna l yie ld pressure
(burst), pipe body yield strength (axial), and collapse pressure. For
collapse pressure ratings determined by this method, be aware that the
API Bulletin 5C3 collapse pressure formulations are, in large part,
empirically derived from testing on materials of greater minimum yield
strength and tubes of lesser D/t (diameter-to-wall thickness) ratio than
are typical of API casing. API does not recommend using the 5C3
col lapse formulations for line pipe, but it docs state in § 2.4 of 5C3 that
"For line pipe having a yield strength and D/t fa lling within the limits of
the sizes and thickness listed in API Specification 5CT, application of
the formu las in 2.2 (the API collapse formu las) should yield reasonable
estimates of minimum collapse pressure." Sound engineering
judgement is recommended when using these line pipe ratings.

Each valid entry (or row) in the Tubular > Pipe Inventory spreadsheet
defines a pipe that is available for manual, graphical, or minimum-cost
design. To be cons idered a valid entry, every cell in a row, except "In
Inven.", must contain a legitimate value. By default, the initial contents
of the Tubular > Pipe Inventory spreadsheet for a given Design are
identical to the contents of the API catalog in the Pipe Inventory
spreadsheet. However, immediately after the Design is created,
supplemental entries can be made to the Pipe Inventory as required.

Pipe Inventory entries that you want excluded from consideration in the
Design can, and shou ld, be deleted from the inventory. These inventory
changes only affect avai lable casing in the current Design, and the API
ca talog in a Design remain unchanged.


The only Tubula r > Pipe Inventory entries that cannot be modi tied or removed are
those that are currently included in the design of one or more strings by virtue of
their selection in a Tubula r > Stri ng Sections spreadsheet. If you attempt to modi fy
or remove them, the status bar displays the message " This pipe is in use and cannot
be modified."

Select the View> Selection dialog box to fac ili tate selecting casings
you want removed from the current pipe inventory, or you want added
to that used in a different Design. In the dialog box, specify an OD, one
or more weights, and one or more grades, and then click OK. All pipe
inventory entries matching the selection criteria are highlighted and can
then be deleted or copied.

4-28 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Selecting and Deleting Pipes

The View > Selection dialog box is useful when deleting pipes from an
inventory or when selecting multiple entries to be copied from one
spreadsheet to another.

Pi e lnvento
OD We1gh1 Grade or ID Yield ln1 Drift Pipe Bursi Collapse Aiu al UTS Wall Thick Plain End In lrwen

, (1n) (ppQ Name (1n) (psi) (in) Type (psi) (psi) (lbl) (psi) (% ofNom) Cost ($/ft) (ft)

7 CDJ 17.000 H-40 6.533 400XI 6.413 S1andard 2310 0 U234 196493 60Dl 87.50 5.95
2 7 CDJ 20 ~ ...,•n "•CC: ,,........ 27200 1971 1 ~7 60Dl 8750 7 00
7 llll 20.00
Selectmn £1 3740 0 2274 2 316204 75COO 87.60 700
4 7CDJ 2000 00 W"'1!/t 3740 0 2274 2 316204 95C.OO 87.50 7.00
5 7 (l)J «200 2485 0 373696 85CD) 8750 12.39
20.00 17.000 _
6 7 CDJ 23.00 ~:: 43587 3268 6 336052 75COO 67.50 6.05
7 7 CDJ 23.00 26.000 43587 32686 366052 9500) 87.50 8.05
B 7CDJ 23.00 ~:: 51512 35429 432607 B5CDJ 87.50 14.25
9 Hill 23.00 ..:J -... nnn 5943 7 3751 7 499162 9500'.J 87.50 11.03
10 7Clll 23.00 Reset I Reset l
23.00_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..J
63400 38320 532440 9500J 87.50 11 .35
11 7CDJ 6340 0 38320 532440 100000 87.50 10.14
12 7 CDJ 23 (DJ C-90 6.366 90COO 6.250 S1andard 7132 5 4027 3 59El995 100000 87.50 11 .67

The Selection dialog box is only enabled when the T ubular> Pipe
Inventory spreadsheet is active.

After specifying an OD, one or more weights, and one or more grades,
click OK to highlight all spreadsheet entries that match the
selection criteria.

Multiple entries can be deleted by first se lecting them from the Selection
dialog box located on the View menu. In the preceding example, all the
9-5/8" pipe with the followi ng grades are selected: H-40, L-80,
and Q-125.

Click OK to close the dialog box. The selected pipe is highlighted on the
spreadsheet. Use Edit> Delete Row to delete the se lected items.


Deleting a string currently being used in a Design removes this pipe section's grade,
weight, or both from the Tubular > String Sections spreadsheet. It must be re-
entered into the Tubular> Pipe Inventory for it to be used again.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 4-29
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Slatted

Modifying Existing Pipes

If the pipe type is defined as a Standard pipe, the burst, collapse, and
axial ratings are calculated by using the standard API fonnula. These
ratings can be overwritten by defining this particular pipe as being a
Special pipe type.

OD Weight Grade or ID Yield Int Drill Pope Burst Conapse Ai11al UTS Wall Thick Plain End In
(on) (lbmlft) Name (in) (hi) (in) T pe (ps1g) (psog) (lbQ (kso) (%of Norn) Cost ($111)
9625 32.:Jl H-40 9CKl1 400 8.645 Standard 2269 1375 ~136 60.0 8750 11 lJ
9625 3600 H-40 8.9'21 400 8 765 Standard 2560 1718 410178 60.0 87 50 12.60
36.00 J..55 8.9'21 550 8 765 Standard 3520 2024 563995 75.o 87.50 12 60
36.00 K-55 69'21 550 8.765 Standard 3520 2024 563995 95.0 87.50 1260
40 00 J..55 8.835 550 8.750 Standard 3950 2570 629958 75.0 87.50 14.00
40.00 K-55 8.835 55.0 8.750 Standard 3950 2570 629958 95.0 87.50 14.00
40.00 C-75 8 835 75.0 8750 Standard 5300 2989 859033 95.0 87.50 19.18
40.00 L·OO 8.835 00.0 6760 Standard 5745 lll7 916lJ2 95.0 87.50 19.74
4000 N-80 8.835 00.0 8 750 Standard 5745 D37 916l:l2 100.0 87.50 17 64
4000 C.90 8.835 90.0 8.750 Standard 6464 3256 10D40 100.0 87.50 20.30
40.00 C.95 8.835 950 8750 S1andard 6823 3326 11l38109 1050 87 50 21.28
9625 40.00 T·95 8.835 95.0 8 750 Jstandart.:J 6823 3326 11l38109 105.0 87.50 19.60
9625 43.50 C.75 8 755 75.0 8.625 Stand 5932 3731 9419'24 95.0 87.50 20.86
14 9625 43.50 L·SO 8.755 80.0 8.625 6327 3610 1004719 950 87.50 21.47
15 962S J 43.50 N-60 8.755 80.0 8.625 Min 6327 3610 1004719 100.0 87.50 19.16

C lick in the cell to display the pull-down list. Select Special if you want to
overwrite th e calculated va lues for burst, collapse, and axial strength .

The Standard pipe type uses API Alternate ("special") Drift diameter by
default. To specify an API Minimum Drift, select the Min. API
Pipe Type.


If the pipe is being used in a Des ign, the properties cannot be modified until that
pipe is temporarily removed from the string sections spreadsheet.

4-30 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Inserting a New Pipe

You can insert a pipe into the spreadsheet by usi ng either the Edit or
right-click menu commands.

Click the row below where you want to insert a new

row. Select Edit> Insert Row (or right-click and select
Insert Row from the drop-down menu) to insert the
row. Add the information needed to define the pipe.

OD Weight Grade or 10 Yield Int Or1ft Pipe Bursi Collapse Axial UTS Wall Thie~ Plain End In
{on) (lbm/11) Name (1n) (kil) (in) Typlll (ps19) (pflg) Qb~ (I< 1) (% ofNom Cost {li11)
I 9625 323J H-40 9 001 400 8845 S1and1rd ~ 1375 ~135 liO.O 8750 11 :JJ
2 9625 36.00 H-40 8 921 400 8766 Standard 2560 1718 • 10178 liO.O 87 50 12.liO
9625 7600 J.55 8921 550 8765 Standen! 3520 ~:124 563995 750 8750 12li0
9625 36.00 K-55 8921 550 8766 S11ndard 35:i!ll 202• 563995 950 8750 12 liO
9.625 4000 J.55 8835 55.0 8750 Standard 3950 2570 629958 75 0 8750 1400
625 4000 K·55 8835 550 8750 Standard 3950 2570 629958 95 0 87.50 14 00
625 40 00 C.75 8 835 750 8750 Standard ~ 2909 ~ 950 87.50 19.18
9625 40.00 L.aJ 8 835 00 0 8 750 Standard 5745 VJ] 916332 950 87 50 19.74
10 9 625 40.00 N-00 8835 00.0 8.750 Standard 5745 nJ7 916332 100 0 87 50 t7 64
lt 9625 4000 C.00 8835 00 0 8 750 Standard 646-4 3256 10Dl40 100 0 87 50 20 :II
12 9625 40.00 C·95 8 835 95.0 B.750 Standard 6823 3326 1008109 1050 87.50 21 28
13 9625 40.00 T-95 8836 95 0 B.750 Standard 6823 3326 HBl109 105.0 87.50 1960
14 9625 43 50 C.75 8 755 750 8625 Standard 5932 3731 941924 950 87 50 2086
9625 43.50 Ull 8 755 00 0 8.625 Standard 6327 3110 1()().(719 95 0 87 50 21 47

Re fresh the spreadsheet for the Standard ratings to be calculated after

the data is entered. The pipe type can then be modifi ed to Special, and
the customized ratings can be entered.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 4-31
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Tubular Properties
The Tubular Properties node contains items that allow you to define the
physical properties of any unusual pipe grades or special materials (such
as corrosion resistant alloys), as well as the deration of the material's
yield strength as a function of temperature.

Tubular Properties is available from the Well Explorer tree. To open a

specific spreadsheet, double-click the desired Tubular Properties item,
or right-click it and select Edit from the drop-down menu.

D~i Tubular Properties

1f Class
ti I Temperature Derations
•i'i" Graw:::s
- .J-

Tubular Properties spreadsheets are not included in the Wizard list.

Locking Tubular Properties and Password Security

All Tubular Properties spreadsheets contain a Locked check box. Select
this check box to prevent editing of the tubular properties data. When
locked, users can open the respective dialog box in read-only mode, but
cannot save any changes. If this check box is selected and a Tubular
Properties password has been specified, you are prompted for the
password before you can deselect this check box.

To change or remove password security applied to locking or unlocking

Tubular Properties, right-cl ick the Tubular Properties node in the Well
Explorer and select Change Tubular Properties Password. A security
token is available in the EDM Administration utility to enable this
command and allow users to initially set and then change the Tubular
Properties password. The Old Password field is enabled when changing
an existing password. If the old password is entered but the new
password field is left blank, password security is removed and Tubular
Properties are unlocked without the need for a password.


Use caution when applying Tubular Property security because EDM Administrators
need the old password to reset a forgotten password. Passwords are encrypted and
require Database Administrators to use a SQL or Oracle tool to clear.

4-32 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Importing and Exporting Tubular Properties

Import and Export right-click menu commands are available from the
Tubular Properties node in the Well Explorer. Custom (user) defined
class, material, derations, and grades are exported as a Tubular Transfer
(*.tub.xml) file. Once exported, the *.tub.xml file can then be imported
into a different EDM database.

s ut;
-t4u.. Class
UI Temperature (
aA Materials Chanoe Tubular Properties Password
iii Catalogs Expand Al
Colapse Al

The Grade spreadsheet is used to define the physical properties of all
pipe grades or s pecial materials (such as corrosion-resistant alloys) used
in the pipe inventory and catalog. The grades you define will be used as
a selection list when defining a component using catalogs; for example,
when you select a grade in the T ubular > S tring Sections spreadsheet.

You must enter a unique name to define the grade. Specify the yield
strength, the ultimate tens ile strength, and the underlying materia l
behavior (mechanical and thermal properties).

Specify grades on the

Tubular Properties
> Grade

..... .,,...

......... .....
!'!•• ••• 'J7

' ..
('!_....,.~- tc.0001
I!•• ..... .....
S! OOI 0
5! ... t
J..-,.,._.vo .. oeoa
..... .....
..-·, UOOOt

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 4-33
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started


Material behavior is further defined by the selection ofa Material name leading
to two additional spreadsheets (Materials Properties Spreadsheet and
Temperature Deration Spreadsheet).
Changes made to grade properties affect the current design only (localized
change). If the selected grade exists in the Tubular Properties Summary table,
this grade will be associated with the string section and used in calculations.
Thus, all pipes with the same grade use the same properties.
Ifa grade is API, it is read only and cannot be altered or deleted.

Grade Spreadsheet Columns

This cell contains the name of the specified pipe grade. No two grades
should have the same name.

This cell contains a pull-down list of available material types. The
material is defined in a separate spreadsheet (Material Properties) to
capture the mechanical and thermal properties of the underlying
material from which the pipe grade has been manufactured.

Minimum Yield Strength

This editable cell contains the yield strength of the pipe grade. This
information is echoed within the pipe invento1y and is used to default
the pipe ratings (burst, collapse, and axial). Additionally, triaxial stress
analysis is compared to this value for determination of sufficiency
in design.


Analysis for anisotropic materials is not presently implemented in the StressCheck

software. All material-strength properties are assumed to be isotropic.

4-34 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Fatigue Endurance Limit

Enter the fatigue endurance limit of the pipe. This value is used in the
Torque Drag analysis. Fatigue endurance limit is not a constant value
that is related to the yield strength of the pipe. The fatigue endurance
limit needs to be reduced if the steel is used in a corrosive environment
like saline (high chloride) or hydrogen sulfide environment.

This editable cell contains the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the pipe
grade. This information is also echoed within the pipe inventory, and it
is used under special conditions to default the ax ial ratings of APT
connections made of thi s g rade.

The Materials spreadsheet is used to define the physical properties of all
alloys used in the pipe inventory and catalog.

Materials are defined by a unique name. Each material name is then

further characterized by several mechanical and thermal properties.

The Steel (default) entry can be edited but not deleted. The properties in
this entry represent those of low-alloy carbon steel, which is used in
nearly all casing applications fo r oil and gas well s. Most of the time, the
default option is all you will need when creating new grades and linking
to the material choice. However, if you are using CRA materials, such
as austenitic alloys (for example, Incoloy 825, Hastelloy G-3, or
Sanicro 28), which have significantly different mechan ical and thermal
properties than the Steel (default), you should add add itional entries to
this spreadsheet characterizing their behavior.

f n addition to the typical mechanical and thermal properties

characterizing a material's behavior, this spreadsheet a llows for the
spec ification of a schedule used to determine how a material's (and
ultimately a grade's) minimum yield strength is affected by temperature.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 4-35
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

For the present, the temperature deration schedule only applies to the
pipe body and not to the connections employing the material choice.

IAllWlOI C...~tJon 'oungs l.lodul;o 11>1• Polton ltltJo c..,sty '""'ft' EJ<oen"'°" CoelficlOnt "'hermol Con-Cy SpecHlcHeal C1p1Ci)i "
30 000 000 00 0 lOO •90 6 90
:!O 000,000 00 0 100 490 6_90
29 000,000.00 0290 •90
30.000. 000 00 0300 •90
n Sleel
0300 • 90
c_,__.__ ;: : : :
03« •90
10 e-00 000 cc cm: 220
- - - - - . - - - - . . - - -3000000000 0 JOO
18.!00 CCC 00 OJOC

OK Cancel ~

Material Properties Spreadsheet Columns

Material Name
This cell contains the name of the material whose properties are being
specified. No two entries should have the same material name. The Steel
(default) material may have its properties edited, but the entry cannot
be deleted.

Young's Modulus
This cell contains Young's modulus for the material from which pipes
of this material are made.

Poisson's Ratio
This cell contains Poisson's ratio for the material from which pipes of
this material are made.

This cell contains the density for the material in pounds per cubic foot.
The density of steel (490 lbm/ft1' 3) is the default value.

Expansion Coefficient
This cell contains the thermal expansion coefficient for the material
from which pipes of this material are made.

4-36 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Radial Yield Factor

This cell contains the radial yield factor of the material from which pipes
of this material are made. For certain pipe materials- notably the
corrosion-resistant alloys (CRAs)- the minimum yield strength (MYS)
may be anisotropic (that is, not be the same in all directions). In this
case, the MYS is based on the ax ial MYS, and factors arc used to reduce
the MYS in the radial and hoop directions.

Hoop Yield Factor

T hi s cell contains the hoop yield fac tor of the materia l fro m which pipes
of this material are made. For certain pipe materials- notably the
corrosion-resistant alloys (CRAs)- the minimum yield strength (MYS)
may be anisotropic (that is, not the same in all directions). In this case,
the MYS is based on the axial MYS, and factors are used to reduce the
MYS in the radial and hoop directions.

Temperature Deration Schedule Name

This cell contains a pull-down list of available temperature deration
schedules. The schedule is defin ed in a separate spreadsheet
(T emperature Deration) to capture the deration of the material's yie ld
strength as a function of temperature.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 4-37
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Expand the Tubular Properties node in the Well Explorer, and then
double-click Class to open the Class spreadsheet. You can also
right-cl ick Class and select Edit from the drop-down menu to open the
spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is used to compile a list of tubular classes
and associated properties. This list is used as a selection list while
defining a component using catalogs.

Class £!
r Locked
Service aass WtA Thickness(%) Description ...]
4 90 90.00 90
5 90% 90.00 90%Wal
6 93% 93.00 aass93
7 A<15 87.50 OOST A (I <1 Smm) .:.J
8 A>15 90.00 OOST A (t >1 Smm)
90%Wlll -
11 DSM2 95.00 95%RBM
12 I-fl 90.00 Premium Plus
OK Cancel Help

Class Spreadsheet Columns

Service Class
Enter a unique name to identify the class. The defined classes are used
as a selection list for defining the class of some components
using catalogs.

Wall Thickness (%)

Enter the percentage of the total wall thickness that is associated with
the specified service class. The wall thickness percentage is used to
calculate the existing outside diameter of the tubular.

Type a short description of the class.

4-38 StressCheck ™Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Temperature Derations
Expand the Tubular Properties node in the Well Explorer, and then
double-click Temperature Derations to open the Temperature Deration
spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is used to de fin e the schedule used to
derate the minimum yield strength of a material as a function of the

Temperature deration schedules are defined by a unique name. Each

schedule name is then further characterized by a multi-linear decay of
the yield strength versus temperature.

The default schedule entry can be edited but not deleted. This default
schedule corresponds to a linear reduction in yield strength of
0.03% per ° F. This schedule is used for the Steel (default) material that
describes the low-alloy carbon stee ls represented by the typical API pipe
grades in the inventory. Any new schedule created should have at least
two temperature deration points defined, as shown in the following
graphic, to capture the linear decay behavior.

Temperature Oeration (El

Denmon Name Correction A

1 13CR 0980
2 AAA 0 890
3 Chrome Steel 30200 0920
4 4 212 00 0 9'0
5 Fans 5 noo 1000
6 Hast-100 8
7 Hast-125
8 Hastaloy
9 Schedule I .., ..,
OK Caned Help

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 4-39
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 4: Getting Started

Temperature Deration Spreadsheet Columns

Temperature Deration Schedule Name

This cell contains the name of the temperature deration schedule whose
properties are being speci fied. No two entries should have the same
name. You may edit the default schedul.e properties, but you cannot
delete the entry.

Temperature Deration Points

Up to ten pairs of points can be specified to characterize the deration of
the material's yield strength as a function of temperature. Each pair of
points consists of a temperature and a correction facto r associated with
that temperature. The default schedule corresponds to a linear reduction
in yield strength of 0.03% per °F.

This pair is entered in the spreadsheet as the following two points:

Temperature (°F) Correction Factor

68 1.00

500 0.87

The default schedule can be modified (edited) if desired but not deleted.

4-40 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Well and Formation Information
The first stage of well design is to define the general well configu ration and formation
information, which defines the overall parameters governing the well conditions. All the
subsequent casing strings will use this global definition of the well.

StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 5-1
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Entering Well Data

This section shows the process of creating a new Design and entering
general well data, pore/frac/~eothennal gradients, pressure and fracture
gradient in the StressCheckT software. Next, a simple casing scheme is
defined, and then the data can be viewed graph ically in a
Well Schematic.

Creating a New Design

To create a new design, select a wellborc and right-click, then select
New Design. The Design Properties dialog box opens.

Design Properties {g)

Gene-al Audt Info I ~ tto:.irv !

""-' 1-type a
Effttln·e Date· l:J

lDFE 0 125.0 ft

Dab.In fle\abon• 125.0 ft

l A6 Gap tMSI.):
Mean ~a level
125.0 ft

t-\.dne Depth tMSl.l:
305.0 ft
~JO.O fl

Pcfit '- ~ l

Design Properties Dialog Box

The Design Properti es dialog box is used to create a new design and to
provide information regarding creation and modification of the design.
This dialog box contains two tabs: General and Audit.

5-2 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

General Tab (Design Properties Dialog Box)

Use the General tab to specify a unique design name that identifies the
design, and to provide additional information related to the design. This
tab is also used to lock the design andlor associated data to protect
against undesired changes to the data associated with the design. A
design name is required. Additional information on this dialog box is
used fo r informational and reporting purposes and is not required.

The following fie lds are present:

[n the Details section:

Design - Type the name that will be used to identify the Design.
The name must be unique.


lfthe Design is locked check box is selected, you cannot edit any of the fields.

• Version - Type the version of the Design.

• Phase - Select the phase of the Design from the pull-down list
(Prototype, Planned, or Actual). The list of phases that appears in
the combo box is fil tered; you can only have one Design marked as
" Planned" and one marked as "Actual." The Planned or Actual
option is removed from the pull-down list if another Design for the
same Wellbore already has it set. You can have as many Prototype
(the default) Des igns as desired.

• Effective Date - Select the date from the pull-down list. A calendar
dialog box will open. Use the arrow buttons on the calendar dialog
box to move to the desired month, and then click the day. The date
you select populates the field.

Click arrows to
change to desired

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Click on the 23 24 25 26 2728 29
desired day. -----+ • 31
C) Today: 30/08/2010

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 5-3
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

In the Depth Reference section:

Select the Depth Reference datum you want to use for th is Design from
the pull-down list of Depth Reference datums that were defined at the
Well level. All other fields are display-only or calculated:

• Datum Elevation - This shows a read-only display of the elevation

entered for the selected Depth Reference datum (set in the Well
Properties dialog box).

• Air Gap (MSL) or (Ground) - Air Gap is calcu lated from MSL
and displayed. Air Gap is the distance from ground level/sea level
to the rig floor. It is used in some calcu lations for hydrostatic head.
The application calculates Air Gap as follows:

- (Air Gap, Offshore Wells)= Datum Elevation - Elevation (of

the System Datum relative to Mean Sea Level).

- (Air Gap, land wells) = Datum Elevation - Ground Level

(relative to MSL).

Elevation and Ground Level are set in the Depth Reference tab on
the Well Properties dialog box.

Datum Elevation is the elevation for the Depth Reference Datum.

Datum Elevation is always positive. If you change the datum
selection, the Air Gap updates automatically.


If you change the datum and it causes a negative air gap to be calculated, a
warning message appears to infonn you that you cannot select this datum.

[System Datum I - This is the current System Datum.

• Mudline Depth (MSL) - (Offshore only) This is the distance from

MSL to the sea bed, which is Water Depth - Elevation (System
Datum offset from MSL), which is set in the Project Properties
dialog box.

• Mudline TVD - (Offshore only) This is the distance from the

Depth Reference Datum to the sea bed (datum Elevation +
Water Depth).

5-4 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Select the Design is locked check box to prevent editing of the Design
data. If this check box is se lected and a Locked Data password has been
specified, you will be prompted fo r the password before you can
deselect this check box. For more information, see " Data Locking" on
page 3-9.

Audit Tab (Design Properties Dialog Box)

The Audit tab displays when the Design was created, the last
modification date, and the person who changed the data. Audit tabs are
available on all data node properties dialog boxes.

You can track modification of data by using the Audit tab on the
Properties dialog box for each data type. Using the Well Explorer,
right-click on Company, Project, Site, Well, We llbore, or Design, and
then click the Audit tab.

Th is information This information indicates who created the

indicates who Company, Project, Site, Well, Wellbore,
modified the Design , and so on. Also displayed is the
Company, date the item was created and the
Project, Site, application that was used to create the item.
Well , Wellbore,
Design , and so
on . Also
displayed is the
date the item Last ~ted by

was modified User: HALAMEIUCA tibl5615(ed'n)

and the App: Str~sei-x 5000. 1 App: StressCnedt 5000. 1

Da~ : '30/08(2010 Date: '30/08/'2010
application that
was used to Notes
modify the item .

Type comments
as desired to
assist with
tracking the use
of the software.
New comments
are appended
to existing
OK Apply

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 5-5
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Change History Tab (Design Properties Dialog Box)

The Change History tab provides historical audit information related to
Wellbores, Designs, and Cases in the associated Properties dialog
boxes. The Change History tab is populated by Engineer's Desktop
applications whenever additions, deletions, or modifications to design
entered data are made. Specifically, changes are recorded when a user
adds to, updates, deletes, runs (WELLPLAN and COMPASS
software only), and copies data within EDM™.


Use ChangeHistoryLogging systems setting in the EDM Administration Utility to

enable or disable the recording of Change History. See EDM Administration
Utility Help for details.

Entering General Well Information

Select the Wellbore >General> Options tab to specify:

• A description of the well

• Well depth (MD)

• Vertical section definition and local reference information (when

the well is deviated)

- --
Well Depth is
General L8J required to
access most of
Select the Options IComme1ts I the remaining
Comments tab data entry forms.
to enter
:fm The depth should
additional Well
such as
0rlQll1 N:
Wei Depth (M:>) : 1163.30.0
_ ---;_.. be greater than or
equal to the shoe
of the deepest
location. Azmuth: j 33.00 string defined in
Comments are the Wellbore >
optional. Casing and
OK I- -
- ~ Tubing Scheme

5-6 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Field and Controls

The Description can include general remarks about the Well, such as the
name, field, and lease. This description is included on the bottom of all
printed documents if the Headers and Footers check box is selected on
the Tools > Options dialog box.

Well Depth (MD)

The Well Depth is the along-hole measured depth (MD) of the Well.
This depth should be greater than or equal to the shoe of the deepest
string defined in the Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme
spreadsheet. When the well depth is defined as a depth greater than the
setting depth for the last casing (or liner) string, the assumption of
drill-out in the resulting final open-hole interval is made in the
formulation of load cases.

This depth is required as a reference point for automatically generating

data, such as the undisturbed temperature, pore pressure, fracture
pressure, and wellbore deviation profiles. It is also used to determine
whether drilling loads will be enabled for a selected string on the
Tubular > Burst Loads and Tubular > Collapse Loads dialog boxes.

Origin N
The Origin N value describes the North distance from the wellhead to
the local origin. The default value for Origin N is 0.0 (the wellhead is
positioned at the local origin). Non-zero values for Origin N cause a
displacement of the well path origin (wellhead) from the local origin
(plot origin) on View> Deviation Plots> Section View and View>
Deviation Plots> Plan View deviation plots. It also affects the
VSection data in the Survey Ed itor spreadsheet; positive values for
Origin N indicate North displacements from wellhead to local origin,
while negative values indicate South displacements.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 5-7
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Origin E
The Origin E value describes the East distance from the wellhead to the
loca l origin. The default value for Origin Eis 0.0 (the wellhead is
positioned at the local origin). Non-zero values for Origin E cause a
displacement of the well path origin (wellhead) from the local origin
(plot origin) on View> Deviation Plots> Section View and View>
Deviation Plots > Plan View deviation plots. It also affects the
VSection data in the Wellbore >Deviation> Survey Editor
spreadsheet; positive values for Origin E indicate East displacements
from wellhead to local origin, while negative values indicate
West displacements.

The Azimuth value describes the orientation of a vertical plane onto
which the wellpath vertical section is projected. The default value for
Azimuth is 0.0 (due north).

Entering Pore Pressure Data

Select the Wellbore >Pore Pressure spreadsheet to define the pore
pressure or gradient profile as a function of true vertical depth. This data
is used to calculate external pressure profiles and to provide default
values for load cases specified in the Burst Loads and Collapse Loads
dialog boxes. This spreadsheet is always included in the Wizard list.

Pressures can only be entered on a TVD

basis and can be specified as either a
pressure or an equivalent mud weight
(EMW). The StressCheck software
automatically calculates the other value.

Enter pore pressure You can specify the

data from top down on location of permeable
this spreadsheet. 1 zones on this form. The
2 1476.0 8.21 No base of the zone is
3 1804.0 8.35 No assumed to be the depth
4 1969.0 860.2 8.41 No of the next data point.
Permeable zone data can
be used to calculate
external pressure profiles.

5-8 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

The pore pressure profile can be viewed graphically by using View >
Formation Plots> Pore Pressure or View> Formation Plots> Pore,
Frac & MW. In the latter case, pore pressure is characterized as an
effective mud weight (EMW) gradient.

Pore Pressure Spreadsheet Columns

Abrupt escalations or regressions in the pore pressure profile can be
established by entering two depths separated by one depth unit on
successive lines, along with respective pore pressure or EMW entries.

Vertical Depth
Use the Vertical Depth cell to specify a TVD (true vertical depth)
corresponding to a given pore pressure. Between depth entries, the pore
pressure profile is constructed by linear interpolation.

The Vertical Depth cell for the first line is ini ti aIized to the depth
corresponding to MGL (mean ground level) for land wells, or the depth
corresponding to ML (mudline) for platform and subsea wells. It reflects
the System Datum set in the Project Properties dialog box and elevation
specifications set on the General tab of the Well Properties dialog box.

Pore Pressure
Use the Pore Pressure cell to specify a pore pressure corresponding to a
TVD in the Vertical Depth cel l. When a value is changed in the Pore
Pressure cell, the EMW cell value is automatically calculated, and
vice versa.

Use the EMW cell to specify an effective mud weight pore pressure
gradient corresponding to a TYO in the Vertical Depth cell. When a
value is changed in the EMW cell, the value in the Pore Pressure cell
value is automatically calculated, and vice versa.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1.7 Training Manual 5-9
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Permeable Zones
The Permeable Zone cell is used in association with the external
pressure method for burst or collapse load generation. If the wellbore is
exposed to a permeable zone at the specified depth, select Yes for the
setting in this cell. When selected, the permeable zone begins at the
depth for the entry and continues until the next specified depth in the
Wellbore > Pore Pressure spreadsheet.

Entering Fracture Gradient Data

Select the Wellbore >Fracture Gradient spreadsheet to define the
fracture pressure or gradient profile as a function of true vertical depth.
The fracture pressure profile can be viewed graphically using View >
Formation Plots > Fracture Gradient or View > Formation Plots >
Pore, Frac & MW. In the View> Formation Plots> Pore, Frac &
MW, fracture pressure is characterized as an EMW gradient.

Pressures can only be entered on a TVD basis and can be specified as

either a pressure or an equivalent mud weight (EMW). The StressCheck
software automatically calculates the other value.

Enter fracture gradient

data from top down on
this spreadsheet.
3 1804.0 1068.3 11 40
4 1~9.0 1182.4 11.56
5 2297.o· 1420.0 11.90


The data entered on the Fracture Gradient spreadsheet arc used as boundary
conditions in the calculation of certain external pressure profiles and to provide
default values for load cases specified in the Tubular> Burst Loads and
Tubular> Collapse Loads dialog boxes.

Fracture Gradient Spreadsheet Columns

Abrupt escalations or regressions in the fracture gradient profile can be
established by entry of two depths separated by one depth unit on
successive lines, along w ith respective fracture pressure or
EMW entries.

5-10 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Vertical Depth
Use this cell to specify a TVD (true vertical depth) corresponding to a
given fracture pressure. Between depth entries, the fracture pressure
profile is constructed by linear interpolation. Abrupt escalations or
regressions in the fracture pressure profile can be established by
entering two depths separated by one depth unit on successive lines,
along with respective fracture pressure or EMW entries. The Vertical
Depth cell for the first line in this spreadsheet is initialized to the depth
corresponding to MGL (mean ground level) for land wells, or the depth
corresponding to ML (mudline) for platform and subsea wells. It reflects
the System Datum set on the General tab of the Project Properties dialog
box and elevation specifications on the General tab of the Well
Properties dialog box.

Frac Pressure
Use the Frac Pressure cell to specify a fracture pressure corresponding
to a TVD in the Vertical Depth cell. When a value is entered or changed
in the Frac Pressure cell, the value in the EMW cell is automatically
calculated, and vice versa.

Use the EMW cell to specify an effective mud weight fracture pressure
gradient corresponding to a TVD in the Vertical Depth cell. When a
value is entered or changed in the EMW cell, the value in the Frac
Pressure cell is automatically calculated, and vice versa.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1.7 Training Manual 5-11
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Defining a Squeezing Salt/Shale Zone

Select the Wellbore >Squeezing Salt/Shale spreadsheet to define
squeezing salt or shale sections for collapse design. This spreadsheet is
used to enter collapse loads due to formations, such as sa lt zones that
exhibit plastic flow or creep behavior. Over the depth interval(s) for
which they are specified, these loads will replace the external pressure
profile specified in the Tubular> Collapse Loads dialog box. The
external collapse load is normally assumed to be equal to the overburden
pressure and this load is applied uniformly to the pipe OD.

To define a zone, the Zone TVD and Base If no specific pressures are
TVD values are required. Data is only known, then 1.0 psi/ft is
entered for TVD values, either as a used through the salt zone.
pressure or a pressure gradient/EMW.

1 0.01 0.01

Pressures must be specified at both the top and base of a zone. The
pressures at intermediate depths within a zone are determined by
linear interpolation.

Squeezing Salt/Shale Spreadsheet Columns

Zone Top
Use the Zone Top TYO cell to specify the TYO (true vertical depth) to
the top of the salt zone. The portion of the string exposed to this high
collapse load is defined by the values specified for Zone Top and
Zone Base.

Zone Base
Use the Base TYO cell to specify the TYO (true vertical depth)
corresponding to the base of the salt zone. The portion of the string
exposed to this high collapse load is defined by the values specified for
Zone Top and Zone Base.

5-12 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Overburden Pressure at Top, (psi)

Use the Overburden Pressure at Top (psi) cell to specify the collapse
pressure to which the string will be exposed at the top of the zone. When
data in this cell is entered or changed, the corresponding value in the
(ppg) cell is automatically calculated, and vice versa.

Overburden Pressure at Top, (ppg)

Use the Overburden Pressure at Top (ppg) cell to speci fy the collapse
effective mud weight gradient to which the string wi11 be exposed at the
top of the zone. When data in this cell is entered or c hanged, the
corresponding value in the (psi) cell is automatically calculated, and
vice versa.

Overburden Pressure at Base, (psi)

Use the Overburden Pressure at Base (psi) ce ll to specify the collapse
pressure to which the string will be exposed at the base of the zone.
When data in this ce ll is entered or changed, the corresponding value in
the (ppg) cell is automatically calculated, and vice versa.

Overburden Pressure at Base, (ppg)

Use the Overburden Pressure at Base (ppg) cell to spec ify the collapse
pressure to which the string will be exposed at the base of the zone.
When data in thi s cell is entered or changed, the corresponding value in
the (psi) cell is automatically calculated, and vice versa.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 5-13
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Managing Wei/path Data

Entering Wellpath Data

Select the Wellbore > Wellpath Editor spreadsheet to define a
wellbore trajectory description for planar and three-dimensional
directional wells.
The three preferred methods For all data entry types, a larger dogleg can be specified in the
(MD-INC-AZ, INC-AZ-TVD, Max Dogleg field for build and drop sections. These Max Doglegs
and INC-AZ-DLS) can be are utilized in bending analysis. Additional doglegs can be
used in any combination at specified on the Wellbore > Dogleg Overrides (independent of
different depths. deviation) spreadsheet. Maximum Dogleg values do not affect the
well trajectory.

2 MO-INC-AZ 100.0 0 00 000 000 0.00

3 MO-INC-AZ 200.0 0 00 0.00 000 0.00 0.0 00
4 MD-INC-AZ DlO 000 0.00 DJO 0.00 0.00 0.0 00
5 MD-INC-AZ 4000 0 00 0.00 4000 000 0.00 0.0 00
6 MD-INC-AZ 500 0 000 000 500.0 000 0.00 00 00
7 MD-INC-AZ 600 0 0.00 0.00 600.0 000 0.00 0.0 00
8 MD-INC-AZ 700 0 000 0 00 700.0 000 0.00 00 00
9 MD-INC-AZ 8000 000 0 00 8000 000 0.00 00 00

When data values are entered , calculation of those values not entered is performed.

StressCheck versions prior to V3. l used direct linear interpolation

between depths in the wellpath trajectory definition in order to map MD
and TVD at particular depths that are points-of-interest from a
computational point-of-view, a methodology with inherent error
(particularly for sparse well traj ectory definitions). With
implementation of the Wellbore >Deviation> S urvey Editor , the
StressCheck software now uses minimum curvature interpolation for all
point-of-interest mapping of MD and TYO, except where the MD-TYO
data input format has been used.

There are three preferred methods used to specify a well profile. These
methods are used in the preceding example. These can be used in any
combination at di fferent depths:

• Measured Depth, Inclination, and Azimuth (MD-INC-AZ)

• Inclination, Azimuth, and True Vertical Depth (INC-AZ-TYO)
• Inclination, Azimuth, and Dogleg Severity (INC-AZ-DLS)

5-14 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information


You must use type I (MD-INC-AZ) as the starting type, and not INC-AZ-T YO
or INC-AZ-DLS types.

There is a fourth data entry method that cannot be mixed with the
previous three:

Measured Depth and True Vertical depth pairs. Any attempt to mix
this type with the other types will produce a warning message.


Because the MD-TYO method does not calculate dogleg severity, stress
calculations are nol perfonned.

Import Wellpath File

Select the File> I mport> Wellpath dialog box to import and load
delimited text survey files created by a di ffe rent program (for examp le,
the Landmark COMPASS software) into the Wellpath Editor.

File format must be Import Wellpath File ~rg}

ASCII text, and it must Lookn
be formatted as
specified below. ~I Weloa!h for EDM tranio.txt
r rN-HOUSE Comection TO. txt


Fte name !EJSOP1_Welpath for EDM tninng b.t Open

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 5-15
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

The format for survey files to be imported into the Wellbore >
Wellpath Editor with this utility command are indicated below.

The file must be tabular delimited text, and use any combination of
spaces, tabs, or commas as field delimiters.

• Column l is reserved for measured depth, and measured depth

values must be in increasing order and positive values.

• Column 2 is reserved for inclination.

• Column 3 is reserved for azimuth, and azimuth values must be

0.0° <AZ< 360.0°.

Dogleg Severity Overrides Spreadsheet

Select the Wellbore >Dogleg Severity Overrides spreadsheet to
define intervals of wellbore curvature independent of the deviation
profile defined in the Survey Editor. This spreadsheet is used to enter
dogleg severity (DLS) data, as a function of measured depth interval,
that will be used (if greater) to override DLS or Max DLS data in the
Wellbore > Wellpath Editor spreadsheet for the purpose of bending
stress calculation.

Additional tension due to bending is superimposed onto the axial load profile
based on the maximum local value of doglegs specified on th is form and the
Wellbore > Deviation > Survey Editor spreadsheet.

Base, MD (ft)
1 5970.0
2 6300.0 9689.0 1.00
3 10500.0 16329.0 1.00

Dogleg Severity Overrides can be used to include consideration of

bending in vertical wells.

5-16 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Dogleg Severity Overrides Spreadsheet Columns

Use the Top cell to specify the measured depth at which the interval for
which the dogleg severity override will apply begins.

Use the Base cell to specify the measured depth at whi ch the interval for
which the dogleg severity override will apply ends.

Dogleg Severity
Use the DLS cell to specify a dogleg severity override to be used over
the measured depth interval defined by Top and Base.


The DLS intervals specified in Well bore> Dogleg Sever ity Overrides c an overlap
intervals for which DLS and Max DLS are defined in the Wellbore > Deviation>
Survey Editor spreadsheet. At any depth. the greater of the three will prevail in the
detennination of bending stress. Dogleg Severity Overrides will be reflected. where
they prevail over other local DLS definitions (DLS or Max DLS in the Survey
Editor spreadsheet), in the View > Dogleg Severity Profile plot.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 5-17
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Viewing the Dogleg Overrides Graphically

You can view the dogleg severity overrides using the View >
Deviation > Dogleg Severity Profile plot.

Dogleg Severity Profile


!:. 4000 -----1--
--~-- --~ - -- -~-----~----~-~

~ 8000 - ----LI -
- -L ----J---- ~ --- --L ----L-J



'i... I I I

a 12000 ------- I

- - r----1----~-----~----r-1


16000 - - - - - - - - r - - -- 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - ,- - - - - r - ,

0.0 0.6 1.3 1.9 2.6 3.2 3.9

Dogleg Severity ( /100ft)

5-18 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Defining the Geothermal Gradient

Select the Well bore > Geothermal Gradient> Standard tab to specify
basic formation temperature data.

Geothetmdl Gtddoent £1
Standard Addt()MI 1
The Mud line field displays only when the
Offshore check box is selected on the
Strlace~: rao.o- "f

Mudlroe. ~ Of
Well Properties dialog box.
Temp at Well TD: 13c><$.Oft 00

r. Temperature f2SQ.O" Of
Cl Gradelt r:-:-- Of/ IOOft

The default values are 80° F at the surface, 40° F at the mudline, and a
1.5° Fil 00 ft gradient to the well TD. You can add additional
intermediate temperature points on the Wellbore >Geothermal
Gradient > Additional tab.

Fields and Controls

Surface Ambient
The Surface Ambient temperature for an onshore well is the temperature
at MOL. For an offshore we ll (select the Offshore check box on the
Well Properties dialog box) , the surface ambient temperature represents
the air temperature above MSL. The defau lt surface ambient
temperature is 80° F.

The Mudline temperature field displays if the Offshore check box is
se lected on the Well Properties dialog box. The water temperature
profile will be linear between the surface ambient temperature at MSL
and the specified temperature at the mudline. The default mudline
temperature is 40° F.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 5-19
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Temp at Well TD Fields

The temperature at the well TD can be explicitly specified or calculated
from a gradient specification. To enter the value explicitly, select the
Temperature option and enter the temperature at the TYO
corresponding to the well TD. The well TD is specified on the
Wellbore >General> Options tab as MD, but it is displayed on this
tab as TYD for convenient reference.

The Temperature and Gradient options are mutually exclusive. The

Temperature field is disabled if the Gradient option is selected, and
vice versa.

The default temperature value at the well TD is computed using a 1.5° Fl

100 ft gradient. If the Temperature option is selected, the calculated
gradient changes with variation in temperature at the surface for an
onshore well or mudline for an offshore well, a change in TYO at the
mudlinc or well TD, or a change in wellbore deviation.

The temperature at the well TD can be calculated from a gradient or
specifi ed explicitly. To calculate the value from a gradient, select the
Gradient option and enter the gradient value. The temperature at the
well TD is then calculated based on the gradient and the surface ambient
temperature at MGL for an onshore well, or the mudline temperature at
the mudline depth for an offshore well.

The default gradient is 1.5° F/ 100 ft. If the Gradient option is selected,
the calculated temperature changes with variation of temperature at the
surface for an onshore wel I or mudline for an offshore well, a change in
TYO at the mudline or well TD, or a change in wellbore deviation.

What Effect Does Temperature Have on the Analysis?

Changing the temperature profi le affects the worst-case temperature
profiles calculated for each burst and collapse load case.

5-20 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Temperatures have the fo llowing effects in the StressCheck software:

• Infl uence axial load distributions for all burst and collapse loads
based on an undisturbed initial temperature and a worst-case
temperature profi le.

• Derate yield strength, and therefore, the pipe rating. To include

temperature deration, select the Temperature Deration check box
on the Tubular > Design Parameters dialog box.

• Influence the temperature and dependent gas densi ty profiles in

some burst load cases.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 5-21
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Define the Casing and Tubing Scheme

Select the Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet to
create and modify the preliminary well design. Each row specifies basic
information about a single casing string.

Pipes should be entered in The default Hanger depths for casing

the order in which they are The pipe Name and Type and tieback strings are based on
run in the well (for example, pull-down lists contain whether the well is an onshore, offshore
Conductor, Surface, industry-standard terms. platform, or subsea well. The hanger
Intermediate, and so on). depths can be modified.

sured Depths (ft)

Shoe TOC
30" Conductor Casing 36.000 600.0 430.0
2 24" Surface Casing 26.000 30.0 1141 .2 752.0 8.50
3 18 518" Intermediate Casing .000 30.0 2975.8 1632.7 9.22
4 16" Intermediate Casing .500 30.0 9135.5 4456.3 11.61
5 13 518" Intermediate Casing .750 30.0 12025.4 8360.2 13.90
6 9 518" Protective Casing .250 30.0 14623.1 12500.0 15.13
7 7" Production Liner .500 14323.0 16329.7 14323.0 11 .01
8 ...
1.050 ,.
1.315 The Hole Size pull-down list contains The Mud at Shoe
1.660 common bit sizes that can be modified density field contains
1.900 or added to by selecting Tools> the density values of the
2.063 Defaults > Bit Sizes. mud in which the casing
2 318" string was run
2 718" and cemented .
3 112·
4· The OD pull-down list is
4 112· populated by the ODs in the
5" v
current Tubular > Pipe
Inventory spreadsheet.

The data entered on this spreadsheet is used to provide default values

when specifying load cases on the Tubular> Burst Loads, Tubular>
Collapse Loads, and Tubular> Axial Loads dialog boxes, and when
graphically designing casing strings in the View> Design Plots> Burst
Design, View > Design Plots > Collapse Design, View > Design Plots
> Axial Design, and View > Design Plots > Triaxial Design plots.

5-22 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

To enter and modify more detailed data about each string, use the
commands under the Tubular menu. To view the casing scheme
graphically, use View> Well Schematic.


Production load cases can only be specified for strings whose Name has been
designated as Production.

Fields and Controls

This cell has a pull-down list that has all ODs found in the pipe
inventory. If the required OD is not in this list, at least one pipe with this
OD must be added to the Tubular > Pipe Inventory spreadsheet.


The StressCheck software permits the entry of tapered (multiple OD) strings.
However, tapered strings cannot be specified explicitly on this spreadsheet. To
design a tapered string, use the Tubular > String Sections spreadsheet to add
additional detail to the string design following the entry of the OD of the smallest
tapered string on the Wellbore > Casing and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet.

The Name cell is used for reference and to determine applicable load
cases. For this reason, it must be selected from the choices on the
pull-down list for the cell. The available choices are Conductor, Surface,
Intermediate, Drilling, Protective, and Production. For a particular
string, you must select Production to enable most production loads on
the Tubular> Burst Loads and Tubular> Collapse Loads
dialog boxes.

Use the Type cell to open a list contain ing casing, liner, and tieback
string types. The Type selection dictates default values used on this
spreadsheet and when selecting load cases on the Tubular> Burst
Loads and Tubular > Collapse Loads dialog boxes.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 5-23
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

When the Casing or Tieback types arc specified, the Hanger cell is
immediately assigned a default value. This feature is provided to help
ensure data consistency, but the hanger depth default can be
subsequently mod ifi ed; the default hanger depth is intended to closely
approximate the depth of the wellhead.

For onshore wells, the default depth is the depth corresponding to MGL
(that is, the elevation value specified on the Project Properties dialog
box). The default depth is zero for platform wells and the mudline depth
for subsea well s. For strings of type Liner, the hanger depth cell remains
undefined until a value is entered.


If the Type cell contents are modified after data is entered in the Hanger cell, the
contents of the Hanger cell may automatically change to maintain data consistency.
For example, if a casing or tieback is changed to a liner, the Hanger cell is
automatically cleared, and requires the entry of a hanger depth. Similarly, if a liner
is changed to a casing or tieback, the previously entered hanger depth is also
changed to the default wellhead depth.

Hole Size
Use the Hole Size cell to specify an open hole size greater than the
diameter specified in the OD ce ll. The Hole Size cell contains a
pull-down list having common bit sizes, whi ch are specified on the
Tools> Defaults> Bit Sizes dialog box. The list of available hole sizes
can be supplemented with entries in the Bit Sizes dialog box.

This cell is disabled if Tieback is specifted in the T ype cell for the string,
because tiebacks are not run in open hole.

5-24 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Use the Hanger cell to specify the depth corresponding to the top of the
stri ng. When the Casing or Tieback types are specifi ed, the Hanger cell
is immediately assigned a default value. This feature is provided to help
ensure data consistency, but the hanger depth default may be
subsequently mod ified. For casing and tiebacks, the default hanger
depth is intended to closely approximate the depth of the wellhead. For
onshore wells, the default hanger depth is the depth corresponding to
MGL (that is, the elevation value specified on the Project Properties
dialog box). The defau lt depth is zero for platform wells and the mud line
depth for subsea wells. For strings of type Liner, the Hanger cell remains
undefined until a value is entered.


The contents of the Hanger cell may automatically change to maintain data
consistency if the content of the Type cell is altered. For additional infonnation,
refer to the discussion on the Type cell.

Use the Shoe cell to specify the depth corresponding to the base of the
casing string. For a tieback , a shoe depth must be specified that
corresponds to the hanger depth for a liner.

Use the TOC cell to specify the top of cement (TOC) that will affect the
external pressure profi le, the axial load profile for service loads, and the
triaxial analysis. For a fully cemented string, set the TOC value equal to
the depth specified in the Hanger cell. For a partial ly cemented string,
set the TOC value greater (deeper) than the hanger depth.


For an uncemented string, set the TOC value equal to the string shoe depth. Do not
specify a value less than hanger depth for any string.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 5-25
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Mud at Shoe
Use the Mud at Shoe cell to specify the density of the mud in which the
casing string was run and cemented. This density is used to calculate a
hydrostatic external pressure profile outside the casing above TOC. It is
also used in certain burst and collapse load cases as the mud density used
during drilling below the prior string. Deteriorated mud densities can be
specified on the Tubular > Burst Loads > Options and Tubular>
Collapse Loads > Options tabs.


The mud at the shoe is the mud in which the casing string was run. If a different
density fluid is used to displace the cement during the cement job, enter this fluid
on the Initial Conditions> Cementing and Landing tab.

5-26 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Well Schematic
Select View> Well Schematic to display a graphical representation that
characterizes the casing strings and other information specified on the
Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet. This schematic
can also be displayed in any tab by selecting it from the View menu .

The Well Schematic can be plotted as a

function of either MD or TVD.

" l" 81Jl>J "J H !I r I d .d .- !,,,.....,...""' 3 For this example,

select the 9 518"
$ m.t:1 MD _lli rr fJ. ~ J!IMI r---3 ~:~~ production casing .
II: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 185/S'"l~Caono
• 16" lnlerrne6ole Camg
~'m ~ii!iliil. . .L-__-L.
'~ennedate You can select it by
7'Ptock.c:-l#ler selecting it from the
pull-down list or by
Mean Sea Level (125.0 ft)
430.0 ft "'-id l.i1e (430.0 ft) highlighting it on the
000.0 ft roe
7S2.0 ft 30" ConcU:tor Cdsh;i schematic.
lH l.2 ft TOC
. - - _ 24 • casaio
1632.7 ft

2975.Sft --~

4456.J ft ••J1 1.- - - roe

8300.2 ft roe
9135.5 ft 16 • lntatmedlate Casn;i To display cement,
right-click the
schematic, and
select Properties.
12025.4 ft 13 5/8" lnteimedate CASrlQ
12500.0 ft TOC On the Well
1432'3.0 ft TOC Properties dialog
14523.1 ft 9 5/8" ProtectNe Casi'1Q box, select the
Cement check box,
16329.7 ft 7" ProdJction Lrler then click OK.

The current casing string is highlighted in red. The name, OD, and shoe
depth are shown at the shoe of each string. Most commands found under
the Tubular menu apply only to the current string.

To select a casing string for design or analysis, click the string section.
Alternatively, use the Wizard toolbar pull-down list of casing strings, or
select Tubular> Current String.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 5-27
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Defining Production Data

Select the Wellbore > Production Data dialog box to specify the
packer depth and packer fluid density as well as the perforation depth
and properties of the produced fluid. This information is used when
defining the internal pressure profiles for production load cases on the
Tubular> Burst Loads and Tubular> Collapse Loads dialog boxes.

Production Data ~

Fluid Oensty: le.33 PP9

p~ Depth, 1'(): I1s200.o ft
C4ncel I
Apply I
Raset\'Or Data
Perforation Depth, I16100.0 ~

r. Gas Gravity:

r. Gas/Of Gracflent: I psi/ft

Fields and Controls

Fluid Density
Use the Fluid Density fteld to specify the density of the packer fl uid. To
facilitate what-if investigations and the construction of worst-case
collapse load scenarios, the packer fluid density specified here can be
independently overridden for the producti on coll apse load case by
selecting the Above/Below Packer check box on the Tubular >
Collapse Loads > E dit tab. The default value is 8.60 ppg
(seawater density).

Packer Depth
Use the Packer Depth field to enter the measured depth the packer will
be set in a production casing or liner. The default value is the well depth
specified on the Wellbore >General> Options tab.

Perforation Depth, MD
Use the Perforation Depth field to enter the measured depth of the
perforations. The default value is the well depth specified on the
Wellbore >General> Options tab.

5-28 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Gas Gravity
Select Gas Gravity to use it as the means for gas density
characterization. When Gas Gravity is used, a temperature-dependent
and pressure-dependent compressibility factor is determined based on a
simple gas composition for the specified gravity. This compressibi lity
factor is used to calculate a gas density profile and surface pressure if the
T ubing Leak load case is selected on the Tubular> Burst Loads dialog
box. The default value of 0.70 is used for gas gravity.

Gas/Oil Gradient
When Gas/Oil Gradient is selected as the means fo r gas density
characterization, the specified gradient is used to calculate the surface
pressure when the Tubing Leak load case is selected on the Tubular >
Burst Loads dialog box. The default value of O. l psi/ft is used for the
gas/oil gradient.

Setting Up Tabs
Tabs allow you to view text and graphical data in multiple window
layers. These results may be organized in logical groups.

Tabs ~

Work Close
Design Help
Collapse Up
Triaxial I ix-i I
New I

P Lock Tab

Tabs can be created, deleted, renamed, and ordered from the Tabs dialog
box on the View menu.

The Lock Tab check box disables the Delete and Rename buttons and
places a small lock icon on the tab. After a tab is locked, the contents of
the view cannot be changed. Any user can unlock a locked tab.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 5-29
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Splitting Windows into Panes

Each tab can be split into panes. You can change the size of the pane as
needed. Plots and spreadsheets can be opened in the panes. Panes are
used in the StressCheck software to place input and output data for quick
reference and printing.

Use this bar

....-nm---mr.--.-- - . .S..Lllo4(0.0 fl.•
to split the
f!Jllt-. l"""'_Cllo . . . . t.U P. ll,4W A M.d!IW (4lll.Oft>
f\'• ~· W <c;n:M"1C~

·/(11 -- window
t "L osorn,,.,1»1111) "'''"
t6dt.O ll l0C
. . . . . ire:
y ,_,.u_.._
• lt i..t............

: ~==--

:::g: :~
= = :h
- -'-If .,...~- '1 $!$", \Ul,W), U.~ QOtO. HQ, O!m,o;iq.(-q
Cl1"N(IXf\ it(. P.UO

Use this bar to split the window vertically.

The maximum number of panes set horizontally or vertically is two.

Splitting the Tab into Vertical Panes

• Double-click the split button located on the far left of the horizontal
scroll bar.

• Alternatively, you can drag the vertical splitter bar into position
using the mouse.

By default, the well schematic always appears in a new pane.

5-30 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Splitting the Tab into Horizontal Panes

• Double-click the split button located on the top right of the
vertical scroll bar.

• Alternatively, you can drag the horizontal splitter bar into

position by using the mouse.

Changing the Contents of the Pane

To change the contents of the pane, select the pane by clicking inside it.
Then, select the spreadsheet, table, or plot you want to display from the
menu bar.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 5-31
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

5-32 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Tubular Load Data
Now you have entered all the general and formation information. The Wizard has grown to the
maximum size, allowing you to continue to enter the specific tubular and loading information for
the casing you wish to design.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 6-1
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Entering Design Parameters

Use Tubular> Design Parameters to specify tubular design factors

and analysis options. This data is used in the definition of load cases and
in the control of design and analysis logic.

Design Parameters: 9 5/8" Production Casing ~

Desit,;n F~s I Analysis Options I
Enter the Pipe Pipe6ody ConnectJon
Connection design
Design Factors as
specified here.
&rst: rm &sst,tteak: j i.100 factors are optional
Axial Axial and default to the
Tension: Iuxi Tension: j 1.300 default pipe body
values if left blank.
Compr~SIOl'I: j 1.JOO I
Compresslon: L 300

Colapse: I1.000
Tnaxial: ! 1.250

OK Cancel I_ Apply J _ Hep _J

Design Parameters: 9 5/8" Production Casing r8J

Drift diameter defaults
DeSlgl Factors Analysis Opbons j based on the next hole
De5191 Constraiit OD defined in
Mn internal 0rift I~ Wellbore > Casing
and Tubing Scheme.
Select these ~Options
options for this No pipe with a drift
P' Sngle External Pr~SlXe Profie
section of the - - - 1 - 1 diameter smaller than
P Temperatixe Deraboo
the value shown here
training. P' to FractJse at Shoe will be considered in the
r Use Bc.rst WaJ Thickness ii Trlaxial

OK Apply

Design parameters are defined for the current string, and can therefore
be specified independently for each string defined in the Casing Scheme
spreadsheet. To change the currently selected string, use Tubular>
Current String or the Select String pull-down list on the
Wizard toolbar.

6-2 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Specifying the Initial Conditions

Select the Tubular > Initial Conditions dialog box to define initial
conditions for the current string to be used with load cases selected in
the Tubular> Burst Loads, Tubular> Collapse Loads, and
Tubular> Axial Loads (service loads only) dialog boxes. You
can define:

cementing and landing conditions, such as fluid densities, applied

surface pressure, whether the float failed, and pickup and
slackoff forces

• initial-condition temperature profiles (default or user-defined)

This data is used to define load cases, determine the initial state of the
casing, and dictate design and analysis logic.

Initial conditions data is defined on a per-string basis; that is, different

initial conditions data can be defined for each string in the Casing
Scheme spreadsheet. To change strings, use the Tubular> Current
String dialog box or the Select String pull-down list on the Wizard
toolbar. The Cementing and Landing and Temperature tabs are used to
specify these conditions.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 6-3
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Defining Cementing and Landing Data

Cementing and landing data are entered on the Tubular > Initial
Conditions > Cement and Landing tab to establish, for the current
string, the post-cementing hydrostatic profile for certain burst (for
example, Green Cement Pressure Test), collapse (for example,
Cementing), and axial (for example, Post-Cement Static) load cases.
Also use it to establish hydrostatic and applied loads for cemented and
landed casing as an initial condi tion to subsequent loads and
displacements that may develop from load cases selected on the
T ubular> Burst Loads> Select, T ubular> Collapse Loads> Select,
and Tubular > Axial Loads > Select tabs.

Initial conditions are entered on a per string basis .

Initial Conditions: 9 5/8" Production Casing ~
CementnQ Md Lancing IT~atia-e ]
The default Mix-water
Cementing Data
Density is based on
The default slurry Mx·Water Density (ppg)
fresh water.
densities are based Lead Sbry Density (ppg) 15.20
on Class G ~ Tai Sbry Density (ppo} tS.60
neat cement. Tai Skny l~th (ft} 500.0 The default
Olsplacenent FUd Density {ppo) H .80 Displacement Fluid
Float Colar Depth, M) (ft} 11620.0 Density and Float
r ~ Slrface Pre:ssu-e (psi)
Collar Depth values are
based on data entered
r FloatF'*d
on the Wellbore >
Casing and Tubing
landlno Data Scheme spreadsheet.
r Pickup Force {bf)
r. Slackoff Force (bf) lo


This data is defined on a per-string basis. Different Cementing and

Landing data can be defined for each string in the Wellbore > Casing
and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet. To change strings, use the Tubular >
C urrent String dialog box or the Select String pull-down list on the
Wizard toolbar.

The Tubular> Initial Conditions> Cement and Landing tab is

always accessible from the Wizard by using the Tubular> Initial
Conditions dialog box.

6-4 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data


Mix-Water Density
Enter the density of the mix-water used to prepare lead and (if selected)
tail cement slurries for single-stage primary cementation of the current
string. This fluid density is used in the formulation of certain burst- and
collapse-load external profiles over cemented intervals (for example,
Mud and Cement Mix-Water, and Permeable Zones). The default value
for Mix-Water Density is 8.33 ppg.

Lead Slurry Density

Enter the density of the lead cement slurry used for single-stage primary
cementation of the current string. This fluid density is used in the
formulation for determining the initial axial load distribution of the
current string after cement placement, but before applying pickup or
slackoff landing loads.

The length of the cemented interval is established separately by the

specification of TOC for the current string in the Wellbore >Casing
and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet.

The default value for lead slurry density is 15.8 ppg (neat API Class
G cement).

Tail Slurry Density

Select the Tail Slurry Density check box if both lead and tail slurries
are used for single-stage primary ccmentation of the current string, and
enter the tail s lurry density. The Tail Slurry Length must also be
specified. The length of the lead slurry is established separately by the
specification of TOC for the current string in the Well bore> Casing
and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet. These values, along with the lead
slurry density, are used in the formulation for determining the initial
axial load distribution of the current string after cement placement, but
before application of pick-up or slack-off landing loads.

The Tail Slurry Length field is disabled if this check box is not selected.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 6-5
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Tail Slurry Length

Use the Tail Slurry Length to enter the final placement length of the tail
slurry column if both lead and tail slurries are used for single-stage
primary cementation of the current string. This value is used in the
formulation for determining the initial axial load distribution of the
current string after cement placement, but before application of pick-up
or slack-off landing loads.

The Tail Slurry Length field is disabled if the Tail Slurry Density check
box is not selected.

Displacement Fluid Density

Enter the Displacement Fluid Density used for single-stage primary
cementation of the current string. Normally, the fluid used to displace
the cement slurry during such a cement job is the drilling mud in which
the current string was run. The default value for this field is, therefore,
taken from the current-string entry for Mud at Shoe in the Wellbore >
Casing and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet.

An alternative value can be specified when required. Low-density

displacement flu ids, such as seawater, can have a significant effect on
the initial axial load distribution (due to the piston force on the float
collar) as well as the collapse load imparted to the current string.

Float Collar Depth

Enter the MD of the float collar. The default value is the eunent-string
shoe depth taken from the Wellbore >Casing and Tubing
Scheme spreadsheet.

Applied Surface Pressure

Select the Applied Surface Pressure check box and enter the required
pressure if surface pressure will be applied to the current string after
bumping the upper plug and held for the duration of the wait-on-cement
(WOC) period. If it is not selected, the corresponding data fie ld
is disabled.

6-6 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

The application of surface pressure during the WOC period is used to

pretension the string when a pickup forc e cannot be app lied before
landing the string in the wellhead. This typically occurs in applications
where a mandrel-type casing hanger is used (for example, a subsea well
or a production casing string in a high-pressure well). The desired
pretensioning is only achieved where wellbore-casing friction forces do
not prevent the required axial displacement. For wellbore inclinations
where casing will not slide of its own weight (generally, greater than 65
to 70 degrees), the ability to develop the desired axial displacement
requires validation.

To avoid data compatibility problems, the Float Fai led check box is
deselected when Applied Surface Pressure is selected, and vice versa.

Float Failed
If the Float Failed check box is selected, the differential pressure
normally developed across the float collar (due to the hydrostatic
disequilibrium between fluids inside and outside the casing) will instead
be held as a casing back-pressure at the surface in order to prevent
U-tubing of cement back inside the casing from the annulus.

This option should normally be selected only for sensitivity analysis

after an otherwise satisfactory design for the current casing string has
been obtained.

To avoid data compatibility problems, the Applied Surface Pressure

check box is disab led if the Float Fai led check box is selected, and
vice versa.

Pickup Force
Select the Pickup Force option to enter a pickup force. Pickup fo rce is
the incremental upward force (above static string weight) applied to the
casing string at the surface before landing the string in a s lip-type casing
hanger within the wellhead. Applied after the cement has hardened, the
pickup force results in increased tension above the TOC depth, as
specified for the current string in the Casing Scheme spreadsheet. The
axial load profile below the TOC remains unchanged by a pickup force
specification. The force is only considered in axial design when the
Service Loads check box is selected on the Tubular> Axial Loads>
Select tab.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 6-7
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

This force is typically applied to prevent thermal or hydrostatic induced

buckling while drilling below the current string, or during subsequent
production operations. If the Buckling check box is selected on the
Tubular> Design Parameters dialog box, buckling results are
available in the View> Tabular Results> Triaxial Results table,
including the required pickup load to e liminate buckling for the selected
individual load case. If buckling is a concern, the indicated pickup load
requirement should be evaluated by selecting the Pickup Force option to
verify design integrity under the increased axial loading.

To specify a pickup force, select the Pickup Force option and enter the
required upward force.


Pickup force, as defined in this dialog box, is only considered in axial design when
the Service Loads check box is selected on the Tubular> Axial Loads> Select tab.
The pickup force is independent of the Applied Force defined in the Pre-Cement
Static Load in the Tubular> Axial Loads > Select tab.

Slackoff Force
Select the Slackoff Force option to enter a slackoffforce. Slackoff force
is a reduction to the current-string axial load profile, immediately after
cementing, by lowering of the casing before landing in the wellhead
assembly. This force results in reduced tension both above and below
the TOC depth, as specified for the current string in the Wellbore >
Casing and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet.

Slackoff force is only considered in axial design when Service Loads is

selected on the Tubular> Axial Loads> Select tab.

6-8 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

This fo rce is typically applied to land a tieback string in a liner-top

polished bore receptacle (PBR). The additional compression at the PB R
can serve several purposes, includ ing:

• energizing a metal seal.

• providing sufficient compression to prevent seal movement in the
PBR during production or stimulation operations.

T he StressCheck software does not model the movement of uncemented tiebacks
in PBRs. Nevertheless, if the Buckling check box is selected on the Tubular >
Design Parameters dialog box, the elfect of slacko fT force on buck Iing above the
TOC only can be evaluated for a particular load case using the View> Tabular
Results> Triaxial Results table . To specify a slacko ff force, select the Slackoff
Force option and enter the required reduction in axial force .

Defining the Starting Temperature Profile

Select the Tubular > Initial Conditions> Temperature tab to specify
the starting temperature profile for the current string.

This data is defined on a per-string basis; therefore, different

initial-condition temperature data can be defined for each string in the
Wellbore > Casing and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet.

Cementno and Landing

Select the Default temperature to
MD It atU1e •f ;..
use the temperature profile 1 300 80
specified using Wellbore > r User~tered
2 125 0 80
Geothermal Gradient. Select 3 4300 40
User-entered to define an 4 mo 47.
5 1200.0 51.
alternate temperature profile. 6 14000 54
7 16000 57.
8 61000 119
9 97000 168
10 98000 1~
11 99000 170
12 100Xl 0 1n
13 10100 0 173
14 10200 0 174
15 10lXI 0 175
16 104000 176
17 126760 200
~ 18 146200 235 v

OK Cancel Apply ~

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 6-9
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

The following two temperature profiles are available.

• Select Default to use the temperature profile entered on the

Wellbore > Geothermal Gradient dialog box.

• Select User-entered to define an alternate temperature profile to

establish the cemented-and-landed initial condition that serves as
the baseline for assessing the effects on axial load profiles of
thermal strains. These strains may arise from temperature-profile
changes from the initial condition to that associated by default or
user entry with a particular burst or collapse load cases, or the axial
service-loads case.

This data is defined on a per-string basis; therefore, different

initial-condition temperature data can be defined for each string in the
Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet. To change
strings, use Tubular> Current String or the Select String pull-down
list on the Wizard toolbar.

Unlike temperature data on the Wellbore >Geothermal Gradient

dialog box, user-entered temperature data on the Temperature tab are
referenced to either MD or TVD.


If you are copying temperature data from another source, be sure to verify whether
the data is based on MD or TYO. Before you copy the data into this tab, be sure you
have selected the correct option for MD or TYD.

6-10 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Specify Tool Passage Requirements

Select the Tubular> Tool Passage dialog box to determine the

maximum tool length for a specified tool OD, such that the tool (when
considered as a rigid body) can freely pass through the casing (based on
drift diameter) at the depth of greatest casing curvature. Alternatively,
tools of a specified OD and length can be entered to determine whether
they will pass through the casing under load conditions described in the
design load cases. The severity of bending and buckling can have an
effect on the ability of future tubulars to be freely run in the existing
casing or liner.

Enter the maximum length of the tool.

_ Cancel j
Apply I
rnsert l

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 6-11
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

The View> Tabular Results> Tool Passage Summary In this example, a 3.5" OD tool that is
table displays the tool passage data entered in the Tool 100 ft long cannot pass in the well at
Passage dialog box. The results reported in this tabular 10,400 ft. The maximum tool length
summary are dynamic when Tool Passage Summary is that can pass through this section is
the current view and then the Tool Passage dialog box is 79.79 ft.
opened and data are entered or edited.

Cn11cal MO Force Required Ma11mum Length Tha1
('ft) To Pan (lb!) Passes Freely )
104000 79 79

fool J>cs\'idrJP: q 5 s·· Ptotechvf! (c)\IOQ El .

The minimum force
required for the tool to
pass is 13.94 lbf.

Tubular> Tool Passage dialog box.

Results are displayed as they are entered if the View> Tabular

Results> Tool Passage Summary window is open before using the
Tubular> Tool Passage dialog box.

6-12 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Defining Burst Loads

The Tubular> Burst Loads dialog box has several tabs to define burst
loads that will serve as the basis for the current string's burst design. The
design load line is determined from the aggregate worst-case burst
loading as a function of depth, with design factors and temperature
deration of minimum yield strength considered for all selected
burst loads.

Load case data specified in this dialog box are for the current string on ly.
Load cases must be selected and specified independently for each string
entered in the Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet. To
change strings, use the Tubular> Current String command or the
Select String pull-down list on the Wizard toolbar. The Burst Loads
dialog box always appears in the Wizard list.

The Tubular > Burst Loads dialog box has several tabs for defining
these data and viewing pressure profile results.

Selecting the Design Burst Loads and the External Pressure Profile
Use the Tubular> Burst Loads> Select tab to select the burst loads
you want to use in the design.

Burst LOdds: 9 5/8" Production Casing ~

Drilling loads can Select IEdt I Plot I Custom I 0ptJons I Production loads
be selected if the Ptoduc1Jon Loads ~..:----++­
!" T\brlg Leak
can be selected
casing shoe is
fv1 Gas IOd Profile r S!mJabon St.rface Leak only if the casing
shallower than
the well TD .
r ~Shoe w/Gas Gradocnt Abo e p ln)«t>on Down c-.g name is
r # Shoe w/ 1/l BH> at St.rfac.e r production.
P lost Returns v.1th Water
r St.rface Protecbon {BOP)
r Pr6si.r:e T6t
~ Green Cement Pressu-e T6t
This method will
p Dr• Ahead
be used for all the
All the burst loads lnle'nill Profie External Pro,.,
are discussed in n: • . (' ...00 .n:I C"""11 Mlx•Wat!r +I I-
burst load cases if
a Single External
lo:ot Reb.rns With Water
detail in the online Gas Kid< Profie r Pemoeable zones
Pressure Profile is
help system. T\brlgleak
lnjecbon Down c-.g
r- Mn!un Fcrmabon Pere Pr6SU'e selected on the
Grttn Cenent PrCSSU'e T6t r l'ofe Pr6SU'e w/ Seav.ater Gradent
Ori Ahead ~t) r. FUd GradocnlS w/Pore Pressu-e Tubular> Design
1 Parameters
dialog box.

StressCheck ™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 6-13
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Defining the External Pressure Profile

For burst design, there are five methods of calculating external pressure
profi les. For information about external pressure profiles, refer to
"External Pressure Profiles" on page 2-44.

Defining Burst Load Details

Use the Tubular> Burst Loads> Edit tab to specify or view
parameters for each load case and external pressure profile enabled on
the Tubular > Burst Loads > Select or Tubular > Burst Loads >
Custom tabs. These parameters are used to construct a specific load
case or external pressure profile. The parameters available vary
depending on the current load case selected.
Using the data on
this dialog box, the
StressCheck Burst Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing ~
Select desired
software creates an Select Edit IT~abxe ] Plot I Custom JOpbons I burst load or
internal pressure
;. ·~1:1:m·~·~iiiiiiiiiiilllil•••--"-llllll•••lliG
·J - H--- pressure profile
profile consisting of
tnb Depth,""' (ft) I10330.o- from the
the maximum
pressure seen by the
Kld<~{bbl) rso:o-- pull-down list.
Klck lnlaisity (ppo) 11).SO
casing while f~ Mud W~t (ppg) f !LOO
circulating a gas kick Kick GM Gr.mty io.;o--
to the surface . Fradlse at Shoe• 10354.28 psi

BHA dimensions
Frllctlle Margin of Error IPP9)
are used to
- - - a Ort Pipe OD (n)
calculate bubble Colar Length {ft) j 1000.0
height as the kick is
circulated out of the


6-14 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Viewing the Associated External Pressure Profile

The data used in the remaining load cases or pressure profiles can be
accessed by selecting the pull-down list from the Tubular> Burst
Loads > Edit tab.

Burst Loads: 9 518" Production Casing (8)

Select Edt lr-11> I Plot I Custom I Options I Select the desired

a load case or
l05! With Wall!< pressure profile
Gas IGdt Profile
TlilolQ Leak from the
llJjecbon Down ca.or.o
Grttn Cenont Pr......, Test pull-down list.
. . . ·.. -
Frlcbseat Shoe• 10354. 28 psi
Fracue Moron of Error (ppQ)
Ori Pipe 00 rn>

For every se lected burst load case, an appropriate external pressure

profile must be selected so the StressCheck software will correctly
calculate the differential pressure. In this example, the Mud & Cement
Mix Water profile is used.

When the Single External Pressure Profile check box is selected on the
Tubular > Design Parameters dialog box, the selected external
pressure will be used for all burst load cases

Bursi I.Odds: 9 518'" Production Casing IE)

View the defining parameters for the Selecl Eat • T~•lln f'fotI I CU.tam Options
external pressure profile on this dialog
box. All load cases will use this roe, MD• 10750.0 fr, Prior Shoe, I'll• IZ020.0 f\
external pressure profile because the "-d WeQht Ai>ol.o roe (l>po)
Single External Pressure Profile check FUd Grad Bdo>o TIX (ppo)

box was selected on the Tubular>

Design Parameters dialog box.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 6-15
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Specify Burst Load Temperature

Select the Tubular Burst Loads> Temperature tab to specify the
temperature profile you want to use for the load case selected in the pull-
down list at the top of this tab. You can only select load cases enabled
on the Tubular > Burst Loads > Select or Tubular > Burst Loads >
Custom tabs. Select the Default option to use the temperature profile as
defined by the StressCheck software for that particular load case. Select
the User-entered option to define an alternate temperature profile.
Select the Geothermal option to use the temperature profile defined on
the Geothermal Gradient dialog box. You can only edit temperature data
if you select User-entered.

Burst Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing ~

Select the Default option to use the
temperature profile as defined by the
Select Edt Tempcrabsc IPlot I Custom Opbons I
Ahrad (lbst)
StressCheck software for that particular
load case.
Select the User-entered option to ente 1250
your own temperature data. This can be
in the form of output from the WELLCAT 12000
program or text file, either typed in or 14000
pasted in from a text or spreadsheet. 61000
Select the Geothermal option to use e lCKmO
temperature profile defined on the 10100.0
Wellbore > Geothermal Gradient
dialog box. __l 104000
_ _ _1n?S;nn _ _ __

Unlike temperature data on the Wellbore >Geothermal Gradient

dialog box, the user-entered temperature data on this tab can be
referenced to MD or TYO.


If you are copying temperature data from another source, be sure to verify whether
the data is based on MD or TYO. Before you copy the data into this tab, be sure you
have selected the correct option for MD or TYO.

6-16 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

View Burst Load Pressure Plots

Burst load pressure plots can be graphically viewed. The Burst Load
Pressure Plots are accessed by selecting several burst plots available
from the View> Burst Plots submenu.

Burst Pressure Proffies Burst Differential Pressures

- Otspiaeemert to Gas - Ot51>iac:emert to Ges
Lost Rellrns ,..ltl Waar L~ Rtl>Jm!l """ WtMir
1600 Gas Kick (50 o bbl, O 50 POg) 1600 Gas Kick ('50 o blll o so ppg)
Pressure Test Pressure Test
3000 Creen Coment Pressure Test (Int) 3000 Green Cement Pressure Test (Burst)
G<een Cement PresStSe Test (ElCI) Dpl Mead Bisst
Dnt -'\Mad (Burst) I I
I o
4600 • 600 ,-- ---r----,----,


···- r· ---r----,----,
: I I I
e: I o

7600 --·--r---·-r- =
t 7600 .
' '

~ I
9000 - - - ..I\. - - - - I. .. - ..... 1I ....... - .J - ...... .t

I I t

o ' I'
' '
--- - - ~ ----- t----.. ~ -.......
... ____ .. ____ ,J
10600 10600
... - ' I
..... .... . ........ .. ....' . .
' '

12000 -- ~ - - -- -"
t I I

12000 - ~ - -- -·--- - · - - - -
I I o I
' '


t t .
t ' I
13600 ..!. ........ ~ ..... - ~ - .. -- ~---- ~ -- -- ~
' .'
--- -----:-----:---- f I
--- I
-- -I I I
15000 --~

-~- - ; -----:- ----- ~ -
- r~
t I

f t
.I I t

... ,. • .. • • • • .. • • 1 • - .. • ..... • • • ,........ • .. ,. ... • .. • r • • .. • • "' - .. • 1 • - • • 1
I t I I

, 600 3000 4600 6000 7600 9000 10600 12000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 '°°° 5000 6000 7000
Preaaur• (psi) Oift'orontl1I Burat (psi)

The View> Burst Plots > Pressure Profiles and View > Burst Plots>
Differential Pressures plots characterize the interna l and external
pressure profiles as a function of either MD or TVD for all selected burst
and custom burst load cases.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 6-1 7
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Burst Design Load Line

Burst load data can be graphically viewed by selecting several burst
plots available from the View > Burst Plots submenu.

Burst Load L.i ne Burst Differential Pressures

- Design load tine Ot;pi.clf'lwt to Gas
- Actuel loed lint Lost• wl!'I W«er
1500 '
-~----·----...._ .... _ .. .. _ ...... ~ ....... .. __ _
1600 Gas Kick (SO 0 bbl. 0 50 PP9l


. . . I '

-·r- -- -r- ---,----,

6000 ' '

-~----- ,. ----,-- - -- ,-- - - , - - ' ' .. ,
... I I

- r - - --1 - ---11
£ '
' '
t ----------r ----, .. •-· i -.. ,. . . . -·r·--· r- .. -· i • - · - i
I t f • I II' I I I I
" ....... • r ... -
. I I I I I



~ ... --~- ----}-- --~-----~--- -~-- -- ~

t I I



. .

.... - -:-- ......... ~ ..... - .. !-- ..... ~ ........ --t

~ I I I O I I I I I I I I I C
I I I I t I I I I t I I I t I
.. .a.... ,. • ., L ......... L. - - ..... !. .. .... .. .1 .. ...... .J
. 10600
... 1 ........ J . ... • .... .I. ... .... "' .J,.. .. ...... L .. • .... .,J ........ ... 1. ........ .J ....... .J
I I l I f f
1 : 1 : : I : I :
I I '

' ' I

.. .. - 4- - - - - _,_ - - - .. .. ................ - ..
I I t
I. - . . . . . . _ .. - .... ~ ......... ~ ...... - .. 12000 ................ .... ....... .
~- - --·---- .. -- I I

I I I f I I I I I I I t J I I
I I I I I I I t I
I I I I t I t I

-- ' .............. --- ... ---- --- ...

....................... ...... . ...... .. .............

13600 I I I I
13600 .... ..... - ................. .. - - - - .. ............ - - - - -1
I I t I I I
I I I I • f • '

.' ----:---· -r---.. ---;-----
. .----;----·r----
~- ~ ~ -- -- ~ 16000





.. .. .. - ..... ' - - - - ... - - - - "'f• - - - ..,.. - ............. "' ...... ,. .......... , - ......... .,. - - - - ...
I 1 I

1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 olOOO -'500 5000 5600 ~ -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 «XlO 5000 6000 7000
Bu!'Yt Riling (psi) Oi!l'ertntlal Bu!'Yt (p si)

The corrections conventionally applied to the nominal pipe ratings when

performing a manual calculation will be applied to the Actual Load Line
to create the Des ign Load Line.

The Burst Design Load Li ne is corrected for temperature if the

Temperature Deration check box is selected in the T ubula r > Design
Parameters dialog box.

6-1 8 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Specifying Collapse Loads

Selecting Collapse Loads

Use the Select tab to enable and disable applicable collapse load cases,
and to select external pressure profiles.

Select the Tubular > Collapse Loads >

Edit tab to change the default parameters String name.
for each load case selected.

Drilling loads can be

selected if the casing
shoe is shallower tha r,..£.,._ Production loads
the well TD. ., ~ • !eiowP.Oer - -;+- -- can be selected if
r Gotl't'T•- the casing name is
lnt•m•l "'olle E>temel "'•lie
r Mud.-dC.....,t '4•·0\1ter
Five methods of
_ _...1 - - -
calculating external
r :a.. o,.,..Shoow w.Gro<1or>iAt>o ~ ' pressure profiles are
r. FUdGredmtsw P< j included for
collapse design.
() l ~J ___J _~

When the Single External Pressure Profile option is selected

on the Tubular> Design Parameter dialog box, the selected
external pressure is used for all collapse load cases.

Most drilling collapse-load cases can only be selected fo r strings in

whi ch the setting depth (shoe depth in Wellbore >Casing and Tubing
Scheme spreadsheet) is less than the well TD, as defined in the
Wellbore >General dialog box.

All the collapse loads are discussed in detail in the online help system.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 6-19
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Most production collapse load cases can only be selected for production
strings (those strings in the Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme
spreadsheet for which the Name cell contents are Production).
Exceptions to this rule are:

• Cementing drilling collapse load case can be selected for all strings.

• Gas migration production collapse load case is unavailable

for liners.


The Cementing drilling collapse load case and the Gas Migration production
collapse load case have self-described external pressure profi !es, and are unaffected
by the Single External Pressure Profile option and external pressure profile
selections. The external pressure profile for collapse Custom load cases is entirely
user-defined, and is similarly unaffected.

The Internal Profiles 1ist box contains the names of the selected load
cases. As load cases are enabled and disabled, this list box updates
automatically, and the currently selected load case is highlighted.

Selecting Different External Pressure Profiles for Each Load Case

If the Single External Pressure Profile check box is not selected on the
Tubular > Design Parameters dialog box, external pressure profiles
can be independently se lected for each load case. Highlight a load case
in the Internal Profile list box, and select the corresponding external
pressure profile from the External Profile group box. If the Single
External Pressure Profile check box is selected, only one external
pressure profile can be selected for use with all of the selected load

6-20 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Defining Collapse Load Details

Select the Tubular> Collapse Loads> Edit tab to specify or view
parameters for each load case and external pressure profile enabled on
the Tubular > Collapse Loads > Select and Tubular > Collapse
Loads > Custom tabs. The tab parameters are used in constructing a
specific load case or external pressure profile. The parameters available
vary depending on the current selection. Some parameter values are
editable, while others are listed for information purposes only.

Collap.e Loads: 9 518" Production Casing @

Edit the default
parameters for the
Fluid Gradients w/
~ .... <9it""'9)
Pore Pressure
~LO\d, "'«>(ft)
load case .
Set the Fluid Grad ient
Above and Below TOC
to the same mud
weight to model a poor
cement job with a
; continuous column of
I mud behind
:===::::::---~:----:-----;------_J the casing.
CJ( ""'°" Ap;Jy He\>

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 6-21
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Viewing Collapse Load Pressure Plots

Collapse load data can be graphically viewed by selecting several
collapse plots avai lable from the View menu.

Collapse Pressure Profiles Collapse Differential Pressures

: - FulVPa111a1Evacuation ..
o I ""
: CemerMg (Int) o
... _.. ____ ., ___ -- _.. "
__ .,. ____ ..,. _____ ""....
1500 Cemanbng (Ex!)
I I f I
1500 "
' '.

Lost Returns with Mlld Drop I I


3000 3000
: : :
......... ,. ............ r .... _ .. - "' ,. ...... • -- 'r• ·- - - -r , :'': 4600 ' ..
.., ... ...... - - .-- - - - r - - - .. .,. ........... .., ... - - - -n

o I
'I '0


e: 6000
- - - - - - r - -- - - - r - - -- - - r - -- -- -r ,


e: 6000
.. - .. ... r- .. - .. i .. • - .. "I"'·· ... -n

.' ---,----'"'·----,,


'' I 0 I U

I --r-- ---- r--- ·-- 'r- - --- ·ri I II "

. .. ....... .. ... .
I f I f I t If
7500 7500
Q I I • I Q I t If
I I o

~ !
I I 0 I
I I t I
---t-............ ~ ---- .. -~~ .......
9000 ~--- --:---

! I
~--·- ~-

10600 10600 - ~ --- - - : ·· -- ·· - ~ - -- - ~--
o I
' .
12000 ;--- --1- ----t---- ;----..- - - - - ~
I o

I I It
13500- .. .. - - - _ _ _ ... _ _ _ _ __ - -- --
13500 '
••'"' - H


'' ''
I l I I I
' ' ' '
--- -- -- - --

-~- -- - -- ; - -- ---: ---- - -;- -- .. --:- ----


- ;~ 16000 ............... . ................. ...
I o .

! I
... ., .. - - · ... ,.. ...... • • ,. .. - - - 1 ,. -

-- -1 - - - --n

0 1500 3000 4600 6000 7500 9000 10500 0 900 1000 2700 3600 4500 6400 6300 7200 8100
P ressure (psi) Dffft ent laJ Collapse (p si)

In this case, the Lost Returns w/ Mud Drop load

case represents the design basis for collapse .
In the case of production loads, analysis of the
Above/Below Packer load case is beneficial to
determine the highest collapse pressure

6-22 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Collapse Design Load Line

The View> Collapse Plots> Load Line plot characterizes the actual
and design load lines as a function of either MD or TVD for all selected
collapse and custom collapse load cases.

Collapse Load Line Collapse Differential Pressures

: - Design l oed Line !- FulVPartlal Evacuation "

i Actual Load Lme Cementing """
1500 -.... ........................ .. ....... . . --_.,. __ ---1- ---_.., ____ . ., - _.. ,
I I I J t I I
I •
--~---- ~ - -··-- M

I f I<

3000 3000 "
I I I I I ' ' I I I t
: I
4500 r • • • .. ,. • • .. . .., ..... · - ...--- -- r ---- ~ - - , 4500 -. -- ... ..,,..... · - r .. .... -.,. .. - .. .. ., . ----n

'' "
't ""II
-- - - ., .. .. - --.- - - -- 'r ... ...... .,' .. ... .,
i I
6000 ----r----,---- -.-- - -- r- - - -
I I I I f I I I I
6000 I
·-- --r----,--
I t I
--~ · -· --n I I

£ '' € ""
i" 7500
"' .... '" rI .... '"''"' i I .... "' .. ..,! ...... .... Ii
........ T .. .... .. i
t 7500
0 I t I I 0
.. 9000
I ''
....... -~ ......... ~ -...... -:- --- -~ - --- ~ -- - - ~- -- - -~
I I I I f
' '
-- ~ ---- 1 - - ~
''' ;.. 9000
:E t ' • • ' '
t I t 1 t I I
10500 - - - - ~ - - - - ~ · .. . . .. ~..... - -- ~ - ... •!• .... - ~ · -- - . _:--- 10600

' •
• I'
I' Ij I' I• "
12000 -- - - ~ .. - -.. ; ........ 4- ......... ~ .. .... - ~ ...... .. ~ - .. - - -:- -- -- --- - ~ -- ~ 12000 ........ ....... .... ..
f !
_ + ----~- - --
- - ---M It

·----......... -......-.. . . -.... -. . ........ .'.

' ""
13500 --- - I

~- - -- . . .. .. ............ ............. -- -





f I
t I
13600 .. ............"
' ""
'' ' ' I I o I I "

15000 --- - ~--- -

"' - - - - -.- - - - -r- -- -~-- - - .... --- - -i- --- -r- -- ..' --..' 16000 --- ·-i ·---r-
i I I
- -- ~- --- -:-----; --__ ! ___ -
~ ---- ~ --

' I I
I f
f ' I I II
f I I f I
'-~-+~~f--~-+-~-+~~-+-~-+~~+-~-+-+~+- ~'

900 1800 2700 3600 4500 6400 6300 7200 8100 0 900 1800 2700 3600 4500 5400 6300 7200 8100
Collapse Ratin g (psi) Ollferentlal Collapse (psi )

The collapse load line is corrected for temperature,

tension, and internal pressure. The correction for tension
constantly updates the load line when different weights of
casing are selected .

The design load line on this plot is the same as (and always consistent
with) the design load line on the collapse View> Design Plots>
Collapse plot. This plot is used for interactive graphical design and
visual comparison of current-string API collapse rating with design
collapse loads.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 6-23
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

The design load line for collapse represents the maximum design
collapse pressure as a function of depth based on consideration of all
selected collapse and custom collapse load cases for the current string,
and after the following adjustments:

• correcting the applied collapse pressure to an effective collapse

pressure based on the effect of internal pressure on collapse

• applying to each load case the appropriate collapse design factor

from the Tubular> Design Parameters dialog box (the default) or
from a load-case specific alternate design factor specification on
the Tubular > Collapse Loads > Options tab

• adjusting the design load line to compensate for the effect of

elevated temperature on minimum yield strength (and, hence,
collapse rating) when the Temperature Deration check box is
selected on the Tubular> Design Parameters dialog box for the
current string

• considering the effect of tensile axial loading on collapse resistance

The actual load line for collapse represents the maximum actual
differential pressure (effective col lapse pressure due to effect of internal
pressure on collapse resistance) as a function of depth based on the load
case or cases that dominate in construction of the design load line.

6-24 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Specifying Axial Loads Details

Select the Tubular> Axial Loads> Select tab to enable or disable axial
loads against which the current string is evaluated. To enable the load
case, select the corresponding check boxes. After they arc enabled, the
load case variables, such as overpull force or casing running speed, can
be edited.

Select axial load cases on

the Select tab. ~ I Plol I Options I
¥ Rl.IYW10 11 ~ • A\lll. Spttd j 3.0 ft/s
~ O.~FctCI! f 100000 bf

v I
Pr~<~t Stabc load Appkd Fae~: 0 bf

r;;' Post<:mentStatlC load

OK C«>Cd

Running and cementing loads that can be considered include:

• Running loads that consider shock loads due to instantaneous

deceleration from a running speed

A required incremental overpull forc e when nmning casing

• A pressure test performed when bumping the plug while the cement
is in its fluid state, creating a large piston force

[n addition, you can include in the axial design all the axial load profiles
resulting from the burst and collapse load cases by se lecting the Service
Loads check box on the Tubular > Axial Load > Select tab.

All of the axial loads arc discussed in detail in the on line help.

StressCheck™Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 6-25
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Defining Custom Loads

In addition to the selection of load cases that automatically create

internal and externa l pressure, the StressCheck software allows you to
customize a load scenario and apply it as a burst or collapse criterion in
the design process together with the automated loads.

Displaying the List of Existing Custom Loads

Use Tubular> Custom Loads to access the list of defined custom loads
contained in the current library, define new custom loads, and display
and manage your custom loads spreadsheets.

Custom loads: 9 518" Production Uising IBJ

List of existing
custom load cases.
m.•••••••• I ao-..e I
_,.. r·!!*l~±:5:!!!ffi!!·

Click the buttons on

the right side of the
~ dialog box to create,
__J ~ delete, or rename
custom load cases.


This dialog box has no Cancel button, so any changes made through this dialog box
cannot be undone. Pressing Esc instead of clicking C lose writes all your changes to
the catalog, but the currently selected custom load is not activated.

The Custom Loads dialog box manages a library of custom loads

spreadsheets that are saved w ith the current Design. Each spreadsheet
contains a custom load profile consisting of external pressures and
internal pressures at given depths.

Temperature data for custom loads are recorded as a user-entered

temperature profile for the selected custom load on the tab in the
Tubular> Bust Loads > Temperature or Tubular> Collapse
Loads> Temperature tabs, as appropriate to the nature of the custom
load. The default temperature profile is geothermal on the Temperature
tab when a custom load is selected as the current load.

6-26 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Renaming a Custom Load

Click Rename on the Tubular> Custom Loads dialog box to change
the name of the currently selected custom load.

Rename the custom load

Old~: Ieus1om toad 1
l~N Nam<!: IRTTS

Custom LOdds: 9 5/6" Production Cdsing [8)

Click Close to
r;w••••••••• I ~
e1ose I
close the dialog
box and begin
editing load data .


Editing Custom Load Data

Define the Pressure Profile

Select the Tubular> Custom Loads spreadsheet to define custom load
internal and external pressure profiles as a function of measured depth.
Create a custom load when none of the internal and external pressure
profiles automatically generated (for example, the Gas Migration
internal profile and the Mud and Cement Mix-Water external profile)
satisfy design requirements.

r- . . .oc!Oopth 1 P1nsurn 1ps.i:::I J

·~ l J_ J
Inc em.- E>llf'lli
JO 0 &0n 10 12 98
~ 125 0
~ •JO 0
6087 20
6117 69
186 07
~ 900 0 616468 389•5
~ 1200 0 619' 55 s11n
h5 1'000 6214 10 60335

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 6-27
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Custom load profi les can be selected as burst, collapse, and axial service
loads from the Tubular > Burst Loads > Custom and Tubular>
Collapse Loads> Custom tabs, respectively. Custom loads are only
considered as axial service loads when the Service Loads check box is
selected on the Axial Loads > Select tab. They are also taken into
account in triaxial and minimum cost design.

Loads are defined on a per string basis; therefore, different loads can be
defined for each string in the Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme
spreadsheet. To change strings, use the Tubular> Current String
command or the Select String pull-down list on the Wizard toolbar.

Specify and edit numerous custom loads by using the Se lect Custom
Load pull-down list and custom load buttons on the Template toolbar.

Depth values on this spreadsheet are always expressed as MD. When

data are entered for a deviated well, and hydrostatic pressures are
calculated for use in a custom load case, recall that the pressures must
be calculated for the TVD corresponding to the MD of interest for the
line entry. The relationship between MD and TVD for the current well
can be reviewed by using the Deviation Profile table.

Even though depths are entered on a MD-basis, the pressure data are
interpolated and extrapolated on a TVD-basis (a reasonable convention,
because almost all pressure loads applied to casing strings are
hydrostatic in nature). If an extrapolated pressure value is less than zero,
it is assigned the value zero.

6-28 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Including the Custom Load in the Analysis

Select the Tubular > Burst Loads> Custom tab to specify the custom
load pressure profile(s) you want to use as a burst load case for the
active string.

Bu~t>: 9 S/8" Produ<tlon C..lng fgl

Select the box to include
thispressureprofileasa s.1e<t J E01 IT-•uol P1o 1 c...- f°""""'I
burst load case. ---i.n~"'°'RITS;;;;--------------


StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 6-29
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Defining the Custom Load Temperature Profile

Use the Temperature tab to specify the temperature profile you want to
use for the load case selected in the pull-down list at the top of this tab.
You can only select load cases enabled on the Select and Custom tab in
the Burst Loads dialog box. Select the Default option to use the
temperature profile as explained in Burst Load Case Methodologies.
Select the User-entered option to define an alternate temperature
profile. Select the Geothermal option to use the temperature profile
defined on the Geothermal Gradient dialog box. You can only edit
temperature data if you select User-entered.

Seloct edit Tomper•V• IPlot I cu.tom I Opbons I
Select the desired burst load case. El
.. ll<fai.Ct
r- u...~~
1250 eo
Select the temperature (" Goothormal 4)01} 40
'iOOO 47
profile you want to use. 12000 51
14000 5'
16000 57
61000 119
97000 168
99000 169
9'iOO 0 170
1IXWO 1n
101000 173
102000 174
10Dl0 175
__ j 104000 175

"'" ...

OK c-e I "'1PY I- Hel-

p '
The temperature profile for a particular load case can also be viewed as
a plot using Burst Plots/Temperature Profiles.

Unlike temperature data on the Geothermal Gradient dialog box, the

temperature data on this tab can be referenced to MD or TVD.

6-30 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Shut-in Load Cases

If the load case selected in the pull-down list is Shut-In:

Displayed next to the Default option will be written either Hot or Cold.
The display on this tab is a result of selections made on the Edit tab. If
the Hot box is selected on the Edit tab for the Shut-In load, Hot is
displayed. Conversely, if the check box is not selected, Cold
is displayed.

• If Hot is displayed, the bottom hole temperature will be

continuously applied up to the surface.

• If Cold is displayed, the surface temperature will be continuously

applied to the base of the tubing.


If you are copying temperarure data from another source, be sure to verify whether
the data is based on MD or TVD. Before you copy the data into this tab, be sure you
have selected the correct option for MD or TVD.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 6-31
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 6: Tubular Load Data

Viewing the Pressure Profiles Including the Custom Load

You can view the burst load plots including the custom load just as you
did the predefined burst loads.

Burst Pressure Profiles Burst Differential Pressures

- Dlsllllleement lo Gas - DISl)CaC«Tletll to Gas
Lost Reuns wttt'I Water lost~""'1Wae<

~ Kiel< (SO 0 bbl. 0 50 pPg) 1500 Gas Kick (50 0 bbl 0 50 ppg)
Pregsure Test Pre~.ure T&st
3000 Green Cement Pressure ( lrt) Gr. .n Cem"'11 Pressure Tesl (9urst)
Gre~n Cemert Pressure Test (Ext) Orin Ahead (BIXSI)
Onn Ahead (&lrst)




.. ..... €t '
' .
-..---·.---- _..,..____ ...
7500 -- ---~-----
--- ~--- --~-·- - - ~~

.. t

t I
f I

--· --·.---.. .,.___ ..,,. ___ ..............

. .' ' i ~
I . .. ..

____ .._0 _____ o ...I

. ..' o I

' t
12000 - - t - - ... - ' ...... "' 1 - - - - -. - - - -<1- ----1
t f t I I J

f I t I

' ''
I I I f
13600 -;- --- ----r ·---;- --
~ - ~- -- - 1

. .. ..

'----1' -- ,. . . . . -,
I t l I I
15000 - - ----,- ....... --r ---- - r --~-- --
' f I I I I

' '
1500 3000 olEOO -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 ~ 5000 6000 7000
Ollrerentlll Bum (psi)

Plots include the custom load (RTTS) profile.

6-32 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Graphical Design
You can use the StressCheckTM software in three ways during your casing design process. This
section of the course discusses each of these options in the following order.

• Use the StressCheck software to perfonn an automated design using either a full API casing
I ist or a user-defined inventory.

Use the StressCheck software to verify an existing string weight and grade.

• Use the minimum cost tool for an automated optimization for uniaxial , biaxial, and triaxial
casing design.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 7-1
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Performing an Automated Design

Checking Burst Design Using the Burst Design Plot

Select the View > Design Plots > Burst plot to perform graphical
burst-load casing design, or to check the burst design of a string
specified on the Tubular> String Sections spreadsheet. Depth is on the
vertical axis and burst pressure (effective burst load) is on the
horizontal axis.

The Pipe Rating curve is not displayed on Initially, the design load line is
the plot because a pipe section has not constructed from the maximum burst
yet been created. loads based on selected load cases.

.. . . .. .
•D•~ loa~ ~
u:m ••o •• P1PTR:at11·1' ···r·····1·40.........r··· ....... l...........T...........r············r··
+ : : : :
. .......
: :
~r·h·· "· ·····

200J ••••• · • ····i··········-t.. ······· 1··········1· ····-····t···········( ·········i--- ·········r············i···········

:<m ......... ... ( ·········r···· ·····:·· ········<-···········-r············i············1·············i··········.. t··· ·······

<lW ············1············r······· ···:············1············t············f············1·············f············1·············

5@ ············1·············( ········ ··1·· · ··· ··· · ·· j········ ·· · · t··· ··· ······ :····· ··· ··· ·1· ········ ··· ·~······ ···· ··1 ··········

'~ /;ft: 1:H I r1i: :1::- ......... , ............

1500 •f.00 7500 10600 1200) IJ&l) I ml 16500

7-2 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Creating a Pipe Section

A string section that meets all pipe-body burst design criteria has a p ipe
rating line that is at alI points (over the string section length) to the right
of the design load line.

t I

--~~s~g;a~i~~d Une -- - _. ____ . i .. ________

.l.-------- ______._ _
' '' ' '
' '
' ' ''
___ _____ ,' __________ _,' _________
' I I I
Cl ick the pipe


I section . (Notice
----------+------ ----1---1-------i----- -----+----------r:-- -------- the cursor

. . . . . y.. . . .j........... r......... : ""· -- .. J...........

has changed.)

..... ../~-l-- ....---..J___ . -...... !.... --- ... -~--- .. -.... ~-- -- -- .. --
.· · ·\T. . . ·r·i · .... .!~ ..........r··i ...···1:·· ........
( 1 1

1400) --- ---·- ~· :- ----------:----------.. :-----.. --· --:--- -------l:-- --- ----·
+ I I t I ~f
I I I t t
I I I t I
I I I t I
oI I I I
16000 ··········~---·- -- -- -- , - - ----- - - --,---·· ···· - ·r -- - ---- - - -, -- ---------
' I I t I
t I t I I
t I I I t
I t I I I
I t t I I

18000 -+-----t----+------11------t-----i----~

0 2500 7500 m:m 12500

Burst Rating (psi)

9SW, 53 500, HCVM·125

Read pipe description here.

I. To specify a casi ng string to begin your Design, double-cl ick

anywhere on the design view. A rating line corresponding to the
hig hest rated pipe in the inventory for the current OD is displayed .

2. To q uickly view a description of the pipe that the StressCheck

so ftware selected, c lick the rating line. The pipe description is
displayed on the left corner of the status bar.

Stress Check TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 7-3
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Since a pipe section has been created, two lines are shown. One line is
the burst design load line, and the other line is the burst pipe rating line.


The Burst Design plot does not reflect the implications for burst design integrity of
connection selections for string sections in the current string. After a pipe-body
design is performed, the effect of connection selections on design integrity can be
assessed directly in the Tubular> Connections spreadsheet.

What is the Burst Design Load Line?

T he burst design load line reflects the maximum burst differential
pressure experienced by the casing as a function of depth. It is based on
the load cases selected on the Tubular> Burst Loads dialog box. This
pressure was multiplied by the burst design factor specified for the
current string on the Tubular > Design Parameters dialog box, or the
burst load case-specific alternate design factors spec ified on the
Tubular> Burst Loads> Options tab. When different (that is,
alternate) burst design factors are used for different selected burst load
cases, the design factor reflected in the design load line may vary with
depth as a function of the burst load case having local control over
burst design.

Effects of Temperature Deration

When the Temperature Deration check box is selected for the current
str ing on the Tubular > Design Parameters dialog box, the local
minimum yield strength (MYS) of the casing in each string section and
the local burst rating are derated as a function of local temperature. This
effect is considered in the burst design plot by increasing the local
design load line values by the local ratio of original to
temperature-derated MYS, and not by decreasing the burst rating line.
The default (worst-case) or user-entered temperature profil es specified
on the Tubular> Burst Loads > Temperature tab arc used to
determine MYS temperature deration for each load case selected on the
Tubular> Burst Loads> Select and Tubular> Burst Loads>
Custom tabs.

7-4 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

What is the Pipe Rating Line?

The constant burst ratings displayed in this curve correspond to the burst
rating values specified in the Tubular> Pipe Inventory spreadsheet for
the one or more pipes listed in the current string's Tubular> String
Sections spreadsheet. Showing the effect of MYS temperature deration
on the design load line allows the burst rating lines to remain constant
(that is, vertical), and they can be more easily manipulated with a mouse.
A string section that meets all pipe-body burst design criteria has a pipe
rating line that is at all points (over the string section length) to the right
of the design load line.


The pipe rating line does not appear until you have created a pipe section.
Double-click anywhere on the design plot to create a pipe section.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 7-5
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Modifying a Pipe Section

The current string's weight and grade can be changed by manipulating
(dragging) the pipe rating line. Each vertical section of the pipe rating
line represents a different string section. String sections can be created,
deleted, or modified by clicking, pointing, and dragging the rating line.
Changes made to the current-string design by manipulating the line(s)
are reflected on the View > Design Plots > Collapse, View > Design
Plots> Axial, and View> Design Plots> Triaxial design plots as well
as in the current string's Tubular> String Sections and Tubular>
Connections spreadsheets, and vice versa.

f u1 t (1 ... 1111


~ 8llJ
Click the pipe you
12000 --== -- want to change , and
drag to the left,
towards the load line.

0 2500 7500 mm 12500 1scoo
Bunn Rating (psi)
• • hb1 ..{Schemoi ~·--------------'!
95/fJ", 53.500, Q-12S

I. To modify the casing design to economically meet the design

criteria, place the mouse pointer over the rating line. The pointer
changes shape and becomes two vertical bars with arrows pointing
left and right.

2. Click and drag the rating line toward the load line.

3. Release the button when the rating li ne begins to intersect the load
line (that is, the safety factor equals the design factor at the
intersection point).

4. The StressCheck software adjusts the location of the rating line to

correspond with the pipe in the current inventory that has the
closest greater burst rating.

7-6 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

The basic premise of graphical design is that pipe with a lower rating is
probably more economical. Designs with a rating li ne close to the load
line are usually more economical.

0 ; :;- ; : :
f+ Design Load Line) ! ! ~
2CXXl --l Pipe ~aling ; --·----- ·i--·-------(·-----··:-----··----
' .. .
.. . ''
4tlXl ·········-~·-· · ·······:·· •• . •• . · : · ···· · · ·· ·-~- --····· ·- ~ -- - ······ · ·
..... ...
. .
.. The pipe

• • ·/FI··· ,~• •.• ,• • •

selection was
changed and
I••··· ····· the burst criteria
: : ; : : is still met.
--- --·- ~- .......... ···~- ........... :...... -..... -·~- --- ···--- ~- - ----- --- -

12COO . . J.L........L. . . L. . . . L. . . . L. . . ..
\ ~ ; t : j
········ \·~---·······1·········x·1·--··· ·····:··········r-··--·····
. . .
. --. --- ·- ... ------...... ;'' . -- .. -......;.....·- ........ .;................ .
--- . ·- --- --:--- ~-

.... . ....
1 ocoo-+-~~...-~~.--~__,,,__~----..~~-....-
, ~---1

o mi 5COJ 7500 1 ocm 12500 15ro:l

Burst Rating (ps~

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 7-7
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Comparing Burst and Collapse Design Checks

A side-by-side comparison of Burst and Collapse loads provides a way
to quickly determine if the pipe rating line adjustment satisfies collapse
criteria for the selected string.

Burst Oes1 n
o---~~~~~~ . ~~~~~

+ D1119n l..ood 1.Jne

.. . . ' . . '
XO) . • · Pipt Rot ------·-·-:--------
... . . ....
- -~ - - - · · -- - -- ~- - - - - · - --- -
2CXXl ...... . ·--!··········..:·········..ii···· ....····1············
. . .. ..
' ·-·········-...··-···----- <IOOl ......... .. . ]..... . .... . 1........... ;............;............
'WI ..'' ...' .' .. .... ... ...
. .


../ff: t:r r
: : : : :
··· -····· ·-·; ······ ·· ·

~ :
' '

gmn ············f············1---- ······ 1···········-1···--·--··--
: : :
-~---·· · · ·-- · :··· ······ ··-~---·· · ··· ·· ·

:: er r;
~ 1((00 ------- -~---- -- -- - -!---- -- --- -- :---·-· -- ·-~---···· ··-~·-········· lOOl) ············f············i·-"••••··· . ~-·· · ······ · ·i··········· ·
r: 1 ~ : : i ~ ~ ; l
······\ ·t··········1···········r········ ·r········-1------·--·- collapse
··--···-~r--······1········ .. r·······r·······-r········· criteria are

not met in
1600) .-· ...........:,. ........... ·---..-:--.--.----·r-----.--· ---------
~ -··· -~- - 16tXll .. + Oesogn Load l.lne 1.!............ ~ ............~ ............
..... ....
1. P•pa R!""g f1 1 1 the lower
portion of
IOOlJ llOXJ . • -+--- ...-
0 2500 S(XXl 7500 100Xl 12500 19JXI 0 2500 5aXl 7500 loo:xl 12500 the string.
Burst Rating (J'Sl) Collop$e Ralang (psij

Checking Collapse Design Using the Collapse Design Plot

Use View > Design Plots > Collapse plot to perform graphical
collapse-load casing design or to check the collapse design of a string
speci tied on the Tubular> String Sectio ns spreadsheet. Depth is on the
vertical axis, and collapse pressure (effective co llapse load) is on the
horizontal axis.

Two lines arc shown: the collapse design load line and the collapse pipe
rating line. When the design load line remains to the left of the pipe
rating line, the design for collapse is taken to be acceptable based on the
current string's collapse design criteria.

7-8 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

What is the Collapse Design Load Line?

The design load line for collapse represents the maximum design
collapse pressure as a function of depth based on consideration of all
selected collapse and custom collapse load cases for the current string.

The design load line also includes:

• correcting the applied collapse pressure to an effective collapse

pressure based on the effect of internal pressure on
collapse resistance.

applying the appropriate collapse design factor to each load case,

either from the Tubular> Design Parameters dialog box (the
default) or from a load case-specific alternate design factor
specification on the Tubular > Collapse Loads > Options tab

adjusting the design load line to compensate for the effect of

elevated temperature on minimum yield strength (and, hence,
collapse rating) when the Temperature Deration check box is
selected on the current string's Tubular> Design Parameters
dialog box.

• considering the effect of tensile axial loading on

collapse resistance.

What is the Pipe Rating Line?

The constant collapse ratings shown in this plot correspond to the
collapse rating values specified in the Tubular > Pipe Inventory
spreadsheet for the one or more pipes listed in the current string's
Tubular > String Sections spreadsheet. Showing the effect of axial
tension loads and MYS temperature deration on the design load line
allows the collapse rating lines to remain constant (that is, vertical), and
more eas ily manipulated with a mouse. A string section that meets all
pipe-body collapse design criteria has a pipe rating line that is at all
points (over the string section length) to the right of the design load line.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 7-9
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

To summarize, the effects on collapse resistance of both tension and

MYS temperature deration are considered in this plot by calculating a
reduced collapse rating for each string section, as a function of depth and
local tension and temperature. API Bulletin 5C3 collapse formulation is
used with derated yield strength due to tension and temperature (when
the Temperature Deration check box is selected on the Tubular>
Design Parameters dialog box for the current string). The load line
(API Bulletin 5C3 effective collapse pressure) is adjusted to reflect the
appropriate design factor (possibly as a function of depth, when using
alternate design factors), and then multiplied by the ratio of the nominal
API collapse rating to the reduced collapse rating as a function of depth.
Reduction in collapse rating for tension and MYS temperature deration
is shown by increasing the load line and not by decreasing the
rating line.

The current string's weight and grade can be changed by manipulating

(dragging) the pipe rating line. Each vertical section of the pipe rating
line represents a different string section. String sections can be created,
deleted, or modified by clicking, pointing, and dragging the rating line.
Changes made to the current-string design by manipulating the pipe
rating line(s) are reflected on the View> Design Plots> Collapse,
View > Design Plots > Axial, and View > Design Plots > Triaxial
design plots as well as in the current string's Tubular> String Sections
and Tubular> Connections spreadsheets, and vice versa.

7-10 StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Adding a Section to Satisfy Design Criteria

A new section can be added graphically from the Co ll apse Design p lot.

Burst Oes' n

o~----- ~---- ·-----~

·~Lo..i i.-{ .. ..
:lDOO •• ~ Rallnq , ...... ; .. . . ......; ...... .. . . <------····· . . .
··~ ·· · · · ·· ·· ··· ~·····
. ....... ·1·. .......... .
...... 1·····
... - ~ \ ...! .. _.; .......: olQXl •• ••• .. 1.
.. .
.........t. ·-···· ...
j':--------:--t ····~········ ·t•""""'( ""''"
r · r ·r

& 600J ..........

1 0000 ...... .... /---------1--··--···--:········ ··r····--··-- j--·------··

J 1am It·· ·····+·······-+·······1··;···--····+········· ····--···~···········+········
··--~······· .....
······\·t--···--···1···········1········ ··~·- ········j-··········

::::::::::::1::::::::::::1.:.:.:::::·.;·::......... ~.........
Notice the
·~ ....... . \t··········~···········~····· ··· ~ ··~· ·· ·······i··········· l«lXJ
... ... ... .. new section.
... . ...
Sections are
llDXI ---------r --------·1--····---··········--·r···------r·---·---- 16000 . • Oes1gn Loadl.Jne "°"-~· - ··· · · .. ···~----·····
P!f>t R~1111q ! ~
. ~.
: marked with
18CDI 18XO-t----.---~~-~--~---<
' . anXateach
0 7500 100:0 12500 15(00 0 2500 7500 12500
e.111 Roting (pt1) Collapst Ral •"'J (psi)

l. To create an additional pipe section that will meet design criteria,

position the mouse pointer near the depth you want to create a new
section (but not directly on the pipe rating line).

2. Double-click to create a new section at the pointer depth. An "X"

marker denotes the section change.

3. Move the rating line unti l you satisfy the design criteria as
described on " Modifying a Pipe Section" on page 7-6.

Burst 0.11 n

o~-~-------- · -~---~ o~~~~-~-~ , ~----~

•~Loadllne( . : : .
:r:. ,\···:· 1: ·:·.r .. r.·:. .

... '

........ .:. ......... . ..... ·-... .' ·-·-- ...... . ..........

~- -~-

• - ~ ••• • •••• ••··:· • • • • • • •• • • - ~-- •• • o•o•• •t tho• 0 0 0 0 0 0

~ ·-
• • •

----------1----------+-1 1·--·-- --r----------1----------· . .. .. . ' . --------·

. .
-~-- ...... ··· ' 1· . ......... ~ --· ........ .

y. : : : : .
.... '......:.............
' .. . .. .... '... .
-.... --.. ... --...
.......... ··--···--r--········r ··--.. --r ........-r·····----
~- ~i- ~-

·· ·--··1'7········· ...........
~ ~ · · ··· ·· · ~ - -:· ···· · · · · · ~ · · ··· ··· · ·· ..... ... ... ...........................................
.: :

Notice the two

12!Xll _. .LL. . . . L.......L. . . :. ~ _... .. L....... l;axl
. .
. ....·-:------------:-----·-·--·
-..... .... .; pipe sections.
\ 1 1 ; ~ l - - -..-----11-"
- ... --..... :·. .... ·- -· --. . ---. -· -·. -- . --- ............ .... .
The change is
UCO) ······ t .:. ·· · ······ · !· ·· ····· · ··~· · ··· · ·····~·· · ······~····· · ·· ·· ·
•~ j ~ ;
~- .

. -~
applied to the
burst design
~- ·· · ········~ ·-···· ··· ·· . ............. .
----------r----·--.. 1·····.. ···:·····------r----------r .. • Otsa;n Load lJnt
P·P1~"'9 ; ; plot also.
llUXI+---.----.----.~~-.----,~-~ IBX0 +-~-..------,~---.---~~--1

0 7500 100:0 I:?500 15000 0 100:0

Bu•tl Ra11ng (p11) Collapse Ra11ng (p11)

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 7-11
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Checking Axial and Service Load Profiles

The following example shows a comparison of the Axial Load Profiles
and the Service Load Profiles, with consideration for bending. The axial
load profile displays an overall view of the axial load profile as a
function of either MD or TYO, while the Service Load Profiles plots
characterize the axial load with bending-induced pseudo-loads for all
burst and collapse load cases (including custom load cases) selected for
the current string.

Axial load Profiles - Apparent (w/Bending) Axial Service load Profiles - Apparent (w/Bending)

,.. _ _ J _ _ _ _ _
2000 2000

,.,.,. ,. ,.J,. ... .. -- - L - - .. .... J ...... .. .. .. L

__ _,' _____ _.____ _
- - - - -~ - - -- - -'- - - - - .. .J .. ..
€ 6000 ' ' -

'' i
0 8000 0 8000
! !
i" i"
, - Otsplacement to Gas
nr:m~~~ : Lost Reti.rns -..ith Wl!Aer
:Ii 10000 :Ii 10000 ----~--- ..,-·
'-.l~-:t- . - Gas Kick (50 Obbl 0 50 ppg)
' : • Pr9'Ssure Test
0 'II : Green Cement Pressure Test (Burst)
.. - -
- -1- - - - - - ~ - - -
- - , -
- - - - 12000 4-J-.l.lj~=---...1 OnN AAead (Burst)
RTTS (BtXst)

14000 - Pr...cement Stabc Load 14000 d .. ··. t - ~~:R=n~:~:: 0rOP

Post·Cement Stabc Load i\ ; : Cementing
Green Cement Pressure Test , , i - Onl Mead (COISOse)
' -=-=
· -=-=--~
-150000 0 150000 300000 450000 600000 750000 -1 0 150000 300000 450000 600000 750000
Axial Force (lbt) Axial Forco (!bf)

The View > Axial Plots > Load Profiles > The View > Axial Plots > Service Load
Apparent wlBending plot shows the axial Profiles > Apparent w/Bending plot
load profile for each axial load case illustrates how this Service Loads Profile is
selected for the current string . The constructed. It is formed from the absolute
aggregate Service Loads Profile is maximum values of axial load produced by
included if the Service Loads check box is the pressure effects of the burst and
selected on the Tubular> Axial Loads collapse load cases selected for the
dialog box. current string.

7-12 Stress CheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Using the Axial Load Profiles Plot

The View > Axial Plots > Load Profiles plot characterizes the axial
load profile as plots that display the following axial load profile plots as
a function of either MD or TVD, depending on the final selection from
the View > Axial Plots > Load Profiles submenu:

• Apparent (with bending-induced pseudo-loads included)

• Actual (without bending-induced pseudo-loads)

• All apparent and actual axial load cases are displayed for the
current string, including the aggregate service load profile (if
Service Loads is a selected axial load case), burst load cases, and
collapse load cases

The aggregate service load profile is shown when service loads is a

selected axial load case for the current string. The aggregate service load
profile includes the effect of:

thermal strain due to temperature change

• ballooning due to differences between internal and external

pressure profiles

• piston forces at end areas and cross-section changes

• pick-up and slack-off loads specified on the Tubular> Initial

Conditions > Cementing and Landing tab

• buckling (if the Buckling check box is selected on the Tubular>

Design Parameters dialog box)

• top of cement (TOC)

Each effect may apply to the individual burst or collapse case specific
service load profiles and yield the maximum service load line when
adjusted with design factors for temperature deration and taken in
the aggregate.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1.7 Training Manual 7-13
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Using the Axial Service Load Profiles Plots

The View> Axial Plots> Service Load Profiles plots characterize the
axial load with bending-induced pseudo-loads and without
bending-induced pseudo-loads for all burst and collapse load cases
(including custom load cases) selected for the current string. The actual
load profile displayed depends on the final selection from the View>
Axial Plots > Service Load Profiles submenu.

The apparent and actual axial load cases include the effects of:

• thermal strain due to temperature change

• ballooning due to differences between internal and external

pressure profiles

• piston forces at end areas and cross-section changes

• pick-up and slack-off loads specified in the Tubular> Initial

Conditions > Cementing and Landing tab

• buckling (if the Buckling check box is selected on the Tubular>

Design Parameters dialog box)

• top of cement (TOC)

Each effect may apply to the individual burst or collapse service load
case. This plot explicitly traces the concatenation of service load profile
segments used to construct this composite profile plot.

Using the Service Load Lines Plot

This plot displays when the Service Loads check box is selected as an
axial load case for the current string on the Tubular > Axial Loads
dialog box. It represents all service load profiles from the View> Axial
Plots> Service Load Profiles plot after adjustment with the respective
design factors and the effect of elevated temperature on minimum yie ld
strength (temperature deration) .

7-14 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 .7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Plot data is derived from either the Tubular> Design Parameters

dialog box, or from the alternate design factors specified for each
respective load case on the Tubular> Burst Loads> Options or
Tubular > Collapse Loads > Options tabs. This plot is provided to
facilitate user insight into the process by which this Service Loads
profile plot is determined. This concatenation of service load profile
segments, as a function of depth, corresponds to the service load line
segments that define the composite maximum load line that can be
traced in the View > Axial Plots > Service Load Profiles plot.

Checking Axial and Triaxial Design

The following example shows a comparison of the Axial and Triaxial
design plots. The Axial plot allows you to perform graphical axial-load
casing design or to check the axial design of a string. The Triaxial plot
allows you to perform graphical casing design based on triaxial stress
analysis or to check the triaxial design of a string.

Ax,al Des "

.~ ............t........... LL. . . . ..[. . . . . r····-'·~:~~~~:~ .

- : 1• 0es1,911 Loadl.iftt
! : l ~ Y~d Pipe Stttn91h
...... .... . r·········3·····. ··1···········r· ·······i···········r.. ········
-1-...... •OOJ

... ........ j...........( .........;........... t'. ·······t····....... j"..........

am ············f············1···········:·-·········t···· ······t ···········1··········· XlXl

: : : :
:n:n ............ !. . ..... . (. ········1············:············t··········r··········· ;

lO'.ll) ···········+··········+ ..........;........... +·········· -~·· ·· ······ +·· ··· ······

SCOO······· ····i.........' ....... .., ......... , ... ..... t . . . . .L......... : •••••••••••, ••••••.. :••·· ················••!•• -- ,···········,···········
Q))j ·f............f·········.. ·f··········+f............f...........
··~···· ·····~· -· · · · ·· ·· .. &XXl ........ . .. i··.. ··· ··-,:~ ........... ;..........~ .. .......~·········· ·~···· · · · ·-·· ·
e: . /. . . . . ~ i : ~ ~ l ~

t: •••••·•••••I/••l••••••••••• ·•••••••••••l ••••••••t••••••••1••••••:

:: ··:····::x:···.:··::::·:::::::::::t::.:.·.·.-..1.::.:..:.:J:::·:::..:..r:·.·:·::::·
I, ,
, , , ,
. : : : :
: : ;' i . : . :
•nn ·····cf··· ····· ··'.········[ .... ... ·f···········.l..·······t·! .. ··· .....
:: lri
I J..•·.1·:·.··· L :J••······· ·· : : •••••••••·•l •••••••
1mi ;-~-..-~-,.~~.-~.-~-r~-T~--1
••••·· ·····••\I••••••••••·• ••••••••r•• ••••••••
2&00) 500)X) 7'i/:1XJJ 10'.lmJ 12!'1Xm ISOO::OO 17!llXI'.! :zooml noo •SOC() 600)) 751Xl) 900)) 105(00 l:;roxJ IJ!l:Xll
Axial Fere• Ob~ VME S llu t (psi)

Burst and collapse considerations control most For this string selection,
Designs . If an adjustment is necessary based both axial and triaxial
on axial or triaxial design, it can be made from design meet the criteria.
the Axial Design plot.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 7-15
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Using the Axial Design Plot

Select the View > Desig n Plots > Axial plot to perform graphical
axial-load casing design or to check the axial design of a string specified
on the T ubular > String Sections spreadsheet. Depth is on the vertical
axis and axial force (effective axial load) is on the horizontal axis.

The axial design load line and the axial pipe rating line are displayed on
this plot. When the design load line remains to the left of the pipe rating
line, the design for tension and compression is taken to be acceptable
based on the current stri ng's axial design criteria.

What is the Axial Design Load Line?

The axial design load line reflects the maximum apparent axial load
experienced by the casing as a function of depth, based on the load cases
selected on the Tubular > Axia l Loads dialog box. T he line is adjusted
by adding an axial pseudo- load to reflect bend ing- induced increases in
axial stress. When different (alternate) axi al design fac tors are used fo r
different selected axial-l oad and axial service-load cases, the design
facto r reflected in the design load line may vary with depth as a function
of the axial load case or service-load case having local control over
axial design.

Effects of Temperature Deration

When the Temperature Deration check box is selected for the current
string on the Tubular > Design Parameters dia log box, the local
minimum yield strength (MYS) of the casing in each stri ng section (and
hence, the local axial rating) is derated as a function of local
temperature. T his effect is considered in the axial design plot by
increasing the local design load line values by the local ratio of original
to temperature-derated MYS, and not by decreasing the axial rating line.

7-16 StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Default temperature profiles for the axial running and installation are
used to determine MYS deration for each load case selected on the
Tubular> Axial Loads> Select tab. Default or user-entered
temperature p rofiles for service loads are determined using the
Tubular> Burst Loads> Select, Tubular> Burst Loads> Custom,
Tubular> Collapse Loads> Select, or Tubular> Collapse Loads>
Custom tabs. For service loads, the temperature profile for each
selected burst or collapse load (including custom loads) can be specified
and reviewed on the Tubular> Burst Loads >Tempe rature or
Tubular> Collapse Loads> Temperature tab, and can be viewed on
the burst and collapse temperature profi le plots.

In the StressCheck software, the local tension loading for service loads
is based on the actual axial load distribution for all selected burst and
collapse service load cases (including custom loads). It includes the
effect of temperature change, ballooning due to burst pressure or reverse
ballooning due to coll apse pressure, piston forces due to end areas, area
changes, plugs, well bore deviation, and pickup or slackoff loads
spec ified on the Tubular> Initial Conditions > Cementing and
Landing tab. TOC depth is speci fi ed in the Wellbore >Casing and
Tubing Scheme spreadsheet.

What is the Axial Pipe Rating Line?

The constant axial ratings shown in this plot correspond to the axial
rating values specified in the Tubular> Pipe Inventory spreadsheet for
one or more pipes listed in the current string's Tubular > String
Sections spreadsheet. Showing the effect of MYS temperature derati on
on the design load line allows the axial rating lines to remain constant
(vertical), and they can be more easily manipulated with a mouse. A
string section that meets all pipe-body axial design criteria has a pipe
rating line that is at all points (over the string section length) to the right
of the design load line. Reduction in axial rating for MYS temperature
deration is shown by increasing the load line and not by decreasing the
rating line.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 7-17
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

The current string's weight and grade can be changed by manipulating

(dragging) the pipe rating line. Each vertical section of the pipe rating
line represents a different string section. String sections can be created,
deleted, or modified by clicking, pointing, and dragging the rating line.
Changes made to the current-string design by manipulating the pipe
rating line(s) are reflected on the burst, collapse, and tr1axial design plots
as well as in the current string's Tubular> String Sections and
Tubular> Connections spreadsheets, and vice versa.


The Axial Design plot does not reflect the implications for axial design integrity of
connection selections for string-sections in the current string. After a pipe-body
design is performed, the effect of connection selections on design integrity can be
assessed directly in the Tubular> Connections spreadsheet.

Using the Triaxial Design Plot

Select the View > Design Plots > Triaxial command to perfonn
graphical casing design based on triaxial stress analysis or to check the
triaxial design of a string specified on the String Sections spreadsheet.
Depth is on the vertical axis and von Mises' equivalent (VME) stress is
on the horizontal axis.

: Ir. I . I~t'~~~~~ Because the

6000 .. .......... :. +{·······:········· ··:············:············ design load

i~ ec:ro .......... T~ . .+~

. ..·t ·········r~ ....·······r··
line is to the
left of the pipe
rating line, the
design for
loading is

l :: ············;··········.
·\.. :• • .••,•••• :·······1···.. ••••••••• acceptable.

. . .
............:......... ····:.............'!.......... ' "'".! ••.••••••• ••

1ec:ro I I I
25(00 5COOl 7500) 1OCXXXl 125(00 ISCOOO
VME Stross (ps•)

7-18 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Two lines are shown: the triaxial design load line and the triaxial pipe
rating line (that is, the minimum yield strength for each string section).
When the design load line remains to the left of the pipe rating line, the
design for triaxial loading is taken to be acceptable based on the triaxial-
design-criteria for the current string.

The triaxial design load line reflects the maximum state of combined
loading experienced by the casing as a function of depth, based on the
current-string load cases selected on the Burst Loads, Collapse Loads,
and Axial Loads dialog boxes. All effects considered in the formulat ion
of their respective unfactored load lines- temperature deration, as with
the burst, collapse, and axial design plots- is considered as an
adjustment to the factored triaxial load line. The triaxial design factor is
specified in the Design Parameters dialog box. When different (that is,
alternate) triaxial design factors are specified for selected burst,
collapse, axial, and axial service-load cases on the Options tab of the
load case dialog box, the design factor reflected in the triaxial design
load line may vary with depth as a function of the load case having local
control over triaxial design.

Triaxial analysis does not specifically address design considerations

such as buckling and collapse, both of which must be addressed
separately. When the Buckling check box is selected in the Design
Parameters dialog box for the current string, buckling data is included in
the results available in the Triaxial Results. The available data includes
the overall buckled length (inclusive of both sinusoidal and helical
buckling modes), the overpull required to elim inate buckling, and the
buckling-induced bending stress (included with the bending stress
inferred on the basis of local well bore curvature). Except for
thick-walled pipe, API collapse behavior is an elastic or inelastic
instability problem rather than one of precollapse yield. Triaxial
analysis should not be used in tracing the collapse integrity of
casing strings.

The constant ratings shown in this plot correspond to the minimum yield
strength values specified in the Pipe Inventory spreadsheet for the one
or more pipes listed in the String Sections spreadsheet for the current
string. Showing the effect of MYS temperah.Ire deration on the design
load line allows the triaxial rating lines to remain constant (that is,
vertical), and they can be more easily manipulated w ith a mouse. A
string section that meets all pipe-body triaxial design criteria has a pipe
rating line that is at all points (over the string section length) to the right
of the design load line. Again, reduction in effective yield strength for
MYS temperature deration is shown by increasing the load line, and not
by decreasing the rating line.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 7-19
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

In this plot, and in contrast to the convention employed in the burst,

collapse, and axial design plots, the current string 's weight and grade
can be changed by manipulating (dragging) both the design load and
pipe rating lines, respectively. Manipulating the design load line pages
through available inventory as a function of weight (for constant grade),
while manipulation of the pipe rating line pages through available
inventory as a function of grade (for constant weight).

Each vertical section of the pipe rating line represents a different string
section. Stri ng sections can be created, deleted, or modi fi ed by clicking,
po inting, and draggi ng the rating line. Changes made to the
current-string design by manipulating the load line and/or the pipe rating
line(s) are reflected on the Burst, Collapse, and Axial design plots as
well as in the current-string String Sections and Connections
spreadsheets, and vice versa.


This plot does not reflect the implications for design integrity of connection
selections for string section in the current string. After a pipe-body design is
performed, the effect of connection selections on design integrity can be assessed
directly in the Connections spreadsheet.

7-20 Stress Check TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Using the Triaxial Design Limit Plot

The View> Triaxial Check> Design Limits plot is a representation of
the VME stress with API ratings. The plot shows one stri ng section at
a time.

In this example, the plot displays data for the

active string section.
i Design Limits • Section 1

I I o I I t ' f I I I I I I I I

. .:--.. . . . . ·1-···· . -r-- ··-·t·.... ----t-· -----r-·-···i···--- ·t-.. ·---·:. . . ----- ~ -- --- --r-------:-------i-------r-------:- --1
I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I

I I I t I t o I 1 t • 1
I I j I f I I
1 t I I I I I I t 1

10000 -:--.. . . . . . .
~--- ...... -r·---- --......
............ I
~ - -----~-
. . . . . . . . . r·· ........ ·r·-----
n-ax1ar1. 50 - . . .... -:- ------ I I
~-- .. -- --r ·----- --1

: : Burst .100 ' ' ' ' ' • ' to 1.300 : ' !
f t t I I I I I I
7500 - 1- ........... ... ... "' .. ... - ... .... · t- · - ...... .. "'1- - ... ...... ..... 'T '"''" ... .. .... - to- - - - ..., __ . ... - - - • - - - .. - - ...,.. ... .... ...... ... .... • .... .. .. r .... ......... ......, ..... - - - - .. - - ... -
I I I t I I I I I I o
I I I I I l I f o

------ ~ -------r--... ·-+- ---: -------:------ ~-- . . ---:-------~---- ~- - ~~ --- ~·----- -.. ~ --- . - - ~- --- - ~- -- ~
I I I I o I I I I I I I I


Disp!!Ceme nt to Gas



• •
: :



...L........... J...... ---' --- ....... J......... --- ~ .............. ~ ............ J.............. ~ ...............:.. ......
I I I I f





-l-J-.. . . . . . ~ .. . . .



Lost Returns \ vith Water
Gas Kick (50 o bbl, o 50 ppg)
' ' omp,..ssion 1.30o
: : I
: ~ I I ! Pressure Test
--- ---:---- .. -: -- .... ---:-- -----:- .... ---: -.. ---.... t---- .... -:- -.. ~
- Green Cement Pressure Test (6'.rstl
Onl Mead (Burst)
----,--·---·,-------1------ - r -- - - - -,-

.0000 · r

-----r-------:-- -- ---r-· ---


-- ~
- - -~-
-----.. ,

Full/Partial Evacuation
- Lost Returns With Mud Drop
a I
- Drill Mead (Collapse)
.7500 RunrnlllJ 1n HOie
Overpul Forc e
PrE>-Cement stabc Load
Gree<> Cernent Pressure Test Axial
-1400000 -1200000 -1000000 .sooooo ~ -400000 -200000 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 1200000 1400000
Effective Tension (lbf)

All load cases for the upper stri ng are within the uniaxial design criteria
and also the triaxial design envelope.


Temperature deration is not considered in the Triaxial Design Limit plot.

To view data for another string section, select the string from
the Wizard_

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 7-21
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Modify a Design
The Tubular> String Sections spreadsheet allows you to manually
modify an existing design or enter a design you would like to check
using the StressCheck software. A cost summary is displayed on
this spreadsheet.

Cost ($)
Top, MD (ft) Base, MD (ft) OD Qn) Weight (ppQ Grade 412,1 44
1 310 11200.0 9 518" 53.500 C-95 317,921
2 11200.0 14623.1 9 518" 53.500 P-110 94,223
This string has two sections.
Cost summary.

The current depths, ODs, weights, and grades can be changed from this
spreadsheet. Any changes made here are reflected in the design plots
and vice versa.

7-22 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Checking a Specific Casing Design

You can also analyze a specific string rather than allowing the
StressCheck software to suggest a string. First, you must delete any
strings that may already exist. Then, you must enter the string you want
to analyze.

Because the string is defined as a 9 518" Protective Casing ,

you must first define the string size as 9 5/8".

Is 518'' Protective eamo
1,.1 , ,_ _ _ __

Weight (ppQ
1 3JO 11200.0 9 518" 53.500 C.95
2 11200.0 14623.1 9 518" 53.500 P-110

I. Access the Tubular > String Sections spreadsheet.

2. Delete any existing rows.

3. Enter the weight, grade, and depth of string section. Double-click

on a cell to access the available pipe sections. Enter one line for
each pipe section.

To create a Tapered String, enter another section, and then enter the
depth at which the second section starts. Specify the weight and grade
of the new string.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 7-23
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Compressional Load Check

Select the Tubular > C ompression Load C heck dialog box to compute
the compressive loads at the wellhead for the conductor and
surface casing.

Comprl!'ss1on load Cht!'ck E31

P Apply Load to Cormtor c~
P Apply LO-'d to Su-f«e C"Slll9

Wellead (or BOP) Wet#. j21sooo

TlbnQWeq,t 1315000
TlbnQ St~ (or Settr.g) load lo
st«ld-df (for shared loads) 13.00)

Concb:tor casnQ. 30", 309.700 w. x~
Altia!Compr~eforce: J37SS'lbf
Absolute 5"fety F«tor: 39.71
nf«e casino· 21·, 186.200 w, X-60
AXl!li Force: 452116 lbf
Ab:;olute 5"fety F"ctor: 7.26

Tot<il Axial Compressive Force: 590000 b'

Th is calculation is on ly a check. It is not used by the StressCheck

software to calculate minimum cost designs. The compressive forces
and absolute safety facto rs are displayed as results .

Conductor and surface string section data must be entered. If the

conductor and surfac e string data is not present, the fo llowing dialog
box appears:

Strl!'s•Chf'ck E3

.n 5trlllQ Secbon Data IS not defned

The results are available by using View> Tabula r Results >

Compression Load C heck.


The compression load check results reflect values for a vertical well even if the well
being analyzed is a deviated well. Therefore, the results arc always the
maximum values.

7-24 Stress Check TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Minimum Cost Design

Use the Tubular > Minimum Cost dialog box to spec ify basic
minimum-cost solution constraints.

Minimum Cost: 30" Conductor Casing (8)

Par~te-s 1Desqi I
Maxm.111 t....roer of~t>ons : 11
The cost of K-55 Steel is used in MriTuTI Secbon Length: l....s-70-.o- ft
conjunction with cost factors in
the Tubular > Pipe Inventory to
rank the cost of steel during the cost
automated design. Modifying -1--t~·ostofK-sssteel: I100
this value updates all the plain
end costs of pipe in the
current inventory.

Fields and Controls

Maximum Number of Sections

In the Maximum Number of Secti ons field, enter the maximum number
of string sections that have different weight and grade that can be
tolerated in the minimum-cost casing design.

Minimum Section Length

In the Minimum Section Length fi eld, enter the minimum tolerable
length to be considered for a particu lar string section in the
minimum-cos t casing design solution.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 7-25
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Cost of K-55 Steel

In the Cost of K-55 Steel field, specify the baseline reference cost, per
unit mass, for API grade K-55 plain-end casing. This value, in
combination with the grade-specific default factors entered in the Cost
Factors dialog box, is used to cost all casing in the minimum-cost casing
design solution.


The StressCheck defaults for the cost of K-55 steel and the related grade-specific
cost factors are based on information available at the time of release and may not
accurately reflect grade-related differences in the cost of plain-end casing. The costs
for oil-country tubular goods (OCTGs) are determined, in general, within the
context of a commodity- and inventory-driven marketplace. The baseline cost for
plain-end K-55 casing, as well as the default cost factors found in the Tools>
Defaults> Cost Factor dialog box, should be validated against your understanding
of prevailing casing costs within your organization.

Select the Tubular> Minimum Cost> Design tab to select regions of

the API design envelope and triaxial design ellipse within which
minimum-cost design solutions must res ide.

Click an area to include it or remove Minimum Cost: 30" Conductor Casing IBJ
it from the analysis. All gray areas

r. . . . :- - ,
will be included in the minimum cost
design. In this example , the
-- • ' • Tri-axial ·

~./ ~l~----··
minimum cost design will be
governed by these criteria and not
take advantage of the increased
burst capability with increased
tension or fall into undesirable
triaxial areas, such as the bottom
left quadrant. 1

r -·-----
0Q) ----- - -- ·- - - -- --- --

tf :t:: ·~;.::,:.::_-='4=--==.-=="-f"-'==-:..::_-+-~~-+-~~-;._~~-l
wQ) ..,. ' ximate

Axial Force (lbf)


The API design envelope is bounded by the burst limit state at the top;
the compression and tension lim it states to left and right, respectively;
and the co llapse lim it state at the bottom. The triaxial design ellipse is
bounded by the projected von Mises failure surface for the minimum
yield limit state.

7-26 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Gray-shaded areas w ithin either the API design envelope or the triaxial
design ellipse indicate portions of either or both design regions that you
selected as legitimate domain s for evol ution of minimum cost designs.

The gray zone (design domain) can be made larger or smaller by

clicking various parts of the plot. Clicking a gray area c hanges the area
to white, which excludes that area from the design domain .


The design domain is of a generalized form; that is, no burst, collapse, axial, or
triaxial design factors are explicitly stated. Design factors used in association with
minimum-cost design within the selected design domai n are specified in the Design
Parameters dialog box, or on the Options tab for each selected load case in the Burst
Loads, Collapse Loads, or Axial Loads dialog boxes.

Minimum Cost Search

Select View > Design Plots > Minimum Cost to open the Minimum
Cost Search dialog box. This dialog box automatically finds a
minimum-cost design solution for the current string using available
inventory, grade-dependent costs per unit mass, all bo undary
conditions, load-case constructs, design cri teria and constraints, and
minimum-cost search parameters specified by the user.

Minimum Cost Search rEJ

Status of the _ . IPass J: Finished
cost search ~Elapsed
--Tlme -- : - - - -- .-oo- :oo
is displayed. Last Minmun-Cost De$9'1: 00:00:00
Ci.rrent Mninun Cost: 531,121

OK I I Cancel

You can monitor the progress of the minimum-cost search, and cancel
or end the search at any ti me.

StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 7-27
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Select AP/ and Premium Connections

Select the Tubular > Connections spreadsheet to select regular 8 round
(STC or LTC) or buttress (BTC) couplings if they are avai lable for the
current OD and weight. If a premium connection has been specified on
the Tubular> Special Connections spreadsheet for the current OD,
weight, and grade, it can also be selected from the pull-down list.

The asterisk (*) indicates the

connection does not meet
design criteria.

1 9 SA3". 47,00) ppf, N.00 LTC 142,107

2 9 SA3". 53 500 ppf, P-1 10 :-<N/_
- 'A>
__,,,,,,, NIA 233.969


Select connection from

pull-down list.

When a connection is selected, the corresponding safety factors are

displayed so you may evaluate its suitability. A default price of the pipe
and connection that determines the total cost of a section is shown. The
default price can be changed to reflect the actual cost to your
purchasing department.

Select the Tubular> Connections spreadsheet to specify, view, and

evaluate connections for each string section in the current string. These
connections are based on preliminary design information specified on
the Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme spreadsheet.

7-28 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

The Tubular> String Sections spreadsheet is first used to fully define

the geometry, unit weight, and strength characteristics for the current
string. The Tubular > Connections spreadsheet is the companion that
is subsequently used to specify corresponding API or proprietary
(premium) connection type, associated properties, and to assess the
suitability of the selections face-to-face connection design criteria for
burst and axial loads.

Connection selection and evaluation should only be perfonned after a

satisfactory pipe body design is established. For this reason, entries in
the Tubular > Connections spreadsheet cannot be made until at least
one string section for the current string is defined in the Tubular>
String Sections spreadsheet.

After a connection is specified for a string section, connection safety

factors based on the current design criteria display so that the connection
performance can be immediately evaluated.

On the Tubular> Connections spreadsheet, a default value for

unit-length cost of the current string section, with connections, is
displayed in the Pipe +Conn cell. This value can be modified to match
actual costs. Based on the values for Pipe + Conn, the cost for each
string section is displayed in the Cost column. The total cost of the
current string is displayed directly under the column heading in the Cost
column header.

Ratings IB)
9 5/8.. 53. 500 ppf, P· llO ~
&.rst 10900.00 ~
# psi

c~ J<JSO.OZ psi

Axial 1710113 bf
Yield Strenglti 110000.0 psi

BTC, P·llO
&sst # 12066.03 psi

Leak 9160.78 psi 1718076 bf

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 7-29
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 7: Graphical Design

Define Premium Connections

Premium connections need to be defined in the Tubular> Special
Connections spreadsheet and then selected for that particular string
section in the Tubular > Connections spreadsheet.
Select the desired connection from the
pull-down list.

1 9 SIB", 47.D'.ll ppf, N-00 BTC 156,476

2 9 5iB", 53.500 ppf, P-110 jNewVAM3 10625 231 32 48 276,077
3 <NIA>

OD in
1 NVSC80 9 5/B"
9 5,IB"
2 9709 1

The line defining the premium

connection cannot be edited after the
connection is selected for use.


Minimum Cost or Triaxial Design does not take into account any connections. The
suitability of APTand premium connections must be confirmed and checked
separately here.

7-30 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter Ii
Analyzing Tabular Results and
In the previous chapter, you learned which design plots are available in the StressCheckTM
software and how resul ts are displayed graphically. The StressCheck software also displays
results in tables and reports, which are discussed in this section of the course.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 8-1
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 8: Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports

Input Data Tables

The Input Data Tables submenu contains commands for displaying

tables summarizing the data found on all dialog boxes on the Wellbore
and Tubular menus, and permits the export to other documents, as OLE
objects, of dialog box-specific user-entered data.

:;J Fie Edit Welbol'e • Composer Tools Wl'ldow ~

.; Wei Explorer
.; Vrtual Folders


\Vel Schemabc
Formation Plots
Deviation Plots ~

Colapse Plots
Axial Plots

Deslgl Plots

lrfiut Data Tables ~ General

TabUar Results Offshore ••--+i Input Data Tables submenu
Geothermal Graaent
Production Datl

Design Parameters
!nttial Conditions
bst loads
Colapse Loads
Axial Loads

8-2 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 8: Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports

Tabular Results

The View> Input Data Tables submenu items swnmarize, in tabular

form, the data found on all dialog boxes on the Wcllbore and Tubular
menus. When you select an item from this submenu, the contents of the
active window pane are replaced by a table that presents the information
described by the submenu item title.

IC!' Fie Edit Welbore TlbAar Id Composer Tools Wn:lo,.. Ht-Ip

- - - -

., WeJ Explorer
., ~Folders


Co&!lc>2 Plots
Axial Pbts

Ta!Uw~ • WelSunmary
Strr1Q Sunmary
DewstK>n Profile
Bu-st loads
Axial Loads
O.ffcrenbal Pressures
Mn Safety Factors
,, ___
Tabular Results
sub men u
M4x Wetr
Max ~able Overpul
Tnaioal R~ts


r+IS Report
0es9'0lea •

The View> Tabular Results submcnu items summarize, in tabular

fonn, the data found on all dialog boxes on the Wcllbore and Tubular
menus. You can export the data entered in a dialog box as an OLE object
and include it in a custom report. When you select an item from this
submenu, the contents of the active window pane are replaced by a table
that presents the information described by the submenu item title.
View> Tabular Results > String S ummary summarizes the string
sections and burst, collapse , axial, and triaxial design safety factors.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1.7 Training Manual 8-3
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 8: Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports

Viewing the String Summary

The View > Tabular Results > String Summary table displays a
summary of the configuration, design factors, and cost summary for the
string currently selected and constituent string sections.

MD Interval Dnft Dia Minimum Safet Factor (Abs)

Stnng ODIWe1ghtJGrade Connection (ft) (1n) Burst Colla se Axial Tnax1al
1 Protectr;e Casing 9 SA'!". 47 (DJ ppf, N-00 BTC. P·110 :JJ o.s 123 1 8625A 1 29 1 03 1 43 1 42
2 9 5A3". 53 500 ppf, P· 110 NewVAM 6123 1· 14623 1 B500A 1 83 c 1 01 2 31 c 163
3 Total= 432,553
5 C Conn Cnt1c<1t
6 AAlternate Onft

This summary is a subset of the View> Tabular Results> Well

Summary table. It includes the name of the current string plus the OD,
weight, grade, connection type, depth interval, drift diameter, minimum
burst, and collapse, axial, and triaxial safety fac tors. It also includes the
cost for each string section, and the total cost for the string.

When "N/A" displays in place of numerical entries in the burst, collapse,

axial, or triaxial safety factor summaries, it indicates that no applicable
loads were selected. For example, if no axial loads were selected on the
Tubular> Axial Loads> Select tab, the cells in the column for axial
safety factors display "N/A".

Safety factors greater than 100 are not reported. Instead, "+I 00" is
displayed. Safety factors can be displayed as either absolute (rating
divided by applied load) or nonnalized (absolute divided by the
appropriate design factor) .

Safety factor conventions can be toggled by using the Nonnalized/

Absolute Safety Factors icon ( ~) on the Engineering toolbar, or by
specifying either one as a preferred safety factor by using the Tools>
Options dialog box.

An asterisk displayed before a safety factor indicates that the safety

factor does not meet a user-defined design factor criterion for a load of
that type (for example, burst). If connections are conside red in the
design , a letter code may appear after a safety factor, which indicates
that the design is connection-limited at that depth.

8-4 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 8: Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports

Connection ratings for API casing couplings are calcu lated by using the
formulations in API Bulletin 5C3. Ratings for proprietary premium
connections are specified on the Tubular> Special Connections
spreadsheet. Many premium connections commonly used are included
in the Special Connections library, and can be exported directly to the
Tubular > Special Connections spreadsheet.

What is the Maximum Allowable Wear?

The View> Tabular Results> Max Allowable Wear table displays
the maximum allowable wear for which the absolute burst and collapse
safety factors will remain greater than or equal to the appropriate design
factors as a function of depth. Allowable wear is presented both as a
percentage of nominal wall thickness and as a wear depth. Additionally,
the remaining wall thickness is presented. The OD, weight, and grade of
each section defined on the Tubular > String Sections spreadsheet is
also listed at the depth for the section top.

Depth Rem••n1n Will Th1ckne" 1n) M•• Wear % of Will Th1··k Mi• Wear 1n
:JlO 9 5/8°. 47 cm ppl, N-OO
0 376 82
Caba •
Cona ••
Coif• se
t250 0 37362 0 128 C• 209 729 0099 0 344
BlO 0 :J;5 B2 0 t91 CA 226 594 0 107 0281
!UJO 0353 B2 0 243 CA 25 3 A85 0119 om
10030 0350 CL 0 2S2 CA 259 46 7 0122 0 220
12000 0 352 CL 0 267 C4 255 435 0120 0205
I.COO 0 0 354 CL 0 280CA 251 407 0 118 0 192
16000 0 355 CL 0 291 C4 247 363 0 117 0 181
17000 0 366 CL 0 297 CA 24 5 37 2 0 116 0 175
19668 0359 CL 0310 C4 2~ a 34 4 0113 0162
59700 0 400 CL 0 462 Cl 152 20 OCJ72 0010
61000 0 401 CL 0466 Cl 14 9 13 0071 oco;
6123 1 0 402Cl 0 467 Cl U9 11 0070 0005
61231 9 Sttl', 53 500 f pf, P-110 0 292CL 0443 C1 464 167 0253 0102
EiDJO 0 293 CL 0446 Cl 461 17 6 0252 0097
600JO 0297 CL 0463 Cl 45 5 15' 0248 0082
68J1 0 0150 B2 0463 Cl 725 15 1 0395 0 002
!ODO 0111 B2 0 509 Cl 79 7 65 0434 003i
96090 0099 B2 0 51A C1 619 56 0446 0031
97000 0 09EI B2 osu C1 819 56 0447 0031
900)0 0097 B2 0515 C1 823 55 0448 ocm
99000 0005 B2 0516 Cl 826 53 0450 0029
100000 0093 B2 0517 Cl 829 52 0 452 0028
101000 0092 82 0517 Ct 832 5 1 0 453 0026
102000 0090 B2 0516 Cl 83 4 50 0 455 0027
103000 0 fll9 82 0518 Cl 837 49 0 456 0027
104000 0007 82 0519 Cl 640 46 0 458 0026
105000 0006 82 0520 Cl 64 2 47 0459 0025
109713 OCBJB5 o522 Cl 85 4 42 0 .165 0023
120250 DOOJB5 OS28 C1 853 31 0465 0017
120254 OOOJB5 05213 C1 053 31 0465 0017
12500 0 ocmei; Dill C1 853 27 0 465 0015
1'1231 010305 0539 C1 610 10 OU? 0((6
146231 O 111 BS 0 542 Cl 79 7 05 0434 0003

82 lo•I Rl>tom~ wrth

BS ProoS<Jre Test
Cl Ful1/P•111>I Evacuo11on
C4 lo$1 Re1u1"s ""th MJd D••?
CL Custom Loads

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1.7 Training Manual 8-5
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 8: Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports

Depth can be displayed as either MD or TVD by toggling the MD/TVD

conversion icon on the Engineering toolbar, or by specifying either one
as a preferred depth by using the Tools > Options dialog box.

The alpha-numeric symbols following the burst and collapse values

indicate the case used to calculate the values for Remaining Wall
Thickness at each depth.


Maximum allowable wear for collapse is based on a determination of the

minimum wall thickness that, when using the standard API Bulletin 5C3 collapse
fonnulations, preserves the minimum allowable collapse safety factor. No
consideration is given to the particular geometry of the wear and the possible
resulting influence on collapse resistance. Wear is treated as if it were unifonnly
distributed around the casing inner circumference. So-called "high-collapse"
casing grades are evaluated by the same methods used for standard API grades of
the same minimum yield strength. High-collapse perfonnance, where it can be
substantiated, is normally a result of exceptional geometric properties (such as
very low eccentricity, ovality, and wall-thickness variation), and improved
collapse resistance is therefore assumed to be compromised as a consequence
of wear.

8-6 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 8: Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports

Reporting in the StressCheck TM Software and

Microsoft Word

There are two main ways of creating a casing design re port, including:

• creating and printing a report withi n the StressCheck software .

copying and pasting StressCheck input tables and results into a

Microsoft Word report

Generating Stress Check TM Software Reports

Select Tools> Reports to add, remove, and define custom reports.
Custom reports can contain as much or as littl e data as you want
displayed. They can consist of one or several spreadsheets, tables, plots,
or schematics.

These reports can be displayed using the Print Preview command and
printed using the Print command. Reports are customized using the three
tabs shown below.

Reports - Cost ~
lltles !Contents I Options I
Detailed Report Click New to create
A list of available New _..
J. _ _ __
a new report.
reports is displayed. Input Report ..__;,,_j

Gr~ Report Delete I

TablJar Report

iii............. IRename j


StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 8-7
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 8: Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports

Select the Tools> Reports> Contents tab to add content to the report.

Reports - ~ ---- - -- -------- (8)

lltles j
Contents Opbons I
Add I Click Add to add
items to the report.

• I

OK Apply J_~ _ __.

The Add Contents dialog box opens. Here, you can select the content to
include in the report.

You can select more Click OK when you

than one item at a time have finished your
by holding Ctrl-Shift selections.
down while clicking the
desired items.

After all content is selected in the Add Contents dialog box, configure
the report as needed by reordering and/or removing items.

8-8 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 8: Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports

Selected items display in the

Contents tab.

Titles Con ten ts IOpbons I

Inibal Condtions Data
I AcXJ 1 I
Mnnun Cost Data Removej
Custom Loads Data Configure the report
Sb'Tlg Sections Data Up 1
with the Up, Down,
Tl.bJar Properties Smmary
~~m~ven~b~~. . . . . . . . . . . ___J
or Remove buttons.

OK Cancel J_ Apply J_ ~
Select the Tools> Reports> Options tab to set options for pagination,
display of string data, and the page orientation.

Reports - Cost ~
ntles I Contents Opbons I
lo' One Item Per Page
C' MU~ Items Per Page

Tt.b.W Data for

lo' Cl.fTent String
r' AIStnnos

r. Portrait
('" Landscape

OK I _J _
Cane.el Apply _J

StressCheck ™Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 8-9
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 8: Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports

Previewing and Printing StressCheck TM Software Reports

Use File> Print Preview to preview an item before printing it. The
selected item is viewed from this utility exactly as it will be printed. You
may view multiple pages simultaneously, move from one page to the
next, and zoom in and out.

Click Print to print Select the number of pages of

the selected item . the report that you want
to view. +
f'rn 11east 3
t!ex1 Page I
Graphical Repoit .!...
TabuW Report
landscape Report
Welbae Data

Select the report you want to
view from the pull-down list.

8-10 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 8: Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports

Multiple pages of the report can be viewed, and you can c lick any of the
pages to zoom in and view a single page.

Select 6 Pages to view all six pages of

the report at one time.

bd'dalt:il•iitl oll1oil I DlitlZillill·ii *

.: - - -;::; -:: - ..: - .:: u~

To print the currently selected item, cl ick Print on the tool bar (you may
also click Close and then select File> Print).

Stress Check™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 8-11
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 8: Analyzing Tabular Results and Reports

8-12 Stress CheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter I&
The followin~ exercises are designed to reinforce and challenge your knowledge of the
StressCheck software while you participate in this course, and to act as refresher training in
the future.

This exercise is a continuation of the CasingSeatrn software exercise in which the data hierarchy
has already been created. Please review steps 4 through 8 from Exercise I in the CasingSeat
training manual and make sure that you have the correct data before you proceed with these
StressCheck exercises.

If there is data mismatch, your instructor will assist you by either troubleshooting or providing
you with the clean data set.

During the course, your instructor will guide you through the exercises and assist with any
questions that may arise.

StressCheck ™Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-1
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

StressCheck ™ Software Exercise Overview

The exercises in this book are designed to familiarize you with the
StressCheck software. All of the exercises analyze a single Well.

Exercise 1: Reviewing/Creating the Data Hierarchy

fn this exercise you will review the data hierarchy created during the
CasingSeat exercise: Company, Project, Site, Well , Wellbore, and
Design. If the data hierarchy has not been created yet, please follow
Exercise I in the CasingSeat training manual.

Exercise 2: Preferences and Workspace Configuration

In this exercise, you wi ll set defaults and configure tabs.

Exercise 3: Reviewing/Specifying General Data

This exercise builds on the previous two exercises. Using the data
hierarchy created in Exercise l, you will specify additional data that
defines the Design you are analyzing. T he purpose of this exercise is to
provide you with the opportunity to understand the styles of data input
and the content of the Well bore menu.

Exercise 4: The Design Process

This exercise helps you understand design load se lection and the
design process.

Exercise 5: Minimum Cost

In this exercise, you will use the minimum cost fea ture to determine if
there is a more economical string selection.

Exercise 6: Analyzing Results

This exercise fami liarizes you with the management and presentation of
results on the desktop.

9-2 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 7: Tables and Reports

This exercise familiarizes you with the availab le results types and
printed reporting. Most of the answers to the questions in the exercise
will be found under the View> Tabular Results menu.

Exercise 8: Sensitivity Analysis

In this analysis, you w ill perform a design check using:

• special pipe tubular properties

tapered des ign
• high collapse casing with extreme collapse load ing conditions

Exercise 9: Self Exercise

This independent exercise designs a liner string.

Exercise 10: Template Exercise

This exercise shows basic steps to build a template.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-3
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 1: Reviewing/Creating the Data Hierarchy

l. Launch the StressCheck software (select Start> Programs>

Landmark Engineer's Desktop 5000.1 > StressCheck).

2. Enter edm as the User ID and Landmarkl as the Password on the

login screen.

3. From the Well Explorer, double-click (or right-click and select

Open from the drop-down menu) to open Design E3SOP I. Select
the Normal {System) template.

9-4 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 2: Preferences and

Workspace Configuration

1. Create a new unit system called "Oilfield API" based on the API unit
system. Change the Oi lfield API mud weight units to psi/ft. Select
the API unit system tab. What API unit is used for Force? Select the
API unit system as the Active Viewing Unit System.

2. Before proceeding, ensure the desktop preferences are set to show

the Detailed Wizard List, and display Depths as MD and Safety
Factors as Absolute values.

3. Create ten new tabs, and rename the existing default tab. Name the
tabs:work,Schem,Path,Pore and Frac,Design,String and
Connection, Min ASF, Burst, Collapse, Ax i a l, and Triaxia l.

Assign views to the following tabs as follows:

• Work: Leave as is.

• Path: Wellbore > Wellpath Editor.

• Pore and Frac: Split the pane vertically, then assign as follows:

- Left pane: Wellbore > Pore Pressure

- Right pane: Wellbore > Fracture Gradient

You wi ll configure the other tabs later in the exercises.

4. Add additional bit sizes, if they do not already exist: 7'', 8.25",
14.75'', 33'', and 42".

5. Save and close the E3SOP I Design.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-5
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises


Throughout the remainder of the exercises, if a Change History dia log box appears,
click Save.

Optional: To deactivate the display of the Change History Updates dialog box:

Right-click the Database node ( eD in the Well Explorer.

2 Select Change History > Configure from the drop-down menu.
3 Select the Do not display change history update window check box.

Change History Configuration l8J

P ~t recently changed data

Data changed n the last I10 . · I days


Hghilghtcolor: ·~
Select this check P Show recent history tool~
box to disable the
display of the _ ___~ r Do not Qsplay ~history !.¢ate wndow
Change History
dialog box. OK cancel J_Help J
Another way to tum off the Change History Updates dialog box is to select the Do
not show this message again check box in the lower left comer of the dialog box.
Jfyou want to activate the Change History Updates dialog box late r, perform steps
I through 3 above, but deselect the Do not display change history update
window check box.

9-6 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 2 Answers
1. To create a new unit system called " Oilfield API" that is based on
the API unit system:

a) Select Tools> Unit System to open the Unit Systems Editor.

Adn ~ \~l.htSysll!ln: IAPI 3

API ISI I AP! ·US 51.f\ ey Fttt I Mixed AP! I

T~t~ :
'""'' or: I ~~
, ... l

Fbd Coll1Jr~ ljptl

Fa-er bf
r _ ____,r _ _ .....
bf/ft .,

Click New to open the New Unit System

dialog box.

b) C lick New to open the New Unit System dia log box. Enter
Oilf i eld API as the name of the new unit system. Select API
from the Template pick-li st to use the API unit set as the basis
for the new unit system, and then click OK to return to the Unit
Systems Editor.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-7
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

c) Select Mud Weight from the Class list. Select psi/ft from the
Select Unit list. Do not click OK at this stage.

Unit Systems Editor (g]

AdM! ~MnO lht Sys!=: jOlfield APl

/>Pl I SI I AP! • US 51,r;ey Fttt 11'.fxed AP! Oilfield AP! I

Gas.a Ratio scf,W

Heat of fus:lori BbJ/bm
Hol.rfy cost ~
JT coeJficil!nt "f-/psj
JTSper~ jts,h Select psi/ft
KPnme b"s"n'/ft 2 r Preasion
(psi per foot)
Length Interval lOOOft
l.lqLld arrua11on Ra~ gprn from the
Select Mud l.lql.ldinJectionRate gprn
Weight from
l.lqLld Production Rate
bblft> Expor:_J Select Unit

the Class -l-~m!Z:".':il•••••••l'l:l·· _:_rrcxir_:_J
column . OperationTme:L~ hr/ tOOOft
Operation Tme: Smal
hrs/ 100ft
New.• ._J
F'ernMJity md
~ Spttd (SI.roe) ft/s Edit... J
~Spttd ..ft)m
_ ..,

d) Select the API unit system tab. The Class unit Force displayed
that corresponds to the API unit system is lbf, while the Active
Viewing System is "Oilfield APf".

Unit Systems Editor (8)

Active VieM10 l.nt System: lotfield APT 3
API SI I AP! · US S...V~y Fttt I Mx~ API I Oifled AP! I
Oass l.nt
Cement 5UTy DenSlty PP9
Cost per Lnt mass s/too "'
Cost s
costitenoth S/ft
Cost/T'rne S,' day
Daily Percenlac)e %{day
Depth, Dis1ances, Helltits ft
Oo<;ileg Seventy ""•/ 100ft
En~ BbJ/bn
Eqt.ivalent Mud W"lflt PP9
Notice that lbf is
Select Foree .,.
flow Ra~ {Cement)
FUd eoop'.essbli...!}'._ ~ l~t
-- J the unit assigned
from the Force,iU!noth bf/ft
New. ..
J to Force.
FflctioNj Force bf/ft
Class Fficlional loss ps;/ IOOft I
column . GasGr~t
r--'--•·-·- . ... ~ .....
~ ,~-
I He\:> I

9-8 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

e) Select API from the Active Viewing Unit System pick-list, and
then click OK.

Adl\le VleWW'IQ Unit SY$1em: ~·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim:::J • - - - - - - --1-- SelectAPI

from the Active
API ISI I AP! · US Stn<ey Feet I Mxed AP! I Oilfield AP! I Viewing Unit System
Cement Sbry Density PPO
pick-list, and
Cost per \Tit mass S/ton then click OK.
Cost s
~tft.englh S/ft
Cos~ sfday
Daly Percentage %{day
Depth, Distances, Heights ft
Dameb!rs In
Ooole9 Severity 0
Enthalpy Bb.J,bn
EQLivalent ~Weight
Flow Rate {C:--.t)
'r*Afrrtn Import J
FlJld c


bf/ft ~ ... J
Fnction!ll Force bf/ft
FnctJonal bss p$1/100ft I
Gas Graden! P!Alft v
···-~ tj-

2. Make the required selections in the Tools> Options dialog box.

Options IBJ
Plots Print L4yoot
W Gnd P Headers and Footers
P" Pi!Qe NLmber119
P° MMoins

f'i leoend font... 1

Select to display - -+-- - - - - - - -_.+ r.r-1>
depths as MD. Spreadsheets and Tables
W Gnd In Tables Safety Factors
Font... j PmbnOFont.J r. Absolu~ r Norm.»zed

Select the Detailed i. p Dela.led Wizard llst ~..,Title Font...
Wizard List check box. p ClasSIC Schematic .iew

Select to display Absolute Safety


StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-9
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

3. Select Tools> Tabs. Create new tabs, and then rename them
as spec ified.

Click New to create

_Close J tabs, and then click
Rename to specify the
Path Help
PO!'e and ff"ac name of each tab.

Rename Tab ~
Old Name: ITna:xial
New Name: ftlm!fl

When complete, tabs should r LodcTab Click and drag this control to
appear at the bottom of the view all the tabs (or use the
main window as specified. arrows at the left to scroll
tabs into view).

ATriaxlal A_~Wolplcl---,.

4. Select the tabs listed be low, and then assign views.

a) The Work tab is a working tab, and the contents will change
during the execution of the steps in each exercise.


By default, the Well Schematic displays in all new tab panes .

b) Select the Path tab, and then se lect Wellbore >

Wellpath Editor.

D•l•Enuy MO 1VD DLS MuDLS Vaec1100 O.portu,.

MO'Jt (l\j (lt) ("1100ft) ("flillll) (I) (ft)
MO.INC-AZ 000 00

t • ~hefrl PMh .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _l!J


9-10 Stress Check™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

c) Select the Pore and Frac tab, and then split the tab in
vertical panes.

•,.,II 't'!r 11 : >:I 'I f~[_

Double-click the vertical splitter bar located on the left of the

tab scroll controls.
Alternatively, drag the vertical splitter bar into position using
the mouse.

.1ll 10

Click the title bar of each view (the active default view displays as
dark blue), and then assign the view with the following
menu commands:
Left pane: Wellbore > Pore Pressure
Right pane: Wellbore > Fracture Gradient

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-11
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

5. Select Tools > Defaults > Bit Sizes. The default va lues you supply
are used to construct the pull-down list in the Cas ing Scheme
spreadsheet's Hole Size cell. In general, you on ly use this feature to
add commonly used bit sizes. Click OK to app ly any changes and
dismiss the dialog box.

Bit Sizes ~
Hole Size OK
26.100 "
28.00J Cancel I
30.00J I
Heb I
42.00J v
Insert I
6. Select F ile> Save to save the E3SOP 1 Design, and then select
File > Close to cl ose the Design.

9-12 StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 3: Reviewing/Specifying General Data

1. Open the E3SOP I Design.

2. The Well depth is 16,330 ft MD. The Azimuth is 33 degrees. To

check the Well depth and azimuth, select Well bore> General. You
can also access this dialog box using the Wizard.

3. Review and update the casing scheme by using Wellbore >Casing

and Tubing Scheme and the fo llowing data:


Values for the Shoe Depth and Mud at Shoe are rounded up.
Values fo r the Top of Cement wi II be updated.
The 7" Production Casing will become a Production Liner; therefore, the
9 5/ 8" will be changed to Production Casing type.

OD(in) /Type/Name Hole Size Hanger Shoe (ft) TOC (ft) Mud at
(in) (ft) Shoe

30" Conductor Casing 36 30.0 600 430 8.6

24" Surface Casing 26 30.0 l, 150 500 8.6

18 5/8" Intermediate Casing 22 30.0 3,030 1,660 9.2

I 6" Intermed iate Casing I 7.5 30.0 9, 185 4,480 I l.6

13 5/8" Protective Casing 14.750 30.0 12,020 8,3 15 14.0

9 5/ 8" Production Casing 12.25 30.0 14,620 10,750 15. J

7" Production Liner 8.5 14.320 16,330 14,320 I 1.0

a. b qu1valcnt Mud Wei gilil


If the CasingSeat exercises have not been previously performed, follow steps 4
through 7 provided below. Otherwise, skip steps 4 though 7. and proceed to step 8.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-13
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

4. Copy the pore pressure data from the Excel spreadsheet titled
porefrac.xls. Your instructor will provide this file. Insert the rows
above any existing rows in Wellbore >Pore Pressure with the data
provided in the Excel spreadsheet.

5. Copy the fracture gradient data from the Excel spreadsheet titled
porefrac.xls. Copy over any existing rows in Wellbore >Fracture
Gradient with the data provided in the Excel spreadsheet.


You can input either pressure or EMW and lhe StressCheck s oftware
calculates the other. In the porefrac.xls spreadsheet, pressure is blank, and lhe
StressCheck software calculates the pore and frac pressure values based
on EMW.

9-14 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

6. Enter geothermal gradient values to specify the Wellbore

temperature. The surface ambient temperature is 80 deg F, the
mudline temperature is 40 deg F, and the temperature at TD is
250 deg F. Specify additional temperature data as follows:

• 200 deg F at 11 , 130 ft TVD

• 240 deg F at 12,630 ft TVD

7. Import Wellpath data from the file titled "EJSOPl_Wellpath for

EDM training.txt". In what format must the file be prior to
importing it?

I Hint
See S"'""Check Help.

Review the wellpath data.

8. Specify the following bending dogleg in addition to any planned

dogleg severity. Enter I 0 / I 00 ft between l, 700 and 5,970 ft MD,
between 6,300 and 9,690 ft MD, and between 10,500 and
16,330 ft TD.

a) How can you specify this?

b) What is the Well bore > Dogleg Severity Overrides data

used for?

9. Select Wellbore >Production Data, and specify packer fluid and

placement. The Well is perforated at 16, I 00 ft MD with a packer at
15,200 ft MD. The completion fluid is water with a density of
8.6 ppg. Assume the Well will produce gas with a gradient of
0. I000 psi/ft.

What is the fluid gradient specific gravity?

I 0. Save the EJSOPJ Design .

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-15
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 3 Answers
I. [n the We ll Explorer, navigate to the E3SO Well, and then
double-click on the E3SOP 1 Design to open it.

2. Select Wellbore > General to specify the Well depth and azimuth.
The Well depth is 16,330 ft MD. The Azimuth is 33 degrees.


T hroughout the remainder of the exercises, click O K to apply changes and

dismiss the current dialog box.

Opbons Comments I

~bon : IE3SOP 1
VSectloo Defnbon
Wei Depth (TVD) : 116330.0 ft
Origin N:

Orion E:
(t<>): ft

_ canc_e1_
__. _ _ _, _ _ ____.I _Help J
3. Select Wellbore > Casing and Tubing Scheme and enter
the following :

Mud at
OD ~n) Name
Shoe (ppg)
1 30· Conductor Casing 8.60
2 24" Surface Casing 26.000 1150.0 8.60
3 18 518" Intermediate Casing 22000 3030.0 9.20
4 16" Interm ediate Casing 17 500 30.0 9185.0 4480.0 11.60
5 13 518" Protective Casing 14 750 30 0 12020.0 8315.0 14.00
6 9 518" Production Casing 12 250 30.0 14620.0 10750.0 15.10
7 r Production Liner 8.500 14320.0 16330.0 14320.0 11 .00

9- 16 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

4. In the Excel spreadsheet, highl ight the rows you want to copy and
press Ctrl-C. Select Wellbore > Pore Pressure, place the cursor in
the first row left cell, and then press Ctrl-V to paste the rows.

8.21 No
1004.0 782 5 8.35 No
1969 0 8602 8 41 No
Click the upper left cell, and 2297.0 1013.1 8 49 No
then press Ctrl-V to paste the 6 3181.0 1455 8 8.81 No
pore pressure data. 7 3279.0 1502.4 8.82 No
8 3344 0 1532 2 8 82 No
9 3764.0 1734 4 8 87 No
10 4505.0 Dl7 .5 8.92 No
11 4624.0 2231 5 9.29 No
12 4712.0 2342 5 9 57 No
13 5100 0 2571 2 969 No
14 5344.0 28233 '10.17 No
15 54000 3J289 1064 No
16 56EKl 0 3278 2 11 11 No
17 5001 0 2793 5 9 27 No
18 6475 0 3124 8 929 No
19 7355.0 3667.9 9 60 No
20 7796.0 4131 9 10 20 No
21 8281 0 4641 7 10 79 No
22 8767 0 5005.2 10.99 No
23 9259.0 5430.3 11 29 No
24 9756.0 5868.8 11.58 No
25 10254.0 5252 2 986 No
26 10504.0 5456.6 10.00 No
27 10753.0 8172.3 14.63 No
28 11253.0 8002.8 13 69 No
29 11753.0 8547 6 14.00 No
30 12253.0 8274 7 13 00 No
31 12503.0 64951 1000 No
32 12753 0 65521 9.89 No
33 13253 0 6478 5 9 41 No
34 13753 0 nsso 1087 No
35 14253.0 841 1 1 11.35 No
36 14753 0 92350 12 05 No

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 9-17
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

5. In the Excel spreadsheet, highlight the rows you want to copy and
press Ctrl-C. Select Wellbore > Fracture Gradient, place the
cursor in the first row left cell, and then press Ctrl- V to paste
the rows.

Fracture Pressure/EMW
(psO (p )
214 4 9.60
1476.0 861 .8 11 .24
1804 0 1068.3 11 40
1969.0 1182.4 11.56
Click the upper left cell, and 2297 0 1420.0 11 .90
then press Ctrl-V to paste the 6 3181.0 2032.5 12.30
fracture gradient data. 7 3279.0 2120.7 12.45
8 3344.0 2188.8 12.60
9 3764.0 2493.0 12.75
10 4505.0 3030.6 12.95
11 4624.0 3182.8 13.25
12 4712.0 3284.9 13.42
13 5100.0 3584.9 13.51
14 5344.0 3844.9 13.85
15 5480.0 4039.5 14.19
16 5680.0 4287.3 14.53
17 5801 .0 3983.9 13.22
18 6475.0 4453.5 13.24
19 7355.0 5146.6 13.47
20 7798.0 5630.8 13.90
21 8281 .0 6198.9 14.41
22 8767.0 6585.5 14.46
23 9259.0 7056.1 14.67
24 9756.0 7541.3 14.88
25 10254.0 9055.5 17.00
26 10504.0 9276.3 17.00
27 10753.0 9954.2 17.82
28 11253.0 10113.1 17.30
29 11 753.0 9738.2 15.95
30 12253.0 10184.3 16.00
31 12503.0 10392.1 16.00
32 12753.0 9937 4 15.00
33 13253.0 9535.3 13.85
34 13753.0 10273.7 14.38
35 14253.0 10906.3 14.73
33 14753.0 11656.8 15.21

9-18 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

6. Select Wellbore > Geothermal Gradient.

- - -- . -- - - -- - - - - -
Geothermal Gradient (EJ
Specify basic formation I
Standard Addrbonal I
temperature data.
Surface Ambient: r~ "F

Mudline: 140.00 "F

Temp at Wei TD: 1362S.2 ft l\t>

r. Temperabse I2so.oo "f

f': Gradeit "F/ lOOft

OK Cancel J_ ___.I_ Help J

Geothermal Gradient ~
Specify additional formation
temperature data. These Standard Adcibonal I
additional temperatures can Veitical
Depth (ft)
I 1nser1 I
be used to characterize a
more complex formation 1 1113QO 200.00 I
temperature profile or 2 12630.0 240.00
seawater temperature profile.

OK J Cancel j_ _.I _ Help J

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-19
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

7. Select Wellbore > Wellpath Editor, and then select File >
Import> Wellpath to open the Import Wellpath File dialog box.
Navigate to the location of the " E3SOP I_Wellpath for EDM
training.txt" file, select it, and then click Open. Review the
imported wellpath data.

Alternatively, you can copy and paste data into the Wellpath Editor.
The following rules associated with copy/paste of well path data can
be found in the "Wellpath (Import)" topic of StressCheck Help:

• The file must be tabular delimited text that uses using any
combination of spaces, tabs, or commas as field delimiters.

• Column 1 is reserved for measured depth, and measured depth

values must be in increasing order and positive values.

• Column 2 is reserved for inclination.

• Column 3 is reserved for azimuth, and azimuth values must be

0.0° ~AZ~ 360.0°.


EDM Data Transfer File imports are not supported from paths or file names
that contain apostrophes. Make sure you do not use apostrophes in file names
or directory names.

8. Select Wellbore > Dogleg Severity Overrides to define intervals

of wellpath curvature independent of the deviation profile defined
in Wellbore > Wellpath Editor.

2 1.00
3 10500.D 16330.D 1.00

a) Dogleg overrides can be accomplished in two ways. One method

uses the Wellbore > Wellpath Editor, and the other method
uses the WeUbore > Dogleg Severity Overrides spreadsheet.
Do not enter the override in both places. To use the Wellpath
Editor, enter the override in the Max DLS column. Do not enter
the additi onal dogleg in the DLS column because the DLS
va lues describe the trajectory.

9-20 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

b) This data is used in calculating bending stress as long as this

dogleg is greater than the dogleg due to bending indicated in the
Wellbore > Wellpath Editor and the calculated dogleg due
to buckling.

9. Select Wellbore >Production Data.

Production Data rg)

Packer Data
FUd DenSlty: lm3 ppg
~ance1 I
P""'er Depth, MJ: I1s200.o ft
Reservoir Data tfelp J
Pcrfurabon Depth, j 16100.0 ft
r Gas ~ravity:

C:- Gas/Qil Gradient: I0.1000 psi/ft

To determine the gas/oil gradient s.g., click the Gas/Oil Gradient

field and press F4 to access the Convert Gas Gradient Units
dialog box.

Convert Gas Gradient Units IBJ

Highlight the unit that you
want to momentarily
~m> ,1""
convert the unit value
displayed. Click OK to

F Cancel
close the dialog box.
kg/crdm v

10. Press Ctr l-S to save the EJSOP I Design.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-21
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 4: The Design Process

I. Select the 9 5/8" Production C asing to design.

2. Select Tubular> Design Parameters and specify the fo llowing for

each tab:

Design Factors Tab

Pipe Body Connection

Burst 1.100 Burst/Leak 1.100

Axial Axial

Tension l .3 00 Tension 1.300

Compression 1.300 Compression 1.300

Collapse 1.000

Triaxial 1.250

Analysis Options Tab

M in Internal Drift 8.500

Single External Pressure Profile Check box selected.

Temperature Deration C heck box selected .

Limit to Fracture at Shoe Check box selected.

Buckling Check box selected.

Use Burst Wall Thickness in Triaxial Check box not selected .

9-22 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

3. Select the Tubular > Initial C onditions > C ementing and

Landing tab, and specify post-cementing hydrostatic profiles for
certain burst, collapse, and axial loads to include:

Mix-Wate r Density 8.33

Lead Slurry Density I 5.20

Tail Slurry C heck box selected.

Tail Slurry Density 15.60

Tail Slurry Length 500

Displacement Fluid Density ( t) 14.80

Float Collar Depth, M D 14,620

Applied S u r fa ce Pressure Check box not selected.

F loat Failed Check box not selected.

Landing Da ta (P ickup a nd Slackoff 0

For ce) <2>

(I) 14.8 ppg is used so the ECO docs not exceed the fracture gradient while
displacing cement slurry.
( ) Do not apply pickup or slackoff forces.

What is the initial Temperature Profi le assumed for this string?

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-23
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

4. Select the Tubular> Burst Loads> Select tab, and specify the
following burst loads for the 9 5/8" string. Then, select the Edit tab
to specify the burst loads details (the pick-list in the Edit tab
controls which parameters are displayed). Use the default values
unless otherwise specified.

Internal Profile

Displacement to Gas Influx Depth at section TD, 16,330 ft, Gas/Oil

Gradient, 0.1000 psi/ft, Fracture Margin of Error,
0.00 ppg, Mud/Gas Interface estimated at surface,
Mud Weight, I I .00 ppg

Gas Kick Profile Influx depth at section TD, 50 bbl influx, with 0.5
ppg kick intensity, I 1.0 ppg maximum mud weight,
0.7 kick gas gravity, 0 ppg fracture margin of error,
5" drill pipe, and 1,000 ft of6.75" collars

Lost Returns with Leave as default


Green Cement 1,000 psi

Pressure (Bump Plug)

Drill Ahead Hanger Depth, 30 ft, TOC Depth, MD, 10,750 ft,
Shoe Depth, MD, 14,620 ft, MW Next Hole Section,
11 .0 ppg, ECO, 0.30 ppg
Note: Cl ick Yes if prompted to copy Drill Ahead
data from Burst to Collapse load.

Tubing Leak Leave it as default

Injection Down Injection Pressure, 5000.0 psi, Injection Density,

Casing 8.33 ppg

External Profile

Fluid Gradients w/ Fluid Gradients w/ Pore Pressure, 8.33 ppg above

Pore Pressure TOC (to analyze worst case) and 8.33 ppg below
(External Profile) TOC, Pore Pressure In Open Hole Below TOC
check box not selected.

9-24 Stress Check™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

5. Select the Tubular> Collapse Loads> Select tab, and specify the
following collapse loads for the 9 5/8" string. Then, select the Edit
tab to specify the collapse loads details (the pick-list in the Edit tab
controls which parameters are displayed). Use the default values
unless otherwise specified.

Internal Profile

Full/Partial Default mud weight, and 9,000 ft mud level


Cementing Use defaults

Lost Returns with Lost Returns Depth, 15,784.9 ft, Mud Weight,
Mud Drop 11 ppg

Above/Below Packer Pore Pressure at Perforation Depth, 3000 psi,

Density Above Packer, 8.60 ppg, Density Below
Packer, 2.0 ppg, Fluid Drop Above Packer check
box selected

Drill Ahead Hanger Depth, 30 ft, TOC Depth, MD, I 0,750 ft,
(Collapse) Shoe Depth, MD, 14,620 ft, MW Next Hole Section,
11 .0 ppg, ECO, 0.30 ppg

External Profile

Fluid Gradients w/ Fluid Gradient Above TOC, 15.10 ppg, Fluid

Pore Pressure Gradient Below TOC, 15. I 0 ppg, Pore Pressure In
Open Hole Below TOC check box not selected.

6. Select Tubular> Axial Loads, and then specify the following

axial loads:

Running in Hole - Avg Speed 3.00 ft/sec

Overpull Force 100,000 !bf

Pre-Cement Static Load Applied 0 lbf


Post Cement Static Load Check box selected

Green Cement Pressure Test 1,000 psi

Service Loads Check box selected

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-25
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

7. Save and close the E3SOP l Design.

What is the wellhead pressure for each load?

I Hint
Seieot the View menu options.

What is the expected mud level (during Lost Return with Mud
Drop scenario)?

8. Perform a Graphical Design. Assume you want to use the same

casing weight and grade along the length of the entire string.


Display the Design Plots in the Design tab.

a) What pipe is initially selected?

b) Which Design mode (burst, collapse, axial, triaxial) is more

critical to the Design?

c) If you have some pipe inventories of l 0,000 ft of 9 5/8",

53.5 ppf, L80 casing, LTC connection, could it be used for this
Well in combination with the in itial solution?

How many feet of this pipe would you use otherwise?

Does the LTC connector satisfy the design criteria

(Design Factors)?

9. Select a YAM TOP fro m the Special Connection Inventory

(catalog). Does the 9 5/8", 53.50 ppg, L-80 YAM TOP string
connection satisfy the design criteria (Design Factors)?

I 0. Save the E3SOP I Design.

9-26 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 4 Answers
I. Select Tubular > C urrent String to select the casing string to
design. Alternatively, select the string from the Wizard.

Current String r8J

30· Conductor casno Close
24" Su-face Ca$Wl9
18 5/8" Intermediate Casno H~
16" Intennedate Casino
Select Tubular> Current 13 5 • Prob!cbve
String, and then select
9 5/8" Production Casing . r Production Liner
- or -
Select 9 5/8" Production
Casing from the Wizard Select
String pull-down list. Is 518'' Production Casing :::::J
30'' Conductor Casing
24" Surface Casing
18 518'' lntenneciate Casing
16" lntermedate Cas1ng
13 518'' Protective Cas"

2. Review Design parameters Design Factors and Analysis Options.

Design Parameters: 9 5/8" Production Cclsing ~

Coupling Design ~ Factors IAnalySls Opbons J

factors use pipe Pipe Body Connection
body Design factors
if coupling Design Bu"St; 11 Bu"stft.4!ak: 1 1.100
factor fields Axial Axial
are empty. T~: 1 1.300 Tension: 1 1.300

Compressoon: 1. 300 I
Compr4!SSIOn: 1. 300

Colapse: ri:ooo-
Triaxial: j 1. 2.50

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-27
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Design Parameters: 9 5/8" Production Casing cg)

~ F~tors Analysis Opbons I

Mr1 Internal Onft Jm'Z!I In

Analys15 Options
P ~ External PresSl.l'e Profie
P !cmperabse Oer"abon
P to Fradi.f'e al Shoe
P' litJddin9
r ! Blrst ',Val Thidcness In Tnaiaal

OK ~ J

3. Select Tubular> Initial Conditions.

This data is specified on a per string basis.

CemenbnQ and L~ J Temperah.l'e I

Cemenbng Data

Select the Tail Slurry Hx-Water Density (ppQ) 8. 33

Density check box to Lead Skrry Density (ppg} 15. 20
allow entry of tail _ _ _ __
P Iai Skrry Density (ppo) 15.60
slurry data.
Tail SUry Length {ft) 500.0
0.~t FUd Density (ppQ) 14.80
Float ColN Depth, t"O (ft) H620.0
r ~ Stxrace Presst.l'e (psi)

r float Failed


r ~Force (bf)
r. ~ff Force {bf) lo

OK Cancel

9-28 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Initial Conditions: 9 5/8" Production Casing rg)

Select the Cementrog and Lancing Temperah.r~ I
Temperature tab to r. OefaUt MD fl .!ll1.1e • ;..
view the initial
Temperature Profile
r User-entered 1 ~o
of the string . 3 4~0 4000
4 900.0 4703
The default values 5 12000 51 50
correspond to the 6 14000 5442
7 1600.0 57 26
undisturbed 6100.0
8 119 47
Temperature Profile . 9 97000 168 21
10 !BXl.O 169 55
11 99000 17085
12 10000.0 17212
13 10100 0 173 34
14 102000 17452
15 10Dl0 17566
16 104000 176 75
17 12676 0 20000
_J 18 14620.0 23540 ..,
OK Cancel
I- APPfy _j Help

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-29
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

4. Select Tubular > Burst Loads to designate burst loads for the
9 5/8" string.

- - - -- - - -- -- -- - - - - --
Burst Loads: 9 518" Production Casing (8)
A check box is Select Edit IT~atlxe I Plot I Custom I Opbons I
associated with 0rq Loads Procb:bon Loads
each load case you Q Otsplacernent to Gas Q T~Leak
want to use. rv Gas Kick Profie r Stmkbon Su'face Leak
Details of each r ~Shoe w/ Gas Gradient Above P In.)edlon Do~ CasnQ
load case are r Fractixe c Shoe w/ 1/3 81-f> at 54.rface
specified by using rv Lost ~ith Water
the Edit tab.
r Su-face Protection (BOP)
r Pressue Test
W Green Cement Pressu-e Test
p Dnl Ahead

Internal Profie External Profie

t · ·X - - ~ r Mud and Cement Mix-Water
Lost Mlh Wate'
Gas Kidc Profie r Permeable Zones
Tubiig Leak
Injection OoMl Casing
r Mlnm..m Formation Pore Pr~e

Grttn Cement Test (". Pore Pressu-e w/ Seawater Gradient

Ori Ahead (!Ust) <-' Flud Gradients w/ Pore PresSU'e

OK Cancel #J
The selected External Profile will be used for all burst loads because
the Single External Pres sure Profile check box is selected on the
Tubular > Design Parameters dialog box.

9-30 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Burst Loads: 9 518" Production Casing - r8J

Select Edrt Temperabse I Plot I Custom I Opbons I
Select the
Displacement to m· ··- -
Gas load from the InfuxOepth, M) (ft) f 16330.0
pull-down list, and Pore Pr~e· 7436.91 psi

enter data as IGas/Oil Gracient 6;$/ft) ::::J I0.1000

specified to define Fracbse at Shoe• 10354.28 psi
the load case. Margin of Error {ppg) jo.oo
Mud/Gas Interface, I'>() (ft) Io.o
Mud W~t (ppo) j tLOO

eaoce! ___~
_ __.

Burst Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing (8J

Select Edit ITemperabse I Plot I custom I Opbons I
Select the Lost
Returns with Water Fracbse at Shoe• 10354. 28 psi
load from the Fractu'e Margn of Error (ppg) jo.oo
pull-down list, and Mud/Nater Interface, MJ (ft) j 1'1620.0
enter data as
specified to define
Mud weqit (ppg) I tt.00
the load case.

OK Cancel

StressCheck ™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-31
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Burst Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing - -- - rg)

seect Edt I Plot I Custom I Options I
Select the Gas Kick
Profile load from the a Li
pull-down list. and Influx Depth, M:> (ft) I 16330.0
enter data as Kick (bbl) t so.o
specified to define Kick Intensity (ppg)
the load case.
Mllxl1ll.m Mud We!Qht (ppg) 111.00
Kick Gas Gra'llty lo.10 at Shoe• 1035-l. 2.8 psi

Fractl.l'e Margin of Error (ppg) 10.00

MPipeOO(n) j
ColarOO (n) ,6.750
Colar Lenglh (ft) I 1000.0

OK !_cancel_J_ ~y '- H~ j

Burst Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing rg)

select Edit IT~atu"e I Plot I Custom I Opbons I
I Tlbnaleak
Select the Tubing
Leak load from the Packer FUd Density• 8.60 PP9
pull-down list, and Packer Depth, rvD s 15200.0 ft
review the load case Perfurabon Depth, I>{) .. 16100.0 ft
values. Gas/Qi GraOents 0.1000 psi/ft
ReservOlr Pressue.. 7032.48 psi

OK Cancel 1_~Y J_ ~ _J

9-32 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Burst Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing ~ - - (8)

select Edit ITemperab.xe I Plot I CUstom I Options

.. .. 3
Select the Injection
Down Casing load
from the pull-down Ia.33
list, and enter data
as specified to
define the load case.

OK Cancel I_ ~Y J __~
_ _..

Burst Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing r8J

Select Ecit I
lremperatae Plot I Custom I Opbons
ra -~EJ

Test Pre.ssu-e (psi) j 1000.00

Select the Green Mud We1!1it at Shoe• 15. 10 ppg
Cement Pressure TOC, fl.'Oa 10750.0 ft
Test load from the
Lead SUry Density• tS.20 PPO
pull-down list, enter
1 ooo psi Test TM Skxry Density= 15.60 PP9
Pressure, and then T~ Skxry Length= 500.0 ft

review the other load Dlsplacement FUd Density= 14.80 PPO

case values. Float Colar Depth, t-0 .. 1-1620.0 ft

OK Cancel J __~_v _ _. --~--.....

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-33
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Burst Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing r8)

Select Edit IT! I Plot I Custom I Options I
Select the Drill Ahead t!Ust) G
Ahead (Burst) load Mud t;le, ,,., - 430.0 ft
from the pull-down Hanger Depth, ""' (ft) j JO.O
list, and enter data TOC Depth, l'1> {fl) I 101so.o
as specified to Shoe Depth, ,.., (ft) j 1'1620.0
define the load case .
M'N tlext Hole Section (ppg) 111.00
ECO(ppg) 10.30

StressCheck 'x

Do you want to copy Oril Ahead data from 8u'st load to Colapse load~
Click Yes if prompted
to copy Drill Ahead
Yes No
data from Burst load
to Collapse load.

Burst Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing ~

SelKt Edt Tef11lerabse I Plot I Custom I Options
GradenIS w/ Pore Press11e
Select the Fluid
Gradients w/ Pore TOC, MJ• 10750.0 ft, Pl'oor Shot!, />'D• 12020.0 ft

Pressure load from Mud We¢t Above TOC (ppg) la. 33

the pull-down list, rud Grad Below TOC (ppg) ja.33
and review the load
case values. r Pore Premre In Open Hole

Click OK to apply
changes and close
the dialog box. OK Apply

9-34 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

5. Select Tubular> Collapse Loads to designate collapse loads for

the 9 518" string.

Collapse Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing (R}

Select Ecit I Terr., I Plot I Custom I Options I
Drilr1o loads Production loads
Select the check box p Ft.lft>arllal EVZIO.labon r Ful Evaruabon
associated with each load P" Lost Reb..rns with "l.d Drop P Above,.aeio.. Pl!Cker
case you want to use. f;'" Cemenq r Gas Mqr'11bon

Details of each load case ~ 0r•Ahead

are specified using the

Edit tab. fnternal Profie Extem!ll Profile
,,_Ital EvllOJllbon I Mud !Ind Cement 11-\x·Wate-
Cementr.o I Permeable Zones
lost Reb.rns with Mud Drop
~P!ldcer (" Mud !Ind Cement SUry
Orf Ahead {Colapse)
I # Pnor Shoe w/ Ga!l Gr!ldent Above
r. FUd Gradients w/ Pore


Collapse Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing ['8J

Sele<t Ecit I
Terrc>er& Plot I CusbJm I Options I
Select the Full/Partial /Pl!lbal EVll<lJll ban ii1i3
Evacuation load case from Mud Weight {J:Ji>9) I 1s.10
the pull-down list, and enter Mud level, Kl (ft) 19000.0
data as specified to define
the load case.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-35
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Collapse Loads: 9- S/8" Production Casing - - - - -- ~

Select Edit I Plot I Custom I Opbons I

Select the Cementing load
from the pull-down list and r>\Jd W~tatShoe~ 15.10 PPO
review the default data for TOC, 1-'D• 10750.0 ft
this load case. Lead Slrry Density• 15.20 PP9
Tail Slrry Density• 15.60 PPO
Tail Slrry Leno th• 500.0 ft
DlspQcement Flud Oeoslty • 14.80 PPO
Float Colar Depth, 14'.l• H620.0 ft

OK Cancel I_ &iPY J
Collapse Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing (gJ
~ Edit I Plot I Custom I Clpbons I
Select the Lost Returns ost Nth 1'lJCI Crop G
with Mud Drop load from Lost Depth, f"D (ft) 1 15784.9
the pull-down list and enter jPore Pressu-e C Lost Depth (psi) Iws.47
data as specified to define j 1t.00
r>\Jd Weight (ppg)
the load case.
r>\Jd Drop level, I>{) • 1958.0 ft

OK Cancel

9-36 StressCheck™Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Collapse Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing l8J

Select Edit ITeJll)Cl' I Plot I Custom I Options I
Select the Above/Below
Packer load from the l'Ds: Packet-• 15200.0 ft, Peri.• 16100.0 ft
pull-down list, and enter data Po<e Pressure at Periorabon Depth {psi) l:mo.oo
as specified to define the Density Above Packer (ppg) le.60
load case. Density Below P~ (ppg) 12.00
rv A.Id Drop Abo~e Pad:er

OK Cancel

Collapse Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing ~

Select Edt jT~atu-e I Plot I Custom I Options I

~Gradil!r'lts w/ Pore PresgJr e
Select the Fluid Gradients
w/ Pore Pressure load from TOC, !>'()• 10750.0 ft, P,.l()( Shoe, MJ• 12020.0 ft
the pull-down list and enter Rud Gradent Abo\-e TOC (ppg) j 1s. 10
data as specified to define Fbd Gradient Below TOC (ppo} l 1s. 10
the load case.
r Pore Pressure In Open Hole Below TOC


StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-37
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Collapse Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing ~

~ Ecit IT~alU'e I Plot I Custom I Options I
Ah!!ad (Colapse)
Select the Drill Ahead
(Collapse) load from the Mud lroe, f>D - 430.0 ft
pull-down list and enter data Han9e' Depth, l-0 (ft) 130.0
as specified to define the TOC Depth, 1-t> {ft) I10750.0
load case. Sl10I! Oeplh, l-0 (ft) I1'1620.0
MN ~xt Hole Sl!c1Jon (ppg) j u.oo
ECO (ppo) lo.JO

Click OK to apply
changes and close
the dialog box. OK

6. Specify the axial loads using Tubular > Axial Loads.

Axial Loads: 9 5/8.. Produc tion Casing ['8J

~t Plot 1 Opbons I
On the Select tab, select the
axial loads, and specify
W Rlrlnr1Q In Hole -Avg. Speed 13.0 ft/s
values as shown. w OVerpUI Force j 100000 bf

rv Pre-Ct!mef'lt Static Load Applted Force: I0 bf

W Post-Cement Stabc Load

W Green Cement Pressll'e Test I 1000.00 !>SI

Click OK to apply
changes and close
the dialog box. OK Cancel _ _..l_~ _J

7. Press Ctrl-S and then select File> Close to save and close the
E3SOP I Design.

9-38 StressCheck ™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select File> Open, select the E3SOP I Design, and click OK.

Wellhead Pressures (psi) can be viewed using View > Tabular

Results> Burst Loads.

Displacement Green Cement Green Cement Dnll Ahead Flu1d Gradients

Depth (MD) To Gas Lost Returns Gas Kick Tubmg Leak Casing Injection Pres Test (Int) Pres Test (E •t) (Burst) w/ Pore Press
(ft) (psi) (psi) (pS1) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi)
1 300 oon7 49766 1631 5 56000 50130 10231 235 17 6 130
2 1250 6007 2 5017 7 1662 3 5731 .. 5054 1 1096 I 96 I 73 4 5A 1
3 AlJO 6117 7 5149 7 1761 3 :H,77 51E6 1 133)6 337 3 2524 1861
4 9000 6164 7 53530 19139 &J776 5389 4 1691 9 7000 5263 3139 4
5 9000 616.4 7 53530 19139 &J77.7 53139 5 1692 0 7000 5263 3895
6 1200 0 6194 5 54823 2021 3 6211 I 55187 19216 940 3 703 7 518 7
7 1200 0 6194 6 54823 2021 3 6211 1 5518 7 19217 9403 703 7 518 7
8 14000 6214 1 55669 20953 62965 5603 4 2072.0 1093 7 8185 603 4
9 1600 0 62331 56492 2171 0 63834 56856 22182 1242 8 93J 1 6856
10 1600 0 62331 56492 2171 0 63834 56856 2218 2 12429 930 1 6856
11 61000 6649.0 7449 4 41895 8241.9 74858 54165 450> 1 33721 24858
12 61000 66490 7449 4 41895 82420 74858 54166 45001 3372.1 24858
13 97000 6974 9 88600 59535 9696 3 8896 4 79227 7063 1 5285 6 3896 4
14 97000 6974 9 88600 59535 96963 8896 4 79228 70631 52856 3896 4
15 9f0)0 69e38 El39e 6 &Xl.45 9738 1 89350 7991 4 71331 53380 39350
16 9EDlO 69838 8891l 6 6004 5 9738 2 89350 79914 71331 53380 39350
17 99000 69926 8936 3 6054 3 9777 1 8972.7 0058 4 7201 4 53892 3972 7
18 100000 70010 89729 61026 9814.9 90093 81234 7267 .8 54388 40093
19 101000 70092 OC03 4 61495 9851 5 90« 8 81864 7332 1 5487 0 4044 8
20 10100 0 70092 OC03 4 61495 9851 5 9044 B 81865 73321 5487 0 4044 a
21 102000 7017 I 90426 6194 7 98868 9079 0 8247 2 7394 I 55334 40790
22 10Dl0 7024 7 9075.5 62380 9920.7 9111 9 8l'.l5 6 7453 7 55779 4111 9
23 10300 0 7024 7 90755 62381 99207 9111 9 Bl'.l5 6 7453 7 5577 9 4111 9
24 104000 70320 910) 9 6279 5 99532 91433 8~14 7510.7 56206 4143 3
25 10400 0 70320 9100 9 6279 5 99532 9143 3 8361 5 7510 7 56206 4143 3
26 10750 0 70560 92107 6416 2 10060 4 9247 1 05459 76969 5761 4 4247 1
27 12020 0 7142 7 95860 6911 9 10447.8 96224 92127 83837 62705 ~24
28 141200 72860 10200 5 7731 6 11088.5 102.429 103152 95160 71123 5242 9
29 146200 73202 10354 3 79268 11241 0 10390 7 10577 7 97927 7312 7 53917

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-39
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

To determine the mud level, refer to the Tubular> Collapse

Loads> Edit tab for Lost Returns with Mud Drop load case (see
page 9-36). The Mud Drop Level is 1,958.0 ft MD. This is the
measured depth level of mud required to balance the formation pore
pressure. (This mud drop is calculated by assuming the hydrostatic
column of mud in the hole equilibrates with a specified pore pressure
at a specified depth.)

Collapse Loads: 9 5/8" Production Casing ['8J

Select Edt ITernperabe I Plot I Custom I Opbons I
Lost Reb..rns Depth,,.., (ft) I 15784.9
!Pore Presue C Lost Depth (psi) :::J 16178.47
I-bl 'Iieijlt (ppo' j tLOO
I-bl Drop Le> e l"D - 1958.0 ft

The Lost Returns with Mud

Drop load displays 1958 ft
as the calculated mud drop.

9-40 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

8. To perform the Graphical Design, divide the Design tab into four
panes (select Window> Split), and enable a simultaneous view of
multiple plots. Starting with top left to top right, then lower left to
lower right, select View > Design Plots > Burst, View> Design
Plots > Collapse, View > Design Plots > Axial, and View >
Design Plots > Triaxial. (Close the Well Explorer to maximize the
view area.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~~~~~:!!!~
0 : : : : : l+ Ots1on LNi Lint
·~ ' ; ~~~

f.~ :· :1: ~ i~±-\I 1: I:

!2&D ·•• • •• •· · ]·· · •·· · ·•·• t·-·... ... ·t··---·-·····r· ·······"t~-·········1·---·····--·
15000 15(XX} •• ••• •• • • • •• i•• •• ••• ••••..:.•••• •• •••• ·••· ••••·-•••••~••• •••• •••• •.. •,t, u • o••• j ·•••• ••• • •••

mm+---<-- --+---1-------t-----1-----1
17fAIJ ~--t------t---r~--r----t---t----i
1 i ; l ;
6600 6690 6720 679) 6810 0 1500 l.!lll
Collapu Rating (pa•)

I -~.. -- :-··:······ ;······r- : --jmmm ·:~_.,

Eo- ~= ...··.·.·..· .· ·:..~·.·..·.··..·.·.·.. :._· ·~-~..l, .·-~-·s·. ~·-.·, ~-:o· -~:.·
",::.·_l. ··. ·. .••.•.•.• .. .•.••.• ..·.··,·.•.••.·..·.··.. ..··..··..··.·..·.•·:·,; ·..-..·.--.·..··••·•· €
'. . .m • •mrm••··r
l!ml ·········--+ ·····--···.L··········j·············1············<·········--··(·........

~.· ~.-·~: '.·~: _-·_,:~.·: ~_- :_ ·. ·_

I: :1
rr __. .. i
·-----·---+---····--+--······+ ····----+--········i···········i···········
IT f:" _

.·_ ·_
: · ··i,·' .. .: _:·_.._

· _::_:_:.__-_
.· :_:_:::. ._
:. .: ..

···-·----···'- ····· ····---1·····--·····l ··········r ·---·--···1·············:·····

. ..
: . . . _·:._· ·.. :.:_.::_._-_1:·_ :_·_·_ ._

· :_:_.·_:_·__: ..·_::,·: _· :_:_·._ :__

I 2000
1 ~ ~ ~IF~co~ ~ ~ 1~ ~o
7 150 600 700 90J

b~A!'!!iX""*E• >...._..(<Wik" "A •

WE S lrH1(psc)

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-41
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Double-click any Design Plot pane background. A red line is drawn

in all plots. This red line represents the strongest 9 518" pipe in the
pipe inventory that satisfies the loading conditions.

To view the pipe ""' .

rating and grade,

place the cursor
over the Pipe
Rating line, and .,,,,,
click the left ,....,
mouse button. The '""" 0

pipe size, weight, ri......

and grade is
..., -
displayed in the
status bar.

.. •· .,

+---+--i--...---t-··- t1".(I --t- t--
l(QXQ,l t~ t'SDlXIJ 1:sxoo BllXQ) .JJll) em IQlf) 1so:o ~ 1Q!5(.Ul 12«1'» 1m»

*"'....-r=<"""7""""'<"i-.i,('l'\.. X•"TXL• X: ..... J:-J· --~
J.:J •
- - - - - - - - - - -1- 1. ·..a-- ---~

To change the pipe weight, grade, or size, right-click the pipe

rating line you want to change. Drag the pipe rating line to the
desired position. When a pipe is changed in one plot, the change
is applied to the other plots.

9-42 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

a) Select the String and Connection tab, and spl it the tab into two
horizontal panes.


Double-click the horizontal splitter in the upper right comer of the main
view area, or drag the horizontal splitter bar to the desired location to
adjust the viewing area.

On the top pane, select Tubular > String Sections. On the

bottom pane, select Tubular > Connections.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-43
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

The top pane (String Sections table) displays the default pipe
selected, 9 5/8", 53.50 ppg, Q-1 2 5 grade, with a cost
of $43 7, 116.

Double-click the small - ~ x

bar in the upper right
comer to split the
pane horizontally.

The Tubular > String

Sections spreadsheet
is automatically

Sinn Sections
Cost ($)
Top. MD (ft) Base, MD (ft) Grade
~o 146200 9 s.e· 53 500 Q.125 437,116

1 9518",53500ppf,Q.125

From the bottom pane (Connections table), select BTC (Buttress

Connection) as the pipe connection Type, and then tab out of the
field. Notice that the total casing and connection cost increased
to $515,786.

The total cost

Strin Sections
of casing and Cost($)
tubing Top, MD (ft) Base, MD (ft) OD (in) Weight (PPO Grade 515,7ffi
increased by ~o 14620 0 9 s,e· 53500 Q.125 515,786
BTC type
are used.

b) The Collapse load contro ls the Des ign.

9-44 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

c) From the String and Connection tab, edit the String Sections and
Connections tables as follows:

Update the Tubular >

String Sections and
Connections 1CXXXl.O 14620 a 9 518" 53.500

Notice that the 9 5/8", 53.50 ppg , L-80, LTC connection is under
designed for the specified design criteria. Connection Safety Factor
(Abs)= *1.25 (the asterisk indicates the Connection Safety Factor (Abs)
is less than the minimum Allowable Safety Factor (Design Factor).

OD (In)
1 9 5.13", 53 500 ppf, L-00 10625
2 9518",53.500ppf,Q.125 BTC 10625

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-45
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select the Design tab. Notice that changes made in the String and
Connection tab are automatically applied to all Design plots.

Notice that the 9 518", 53.50 ppf, L-80

string section is under designed for both
Collapse and Triaxial loads.


~ . ........L...... LL. . . ~ . .......L. ......L . ·.~~~~M~~-1!-~•

+ Ott19" lotd l..ltlt
Pip• R•M Q
......., ...............

! j ~
€ 500J ···········i···········j·..l·· · ··········-:···········(·········1·······..··
j t j
····;· ··········1····· · ·· ····~·-·· · ···-··-r··----- ·---
............... i----·· ··---~ ............~ . ...•.... . ~---·- ····---~- ...........:....•.......
f ~ i
f.: ·•·•
1 l

i•=···•·t1•·· · r••·••• r =r• +•••••••

: ···: •••i•· · · · ••1t••r= .1· · · · ••1•l·· · ·1 :····
:zooo l(XXl(l
Burst R.wig (p'SI)
l :ZOOO UOOJ 1600'.l

FI L). 1 1500

Tna11&MD111 n

· · L + 0Ul9" l.o•d Line

: : _/ < : • Pipt Y1•1dStten 1h
······ .. ····;·········· ..r·· ..... -·~ ········ ·~·· ·· . ······r·········.. ·~········· ···

! 75CXJ
~ : : : +\......: : . :
:·:·::·:: ::r:::·::·:·:-r...·:··:_·:·:_ . .:.: ::~-~---. -i------~JT:··: .
15000 !·········
·+ . ··---r~. .. ...!... .. +·· . . -~-· . . ....
: : :
17500 17 0 0 0 + - - - . . - - - 1 - - - t - - - - 1 - - - - . - - - - . - ---l
~ 5ro'.ID 79JDl 11DDD 12!llm 1500'.DJ 119JDl mxm nm 7500J 1llXlOO 1361)))
Ai~ Force Obi)

r:r.~c--n:t=i"IC:T11::::-1:=-. ......,~~~x ~xi;;;;xc:;o;;:. x~~·-------------------~~~---~

9-46 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select the Min ASF tab. Select View > Tabular Results> Min
Safety Factors.

Oep1h (MOJ Mn1momS1re1 fac1or(Ab•)

(II) 00/Woighll\"lrade ConNC-tfOn
Burit CohpS8 Axial Tnaxl1I
J) 9 510", 53 500 pp{ L.00 LTC L-00 1 :1181 • 100 00 (6 133!l8J 15281
125 65 11 C6 1 3Hl8J 15361
Notice that both connections ll 2662C6 1 35 El8J 154 61
OJ 18"3 C6 136fllJ 15581
(LTC) Axial, jump out failure, 90'.J 904C6 I 41 B0 J 15980
90'.J 904 C6 ·125B0J t 48 BS
and pipebody 1153 707 C6 ·12188J 15088
(9-5/8", 53.50 ppg. L-80) 1200 679Cfl ·12788J I SOBEi
1000 584 C6 ·1.29El8J • 51 B8
Collapse, Triaxial under 1600 5UC6 1 57 B8
design conditions are 1100 H!5C6 I 49 B8J 161 86
1100 485C6 143fll.i 1 59 fll
flagged. 1958 I 45 88J 160E6
5910 193 ..I J 1 42E6
The legend at the bottom of 5970 193 ..1 J I U Iii
~1 194111 J 140 B6
the table states that values 6051 I 92AI J 139~

flagged with an asterisk 6100 1EllB8J 136~

6173 I !f3 .. IJ I J9 E'6
indicate the Safety Factor is 6187 I 96A1 J I 3986
below the Design Factor. f;300 I 98AI J 1 HB6
6300 Al J 14066
7213 21 .., J 1 ~66
The lowest Absolute Safety 7401 2 14 J 13566
Factor after comparing lfir> 1 ll Eli 218 .. I 1 31 Eli
~ 1 29 Eli (191)C6J 12766
connection and pipebody 9m 1 "29 B6 (178)C6J I :.'386
absolute safety factors is 928J 1 29 Eli (118)C6J 12386
~11 I Zl Eli (I 72) (.6 J I 21 86
reported for any depth 9420 1 2986 (1 72) C6 J I 21 B6
96'() I 29 Ell (161)C6J I 17 B6
of interest. 9700 1 29 EE (1 6]) C6 J 117 86
9!IJO 1 2'I 86 (1 61J C6J 1 1186
9-9~nectior) a b~o!Y~e safety 9900 12986 ()98CI (1 59) C6 J 1160£.
factors are recognized by 990'.J 12986 098Ct (159) LtiJ I 1866
IOCOl 12986 098CI (15B)C6J I 18 Eli
the letter attached indicating IOCOl 9 S113·. 53 500 pP4 0.1.25 6TC, 0.125 158EllL a 7BJC6
ri:>~~bie failure mode (for) 10100
(2 74) C6
example, L, F, J). 10300 158B6L 125CI (273)C6 I 8286
ISSEliL 125CI (2 73) C6 18393
IS886L 125C1 (2 71) C6 18286
t5886L 125C1 (3 IS) Cb I 93 E6
158136L I 25CI (298) C& 199 E6
15B86L 125CI (2 94) C6 I 88 Iii
15866L I 25CI l49fllF 2 10 Cl
157B6L 121 C6 351HIBF 211 Cl
15786L 112 c;; 328El8F 203C6
15786l t tOC6 HI B8F I 99C6
t57Elll I 10C6 3 21 B0 F 199C6

SF BelowD F
L Coonec.tron Leak
F Conn1c11on fraature
J Cor.neL1torl Jiimp Ous
81 01Spf•c1men1 lo G11
66 Tubing L..k
Bil lnjtctlOn CO<H\g
Cl foll/Ptfhll ~~tiJl11Dn
C6 AbM Betow ?•eke•
Al Ruoning m Hot•Awg Speed
() Compr11S1on

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-47
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select the Design tab. On the Triaxial Design plot, drag the
horizontal line of the Pipe Yield Strength line upward until the
Design Load Line is to the left of the Pipe Yield Strength line as
shown below.

Drag the horizontal line of the Triaxial plot

Pipe Yield Strength Line. Notice that the
Collapse Design plot adjusts automatically
with the change.
You can drag any vertical/horizontal pipe
rating I yield strength lines.

: : I : :.
t: h, ;:::r 1·r
• Ots:iigrt Load Unt
o...go Ulad llnt
. ···r·· - P ipe R•hn
- -·-- ··r ··- -·- ·-·--~--- · ···· -,.-·

····t··· ··· ····j··:: ~:::::·:!:::::::::::J.::::::::::

. . . . . . - ......... : :
. . . r . ...

:::.j:::t .•· · ·1· =1=·····1·1·······1•:••······
151X1l · ·· · ·· · ···· i · -··· ··· -- - <- ·· ·~--- --- .:. - - --- ----- ·> · ·· ·-····· ·; ..( ...... ... • ... ...... ..

........_··1·· ········t......... ..( ····-···:····· ... :···· ..·r····i············
.............~······ u••·t··--..···-··r·······-··· 1-······-·····t!...........~---····--· ··
17500 + - -- + - --+-- - - < - - - + --
1 1 . 1
~ ~ .
17500+-- - - , t - - -++- --t-- -- + - - -+-- - ;f--- --l
~ ;
200J ml 100XI 1200J 1400) llillXl 0 1500 10500
Bur.i R" mg (pS<)

. , Vt' i ·~-~

1.~ : r<~r:

1 I
i17m ...........l......... .........1·····.. ···-1-..····················l·······l · 12SOO

1!lm ... . ....... r···········r···....···r··......... j . ..... . ... l.. . . . .l. .. . . .

17500 17&1)+-- - t-----1'- - - -- ....-.-- + -- - t - - ---l
~ smm 71lXlXl 11XQllJ •251lXXJ 1saxm 11&ro:1 20C0000 :nm 7500)
Nial Force (lb~ ""'1ES1< tH(ps~

...,..A~~x~~ XiiiX""""" X~~~·-----------------------'-'-'

9-48 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select the String and Connection tab.

Top, MD (ft)
About 8,900 ft of L-80
89))0 L-00
pipe can be used.
2 U6..1) 0 9~· 53500 Q.125

Notice that the 9 5/8", 53 .50 ppg, L-80, LTC connection is

still flagged as under designed for the specified design
criteria. Connection Safety Factor (Abs)= *1 .25, which is
less than the Axial Tensio Design Factor of 1.30.

1 9 ~·. 53 500 ppf, L..aJ

2 9 Slti". 53 500 ppf , Q.125 BTC Q.125 10625 1 57

9. Select the Work tab. Select Tubular> Special Connections


Select Edit> Import from Catalog, and then select VAM TOP
from the list of catalogs on the left side of the dialog box. With the
VAM TOP cata log selected, highlight (select) the YAM TOP, 9 5/8",
53.50 ppg, L-80 connector.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-49
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Click Append to add it to the Special Connections table.

- - - -

Import From Special Connection Catalog

VAM Big Omega
Select VAM TO P VAMFl.
special connection VAM HW ST SC70
inventory catalog. VAM H'N ST SC80
Select (highlight) the V PRO
VAM TOP 9 5/8", VAM -tl
53.50 ppg, L-80
connection. ---ttllDiliTl".ll:rm-----;--;:~~•
VAMl' SC90

ImportJ dose J ~ J
Click Append to add
the connection to the Special
Connections Inventory table.



The red shading of lhc Special Connections listings indicates that there is no pipe
of the same size, weight, and grade in the Pipe Inventory.

Select the String and Connection tab. Replace the LTC connection
Type with VAM TOP.

Notice the Connection Safety Factor (Abs)

now satisfies the design loading conditions.

Pipe + Conn Cost ($)

($/ft) 478 ,528
9 5/0", 53 5'JJ ppf, L-00 31 .15 276,315
2 9 5.18"' 53 500 ppf, 0-125 0-125 10 625 35.35 202,213

10. Click the Save icon ( r;I ) to save the E3SOPJ Design.

9-50 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 5: Minimum Cost

I . Set the Minimum Cost search parameters to look at the most

conservative constraints, where both Triaxial Design criteria and the
API Burst, Collapse, and Axial limits are not exceeded. Select one
casing section that has a minimum section length of 1,000 ft.

2. Change the Cost Factor fo r T-95 grade material to 1.60.

3. Execute the Minimum Cost search.

a) What pipes are selected by the minimum cost search?

b) Are these likely to be appropriate for your Design?

c) Select BTC connections. Is there any problem using the

BTC connection?

d) How would you verify in-house connection test data?

4. How much was saved on the cost compared to the in itial Q-125 ,
BTC solution?

5. Save the E3SOP 1 Design.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-51
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 5 Answers
I. In the Minimum Cost dialog box, enter parameters as seen below,
and then click OK. Refer to online help for further information.

Minimum Cost: 9 5/8" P.-oduction Casing (g)

Parameters ID!!sQ:l I
Select the Tubular >
Cons trMlts
Minimum Cost >
Parameters tab and enter Maxm.rn Nlsnber of Secbons: j1
the following. ~ Stttion Length: ,,....1000-.0- ft

Cost of K·SS Steel: I700 S/ton

Minimum Cost: 9 5/8" Production Casing ~

Parameters f~ ~
Select the Tubular>
Minimum Cost > Design
tab, and select areas (gray)
as seen here.

0Q) - • • ••••• • • • ••• • ••• •

> '
w -i-:-:.::..:..:::....=:..::+;:...=~=-:i=:..::.::..:..:::__+-~~-+-~~-1-
' ~~--1

Axial Force (lbf)

9-52 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

2. Select Tools > Default> Cost Factors. Change the T-95 grade cost
factor to i . 60, and then click OK.
-- - - -

Cost Factors ~
Click the T-95 Cost
Factor field and change Grade Of Cost A OK
Name FactOf
the default to 1 . 6 o.
C-90 1.45 Cancel I
C-95 1.52
. 5
1.60 I
1.47 ~
P-110 1.47
Q-125 1.60
V-150 1.77 Insert

3. Select View> Design Plots> Minimum Cost.

Minimum Cost Search l8J

~ass 3: Fll'llshed_ _ _ _ _ __.
Elapsed Tune: 00:00:02
Last Minm..m-Cost Design: 00:00:02

___ I I
Cooent 1'1inlmum Cost:

QK _,

•..... ····--.....J

a) Pipe selected is: 9 5/8" OD, 53.50 weight, P-110 grade.

Therefore, the minimum cost is obtained using P-1 10 grade pipe
for the 9 5/8" OD string.

Notice that the connector table inputs are reset to undefined after
executing Minimum Cost.

Strin Sections
Cost (S)
Top, MD (ft) Base, MD (ft) OD On) Weight (ppQ Grade 401,601
1 300 14620.0 9 5/8" 53.500 P-110 401,601

Pipe Section
T pe OD in Burst
1 9 518", 53.500 ppf, P-110 <NIA> NIA

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-53
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

b) Yes, based on the Design plots, all design load lines are to the left
of the p ipe rating lines.

o~------------- ~ Ots!Qr'LO ~

···········:-··········r ······r·········:···· · ··+·····~:~~~~~-- ··

,~ :::,: +·. ·r-ift~
:1: J:1:r::r 1:1: i:: . r· ;r I • .:· ·rr•• f
··········-r·····-···-r···~······r·----·····:· ··--:......r--·-··----·i-·-·--·---- ···········-i·-··········t············i·······--···j···········--r':··········i············

17500 175XI
DX) l ml 1400) 1&00 0 1500 7500

I O~•·~·~•-------------------------~T~·•~•=
: : 4-+ : : 1• Dwgnl.oodl.d>t : : L+ : : : + DH19n lo.d line

: -! · ··# 1 j P.,.R~ 2!ll'.l

j ; _I : : o ~eYteldS1ref191l>


17500 : . . : :• • t J:::•·······:······· ·•:•:::•:: :1:::::-•: €
! 75CO

12500 :•.:..:..•..:.•.:~..::·•-::•:.:..1.·::· r ::: r:•::
·t ·····r ·-----··-1-·---·---·l ··----·--·i---------'·1···------·-


1500J· --· ········r-········1-.......... r~---·-·-··t"·-----·---1-·--~--------~---·---·--·-

·1soo+-- --t----t------- --- ---- ---- --i ,7soo...-- ---t---__,f-----t-----t---__,f---------1
:l5QXXl fADXll 7~ 1cn:n:D l;&W) 151X1Xll 1750COO :lllUIXI nm •!OOJ 60COJ ' !OOJ 9llXIO •OSOOJ 1ioni 13llXJl
Axu t f'cwce \lbl) VME s...n(p")
~~..,,X§IL/(41 •
.... .."
' · '~·--------------------------~

9-54 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select the Work tab, and then open the View> Triaxial Check >
Design Limits plot. Notice that all loads are within the
unibiaxial/triaxial limits.

Design Limits • Section 1

f I I I I I I ! 1 I

-----J·-----L _____ 1______L____ _ L_____

. .
J _ _____ J ___ _ __ J _ _ _ _ __ l--- - --~--- -- J-- ----L---J


----- ~ ---- - - ~- - --- ~ - - - - --·-- -- - -~- --- - ~------ ~ ---4· -~ --- - - - · - -----~----- ~ ------~--- -
Trt-ax1a1 1.250 :

t I
..,.. -- .. - - r .... ..... - .., .. - - -- i
- -- -
I I '
--r - - - -- -,- - - -- -r-- -- --,--
1 I t t I I I
' I

~ .......... -~ ...... ,. _ _ . . . . . _ _________~- •
•--- ~ ----- -~
......... .. ....L .. - '
......... L ......... J
1 I I I I I I I o I
--J--.:::.....1..---1- 0
I 0 I

' '
... ......... , ..... ...... ... Ir --- - - ,t - - - --·f'I ··- ......... ,I ............ 'I I
~ -----,•• • •-• f ••-··-~ --
I I ''' --,'
1 I I I I I I I I I I
I o -~·-_-:r-:---.;·~-_;t : : I


~ ~~~~:.::.;~i;~~~~==~=-- ... -.. ,'. . . . . . ·+.'' ------:''---


Green Cement Pressure Test AXial •'


.. '
......' ............... -- .. . .
-3000 - ~- ---~- - --~------·------~-·---~-·----~-
' I I

I f
~-----~- - - -- -~ -----~------·--


t o

' I

. .
' -- -,'' ------r--·- . . ..,''........ - .. -
' . I '

-,' ----- r-
. ..
--r---- --r--- --, ------r-- I



I i
- - r- - ----1-~--- , -----·r---,
I • l

l,,....~:.--,._,,.,.:,.._ _ ~---:.-~--!---~--~:.-~~7-~:::::i::.;;.- : I I : I

: Collapse 1.0CX> , 1 1 , 1 , 1 1 , , 1 , •
- -'----- ---- -~------f------~---·- ~ ------ ~ ----- ~------ ~ -- ---- - ~ - ----- ~ -----~------}------~--- -- ~ ------ ~- - - ~

'I I I I
t I l I I I I I I I I I I I
-12000 - ~ ---- --r - - - -- ~ - - - - - -T -- -- - -r - - - -- ~ ----- - ~ - - - --~·- ---- ~·- ---·~----- ~ ------ ~-- --- 1· · - -- -T ·-- ~ --r - - - - - ,- - --- - r--- ,
I I I I t I t I I I

-1600000.140000012000001000000-800000 -600000 -400000 -200000 0 200000 400000 600000 900000 1000000120000014000001600000

c) Select the String and Connection tab. From the Connections

table Type pick-list, select BTC.

Strin Sections
Cost ($)
Top, MD (ft) Base, MD (ft) OD On) Weight (ppQ Grade 473,878
1 30.0 14620 0 9 5/8" 53.500 P-110 473,878

Pipe Section
T pe OD On)
95/8",53.500ppf, P
/ -110 BTC 10.625

Select BTC as the

connection type.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-55
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select the Min ASF tab. Although the design satisfies the design
criteria, using BTC connections weakens the design because the
burst safety factor is connection critical, and the possibility of a
connection leak increases.

Minimum Safet Factor (Abs)

OD.IWeighVGrade Connection
Burst Collapse Axial Tri axial
1 BTC, P-110 1 51 81 L + 100.00 c 216 88 2.09 81
2 125 1.52 81 L 78 76 C6 2.17 88 210 81
3 313 1 53 81 L 31 50 C6 2.20 88 212 81
4 430 1.54 81 L 22.9'.J C6 222 88 2.14 81
5 9'.JO 1.59 81 L 10.94 C6 23) 88 2.18 88
6 9'.JO 1 59 81 L 10.94 C6 203 88 204 88
7 1150 1 61 86 L 8.57 C6 2.00 88 206 88
8 1200 1 61 86 L 8 21 C6 2.07 88 206 88
9 1400 1 61 86 L 700 C6 209 88 208 88
10 1600 1 61 86 L 6.21 C6 212 88 209 88
11 1700 1.61 86 L 587 C6 2.43 88 2.22 86
12 1700 1.6186L 587 C6 2.32 88 219 88
13 1958 1 61 86 L 514 C6 237 88 219 86
14 5970 1 59 86 L 1.75 C6 310 A1 19586
15 5970 15986L 1.75C6 3.10A1 1.9886
''--·· _i:;o.&j.,...,."'v" ..... ....... -IF ..........,.., .1 i; ,. . .Jt.:z;p-!· ' ···-· ·~\'.(~l.... , ~ · ~Jr' ,
"" :' ."I r~ -... / .' I /" ·"' ,..._
45' ... ~.,,_,~20 ·_,....-.,~ .....- '\ ......,,..,; -. •• -" "<"',./'r57 :{€{ "••Ar~3 c~-- '~fr5sa A'"f:nefct-•
46 14120 1 57 86 L 1 05 C6 2 96 88 1 79 C6
47 14619 1 57 86 L 1 03 C6 2.90 88 1 75 C6
48 14620 1.57 86 L 1.03 C6 2.90 88 1 75 C6
50 L Connection Leak
51 81 Displacement to Gas
52 86 Tubing Leak
53 88 Injection Casing
54 C1 FulVPart1al Evacuation
55 C6 Above Below Packer
56 A1 Runmng in Hole-Avg Spee
57 () Compression

9-56 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

d) Select the Work tab, then select the View > Triaxial Check >
Design Limits plot. Right-click the plot and select In-House
Connection Test Data to open the Maximize dialog box.

In-House Connection Test Data ~

~tal Seal R~t Seal I

. ___.I. ____P-'ri:'_r..._Je_ _ __,]

..,.__J____.~:f_.._ _Pa~ J

CMCel '----' --~

Open the "IN-HOUSE Connection TD.txt" file. Press Ctrl-A to
select all the text, then press Ctrl-C to copy the content into the
Windows clipboard (see StressCheck Help for
more information).

I IN-HOUSE Connection · Notepad ~(QJIBJ

File Edrl Format View ~

Press Ctrl-A, s1ze we1Q t Gra e T rea oes1 n co

then press 9.625 53.50 Q-125 UUllll-125 T reao 001 co 001
Ctrl-C to copy tM CUE Data POlnt 9 KIPS PSI
the contents of
the text file into
the Windows

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 9-57
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select the top left editable table cell on the Maximize dialog box,
then click Paste.

ln·Houw Conne<tion T<'!>I Dow ~

~Ills.• R....t Soal I

Nome JMe111W · 9.62SlnSJ.50b/f\Q-12S

Click Paste to
{pti) add the
1CKXXllXI 10'.Xl0.00 contents of the
1250000 sal\00
12!i0000 ·2500.00 Windows
soom -8000.00
.5(XIDJ .imo.oo clipboard into
·11JOODJ &OJ.DO the dialog box.
·75000l 100XIOO
100)XI) lo:xJ0.00

9-58 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Click OK to apply the test data to the Design plot. You can then
compare the load distribution against the connection
test envelope.

Design Limits - Section 1

I I I I f I t - -,- - ,
Dt~plecemert to Gas
Lost Rebsns wll'I Wal¥

- - - - __,_ ____ _ J ___ - ....
I I 1
_J __ _ -- _ 1 __ - -
• I
--·-----·.! ----


--~ -

-- J


GM Kiele t 50 Obbl. 0 50 PP9)
.-- ..... -- -------- .. -- .....

-- - - -~- -
.' I

.. ....... . . . -.. ·-~·

. I

-- .. ...... -----.... -..... ....


1119'bon Oort«1 Casing : Tr14.Xll l 1.250 ;

GrHn Cemert Pressure T9'1 (Burst) '''

9000 Onl Mead (Burst)
Fu111Part1al Evacuabon
'' .. ---· ..,' .....-..
·- ---·,------, ... . . . .
~~ ~~
-t--i.'~ ·
' ''

- Lost Reti.ims will'I Mud Drop ''

6000 c.m.rcmg
DnlAheed (C~l :'
--- I..- --~

L 3000
Abol.~ Peel«
-- -r - --, .''
ii RITnng In Hole '

E °'8r'PUll Force
0 - ~Cemenl Static LOacl
!!: Post-Cemer1 Staflc Load

> -3000

t ! I •
-9000 I I I

' . .'
........ .J .. .......... .. 1. .... - .. ....l.. ........ .... J ............... - - "
I t


-12000 .. ,. .... · ••.... "• .... -r---- --t· - - - - "., .. • ......... ,. .. __ -- .,--- - - -
f' - - - - -
I I ''
"'!"'• - ...... ., .... - - - - .- - - - ,

I I I t I I

' '
200000 •00000 6110000 800000 10000001200000 U000001600000

.. -- A.rial Force ( bf)

Notice that Metal Seal is

added to the Design plot.


In-I-louse Connection Test data is not retained after a Design is closed.

4. The cost savings is $515, 786 - $473,878 == $4 1,908.

5. Click the Save icon ( ri;I ) to save the E3SOP/ Design.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-59
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 6: Analyzing Results

1. Select the Sc hem tab, and split the tab into two horizontal panes. On
the top pane, select Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme. On the
bottom pane, select View > Well Schematic. Configure the Well
schematic to show the title, cement, tapered string, reference depths,
fluid, casing fl oat shoes, the TOC fo r liners and casing strings, top
of the liner, and non-deviated. Change the title of the schematic to
StressChe ck Training.

I Hint
Use the ,;ght mouse button.

2. Split the Burst and Collapse tabs into four equa l panes each.
Populate these panes (starting with top left to top right, then lower
left to lower right) with the View > Burst Plots and View >
Collapse Plots plots as follows: Differential Pressures, Load
Line, Pressure Profiles, and Temperature Profiles, respectively.

a) Which burst loads contribute to the burst load line?

What is the string temperature profile during the Displacement

to Gas scenario?

b) Which collapse loads contribute to the collapse load line?

3. Select the Axial tab and split the view into fou r panes (starting wi th
top left to top right, then lower left to lower right) with the View>
Axial Plots plots as fo llows: Load Profiles - Apparent
(w/Bending), Load Line, Service Load Profiles - Apparent
w/ Bending, and Service Load Lines.

a) Which load cases and axial force directions

(tension/compression) contribute to the service load line
throughout the Well ?

4. Split the Triaxial tab into four equal panes. Populate these panes
(starting with top left to top right, then lower left to lower right)
with the View > Triaxial C heck plots as fo llows: Load Line,
Safety Factors, Design Limits, and Von Misses Equivalent Plot.

9-60 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

5. Momentarily, do not include the effect of temperature on yield

strength, and the effect of buckling, in your Design.


Apply these changes while viewing the Design plots.

a) Do you need to change your Design?

b) C heck both temperature deration and buckling prior to saving

the Design.

6. Save the E3SOP 1 Design.

Stress Check™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-61
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 6 Answers
I. Spl it the pane and apply views as seen below. Right-cl ick on the
Well Schematic to access the Well Schematic Properties dialog box.
On the Well Schematic Properties dialog box, select the items to
display on the schematic, then click OK.

Hai. S.zt M11s '"d De thS Mud at

N•mt Typo
(tr ) Han er 5hoe f \_ll Shoe (pp'l)
Conductor CH1ng 36 (0) 3:10 6000 aio BW
Surt'ace CH1n9 26 rm :I) 0 11500 5000 BW
Intermediate Casing 22 llll 3)0 ~o 16000 920
lntermtdlltt Cuing 17 500 lJO 9tB50 ( 48) 0 11 60
Protect,... Ces1ng I( 750 lJO 120200 83150 ,. 00
Production CH1ng 12250 lJO 146200 107500 1510
Production Lintr 6 500 IC200 163l'.l 0 1433)0 II 00

.. ! _., 1• .._ .-: ' I 0

43'.l.O ft TOC ~S&UM!I (125.0 ft)

SOO.O ft TOC ~ Li'le (43'.l.O ft)
600.0 ft 3J" ConO.Jctor 0sroo
uso.o ft 24. Stsface Casrog
1660.0 ft TOC
:mo.a ft 1B 5/8" Intermaiite casl'10
4480.0 ft TOC

Right-click the
8315 0 ft TOC
9!85.0 ft
Schematic, and then
107'50 0 ft TOC
select P roperties.
12020.0 ft 13 5/8" Protective Casng

14320.0 ft Tot
14320.0 ft TOC 9 5/8", (12 l/4"). 53.500 ool. P-110, P!oduc1Dl casno
14620.0 ft COl'l'leCtion: BTC. P·llO
16330.0 ft 7' Pl'OlilclO'l LJW

Well Schematic Propertie~ £f

Change the Title name , then TIlle IOI Cureri Vrew
select the check boxes P' ShowTitle
associated with the items P' Specly Title I SueisCheck Traat'Wlg Fcrt
you want displayed on the
Well Schematic. P Cement P' roe f0t L11e1t
This dialog box is also P' T<'!Peled Stmg P' TDC fot C.,mg St1W19$
accessible via the Edit > P' Aelefence QeplN P' TOL
P' FUd P' ~~on-Oe'Mied Click OK to view the
Properties menu path.
P' With C&WlO Floal Shoe changes to the

9-62 Stress CheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

2. On the Burst and Collapse tabs, split the panes and apply views as
seen below. Refer to the plots on the Burst and Col lapse tabs to
determine the loads that defi ne the burst and coll apse load lines.


If a plot legend covers most of the viewing area, right-click an empty area on
each graph, and then select Properties from the drop-down menu. On the
Graph tab of the dialog box, deselect the Show Legend check box to see all
plot data.

a) The Burst Load Line plot is based on the Displacement to Gas

and Tubing Leak burst loads.
rhe Burst Load Line plot is a compilation of burst
lifferential pressure curves. In this case, the burst
oad line is a compilation of the Displacement to
3as and Tubing Leak load lines.

Burst Differential Pressures Burst Load Line

- [)splat...... to Geo.
Lost Rtilums W'lllh ...._., .' .' 3000
....... .; .....
- °'""lll" Loed Lioe
A...bJdl loed Line
- 3000
Ges kl<'.k !50 0 l>CI. 0 50 ppgJ
Ttbng Lffl<
' '
'''. . ""
6000 c... i 6000 ·-· - T·-• I I I I
r - -- ·...,... --- .. .,. .. -- "'•r • - · ... ,_ ...

Q• lnj&CtJcn ()ow1 lflQ

Green Cermwt Pressure Test (9'ntJ ;


, ,
I •



l i··---: --- :· ~ 9000


9000 OnU Mead Bi.nt ---;--~
' ' ...
---- · -----
- - - - - . - - - - - - . ........... . . . . . . . -
- .. ... .. -- ~--- •-1-.f


;112000 -..1-----·----""----..1
' I I '

----1- .. - ----~
.. '
;1 12000
II ""
15000 - - -- ~- - -.. ~- - .. -~ .. -.. ·:- ...... ~- ...... -:- -- - ~-- -- -:- --:---- ~ 15000
-- -- t .. - --- ~ -.. -- ·:- - - --~. -... -~ ........ -:-.
t t

700 1400 2100 2800 3500 4200 4900 6600 6300 6600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600 6800 7000 7200
Dltftrentlat Burst (psi) Burst Rating (psi)

Burst Pressure Profiles Burst Temperature Profiles

r.::::o==-.- .....--,-~-.-~...,.-~..-~..-~..,-~-.~,

' --,'
:::. 3600 .... -: .. ---- l · --- - T- -- - -i-i g 3600 ..,.......... , .........,-.... -.. t·--- ,--
t t I I I I


I I I I ' • ' • t

• 7000 ~ 7000
• ......... ••y • • • • T •
.... ,

i '. i.. ''

. . ..
:; 10500 :; 10500
.. ..... . -- ..... -·-
.... ............... . .... :: .................. .. .. ' .
.' ...................................
:E 14000
. ~ ..........
. ...
. ~·\---:~
:E 14000 ...

' ' ' '

1500 3000 4600 6000 7600 9000 106~ 12000,

50 75 100 125 150 176 200 226 250
Pre11ure (pal)

.. _ ...,.. . ·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Temperature (' F )

The assumed string temperature profile during Displacement to
Gas scenario shows a typical temperature profil e, with lower
temperature at the mid/lower casing section, and higher
temperature in the mid/upper cas ing section, compared to the
undisturbed temperature profile.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 9-63
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

b) The Collapse Load Line plot is based on the Lost Returns with
Mud Drop, Full/Partial Evacuation, and Above/Below Packer
collapse loads.

The Collapse Load Line plot is a compilation of

collapse differential pressure curves. In this case,
the collapse load line is a compilation of the Lost
Returns with Mud Drop, Full/Partial Evacuation,
and Above/Below Packer load lines.

Collapse load line

, : , - Design Load ltne
I I I I t

1 _ __ J___ __L____L____t__ - Actual Load Ltne
g 3000 I

' I

6000 i


t I

... .. - ... J - ... ... . J ... _ - - -'- - - - _._ ... ... ...... L _
I f


L ...... ... ... L ... ... -- L- -- -L-- - -l - - J


I I I I '
9000 -e 9000 -- -- JI. . ........ Jl ...... ... ... ~I............ ~r...............IL ... . ...... IL ... ... ... . IL... ......... I
I I I I I t t t
= I I I I f I I j

12000 i 12000






____ J _ __ _ _, _ _ ... --'- ... ...... -'- - ...... ... L ......... ... L .. ......... !.. ............L.

I I I I I I I I f I
15000 - - _ _ 1 ___ - J _ -- --'-- - - -'-- - - - '-- -- -'- - - - - L - -- - -- -- J
15000 - - ........t ...........1............t........ .. ...•............. L ..... ... ... L ...... ... ... t
I I I I I I t
...... ... ... L ...... ...... l ......... ... J ... ... J

0 900 1800 2700 3600 4500 5400 6300 7200 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 6600 6400 7200 8000
Collapse Rating (psi)

Collapse Pressure Profiles Collapse Temperature Profiles

- Full/Partial Evacuabon - lrnbal Condlbons
Cemertmg (lrt) Ful/PM!el Evacuation
g 3500- -- E 3500
Lost Returns l'ftth Mud Drop
iQ I
- - J _____
L---- - '- - ---
- Cemert1ng
Lost Returns wlh Mud Drop
,, 1
! CD t I I

Ill ..
~ 10500 I J
--,-----r- - ---i----~-----,


14000 14(XX) ' I '
- - .,. _ - - - - · - - - - -~ - - -- ~ --- - - -1 - - - - --- - -~- - -- ----4----4
,'', I I

0 1500 3000 4500 6000 7500 9000 10500 60 75 100 125 150 176 200 225 250
Prm ure (psi) Temperaturt ('F)

9-64 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

3. On the Axial tab, sp lit the panes, and apply views as seen below.

axial loads display

Axial load Profil - Apparent (w!Bending) Axial load line

I ..... L .. .... .. L .........L ......... L ........ l ........ l ......... J ..
.... ___ .. ,.. .... -....... .............................. . . ..
3000 I I I f I t

'I '0




.. ..L. ....... -L ........ L ........ L ........ L ........ L ....

'I a
a eooo
i .
.. 9000 --··- _...____.__ _,_____.....__._._

:I :I
•: 12000 ' '
' ' ' • I I I I I I '
I 11

-----L------J---- -- .. -··· ~ .. --- .. ! .............. J : 12000 1

.....1.. .... .. .. ........... t.. ......... l ........ L .. ...... L.... ..l .. .... ... ! ...... ... JJ
:E t
'' \
. .
:E I

1 1
I '
15000 .... L .......... !.. .. .. ..... •... .. .. .. ... L .. ... .. .. t. .... ..... L .. ....... l ......... ! ........ .J .......... J J
I I I I I I I I I 1 1

.000000 -260000 0 260000 600000 750000 -600000IOOOXl100000 0 200000looooa;()()00Ql00000000Xlm00000

Axial Force (lbf) Axial Force (bf)

Axial Service load Profiles -Apparent (w/Bending) Axial Service load Lines
,.-~...,-~~.--,,,....,.-,,..,.......-~ ~ .......,.......,~-.-~~,---,


4000 --1-·---,
' ' £ 4000

I 5
8000 ,,a 8000

12000 . _:J _----~ ---__ j

•: 12000
I \ I I
' I '

The Service Load line draws over All axial service loads are displayed in absolute
the Lost Returns with Water and values to facilitate identification of the maximum
the Above/Below Packer loads. loads, including Lost Returns with Water, Injection
Down Casing , and Above/Below Packer.

StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-65
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

a) The service load line is positive (Tension), down to

approximately 7,000 ft MD due to the Lost Returns with Water
and Inj ection Down Casing axial load component. The Service
Load line becomes negative (Compression) down to
approximately 10,500 ft MD due to the Above/Below Packer
axial load component, and finally it shifts back to positive down
to TD due to Lost Return with Water and Inj ection Down Casing
axial load component.

Service Loads line

Axial Service Load Profiles • Apparent (w/Bending)

- Otsplacement to Gas
Lost R9b.KnS "'lh ~
1500 - Gas Kick (SO 0 bbl. 0 SO ppg)
Tubing Leak
I I I I f
111ecbon Down Casing
3000 ·
Green Cement Pressure Test (Bur&t),
-- - -- :r- ----•-----~-----f---
Dnll Aheed (Burst) : , f
r----- r---- -r-----r ----
.,---·-,-----, -----, ---,
t I I

f I
4500 - FulllPartJal Ewcuebon

Lost Returns Wlltl Mud Oroc

'' ... ' I I
'o o ' I


e: Or1IAheao (~I I I
~ --;·----~-----~--- --1-- -~
' .

~ -~ Packer
. .
II 'I '0
7500 S-ce L oads --- ·I -----~-
I - ---·-----·---·-·-----~-----~
I I I - --~f
...• 0 I

I f I I I I
• I I I I I I I f
~ 9000

--·I - - - - - ~ -----·-----J---
. I
I I -- 4I --- -- Jt -- - -- '-----
. .
~I ---~t

10500 ___ :~----~-----J·---- ~ -- -- ~;-·--- ~ -----~---~

. . .
_._____ I I I I I I

' ! ' • '
o I

. ''

. .. . .'''
I f I I I
' '
_____ 1 _ __ __ 1 _ ____ 1 _ ___ _ ' ' '
12000 -- - -+ --- + -- +--. +-·· +- ----- 1 ----- t -----1 ---- - ~ - --~

' ' I
I . ' I
' ' '
i '

... .
' I I I I I I I I t

13500 -----t-----r-- --~----·r·····r· --t-----+-----+ -----1- . ... ---~-----1-----1----- 1- --~

f t I I > I I I I

15000 -----r-----r-----r-----r---- -r-----r·--·-r· ----r----- r··-·-r-----T····-T··---T·----1---- -,-----,--- --1-- ---,---,

I I f I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I


I I i • I I I I t I I I

-630000.0400~000-360000~70000-180000 ~000 0 90000 180000 270000 360000 450000 540000 630000 720000 810000 900000
Axial Force (bf)

9-66 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

4. Split the Triaxial tab into four panes, and p lace one plot in each
pane as shown below.

Triaxial Load Line Triaxial Safety Fact ors

1- Pipe Yield Strength - Birst
~Load Profile (wlBencingl Collapse
3000 3000
g ~ Loedl1ne Aloal

6000 ...' - .
'' '
- I.. --- -'
t 6000
F111lre Cnteoa
i 9000
'' .' ''
- I.. - - - ..I

1 '
•-•••L •- . .... ~ .. ...... IL ........ J ........ .. 'L ........ ~ .. .. .. .. ..I

: 12000
_ 1,,_ - · "'
.. 9000

: 12000
__ .. __.... _..


.. -~-· - ... ~ ·- · .. ~ -- .. . . - ~ -- .... ~ - .. -.. ~


:E '' 'I :E t I I I I I I
1 I '
I t' t I I I I I I

16000 --- ~--- - ~ - - - - -~ - - - - ~- --~ 16000 - --- -~ - - - - ,- - --~-----~---- ~- ---~- - -- -~ - - - - } -- - -~

62500 60000 67500 75000 82600 9000097500105000112500 0.0 0 .7 1 .4 2. 1 2.9 3.5 4.2 4.9 5.6
VME stron (psl)

Design Limits • Section 1 Von Mises Equivalent Stress • Section 1

.2: 15000 15000 - - J ...... .. ....L .... .. .... L .......... J .... ---~~- -- - ~ -----J . .... .. .. J

t I I I I I I I

.. ~
! Trt-axlll 1.260 ! :
ll 7500 • 7500
.. ,''
~ ''
I -7500
0 450000 900000 1350000 -120000().800000-400000 0 .aoooo eooooo 1200000
Effectlv• XIII Foret (lbf)

In the Design plot, the Von Mises The Von Mises Equivalent Stress plot is
and the API failure criteria plot totally pressure independent; that is, the
together. The Von Mises plot strength of steel does not depend on the
envelope in this case is hydrostatic pressure.
approximate. Consequently,
sometimes failure points plot
inside the envelope.
Note: Always validate your visual
interpretations with tabular results,
as well as with the Von Mises
equivalent stress.

StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-67
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

5. Se lect the Tubular > Design Parameters> Analysis O ptions tab,

and deselect the Temperature Deration and Buckling check


You can select and deselect the temperature deration and buckling check
boxes, click Ap ply, and then observe the effect on the plots.

When finished, verify Temperature Deration and Buckl ing options

are selected in the Design Parameters dialog box, and then click OK.

Design Parnmeters: 9 5/8" Production <Asing [El

0esqi Factors Analysis Opbons I
Des.on ConsIri51'1l
Mn Int~nal Dnft a. 500 n

Analysis Opbons
Deselect the l'1 Single External Pressu-e Profle
T em peratu r""""'=: - - - --t--P r Temperatlre Derabon
De ration and ~ to ffactise at Shoe
Buckling analysis r Buddno
Options· r Use 81.nt Wal Tudcness tn Tnaxial

OK Cancel

a) No, deselecting temperature deration and buck ling makes the

design criteria less critical.

9-68 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Notice that Collapse Load shifts slightly away from the design
limit (Triaxial Safety Factors). Similarly, the Above/Below
Packer Load shifts slightly upward on the Von Mises plot.
Collapse load shifts slightly right,
away from the design limit
(Failure Criteria).

TriaxiaJ Load Line Triaxial Safety Factors

g 3000
- Pipe Yield Slrengltl
Apperent Load Profile (w/Bel'\d1ng)
g 3000 - --- - · - -
.. - BlZSI

t 6000

- ---~----
Desi n Load Line

IL - - -- ~

I ---- ~I -----~
I -- -L

I --- ~I
fj 6000
- -- -L-- -

1 I I I I I t
1 Failure Cntarla
! I I I I
' ' '
I !
I I I !

9000 --- L---


J ----~---

L---- IL -••••-•••

~I ----- I~ -- -~---~

9000 '
-----L--- --L----L·---J-••••L-••• L •••• ~


: 12000
- - - IL - -

... .

JI • • •• ~I - -- - ·L
. IL. . . JI

: 12000 -----~ -·



- -~ ........ L -·--j--•••~--~- L- -- -)
t I I I


:E I I I I t I I I I I :E I t I I I I I
t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I
I I I I f I I I I t ! I I I I I I

15000 -- -L .... J ----~-----~----L----l- -- - ~-- - --L - ---L-- . J

I I I I f I I I I I
15000 - ---- r- - ··, ----~- ----~ - - --t----~---~-r - - --~ --- -~

52600 60000 67600 75000 82500 90000 97500 105000112500 0.0 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 3.6 4 .2 4.9 5.6
VME Stress (psf) Normalized Safety Factor

Design Limits - Section 1
Von Mises Equivalent Stress - Section 1
- - · J ......... --1.. - - - - - L . -- _ _ .J __ - - --L ---- . 1. . - - _ _ J __ _ • • ..J

f l I l I I I
;;; f I
Tri-axial 1.250 •
I f

-1200000-800000-400000 0 400000 9000001200000

Axial Foree (lbf) Effective Axial Force (lbf)


Above/Below Packer shifts slightly upward

(within the envelope), away from the unibiaxial
collapse limit.


It is always recommended to support any graphical interpretation with tabular

results. It is also recommended to verify Design Parameter settings prior to reaching
design conclusions.

6. Select the String and Connection tab, then click the Save
icon ( r;I ) to save the E3SOP1 Design.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-69
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 7: Tables and Reports

I. Using the Print Preview feature (available if you have printer drivers
set up on your PC), investigate the options for printing results from
the desktop.

2. What is the minimum burst absolute safety factor for the

9 5/8" casing?

Be sure to select cas ing 9 5/8" 53.50 ppf, P-110. Verify the BTC
Connection Type (P- 110 Grade) is specified in the
Connections table.

3. What is the minimum triaxial absolute safety factor for

9 5/8" casing, and what is the minimum triaxial normalized safety
factor? What is the ratio (Abs/Norm) between these values? Why?

4. What are the four min imum absolute safety factors at the top
of cement?


Look at both free and cemented pipe at the TOC. Determine the TOC using
Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme and/or View> Well Schematic.)

5. At what depth is wear most critical for burst and collapse? What is
the maximum allowable wear at this depth?

6. What overpull could you pull if the casing became stuck at

14,000 ft MD while running in? What would be the axial absolute
safety factor if thi s overpull was applied?

7. What is the axial force at the wellhead when the casing

is cemented?

8. Which load case resu lts in the minimum collapse absolute safety
factor? At what depth docs this occur?

9. Which load case(s) indicate buckling conditions?

How can reported buckling conditions be prevented in the design?

I0. What are the pipe ratings for the casing?

9-70 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

11. Set up a new report, and name the report Wellbore Data. Select the
Portrait format with multiple items on each page. Select Print
Preview (if available) to display the report on your screen. Include
the following items in the order presented:

• General Data
• Well Schematic
• Casing and Tubing Scheme Data
• Pore Pressure Data
• Fracture Gradient Data
• Pore, Fracture & MW Plot
• Deviation Data
• Geothermal Gradient Data

12. Save and close Design E3SOP1.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-71
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 7 Answers
1. Select File> Print Preview. When finished, click C lose.

Select what you want to print

from the pull-down list.

., __- Date Se ember 02 2010 P I 1

....... T)M
._ ....
- .,
cw.- e-. •ooo JOO eaoo 0110

-=- .,
e-. JeOOQ "!e) '°00
c._ ElOO IC5)0

en- n,,,; JO! !"!~ ~ .. IOD
"lol »: ·=o u·,.
....., U'-'O lO'
•m o
·eu:o Ollllt

E3SO StressCheck5000 17OBulld11180

t I OFE s 12s.oo 11 rn ,.., 1•

9-72 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

2. On the String and Connection tab, verify BTC is specified in the

Type pull-down list in the Connections table.

Verify the connection type BTC is

specified as the connection Type.

Sinn Sections
Top, MO (ft) Weight (ppQ
53.500 473,878

9 518", 53 500 ppf, P-110 473,878

Select the Work tab, and then select View > Tabular Results >
String Summary.

The minimum absolute burst The absolute Triaxial safety

safety factor for the top factor is 1.60.
section is 1.51 L (that is, the
"L" denotes that the design
is connection (leak) critical). Cost
St~ng OOM'eoght!Grade Connection
Tnaw;r ($)
Produtl!On Cung 9 5.e", 53 500 ppf. P- 110 BTC, P-110 .Jl 0. 1'1620 0 8 500 A 160 473,878
Total: 473,878

L Conn Luk
A Alitrnalt Dnft

3. Click the Normalized SF icon ( Y.1)-

Notice that the minimum Triaxial
Normalized safety factor is 1 .28.

t.!OlnteMl Ona 0.. M.nimum Safer Factor !Norml I Deg gn Cost

S1nng 00/Wei;tt/Grade COll!leciion (I) n) Butst Colla H Aral Tmulal l)
95'6.,53500ppl,P-110 BTC,P-110 3)0.140200 8500A 137L 103 156 125 473878
Total: 473$78

The ratio between the absolute and normalized safety factors is 1.25
because the Normalized SF = Absolute SF/Design Factor
( 1.60/1.28). You can veri fy that I .25 is the specified Design factor
(Tubular> Design Parameters).

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-73
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

4. Select the Scbem tab and view the Casing and Tubing Scheme table
or the Schematic. Notice that TOC = 10,750 ft MD.
TOC for 9 5/8" Production
Casing is 10,750 ft.

\ 10750.0 ft TOC

12020.0 ft 13 5/8" Protective Casng

14320.0 ft TOL
14320.0 ft TOC
14620.0 ft 9 5/8", (12 1/ 4"), 53.500 ppf, P-110, Prodoctk:ln Casing
Correction: BTC, P-110

16330.0 ft 7" Productk:ln Liner

Select the Work tab, and then select View> Tabular Results> Min
Safety Factors. Make sure you view absolute safety factors.

Make sure you view

the absolute safety
factors. Click the
Normalized SF icon
Depth (MO)
J OD1We1ght/Grade J
Connection J Bursi
Minimum Saf~Faclor (Ab&
J Cofl!J!.Se JAxial J
Tnax1al l
again (_Kl) before g_ 10500 1581ll l 1 17 Cl (262) C6 1 66 Ill
43 10750 l 5886L 1 17 Ct (259) C6 165 ffi j
selecting the 44
Minimum Safety
Factor table. ~
.., 136 L
1 ~ 86L
4J 3C6
3 1!iffB
200 88
179 P,

Burst minimum absolute

safety factor is 1.58.

Collapse minimum absolute

safety factor is 1.17.

Axial minimum absolute

safety factor is 3.15.

Triaxial minimum absolute

safety factor is 1.85.

9-74 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

5. From the Work tab, select View> Tabular Results> Max

Allowable Wear table.

1 9 518". 53 500 ppf, P-110

2 1250 0 333 81 0.123 C6 388 77 4 0 212 0 422
3 3048 033) 86 0.165 C6 394 69 7 0 215 0 300
4 430 0 0 33) 86 0 .185 C6 39 4 660 o 215 0 .360
5 oo:i o 0 331 86 0236 C6 39 3 56 7 0 214 0339
6 1200 o 0 331 86 0.259 C6 39 3 52 4 o214 0286
7 1400 o 0.331 86 0 .272 CG 39.2 50.0 0 214 0273
8 16000 0 331 86 0284 C6 39 2 47 9 0 214 0 261
9 1700 0 0 331 86 0 .289 C6 392 469 0214 0 256
10 19580 0 332 86 0302 C6 391 446 0 213 0243
11 59700 0335 86 0 440 C6 386 192 0 210 0 105
12 6100.0 0 335 86 0.444 C6 386 185 0 210 0 101
13 63000 0 335 86 0 451 C6 385 17.3 0 210 0 094
14 72133 0336 86 0.476 C6 38 4 12.6 0209 0069
15 9CXXJ 0 0 337 86 0.509 C1 382 66 0208 0036
16 96900 0 337 86 0 511 Cl 38 1 6 .3 0208 0034
17 9700.0 0 337 86 0 .511 Cl 38 1 6 .3 0_208 0 034
18 9800 0 0 337 86 0 .511 C1 38 1 6 .2 0 208 0 034
19 900.l 0 0 338 86 0 511 C1 38 1 62 0207 0 034
20 10000 0 0 .338 86 0 511 Cl 38 0 6 .2 0 207 0 .034
21 10100 0 0 338 86 0 512 C1 38 0 61 0207 0033
22 10200 o 0 338 86 0 .512 C1 380 61 0 207 0.033
23 10300 0 0 338 86 0 .512 C1 38 0 6.0 0 207 0033
24 10400 0 0338136 0.512 C1 38.0 6.0 0 207 0.033
25 10500 0 0 .338136 0.512 C1 380 6.0 0207 0033
26 107500 0 338 136 0.513 C1 380 5.9 0 .207 0032
27 12020 o 0339136 0.520 cs 37 8 47 0206 0025
28 14120.0 o 340 86 0.535 C6 37.6 1.8 0.205 0 010
29 146200 0 340 86 37 .6 11 0 205 0006
31 Bt 01splacemenl to Gas
32 136 Tubing Leak
33 Cl FulVPart1al Evacuation
34 C6 Above Below Packer

The max allowable wear is most The max allowable wear is most
critical for burst at TD, with a critical for collapse at TD, with a
rating of 37 .6% maximum wear rating of 1 .1 % maximum wear (% of
(%of wall thickness). wall thickness).

StressCheck™Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-75
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

6. From the Work tab, select View > Tabular Results > Max
Allowable Ovcrpull. The axial SF is the Design safety facto r of
l .3. The Axial Design safety factor is specified on the Tubular>
Design Parameters dialog box.

Mar OYerpull
1:B34 764949
The maximum
102 14 116 757839 overpull at
103 14368 7'!:lJ7~ 14,000 ft MO is
10A 14590 744465 761 ,107 lbf.
105 14620 • 743619
107 • Based on Casing Strength
100 Only Running Stnng not
109 Included

7. From the Work tab, select View> Tabular Results > Axial Loads.

The axial force at the wellhead when the casing is

cemented is approximately 500 kips.

p,..c._,,. $1..., lead

App orem At! .. Ai>po<Olll Acl~·
(>o'Stodlng) (Wo e.nd"'llJ ~"9l {WO 8tndongt

'.JlO t.:£E.J9 L13711 Sl2a54 51:rJ54 51JlJJI 557544 !615A4 ri'P£17 71fjjll
1250 ~ flll)JJ 9'.)7871 507871 4'!5;?48 SS2.o2 ~.IQ 7B>A% 'BJ.t95
OJQ 628357 h.•HS7 EOlU:l 6070) 4'<1554 491S!o.4 41ro:)I 5~144 !'33144 767m 7fi7117
9000 615100 blSIOO !ie9m 5119174 466409 466409 45378; 4Sl786 5111))) 51100'.l 742033 7':.mJ
l.Ul 0 69;1 1"' 61'100 u;.t;>f,9 '1!9173 $A;>li9 4ffi4CS S61f.47 453785 f.lQliQ <,)009:) 830093 l42lll2
f2a:J 0 6817lS £OOi3e 6$00ll 500712 5AS2136 4504~ 5J$04 43700:' 59:!1111 495016 823910 72@19
12000 681134 ro;f;'Jj 6Wlll 581'1 I S«'!l5 ,451M,4 53!,8ij 078)1 !SSlS 4 '5015 llll009 l~
400 0 6761'193 lill!)9" ero!~ 575071 53:'825 4:l0;4 525.."02 427341 !18:'41o 484554 81J.U9 71'll!EI

9- 76 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

8. From the Work tab, select View> Tabular Results> Minimum

Safety Factors.

Aiual Triax1al
32 (2 50) C6 1 61 86
33 15886 1 18 Cl (2 .48) C6 16086
34 9900 15886 1 18 Cl (2 46) cs 16086
JS 9900 15886 1 18 Cl (2 46) C6 16286
:E 100Xl 15886 1 18 Cl (2 45) C6 16286
37 10100 15886 1 18 Cl (2 43) C6 1 61 86
30 10200 15886 1 18 Cl (2 41) C6 1 61 86
39 10Dl 15886 1.18Cl (2 40) C6 1 61 86
40 10400 15886 1 18 Cl (2 39) C6 16086
41 10500 15886 t 17 Cl (2 77) C6 17086
42 10500 15886 117 Cl (2 62) C6 16686
43 10750 15886 1 17 Cl (2.59) C6 16586
44 10750 15886 1 17 Cl 3 15 88 1 85 Cl
45 12020 1 57 86 113 C6 186 Cl

L Connection Leak
51 81 Displacement to Gas
52 86 Tubing Leak
53 88 Injection Casing
54 Cl FulVPart1al Evacuation
55 C6 Above Below Packer
56 Al Running m Hole-Avg Speed
57 () Compression

Use this key to determine which codes
are associated with each load case . The minimum absolute collapse
safety factor results from the
Above/ Below Packer load ca se
and is 1.03 at 14,620 ft TD .

Stress Check TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-77
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

9. From the Work tab, se lect View> Tabular Results>

Triaxial Results.

Axial Force (lbQ Absolute Safet F aclOr Addt1 Pickup To

Depth (MD) Bending Stress Temperature Prevent Buck Buckled
Apparent Actual
(ft) at OD (ps~ Tnaxoal Burst Collapse Ali!tat ("F) Qb~ Length (ft)
(wl8end1ng) (w/o Bending)
1 ]) 632120 632120 00 209 151 L NIA 269 84 0 0 0
2 125 627037 627037 00 210 1 52 L NIA 2 71 847
3 4]) 610720 610720 00 214 154L NIA 278 B7 0
4 OOJ 565575 585575 00 220 1 59 L NIA 290
5 ~ 683435 6294 e2 11 159 L NIA 2.49
6 tXKI 667453 254
7 . ...__,,~ 667451
. -..#--

From the Load pick-list, check all loads. (This pick-list is only
available when the Triaxial Results table or a custom load is
displayed and active.)

Displacement to Gas
Gas Kick Prol'lle
Axial Force Loit Returns W«h Wates
Depth (MD) D1il Ahead Bur't
(ft) Apparent
(w/8end1ng) ( l~ection Down Camg
1 3l -oo:u> Green Cement Pressure Test
Ful/Partial Evacuation
2 125 -~ Lost wilh Mud Drop
3 43) -110967 Cementing
Ori Ahead(~)
4 ~ -135596 Above/Below Packes
5 ~ .233459 Ri.miig in Hole
6 1200 ·249114 Ovesid Force
Pre-Cement Static Load
7 1200 -243766 PO$t·Cement Static Load
R 1d.OO ~1 Gteen Pressure Test

With the Triaxial Result table in view, select

from the Load pick-list to check all loads.

9-78 StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Axial Force lb!) Absolute Safet Factor

Depth (MD) Bending Stress Temper;iture Addl1 Pie kup To Buckled
lij) Apparent Actual at OD (psi) ("F) Prevent Buck (lbf) Length (ft)
(w/Bend ng) t«fo Bend ng) Tnutal BUfSt Collapse Axial

1 ll 292148 277811 9222 225 161 L NIA 554 2A8 4 321957 !ll84
2 125 283A52 '1l'ITZ3 1011 4 225 1 61 L NIA 561 2484
3 4ll 27f£H/ 25641 I 1297 7 224 1 61 L NIA 585
4 9)) 25£002 231267 17390 223 1 61 L NIA 6 26
5 9)) 347640 7"85 5 218 1 61 L NIA 4 65
325862 7114 1 217 161 L NIA 4$

.... !:!]; 161L


The Tubing Leak load triaxial results

reports a buckled pipe length of
9,884 ft, and additional pickup to
prevent buckling of 321 ,957 lbf.

Axial Fore• I) Absolutt Safe! y Factor

Depth (MO) Bending Siren Temperat111• Addtl Pickup To Buckled
Apparent Acwa
('ft) &t 00 (psi) Tna<1a BurGI Co apse Aual ("F) Pr-I Buck (lb!) Length ('ft)
(w!Bend1n9J (wfo Bend111g)
1 3l .9))06 .f1J277 1333 4 1831 NIA -t llll.00 (17 97) 248• 68112 7(9!
2 125 -84984 -74Y/3 13:'6 7 1831 NIA 7876 (17 03) 248.
3 43) ·11CS67 .ra,77 13)5 1 17 16 NIA 2290 (14 57) 248 .

· 135596
. , 15821
· 115822
13 37
8 29
(11 93)
248 •
...._ 1200 ·249114 · 131005 7545 7 7 88 NIA e 21 (6 49) 248 4
' ''"'-J ... ~ ,..
~~6 8 04
NIA 821- ~~..r· ._J.....

The Above/Below Packer load triaxial

results reports buckling conditions as well.
High delta temperature is the primary
reason that causes the buckling condition in
combination with high internal pressure.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Tra ining Manual 9-79
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Momentarily, with the Triaxial Results for Tubing Leak displayed,

select Tubular > Initial Conditions. Select the Pickup Force
option, and then enter a pickup force 2 the reported pickup force to
prevent buckling during tubing leak event. Click Apply, then notice
the buckling condition for this scenario is removed.
With the Triaxial Results table active, select Tubing Leak
from the Loads pick-list.

Tempesatur• Adli:1Pd pTo

rF -S..:•l!bl)
°""'I 61L """U4
101i .. UIL
I Ill
56• ,.. .,


12111 724 15
211 ''ll
6 21'
111A 1 211 1ft L •H ;.-1.u
'5112 2 II 161 L s 11 2'1 A2
2,, uuz
'2!14 8 2,,
, 61 l c,.
2.. •2
S SJ 248 42
m.c.r- '!.J 2•1 .t1
.,_,,.,. ....
189£!2 t"'1mtnJ.'1dt..rdng 19 2'1 '2
222312 24112
m;.19 2•8 •2
..., ....'tPPil
P T.JSU::1t1e'1111t1~
2'8 •2
"8:12.l 2'8 J2
1M1IO ~"\ldo..lfM 2'8•2
1t3&07 R1M1coa.-~~f'I
s i.•·~
1074'2 1503 2•1A2
r_ ~s.staoe P-..-n 11-
1119' 2•1•2
1'9l!>< C ,.._,,--- 11 ll) 2....
.J1 113 12 ,,. ..2
. . . .!>!; 064 24H2
•«S!.6 (J64 1J8'2
..t<S.'O [bo1... (JU/ ·"' •2
...U5500 2'0""31 (" sa.ddf'f'Ol'c.c- ~ jl 63 24t •2
•1157' 1090 lll)
<II~ 2111091 - - - - - -- 1351) 249 •I
•S7Sl2 .am" ~ c-.._j_ .,.. N• (Bl) 241l2
~ ~111>0'---~~--~---..........~---' ti• il I.II :rt••~
..f.)163\ ·116277 ll?'";t6 1 f<A 13'9 24'.,
..1m11 .auma um 9 NA JT. •2
.u.2020 22060 une s N" 1]06; tdjJ
U1G.2 •
t5H '"
It A
1 Ul
I SIL ,,"". (361
211 ll
tOJGb "'" r1tl ..m956 T-'015t 15U NA lJ 61 2'11•2
lo.&?0 .&5Ul!?6 .J<&J1 t.016& I SIL llA (J:'I .._44 Al
IOAOO A;o~t) -1121140 UQ31 I 10 13 ,,, 248 '1

From the Tubular> Initial Conditions dialog box, select the Pickup Force option , and
then enter a pickup force of 321 9 60 lbf.
Click Apply to see the buckling condition removed.

Axial Force b
Depth (MD) Bending Sttes Addll Pickup To Buckled
Apparent Actual
(ft) at OD (psr) Tnatral 6u111 Prevenl flue~ (lbQ Lenglh (ft)
(w/Bending) (w/o Bending)
.D SS.162 59-(162 00 212 1 61 L NIA 0 0
125 SIBJ79 5a9079 00 2 12 I 61 l NI!\
4'.l) 572762 572762 00 2 13 \ 61 l NIA 2484

5.47617 547617
547616 6294 8
00 2 15
2 (11
I 61
248 4
248 4
6 1200 531633 62948 2 00 161 L
~- --~·

9-80 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

From the Tubular > Initial Conditions dialog box, reset the Pickup
Force too lbf Click OK to dismiss the Initial Conditions dialog box
and return to the Triaxial Results table.

Initial Conditions: 9 5ts• Production Casing ~

c~trio and lancing I I
Cmlentr.Q Data

fotx·Woter Density (ppg} ls.33

Lelld SluTy Density (ppo) I 15.20
~ Illll 5Ury Den&tv (ppo) I 15.60
Toi SUry Length (ft) j soo.o
DlspllKement FUd Density (ppo) f 14.80
Float Colar Oepth, 14) (ft,) f 1'1620.0
r ~ Su"facr Presne (psi) I
Reset the
r E.'lollt Fllied
pickup force to
0 lbf.

r. ~Force (bf} 0
(" ~ff Force (bf) I


I 0. From the String and Connection tab, select either the String
Sections or Connections spreadsheet, and then highlight a row or
click in a cell on the row. Click the Ratings icon ( ~) on the
toolbar (or select Tubular> Ratings) to open the Ratings
dialog box.

Ratings @
9 5/8·, 53.500ppf,P·ll0 ~
iust - 10900.00 pg -~ I
- 7950.02 psi

A>Jal 1710113 bf
Yield Strength 110000.0 p$I

BTC, P·llO
Bu:st . 12066-03 psi

Lellk 9160.78 psi

Frlldu'e 1718076 bf

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-81
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

11. Select Tools > Reports.

Click New, and then

---- - click Rename to
create a report titled
Wel l bor e Da ta .

Rename Report ~
Old Name: IReport 6
New ti-: 1,...W_dbcr
_ e_Da
_ ta
_ __

Select the Contents tab, and then click

Add to display the Add Contents dialog
box. Select the items you want to add
to the report. Standard Windows
controls for multiple selections are
Reports - Wellbore Data ~
available (mouse select with Shift or
Ctr! keys). Click OK when you are
TI!les I
Cootents Options I finished selecting items. Use the Up
and Down buttons to order the
- _J
Pore Pr~e Plot
i Qadient Plot

,..--- -...,
Help I
_ J
Pore, Fracb.l'e & MW Plot
Geothennal Gradent Plot
Geothennal Gr.xlient Tallie
Section View
Plan View
Dogleg Severity Profie
!Ust Temperature Profies
!Ust Temperature Profies Table
!Ust Pressu-e Profies
!Ust Diffe'enbal Profies
"'rc-t f"li~....,h,2J T~

Reports - Wellbore Data IBJ

Titles I eootents Options I
Indicate that you want
Multiple Items Per Pagination
t: ~ I~ Per Page
Page, data for the
- ---+-.... (' 1-tAbple !tens Per Page
Current String only,
and Portrait format. Ttb.Aar Data fot
r. C1.n"entSlm9
(' AIStmos

r. Portrlllt
r Landsaipe

c..ncel _J Apply

9-82 StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select File > Print Preview.

Select the Wellbore Data report from the pull-down list. In the example
below, the second page (Well Schematic) is shown. Familiarize yourself
with the report controls.

Fole EJSOP1'

--l=l ~:"Li:<~'W·o 1t>

'"1 •1 JO" Conduc!lar Ct9'g

1150.0 It
1660.0 ltTOC

30JO.O ft

+qe0.o nroe

BlJ.5.0 ft TOC

lll.BS.O It

.oJSO.o It roe

U020.0 ft

14120.0 ftTQ.
.4l20.0 ltTOC
1~20.0ft 9 S/S', (12 1/4"1, 53.500 lll'f, f'.110, l'm<t.lci'""' Casing
Conoe::W...: !!TC, MIO


E3SO StressChe<:k 5000 I 7 0 Build 11180

p I . fl

12. Press Ctrl-S, and then select File > Close to save and close
the Design.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-83
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 8: Sensitivity Analysis

In this exercise, you will perform the following design checks with
sensitivity analysis of:

special pipe tubular properties

• taper string casing configuration
• high collapse casing exposed to a high collapse loading condition

Special Pipe Tubular Properties

In this analysis, you will perfonn a design check using special pipe
tubular properties applied to a corrosive environment (C02 service).

Corrosion is a major problem in gas fields with C02 for production

strings. 13 CR as a stainless steel material is available for these types
of conditions.

l. Open planned Design E3SOP I . Save the Design as E3SOP l _13CR.

2. Define a temperature deration schedule named 13 CR. Specify the

deration of the material's yield strength as foll ows:

Temperature OF Correction Factor

77.0 1.00

122.0 0.98

212.0 0.94

302.0 0.92

392.0 0.89

9-84 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

3. Define a new material named 13 CR, and then enter the following
material mechanical properties for this new material:

Material Name 13 CR

Young's Modulus (psi) 29,000,000

Poisson's Ratio 0.29

Density (lbm/rt3) 490

Expansion Coefficient (E-06/F) 6.1

*Temperature Schedule Name: 13 CR

* StressCheck version 5000.x and beyond has modified the association to the
Temperature deration schedule. It will be defined at the Grade table instead
of the Material table. Also, both anistropic yield columns (ra dial and hoop)
will be displayed in the Grade table.

4. Define a new Grade named VM 110 13 CRSS. Enter the following

casing/tubing physical properties:

Grade or Name VM 110 13 CRSS

Yield (psi) 110,000

UTS (psi) 110,000

Material 13 CR

StressCheck ™Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-85
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

5. Define a Pipe using grade VM 110 13 CRSS. Enter the following

pipe properties:

OD (in) 9.625

Weight (ppf) 53.5

Grade VM 110 13 CRSS

ID (in) 8.535

Int Drift (in) 8.5

Pipe Type Standard

Burst (psi) I 0,900 (calculated AP!)

Collapse (psi) 7,950 (calculated AP!)

Axial (lbf) 1,710,000 (calculated AP!)

UTS (psi) 110,000

Wall Thickness (% of Nom.) 87.5

Plain End Cost ($/ft) Default

9-86 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

6. Define a connection named VAM SLIJ-II. Enter the following

connection properties:

Pipe Body OD (in) 9.625

Pipe Body Weight (pp0 53.5

Pipe Body Grade VM 110 13 CRSS

Connection Type Other

Seal Type MM

Connection OD (in 9.855

Burst (psi) 10,900

Tension (lbl) 1,275,000

Compression (!bf) 1,045,500

Max bending (degree/100 ft) 30

$/Cost Default

7. Redefine the string section to use instead a 9 5/8'', 53.50 ppf,

VM 110 13 CRSS casing:

Top, MD (ft) 30

Base, MD (ft) 14,620

OD (in) 9 518

Weight (ppf) 53.500

Grade VM 110 13 CRSS

8. Redefine the connection selected for 9 5/8'', 53 .50 ppf,

VM 110 13 CRSS. Instead, select the YAM SUJ-II connection.

9. Observe:

a) Does the 9 5/8", 53.50 ppf, VM 110 13 CRSS, YAM SLIJ-II

satisfy the design criteria?

b) Do buckl ing conditions change as a consequence of applying

different tubular properties?

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-87
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

I 0. How can the new design tubular properties be shared at the Well
Explorer Tubular Properties level?

11 . Close the E3SOP l _ J3CR Design.

9-88 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 8 Answers: Special Pipe Tubular Properties

I. Open Design E3SOP 1. Select File > Save As, and then save the
Design with a new name, E3SOPl_ l 3CR.

2. Select the Work tab, select Tubular> Tubular Properties>

Temperature Deration, and enter the follow ing temperature
deration schedule for 13 CR:

Enter five temperature

deration points for 13 CR.

Ttmptrllurt Ttm era1urt Deraioon Po1111 I Tem arat"ra Otra11on Po1n1 2 Tem eraluoe Oeraroon Po nl 3 Tem tralurt Oeralion Pont 4 Tempera1ure Oeraunn Pooni 5
Otrilhon T1mptra1ur1 Correc11on Temperature Corrtchon Ttmper~ruro Corrtthon Ttmpera1Jrt Correwon Tempera1ure Corretl on
Schedule N• •• ("F) Fa<roi l"F) F101or ("F) F•ctor Factor ("F) Fr:to•
SIMI (dtfa,M) 68 0 I Ill 500 0 0 87
13CR n 1 oo 122.0 0 98 2120 o!U mo 092 39'20 0119


StressCheck 2003 .16. l + version series implemented the ability to define tubular
properties within the application as an o ption in the Tubular menu. Other versions
(2003.16.0, 2003.2 1) only allow definitio n of tubular properties from the
Well Explorer.

StressCheck version 5000.1 (and later) wi 11 support the 2003. 16. I+


3. Select Tubular> Tubular Properties> Materials, and then enter

the following 13 CR material mechan ical properties:

Anisotropic Yretd
Young's Density Expansion Temperature Oerat1on
Modulus(ps1) (lbmffl") Coeflic1ent(E-OOl°F) Radial Hoop Schedule Name

nro:m 0 :I) 4~CXXJ 6.9 10000 100 00 Steel (default)

rn 029 400.CXXJ 61 10000 10000 t3CR

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-89
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

4. Select Tubular> Tubular Properties> Grades, and then enter the

following VM 110 13 CRSS Grade Properties:

1 8
2 C-110 111XXXJ 12500J CS_API 5CT
3 C-75 7500J 9500J CS _API 5CT
4 C-9J oo:m 10COlJ CS_API 5CT
5 C-95 9500.) 10500) cs_API 5CT
6 H-40 4IXm 6CXm CS_APl5CT
7 HC-95 9500J 105C00 CS_API 5CT
6 J-55 5500J 7500J CS_API 5CT
9 K-55 5500J 9500J CS_API 5CT
10 L-60 00:00 9500J CS_API 5CT
11 M-65 6500J 85CXXl CS_API 5CT
12 N-80 00:00 10COlJ CS_API 5CT
13 P-105 10500J 121J))) cs_API 5CT
14 P-110 111XXXJ 12500J CS_API 5CT
15 Q-125 12500J 13500J CS_API 5CT
16 T-95 9500J 10500'.l CS_API 5CT
17 V-150 1500JO 160'.XXl CS_API SCT
Enter the new grade. 18 VM-130 1300Xl 141XDJ cs_AP15CT
19 VM-140 141XXXJ 1500JO CS_API 5CT
20 X-42 4200) 6CXm CS_API 5CT
X-52 5200) 660Cll CS_API 5CT
1llXXXJ 111XDJ 13 CR

9-90 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

5. Select Tubular > Pipe Inventory, and then enter the following
pipe using VM I I0 13 CRSS Grade:

Weight Grade or 10 Yreld Pipt But\t Collapu Alral

(ppt) Name (in) IP•• Type (psij (P~•) (ltl)
53500 P.1t 0 C SJS 1l(XXXl Slandard IJ9!ll 0 7950 0 1710113 2'?53
53.500 0.125 8535 •:'5llXl Sland11d 12386 ' 605 9 19'3311 87 50 2996
56 .coo C-75 8'35 7500) 6 375 S1....i1rd 6 1136 7536 1 12659'8 8750 2800
58 400 L-8> 8'35 llXXXl 6 375 S11nd1rd 86&4 5 7893 4 1 l503« 87 50 2682
58 400 N-8) 8 , 35 llXXXl 8 375 Stand11d e;5.4 s 7693 • ,~ , 8750 2575
58 .coo C-90 8,35 00000 8375 St1nd1rd 9736' 8566 8 15191:1! 87 50 29.64
56 400 C.95 8 '35 95llll 8375 Stand11d 102n3 8865 2 160353' 105000 8750 3107
T·95 88652 ·~
56.400 8 •35 95000 8 375 St1nd11d 10277 3 10500l 87 50 3270
58 400 P-110 B 435 111XOO 8 375 S1and11d 11:n:JO 9767 F.i 165672' 1250)) 87 50 30 05
58 400 0.125 9 435 1.'50)) 8 375 S llndard 13522 7 10539 0 2109913 135!XXI 87 50 32 70
59 400 C-00 8 407 <nm 8 25 1 S tandard 99655 69735 155~4 71 100000 8750 30 15
59.400 r.95 8 407 9500) 6251 S tandard 1~1q1 9317 0 1638720 IOSOOJ 87 50 33.26
61.100 C·OO 8375 00000 6219 Standard 1~73 94:1! 2 1590431 100000 8750 3101
61 too T·95 8375 95000 8219 S11ndlrd 107955 9810 4 1678789 105000 8750 3' 22
64000 C.90 8281 00000 8 125 Standard 10096 ' ICUll 3 1701102 100000 8750 329-l
64000 T-95 8261 9!DXl 8125 Sland•rd 11607 3 11:.'59 7 1~ 105000 8750 3634
71 IUl C-00 8 125 00000 7969 Standard 12272 7 12933 0 1fll2010 100000 8750 36 44
71 Im T·95 8125 95((1) 7969 S11ndatd 12954 5 1:E51 5 1966666 105000 8750 4021
53500 VM 11013 CR 8535 11CDll 8500 S11ndard 10900 0 7!!50 0 1710 113 110COJ 87 50 33 14

Enter the new pipe with the
grade you created in the
previous step.

6. Select Tubular > Special Connections Inventory, and then enter

che following YAM SLIJ-ll Connection properties:

V>M SLU-11

Enter the new special

StressCh eck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-91
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

7. Select Tubular> String Sections, and then redefine the casing

string as follows:

1 VM 110 13 CRSS


Assign the new

VM 110 13 CRSS grade you
created earlier to the string

After selecting a new Grade, refresh the material assigned for the
grade selected. Select Tubular> Tubular Properties > Grades,
and then reselect the 13 CR material from the pick-list.

Reselect the
11 M-65 13 CR material,
12 N-al !DID 10COlJ CS_API 5CT then tab out of
13 P-105 10500) 121XOJ CS_API 5CT the cell to
14 P-110 110000 125000 CS_API 5CT
refresh the
15 Q-125 125000 135000 CS_API 5CT
changes made
16 T-95 9500) 10500) CS_API 5CT
17 V·150 1500JJ 160000 CS_API 5CT
in system
18 VM-130 130lXJ 140000 cs_AP15CT memory.
19 VM-1 40 140000 150000 CS_API 5CT
20 x..42 42000 60000 CS_API 5CT
21 X-46 46000 63000 CS_API 5CT
22 X-52 52000 66000 CS_API 5CT
23 X-56 56000 71000 cs_API 5CT
24 60000 75000 CS API 5CT
25 VM 11013 CRSS 110000

9-92 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

8. Select Tubular> Connections, and then select the YAM SLIJ-ll

connector as follows:

T pe Burst Axial
1 9 518", 53 500 ppf, VM 110 13 CRSS VAM SUJ.11 100 156


Assign the new connection type to the pipe

section, then tab out of the cell.

9. Observe the following:

a) Select View> Tabular Results> Min Safety Factors.

Depth (MD) Minimum Safet Factor (Abs)

(ft) ODM'e19ht/Grade Connechon
Burst Collapse Axial T11ax1al
1 '.l:l 9 518", 53 500 ppf, VM 110 13 CRSS YAM SLLl-11 1 79 B6 + 100 00 C6 1 6688C 2 09 Bl
2 125 179136 78 14 C6 16788C 2 10 Bl
3 43) 1 79 B6 22 72 C6 1 71 88 c 2 14 81
4 900 17986 10 es cs 17788C 2 20 81
5 900 1 79 a:; 10 e5 C6 15688C 2 00 00
6 1152 1 78 Eli 8 49 C6 15888C 2 10 00
7 1200 1 78 a; 8 15 C6 1 59 BBC 2 1088
8 1400 1 78B6 701 C6 1 61 88 c 2 11 88
9 1&0 1 78 B6 6 lS cs 16388C 2 1388
10 1700 17686 562 C6 1BBB8C 221 86
11 1700 17800 582 C6 17900C 220BS
12 1958 17886 510 cs 18288C 2 19BS
13 5970 1 7786 1 74 C6 2 35A1 C 200 BS
14 5970 1 77 B6 1 74 C6 2.35A1 C 2 03 BS
15 Ei039 1 7686 I 71 C6 2 37 A1 C I 9600
~A....,,. __ ,_,_ . _,...- , 17S a:;

!_~ ::. --~-~

1 71 C6 2.33A1 C 1 94 86

../"' rlG1~-,,..,...-.-.., ./-..._/·'r_..r ..__,...,, .--""·---i-r-
74 oo- - C6 •.c2 ,...
,,..f1121·-- 25f(."6r"
c h·i--e1r·
47 14620 1.74 136 102C6 (2 25) C6 c I 72 CS
49 c Connecuon Cnt1cal
50 81 Displacement to Gas
51 B6 Tubing Leak
52 88 tnJec11on Casuig
53 Cl FulVPar11al Evacual1on
54 C6 Above Below Packer
55 Al Running in Hole-Avg Speed
56 () Compression

Notice that the 9 5/8'', 53.50 ppf, VM 110 13 CRSS,

VAM SLIJ-II casing passed the design check. None of the
reported absolute safety factors has exceeded the design factors.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 9-93
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Burst safety factors are not connection critical (leak) anymore.

However, you need to be cautious because the lowest known
YAM SUJ-Il connection burst rating input is 10,900 psi, which
is much higher than the initially applied BTC API Leak
connection calculated rating of 9, 160.8 psi.

The Axial Safety factors are now connection critical (this is

expected because of the near flush connection type applied) .

b) Select View > Tabular Results > Triaxial Results,

Tubing Leak.

Axial Force lb Absolute Safety Factor

Depth (MD) Bending Stress Temperature Addt1 Pickup To Buckled
Apparent Actual
(ft) at OD (psi) Tnax1al Burst Collapse Axial ("F) Prevent Buck Qb~ Length (ft)
(w/Bending) (w/o Bending)
1 3J 332993 332993 00 223 179 NIA 363C 248 4 267226 a:m
2 125 327911 327911 00 223 1 79 NIA 369 c 248 4
3 430 314838 311593 2lll 7 223 179 NIA 4 05 c 248 4
4 900 296554 266449 6500 222 179 NIA 4 3J c 248 A
5 900 3843)9 2ffi448 62946 2 19 1 79 NIA 332 c 248 4
6 1200 388326 270465 216 1 76 NIA 246 4
7 1200 B325 178
357864 ... ........., ••• A
F'. ' "'i.....- -~

- .. 401~\1J14 - ' -w;:-- ~- '"t.J-"
49 12020 44374 11753 2098.3 2.03 NIA 2073 c 2484
50 14120 64663 32042 20963 205 1 74 NIA 19 72 c 248 4
51 14620 73226 4ll500 2096.3 2 ()) 1 74 NIA 17 41 c 2484
53 C Conn Cnllcal
54 () Compression

The Additional Pick up to Prevent buckling and Buckled Length

initial values have changed (reduced) because of the different
mechanical properties of the VM 110 13 CRSS grade compared
to steel.

I 0. To share tubular properties at the Well Explorer Catalogs level,

perform the fo llowing:

Select the Work tab, and then select Tubular > Tubular
Properties > Grades.

9-94 StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select Edit > Export to Catalog, and then select the VM 110 13
CRSS grade. Click the arrow button ( <=) to add the new grade to
the Well Explorer Tubular Properties. Click Close to dismiss the
dialog box, and then press Ctrl-S to save the Design and apply
the change.

E><port Grades to Catalog 13 j

Select the
grade from the
.l-55 l ·SS
inventory, then K·SS K·SS
click the arrow L-IJO L·80
M-65 M-65
button to N-SO N..SO
P-105 P· IOS
transfer the P· llO P· llO
grade to the Q· l 25 Q· l 25
5·95 T-95
Catalog. T·9S V· ISO
VM 11013CRSS VM-130
VM-130 VM-l'IO
VM- 140 X-42
X-42 X-46
X·46 X·S2
X·S2 X·S6
X·56 X-60

When the grade is exported to the Well Explorer Tubular Properties

Grade table, the associated material and temperature deration data is
transferred to the corresponding Well Explorer tubular
properties tables.

The ability to export grades to catalogs is dependent on the locked

or unlocked status of the grade, material, and/or temperature
deration. You cannot export a grade with any associated tubular
properties locked.

From the Well Explorer, double-click the G rades node ( 1'f.EI ) to view
the Grade table.

If the Locked check box

is selected on the
Grade, Material, or
Temperature Deration
B n~; Tubular Properties
~r class
Temperature Deration
11 l> Materials
table, you cannot export ~~ Grades
Grades to the Catalog. If
it is locked, a small lock
appears on the Well
Explorer tubular
property ( ~~) .

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 9-95
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Notice that the Locked check box is not selected. The

VM 110 13 CRSS grade has been exported, and the section type has
been properly defined.
Deselected Locked
check box allows
export to the catalog.

CS_API SCT 95,000 105,000

SAE 4145 110,000 140,DXI
CS_API SCT 95.000 105,000
CS_API 5CT 150,000 1,re1 .!IOO
CS_API 5CT 150,000 ll!0.000
13CR 110.000 110.000
CS_APISCT 130.000 140,000
CS_API 5CT 140,000 150,QAI
CS_API 5>17 95.000 '10,000 105.000

The export grade to catalog operation is also conditioned to User

rights (see the "Application Security Tokens" topic in EDM
Administration Utility Help).


When new pipes defined in the Design pipe inventory table are exported to
catalogs, the associated grade, material, and temperature deration are checked
against the Well Explorer tubular properties. If the grade, material, or
temperature deration exist in the Well Explorer Tubular Properties, only the
pipe is exported to avoid duplicate tubular properties.

If the grade, material, or temperature dcration do nor exist, then the pipe,
grade, material, and temperature deration arc exported.

11. Select File> Close to close the E3SOP I_ I 3 CR Design. Click Yes
if prompted, "Save changes to E3SOP 1_ 13 CR* ?"

9-96 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Taper String Design Check

In this analysis, you will perform a design check using a taper string
casing configuration. Taper string casing configurations are often used
in a design (for example, tapered casing configurations can solve
clearance issues in the production annulus when running
completion tools).

1. Open planned Design E3SOP 1. Save the Design as E3SOP1_Taper.

2. Create a I 0 3/4" casing with a BTC connector, 9 7/8'', 62.80 ppf,

P-110, 8.625" fD, YAM TOP taper string. The 10 3/4" casing string
section length should be 1,000 ft.

a) What is the lowest I 0 3/4" weight and grade A PI pipe that

satisfies the initial design criteria (loads analysis options and
design factors) for the upper section?

b) What design load mode drives the I 0 3/4" casing weight and
grade solution?

c) Which is the most critical to the solution- the selected

10 3/4" pipe or 10 3/4" BTC connection?

3. Close the E3SOPJ_Taper Design.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-97
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 8 Answers: Taper String Design Check

I . Open Design E3SOP I. Select File> Save As, and then save the
Design with a new name, E3SOPJ_Taper.

2. From the Work tab, update the contents of the String/Connection,

Casing and Tubing configuration and pipe inventory tables
as follows:

a) Select Tubular> String Sections, then remove current contents

(that is, select the data row, and then press Delete to empty
the table).

Top, MD (ft) Cost($)

Select Tubular > Pipe Inventory.

Select All from the pipe size pick-list.

Select All from the pipe

size pick-list.

. ,.
Edit Welbore TubUar 'ftew

1 H-40
2 9.625 36.000 H-40
3 9625 36.000 J-55
4 9.625 36.000 K-55
5 9.625 36.000 M-65
6 9625 40.000 J-55
7 9625 40000 K-55
B 9.625 40.000 M·65
9 9625 40.000 C-75
10 9625 40.000 L-80

9-98 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select the first row, then select Edit> Insert Row. Enter the
following: 9 7/8", 62.80 ppf, P-110, 8.625" TD pipe information.

W••ghl Gt~Gf ID Yield Int Drift Pipe Blnt ~llepse urs Wei Thie• Plam End lnltwen
0 opf) Nlme (ml ~·I (1r1) Type (piQ (psi) ""'"'
~bl) (pS~ (% olNom) COS1 (1'll) (Ill
.875 628)) P-110 8625 1100'.Xl 8 5lll Sl-iallf 1?\83 5 10282.9 1997857 125!D'.l 87 50 3231
1 ()!'il 1.UO H-40 082A ~ 0731 Slandard 7533'3 moo 1lll5 so:m 87 50 0.40
1 O&l I UO J.55 082A 5!ilDl 0731 Standard ID358 3 18295 7&ro 87 50 0.0
1 O&l I UO l«l 082A a:xm 0731 Slande1d 15CE6 1 26611 9SCal 8750 056
1 uo N«l 082A 8l'.OO 073) Standard 15CE6 1 26611 100))) 87 so 0 5ll
1 uo C-90 9XOO 073) Stend1rct1 1&950 0 2$37 100::00 87 50 058
T-95 95((1) 0 73J Standatef 1 'il91 7 31600 105lll0 87 so 06-4
Ii-AO 75333

Select Wellbore > Casing and Tubing Scheme. Select

9 7/8" production Casing OD instead of current 9 5/8".

Han er
1 Casing 30.0
2 24" Casing 26 cm 30.0 1150.0 8.60
3 18 518" Intermediate Casing 22.00J 30.0 3030.0 1660 0 920
4 16" Intermediate Casing 17.500 30.0 9185.0 44800 11.60
5 13 518" Protective Casing 14 750 30.0 12020.0 83150 14.00
6 9 518" • Produdion Castng 12250 30 0 14620 0 10750 0 15 10
7 7 314· • Produd1on Liner 8500 14320 0 16330 0 143200 11 00
8 8518"
9 518"

10 314•
11 314•
11 716"
13 3/B"
13 112·
13 518"

Select Tubular > Special Connections Inventory.

Select Edit > Import from Catalog, and then se lect VAM TOP
from the list of catalogs on the left side of the dialog box. With
the YAM TOP catalog selected, highlight (select) the YAM TOP,
9 7/8'', 62.80 ppg, P- 110 connector.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 9-99
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Click Append to add it to the Special Connections table.

Import From Special Connection• Inventory Catalog El

VAM Big Omega
special connections YAM HW ST scao
inventory catalog. VAM l£W VAM MS
AM Sl.O·ll
Select (highlight) the
VAM TOP 9 718",
62.80 ppg, P-110

Click Append to add the

connection to the
Special Connections
Inventory table.

199 57
62 Em P-110 Other 12180.0 1997900 1198740 ~00 26309

Select the String and Connection tab, and then define the upper
section of 10 3/4" pipe OD, 1,000 ft length. Initially pick the
highest weight and grade, and then assign a BTC connector.

Select the 9 7/8", 62.8 ppf, P-110, pipe for the bottom section,
and then assign a YAM TOP connector. Change the weight and
grade for the 10 3/4" pipe section until the lowest safety factor is
obtained for this section.

After these steps are complete, select View > Min Safety
Factors, View > Design Plots and View > Triaxial Check >
Triaxial Plots to review the effect of the change.


The StressCheck software does not perform minimum cost design of

Tapered Strings.

9-100 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Compare your selection with the selection shown below

( 10 3/4", 5 1.0 ppf, C-95, BTC).

Sinn Sections
Top. MD (ft) Base, MD (ft) OD ~n) Weight (ppQ Grade 557,988
1 3)0 1CXXJ.O 10 3/4' 51 .00J C-95 32,601
2 100J.O 146200 9 718" 62.800 P-110 525,387

1 10 3/4", 51 OOJ ppf. C-95 32.601

2 9 718', 62 800 ppf, P-110 VAMTOP 10.007 38.57 525,387

Select the Min ASF tab to view the minimum safety factors
(absolute) table.

Depth(MD) Minimum Safet Factor (Abs)

(ft) O[)N.'e19ht/Grade Connection
Bursi Colla se Axial Tnax1al
1 :l:l 10 3/4", 51 [DJ ppf, C-95 BTC, C-95 114 81 + 10000 C6 139138F 1~81
2 125 115 81 3.4 70 C6 1 40 BIH 1~81
3 3)5 l 16 Eli 14 23 C6 1 41 88 F I 38 Bl
4 4:1:1 , 16 86 10 09 C6 1 42138 F 1 3981
5 00) 1 16 El> 482 C6 146BBF 1 4281
6 00) 1 16 El> 482 cs 1 31 BB F 1 3588
7 ICDJ 116 86 4 3.4 C6 132BBF 136 BB
B 1000 9 718", 62 00J ppf, P-110 VAMTOP 203 Eli 1264 C6 20980 214 BB
9 1152 202 86 1098 C6 2 11 88 215 BB
10 1200 202 86 1054 CG 2 1288 2 16 BB
11 1400 202 86 906 C6 21588 210 88
12 1600 202 86 798 C6 218 BB 219 BB
13 1700 202 86 7 54 C6 252 88 238 BB
1700 2 02 Eli 7 54 C6 240 BB 232 88
··- ~ - ,_. .,r*'...,,.
202 86 6,~ ~~· 8)1. ,..- ~~
_,.,,......__..,."'" ~.. .. ,,/'"-.. .A
,,... - - _ _.._~
1 (1 ~'CS't'"""i'-!SflG-

39 10500 198 86 1 51 C1 (1 75) C6 c 1 82 Eli

40 10750 196 86 151 C1 (1 nics c 1 81 Bi
41 10750 196 86 151 Cl (2 24) C6 c 204 Cl
42 1203) , 96 86 145 C6 (2 17) C6 c 205 Ct
43 14120 197 86 1JA C6 (2 25) C6 c 199 C6
44 14619 197 86 t 31 C6 (2 29) C6 c 195 C6
45 14620 197 a; 1 31 C6 (2 29) C6 c 195 C6
47 f Connection fracture
48 c Connection Crrt1cal
49 81 Displacement to Gas
50 86 Tubing Leak
51 00 ln1ec11on Casmg
52 C1 Full1Part1al EvatuallOn
53 C6 Above Below Packer
54 A1 Running in Hole-Avg Speed
55 () Compressron

StressCheck ™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-101
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select the Design tab to view the design plots.

o ~------- · i : : o ~---: : :
. ,.. _______ ---- ·----- --
--. ----. -- . -.. ---. ---.-----. . --- .' . -------. -.--- -.. --. . ... --. ---. ---
'' ' ... .--------. - .--. . -- .. ------..---- .
., ~
. 2500 ...
. -----.- -. -., .. -.. --... --...... -...-- ... -. ... .. .... .. ... . ........ -.... . -
.. ..
' .. .. ..
. . -- . . . • • • .,'. . . . .. . • . . . , ·-· · · . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . • . . .
· r · · · . .. . . . .
-------·-···-,... -· .........,''............... ,........................... .... .
. ' .
· ··· ·t !
r ·1:·
! 11

~ !
.! 7500
"'~~ 10COJ
. ....... -.. .. .,. ............ .................

. ,................ .. ... ........ -
. ......................
.. u:xro

············ ·r·········-··;··

···· ·· ··· ~ ·-···

· • ••••.•I••l•.···•.1I··.··.·1••······ 1•········• ....... ... ....,............ ..................... ,..............................
12500 12500 .
.... .
. '

·············r············ .:·······-!....1-----=·-·····
' '
............;............•.......~...~ ............ { .......... :.~ ---···· · ··
. . ...............
1500:l ' '
.'' .... .. ..'

17500 +-- -+---

- -'! -- - +-'
--+-- '
17500 + - -- ... ''
-+-- -- + - - - - -' + - - - - + - - - l
0 7500 10000 12500 1500'.I 0 600l 120Xl
Bursi Rating (ps~ Collapse Rating (psi)

Axial Design

~! , . ;
Triaxial Desi n

'tt!j. '
:: r; ·
0 : 0

i •• · •••
.. ··· .............
": l >L ..I•••::t
f.: •::•I·•·~~··••r·•t••·
~ · · · · ··· · ·· · · t- · · ··~ ( ··· · · · · · · ··: · ··· ·· ·

j 10m ············t·······F~······· ..···[......................... ~ rt ; 1 ~

12500 .............:--.. ·· \ ·· :· ········ ·· .. : ············ •••••• ••• •••• ·······t············
12500 ............. f........\ ·]·············[....
15((() ·l·.... --.. !". •• ~ - - · . -•• --- •• - ~ •• ..•• -· .• . - ~- •• ••. ---•• ·-
- . - - - . .. - . - .
.' .' ..' 1500J · ······ ·· ····:· ........ ..~ . i ···· · .. ···· ·+···: ... .... +........... .
' .
17500 + - - --+-- ----if---- - + - - --+-- - - - !
.. ...

1 7500 +-----+---~~----t-----+----I
... .

0 1ocro:xJ 1500XXJ 200JCXll 2500))) 250'.Xl IOCOll 12:5000 1500)()

Aiual Force ObO VME Siren (psi)
...,....,..,...,.,.,....,....,..,,..,.--,...,,___,.,,,...-, ,.-:--..,-,.,,COmodJon-..,..;?jJ-.,..,Min~I • I >I,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.._,

Select the Triaxial tab to view the triaxia l plots. To view the
second string section design limits plot, right-click the "Design
Limits - Section I" plot and select Load/Section Selection from
the drop-down menu. Select the Sections tab on the Properties
dialog box that displays. Click OK to view Section 2. You may
need to right-click on the plot again, and select Resize to view
the plot in the reduced spl it-screen viewing area.

9-102 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Design Limits - Section 1

Prop~thes Ei
Loads Seclians I

~ 8000 I
-----: ----- -~~
'ii I

Right-click on the
"Design Limits - Section a
1" plot, and select Load/
Section Selection from
the drop-down menu. OK Concel

Click the Sections tab

on the Properties dialog Axial Force (lbf)
box that displays.

Repeat the string section selection process on the Von Mises

Equivalent Stress plot, and select Section 2.

Von Mises Equivalent Stress - Section 1

-- ___ f ___ _ _ t _ _
:::-10000 l'roper hes £i
Ill I I
.!: I I
Loads Secbons I
Sectlotl I
~ 5000



~ -0000
w OK Concel I f>Wf Het>
-900000-600000-300000 0 300000 600000 9000001200000
Effective Tension (lbf)

You may need to right-click on the plot again, and select

Resize to view the plot in the reduced split-screen
viewing area .

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 9-103
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Triaxial Load Line Triaxial Safety Factors

-r'I - - - - r'I -- -.1'

3000 -r---,


' e:
' ' .
' . '

ii 6000 ii 6000 '
_,,..__..~.o,~----~----r-- - - ~ ---- ~ --- - ~- - 1' ' ' '
. .:
-t" - - - ...
t I I It I I I I I I I
a a t I


I I I' !'
i 9000

- ~ ---- t~ ---- I~ --- -~


-- - -~-- -~- -- ~I i 9000 -~

I --- -~-
I I t

--- I~ ---- I~ ---- I~ - --- I~ --- -~

I -- ~I

l; : I : : f I l; I I I I I I I I

~ 12000
f I
- - - L --- - IL---- I~ --
.. L..
- ~ ---J
~ 12000

-~- ---L


- -- L - - -- L ----L - -~!

I I I I I I t I l
16000 ~----~----~
I I ! ----L-
I - -- tl ---- IL -- - -L
I - - - - IL - - - -L
I - -- - IL- - - J
I 15000 - - ___.__ - - - - - - - -'- · · - - 1... -- "' ...\. ...... ,._!,.. ... .. .. -t.. . ........ \.. ......... L .... .J
I I I ! I I f I I I

46000 62600 60000 67600 75000 82600 90000 9760010600012600 0.0 0.6 1.3 1 .9 2.6 3 ..2 3.9 4 .5 5.2 5.8
VME Streu (psi) Normalized Safety Factor

Design Limits • Section 2 Von Mises Equivalent Stress • Section 2

-16000 ii' 16000 ----+-----'{ . --.......:. . .... . . . - ~ -...... ·+---.. -i· · .. - - ·:.. ....... · ·H
.. : : : Trt...xi., 1.260 : •
: ::

... A.=..
.. -· l

----... .
:;: .sooo
w ""-'~'F"""";;,_~-=""-'r+-'
600000 100000015000002000000 -1 350000000000-450000 0 450000 900000 13500001800000
Axial Foree (lbf) Effective Tenslon (lbf)

b) Apparently the Axial load design mode.

c) Select the Work tab, and then select the View> Tabular
Results> String Summary table.

MO Interval 01111 Ota Design Cosl

String OOIWe1ght/Grade Connecuon
(ft) (1n) Bursi ($)
1 Production Casing 10 3/4·.s1 cm ppr, C-95 BTC , C-95 3J0-1CllJ O 9 694 I IA 32,601
2 9 718", 62 OOJ ppf, P-110 VN/oTOP 10010-14&'0 0 8500A 1 97 525,367
3 Total = 557,988
5 F Conn Fracture
6 C Conn Cntical
7 A Alternile Onft
() Compression

The 10 3/4" BTC connection Axial Safety Factor (Abs) is the

most critical condition to the taper design.

3. Select File > Close to close the E3 SOP I_ Taper Design. Click Yes
when prompted to "Save changes to E3SOP1 _Taper*?"

9-104 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

High Collapse Casing

In this analysis, you will perform a design check using a high collapse
casing exposed to a high collapse loading condition.

1. Open planned Design E3SOP I. Save the Design as E3SOP1_HC.

2. Define a new pipe 9 5/8'', 53.50 ppf, P-11 OHC, and enter the
following properties:

OD (in) 9.625

Weight (ppf) 53.5

Grade P-l IOHC

ID (in) 8.535

Int Drift (in) 8.5

Pipe Type Special

Burst (psi) 10900 (Calculated API)

Collapse (psi) 10550 (Special, high collapse)

Axial (lbf) 1710113 (calculated API)

UTS 125,000

Wall T hickness (% of Norn.) 87.5

Plain End Cost ($/ft) Default

StressCheck ™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-105
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

3. Define the following YAM SLIJ-II connection for the high

collapse pipe:

Pipe Body OD (in) 9.625

Pipe Body Weight (ppt) 53.5

Pipe Body Grade P-ILOHC

Connection Type Other

Seal Type MM

Connection OD (in) 9.855

Burst (psi) 10,900

Tension (lbt) 1,275,000

Compression (lbt) 1,045,500

Max bending (degree/JOO ft) 30

$/Cost Default

4. Apply the new high collapse casing and connection associated to

the design.

5. Does the new design tolerate a Full Evacuation scenario during

production under Geothermal temperature conditions?

6. Close the E3SOP I _I-IC Design.

9-106 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 8 Answers: High Collapse Casing

1. Open Design E3SOP1, select File > Save As, and save the Design
with a new name, E3SOP J_HC.

2. In the Work tab, perform the fo llowing.

a) Select Tubular> Tubular Properties > Grades, and then enter

the following grade:

2 C-110 1100XJ 125000 CS_API 5CT
3 C-75 7500) 95ail CS_API 5CT
4 e-ro 900Xl 100XXJ CS_API 5CT
5 C-95 9500) 10500l CS_API SCT
6 H-40 400XJ 600Xl CS_API SCT
7 HC-95 9500) 10500) CS_API 5CT
B J.55 5500) 7500) CS_API 5CT
9 K·55 5500) 95ail CS_API SCT
10 L.00 IDDJ 95llXl CS_API SCT
11 M-65 6500J 85CXXl CS_API SCT
12 N-00 IDDJ 100XXJ CS_API 5CT
13 P-105 105llXl 12CXXXJ CS_API 5CT
14 P-110 l100XJ 125000 CS_API 5CT
15 Q-125 125000 13500l CS_API SCT
16 T-95 9500) 10500) CS_API SCT
17 V-150 1500XJ 1600XJ CS_API 5CT
10 VM-131 1300XJ 141lDJ cs_API 5CT
Create a new Grade 19 VM-140 1400XJ 151lDJ CS_API 5CT
named P - llOHC. 20 X·42 42000 600XJ CS_API SCT
52000 66CXXl CS_API SCT
5600'.l 7100'.J CS_API SCT
600XJ 7500) cs_API 5CT
1100XJ 125000 CS_API SCT

b) Select Tubular > Pipe Inventory and enter the following high
collapse pipe information:

Notice after entering th e special pipe, the StressCheck software

sorts the new row according to its weight, grade, and ID.

Wegl1 Grade or ID Yreld In• Of~ Ppe Bursi CollapH Ax~I UTS W5!1Ttli<k Pl• n End lnlnwn
(pp~ Name 1') (p~~ (•n) T1pe (psi) (pt1) Obfl (psi} (% ofNnm' Cos1 (S'ft) (II)
&4!W C.00 e 201 9'.l'.OJ e 125 S1andard 10996 • 1(8)33 1701102 1cnm 87 50 32 9.(
&4!W T·95 e 201 9500) B 125 S1andard 11607 3 112597 179$07 10500) 87 50 3634
71 ID) C-00 e 125 !lllXl 7969 S1andard 122727 12'333 (I 1'l32Cl10 1CIXOO 87 50 36 44
71 ID) T-95 e 125 950CXl 7.969 S1andard 12954 5 1H.i1 5 19(1;' 10500) 67 50 4021
53500 P·llOHC 6535 1100)) 8500 Special IO!Ul 0 105600 1710113 12!.C.00 87 50 33 14

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 9-107
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

3. Select Tubular> Special Connections Inventory and enter the

following connection information:

VAMTOP 199.57
VAMSUJ.11 95.ti" 53 500 P· 1IOHC MM 9fl55 25053

4. Perform the following:

a) Select Tubular> String Sections and apply the high

collapse pipe.

OD Qn) Weight (ppQ Grade 570,588
1 14620 0 9 SA3" 53.500 P-110HC 570,588

Select P-110HC as the new

grade for the string section.
b) Select Tubular> Connections and apply the YAM SLIJ
connection to the 9 5/8", 53.50 ppf, P- 1 lOHC pipe.

Conn Safety Factor (Abs)

T e Bursi Axial
9 SA3", 53.500 ppf, P-110HC YAM SW-II 100 152

Select VAM SLIJ-11 as lhe new /

connection for the pipe section.

5. Yes, the new Design tolerates a Full Evacuation scenario during

production under geothermal temperature conditions.

9-108 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

a) Select Tubular> Collapse Loads, and then select the Full

Evacuation Production loads check box.

Collapse loads: 9 S.'8" Production Casing f3

Select IEdt I Temperatu-e J Plot I Custom I Ollbons I
DrillnQ Loads Production Lo.!lds
P Ft.A/Partoa EvacuatlOll P Ful Evacu«ion
P lost Returns Mud Dr P" Above/Below Packer
p Cementing r~~ation
p Dr1'

ExterNI Profile
r,Mud and Cement Mx·Wllter
Select the Full Evacuation Cementing
lost Retl.rns with Mud Drop
G P!!rmeaile Zones
check box. Ful Evacuation G Mud and Cement Slrry
Above/Below Pack«
Ori Ahead (Coftapse) <' Fractu-e El> Pnor Shoe w/ Gas Grac:lent Above
r. Fluid Gradients w/ Pore Pressure


Select the Temperature tab, select Full Evacuation, and then

select the Geothermal temperature option.

Collap•e lodds: 9 5 •8" Production Casmg f3

From the Temperature tab, I

Select Edt Temperattre PlotI I Custom I Opbons I
select Full Evacuation. jFul Evacuation .:J
r Default Te
r User·entered 125.0 BC
Select the Geothermal r. Geothermal 4300 4(
!DJO 4;
option . 12000 51
14000 Si
1600 0 5i
6100.0 m
97000 1
98000 1~
s:nJO 17(
100000 17'
~ 10100 0
~ r. f"O (' TVO

OK Cancel Apply Help

Click OK to accept the changes and close the dialog box.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 9-109
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

b) Select View> Tabular Results> Minimum Safety Factors.

Notice that all safety factors (including collapse safety factors)
satisfy the design criteria. The full evacuation load case is
critical at the bottom of the hi gh collapse 9 5/8" casing.

OOIWltglX/Grade Comec!ion
Tne• if
~ !l SAl" SJ 5D ppl p 11CJ1C WMSUJ.l 20961
125 • 1000'.lC 163 BBC ~ 1081
3)5 181 86 •2 ll1 cs 1.li6BBC 212 Bl
HJ 11!100 lKl.38 C6 166EllC 21• Bl
!ICll 1 fl1 a; "S2 C6 1 7Hl3 C 21803
!ICll 18186 "S2 C6 162EllC 2()( B8
1152 I 81136 11 35 Cb 1S•BBC 2~B8
12(() 181 86 10ro a; 16SOOC • lli 88 1 Bl Iii 937 C6 157BllC 2 oo ea
!6(L I 81 Bil 825C6 15900C 2 OCl BB
17lll I Bl B6 779C6 182BBC 2l211i
17lll 18111> 779C6 17Hl3C 2 19 Ell
1958 I 81 BS 682C6 177BBC 2 19 Iii
$70 I l9B6 232C6 235A1 C 1951E
5970 119B6 232C6 23SA1 C 1 9ll 86
Woll 17986 2 lKI C6 2!6A1 C I 92Eli
6051 17900 229C6 2S(A1 C 19286
6100 17986 227 C6 220EBC 1 8800
6173 I 7906 225C6 235,.l c l 9186
6187 I 7966 27H6 2.39A1 C 191 IE
6DJ I 7986 22C C6 2•1A1 C 196 86
6DJ 11986 '2me& 2 •I A1 ~ 19366
7213 I 7986 I 9)C6 (1<6)C6 I 87 El6
7<401 17986 I A9C6 (1Z!J C6 185 86
9COl 1 7886 159CS (191)C6 1,. Eli
'i!lll I 7886 1 5-' C5 (178)C6 16986
9:w 17886 1 5" C5 (178) C6 16966
9lillCl I 7866 I •7 C5 (162)C6 161 E6
970C I 7886 1 '7C5 (162)C6 161 86
9lll: 17886 I '6C5 (160) C6 16086
!l!Dl 17886 1 "C6 (1.59) C6 I 60 86
am 178136 1UCS (1.59: C6 1.61 cs
1ilXll 17886 IOCS (1Sl) C6 160C5
10100 17886 1 •2CS (1 57) C6 1 511 C5
ICDXI 177 86 1 (() C5 ( 56) C6 l 57 C5
10XXJ 177 86 139 cs (I !i5) C6 156C5
1()(00 177 B6 I ~CS (15') C6 155C5
10500 177 B6 137 cs (1 7g) C6 160(5
109]) 177$ 1 37 ~ (1 70) C6 158(5
10l50 17786 I 35C5 (I 67) C6 156 cs
10'50 17186 I 35C5 a 15) cs 162C5
12020 1 ;7 EE 12• cs (100 cs 150 cs
139(3 17686 I OOC6 12" C6 13' (5
1'13) 17686 100C5 (2 15) C6 1 33 cs
1'619 I 7600 IC6C5 (1 9'3) cs 129(5
1'62() 1 76 ll6 I 05C5 (199) cs I :19(5

c C-1o0nC14 al
Bl•ctmtOI lo Gas
EE T b1f11! Luk
BB !nitC11vn Coq
C5 Fu I f,-~rua on Producc1on
C6 Abov.BelowPotktr
Al R""""'9 on Hol•.t.1 Sp.. d
() Corrpm110n

6. Select File> Close to close the E3SOPJ_HC Design. Cl ick Yes

when prompted to " Save changes to E3SO P I_ HC*?"

9-110 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 9: Self Exercise

I. Design the T' Production Liner. Use the same applicable loads
(burst, collapse, axial) as applied to the associated production casing
for the E3SOP1 Design.

2. What is the grade, weight, and connection recommended for the

liner that satisfies the design criteria (default design factors)?

StressCheck ™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-111
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 10: Template Exercise

StressCheck Templates allow users to load recurring common data

when creating Designs. Templates contain a combination of views,
design criteria, and inventories settings. Once a template is assigned to
a new Design, the assigned initial template cannot be replaced with
another template.

I. Create a new template document called My Template from the

Normal (System) Template in the StressCheck software.

a) Add a new 9 7/8" OD pipe, 62.80 ppf, P-1I0, 8 5/8" ID to the

default API pipe inventory.

b) Increase the Legend default font size to 12.

c) Rename the default "tab I" tab to work, and add a new tab named
Well Schemat ic .

d) Predefine a Production casing string, design parameters. Use all

default design factors for pipe and connection, except the pipe
burst design fac tor. Instead, enter 1.2 rather than the 1. 1
default value.

Apply temperature deration and buckling as additional

analysis options.

Define the fo ll owing Loads: for burst (Tubing Leak internal

profile, and Fluids Gradient w/Pore pressure external profile; for
Collapse, Gas Migration internal profile and Mud and Cement
Mix Water external profile and for Axial , Overpull with
I 00,000 lbf and Service Loads).

Define one section, 1,000 ft minimum section length, and apply

default uni-biaxial boundaries except for the burst compression
combine load (apply triaxial boundary) for the minimum
cost Analysi s.

e) Save the template as a users template.

f) Apply the My Template document to a new instant Design. How

can you confirm the template settings are currently appl ied to the
new Design?

9-112 StressCheck TM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Exercise 10 Answers
l. Launch the StressCheck software, and then select File> Template >
Open From Database.

From the File menu, select Open .. . Ctrl+O
· 1
Template> Open From
Database. Open from File
Data File Locations ..•

Prrt Setup •••


Open Template [8}

Open the Normal
· ~'-~
(System) template.

a) Select Tubular> Pipe Inventory. Select All from the pipe size
pick-list, and then enter a new pipe OD.

C'O Gr~dt or 10 Y1old lnl 0.1ft Pope s....

1jn\ Namt (n) (p..) (in) Ti~ (P"J~
Right-click the first
Ct.t J-55 0824 55IJl) 073) St•ndard I03
row to highlight, l-00 0824 wm 073J
and then select """ N.00
0 82A
0 824
StandaJd l {
Standard 1
St•ndard I
Insert Row to add Oolota•- T-95 0824 l5CDl 0 730 Stondard l ~
SOleaAIRows tt.40 0824 «ml 0 730 Sl•ndard 7
a new row. J.55 0824 55llll 0 730 Standard I~
l.W 0 824 'llOO 0 73J Standord I;::,(.
N-8) 0 824 8llD 0730 Standard 1
c.!;lJ 0 824 9:IIXJ 0730 Slandard 169"
UIS 0824 95CIXl 0 730 Standard 1789Jl
1 31s 1 700 . ..... .1-j:.40-..J.A4~ 4Cf0l..,~- ~~·.•~d.. !S'
"'~ -~-·-....,,.,..

Enter 9 718" OD Colfap~

pipe, 62 .80 ppf, 621Dl
P-110, 8 5/8" ID. ''°
11 140 0824
1 140 l-00 0 824 S1andard
1 1<IO lll8l 0 824 ElOll 0 7:11 S1andard 15006 7
I 140 C.!IO 0 824 ~ 0 7:11 Standard 169!0 0
I 050 1 140 r .95 0 824 95ilXJ 0 730 Sianda.rd 17891 7
~- ~-.,,...!:~--·-- -~~.A5U' ~£~~·«L 7s:;_3

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-113
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

b) Select Tools > Options, and then select the Legend check box.
Click the legend Font button, and then update the font size to 12.
Click OK, then click OK to apply the changes and close the
Options dialog box.

Options ~
Plots PrmL•l'OUt
r.> Gnd
"""'· .:; Hieediers and Footitrs


Select Tools> Options, '"'-'" ~

..,.., I
Q' ,_.., I
and then select the ~ I
Oooltd _H!ll?_J
r. ~ rr.a
Legend check box. s.r.,.,,...,..,.
Click the Font button. " - ... <; """""-'«!
...'M:sdl.ln Yew Tidt Fant..

font f.ii® Enter 1 2, then click

OK to apply
the change.


n. .... °""'r,..,.....
Pl'tler and)'Ol.llCMli

c) Select Tools> Tabs. Rename Tab I to work .

,_Name: IWork

Click Rename, then enter the

new tab name, wor k .
r LodcTab

9-114 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Click New to add another tab, and then click Rename to name
the new tab Well schemat ic . Click Close to dismiss the
dialog box.

T~bs rE)
Work 0ose I
Click New to create another
tab. Ne.!....!
IRename I
r LoO:Tab

Click Rename, and then enter !:..I

the new tab name, ~-+-+-~~~~~~_. Rename !
We ll Sch e mat i c .
r Lodt Tab

d) Select Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme.

Notice that only two columns arc available: Name and Type. You
can define all strings and string type combinations typically used
in fie ld operations. After the string(s) are define d, you can define
design parameters and loads per each string type according to
your Company Des ign Criteria po li cy.

For example, de fine a string Production Casing.

Select Production
from the Name
pick-list, and
Casing from the
Type pick-list.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1 . 7 Training Manual 9-115
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select Tubular> Design Parameters, and then redefine the

burst safety factor as 1 . 2 instead of 1.1. Apply default values for
all other design factors, and select Temperature Deration and
Buckling as Analysis Options.

Click OK to apply the changes.

Design Parameters: Production Casing [g)

~ Fact«s IAnalysis ~bons I
~Boch Comectoo
Enter 1 . 2 as the Burst t: 1. 200 &.rst,teak: j 1.100
safety factor. ---1-~ili!.:.---l~
.AAlal Axial

Tension: lu io Tension: I u oo
CompresSIOll: l t. 300 CompresSlOO: 11. 300

Colapse: 11.000

OK Cancel
I- tlWY J ~

Design Parameters: Production Casing ~

e>esq, Factors Analysis ~bons l
Design Constraint
Mn Internal Drift In

Select the Temperature AnalVSIS ~boos

"':::---.i_~P~ ~ Ext!m!ll Pr~e Profile
Deration and Buckling
r~atl.l'e Derabon
Analysis Options ~ 1..m t to Fracue at snoe
check boxes. w~
r !.!Se &.rst W~ lhicl<ness i'I Triaxial

OK !_ cancel i!Wv_J_ ~

Select Tubular> Burst Loads. Select Tubing Leak as the burst

internal profile, and select Fluid Gradients w/ Pore Pressure as
the external profile.

9-116 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog box.

- -

Bm·st Loods: Production CAsing [8J

Sel«t Edt I I T~aue I Plot I Custom I Opbons I
~ loads ProO..dlon loads
Select the Tubing Leak Q Ti.brlg Leak
internal profile check box. r Gas li:l(j( Profle r Sll"Uabon 51.rOO Lellk
r Fractlle c st- w/ Gas Gracient Abo~e r InJ«tion DooMi casno
r Fractlle ~ st- w/ I/ 3 Btf' at 51.rface r
r lost with Water
r Su-face Pro~bon (BOP)
r PresSU'e Test
r Green Cement Pressure Test
r ertAhead

Internal Prof'ie External Profle

<' Mud and Ceml!nt 1"1c·Wat:er
r ~z~

Select the Fluid Gradient ("r ....................

Pore Pressue
-~ I
Sell'o\ater Gradent
w/ Pore Pressure
external profile option. <- FUd Gradients w/ Pore Pressu-e
OK Cancd I_ Apply J ~-_J
Select Tubular > Collapse Loads. Select Gas Migration as the
production load internal profile, and select Mud and Cement
Mix-Water as the external profile.

Click OK to save and close the dialog box.

Colldpse Loads: Production Casing (8)

Select Edt I I Plot I Custom I Options I
~ loads Pro6.icbon loads
Select the Gas Migration r fl.f~artlale.acuabon r N f,vacuabon
production load internal r Lost Retllns 1th Mud Orq> r Abo•-e~ Ped-er

profile check box. ----+-+

~.. mn:
,,.,'Vr - - - -- --+•!V Gas M9"abon
r ~Ahead

lnlemill Profle Exte-NI Profile

Select the Mud and
Cement Mix-Water ----t--f!~~~·····•-l+~ r. ~and ~ementMlx·Wat:erl
r Pl.'l1Tleable zones
external profile option. r Mud and Cement ~ry
r Er~e c PrlOr Shoe w/ Gas Gradent Abo-.e
r FUd Ii!adent:s w/ "°'' Pressu-e

Het> I

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual 9-117
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select Tubular> Axial Loads, and then select Overpull Force.

Apply I 00,000 !bf as the default axial force, and then select
Service Loads.

Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog box.

Axial -loads: Production Gising r8J

Select Plot 1Clpbons I
Select the Overpull check r RUTWIO l'l Hole - Avo . Speed l'ti'S
box, and then enter - - - -• r.1' Overpul Fora: bf
100000 lbf. r Pre<ement Load Appjied Force: I bf

r Post-Cl!mellt Static Load

r Green CementPressu-e Test

P° Ser·llCe Loads

Select the Service Loads

check box.

OK Cancel I Apply '- ~ J

Se lect Tubular> Minimum Cost, and define minimum cost
constraints as follows: "Maximum Number of Sections" = I,
"Minimum Section Length" = 1,000 ft. Select the Design tab on
the dialog box, and then apply the following design
envelope criteria.

9-118 Stress CheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog box.

Minimum Cost: Production Casing [g)

Enter 1 as the Maxi;..;.
m"""'u;;.;.m.;..;.___ _-+-_Par
Number of Sections. constraints
Enter 1000 ft as the Maxm.mNL.l!berofSecbons~t
Minimum Section Length. MnnunSecbon L~lh:
1000.0 ft

Cost of K-55 Sitt!: 1100 s ton


Minimum Cost: Production Casing rE)

Parameters De5iOn I

Select the Design tab, Tri-axial

and then apply the
design envelope criteria :J
as shown. Q)

0 ............ ...... . ........ .

iTI Note Lim~s are a

Axial Force (lbf)

OK Cancel I_ Appl!._J __~_ _.

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1.7 Training Manual 9-119
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

While in Template mode, check the contents of the Wellbore

and Tubular menus. Grayed out menu commands, and Well
specific data (for example, pore and frac pressure data), are not
accessible in Template mode.

Welbore Ti.tul« View Comp(« VW!W C~ Tools Wi

General •.. Ct6rent strno...
Casino and Tibrg Scheme
Desql P11remete<s ...
lnll:ial Condibons ...
Tool Passao;ie .. .
Mmul\Cost .. .

Blxst Loads ...

W~hEdlor Colapse l..c005" ,
OoQleo ~rity Overrides Ami l oads ...
Custom Loads ...

Compression L~ Check..,

Grayed out menu commands .___________._

are not available in Pipe Inventory
Template mode. 5peo<i1 Ccmecbons Inventory
In-Hoose CamectJon Test Data...
TubUar Properties

9-120 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000.1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select the Work tab, and then select View > Well Schematic.

Work A Wei SchetnallC /

StressCheck ™Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual 9-121
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

e) Select File> Template> Save As. Enter My Temp l ate in the

Template Name field, and then click OK.

Save Template - - (g)

Enter My Templat e as
the new template name.


Notice the recently created template was added as a "User

Defined Template" in the Well Explorer.

+ 0 Rig Contractors
- CJ Templates
The newly created template _ (}) lJsef" Defined Templates
now exists in the Well - - - - - -• (JI My Template
Explorer tree under the "User + G!J system Templates
Defined Templates" node. • Cl w orkspaces
+ lfti Tubular Properties
+ j'# catatoos

Select File > Close to close the template.

t) Select File> New> Instant Design, accept the defaults, and

then click OK to create an instant Design.

Instant-Design rg)
,ompany: n.=.:.Ll.ii!i
. ~.~ - ~r-------;i

eroiect: IProiect ,. 1

~te: 1Site ~1
~el: lwe1 =1
w~e: -I w-·e-
e -=1- - - - - - - - -

~: IDesigl =1

Dab..m elevation abo•·e: Mean Sea Level

~fault Datun Elevabon: ro.o-- ft

r Qffshore !irOU'ld Elevation: ro.o- ft


When the Open Template dialog box appears, select My

Template as the template to apply to the Design.

9-122 StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Click OK to apply the template to the instant Design.

" I OK I
Cancel 1
~ J

Observe that the newly created Design with "My Template"

applied includes all changes that you made in template.

• By default, the new Design displays both the currently

displayed Work tab and the Well Schematic tab.

• Select Tubular > Pipe Inventory. The pipe inventory

includes the 9 7/8" casing created in " My Template".

9.625 71.800 T-95 8 125 9500) 7.969 Standard 12954 5

698 9.875 62.800 p.110 8.625 110000 8.500 Standard 12183 5
699 10.750 32.750 H-40 10.192 40000 10.036 Standard 18167 a
700 10.750 40.500 H-40 10.050 40000 9.894 Standard 22791 13E
J-55 ..,J
' · _ __..,. __10.050
......._,._,,,..... -55000 9.8941
_ __,,,...... Standard 3133 7

.~·····~-- ----~~_,. • .Ji

• Select Wellbore > General, and then enter a well depth

MD. For example, enter 10,000 ft.

General (g]
Opbons J Comments J

Oescripbon : INew Wei

~'Section Definibon
Wei Depth (l>'O) : J 10000 ft
Onoin N: 0.0I ft {T'ID) :
;---- ft
onoin E: ;o-.o---
I - ft
Azm.ltti: Io.oo

OK ~y I__ ~

StressCheck™ Software Release 5000. 1.7 Training Manual 9-123
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬
Chapter 9: Exercises

Select Wellbore >Casing and Tubing Scheme, and enter a

"Production" casing string.

Measured Depths (fl)

Shoe TOC
1 9 7/d" 400l.O 4600.0

Select Tubular> Design Parameters, Tubular> Burst Loads,

Tubular > Collapse Loads, Tubular> Axial Loads, and
Tubular > Minimum Cost.

Notice that all changes made in "My Template" are assigned to

the current instant Design. The example below shows the burst
safety factor of 1.2 entered previously in "My Template".

Design Parameters: 9 7l 8" Productio~ Casing IBJ

Design Factors Analysis Opbons

Pipe Body Com«bon

ant: l£Ei3 EUstft.eak: I Ltoo

Axial Axial

Tension: j 1. 300 Tension: I1.:m

(011'4lRSSlOl'I: L JOO CompresSlon: j i.:m
Colapse: j 1.000
Tr.axial: 1 1.250

OK Cancel

9-124 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000. 1. 7 Training Manual
‫ﺷﻛرا ﻟك‬

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