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A. Background
Explanation comes from a foreign language (English) which means the act of describing
or explaining and testimony, statements or facts that explain.
Definition of explanatory text is a text that contains the processes associated with natural
phenomena, social, scientific, cultural, and others.
In this chapter we will discuss the explanatory text in the natural phenomena related to
natural disasters as well as the social phenomenon of society.
The natural disaster is a natural event resulting in great impact for populas imanusia.
Natural events may include floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides,
blizzards, droughts, hail, heat waves, cyclones, tropical storms, typhoons, tornadoes, wildfires
and disease
Natural disasters can lead to a damaging impact on the economic, social and
environmental. Damage to infrastructure can disrupt social activities, the impact in the social
field includes death, injury, illness, loss of shelter and community chaos, while the
environmental damage may include destruction of forests that protect land
Social phenomenon is a condition in which people take everything that happened is an
absolute truth. In fact, it is actually the truth is made apparent through the simulation of
symbols, codes are imaged in such of a correct object.
B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the meaning of the explanatory text?
2. What is the structure of explanation in the text?
3. How explanatory text linguistic characteristics?
4. What is the purpose of the explanatory text?
5. What steps compose the text of explanation?
6. What is the difference explanatory text with other text?
7. What are the types of explanatory text?
8. What examples and explanatory text?


1. Definition of explanatory text

Text is the text that contains explanation about the 'why' and 'how' of events-it happened
natural, social, scientific, cultural, and others may occur. Text explanation is an article that
describes the process of something or the formation of a natural phenomenon or social
Explanatory text is a text that contains the processes associated with natural phenomena,
social, scientific, cultural, and others. In conclusion explanatory text is a text or an article that
contains the "why" and "how" of a phenomenon can occur, either natural phenomena or
social phenomena.
2. Structure of explanatory text
Explanatory text structure is divided into three parts, namely:
a. General Statement (opening)
Contains a general statement about a topic, which will be explained the process of its
existence, the occurrence, the process of its existence, the occurrence, the process of
formation, etc. Should be concise, interesting, and clear, which is able to arouse the reader's
interest to read the details.
b. Clarifying series (contents)
Filled with detailed explanation of the process of existence, the occurrence. Relative to
answer the question 'how', the answer is in the form of a statement. Possible given the gradual
process needs to be explained, first, second, third, etc.
c. Cover / Interpretation
Contains conclusions or statements on topics / processes described.

3. Language Elements
Many types of text use Present tense, Passive voice. The words first, then, finally are also
often used to describe time relationships, especially those that explain how something
happened. Whereas to explain cause-effect relationships are used if / then, so, as a
consequence, since, especially for paragraphs that explain why something happened.

The purpose of the Explanation text: describes the process of the occurrence or formation of
something or natural or social phenomena.

4. The explanatory text Linguistic Characteristics

Using language that is easily understood, used according to the rules Indonesian EYD
 Focus on common things, not human patisipan

 Using scientific term
 Using technical terminology
 Using a noun phrase and adverbial
 Using conjunctions time / klousal (if, if, so, etc.)
 The language is concise, interesting, and clear
 Using active verbs and the passive voice

5. Types of explanatory text

a. According to the phenomenon
  Natural phenomena
An event that occurred around the nature of life, such as natural disasters.
  The social phenomena
An event that occurred in the community
b. According to the dessert section
There is a part of the cover: the cover portion at the end of the text.
  No part of the cover: there is no cover at the end of the text.
6. Example of explanatory text
Example Explanation Text and Explanatory Notes
earthquake image for a full description and examples along with explanation text


Landslide is a geological process that happen because of the movement of rock mass or soil
such as the fall of rocks or clumps of soil which detached from the main section of the
mountain or hill. Landslide usually happen in the mountainous areas.

Mostly landslides happen because of earthquake that moves the underground plate which
caused the element or the subsurface plate displaced, so it is causing fraction and landslide.
High rainfall during the rainy season will also caused landslide. Long duration of the rain will
occur the water evaporation on the ground surface in large amounts. The evaporation will
make pore or soil cavity, then there would be cracks on the ground. When rain falls, the rain
will infiltrate the cracks. Then, the water will accumulated at the bottom of the slope and
caused lateral movement which occur landslide.

Landslide often caused a lot of disadvantages. Landslide can make people lose their house,
lands, and properties because buried by the landslide. The worst is the loss of life because
they can’t run from the landslide. So, to prevent landslide to happen, start to care about our
environtment. We can start by planting tree and do reforestation. Plus, do not throw trash
carelessly to keep our environment clean. So, we would prevent flood and landslide during
the rainy season.

Tanah Longsor

Tanah longsor adalah suatu proses geologi yang terjadi karena pergerakan massa bebatuan
atau tanah seperti jatuhnya bebatuan atau segumpal tanah yang terpisah dari bagian utama
pegunungan atau bukit. Tanah longsor biasanya terjadi di daerah pegunungan.

Kebanyakan dari tanah longsor terjadi karena gempa bumi yang menggerakkan lempeng
bawah tanah yang menyebabkan elemen atau lempeng permukaan bumi bergeser, sehingga
menyebabkan keretakan dan tanah longsor. Tingginya curah hujan selama musim penghujan

juga dapat menimbulkan tanah longsor. Lamanya durasi hujan akan menimbulkan uap air di
permukaan tanah dalam jumlah yang besar. Uap air ini akan memunculkan pori-pori atau
rongga tanah, kemudian akan menimbulkan retakan pada tanah. Ketika hujan turun, hujan
akan menyusup ke dalam retakan tersebut. Kemudian, air akan terakumulasi di dasar lereng
dan menyebabkan pergerakan lateral yang akhirnya menyebabkan tanah longsor.

Tanah longsor sering menimbulkan banyak kerugian. Tanah longsor dapat membuat orang-
orang kehilangan rumah, tanah, dan harta karena tertimbun tanah longsor. Yang paling parah
adalah jatuhnya korban jiwa karena mereka tidak dapat menyelematkan diri dari tanah
longsor. Jadi, untuk mencegah terjadinya tanah longsor, mulailah untuk peduli pada
lingkungan. Kita dapat memulai dengan menanam pohon dan reboisasi hutan. Dirambah lagi,
jangan membuang sampah sembarangan untuk menjaga lingkungan tetap bersih. Sehingga
kita dapat mencegah banjir dan tanah longsor selama musim penghujan.


Metamorphosis is a process of a caterpillar to become a new animal (perfect stage), in this

case is a butterfly. The process happens quite simple but takes quite long time. First, starting
from an egg laid by a butterfly on a leaf (usually leaf of orange tree or other tree), this leaf is
aimed to be the food for the caterpillars until it reaches adulthood when the time comes to
become pupa/cocoon and in some the day it will become a new butterfly.

The egg that laid by a butterfly will hatch in 3-5 days. Then it becomes larva. The larva will
walk to the edge of the leaf of host plant and start eating it. Most of the larva eat its empty
egg shell as a first food. The outer skin of the larva does not stretch following its growth, but
it become very tight when larva will change its skin. Larva change its skin (molting) for
about 4-6 times during its life.

When the larva reach the maximum growth, larva will stop eating, walking to seek the
nearest shelter, clinging themselves to a branch or a leaf with woven yarn. The larva have
entered the phase of pre-pupa and for the last time releasing the skin to form a pupa (cocoon).
Pupa usually hard, smooth and in a form of a structure without any limb. Commonly pupa is
green, brown or the color according to the surroundings (camouflage). The forming of a
butterfly in the pupa usually takes 7-20 days depending on the species.

Once it is out of the pupa, the butterfly will crawl to the top so that the wings that still weak,
crumpled and slightly wet can hang down and inflate normally. Immediately after the wings
are dry, inflate and strong, the wings will open and close several times and the butterfly will
attempt to fly.


Metamorfosis adalah suatu proses dari seekor ulat untuk menjadi hewan yang baru (fase
sempurna), pada kasus ini adalah kupu-kupu. Prosesnya terjadi secara sederhana namun
membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama. Pertama, dimulai dari sebuah telur yang diletakkan
oleh seekor kupu-kupu pada sebuah daun (biasanya daun pohon jeruk atau pohon yang
lainnya), daun ini bertujuan sebagai makanan bagi ulat sampai ia menjadi dewasa ketika nanti
saatnya datang untuk menjadi pupa/kepompong dan dalam beberapa hari akan menjadi kupu-

Telur yang diletakkan oleh kupu-kupu akan menetas dalam 3-5 hari. Kemudian menjadi
larva. Larva akan berjalan ke pinggiran daun tumbuhan inang dan mulai memakannya.
Kebanyakan larva memakan cangkang telur kosong miliknya sebagai makanan pertama.
Kulit terluar dari larva tidak meregang mengikuti pertumbuhannya, tapi kulitnya akan
menjadi sangat ketat saat larva akan berganti kulit. Larva berganti kulit (molting) sebanyak 4-
6 kali selama hidupnya.

Ketika larva mencapai pertumbuhan maksimal, larva akan berhenti makan, berjalan untuk
mencari tempat berlindung, melekatkan diri pada ranting atau daun dengan anyaman benang.
Larva telah memasuki masa pre-pupa dan untuk terakhir kalinya ia berganti kulit untuk
membentuk pupa (kepompong). Pupa biasanya keras, halus, dan dalam bentuk struktur tanpa

bagian tubuh. Biasanya pupa berwarna hijau, coklat atau mengikuti warna sekitarnya.
Pembentukan kupu-kupu di dalam pupa biasanya berlangsung selama 7-20 hari tergantung
pada spesiesnya.

Setelah keluar dari pupa, kupu-kupu akan merangkak ke atas sehingga sayapnya yang masih
lemah, kusut dan sedikit basah dapat menggantung ke bawah dan mengembang secara
normal. Segera setelah sayapnya kering, mengembang dan kuat, sayapnya akan mulai
membuka dan menutup beberapa kali dan kupu-kupu akan mencoba untuk terbang.


B. Conclusion
Explanatory text is the text or article containing the "why" and "how" of a phenomenon
can occur, either natural phenomena or social phenomena. Each text in Indonesian has a
structure, purpose, characteristics and how to prepare different. Explanatory text text text
almost similar to the others but after surgery we can see clearly the difference of each text.



Alhamdulillah, all praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT for all the
abundance of His grace and grace so that the writer can complete the task of the English
subject entitled "Procedure Text".

Salutation with greetings to our Great Prophet Muhammad SAW that changed our
mindset from the mindset of ignorance to the Islamic mindset as we feel today.

On this occasion the author expressed his appreciation and profound thanks to:

1. Mr. Isnarli Yanto, S.Pd as a supervisor in the field of English studies as well as giving
motivation and direction to the author.

2. And for your comrades in force from 2019/2020 who are not bored to give
encouragement and encouragement to the author, the author says thousands of thanks
for everything.

Through this task we are expected to understand this paper. The paper that we made is
of course still lacking, therefore we expect constructive suggestions and input for the
perfection of this paper.

Finally, we express our gratitude to all parties who have participated in the
preparation of this paper from the beginning to the end. May Allah SWT always bless our

Labuhanhaji, March 11, 2019


Group 8





A. Background 1

B. Problem Formulation 1


1. Definition of explanatory text 2

2. Structure of explanatory text 2

3. Language ELements 2

4. The explanatory text linguistic characteristic 2

5. Types of expl;anatory text 3

6. Example of explanatory 4


A. Conclusion 8



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