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Lesson 1 - Things We know

Hi! Welcome to the new class! First let us go over things you know.

Write 1 to 100.

Write the number names.

Carry on the pattern.

Write in words.

Write what comes before and after:

Write the number between:

Fill in.

The number before 23 is _______.

The number after 39 is _______.

The number before 70 is _______.

The number after ______ is 43.

The number before 61 is _______.

34 is between _______ and 35.

976 is between 96 and _______.

_______ is between 68 and 70.

_______ is between 19 and 21.

_______ is between 76 and 78.

You know what makes a 2-digit number

4 tens and 2 ones make 42.

40 + 2 = 42

2 tens and 3 ones make 23.

20 + 3 = 23
Write in the short form.

Write in the expanded (long form).

Fill in.

___ tens + ____ ones = ____

Lesson 2 : Place Value

The number 34 and 43 have two digits—3 and 4. The digits are in different places in the two
numbrs. So they have different values. The position of a digit in anumber gives it a place value.

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