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11, 2018





Prevention and Control of Hypertension

JACC Health Promotion Series

Robert M. Carey, MD,a Paul Muntner, PHD,b Hayden B. Bosworth, PHD,c Paul K. Whelton, MB, MD, MSCd


Hypertension, the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease, originates from combined genetic, environmental, and
social determinants. Environmental factors include overweight/obesity, unhealthy diet, excessive dietary sodium, inad-
equate dietary potassium, insufficient physical activity, and consumption of alcohol. Prevention and control of hyper-
tension can be achieved through targeted and/or population-based strategies. For control of hypertension, the targeted
strategy involves interventions to increase awareness, treatment, and control in individuals. Corresponding population-
based strategies involve interventions designed to achieve a small reduction in blood pressure (BP) in the entire popu-
lation. Having a usual source of care, optimizing adherence, and minimizing therapeutic inertia are associated with higher
rates of BP control. The Chronic Care Model, a collaborative partnership among the patient, provider, and health
system, incorporates a multilevel approach for control of hypertension. Optimizing the prevention, recognition, and
care of hypertension requires a paradigm shift to team-based care and the use of strategies known to control BP.
(J Am Coll Cardiol 2018;72:1278–93) © 2018 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

H igh blood pressure (BP) is the leading risk

factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD),
and hypertension ranks first as a cause of
disability-adjusted life-years worldwide (1,2). Subop-
both sexes, maintains a continuous graded associa-
tion with the risk of fatal and nonfatal stroke,
ischemic heart disease, heart failure, and noncardiac
vascular disease, without heterogeneity due to
timal BP control is the most common attributable ethnicity, down to a BP nadir of 115/75 mm Hg (7–9).
risk factor for CVD and cerebrovascular disease, Each 20-mm Hg increment of systolic blood pressure
including hemorrhagic (58%) and ischemic (50%) (SBP) or 10-mm Hg increment of diastolic blood
stroke, ischemic heart disease (55%), and other forms pressure (DBP) is associated with a doubling of the
of CVD (58%), including heart failure and peripheral risk of a fatal cardiovascular event (7).
arterial disease (1,2). In addition, hypertension is a The prevalence of hypertension globally is high
leading cause of chronic kidney disease, kidney dis- and continues to increase (1,10). Defined at the SBP/
ease progression, and end-stage kidney disease, DBP cutoff of $140/90 mm Hg, the worldwide prev-
as well as dementia due to cerebral small vessel alence of hypertension is 31%, translating to approx-
disease (3–6). imately 1.4 billion adults (1,10). The prevalence of
Large-scale epidemiological studies have provided hypertension in the adult U.S. population is similar to
definitive evidence that high BP, at all ages and in the worldwide prevalence at 31.9% (72.2 million

From the aDepartment of Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia; bDepartment of Epidemiology, University of
Listen to this manuscript’s Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama; cDepartments of Population Health Sciences, Medicine, Psychiatry and Behav-
audio summary by ioral Sciences and School of Nursing, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina; and the dDepartment of Epidemiology, Tulane
JACC Editor-in-Chief University, New Orleans, Louisiana. Dr. Carey has received grant support from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R01-
Dr. Valentin Fuster. HL-128189 and P01-HL-074940). Dr. Muntner has received grant support from the American Heart Association (15SFRN2390002).
Dr. Bosworth has received grant funding from the Veterans Affairs Health Services Research and Development (VAHSR&D 08-
027), the National Institutes of Health (NIH K12-HL-138030, R01-DK093938, and R34-DK-102166), Johnson & Johnson, Otsuka
Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi, and Improved Patient Outcomes; and has served as a consultant for Sanofi and Otsuka Pharmaceuticals.
Dr. Whelton has received grant support from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (P20GM109036).

Manuscript received May 17, 2018; revised manuscript received June 26, 2018, accepted July 2, 2018.

ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00

JACC VOL. 72, NO. 11, 2018 Carey et al. 1279
SEPTEMBER 11, 2018:1278–93 Prevention and Control of Hypertension

people) using the $140/90 mm Hg BP cutoff; the U.S. However, these genetic variants typically ABBREVIATIONS

prevalence is projected to increase to 45.6% (103.3 have effects on the order of only 1.0 mm Hg AND ACRONYMS

million people) using the 2017 American College of SBP and 0.5 mm Hg DBP per BP-raising allele.
ABPM = ambulatory blood
Cardiology (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA) Individually, these genetic variants each pressure monitoring
hypertension clinical practice guideline definition of explain <0.1% of BP phenotype and
BMI = body mass index
BP $130/80 mm Hg (10–12). collectively #3.5% of total BP variance
BP = blood pressure
In this review, we first describe the current state of (20,22,23).
CCM = Chronic Care Model
knowledge regarding pathophysiological de- Because primary hypertension is a highly
CVD = cardiovascular disease
terminants of high BP. We then describe strategies heritable condition, but genetic variants only
DBP = diastolic blood pressure
for, and barriers to, prevention and control of hy- explain a miniscule fraction of phenotypic
pertension, and suggest multilevel and population variation and disease risk, the term missing SBP = systolic blood pressure

health actions to improve BP control. heritability has been introduced. Missing heritability
is the difference between estimated and observed
phenotypic variance (24). Recent studies have sug-
gested that missing heritability in hypertension may
be due, in part, to pathological events during em-
Hypertension can be divided into primary and sec-
bryonic, fetal, and early postnatal life (e.g., nutri-
ondary forms. Primary (essential) hypertension ac-
tional deprivation of the fetus during pregnancy
counts for the vast majority ($90%) of cases, and poor
leading to low birth weight) having persistent effects
diet and insufficient physical activity seem to be
on CVD homeostasis and thereby increasing CVD risk,
important and potentially reversible environmental
including hypertension, with advancing age. These
causes. A specific, sometimes remediable cause of
fetal programming events may be mediated by
hypertension can be identified in approximately 10%
epigenetic mechanisms (i.e., alterations in gene
of adults with hypertension, termed secondary hy-
expression in the absence of changes in DNA
pertension (Table 1) (11). If the cause can be accurately
sequence, including post-translational histone modi-
diagnosed and treated, patients with secondary hy-
fication, DNA methylation, and noncoding micro-
pertension can achieve normalization of BP or
RNAs) (25). During early life, epigenetic mechanisms
marked improvement in BP control, with concomitant
seem to be strongly influenced by the environment,
reduction in CVD risk (11). The majority of patients
and environmentally induced epigenetic modifica-
with secondary hypertension have primary aldoste-
tion is heritable through multiple generations (26).
ronism or renal parenchymal or renal vascular dis-
ease, whereas the remainder may have more unusual ENVIRONMENTAL (LIFESTYLE) FACTORS. Although
endocrine disorders or drug- or alcohol-induced the genetic predisposition to hypertension is non-
hypertension. modifiable and conveys lifelong CVD risk, the risk for
Figure 1 depicts the major pathophysiological de- hypertension is modifiable and largely preventable
terminants of BP in primary hypertension. Primary due to a strong influence by key environmental/life-
hypertension originates from a combination of ge- style factors. The most important of these factors,
netic and environmental factors. The heritability of which often are gradually introduced in childhood
BP is 30% to 50% (13–18), reflecting the degree of and early adult life, are weight gain leading to over-
phenotypic resemblance among family kin, and de- weight/obesity, unhealthy diet, excessive dietary so-
pends both upon shared genetic background dium and inadequate potassium intake, insufficient
contributing to BP as well as environmental factors physical activity, and consumption of alcohol (11).
and their interactions with the genome. The greatest impact can be achieved by targeting
GENETIC AND EPIGENETIC PREDISPOSITION. Hy- lifestyle areas of highest deficiency and combining
pertension is a complex polygenic disorder in which more than 1 of these lifestyle modifications, as the
many genes and/or combinations of genes influence individual BP reductions are often additive. Never-
BP (19,20). Although several monogenic forms of hy- theless, only a minority of adults change their life-
pertension, such as glucocorticoid-remediable aldo- style after a diagnosis of hypertension (27), and
steronism, Liddle’s and Gordon’s syndromes, and sustainability is difficult, posing a substantial chal-
others, have been identified in which single-gene lenge for successful implementation of lifestyle
mutations completely explain the pathophysiology modification (28). The evidence underlying each of
of the hypertension, these disorders are rare (21). the environmental/lifestyle factors that promote
Common genetic variants influencing BP have been elevation of BP and hypertension will be briefly
identified at over 300 independent genetic loci. reviewed.
1280 Carey et al. JACC VOL. 72, NO. 11, 2018

Prevention and Control of Hypertension SEPTEMBER 11, 2018:1278–93

T A B L E 1 Causes of Secondary HT

Disorder Major Clinical Findings Prevalence*

Primary aldosteronism RH; HT with hypokalemia; HT with muscle cramps or weakness; HT and 8–20
incidentally discovered adrenal mass; HT and FH of early-onset HT or stroke
Renovascular disease RH; HT with abrupt onset, worsening, or increasingly difficult to control; flash 5–34
pulmonary edema (ASCVD); early-onset HT, especially in women (FMH)
Renal parenchymal disease UTIs; obstruction; hematuria; urinary frequency/nocturia; analgesic abuse; 1–2
FH of polycystic kidney disease; increased serum creatinine; abnormal urinalysis
Drug or alcohol induced Sodium-containing antacids; nicotine (smoking); alcohol; NSAIDs; OCs; 2–4
cyclosporine or tacrolimus; sympathomimetic agents; cocaine, amphetamines,
or other illicit drugs; neuropsychiatric agents; EPO; clonidine withdrawal
Pheochromocytoma/ RH; paroxysmal HT or crisis superimposed on sustained HT; “spells,” BP lability; 0.1–0.6
paraganglioma headache, sweating, palpitations, pallor; FH of pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma;
incidentally discovered adrenal mass
Cushing’s syndrome Rapid weight gain with central distribution; proximal muscle weakness; <0.1
depression; hyperglycemia
Hypothyroidism Dry skin, cold intolerance, constipation, hoarseness, weight gain <1
Hyperthyroidism Warm, moist skin; heat intolerance; nervousness; tremulousness; <1
insomnia; weight loss; diarrhea; proximal muscle weakness
Hypercalcemia and primary Hypercalcemia Rare
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia HT and hypokalemia; virilization (11-b-hydroxylase deficiency [11-b-OH]), incomplete Rare
(excess DOC) masculinization in men and primary amenorrhea in
women (17-a-hydroxylase deficiency [17-a-OH])
Other mineralocorticoid excess Early-onset HT; hypokalemia Rare
syndromes due to DOC
Acromegaly Acral features, enlarging shoe, glove, or hat size; headache, visual Rare
disturbances; diabetes mellitus
Coarctation of the aorta Young patient with HT (<30 yrs of age) 0.1

*Estimated percent prevalence among adults with hypertension.

ASCVD ¼ atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; BP ¼ blood pressure; DOC ¼ deoxycorticosterone; FH ¼ family history; EPO ¼ erythropoietin-stimulating agents;
FMH ¼ fibromuscular hyperplasia; HT ¼ hypertension; MAO ¼ monoamine oxidase; NSAIDs ¼ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; OCs ¼ oral contraceptives;
OH ¼ hydroxylase; RH ¼ resistant hypertension; UTI ¼ urinary tract infection.

H e a r t - h e a l t h y d i e t . Consuming a healthful diet sit-down restaurants) (42–44). Modeling studies sug-

lowers BP. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hyper- gest that even a small reduction in population sodium
tension (DASH) eating plan is especially effective for intake would prevent thousands of deaths attribut-
lowering BP (29,30). The DASH diet is rich in fruits, able to hypertension (e.g., heart disease and stroke)
vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, lean protein, and save billions of dollars in health care costs
and low-fat dairy products, and is markedly reduced annually (45).
in refined sugar, saturated fat, and cholesterol (29). I n a d e q u a t e p o t a s s i u m i n t a k e . Increasing potas-
The combination of low sodium intake and the DASH sium intake lowers BP in hypertensive adults (46–50),
diet provides substantially greater BP reduction than especially among those who are black, older, or
sodium restriction or the DASH diet alone (30,31). consuming a high intake of dietary sodium (51).
Both the DASH diet and sodium reduction, therefore, Because of its BP-lowering effects, increased potas-
are recommended in adults with elevated BP and sium intake would be expected to prevent CVD
hypertension (11,32). events, and several studies have demonstrated an
Excess sodium i n t a k e . Sodium is an essential inverse relationship of potassium intake to stroke as
nutrient and dietary requirement for all humans (33). well as other forms of CVD (52). Increased potassium
However, excessive sodium intake is an important intake can be achieved either by augmenting dietary
determinant of hypertension (33,34). Sodium intake potassium intake or by use of potassium supple-
is positively correlated with BP in cross-sectional and ments. The former approach is preferable, with the
prospective cohort studies and accounts substantially DASH diet providing the recommended daily con-
for the age-related rise in BP (35–41). sumption of 4,700 mg for a 2,000-calorie intake (29).
In the United States, most ($70%) of the sodium Inadequate physical activity. Observational studies have
intake results from addition during processing of consistently demonstrated a protective effect of
foods, including breads, salted meats, canned goods, physical activity in preventing hypertension and
cereals, pastries, and food preparation (fast-food and controlling BP among those with hypertension (53).
JACC VOL. 72, NO. 11, 2018 Carey et al. 1281
SEPTEMBER 11, 2018:1278–93 Prevention and Control of Hypertension

Even moderate levels of physical activity have been

F I G U R E 1 Schematic Depiction of the Major Determinants of BP in Primary
associated with a reduction in the risk of incident Hypertension and Their Interactions in Adults
hypertension (54). Randomized trials suggest that the
best form of physical activity conveying BP-lowering
benefits is aerobic exercise (5– to 7–mm Hg reduc- GENETICS/
tion), but dynamic and isometric resistance exercise ENVIRONMENT EPIGENETICS
are also effective (4– to 5–mm Hg reduction) (55,56). • Unhealthy diet • Multiple risk alleles
• ↑Sodium intake each with small effects
The mechanisms of physical activity in preventing Environment
• ↓Potassium intake • Gene-gene interactions
hypertension are unclear, but may include decreased • Physical inactivity • Epigenetic mechanisms
• Overweight/ • Fetal programming
cardiac output, diminution of sympathetic nervous obesity Gene/
system and renin-angiotensin system activity, Environment/SD
decreased total peripheral vascular resistance and interaction

insulin resistance, and improved endothelial func-

Environment/SD Gene/SD
tion (57). interaction interaction
O v e r w e i g h t a n d o b e s i t y . Studies in various pop-
ulations demonstrate a direct, nearly linear associa-
tion of body mass index (BMI) with BP (58). The risk
• Wealth and income
of hypertension increases continuously with • Education
increasing anthropomorphic measurements (waist • Occupation/employment
• Healthcare access
circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, and waist-to-
height ratio) in parallel with BMI (59). About 40% of
adults with hypertension in the United States are
obese (BMI $30 kg/m 2), and over one-third of Genetic/epigenetic, environmental, and social determinants interact to increase BP in
the obese population has hypertension (SBP/ virtually all hypertensive individuals and populations. [ ¼ increased; Y ¼ decreased;
BP ¼ blood pressure; SD ¼ social determinants.
DBP $140/90 mm Hg or treatment with antihyper-
tensive medication), compared with less than one-
fifth of normal-weight individuals (60,61). Clinical
studies have repeatedly demonstrated that weight
includes wealth and income, education, employ-
loss reduces the risk for hypertension and BP in
ment/occupation status, access to health care, and
adults with hypertension (62,63).
other factors. Although social determinants are most
Several pathophysiological mechanisms seem to
often invoked in discussions of inequalities or dis-
contribute to the development of hypertension in
parities, social factors affect cardiovascular health in
obesity, including insulin resistance, chronic low-
virtually all people (66).
grade inflammation, oxidative stress, adipokine ab-
In the United States, a strong association exists
normalities (e.g., high leptin, reduced adiponectin),
between social determinants of health and hyper-
increased sympathetic nervous system and renin-
tension, especially in minority populations (blacks
angiotensin-aldosterone system activity, endothelial
and Hispanics) (67). Hypertension is more prevalent
dysfunction, intestinal microbiota, and increased
in blacks than in whites, and hypertension increases
renal sodium reabsorption with volume expansion
the risk of stroke and end-stage kidney disease
disproportionately in blacks (67,68). Blacks are more
SOCIAL DETERMINANTS likely to have uncontrolled hypertension, largely due
to lower BP control rates while taking antihyperten-
Although hypertension is a consequence of a combi- sive medication (69,70).
nation of environmental and genetic risk factors, so- Neighborhood characteristics may affect hyper-
cial determinants of health are also risk factors for tension prevalence. Individuals residing in the most
hypertension (66). Social determinants of health are economically deprived neighborhoods have greater
broadly defined as “the circumstances in which peo- odds of having high BP (71). An association also exists
ple are born, grow, live, work, and age, and the sys- between residence in certain geographic areas, such
tems put in place to deal with illness” (66). as the southeastern United States, and the prevalence
Socioeconomic status signifies socially defined eco- of hypertension (72). Taken together, these and other
nomic factors that influence the positions that in- social determinants of BP are critically important to
dividuals or groups hold within the stratified the prevention and control of hypertension in the
structure of a society (66). Socioeconomic status population.
1282 Carey et al. JACC VOL. 72, NO. 11, 2018

Prevention and Control of Hypertension SEPTEMBER 11, 2018:1278–93

OVERALL STRATEGIES FOR PREVENTION and titrated to optimize BP and CVD risk reduction.
AND CONTROL OF HYPERTENSION Factors associated with hypertension awareness,
treatment, and control, as well as the components of
Prevention and control of hypertension can be ach- a systems-level algorithm designed to increase BP
ieved by application of targeted and/or population- control rates, are schematically depicted in the
based strategies. The targeted approach is the Central Illustration.
traditional strategy used in health care practice and
seeks to achieve a clinically important reduction in BP
for individuals at the upper end of the BP distribu-
tion. The targeted approach is used in the manage-
ment of patients with hypertension, but the same
pinning prevention and treatment of high BP has
approach is well-proven as an effective strategy for
progressively become stronger, but much remains to
prevention of hypertension in those at high risk of
be done to ensure that this knowledge is translated to
developing hypertension (11). The population-based
clinical practice. A fundamental need is to improve
strategy is derived from public health mass environ-
the quality of the BP measurements used for diag-
mental control experience (73). It aims to achieve a
nosis and management of hypertension. Estimation
smaller reduction in BP that is applied to the entire
of BP is highly prone to systematic and random error,
population, resulting in a small downward shift in the
but simple guideline-recommended approaches (11)
entire BP distribution (74).
minimize these errors. Unfortunately, the quality of
An appeal of the population-based approach is that
BP assessments in clinical practice is very poor (80).
modeling studies have consistently suggested that it
Improvements in the quality of office-based mea-
provides greater potential to prevent CVD compared
surements through training of clinicians or desig-
with the targeted strategy (75,76). This finding is
nated staff members is essential to translation of
based on the principle that a large number of people
clinical practice recommendations for detection and
exposed to a small increased CVD risk may generate
management of hypertension. An important comple-
many more cases than a small number of people
ment or alternative is to train patients in accurate
exposed to a large increased risk (75). For example, a
measurement of BP. Initiatives such as Million Hearts
general population DBP-lowering of as little as
(81) and Target BP (82) are important steps in reach-
2 mm Hg would be expected to result in a 17%
ing this goal.
reduction in the incidence of hypertension, a 14%
reduction in stroke risk, and a 6% reduction in the BP SELF-MONITORING/TELEMONITORING. Several

risk of coronary heart disease (77). Because they use randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and
the same interventions, the targeted and population- meta-analyses have shown that self-monitoring of BP
based strategies are complementary and mutually (especially as a part of a multifaceted intervention)
reinforcing. can lead to slightly improved BP control, possibly as a
result of better adherence to treatment (83–86). The
FACTORS PREVENTING/INTERFERING WITH most effective approaches use telemonitoring (dis-
HYPERTENSION CONTROL cussed later in the text), whereby readings made at
home are relayed to a health care professional who
In adults with hypertension, controlling BP to non- can take appropriate action. These studies showed
hypertensive levels through nonpharmacological and that home telemonitoring for hypertension can pro-
pharmacological treatment reduces the risk for CVD duce reliable and accurate data and is well accepted
events and all-cause mortality by 20% to 40% (7,78). by patients (87,88). Self-monitoring with self-
It has been estimated that approximately 46,000 titration of antihypertensive medication compared
deaths annually can be prevented through improved with usual care resulted in lower SBP at 12 months
BP control among U.S. adults, more deaths than can among individuals with high CVD risk in the TASMIN-
be averted through modification of any other major SR (Targets and Self Management for the Control of
risk factor (79). However, BP control can only be Blood Pressure in Stroke and Other At-Risk Groups)
achieved if those with hypertension are identified, trial (89).
diagnosed, and treated. The first step in this cascade AMBULATORY BP MONITORING. The U.S. Preventive
is the diagnosis of hypertension. Once hypertension Services Task Force and the 2017 ACC/AHA BP
is diagnosed, effective nonpharmacological and guideline recommend conducting out-of-office BP
pharmacological approaches need to be implemented measurements, preferably with ambulatory blood
to lower BP. Finally, treatment must be adhered to pressure monitoring (ABPM), to confirm the diagnosis
JACC VOL. 72, NO. 11, 2018 Carey et al. 1283
SEPTEMBER 11, 2018:1278–93 Prevention and Control of Hypertension

C ENTR AL I LL U STRA T I O N Prevention and Control of Hypertension

Hypertension Awareness Hypertension Treatment Hypertension Control

Individual factors Individual factors Individual factors

• Age • Age • Age
• Sex • Sex • Sex
• Race/ethnicity • Race/ethnicity • Race/ethnicity
• Medication adherence

Provider/System factors Provider/System factors Provider/System factors

• Access to healthcare • Health insurance • Usual source of care
• Routine healthcare visits • Routine healthcare visits • Absence of therapeutic inertia

Systems level algorithm to improve hypertension awareness, treatment and control

• Patient identification • Clarify roles for providers to implement team-based care
• Blood pressure (BP) control monitoring at the • Implement lifestyle recommendations and counseling
patient/practice level • Reduce barriers to achieving high adherence
• Increase patient/provider awareness of BP goals • Use electronic medical records, mobile health technology, BP self-
• Provide effective guidelines monitoring and tele-monitoring.
• Use systematic follow-up • Apply the Chronic Care Model
• Utilize shared decision making

Carey, R.M. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018;72(11):1278–93.

Factors associated with hypertension awareness, treatment, and control, and the components of a systems-level algorithm designed to increase
blood pressure (BP) control.

of hypertension among patients with high BP in the above or below the threshold for hypertension are the
clinic and to identify masked hypertension (11,90). groups most likely to have white-coat hypertension
Between 15% and 30% of adults with and masked hypertension, respectively. Despite the
SBP $140 mm Hg or DBP $90 mm Hg, based on potential value of ABPM for accurately diagnosing
measurements obtained in the clinic, have white-coat hypertension, it is not commonly performed in clin-
hypertension, defined by mean awake ical practice in the United States. Barriers limiting the
SBP <135 mm Hg and DBP <85 mm Hg based on ABPM use of ABPM include the lack of knowledge among
(91). Although white-coat hypertension has been clinicians in how to conduct the procedure, limited
associated with only a modestly increased risk for access to specialists to conduct the test, and low
CVD compared with sustained normotension (non- reimbursement (96). Addressing these barriers and
hypertensive BP in the clinic and outside of the clinic increasing the use of ABPM should be a high priority
on ABPM), a recent large observational study in- for ensuring that antihypertensive medication is
dicates that white-coat hypertension may not be appropriately initiated and intensified.
benign (92,93). Additionally, between 15% and 30% of
adults without hypertension, based on BP measured HYPERTENSION AWARENESS. Awareness of hyper-
in the clinic (SBP <140 mm Hg and DBP <90 mm Hg), tension has increased markedly over the past one-half
have masked hypertension, defined by mean awake century in the United States. For example, according
SBP $135 mm Hg or DBP $85 mm Hg on ABPM (94). In to the NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Ex-
observational studies, masked hypertension has amination Survey), the percentage of U.S. adults with
consistently been associated with a 2 higher risk for hypertension (SBP $140 mm Hg, DBP $90 mm Hg, or
CVD (95). Patients with clinic BP that is 10 mm Hg treatment with antihypertensive medication) who
1284 Carey et al. JACC VOL. 72, NO. 11, 2018

Prevention and Control of Hypertension SEPTEMBER 11, 2018:1278–93

were aware of having this condition increased from who are aware of their diagnosis of hypertension
70% in 1999 to 2000 to 84% in 2011 to 2014 (97). report having been advised by a health care pro-
A number of programs have been implemented to vider to make lifestyle modification changes to
increase awareness of hypertension (81). Many of lower their BP (101). Most U.S. adults with hyper-
these programs have been directed toward pop- tension report being advised to reduce their dietary
ulations with a high prevalence of hypertension, sodium intake (82%), increase their physical activity
including blacks and individuals with low socioeco- (79%), and lose weight (66%), whereas only 31%
nomic status. These programs appear to have been were advised to reduce their alcohol consumption.
effective in raising hypertension awareness and sub- Of those with hypertension who were advised to
sequent hypertension screening. There are currently undertake nonpharmacological approaches to lower
no clear patterns in disparities in hypertension their BP, 88% reported adhering to these
awareness by poverty level or education, represent- recommendations.
ing a marked change from the late 1980s and early The 2017 ACC/AHA BP guideline recommends
1990s, when hypertension awareness was less com- pharmacological antihypertensive treatment for
mon among individuals with lower income and less adults with SBP $140 mm Hg or DBP $90 mm Hg (11).
education (98). Additionally, data from NHANES 2011 Additionally, adults with SBP between 130 and
to 2014 report that a similar proportion of non- 139 mm Hg or DBP between 80 and 89 mm Hg are
Hispanic blacks and whites are aware they have recommended pharmacological antihypertensive
hypertension (86% and 85% for non-Hispanic blacks treatment if they have high CVD risk, defined by a
and whites, respectively) (97). In contrast, hyperten- history of CVD, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, a
sion awareness is lower among Hispanics (80%) and 10-year predicted CVD risk $10%, or age $65 years.
non-Hispanic Asians (75%). Among all U.S. adults with hypertension according to
Lack of access to health care remains a barrier to the Seventh Joint National Committee (JNC7) defini-
increasing hypertension awareness. U.S. adults tion (SBP $140 mm Hg and/or DBP $90 mm Hg and/or
without health insurance are substantially less likely antihypertensive medication use), 75% were taking
to be aware of having hypertension than their coun- pharmacological antihypertensive medication in 2013
terparts with health insurance (70% vs. 86%) (99). to 2014 (102). Among those aware that they had hy-
However, 82% of U.S. adults with hypertension but pertension, 89% were taking antihypertensive medi-
unaware of this diagnosis report having health in- cation (102). In the United States, treatment with
surance, 83% report having a usual source of care, pharmacological therapy is more common among
and 62% report having had 2 or more health care older versus younger adults, women (80.6%)
visits in the previous year (97). Additionally, there is a compared with men (70.9%), and non-Hispanic black
graded association, with a progressively higher per- (77.4%) and white (76.7%) adults compared with non-
centage of U.S. adults not aware of having hyperten- Hispanic Asians and Hispanics (73.5% and 65.2%,
sion among individuals with fewer health care visits respectively) (103).
per year. Similar to hypertension awareness, the use of
Hypertension awareness differs around the world. antihypertensive medication differs by world region
Based on a systematic review of 90 studies, 46.5% of (100). Overall, 36.9% of adults with hypertension
adults with hypertension worldwide in 2010 were worldwide were taking antihypertensive medication
aware they had this condition (100). Between 2000 in 2010. Use of antihypertensive medication was more
and 2010, awareness of hypertension increased to a common in high-income versus medium- or low-
greater degree in high-income versus low- or income regions (55.6% vs. 29.0%).
medium-income countries. In 2010, awareness of HYPERTENSION CONTROL. All adults with hyper-
hypertension was substantially more common in tension are recommended to use nonpharmacological
high-income countries compared with low- or approaches to lower their BP, and the use of these
middle-income countries (67.0% vs. 37.9%) (100). interventions is associated with a higher likelihood of
HYPERTENSION TREATMENT. Following the diag- having controlled BP (11). According to the NHANES
nosis of hypertension, initiation of treatment is the 2011 to 2014, among adults taking antihypertensive
next step toward achieving control of BP and medication, 39.0% of the U.S. population has BP
reducing the risk for CVD. The 2017 ACC/AHA BP above the goal defined in the JNC7 guideline
guideline recommends nonpharmacological treat- (SBP $140 mm Hg or DBP $90 mm Hg) and 53.4%
ment for all adults with hypertension (11). Accord- have SBP or DBP above the goal defined in the
ing to NHANES 1999 to 2004, 84% of U.S. adults 2017 ACC/AHA guideline (SBP $130 mm Hg or
JACC VOL. 72, NO. 11, 2018 Carey et al. 1285
SEPTEMBER 11, 2018:1278–93 Prevention and Control of Hypertension

DBP $80 mm Hg) (12). The percentage of U.S. adults

T A B L E 2 Causes of Failure to Normalize BP
taking antihypertensive medication with above-goal
Lack of health insurance
BP, whether using the JNC7 or 2017 ACC/AHA guide-
Lack of access to health care
line, is higher at older age, among men compared
Absence of a usual source of care
with women, and among non-Hispanic blacks, Failure to diagnose HT
non-Hispanic Asians, and Hispanics compared with Failure to screen for high BP
non-Hispanic whites. The reasons for uncontrolled BP Inaccurate BP measurement
(Table 2) are multifactorial and include patient, pro- Failure to recognize masked HT

vider, and health system factors (11), which are often Clinician therapeutic inertia
Failure to treat masked HT
Failure to initiate treatment when HT is present
Having a usual source of care is strongly associated
Failure to intensify therapy in a treated patient
with BP control. Among U.S. adults in NHANES 2007 when BP is above goal
to 2012, 55% of those with a usual source of care had Inadequate patient education
an SBP/DBP <140/90 mm Hg, compared with 14% of Absence of shared decision-making

their counterparts without a usual source of care Inadequate lifestyle recommendations and counseling
Low adherence to lifestyle modification and/or
(104). It is worth noting that 89% of U.S. adults prescribed antihypertensive medication
without controlled BP report having a usual source of Absence of home or ambulatory BP monitoring and reporting
health care, and 82% reported having health insur- Low patient and/or provider awareness of BP target
ance. This highlights challenges to achieving BP goals Absence of systematic follow-up

beyond just access to health care.

Abbreviations as in Table 1.
Low adherence to antihypertensive medication is
common and is a major contributing factor to un-
controlled BP (105). For example, in 1 study, 21.3% of
6,627 older U.S. adults initiating antihypertensive medication, including workflow constraints and

medication in 2012 discontinued treatment within 1 insufficient time to conduct a patient evaluation,

year (106). Also, 31.7% of patients who had not dis- concern about side effects, lack of knowledge to make

continued their antihypertensive medication had low dosing decisions, and uncertainty regarding a pa-

treatment adherence, defined by having medication tient’s out-of-office BP (112–115).

available to take for <80% of days in the year

following treatment initiation. Barriers to achieving T A B L E 3 Methods to Assess and Improve Adherence
high medication adherence are multifactorial and
Assessment of Adherence
include complex medication regimens (e.g., multipill
regimens), convenience factors (e.g., dosing fre-
Patient self-report; lacks accuracy
quency), behavioral factors, and issues with treat- Adherence scales (e.g., Hill-Bone Compliance Scale); slight accuracy improvement
ment of asymptomatic diseases (e.g., treatment side Prescription refill data, slight accuracy improvement
effects) (106). Additional factors commonly associ- Direct
ated with low antihypertensive medication adher- Medication Event Monitoring System*; increased accuracy over indirect methods

ence and uncontrolled BP include younger age, Witnessed medication intake; increased accuracy over indirect methods
Drug monitoring in blood or urine†; most accurate method currently available
depressive symptoms, lack of lifestyle modification,
Drug monitoring using drug fluorometry, accurate but experimental
and limited access to care (107–110). Methods to
Drug sensor, accurate but experimental
assess and improve adherence from a patient, clini-
Improvement in Adherence
cian, and health system perspective are shown in
Educate patients, their families, and caregivers about hypertension, its consequences,
Table 3. and the possible adverse effects of antihypertensive medications
Clinician therapeutic inertia is another barrier Address patient health literacy

preventing patients from achieving guideline- Collaborate with patients to establish goals of therapy and the plan of care
Use antihypertensive agents dosed once daily and fixed-dose combinations
recommended BP goals. Data from the U.S. National
Use low-cost and generic medications whenever possible
Ambulatory Medical Care Survey indicate that there
Consolidate refill schedule to obtain all prescribed medication at a single pharmacy visit
were 41.7 million primary care visits in the United
Use motivation adherence scales to identify barriers
States annually between 2005 and 2012 wherein a Assess for medication nonadherence regularly and systematically
patient had SBP $140 mm Hg or DBP $90 mm Hg Use team-based care
(110). However, a new antihypertensive medication Maintain contact with patient via telehealth technology
was initiated in only 7 million (16.8%) of these
*Uses an electronic pillbox or pill bottle that records each time the cap is opened. †Uses high-pressure liquid
visits (111). Several reasons may underlie clinicians chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry.
not initiating or intensifying antihypertensive
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Prevention and Control of Hypertension SEPTEMBER 11, 2018:1278–93

One approach available to clinicians to help over- education by health care practitioners; lack of reim-
come therapeutic inertia may be to prescribe a fixed- bursement for health education services; lack of ac-
dose combination when initiating antihypertensive cess to sites to engage in physical activity; larger
medication (116). Initiating treatment with 2 drug servings of food in restaurants; lack of availability of
classes simultaneously can reduce the number of healthy food choices in many schools, worksites, and
follow-up visits needed and has been shown to ach- restaurants; lack of exercise programs in schools;
ieve a higher rate of BP control (117–119). large amounts of sodium added to foods during pro-
In 2014, the ACC/AHA and Clinical Disease Center cessing and preparation in fast-food and sit-down
(CDC) published a Scientific Advisory focused on restaurants; and higher cost of food products that
approaches to control high BP (120). Effective system- are lower in sodium and calorie content (74). These
level solutions to guide BP management include us- challenges to prevention, detection, awareness, and
ing the best scientific evidence; keeping algorithms management of hypertension will require a multi-
simple and modifiable for when new evidence be- pronged approach directed not only to high-risk
comes available; creating a feasible strategy for populations, but also to communities, schools,
implementation; giving patients information on how worksites, and the food industry.
their BP should be managed; taking into account costs To date, most interventions have been focused on
of diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring; and improving hypertension self-management behaviors
including a disclaimer to ensure that the algorithm is including BP self-monitoring, lifestyle changes (e.g.,
not used to contradict clinical judgement. Systems- eating, exercise habits, and abstinence or moderation
level algorithms to increase the percentage of peo- in alcohol consumption), improving adherence to
ple with controlled BP include patient identification, medications (Table 3), and shared medical decision-
monitoring BP control at the patient and practice making (i.e., patients playing an active role in de-
levels, increasing patient and provider awareness of cisions about their hypertension care with clinicians).
BP goals, providing effective diagnosis and treatment These behaviors represent a cornerstone of recom-
guidelines, having systematic follow-up for patients mended care for hypertension and have been associ-
to ensure treatment is initiated and intensified when ated with substantial improvements in hypertension
appropriate, clarifying roles of health care providers control among treated patients (11,84,86,123–127).
to implement a team-based approach, reducing bar- However, few interventions have effects at multiple
riers to achieve high medication adherence, encour- sites in the system: patients, clinicians, health care
aging nonpharmacological treatment, and using organizations, and communities. Thus, when applied
electronic medical records to support these steps. in real-world settings, interventions may ultimately
Evidence that these approaches can be effective has fail if: they are not well-adapted to the organization
been demonstrated in several health systems that where they are to be implemented, clinicians do not
provide care for adults with health care insurance, endorse the intervention, patients and their families
including the Kaiser Permanente (121) and the Veter- are not actively engaged, or the communities in
ans Affairs health care systems (122). which patients live pose so many challenges to suc-
Between 2000 and 2010, the percentage of those cessful implementation of interventions that patients
with hypertension who had controlled BP increased cannot be consistently adherent over time.
in high-income countries but declined in low- or
middle-income countries (100). In 2010, 28.4% of THE CHRONIC CARE MODEL. Strategies for over-

adults with hypertension in high-income countries coming barriers at the health system, physician, pa-
had controlled BP compared with only 7.7% among tient, and community levels (128,129) may be framed
their counterparts in low- and middle-income within the context of the Chronic Care Model (CCM).
countries. These data highlight the need for ef- The CCM was developed as a framework for rede-
forts to increase the control of BP in all world re- signing health care and addressing deficiencies in the
gions, with a focus on low- and middle-income care of chronic conditions, such as hypertension. Its 6
countries. domains are decision support, self-management
support, delivery design, information systems, com-
MULTILEVEL AND POPULATION HEALTH munity resources, and health care systems (Figure 2).
INTERVENTIONS TO IMPROVE BP CONTROL Optimizing and integrating these domains has been
shown to lead to activated patients, responsive health
The pursuit of detecting and improving BP control care teams, improved health services and treatment
has uncovered multifactorial barriers, including outcomes, and cost-effectiveness (130–136). The CCM
cultural norms; insufficient attention to health emphasizes the role of patients with hypertension as
JACC VOL. 72, NO. 11, 2018 Carey et al. 1287
SEPTEMBER 11, 2018:1278–93 Prevention and Control of Hypertension

being their own principal caregivers and underscores

F I G U R E 2 Schematic Illustration of the CCM, Including Multilevel Interventions to
the importance of health care providers, family, and Prevent and Control Hypertension
community support in self-management (130,137). In
effect, patients are at the center of the care model Chronic Care Model
with providers, family, and community interacting in
different ways to influence and support health de-
Community Health System
cisions. Collaborative care can be categorized as:
1) collaborative definition of problems; 2) goal- Resources and Policies Health Care Organization

setting, planning, and action plans; 3) a continuum

Self- Delivery Clinical
of self-management training and support services; Management System
Support Design Systems
and 4) active and sustained follow-up (130–138). This
model of care recognizes a collaborative partnership
among the patient, provider, and the care team, each
with its own expertise in managing that person’s Informed, Prepared,
Activated Proactive
health and sharing in the decision-making process. Interactions
Patient Practice Team
This collaborative partnership between patient and
provider is important in supporting the patient’s Improved outcomes

management of their hypertension over multiple en-

counters and adjustments in the treatment plan, with Adapted with permission from Wagner (132). CCM ¼ chronic care model.
the goal of achieving optimal care.

TEAM-BASED CARE. Team-based care incorporates a

multidisciplinary team, centered on the patient, to
optimize the quality of hypertension care and in- and lifestyle support services and by establishing CVD
cludes the patient, the primary care clinician, and risk factor screening and referral programs (139).
other professionals such as nurses, pharmacists, HEALTH CARE POLICY. Policy decisions play an
physician assistants, dieticians, social workers, and important role when considering potential levels at
community health workers, each with pre-defined which to apply hypertension interventions. An un-
responsibilities in care (11). These professionals derstanding of current policies related to reimburse-
complement the primary care clinician by providing ment is essential to ensure implementation of any
process support and sharing the responsibilities of effective program. For example, the Centers for
hypertension care. When the primary care provider Medicare & Medicaid Services has a goal to link 50%
can delegate routine matters to the team, more time of fee-for-service payments by 2018 to alternative
is available to manage complex and critical patient- payment and population-based care models such as
care problems. A recent systematic review and accountable care organizations and patient-centered
meta-analysis of 100 randomized trials determined medical homes. These changes will affect hyperten-
that team-based care, involving medication titration sion management. Strong evidence suggests that
by either nonphysicians or physicians, is highly team-based, coordinated care with shared decision
effective compared with other implementation stra- making improves outcomes and reduces costs,
tegies for BP control in hypertensive patients (84). particularly for hypertension (140,141).
the individual and the health system, the community HYPERTENSION. The Heart Health Lenoir Study was
is a significant partner and a vital point of interven- a multilevel Quality Improvement intervention to
tion for attaining health goals and outcomes. Part- improve BP control in patients cared for in rural pri-
nerships with community groups, such as civic, mary care practices in eastern North Carolina. Results
philanthropic, religious, and senior citizen organiza- suggest that a practice-based multilevel intervention
tions, provide locally focused orientation to the designed using the principles of health literacy can
health needs of diverse populations. The probability help lower SBP for up to 2 years in patients with low
of success increases as interventional strategies more and higher health literacy (142).
aptly address the diversity of racial, ethnic, cultural, Another recent study examined a nontraditional
linguistic, religious, and social factors in the delivery multilevel BP control intervention in which health
of medical services. Community service organizations promotion by barbers was linked to drug treatment by
can promote the prevention of hypertension by pharmacists, and the resultant efficacy was evaluated
providing culturally sensitive educational messages in a cluster-randomized trial (143). At 6 months, the
1288 Carey et al. JACC VOL. 72, NO. 11, 2018

Prevention and Control of Hypertension SEPTEMBER 11, 2018:1278–93

mean SBP reduction was 21.6 mm Hg greater in the

T A B L E 4 Remaining Questions and Research Needs
intervention versus the control group (95% confi-
What are the optimal methods of BP measurement that
dence interval: 14.7 to 28.4 mm Hg; p < 0.001). balance accuracy with acceptability?
There is also increasing work demonstrating the What are the most effective methods of engaging patients and
impact of community health worker–led in- the public in beneficial lifestyle modification to lower BP?
What are the optimal BP treatment thresholds and goals that
terventions, a potentially more affordable and sus-
maximize CVD benefit while minimizing harm?
tainable approach for low-income settings (144). In 1 What is the optimal approach to management of
study, low-income patients in Argentina with uncon- white-coat and masked HT?

trolled hypertension who participated in a community How can we best detect and reverse antihypertensive
medication nonadherence?
health worker–led multicomponent intervention
How can we successfully incorporate health information
experienced a greater decrease in SBP/DBP over technology into the routine care of HT?
18 months than patients who received usual care (145). As a medical community, how can we most effectively use
the CCM in the care of HT?
CONNECTED HEALTH FOR As a society, how can we encourage, promote, and support
community engagement in HT control in partnership with
HYPERTENSION CONTROL health systems, clinicians, patients, and the public?

Improving patients’ hypertension management be- CCM ¼ Chronic Care Model; CVD ¼ cardiovascular disease; other abbreviations as
in Table 1.
haviors, and medication adherence, although criti-
cally important, can be complex and time-consuming.
In a typical primary care setting, time limitations,
competing demands, and the burden of comorbid TELEPHONE INTERVENTIONS. Medical office visits
illness, along with inadequate mechanisms for are usually focused on the management of symptoms
follow-up, constitute barriers to effective hyperten- with little time remaining for comprehensive risk
sion risk factor management. Many aspects of hy- factor management. An intervention that is delivered
pertension risk reduction, however, do not require a in patients’ homes may be more successful in non–
physical examination, and BP can be measured at symptom-based approaches to health care. Tele-
home; thus, much of the care for hypertension could phone contact has been shown to be effective in
be accomplished outside of the traditional confines of changing multiple patient behaviors (147–150). In
office-based clinical care. addition, telephone interventions allow increased
Advances in health information technology, numbers of patients to be contacted, and these in-
including electronic health records and high-speed terventions may be more convenient and acceptable
communications, provide new opportunities for than in-person medical office interventions (151).
improving the care of chronic conditions, including Telephone interventions may increase cost-effec-
hypertension. Additionally, the Institute of Medi- tiveness because they are associated with lower
cine’s blueprint for meeting the Crossing the Quality intervention costs and visit rates. Clinicians thus can
Chasm (146) goals for delivering of state-of-the-art follow a much larger panel of patients over which to
health care suggests that patients should “receive spread the intervention costs than is possible with
care when they need it and in many forms, have un- medical office intervention (152). Thus, the use of
fettered access to their own medical information and telephones to implement the intervention allows
that there should be active collaboration and infor- individualized, personal interaction at minimal cost
mation exchange between clinicians.” and without the time and transportation barriers that
TELEMEDICINE. Telemedicine refers to interactive accompany in-person programs. This personal inter-
communications, which can be as simple as action allows the intervention to be adapted and
telephone-based care or interactive video and digital tailored to participants’ current concerns, health
technologies, enabling direct communication be- goals, and specific barriers to achieving these goals.
tween patients and their care team from remote sites. MOBILE HEALTH INTERVENTIONS. Mobile health
Automated interactive voice response uses computer interventions, such as smartphone applications
technology to telephone patients, collect data, and (apps), have been advocated as promising strategies
provide tailored interventions based on their re- to assist in the self-management of hypertension
sponses. Telemedicine or remote monitoring in pa- (153,154). These tools have the potential to address
tients’ homes has been offered as a plausible solution nonadherence by providing reminders for medication
to improving ambulatory medical care. However cur- taking and refilling, tracking biometric results, offer-
rent reimbursement models do not encourage these ing education, and facilitating social interactions that
in-person and remote primary care interventions. provide support and motivation (155). From 2012 to
JACC VOL. 72, NO. 11, 2018 Carey et al. 1289
SEPTEMBER 11, 2018:1278–93 Prevention and Control of Hypertension

2015, there was a 515% increase in adherence apps approaches to the prevention and treatment of hy-
available for download (156), and an estimated 107 pertension. Major clinical, societal, and research
unique apps have been evaluated for hypertension questions still remain to be answered (Table 4), which
(157). However, rigorous evaluation of these tech- will require more and better research evidence. In
nologies is still warranted, as indicated by a recent addition to the importance of accuracy in measure-
study among those with poorly controlled hyperten- ment of BP, team-based care with shared decision-
sion, in which patients randomized to the use of a making, maximizing adherence by use of once-daily
standalone smartphone app had a small improvement medications and combination pills when feasible,
in self-reported medication adherence but no change promotion of lifestyle strategies proven to be effec-
in SBP at 12 weeks of follow-up compared with con- tive in lowering BP, active use of the electronic health
trol subjects (158). record and telehealth strategies, and use of perfor-
LIFESTYLE COUNSELING/MONITORING. Clinicians mance measures as a component of quality
would benefit from help in other areas as well, espe- improvement initiatives and financial incentives can
cially in counseling and monitoring recommenda- improve hypertension management and control rates.
tions for lifestyle change. This can be achieved by Optimizing prevention, recognition, and care of high
designation of a practice-based champion for lifestyle BP is achievable but is predicated on the assumption
change who is sufficiently knowledgeable in behavior that BP can be measured with greater accuracy, that
change techniques to be effective in patient coun- there is a progressive shift to team-based care and use
seling. Policy changes resulting in financial support of other strategies known to improve BP control, and
for such endeavors would greatly enhance the op- that the capacity to assist patients in adopting a
portunity for patients to improve their lifestyles and healthier lifestyle is substantially strengthened.
reduce the burden for busy clinicians.
SUMMARY Carey, P.O. Box 801414, University of Virginia Health
System, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908-1414. E-mail:
Remarkable progress has been made in the under- Twitter: @uvahealthnews,
standing of BP as a CVD risk factor and optimal @UABNews, @HaydenBosworth.


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