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For me, the unit or sector that has least influence in Children of present generation

is the first picture. Children has lesser ability to focus on aspects of learning for
their growth and development. In past generation, for example, children were
directed considerable amount of their time to reading, an activity that offered few
distractions and required attention, imagination and memory. Also, they were
engaged in body exercise through playing outdoors with other children. These were
an effective foundation of children’s growth and a fundamental to development
into a successful and happy people.
The advent of television altered the attention of children, it offered a visual stimuli,
and little need of imagination. Then the cellular phones and internet was invented
and children were thrust into a different environment in which, because distraction
is the norm, consistent attention is impossible, imagination is unnecessary, and
memory in inhibited.
Negative effect of technology to children, it conditions the brain to pay attention to
information very differently than reading. Studies showed that reading develops
reflection, critical thinking, problem solving, and vocabulary better than visual
media. Exposure to technology isn’t all bad, but screen time should not too much,
there should be other activities such as reading, playing games and good old
children’s game which requires body exercise.

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