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1. What is Candida?

2. Symptoms of Candida

3. Common Causes of Candida Overgrowth

 Diet

 Medication

 Diabetes

 Stress

 Other

4. Test for Candida

5. Candida Cleanse

6. The Anti-Candida Diet

 Food to Avoid (summary)

 Food to Eat (summary)

 Reintroduce Foods

7. Dietary Supplements

 Probiotics

 Antifungals

 PH Balance

8. Liver Support during Detoxification

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Understand Candida before you can Rectify the problem

What is Candida?
A yeast infection results from an overgrowth of yeast (a type of fungus) anywhere
in the body, especially in the gut.
Candidiasis is by far the most common type of yeast infection. There are more
than 20 species of Candida, the most common being Candida albicans.
These fungi live on all surfaces and, under certain conditions; they can become so
numerous they cause infections, particularly in warm and moist areas of the body.

Examples of such infections are vaginal yeast infections, thrush (infection of

tissues of the oral cavity), skin and diaper rash, and nail bed infections.

We all have millions of bacteria living in our gut at all times. Some are considered
good bacteria while others are considered bad and can cause a wide variety of
health conditions.

In a healthy body, the good bacteria keep the bad bacteria in check so there is a
nice even balance. When someone develops Candida overgrowth the balance has
become upset and the bad bacteria have taken control.

Symptoms of Candida (yeast overgrowth)

Symptoms are many and varied, and can mimic other health conditions.

Relating to digestive function

 bad breath
 bloating
 gas and stomach pain
 loose stools and diarrhoea are common.

More systemically
 fatigue
 lethargy
 brain fog
 itchy skin
 athletes foot
 vaginal itching/ irritation
 depression and
 mood swings are just some of the possible symptoms.

Causes of Candida

1. Poor Diet and Nutrition

Poor diet and nutrition actually feed the Candida fungus. If the body does not
receive adequate levels of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that it needs
to function optimally then it becomes vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, etc.
Our present day diet is not nutritious in the least. It's packed with a bunch of
junk food like candy, cookies, soda and chips.

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Even the foods you think would be healthier such as breakfast bars and cereals
are loaded with sugar and lacking in nutrients. Almost all processed food you
can buy contains some sort of sugar.
Our standard diet is way too high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, which
actually feed the Candida fungus for optimal growth.
Candida thrives on sugar and carbohydrates. A diet high in sugar and refined
carbohydrates is also deficient in vitamins and minerals and thus doesn't
nourish a healthy body that can resist Candida overgrowth.

However, sugar is not the only culprit. Starchy foods, like bread, pasta, white
rice, potatoes, chips, cookies, etc. converts to glucose (sugar) in the digestive
The more refined these foods are the quicker they are converted.
It is all this excess sugar that is responsible not only for Candida yeast
overgrowth but many other health conditions like obesity, malnutrition and

2. Medication
One of the major causes of Candida is the overuse of broad spectrum
antibiotics. Antibiotics damage and kill the good flora (good bacteria) in the
gut, as well as damaging the digestive enzymes, which lead to an
overgrowth of the Candida fungus.

Even if you don't take antibiotics directly, you might get it indirectly,
because farmed animals are routinely fed antibiotics, our meat supply is
injected with hormones and antibiotics and the feed that our farm animals
eat is laced with antibiotics, all under the false pretence that it makes our
food safer, when in fact what it really does is contribute to this problem of
making bacteria immune to antibiotics and damaging the good flora and
digestive enzymes in our gut.

When you eat the meat of these animals, or eat their by-products such as
milk, cheese and cottage cheese, etc., you absorb the antibiotic into your

The bottom line is: Prescription antibiotics causes gut health problems
which lead to …
 An Impaired Immune System
 GUT health problems
 IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
 PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
 Candida (yeast overgrowth)
 Insulin Resistance
 Obesity (struggle to lose weight)
 Type 2 Diabetes
 Infertility

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The Pill
The contraceptive pill can also cause an outbreak of Candida overgrowth.
The stomach is a delicate organ, containing a precise mixture of
microorganisms and yeasts that help process and digest food. They depend
on the right balance of chemicals to support them, but this equilibrium can
be thrown off by the hormonal imbalances caused by the Pill.
By disturbing this balance, the Pill opens the door for Candida to once
again outgrow its competitors in the gut.
Estrogen, the major ingredient in the Pill, is known to promote the growth
of yeast. If you need evidence of how this can happen, see how many
women get regular yeast infections while on the Pill, it’s exactly the same

3. Diabetes
Candida is just one of many conditions that Diabetes can bring about, and
diabetic women are particularly susceptible to any yeast infection.
An elevated blood sugar level feeds the Candida yeast, allowing it grow
quickly and dominate the other microorganisms in your gut.

4. Stress
Stress affects your body in two ways, both of which can lead to excess
Candida. One of your body’s first reactions to a stressful situation is to
release Cortisol, a hormone that depresses your immune system and raises
your blood sugar level. The Candida yeast feeds on the extra sugar, while
your weakened immune system is powerless to stop it. Quickly it
overpowers the balanced mixture of microorganisms in your small
Prolonged stress can also weaken your adrenal glands, which are an
important part of your immune system. These small organs release
hormones that regulate several different systems within your body, and
they are responsible for production of the ‘fight or flight’ hormone
adrenaline. If your adrenals become drained you will feel constantly tired,
and probably find yourself drinking cup after cup of coffee. Your immune
system becomes similarly drained and unable to respond properly to
pathogens like the Candida yeast.

5. Other Causes of Candida

In addition to the main causes of Candida – antibiotics, diet and stress,
there are a few other factors that can contribute as well.
Other instigators of Candida causes may include the use of cortisone, or
other steroid type drugs, immune suppressing drugs, and synthetic
All these create a hormonal imbalance in the body and allow the Candida
to thrive and take over.
Individuals with diseases that weaken the immune system such as HIV are
also more vulnerable to Candida yeast overgrowth.

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Candida Detection
To evaluate for yeast overgrowth, there are two primary tests to run.
 One is a blood test checking for antibodies (immune cells that might show
reactivity to candida).
 The other is urine test looking for the actual metabolites of Candida.

Are Your Health Problems Yeast Connected?

If your answer is "yes" to most of the following questions, you probably have an
overgrowth of the Candida fungus.

 Have you taken repeated or prolonged courses of antibacterial drugs?

 Have you been bothered by recurrent vaginal, prostate or urinary tract
 Do you feel "sick all over," yet the cause hasn't been found?
 Are you bothered by hormone disturbances, including PMS, menstrual
irregularities, sexual dysfunction, sugar craving, low body temperature or
 Are you unusually sensitive to tobacco smoke, perfumes, colognes and
other chemical odors?
 Are you bothered by memory or concentration problems?
 Do you sometimes feel "spaced out"?
 Have you taken prolonged courses of prednisone or other steroids; or have
you taken "the pill" for more than 3 years?
 Do some foods disagree with you or trigger your symptoms?
 Do you suffer with constipation, diarrhea, bloating or abdominal pain?
 Does your skin itch, tingle or burn; or is it unusually dry; or are you
bothered by rashes?

Conquer Candida the Healthy Way

One of the easiest ways to avoid yeast overgrowth is to limit dietary intake of
sugars, carbs and alcohol.
 The Candida fungus feeds on sugar, so anything that breaks down to sugar
(which even complex carbs do) is a potential fuel source for this yeast.
 Alcohol, being mostly sugar and yeast, is a perfect fuel source.
 Since antibiotic use is one of the causes of yeast overgrowth (they tend to
wipe out everything in the gut, good and bad, allowing for yeast to take a
hold), patients taking antibiotics must be especially careful to take high-
potency probiotics as a preventive measure.
 Some avoidance of “yeasty” foods such as mushrooms, breads and vinegars
can be helpful.
 We believe that Candida can be rebalanced with a moderate dietary approach
along with supplemental probiotics, digestive enzymes and anti-fungal
remedies. (see “supplements”)
 Other natural anti-fungal agents that can be used are garlic, pau d’arco,
caprylic acid, oregano oil and grapefruit seed extract.

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Stage 1: Doing the Candida Cleanse

If you begin your Candida treatment with a cleanse, you should be focusing on
flushing your colon. This is where most of your Candida colonies reside, so flushing
out this part of your body will go a long way towards beating your Candida

Designing a good cleanse is not easy, particularly for Candida sufferers who may
already be experiencing fatigue and low energy levels. That’s why it is
recommended to eat small portions of salads and vegetables throughout your
However if you’re feeling more adventurous, you can go for the full colon cleanse
and stick to a liquid diet.
For most Candida sufferers though, the easier version is more suitable. You can
follow this cleansing diet anywhere from 3 to 10 days.

“Juice” to Cleanse
To kill Candida with the correct juices is tough, but to get this “evil” out of your
system, one sometimes need to take drastic steps.
The severity of the Candida infection will determine how long you have to continue
with the juicing. (this is more like a soup than a juice)

A very effective juicing recipe is:

 3 Celery
 2 cucumber
 1/4 of avocado
 1 onion
 2 gloves of garlic
 2 cups of shredded cabbage

Drink at least 300ml of this juice 2 to 3 times per day.

What to eat on your cleanse

The diet during your cleanse is similar to the main Candida diet, but even more
strict. In fact you should restrict your diet to raw salads and steamed vegetables
Don’t worry! It’s not as difficult as it sounds and always remember that you are
only doing your cleanse for a few days. Your body will quickly adjust and you will
end the cleanse feeling refreshed, light and healthy.

Consider what you eat every day and you will understand why a cleanse is
sometimes the best way to give your liver and internal organs a fresh start.
Fast food is loaded with additives and most beef has added growth hormone.

Cutting out these toxins and replacing them with fresh vegetables is a great way to
start your fight against Candida.

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 Eat only raw salads and steamed vegetables.
 Avoid starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, corn
and winter squash.

If you’re not too excited about the prospect of a vegetable-only diet for a week,
think again! You can make some really delicious recipes using salt, pepper, lemon
juice, oils, herbs and spices to liven them up.

Type Foods to eat Information

VEGETABLES Artichokes Vegetables starve the Candida of the sugar and mold diet that feed it.
Avocado They also absorb fungal poisons and carry them out of your body.
Broccoli Avoid starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, corn, all winter
Brussel sprouts squash, beets, peas, parsnips and all beans except green beans.
Cabbage You should buy your vegetables fresh and eat them raw, steam or grill them. Add a
Celery little garlic and onions for flavor as they are especially helpful with Candida.
Cucumber Kim Chi is made of fermented vegetables such as cabbage, onion, cucumber,
Garlic (raw) peppers, garlic, radish. The probiotic bacteria in Kimchi will help kill off the candida
Green beans in your intestine. Raw sauerkraut works in the same way.
Lettuce (all types)

HERBS AND Basil Contain antioxidants and anti-fungal properties.

SPICES Black Pepper Increase circulation and reduce inflammation.
Cayenne Improve digestion and alleviate constipation.
Cilantro Most herbs and spices are beneficial in your fight against Candida.
Cinnamon They're great for livening up food if you're on a limited Candida diet.
Sea salt

OILS Virgin Coconut Oil Coconut oil is heat stable, so you use it to cook with. It is also a powerful antifungal.
Olive Oil

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A strict Candida elimination diet is no easy task to begin with, but it can be made
even harder by something called Candida Die-Off.
The point when the die-off symptoms kick in is the time when many people
prematurely abandon their Candida diet, so it’s important to be prepared.

When yeast cells are rapidly killed, a die-off (or Herxheimer reaction) occurs and
metabolic by-products are released into the body.
These by-products also cause allergic reactions and inflammation that lead to an
array of undesirable symptoms.
Candida Die-Off symptoms will vary from person to person, as each will have
different degrees of infestation.
If you are having severe Die-Off symptoms, slow down your treatment and reduce
your dosage of probiotics and antifungals.
The liver is your main pathway for eliminating toxins, and the Die-Off symptoms
mean that it is being overwhelmed.

Die-Off Symptoms
Here is a list of some of the symptoms you might experience during a die-off
(otherwise known as a Herxheimer reaction).
 Nausea
 Headache, fatigue, dizziness
 Swollen glands
 Bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea
 Increased joint or muscle pain
 Elevated heart rate
 Chills, cold feeling in your extremities
 Body itchiness, hives or rashes
 Sweating
 Fever
 Skin breakouts
 Recurring vaginal, prostate and sinus infections

To reduce the symptoms, drink lots of water, try a sauna or a hot bath and take
some Vitamin C supplements.
You can also try using supplements like Molybdenum and Milk Thistle to help expel
the toxins.

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Stage 2: The Candida Diet
Where to Start with the Candida Diet
Start your day with a glass (250ml) of cold or warm water with fresh
lemon juice squeezed into it. Please stay away from coffee and sugar for
the duration of the Program. Drink fresh water and herbal teas throughout
the day. NO sugar or artificial sweeteners!

Water is just as important as the right food. Whenever you feel hungry or
when you crave for certain foods, it might be that your body requires
moisture instead of food. Drink water and herbal teas as and when you
feel like it –
Note: too much water can wash out essential nutrients.

Tip: Keep a bottle of purified water at hand - sip as often as possible.

Why lemon juice in the water?

1. Boosts your immune system: Lemons are high in vitamin C, which
is great for fighting colds. They’re high in potassium, which stimulates
brain and nerve function. Potassium also helps control blood pressure.
2. Balances pH: Drink lemon water every day and you’ll reduce your
body’s overall acidity. Lemon is one of the most alkaline foods around.
Yes, lemon has citric acid but it does not create acidity in the body
once metabolized.
3. Aids digestion: Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials. It
encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid required for
digestion. Efficient digestion reduces heartburn and constipation.
4. Is a diuretic: Lemons increase the rate of urination, which helps
purify the body. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which
helps keep your urinary tract healthy.
5. Clears skin: The vitamin C component helps decrease wrinkles and
blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps
keep skin clear as well. It can actually be applied directly to scars to
help reduce their appearance.
6. Freshens breath: Not only this, but it can help relieve tooth pain and
gingivitis. The citric acid can erode tooth enamel, so you should
monitor this. Please be careful not to drink too much lemon juice.
7. Relieves respiratory problems: Warm lemon water helps get rid of
chest infections and halt those pesky coughs. It’s thought to be
helpful to people with asthma and allergies too.
8. Keeps you zen: Vitamin C is one of the first things depleted when
you subject your mind and body to stress. As mentioned previously,
lemons are loaded with vitamin C.
9. Helps kick the coffee habit: After having a glass of hot lemon
water, you should not crave for coffee in the morning.

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The reason why the water has to be warm and not boiling hot. Either too hot or
too cold water is a shock on your system so early in the morning. Water that is
more or less body temperature is the best for your lemon juice regimen.
How much lemon is recommended in the water? 1 or 2 teaspoons of freshly
squeezed lemon juice to a glass or cup of warm water.

Tip: Drink your warm lemon water in coffee cups.

Tip: Grind the used lemon rinds in your garbage disposal to help deodorize it.

When is the Best Time to Drink Lemon Water?

While lemon water may be taken at any time of the day, the best time is first
thing in the morning. Unlike coffee which is loaded with the diuretic caffeine,
lemon water can re-hydrate your body within minutes of drinking it. Lemon water
should also energize you, while it helps to stimulate your bowel to eliminate
accumulated waste.

 Foods to Avoid


SUGARS Sugars  Condiments tend to be high in sugar and can exacerbate

Honey  your Candida.
 Stay away from the soft drinks too.
 Read food labels to make sure your food doesn't contain sugar.
 Be careful - sugar-free diet coke can feed your Candida as much as
Chocolate  a sugary soft drink.
Molasses  Calorie-free artificial sweeteners not only acidify your body, but
Rice Syrup  also impair your immune system.
Artificial Sweeteners (e.g.  Try Xylitol or Stevia instead!
Asulfame, Nutra-Sweet)
Agave nectar
Coconut Sugar

ALCOHOL Wine  Alcohol is high in sugar that can feed the growth of the Candida
Beer  yeast.
 Alcohol also puts stress on your organs and immune system.
 Mixing alcohol and Candida is like opening all your windows in a
 house fire - you don't want to feed the problem.

GRAINS & Anything made with wheat, Some Candida sufferers have high sensitivity to Glutens.
GLUTINOUS rye, oats or barley, e.g.
FOODS white bread, rye bread,
 Give your immune system a break and allow it to focus on the
pasta  Candida.
Spelt products  Corn-by products like popcorn are highly contaminated with toxic
Corn and corn by-products  fungi.
 White rice causes a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.

FRUIT Fresh Fruit  The high sugar content in fruit feeds Candida.
Dried Fruit  Fruits like melon may also contain mould.
Canned Fruit
 A squeeze of lemon is OK. In Stage 3 you can reintroduce low
Fruit Juice
 sugar fruits like apples and berries.

VEGETABLES Potatoes  This group is very nutrient-dense, however they should be

Carrots  avoided until your Candida overgrowth is fully under control.

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Sweet Potatoes  They then can be reintroduced in small portions one at a time.
All Squash (except

MEATS All pork products  Pork cells contain retroviruses that survive cooking and may
Cured meats like salami,  be harmful for those with a weakened digestive system.
pepperoni, pastrami and
hot dogs  Processed meats like lunch meat and spam are loaded with
Processed meats like lunch  dextrose nitrates, sulphates and sugars.
meat, bacon and spam
Smoked or vacuum packed

FISH All fish except for sockeye  All shellfish and most fish contain alarming levels of heavy
salmon and sardine
 metals and toxins. These will suppress your immune system.
All shellfish
 Farm raised salmon is originally a grey colour, but it is coloured
 with chemicals to appeal to consumers. Studies have shown farmed
 salmon (like most farmed fish) contain high levels of PCBs, mercury
 and other carcinogenic agents.
 Additionally, these fish are raised in crowded water containing their
 own waste, chemicals and antibiotics.

DAIRY PRODUCTS All cheese  All dairy should be avoid except ghee, butter, kefir and yogurt.
Milk  This includes dairy products from sheep and goats.
 Milk contains sugar so should be avoided. Kefir and yogurt are
 better because most of the sugar disappears during the
 fermentation process.
 A small amount of organic cheeses like goat cheese or mozzarella
 can be reintroduced in Stage 3 (for those who do not have a dairy
 sensitivity).

ADDITIVES & Citric Acid  The manufactured, additive form of citric acid is derived from
PRESERVATIVES Anything on the list of  yeasts. However the natural form, as found in lemons and limes, is
ingredients that you don't
know or can't pronounce!  OK on the diet).
 Chemicals can disrupt your friendly bacteria and allow the Candida
 yeast to flourish.
 Citric acid is often found in canned tomatoes.
 Non-organic food like meat or eggs can also contain residual levels
 of antibiotics and steroids that were used during the farming
 process.

OTHER Coffee  Caffeine causes blood sugar spikes, feeding your Candida.
BEVERAGES Black & Green Tea  It also causes stress on your adrenal glands, weakening your
Diet & Regular Soda
 immune system. Many Candida sufferers also have impaired
Energy drinks
 adrenal function. All coffee contains mold, one of the most
Sports Drinks
Malted Drinks (e.g.
 important foods to avoid if you have a Candida overgrowth.
Ovaltine, Horlicks, Caro)  Taurine in energy drinks is another culprit.
Coconut Water  Even decaf tea and coffee are to be avoided, as they contain
Fruit Juices (fresh or  residual levels of caffeine.

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packaged)  Coconut oil is great for killing Candida, but coconut water is too
Rice milk  high in sugar.

NUTS Cashews  This group of nuts contains a high amount of fungal toxins, which
Peanuts  can inflame your Candida problem.

BEANS Beans and other legumes  The combination of being hard to digest and high in carbs rules out
Tofu  beans from the strict stage of the diet. They can be reintroduced in
Soy cheese
 Stage 3 in small portions.
Soy milk
 All soy products are forbidden on the Candida diet. The majority of
All Soy products
Carob Powder
 soy is genetically modified, which has been linked to immune
Cocoa Powder  system damage and other health problems.
 Soy is also disruptive to thyroid function, which is a common
 problem with people with a Candida overgrowth.
 Avoid all cocoa powder (even unsweetened) as it contains caffeine
 and can weaken your adrenals.

MUSHROOMS / Mushrooms  Eating some fungi can cause an inflammatory reaction if you are
MOLDS Truffles  already suffering from Candida.
 Mushrooms also often have mold on their exterior.
 On the other hand, some medicinal mushrooms are actually OK on
 the diet and have strong immune-boosting properties. Good
 examples are Reishi and Maitake

CONDIMENTS Ketchup  Watch out - ketchup, tomato paste, and spaghetti sauces all
Mayonnaise  contain high amounts of hidden sugar.
Regular Mustard
 Condiments generally do tend to be high in sugar, and they can
 exacerbate your Candida.
Soy sauce
 For an alternative salad dressing, try coconut aminos or a simple
Salad dressings  olive oil and lemon juice dressing.
Braggs Liquid Aminos  A small amount of Braggs might not cause a problem but a better
 soy-free option is organic coconut aminos.
 Regular mustards contain distilled vinegar which is not allowed on
 the diet. Use mustard powder or an organic mustard made with
 apple cider vinegar instead.

VINEGAR All vinegars, except for  Vinegar is made in a yeast culture, depletes the stomach of acids
Apple Cider Vinegar
 and can also cause inflammation in your gut.
 One particular vinegar, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, can actually
 be helpful in combating yeast.

FATS AND OILS Peanut oil  Peanut, Cottonseed, Corn and Canola oil are mold contaminated.
Cottonseed oil  Most soy beans used in soy oil are GMO.
Corn oil
 Margarine/Shortening contain toxic trans fats.
Canola oil
Soy oil

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 Foods to Eat


VEGETABLES Artichokes  Vegetables starve the Candida of the sugar and mould diet that
Asparagus  feed it.
 They also absorb fungal poisons and carry them out of your
Beet greens
 body.
Brussel sprouts
 Avoid starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, potatoes,
Cabbage  yams, corn, all winter squash, beets, peas, parsnips and all
Cauliflower  beans except green beans.
Celery  You should buy your vegetables fresh and eat them raw, steam
Collard greens  or grill them.
Cucumber  Add a little garlic and onions for flavour as they are especially
Dandelion greens
 helpful with Candida.
 Kim Chi is made of fermented vegetables such as cabbage,
Garlic (raw)  onion, cucumber, peppers, garlic, radish.
Green beans  The probiotic bacteria in Kimchi will help kill off the Candida in
Kale  your intestine. Raw sauerkraut works in the same way.
Kim Chi  Olives are OK as long as they are not in distilled white vinegar.
Leeks  You can eat all types of seaweed including chlorella and
Lettuce (all types)  Spirulina.
Sauerkraut (raw)
Snow pea pods
Spaghetti squash
Summer squash
Swiss chard

LIVE YOGURT Plain yogurt  Live yogurt cultures (or probiotics) help your gut to repopulate
CULTURES Probiotics  itself with good bacteria.
 The live bacteria in the yogurt will crowd out the Candida yeast
 and restore balance to your system.
 Especially useful after a course of antibiotics, or when a patient
 is suffering from Candida.
 Yogurt from goat and sheep milk is even better, as they tend to
 contain fewer chemicals.
 Good bacteria will also produce antifungal enzymes that can
 help you fight Candida.
 Plain yogurt does contain a small amount of lactose but this will
 not feed your Candida.

MEAT Beef  Fresh cuts of meat are free of sugars and mold, so they fill you
Chicken  up while restricting the Candida.
 Eat only fresh and organic meat - processed meat like lunch
 meat, bacon and spam, is loaded with dextrose nitrates,
Wild Game
 sulphates and sugars.

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 Smoked or vacuum packed meats are also best avoided.

 Most Atkins recipes will also work reasonably well in a Candida
 diet.

FISH Anchovies  Sockeye salmon and sardines do contain ocean contaminants,

Herring  but in much lower amounts than other seafood.
 You should still only consume fish a few times a week.
Sockeye salmon
 You should buy these fish fresh or packed in olive oil or water.

NUTS AND Almonds  Nuts are healthy, however they are tough on the digestive
SEEDS Almond milk (unsweetened)  system for Candida sufferers, so they should really be
Coconut Cream
 consumed in limited amounts. Watch for a reaction though -
Coconut milk (unsweetened)
 some people are fine with them, others are not.
Flax Seed
 Another problem is nuts contain some mold. It can be removed
Hemp Seeds  by soaking them in water and fresh lemon juice then air drying
Macadamia Nuts  them, or putting them in the oven on low heat until crispy.
Pecans  Ground flax seed goes bad very quickly so always buy it whole.
Pine Seeds  Grind with a food processor or coffee grinder, then eat it right
Pumpkin Seeds  away.
Sunflower Seeds
 Another tip to remove mold - spray the nuts with a diluted
 grapefruit seed extract solution.
 If you like nuts, stick to freshly cracked or whole ones, they
 have less mould.

NON- Amaranth  Grains contain a high amount of fiber, excellent for keeping the
 colon clear so Candida doesn't get a chance to multiply.
 Grains also act like a pipe cleaner in your intestine, grabbing
Oat Bran
 nasty toxins like pollutants, chemicals, pesticides and heavy
Wild and brown rice
 metals on their way through.
 Most products derived from this list are ok - e.g. quinoa
 crackers, buckwheat flour.
 You can find these in the gluten free section in health food
 stores.
 Oat bran is different from oatmeal, and contains lots of soluble
 fibre.

HERBS AND Basil  Contain antioxidants and anti-fungal properties.

SPICES Black Pepper  Increase circulation and reduce inflammation.
 Improve digestion and alleviate constipation.
 Most herbs and spices are beneficial in your fight against
 Candida.
Cumin  They're great for livening up food if you're on a limited
Curry  Candida diet.

Manna Health Products Candida e-book Page 15



OILS Virgin Coconut Oil  Use cold pressed oils.

Olive Oil  Heating or boiling destroys many of the oils' nutrients.
Sesame Oil
Pumpkin seed oil
Macadamia Oil
Almond Oil
Flax Oil
Coconut oil
Coconut butter
Organic butter

SEASONING Black Pepper  Coconut Aminos are a great alternative to soy sauce.
Sea Salt  Mustard made with distilled vinegar is not allowed.
Lemon Juice
Coconut Aminos
Apple Cider Vinegar (Organic,
Raw, Unfiltered)
Mustard Powder
Mustard made with apple cider

BEVERAGES Chicory root coffee  All of these herbal teas have antifungal properties.
Cinnamon Tea  Chicory root is also a great prebiotic (it contains 20% Inulin), so
Clove Tea
 it can even help to repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria.
Chamomile Tea
Pau D'arco Tea
Peppermint Tea
Ginger Tea
Licorice Tea
Lemongrass Tea

SWEETENERS Stevia  Stevia can be used in place of sugar and doesn't affect your
Xylitol  blood sugar levels at all.
 Xylitol gum and mints are good if you are having bad breath
 issues.


Take the Manna GUT Support to reinstate healthy flora with very good probiotics and
digestive enzymes.

The Manna Candida Support supplement contains antifungal agents which can help to
kill the Candida fungus.

Manna Health Products Candida e-book Page 16

 Importance of Supplements during stage two:
It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to recover in full, but it depends
on several factors –
o how strictly you follow the diet
o the effectiveness of your probiotics and antifungals
o and the severity of your Candida infestation.

The combination of these two supplements in conjunction with the Candida Diet can kill the
Candida yeast in your gut and repopulate it with ‘good’ bacteria.
Probiotics work to restore balance to your gut in several different ways. Firstly, they crowd
out the Candida yeast and prevent it from overgrowing again. This is why it’s important to
take them soon after you have flushed out your colon during the Stage One cleanse.
Secondly, they release small amounts of lactic acid and acetic acid that restore the acidity
to your stomach.
This slows down the growth of the Candida. Lastly, the beneficial bacteria in the probiotics
actually boost your immune system, which will help to prevent the overgrowth from


Once you have defeated your Candida overgrowth, it’s time to move on to Stage Three
and start reintroducing foods. This is when you start to return to a long term eating plan
that will keep your Candida overgrowth from returning ever again.

If you’re not sure whether you have cured your Candida overgrowth, first go back to our
Testing for Candida and Candida Questionnaire pages. You should be getting markedly
different results now on these tests than when you started your treatment.

Of course the most important thing is really how you feel. You should have more energy
and symptoms like brain fog and dizziness should have disappeared. If not, be prepared to
stay on the Stage Two Strict Diet for a little longer.

How quickly should you reintroduce foods?

You’ve done the hard work of defeating your Candida infestation, so don’t blow it by
reintroducing foods too quickly! Start slowly and add back one food at a time. This has the
added benefit that you will easily be able to pick out any food allergies as you go.
You can start by adding back some fruits, particularly those with lower sugar content like
green apples and berries.
Fruits that are high in sugar like oranges, grapes and bananas should still be avoided.
Some complex carbohydrates can also be added back into your diet, in small portions.
These include sweet potatoes and beans.
Although these will be broken down by your body into sugars that can promote Candida
growth, they are whole foods that are broken down much more slowly.

Manna Health Products Candida e-book Page 17

In Stage Three, small portions of these complex carbs are OK.



BEANS AND OTHER Azuki Beans  Beans are banned from Stage 2 because they contain lots of
PULSES Black Beans  carbs.
Carob Powder
 They can be reintroduced in Stage 3 because they also contain
 fiber and have antifungal properties.
Mung Beans
 Beans do cause abdominal discomfort for some people with
Lima Beans  Candida so keep portions to a minimum
Pinto Beans  (e.g. half a cup, 3 times a week).
Navy Beans  Canned beans are fine, but soaking can help make them more
Split Peas  digestible.

VEGETABLES Potatoes  These vegetables are banned in Stage 2 because of their high
Carrots  carb content.
Sweet Potatoes
 However, they are nutrient dense and can be reintroduced in
 Stage 3.
 Try adding 2-3 small portions each week.
Parsnips  Use them sparingly unless your Candida symptoms are
Red Peppers  completely reduced.
Tomatoes  Carrots are OK raw, but if you cook them the Glycemic Index
Yucca  increases dramatically.
Winter Squash

FRUIT Green Apples  Fruit is banned from Stage 2 because it contains sugar that feeds
Pears  Candida.
 This is a list of low sugar fruits that may be OK to reintroduce in
 Stage 3.
 Some Candida sufferers can tolerate reintroducing some fruit, but
Huckleberries  it can cause a reaction in others.
Blackberries  Try eating a small portion, 2-3 times a week.
 Use only fresh or frozen cranberries.

How long does Stage Three last?

There is no fixed duration for Stage Three. Some Candida sufferers find that any return to
their old diet will quickly result in another infestation, so they stick to the diet in Stage
Three indefinitely.
Others find that with time they can reintroduce almost all of their favourite foods, even
sugary fruits and alcoholic drinks. It really depends on who you are and how bad your
infestation was, but you should certainly be prepared to make long term changes to your
eating habits.

Should you continue with the probiotics and antifungal Supplements?

Now that you’ve got this far and you’re starting to return to a more normal diet, you’re
probably wondering whether you need to continue taking the probiotics and antifungals.

Manna Health Products Candida e-book Page 18

Well, if you’ve beaten your Candida overgrowth you can certainly quit the antifungals, but
we would recommend taking probiotics for a longer period.
The probiotics have a much greater impact on your health than just beating Candida.

 Firstly, they help support your digestive system.

 Secondly, they help your immune system work more efficiently.
A 2009 study at the University of Pennsylvania found that a healthy balance of
bacteria in your gut will actually boost your immune system. They showed that
normal levels of bacteria increase the effectiveness of the immune system and
help your body to fight off pathogens.

Supplements Facts

Manna Candida Support

This supplement contains highly effective natural and organic ingredients which works in
synergy to eliminate the symptoms of Candida.

 Prosopis Mixture (Manna®)

Keeping insulin levels normal by stabilizing one’s blood sugar levels is very
important to suppress the cravings of sugary foods.

 Eucalyptus Extract (Flavonoids and Polyphenols)

The Anti-Oxidant properties (ORAC Value)in the Flavonoids and Polyphenols from
this natural Eucalyptus extract is even higher than grape seed extract.
The Anti-Viral and Anti-Inflammatory properties are also very high, assisting in the
relief and fighting of bacterial and yeast overgrowth like Candida.

 Warburgia salutaris (Pepper Bark Tree)

Warbugia, an antifungal herb, is the most valuable of the natural antimicrobials,
and the bark and leaves have been used to treat yeast, fungal, bacterial and
protozoal infections for centuries. This makes Warburgia not only excellent for
helping treat bacterial infections such as chest infections (especially bronchitis) but
also kills off the pesky candida albicans fungi.

 Helps to Balance Blood Sugar
 Restricts Fungal Growth
 Anti-oxidant Effect attacks fungus
 Direct Antifungal effect

The different ingredients work holistic to attack fungal growth.

Contra Indications
 Allergy to the ingredients
 A serious heart condition
 Pregnancy

Manna Candida Support is a nutritional supplement and not a medicine

Dosage & Directions for Use

2 Caplets 3 times per day, with food

Manna Health Products Candida e-book Page 19

Manna GUT Support
Product Description
Product contains: Probiotic blend, Digestive Enzyme Blend and Glutamine.
 Helps to reinstate gut flora & digestive enzymes.
 Helps to improve gut health and immune system.
 Suitable for weight loss, PCOS, IBS, Insulin Resistance, Diabetes,
Candida, Infertility, Psoriasis, High Blood Pressure and High
The different ingredients work in a synergistic manner to balance the
microorganisms in the gut.
Digestive Enzymes assist in the break-down of food, Probiotics provide
‘friendly’ intestinal flora that protect the intestines against harmful bacteria,
and L-Glutamine assists with the renewal of the lining of the digestive tract.

Contra Indications
Only if allergic to ingredients
Pregnancy and lactation

Manna GUT Support is a nutritional supplement and not a medicine

Dosage & Directions for Use

2 capsules with breakfast
Works best with the Manna Diet.

Pack Size – 60 Capsules

Manna Health Products Candida e-book Page 20

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