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Income of Classes in the Income distribution, Income Threshold and size

of Income Classes in 2012

MONTHLY FAMILY (i.e. Number of
INCOMES (for a Households)
family size of 5
Poor Per Capita income Less than PHP 4.2 million
less than official 7,890 per month
poverty threshold

Low income Per capital incomes Between PHP 7,890 7.1 million
(but not poor) between the poverty to PHP 15,780 per
lines and twice the month
poverty lines
Low middle income Per capita incomes Between PHP 5.8 million
between twice the 15,780 to PHP
poverty line and 31,560 per month
twice the poverty
Middle class Per capita incomes Between PHP 3.6 million
between four times 31,560 to PHP
the poverty line and 78,900 per month
ten times the
poverty line
Upper middle class Per capita incomes Between PHP 470 thousand
between ten times 78,900 to PHP
the poverty line and 118,350 per month
fifteen times the
poverty line
Upper income Poverty incomes Between PHP 170 thousand
(but not rich) between fifteen 118,350 to PHP
times the poverty 175, 800 per month
line and twenty
times the poverty
Rich Per capita incomes At least PHP 157, 150 thousand
at least equal to 800
twenty times the
poverty line

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