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Broadcast Radio Talk Show

“BeiYin answers Questions”

What is Personality?

FalconBlanco Ibiza Spain

“Ego” – What is Personality?
Question: Is Ego necessary in life?

BeiYin: There are many questions and answers about this and I wonder: What are
all these people talking about? It doesn't seem that any of them really knows
what *ego* is. So then how can they know why EGO might be necessary? And
then: Does any body knows what *life* is?
I will make a statement: Even though 'Ego' and 'personality' seem to be so real,
these are just an illusions in transition, before the individual finds out and goes
into *real being*.

Question: How can you say that personality is an illusion! Isn't personality the
most precious we posses? That's what we are, that's what we are striving for, to
make ourselves and that is our 'personality' richer, better, wiser and wider. We
can be proud of it and it makes us unique and different from every body and
every thing else around us.
BeiYin: Exactly! That's how a personality's self image looks like. But at the same
time isn't it absurd and ridiculous to ask about something that is unknown within
this self image and ask people who doesn't know, because they are living in the
same big cloud that is built up by our society? The questions and the answers are
flying through the 'Internet space' like soap bubbles, looking beautiful and
vibrant, going up into the height, above mist and clouds, - but coming down and
touching earth, - they just disappear...

Question: Then why people are asking?

BeiYin: One can be very occupied with oneself, look at oneself, search and ask,
giving it all importance possible, by being identified with all content one has
grabbed from where ever it came from and with this has been blowing up the
bubble one might call *EGO* or *personality* and then turning around it as if this
is the 'Centre of the Universe' and it has indeed become the centre. But a
'bubble' has no centre, it is just empty! Who comes to this realization? Nobody
here in this Cyber space! Because this would be the end of the asker and all the
answers, - coming down... Asking those question seems to be more a kind of
entertainment that fills some void...
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Question: Yes, but then, when this soap bubble disappears, what is left? You say
then we are coming down. Coming down to what?
BeiYin: To the ground, to the earth, to the *now*, to *this moment*, to the
awareness of ones *existence*, - that indeed doesn't need any name to contain
sense and meaning.

Question: Can those people who are so intense going into discussion come to this
state of being?
BeiYin: Yes! But not as long they fill the moment and space with their soap

Question: Then how?

BeiYin: This would be an essential question and finding the answer by *being the
answer*. This has to happen in ones utmost personal space, apart from glamorous
places like an Internet forum, - in silence and contemplation. A basic step would
be diluting and dissolving the stress that is accumulated in ones personality, when
living in a society that supports and confirms the established fake reality. - The
answer can be found by realizing that it doesn't exist! 'Ego' and personality are

Question: How did it happen that we got caught into this illusion?
BeiYin: 'Personality' starts when consciousness is developed enough that the
individual is aware of oneself and this starts with the development of senses and
their reception, then causing reactions of ones system, realized as body
sensations, emotions and thoughts. In this phase there exist no observer
separated from the observed, the consciousness consist only through reactions
within the system and - there is a total identification with it. Reactions are felt
as "oneself" and later when there happens a separation from the outside world,
then there appears the awareness of "I". Out of this the individual gains the
feeling of existence, being limited to body sensations, emotions and thoughts -
that are forming then one's 'personality'.

Comment: Yes I see this in daily life, our energies attract each other and this
forms the personality between us, we do alter our personalities to suite the
energy we are receiving or give.

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BeiYin: It seems pretty much that it is not clear at all what 'personality' means.
Indeed there is little information available and the present knowledge stays at a
pretty superficial level. Searching in Wikipedia gives a poor result. Sigmund Freud
has written something about it, but that seems limited and is hard to understand.
I will give a picture that can easily be recognized:
Personality is what we know we are: First all the characteristics that makes us
unique among others: Our name and all the other personal information we find in
our passport. Then all that information that is stored in our 'data base', that's
our brain, right? From the moment on when we appeared on this earthen plan.
These are the informations from where our system reacts to influences coming
from the outside. These influences will cause reactions of joy or such as fear and
pain. These experiences establishes pattern and this become a characteristic of
our personality. Then all what we learned through education become part of our
personality, filtered and coloured through the already existing condition as
stored in our system, although we are not being conscious about it, because these
programs are working from the background. From there we are reacting to what
shows up in daily life and that is so specific due to our stored personal program.
Our personality is built out of all what we 'own'. All the property we have
gathered on all levels. Our body condition, healthy or sick, - our muscles well
developed or weak, - our emotional state and the way we react, - our mental
properties with all what we know, - all our beliefs and all the concepts we have
built up, all those that are part of the common pool. All is part of our personality
because we are identified with all this. We are the owner and the identification
with our property gives us the feeling of existence. That is mostly pretty much
blown up, but that's all.
It's a substitute for something real and so the substitute doesn't allow to
experience the real. It is like the 'spiritual experience' one might feel when
taking drugs, then this will not make it possible to realize it in ones daily life as
ones realized growing. It is like when not being able to see the forest because of
too many trees... Is it now clear what 'personality' is?

Question: There is probably more what we are! There are parts of ourselves we
don't know yet. How can we get to know these parts or better said: Be this yet
unknown parts? Is there a way to help with this in an harmonious way, I mean so
that it goes together with my most essential longing and my needs?
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BeiYin: Yes, when you know the personality that you are and you have explored
yourself and you have questioned yourself, then you will come to a point, where it
seems that you can't go further and that is because being identified with ones
EGO, the awareness is limited to it and there is no way to go beyond this
limitation until the ability arises to observe oneself through the mirror that is
provided by life and its daily conditions, situations and happenings. Relating to
what shows up and responding in a conscious way, will bring the awareness of ones
reactions and so clear up ones unconscious background, allowing to see more clear
and being able to distinguish what is real and what is an interpretation coming
from ones 'ego', that is ones programmed personal background structure.
Question: How can I do this? How can I go 'beyond my personality' when I am so
much limited to this 'personality' in my awareness?
BeiYin: That's a good question and indeed, it is worth to find out more about it!
Go to the source, there you will find information about it.
Question: What means 'source'? How can I go there?
BeiYin: You can practice a simple exercise, so that your 'personality' gets out of
the constant stress condition, coming from the need to defend itself against a
world that seems to put so many obstacles and negative influences. Then you will
be able that the permanent defence attitude of your personality will soften and
you will be able to *receive*. Your awareness will rise and the door of intuition will
open and that will allow the conscious connection with the 'source'.
Question: What exercise is this and where can I learn it?
BeiYin: This exercise you can learn by going to: *StressReleaseExercise* at

You can also watch my video at YouTube.

With the given information you can just do it and if there is any question about it,
you can ask, - you know where to find me...
Here at Scribd or you can use my feedback form.

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Continue to read a comment at the next page >>>
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Comment: Many spiritual writers believe this "Source" you refer to is who we
are on a deeper sense than our personality.
BeiYin: Indeed, many 'spiritual' writers help to keep this split going with their
theories, that gives people the food to identify with their high pitched theory of
a 'higher self', living in the 'here and now', being 'love and harmony' and so on...
So then people feel comfortable and happy, being occupied with their fake
reality. It allows them to live their personality, not touching it, to maybe
transform it, and at the same time living their split reality with their beliefs and
theories, that gives them a 'deeper sense'. Identification with ones mind and
those established concepts and theories makes these 'real' and strong also being
supported and fed by ones emotions. All this is part of the personality games, well
established in our society.
Question: If this is the case, do you have any theories on why we are split up
into separate entities - is it as some theorize, that we are the means by which
the Universe becomes conscious of itself?
BeiYin: We are separated, because we have created this split and so we live this
'fake reality', but in reality there is no split, because we are the universe, like
the atoms are energy, molecules are atoms and matter is built from molecules, so
matter is energy, even though we can't see and live this. It seems to be the top
and highest identification possible, making the universe dependent on us to be
conscious of itself! I wonder how much more personalities can blow up? But we
don't need to worry too much about it, our fake reality is just a step in our
evolution and will not last, even though we are pretty much stuck in it, but taking
about it and finding out about our situation and condition, might be the first step
to get out of it...
That's why we are here, right?

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PS: I really would appreciate it, if you give me a feedback. I am just wondering,
to my about thirty articles I have posted here at Scribd I haven't received any
comment. It might be that I'm at the wrong place here and there is nobody who
is interested or understands what I'm writing about!? Please let me know...
Thank you!
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