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Thermal-Aware and DVFS- Hadoop

Enabled Big Data Task Scheduling PDF/DOC
N9BD01 for DataCenters
A Generative Model for Sparse Hadoop
N9BD02 Hyperparameter Determination PDF/DOC

An Enhanced Visualization Method Hadoop

to Aid Behavioral Trajectory Pattern PDF/DOC
Recognition Infrastructure
N9BD03 for Big Longitudinal Data
Big Data Based Security Analytics Hadoop
for Protecting Virtualized PDF/DOC
N9BD04 Infrastructures in Cloud Computing
CaL: Extending Data Locality to Hadoop
Consider Concurrency for PDF/DOC
Performance Optimization
Complex Queries Optimization and Hadoop
Evaluation over Relational and PDF/DOC
NoSQL Data Stores in Cloud
N9BD06 Environments
N9BD07 Distributed Feature Selection for Hadoop
Efficient Economic Big Data Analysis PDF/DOC
Efficient Secure Outsourcing of Hadoop
Large-Scale Sparse Linear Systems PDF/DOC
N9BD08 of Equations
From Latency, Through Outbreak, to Hadoop
Decline: Detecting Different States PDF/DOC
of Emergency Events Using Web
N9BD09 Resources
GPU-Accelerated High-Throughput Hadoop
N9BD10 Online Stream Data Processing PDF/DOC
HDM: A Composable Framework Hadoop
N9BD11 for Big Data Processing PDF/DOC
In-Memory Stream Indexing of Hadoop
Massive and Fast Incoming PDF/DOC
N9BD12 Multimedia Content
JouleMR: Towards Cost-Effective Hadoop
and Green-Aware Data Processing PDF/DOC
N9BD13 Frameworks
Massive Streaming Hadoop
PMU Data Modelling and Analytics PDF/DOC
in Smart Grid State Evaluation based
on Multiple High-Dimensional
Covariance Test
Memory Vectors for Similarity Hadoop
N9BD15 Search in High-Dimensional Spaces PDF/DOC
MetaFlow: A Scalable Metadata Hadoop
Lookup Service for Distributed File PDF/DOC
N9BD16 Systems in Data Centers
QMSampler: Joint Sampling of Hadoop
Multiple Networks with Quality PDF/DOC
N9BD17 Guarantee
Smart Monitoring Cameras Driven Hadoop
Intelligent Processing PDF/DOC
N9BD18 to BigSurveillance Video Data
Speed Up Big Data Analytics by Hadoop
Unveiling the Storage Distribution PDF/DOC
N9BD19 of Sub-Datasets
Towards Max-Min Fair Resource Hadoop
Allocation for PDF/DOC
Stream Big Data Analytics in Shared
N9BD20 Clouds

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