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Ansis ( 5 – Maret – 2019 )


- Delay : ditahan tapi tidak melakukan apa2

- Seize delay release
- Delay Type :
- Expression : klik kanan untuk membuat expresi baru
- Allocation
o Value Added :
o Non – Value Added : Tidak ada nilai tambah
- Non value added (waste)
o Unnecessary processing or steps in a process
o Transporting materials or information over long distances
o Delay / rating ( ex : mengalami kerugian gara gara delay )
o Idle inventory . resources (ex : kelebihan staff)
o Unnecessary ir excessive motion / movement of staff
o Rework /fixing defects that should not have occurred in the first place
o Producing more than needed to meet demand
o Underutilization of staff, their knowledge and/ or skills
- Transfer

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