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Received: 1 August 2016

| Revised: 25 January 2017

| Accepted: 30 January 2017
DOI 10.1111/psyp.12860


Testing food-related inhibitory control to high- and low-calorie

food stimuli: Electrophysiological responses to high-calorie food
stimuli predict calorie and carbohydrate intake

Kaylie A. Carbine1 | Edward Christensen2 | James D. LeCheminant2 |

Bruce W. Bailey2 | Larry A. Tucker2 | Michael J. Larson1,3

Department of Psychology, Brigham
Young University, Provo, Utah
2 Maintaining a healthy diet has important implications for physical and mental health.
Department of Exercise Sciences,
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah One factor that may influence diet and food consumption is inhibitory control—the
Neuroscience Center, Brigham Young
ability to withhold a dominant response in order to correctly respond to environ-
University, Provo, Utah mental demands. We examined how N2 amplitude, an ERP that reflects inhibitory
control processes, differed toward high- and low-calorie food stimuli and related to
Correspondence food intake. A total of 159 participants (81 female; M age 5 23.5 years; SD 5 7.6)
Michael J. Larson, Ph.D., Department of completed two food-based go/no-go tasks (one with high-calorie and one with low-
Psychology and Neuroscience Center,
calorie food pictures as no-go stimuli) while N2 amplitude was recorded. Participants
Brigham Young University, 244 TLRB,
Provo, UT 84602, USA.
recorded food intake using the Automated Self-Administered 24-hour Dietary Recall
Email: system. Inhibiting responses toward high-calorie stimuli elicited a larger (i.e., more
negative) no-go N2 amplitude; inhibiting responses toward low-calorie stimuli eli-
Funding information cited a smaller no-go N2 amplitude. Participants were more accurate during the high-
Brigham Young University Mentored calorie than low-calorie task, but took longer to respond on go trials toward high-
Environment Grant, Brigham Young
calorie rather than low-calorie stimuli. When controlling for age, gender, and BMI,
University College of Family, Home, and
Social Sciences
larger high-calorie N2 difference amplitude predicted lower caloric intake (b 5 0.17);
low-calorie N2 difference amplitude was not related to caloric intake (b 5 20.03).
Exploratory analyses revealed larger high-calorie N2 difference amplitude predicted
carbohydrate intake (b 5 0.22), but not protein (b 5 0.08) or fat (b 5 0.11) intake.
Results suggest that withholding responses from high-calorie foods requires increased
recruitment of inhibitory control processes, which may be necessary to regulate food
consumption, particularly for foods high in calories and carbohydrates.

ASA24, ERPs, food intake, food-related inhibitory control, N2

1 | INTRODUCTION global deaths; World Health Organization [WHO], 2013),

are also significantly influenced by diet (Bazzano et al.,
Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for sustaining physical 2002, 2014; Keogh, 2013; Walker, 2013). Furthermore, diet-
and mental health. For example, a healthy diet reduces the related health risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high
risk for Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and depression (Kastorini cholesterol, and obesity, account for 19% of global deaths
& Panagiotakos, 2009; Kumanyika, Jeffery, Morabia, Riten- (WHO, 2009). The importance of maintaining a healthy diet
baugh, & Antipatis, 2002; Lai et al., 2014; Rahati, Shahraki, has become enough of a public health concern that the WHO
Arjomand, & Shahraki, 2014). Cardiovascular diseases, has issued a global strategy on how to improve diet (World
which are the number one cause of death worldwide (31% of Health Assembly, 2004).

Psychophysiology. 2017;1–16 V

C 2017 Society for Psychophysiological Research | 1

Multiple factors influence diet and food consumption, suggesting participants had to recruit more cognitive resour-
such as portion control and serving sizes (Smith & Ditschun, ces to inhibit their response toward food cues. Their study
2009), visibility and convenience (Painter, Wansink, & Hieg- shows promise that ERPs can be used as neurological meas-
gelke, 2002), accessibility and availability in food retail ures of food-related inhibitory control. As noted previously,
(White, 2007), activities (e.g., watching TV, listening to studies utilizing surveys and behavioral measures suggest
music; Stroebele & de Castro, 2006), hormones (Begg & that individuals may require more inhibitory control when
Woods, 2013), and social influences (Herman, Roth, & inhibiting toward rewarding/palatable foods that are high in
Polivy, 2003; Vartanian, Spanos, Herman, & Polivy, 2015). fat and sugar compared to unappetizing foods (Appelhans
One aspect that may relate to food intake, but is less under- et al., 2011; Hall, 2012), but these possibilities have not been
stood, is inhibitory control toward food and food cues. Inhib- examined from a neural perspective. Therefore, it is neces-
itory control is defined as one’s ability to withhold a sary to understand how neural manifestations of inhibitory
dominant response in order to correctly respond to environ- control may differ depending on the type of food presented.
mental demands or task-relevant information (Ko & Miller, One aim of our study is to examine how neural indices of
2013). Inhibitory control may relate to food intake in multi- food-related inhibitory control, as measured by N2 ERP
ple ways, such as inhibiting the generally automatic response amplitude, may differ toward pictures of high- and low-
to eat palatable foods, not acting on spontaneous food crav- calorie foods.
ings, or refraining from overeating in response to emotional In addition to understanding how food-related inhibition
states (Blundell & Gillett, 2001; Davis et al., 2007; Guerrieri, may vary toward high- and low-calorie foods, it is also
Nederkoorp, Stankiewicz et al., 2007; Jasinska et al., 2012). important to establish how neural indices of inhibition relate
Behavioral measures of inhibitory control (e.g., reaction to food intake. The relationship between neural indices of
times, accuracy) are negatively correlated with weight, sug- inhibitory control and food intake has rarely been examined.
gesting that individuals with reduced inhibitory control may In the fMRI literature, increased activation in the dorsal lat-
have difficulty withholding from palatable foods, particularly eral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) when viewing hedonic food
those high in fat and sugar (Appelhans et al., 2011; Hall, images (e.g., cake, cookies, pastries) was related to decreased
2012; Vainik, Dagher, Dube, & Fellows, 2013). Self-report caloric intake when meals were presented ad libitum style
and behavioral measures of impulsivity also reveal that indi- (Cornier, Salzberg, Endly, Bessessen, & Tregellas, 2010).
viduals with higher impulsivity tend to eat more when pre- Direct activation of the DLPFC has also been related to
sented with food (Guerrieri, Nederkoorn, & Jansen, 2007; reduced self-reported cravings and fewer calories consumed
Guerrieri Nederkoorn, Stankiewicz et al., 2007; Jansen et al., from foods presented ad libitum (Lapenta, Sierve, de Mac-
2009). edo, Fregni, & Boggio, 2014).
In addition to behavioral and self-report measures, under- We are not aware of any studies that directly relate ERP
standing the neural mechanisms associated with food-related indices of inhibitory control to food intake either in con-
inhibitory control can help elucidate the relationship between trolled (i.e., laboratory) or naturalistic settings. Our second
inhibitory control and food intake. One way to observe neu- aim, therefore, was to examine the relationship between N2
ral indicators of inhibitory control is through ERPs. ERPs amplitude toward high- and low-calorie food cues and food
are scalp-recorded changes of the brain’s electrical activity intake. The relationship between ERP indices of inhibition
that reflect neural processing of stimuli. The amplitude of an and food intake is important to examine in order to determine
ERP waveform fluctuates due to the strength of a presented if experimental paradigms and technologies used in research
stimulus or depending on how an individual responds to the labs can provide researchers with valid information about
stimulus (Luck, 2005). One ERP that reflects inhibitory con- real-world eating behavior. Once validity is established with
trol is the N2, which is a negative-going deflection in the eating behaviors, indices such as the N2 ERP that reflect
ERP waveform that peaks 200–350 ms after the onset of a neural processing of food cues may be used to strengthen
stimulus and is associated with competing response options health and diet interventions by seeing what interventions
or the inhibition of a response (Folstein & Van Petten, affect food-related inhibition and potentially food intake, as
2008). The amplitude of the N2 is more negative when an well as to determine if inhibitory control can be directly
individual suppresses a dominant response toward a stimu- trained as a potential diet-related intervention.
lus, supporting the idea that the N2 is an indicator of inhibi- As foods high in calories (e.g., foods high in fat and
tory control processes (Folstein & Van Petten, 2008). sugar) may require more inhibitory control (Appelhans et al.,
In regard to food-related inhibitory control and ERPs, 2011; Hall, 2012), we first hypothesized that inhibiting
Watson and Garvey (2013) found that N2 amplitude was responses toward high-calorie food pictures would elicit
larger (i.e., more negative) when females had to inhibit larger (i.e., more negative) N2 amplitudes compared to low-
responses toward food stimuli relative to nonfood stimuli, calorie foods. Second, given the absence of previous studies
| 3

TAB LE 1 Demographic information and questionnaires Baldwin, & Larson, 2013; Schimmel, 1967), and 2 for mis-
understanding task instructions (i.e., withheld from go stim-
Mean SD Range
uli and responded to no-go stimuli). The final sample
Age (years) 23.51 7.62 18–55 included 159 participants (81 [51%] female) aged 18–55
BMI (kg/m2) 24.24 6.54 15.90–51.44 years (M age 5 23.51; SD 5 7.62; see Table 1 for full demo-
graphic information).
Education (years) 14.46 2.13 11–22

DEBQ-Emotional scale 2.45 0.68 1.00–4.17

2.2 | Experimental protocol
DEBQ-External scale 3.32 0.58 1.10–4.70
The study protocol is outlined in Figure 1. All participants
G-FCQ-S-Total score 49.00 8.44 19–71
were instructed to get at least 7 hr of sleep the night before
VAS-Current hunger 5.56 2.12 0.00–9.85 participating and refrain from vigorous physical activity 24 hr
VAS-Fullness (reverse scored) 7.50 1.93 1.60–10.00
before in order to control for potential confounding effects
due to differing amounts of sleep (St-Onge, Wolfe, Sy,
VAS-Desire to eat 5.51 2.21 0.30–9.60 Shechter, & Hirsch, 2014) and exercise (Hanlon, Larson,
VAS-How much could eat 6.06 1.67 0.50–10.00 Bailey, & LeCheminant, 2012). Participants were also asked
to refrain from consuming caffeine 24 hr before participation.
VAS-Urge to eat 5.31 2.13 0.00–9.50
To control for hunger levels, participants were asked to
VAS-Preoccupation 3.99 2.20 0.00–9.00 stop eating and drinking (except water) by 9 pm the night
before if individuals reported to the lab during morning
VAS-Total 5.66 1.65 2.00–8.80
hours (i.e., 7–10 am) and 4 hr before participation if individ-
Note. For education, 12 completed high school. DEBQ 5 Dutch Behavior Eat- uals reported during evening hours (i.e., 7–10 pm). Such
ing Questionnaire; G-FCQ-S 5 General Food-Cravings Questionnaire, State
scale; VAS 5 visual analog scale.
fasting requirements allowed us to observe neural responses
to food cues when participants were about to consume their
next meal, as we aimed to model regular eating patterns. In
relating N2 amplitude to calorie consumption, we tested addition, having all participants fast controlled for caloric
competing hypotheses that either (a) individuals with larger
N2 amplitudes are less efficient at resisting environmental
Report to lab between 7-10am or 7-10pm
food cues and will eat more, or (b) individuals with larger
N2 amplitudes are more successful at resisting environmental
food cues and will eat less. Written consent and confirm sleep, exercise, and fasting requirements.

Complete demographics questionnaire, DEBQ, and G-FCQ-S.

2.1 | Participants
Complete 6 VAS hunger questions
Participants were recruited via flyers posted in the commu-
nity and from undergraduate classes recruited for course
credit. All participants were native English speakers, psy-
EEG Protocol- Complete following tasks in counterbalanced fashion:
chiatrically healthy, and had no chronic or metabolic dis-
-High-calorie task (no-go stimuli = high-calorie foods; go stimuli = low-calorie foods)
eases. Participants were excluded if they reported a head
-Low-calorie task (no-go stimuli = low-calorie foods; go stimuli = high-calorie foods)
injury resulting in loss of consciousness, use of recreational
drugs, or were pregnant or lactating. Exclusion criteria were
assessed via phone calls from trained research assistants prior Complete first ASA24 dietary recall in the lab
to study participation and confirmed during study participa-
tion using a demographic questionnaire. Data were initially
collected from 181 participants that met inclusion criteria. Complete a minimum of three more ASA24 recalls after lab session:
Five participants were subsequently excluded due to com- -One for the day they reported to the lab
puter malfunction during data acquisition, 13 for fewer than
-At least one randomly assigned weekday
20 useable ERP trials for each condition (Leue, Klein,
-One randomly assigned weekend
Lange, & Beauducel, 2013; Rietdijk, Franken, & Thurik,
2014), 2 for noisy ERP data (i.e., noise levels > 2; Clayson, FIGURE 1 Experimental protocol

TAB LE 2 Means and standard deviations (SD) for food data unaware of what days they would be recording until they
were asked via text message the following day to record the
Mean SD Range
previous day’s food intake.
Calories 2,191.61 710.19 969.21–4,347.29

Carbohydrates (grams) 271.75 88.41 104.50–511.44 2.3 | Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire
Protein (grams) 83.58 39.72 24.23–370.57 The DEBQ is a 33-item survey that assesses restrained, exter-
Fat (grams) 87.98 34.64 35.01–233.23 nal, and emotional eating styles (van Strien, Frijters, Bergers,
& Defares, 1986). Original development of the DEBQ
resulted in a four-factor (i.e., restrained, external, diffuse emo-
intake, which may influence neural responses to food cues. tions, clearly labeled emotions) structure, but follow-up analy-
Hunger levels were quantified by averaging across six visual ses have also supported a reliable three-factor (i.e., restrained,
analog scales (VAS; see below). An independent samples t external, emotional) structure (Wardle, 1987). Factors on the
test between morning and evening participants indicated DEBQ demonstrated strong internal consistency when exam-
greater levels of hunger in evening participants, M 5 ined in men, women, obese, and lean individuals (Cronbach’s
6.20 cm, SD 5 1.69, than individuals in the morning, alphas > .79; Wardle, 1987). The DEBQ has accurately iden-
M 5 5.46 cm, SD 5 1.60, t(154) 5 2.52, p 5 .01, d 5 0.45. tified characteristic eating styles in women dieting or with
However, overall hunger levels did not correlate with go or anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa (Wardle, 1987) and pre-
no-go N2 amplitudes on the high- or low-calorie tasks (all dicts weight gain over a 3-year time period (Tucker & Bates,
rs < |.09|, all ps > .27), suggesting differences in hunger do 2009), supporting its external validity. The DEBQ was scored
not relate to N2 amplitude. As time of day was not a variable following the three-factor structure by averaging across items
of interest and hunger differences between time of day were in each of the three factors for factor scores.
not related to N2 amplitude, we collapsed across time of day
for all subsequent data analyses.
2.4 | General Food-Cravings Questionnaire,
Upon arrival at the lab, participants provided written con-
State scale
sent and verbally confirmed completion of the sleep, exer-
cise, caffeine, and fasting requirements described above. If The G-FCQ-S is a 15-item survey that measures current
participants did not meet the study requirements, they were cravings for food via factors that may perpetuate those crav-
rescheduled to participate at another time when they fol- ings, such as preoccupation and lack of control toward food
lowed study instructions. Participants then completed a or reward value of food (Nijs, Franken, & Muris, 2007).
demographic survey, the Dutch Eating Behavior Question- Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses show the five
naire (DEBQ), and the General Food-Cravings Question- factors of the G-FCQ-S explain 80% of the total variance
naire, State scale (G-FCQ-S, see Table 1 for scores). Hunger with a Cronbach’s alpha of .92–.93 (Nijs, Franken, & Muris,
was then assessed using six VAS items, which asked about 2007). Scores on the G-FCQ-S were significantly higher
current levels of hunger, fullness (reverse scored), desire to when participants were deprived of food compared to sati-
eat, how much you could eat, urge to eat, and preoccupation ation, confirming the validity of the G-FCQ-S as an indicator
with thoughts of food (see Table 1). Each VAS consisted of of state food cravings (Nijs et al., 2007). The G-FCQ-S was
a 100-mm (10 cm) line, anchored from not at all to scored by summing items in each of the five factors for fac-
extremely on each end (Blundell et al., 2010; Stratton et al., tor scores and summing across all items for an overall score.
1998). VAS measurements reliably and consistently predict The G-FCQ-S was chosen as opposed to the trait scale in
meal initiation, amount eaten, and are sensitive to experimen- order to better examine current food cravings in relation to
tal manipulations (Stubbs et al., 2000). current neural responses to food.
Participants then completed two food go/no-go tasks, in
a counterbalanced fashion, while wearing a 128-channel
2.5 | Go/no-go tasks
EEG sensor net (see below). Finally, participants reported
the food they had eaten the previous day using the Auto- During EEG data collection, participants completed two food
mated Self-Administered 24-hour Dietary Recall (ASA24; go/no-go tasks in order to elicit the N2 ERP component and
National Cancer Institute [NCI], 2014). Additionally, partici- assess inhibitory control toward high- and low-calorie foods.
pants completed a minimum of three more dietary recalls In the high-calorie task, participants were instructed to
after their lab session, one for the day they reported to the respond with a button press when they saw pictures of low-
lab, at least one randomly assigned weekday, and one ran- calorie foods (go stimuli) and inhibit responses when they
domly assigned weekend (see Table 2). Participants were saw pictures of high-calorie foods (no-go stimuli). In the
| 5

low-calorie task, participants were instructed to do the oppo- amplitude between 200 and 300 ms (Clayson et al., 2013).
site and respond when they saw pictures of high-calorie ERP data were averaged across four frontocentral electrode
foods (go stimuli) and inhibit when they saw pictures of sites (6, 7, 107, Cz) to improve reliability of the signal rela-
low-calorie foods (no-go stimuli). Task order was counter- tive to using only a single electrode (Clayson & Larson,
balanced across participants. For each task, there were two 2013; see Larson, Farrer, & Clayson, 2011, for electrode
blocks of 100 trials, 70 of which were go trials and 30 were montage). Electrode locations were chosen to be consistent
no-go trials to establish a prepotency to responding to go tri- with multiple previous studies from our lab using the N2
als. Pictures were presented for 500 ms, with a random inter- (e.g., Clawson, Clayson, & Larson, 2013; Clayson, Clawson,
stimulus interval fixation cross that varied between 1,200 & Larson, 2011; Clayson & Larson, 2012, 2013) and were
and 1,400 ms. chosen a priori. For the final sample of 159 participants, the
Sixty high-calorie and 60 low-calorie food pictures were number of useable no-go trials ranged from 25–68 trials
provided from Killgore and colleagues (2003), who have (M 5 49.28, SD 5 7.08) and useable go trials ranged from
used the pictures in multiple papers (e.g., Killgore & 35–150 trials (M 5 128.70, SD 5 13.02).
Yurgelun-Todd, 2005, 2007; Killgore et al, 2013). Prior to
this study, 26 separate participants from the undergraduate
2.7 | ASA24 dietary recalls
research participant pool rated the 120 pictures as either
high- or low-calorie foods. Only pictures that were accu- The ASA24 (NCI, 2014) is an online automated multiple-pass
rately categorized as high- or low-calorie foods 95% of the dietary recall system where participants record their food
time or better were used in the final tasks, resulting in 38 pic- intake for the previous day. Automated multiple-pass dietary
tures for each category (Christensen, 2014). The low-calorie recalls have been shown to be fairly accurate and deal well
food images consisted of 13 vegetables (e.g., carrots, broc- with underreporting of food intake (Moshfegh et al.,
coli) and 25 fruits (e.g., apples, oranges). The high-calorie 2008). The ASA24 has been validated against interviewer-
food images consisted of 16 desserts (e.g., cake, ice cream), administered multiple-pass recalls in terms of accuracy of the
15 high-calorie dinner meals (e.g., hamburgers, hot dogs), food recall (Kirkpatrick et al., 2014). As previously men-
and 7 high-calorie breakfast meals (e.g., waffles, pancakes). tioned, participants were instructed to record their food intake
for a minimum of four times over the course of the study: one
during the lab session for the previous day, one for the day
2.6 | EEG data acquisition and analyses
they reported to the lab, at least one randomly assigned week-
EEG data were recorded using a high-density 128-channel day (i.e., Monday–Thursday), and one randomly assigned
EEG sensor net and Electrical Geodesics, Inc. amplifier sys- weekend (i.e., Friday–Sunday). If participants recorded less
tem (20K nominal gain, band-pass 5 0.10–100 Hz). During than 130% of their resting metabolic rate (calculated using the
collection, EEG data were referenced to the vertex electrode, Harris & Benedict, 1918, equation), they were contacted by
digitized continuously at 250 Hz, and electrode impedance telephone and their logs reviewed with them to ensure accu-
was maintained at 50 kX or less per manufacturer recom- racy of the recording. If inaccurate, participants were asked to
mendations. Data were subsequently average-referenced and record another randomized day. Resting metabolic rate is
digitally low-pass filtered at 30 Hz. Eyeblinks were removed defined as the necessary energy required to perform vital
using independent components analysis (ICA) in the ERP body functions at rest and has been identified as the main con-
PCA Toolkit (Dien, 2010). If ICA components correlated at tributor to total energy expenditure (Sabounchi, Rahmandad,
.9 or higher with two blink templates (one generated by cur- & Ammerman, 2013). Therefore, if participants indicated that
rent data and one provided by ERP PCA Toolkit), they were they were not consuming enough calories for basic body func-
removed from the data (Dien, Michelson, & Franklin, 2010). tions and energy expenditure, it was important to contact
Channels were defined as bad if the fast average amplitude them to ensure their food recordings were correct. Average
exceeded 100 microvolts (lV) or if the differential average caloric intake was calculated for participants who successfully
amplitude exceeded 50 lV, as recommended by the author recorded at least 2 days of food intake (see Table 2), as some
and creator of the ERP Toolkit (Dien, 2010). data were lost due to ASA24 malfunctions (e.g., total calories
ERP data were segmented into epochs from 200 ms prior were not calculated) or participants not completing their
to stimulus onset to 400 ms after stimulus onset. Epochs make-up recall. If only one day was successfully recorded,
were baseline adjusted using the 200-ms window prior to that day’s caloric intake was used in place of the average
stimulus onset. As the N2 consistently peaks around 200– (n 5 5). Excluding the five participants who recorded one day
350 ms after the onset of a stimulus (Clayson & Larson, did not change any patterns of significance. Therefore, all par-
2013; Folstein & Van Petten, 2008), N2 amplitudes were ticipants remained in the analyses for completeness of data
extracted from an a priori determined window as the mean (Gelman & Loken, 2014).

2.8 | Statistical analyses eating has not been suggested as a determinant of food-
related inhibitory control. All analyses were performed using
To test the first hypothesis that indices of inhibitory control SPSS 23 software.
differ by high- and low-calorie food stimuli, 2 Task (high-
calorie, low-calorie) 3 2 Trial (go, no-go) repeated measures
analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used to assess differ- 2.9 | Power analyses
ences in accuracy and N2 amplitude toward high- and low- Power analyses are not commonly reported in ERP literature,
calorie foods. The Greenhouse-Geisser correction was used but are important to help improve the rigor of scientific
for violations of sphericity, and partial eta squared (hp2) is research and ensure sample sizes are adequate to detect
reported as a measure of effect size. Correlations among effects of interest (Larson & Carbine, 2017). To calculate the
residuals are reported for future power analyses (see Larson sample size needed to test our first hypothesis (i.e., differen-
& Carbine, 2017). Differences in correct go-trial mean reac- ces in inhibitory control toward high- and low-calorie foods),
tion times (RTs) during the high- and low-calorie tasks were we conducted a one group, two repeated measures, within-
analyzed using within-subject paired samples t test. Within- factors power analyses in G*Power (v3.1) based on Watson
subject Cohen’s d is reported as a measure of effect size. and Garvey’s (2013) observed effect between food and non-
To test the second hypothesis if N2 amplitude predicts food N2 no-go amplitude (hp2 5 .05, which was converted
caloric intake, we conducted two multiple linear regressions into an F effect size of .23). Correlations among repeated
with age, sex (male 5 0, female 5 1), body mass index measures was set to a conservative .4, as the correlation was
(BMI), and either high- or low-calorie N2 difference ampli- not reported in Watson and Garvey. To achieve 95% power,
tude predicting caloric intake. Standardized betas from the at least 77 participants were needed to detect the effects of
interest (alpha 5 .05). As we are unaware of any multiple lin-
regression analyses are reported. High-calorie N2 difference
ear regression analyses relating N2 amplitude to caloric intake,
amplitude was calculated as no-go minus go trial amplitude
we followed the recommendations of Green (1991; 104 plus
on the high-calorie task (i.e., when inhibiting toward high- the number of predictors for testing individual predictors) to
calorie images). Low-calorie N2 difference amplitude was calculate the sample size needed for our second hypothesis.
calculated as no-go minus go trial amplitude on the low- Assuming a medium-sized relationship, at least 108 participants
calorie task (i.e., when inhibiting toward low-calorie images). are needed to detect the effects of interest based on this rule of
For the N2 difference amplitudes, more negative numbers thumb. Thus, we are more than adequately powered to detect
reflect a larger inhibitory response. As high- and low-calorie the effects of interest with our current sample size.
N2 difference amplitudes are significantly correlated (r 5
2.28, p < .001), we entered them in separate models to
ensure results were not affected by multicollinearity. It is
important to note that we did not include hunger levels
3.1 | Hypothesis 1: Inhibitory control toward
(measured by VAS) in the regression equations, as VAS
high- and low-calorie stimuli
scores reflected current hunger levels but our outcome of
interest was average caloric intake across multiple days.
3.1.1 | ERP data
However, as previously noted, hunger levels were not related
to N2 amplitudes during the high- or low-calorie task. Var- Grand-averaged ERP waveforms for go trials, no-go trials, and
iance inflation factor (VIF) scores are reported as measures difference waves (no-go minus go trials) for the high- and low-
of multicollinearity and adjusted R2, DR2, and Cohen’s f 2 are calorie tasks are presented in Figure 2a–c; scalp distributions
reported as measures of effect sizes. for high- and low-calorie task no-go trials and the high- and
Finally, as food-related inhibitory control may be influ- low-calorie task difference waves are presented in Figure 3.
enced by cravings, emotional eating, and palatable food cues For Hypothesis 1, as expected, there was a main effect for trial
(Blundell & Gillett, 2001; Davis et al., 2007; Guerrieri, type, with no-go trials eliciting a larger (i.e., more negative) N2
Nederkoorn, Stankiewicz et al., 2007; Jasinska et al., 2012), amplitude than go trials, collapsed across the high- and low-
we conducted exploratory analyses (at a p 5 .01 significance calorie tasks, F(1, 158) 5 14.01, p < .001, hp2 5 .08 (see Table
level to adjust for number of comparisons) to see if N2 dif- 3 for mean and standard deviations for all ERP amplitudes; see
ference amplitudes correlated with self-reports of cravings Table 4 for correlations between residuals). There was no main
(G-FCQ-S total score), emotional eating (DEBQ emotional effect for high- versus low-calorie task collapsed across go and
eating subscale), or external eating (DEBQ external eating no-go trial types, F(1, 158) 5 1.00, p 5 .32, hp2 5 .01.
subscale). The DEBQ restrained eating subscale was not The Task 3 Trial interaction was significant, F(1, 158) 5
examined because, although highly restrained eaters tend to 55.03, p < .001, hp2 5 .26. Post hoc paired samples t tests
overeat when they have lower levels of inhibitory control revealed that no-go N2 amplitude was more negative during the
(Jansen et al., 2009; Price, Lee, & Higgs, 2016), restrained high-calorie task (i.e., when inhibiting responses toward high-
| 7

(a) High-Calorie Task: No-Go Trials (b) Low-Calorie Task: No-Go Trials
1 High-Calorie Task: Go Trials 1 Low-Calorie Task: Go Trials

Amplitude (µV)
Amplitude (µV)
0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

N2 N2
-3 -3
-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400
Time (ms) Time (ms)


Amplitude (µV)


-2 High- Calorie Task: GNG Difference

Low-Calorie Task: GNG Difference

-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400
Time (ms)
F I G U R E 2 (a) N2 amplitudes during the high-calorie task by trial type. (b) N2 amplitudes during the low-calorie task by trial type. (c) N2 difference
wave (no-go minus go trials) for the high- and low-calorie tasks

calorie stimuli) than during the low-calorie task (i.e., when no-go trials, collapsed across the high- and low-calorie tasks,
inhibiting responses toward low-calorie stimuli, t(158) 5 2 F(1, 144) 5 214.13, p < .001, hp2 5 .60 (see Table 3; see
2.94, p 5 .004, dz 5 .23). Go N2 amplitude was more negative Table 5 for correlations between residuals). There was also a
during low-calorie task (i.e., when responding to high-calorie main effect of task, with individuals being more accurate on
foods) than the high-calorie task (i.e., when responding to low- the high-calorie task than the low-calorie task, collapsed
calorie foods, t(158) 5 5.10, p < .001, dz 5 .41). Additionally, across trial type, F(1, 144) 5 6.56, p 5 .01, hp2 5 .04. The
no-go N2 amplitude was more negative than go N2 amplitude Task 3 Trial interaction was not significant, F(1, 144) 5
during the high-calorie task, t(158) 5 8.07, p < .001, dz 5 .68, 3.03, p 5 .08, hp2 5 .02. Correct go trial mean RTs (note that
whereas go N2 amplitude was more negative than no-go N2 there are only RTs for go trials as participants were asked to
amplitude during the low-calorie task, t(158) 5 3.39, p 5 .001, inhibit responses for no-go trials) were significantly faster
dz 5 .28 (see Figure 2a,b). In sum, inhibiting responses toward during the high-calorie task (i.e., when responding to low-
high-calorie foods on the high-calorie task elicited a larger calorie stimuli) than the low-calorie task (i.e., when respond-
inhibitory response, as indicated by a larger no-go N2 ampli- ing to high-calorie stimuli, t(144) 5 8.12, p < .001, dz 5 .67;
tude. However, inhibiting responses toward low-calorie foods see Table 2). Overall, individuals were more accurate when
on the low-calorie task did not elicit an inhibitory response, as having to inhibit responses toward high-calorie food cues,
indicated by a smaller no-go N2 amplitude. but were slower when having to respond toward high-calorie
food cues.
As results indicated a larger inhibitory response toward
3.1.2 | Behavioral data
high-calorie food stimuli and slower RTs to high-calorie
For accuracy, there was a main effect for trial type as stimuli, we conducted follow-up zero-order correlations at a
expected—individuals were more accurate on go trials than significance level of p 5 .01 (to reduce Type I error) to see if

High-Calorie Task: No-Go Trials Low-Calorie Task: No-Go Trials

High-Calorie Task: No-Go minus Go Difference Low-Calorie Task: No-Go minus Go Difference

F I G U R E 3 Scalp distributions for high-calorie task no-go trials, low-calorie task no-go trials, and the corresponding no-go minus go trial difference
on the high- and low-calorie tasks

neural responses to food cues related to the differences seen 3.2 | Hypothesis 2: Predicting caloric intake
in RTs. Mean go trial RTs toward high-calorie stimuli were
positively correlated with high-calorie N2 difference ampli- To test Hypothesis 2, age, sex, BMI, and high-calorie N2 dif-
tude (r 5 .25, p 5 .002). In other words, the larger inhibitory ference amplitude (i.e., no-go minus go amplitude on the
response there was toward high-calorie food stimuli (i.e., high-calorie task) were entered into a multiple linear regres-
more negative N2 difference amplitude), the faster individu- sion predicting caloric intake (see Table 6). The model met
als correctly responded toward high-calorie food stimuli. basic assumptions for multicollinearity, and was acceptable
Mean go trial RTs toward low-calorie stimuli were not corre- for homoscedasticity and normality of residuals. Age
lated with low-calorie N2 difference amplitude (r 5 2.15, (b 5 0.04, p 5 .56) and BMI (b 5 0.09, p 5 .22) did not sig-
p 5 .08; see Figure 4a,b).1 nificantly predict caloric intake. Sex predicted caloric intake
(b 5 20.47, p < .001), with females consuming fewer calo-
ries than males. High-calorie N2 difference amplitude also
After examining scatter plots (see Figure 4a,b), three RTs were identi- predicted caloric intake (b 5 0.18, p 5 .01), where individu-
fied as potential outliers for both the high- and low-calorie tasks. After als with more negative N2 difference amplitudes (i.e., a
removing the outliers, RTs toward high-calorie stimuli were still posi-
tively correlated (at p 5 .01 level) with high-calorie N2 difference ampli- not significantly correlated with low-calorie N2 difference amplitude
tude (r 5 .24, p 5 .004), and RTs toward low-calorie stimuli were still (r 5 2.17, p 5 .04).
| 9

TAB LE 3 Means and standard deviations (SD) for ERP and p 5 .01 significance level to see if the increase in caloric
behavioral data intake was driven by an increase in carbohydrate, protein, or
fat consumption (all measured in grams broken down by
Mean SD Range
ASA24 reporting). One participant was excluded from analy-
High-calorie task ses, as macronutrient data could not be calculated due to
N2 no-go amplitude (lV) 22.27 2.60 28.50–3.42 ASA24 malfunction. Age, sex, BMI, and high-calorie N2
difference amplitude were entered into three separate multi-
N2 go amplitude (lV) 21.69 2.35 27.23–5.03
ple linear regressions, one predicting carbohydrate intake,
N2 difference amplitude (lV) 20.46 0.74 23.06–1.43 one predicting protein intake, and one predicting fat intake
(see Table 7). Models were acceptable for assumptions of
No-go trial accuracy (%) 87.62 9.19 46.67–100
multicollinearity and homoscedasticity and normality of
Go trial accuracy (%) 97.70 4.88 47.86–100 residuals.
Correct go RTs (ms) 421.77 67.31 287.22–736.50 For carbohydrates, neither age (b 5 20.03, p 5 .74) nor
BMI (b 5 0.03, p 5 .73) significantly predicted intake. Sex
Low-calorie task
predicted carbohydrate intake (b 5 20.39, p < .001), with
N2 no-go amplitude (lV) 21.95 2.41 27.87–4.52 females consuming fewer carbohydrates than males. High-
calorie N2 difference amplitude also predicted carbohydrate
N2 go amplitude (lV) 22.19 2.51 28.48–3.12
intake (b 5 0.22, p 5 .003), where individuals with more
N2 difference amplitude (lV) 0.22 0.77 21.79–3.97 negative high-calorie N2 difference amplitudes (i.e., larger
No-go trial accuracy (%) 85.63 10.36 53.33–100 inhibitory response toward high-calorie foods) consumed
fewer carbohydrates (see Figure 4d).3 For protein, neither
Go trial accuracy (%) 97.31 3.74 71.43–100
age (b 5 0.06, p 5 .45), BMI (b 5 0.09, p 5 .43), nor high-
Correct go RTs (ms) 448.62 62.67 324.09–749.79 calorie N2 difference amplitude (b 5 0.09, p 5 .24) signifi-
cantly predicted intake. Sex predicted protein intake
Note. lV 5 microvolts; N2 difference amplitude 5 no-go amplitude minus go
amplitude. (b 5 20.42, p < .001), with females consuming less protein
than males. Finally, for fat intake, neither age (b 5 0.13,
larger inhibitory response toward high-calorie foods) con- p 5 .10), BMI (b 5 0.06, p 5 .41), nor high-calorie N2 dif-
sumed fewer calories (see Figure 4c).2 ference amplitude (b 5 0.12, p 5 .11) significantly predicted
Age, sex, BMI, and low-calorie N2 difference amplitude intake. Sex predicted fat intake (b 5 20.41, p < .001), with
(i.e., no-go minus go amplitude on the low-calorie task) were females consuming less fat than males. In short, a larger
entered into a separate multiple linear regression predicting inhibitory response toward high-calorie foods was related
caloric intake (see Table 6). The model met basic assump- only to decreased carbohydrate consumption.
tions for multicollinearity and was acceptable for homo-
scedasticity and normality of residuals. Age (b 5 0.06,
p 5 .42), BMI (b 5 0.10, p 5 .21), and low-calorie N2 differ-
ence amplitude (b 5 20.03, p 5 .67) did not predict caloric
3.3 | Exploratory questionnaire analyses
intake. Only sex predicted caloric intake in this model High-calorie N2 difference amplitude was not significantly
(b 5 20.46, p < .001), with females consuming fewer calo- correlated with the G-FCQ-S total score (r 5 .01, p 5 .87),
ries than males. DEBQ emotional eating subscale (r 5 .14, p 5 .08), or
DEBQ external eating subscale (r 5 .09, p 5 .22). Similarly,
low-calorie N2 difference amplitude was not significantly
3.2.1 | Macronutrient regressions
correlated with G-FCQ-S total score (r 5 2.01, p 5 .87),
As high-calorie N2 difference amplitude significantly pre- DEBQ emotional eating subscale (r 5 2.04, p 5 .65), or
dicted caloric intake, we conducted exploratory analyses at DEBQ external eating subscale (r 5 2.05, p 5 .53).

2 3
After examining scatter plots (see Figure 4c), one high-calorie N2 dif- After examining scatter plots (see Figure 4d), one high-calorie N2 dif-
ference value was identified as a potential outlier. Once removed, age ference value was identified as a potential outlier. Once removed, age
(b 5 0.04, p 5 .56) and BMI (b 5 0.09, p 5 .22) still did not signifi- (b 5 20.03, p 5 .73) and BMI (b 5 0.03, p 5 .72) still did not signifi-
cantly predict caloric intake. Sex still predicted caloric intake cantly predict carbohydrate intake. Sex still predicted carbohydrate
(b 5 20.47, p < .001), with females consuming fewer calories. High- intake (b 5 20.39, p < .001), with females consuming fewer carbohy-
calorie N2 difference amplitude still predicted caloric intake (b 5 0.16, drates. High-calorie N2 difference amplitude still predicted carbohydrate
p 5 .03), where individuals with more negative N2 difference amplitudes intake (b 5 0.20, p 5 .008), where individuals with more negative N2
consumed fewer calories. difference amplitudes consumed fewer carbohydrates.

TAB LE 4 Correlations between repeated measures residuals for N2 amplitude

High-calorie High-calorie Low-calorie Low-calorie

task: No-go trials task: Go trials task: No-go trials task: Go trials

High-calorie task: No-go trials 1.00 – – –

High-calorie task: Go trials .94 1.00 – –

Low-calorie task: No-go trials .85 .86 1.00 –

Low-calorie task: Go trials .89 .88 .94 1.00

Note. Dashes indicate no data available.

TAB LE 5 Correlations between repeated measures residuals for percent accuracy

High-calorie High-calorie Low-calorie Low-calorie

task: No-go trials task: Go trials task: No-go trials task: Go trials

High-calorie task: No-go trials 1.00 – – –

High-calorie task: Go trials .02 1.00 – –

Low-calorie task: No-go trials .47 2.07 1.00 –

Low-calorie task: Go trials .10 .04 2.13 1.00

Note. Dashes indicate no data available.

(a) (b)
5 5
High-Calorie N2 Difference

Low-Calorie N2 Difference

4 4
Amplitude (µm)

Amplitude (µm)

2 2
* 1
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Reaction Time (ms) Reaction Time (ms)

(c) (d)
2 2
High-Calorie N2 Difference

High-Calorie N2 Difference

1 1
Amplitude (µm)

Amplitude (µm)

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

* -3
-4 -4
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Calories (kcal) Carbohydrates (grams)
F I G U R E 4 Scatter plots showing the relationships between (a) high-calorie N2 difference amplitude and RTs, (b) low-calorie N2 difference amplitude
and RTs, (c) high-calorie N2 difference amplitude and caloric intake, (d) high-calorie N2 difference amplitude and carbohydrate intake. *Potential outlier
| 11

TAB LE 6 Multiple linear regressions predicting average caloric intake

b t DR2 VIF F df Adj. R2 Cohen’s f2

High-calorie difference N2 amplitude model 14.69*** 4, 154 .28 .39

Age 0.04 0.59 .002 1.17
Sex 20.47 26.76*** .21 1.03
BMI 0.09 1.23 .01 1.18
High-calorie N2 difference amplitude 0.18 2.54** .03 1.02

Low-calorie difference N2 amplitude model 12.61*** 4, 154 .23 .30

Age 0.06 0.82 .003 1.16
Gender 20.46 26.44*** .20 1.03
BMI 0.10 1.27 .01 1.19
Low-calorie N2 difference amplitude 20.03 20.43 .001 1.02

Note. Dependent variable for both models was average caloric intake. VIF 5 variance inflation factor.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

4 | DISCUSSION amplitude and increased accuracy during the high-calorie

task supports the idea that accurately responding to high-
We aimed to understand how neural indices of food-related calorie foods necessitates increased recruitment of inhibi-
inhibitory control differed toward high- and low-calorie tory control processes, possibly due to the more palatable
food cues and if N2 ERP amplitude was related to daily and appetizing nature of high-calorie foods (Appelhans
food intake. Our first hypothesis that there would be a et al., 2011; Hall, 2012).
larger inhibitory response to high-calorie foods was sup- Individuals also had longer RTs when responding to
ported, as we found multiple behavioral and ERP differen- high-calorie foods compared to low-calorie foods, and larger
ces when inhibiting responses toward high- compared to high-calorie N2 difference amplitudes were related to shorter
low-calorie foods. Compared to the low-calorie task, indi- RTs toward high-calorie food stimuli. Research has sug-
viduals had larger no-go N2 amplitudes and increased gested that longer RTs toward high- relative to low-calorie
accuracy on the high-calorie task (i.e., when inhibiting foods indicates increased attention toward high-calorie foods
responses toward high-calorie foods). The larger no-go N2 (Meule & Kubler, 2014). Our results suggest that the

TAB LE 7 Multiple linear regressions predicting average protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake

b t DR2 VIF F df Adj. R2 Cohen’s f2

Protein intake (g) 10.31*** 4, 153 .19 .23

Age 0.06 0.77 .003 1.18
Sex 20.42 25.76*** .17 1.03
BMI 0.09 1.17 .01 1.19
High-calorie N2 difference amplitude 0.09 1.18 .01 1.03

Fat intake (g) 11.28*** 4, 153 .21 .27

Age 0.13 1.68 .01 1.18
Sex 20.41 25.76*** .17 1.03
BMI 0.06 .83 .003 1.19
High-calorie N2 difference amplitude 0.12 1.60 .01 1.03

Carbohydrate intake (g) 9.16*** 4, 153 .17 .20

Age 20.03 20.34 .001 1.18
Sex 20.39 25.32*** .15 1.03
BMI 0.03 .35 .001 1.19
High-calorie N2 difference amplitude 0.22 3.00** .05 1.03

Note. VIF 5 variance inflation factor.

*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

increased recruitment of cognitive resources when process- found a main effect of trial type, with greater inhibitory
ing high-calorie foods not only aids individuals in being control activity during no-go relative to go trials collapsed
more accurate, but may also help them manage their across tasks. Our results indicated the main effect was
increased attention toward high-calorie foods. The longer mainly driven by inhibiting toward high-calorie foods,
RTs when responding to high-calorie foods but increased whereas He and colleagues found no differences between
accuracy when inhibiting toward high-calorie foods sug- inhibiting toward high- and low-calorie food stimuli. It is
gest a speed-accuracy tradeoff (Heitz, 2014; van Maanen, possible that age and developmental differences between
2016), where inhibiting toward high- compared to low- the two samples may account for the discrepancies, as
calorie foods is more demanding, resulting in individuals frontal brain regions involved in inhibitory control proc-
slowing down in order to be more accurate. However, esses are not fully developed in adolescents (Casey et al.,
future research comparing high- and low-calorie go/no-go 1997; Zelazo & Carlson, 2012). Future research should
tasks to a control go/no-go task is needed to further support probably examine how developmental factors may influ-
this conclusion. ence neural processing and distinction between high- and
There was also a Task 3 Trial interaction when examin- low-calorie food cues.
ing N2 amplitude. Inhibiting responses toward high-calorie For our second hypothesis, we found that, when control-
stimuli on the high-calorie task elicited a larger (i.e., more ling for BMI, age, and sex, individuals with larger high-
negative) no-go N2 amplitude compared to go trials, whereas calorie N2 difference amplitudes (i.e., no-go minus go trials
inhibiting responses toward low-calorie stimuli on the low- on the high-calorie task) consumed fewer calories. Results
calorie task resulted in a smaller no-go N2 amplitude com- suggest that high-calorie-specific inhibitory control, as
pared to go trials. Our study adds incremental validity to the opposed to inhibitory control toward food in general, may
literature by comparing inhibitory control toward high- and help regulate food intake (particularly for more appetizing
low-caloric stimuli as opposed to just examining high-calorie and high-calorie foods) and eating habits. Complementing
foods (e.g., Batterink, Yokum, & Stice, 2010; Kakoschke, the behavioral findings and previous research (Cornier et al.,
Kemps, & Tiggemann, 2015; Price et al., 2016; Watson & 2010; Lapenta et al., 2014), individuals who recruit the nec-
Garvey, 2013). The interaction suggests that inhibiting domi- essary cognitive resources to inhibit responses to high-
nant responses to high-calorie foods necessitates increased calorie foods are not only at a task level more accurate, but
recruitment of inhibitory control processes, but inhibiting also more successful in day-to-day life at regulating con-
dominant responses to low-calorie foods does not elicit sumption of foods higher in calories. Our results also show
increased recruitment of inhibitory control processes. In that experimental paradigms and technologies used in
other words, the more appetizing nature of high-calorie foods research labs may be beneficial in examining food-related
may influence why the brain recruits more cognitive resour- inhibitory control, as neural measures can provide valid
ces to withhold automatic responses from high-calorie foods information about real-world eating behavior and habits.
(Appelhans et al., 2011; Hall, 2012). Exploratory analyses revealed that larger high-calorie N2
Our findings demonstrate that the brain may process difference amplitude predicted lower carbohydrate intake,
high- and low-calorie foods differently in terms of inhibi- but not protein or fat intake. Health interventions aimed not
tory control, as just by switching high- and low-calorie only at managing urges to eat foods higher in calories, but
foods as no-go stimuli, neural responses during the two specifically foods higher in carbohydrates, may aid individu-
tasks (which contained the same timings, same pictures, als in regulating their food intake and improving eating hab-
and same ratio of go/no-go trials) changed. Future analyses its. As Watson and Garvey (2013) found that inhibiting
examining if specific palatability ratings or macronutrient responses to food cues relative to neutral pictures elicited a
content of the pictures influence differences in inhibitory larger N2 amplitude only in female participants, controlling
control could also help clarify how the brain processes var- for sex in our model was essential as it showed that, while
ious food cues differently. Another possible interpretation sex does influence eating behaviors, targeting inhibitory con-
for our differences between high- and low-calorie N2 trol processes may still help regulate food intake and eating
amplitudes is that the high-calorie task may be a more habits, regardless of sex. It is also important to note that
valid measure of food-related inhibition, as the high- but measuring caloric and carbohydrate intake was how we
not low-calorie N2 difference amplitude predicted caloric quantified eating habits and behaviors. We believe that inhib-
intake. itory processes may be more involved in regulating eating
We are aware of only one additional study, an fMRI habits and what types of food people eat, not necessarily reg-
study that examined inhibitory control differences between ulating the exact number of calories an individual consumes.
high- and low-calorie food stimuli, but in an adolescent/ Given that this is the first study to show such a relationship
young adult sample. Similar to our results, He et al. (2014) between food consumption and neural indices such as the
| 13

N2, the results are considered tentative, and we recommend or taste tests, could help replicate and confirm our findings.
future research to replicate the N2 amplitude and food Finally, individuals participating in the evening showed
intake/eating behavior regressions. different hunger levels than the individuals participating in
Health interventions may benefit from utilizing food- the morning; however, hunger levels did not affect N2
based inhibition training, in addition to diet and exercise, amplitude (refer to Method). We also did not manipulate
to help facilitate weight loss and manage food consump- hunger, but had individuals come in after fasting in order
tion. For example, individuals who complete tasks where to model a time when participants were about to consume
they continually inhibit responses toward specific food their next meal. We hoped that this would provide greater
stimuli will consume less of that food when it is presented insight on daily food consumption and regular eating hab-
to them following the task (Allom, Mullan, & Hagger, its. Furthermore, there was no potential confound across
2016; Houben, 2011; Houben & Jansen, 2015; Jones et al., participants of caloric intake before task participation. Spe-
2016). We are unaware of any studies assessing the long- cifically manipulating hunger levels or having participants
term effects of such food-related inhibition training, or report to the lab during greater periods of hunger (i.e., after
how such inhibition training may alter neural processing of longer fasting periods) could clarify how larger differences
food cues and subsequently food intake or eating habits. In in hunger may influence inhibitory control toward food.
light of the relationship between neural indices of inhibi- Further examination of how inhibitory control relates to
tion and food intake and the success of altering food intake unhealthy eating habits (e.g., eating in the absence of hun-
through the use of food-related inhibition training, we ger) would also be beneficial.
believe that there is promise that such inhibition training
could affect food-related inhibitory control at the neural
4.1 | Conclusion
Exploratory analyses showed that neural indices of food- Inhibiting responses to high-calorie foods elicited a larger
related inhibitory control were not related to self-reports of inhibitory response than when inhibiting toward low-calorie
cravings, emotional eating, or external eating. As cravings foods, as evidenced by a larger no-go N2 amplitude.
and emotional and external eating are believed to drive food- Behavioral results suggest that the increased recruitment of
related inhibition (Blundell & Gillett, 2001; Davis et al., inhibitory control resources may help individuals be more
2007; Guerrieri, Nederkoorn, Stankiewicz et al., 2007; Jasin- accurate and efficient when inhibiting toward high-calorie
ska et al., 2012), our results suggest self-reports and self- foods. Individuals who recruited more cognitive resources
perspectives (i.e., surveys) of one’s inhibitory control toward to inhibit toward high-calorie foods consumed fewer calo-
food may not be accurate compared to more objective meas- ries, and specifically carbohydrates. Future research should
ures (i.e., N2 amplitude) of inhibitory control. Previous examine how food-related inhibitory control training may
research examining dietary intake (e.g., Kretsch, Fong, & affect the relationship between neural indices of inhibitory
Green, 1999; Macdiarmid & Blundell, 1997; Nydahl, Gus- control, food intake, and eating habits. Finally, self-reports
tafsson, Mohsen, & Becker, 2009), and attention toward of food-related inhibitory control may not directly relate to
food cues (Carbine et al., 2017) has also demonstrated simi- N2 amplitude, further supporting the use of objective meas-
lar discrepancies between objective and subjective measures. ures in future research when examining food-related inhibi-
As food-related inhibition, particularly for high-calorie foods, tory control.
may be an important factor in regulating eating habits, an
objective measure (e.g., ERPs) could help individuals ACKNOWLEDGMENT
become accurately aware of how efficient they are at inhibi- A Brigham Young University Mentored Environment
ting toward food. Grant and the Brigham Young University College of Fam-
Our study had several strengths, including using both ily, Home, and Social Sciences funded this research.
high- and low-calorie foods as no-go stimuli in order to
better understand food-related inhibitory control and con-
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of Nutrition, 84(4), 405–415. doi:10.1017/S0007114500001719
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