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Respiratory diseases in pregnancy: asthma

LaTasha Nelson, Dana R. Gossett and William Grobman

During pregnancy, hormonal, immunological admission and asthma-related deaths among

and physiological adaptations alter the course those aged 15–242,6,8.
of many respiratory diseases. In addition, many Symptoms of asthma result from a combi-
respiratory illnesses produce significant nega- nation of inflammation, edema and broncho-
tive effects on maternal and fetal outcomes. spasm. Certain individuals appear to have a
Among pregnant women, the most com- genetic predisposition that results in IgE pro-
mon respiratory disease by far is asthma, with duction in response to various stimuli. IgE
a prevalence ranging from 3.8 to 8%1–5. This antibodies bind to mast cells and basophils,
illness is becoming an increasing concern, as leading to the release of mediators including
its prevalence has increased among all women histamine, leukotrienes and cytokines, which
over the past decade2,6,7. Because of this, this in turn stimulate smooth muscle contraction,
chapter focuses on the diagnosis and manage- leading to narrowing of airway passages. Acti-
ment of asthma and its effect on pregnancy. vation of cytokines promotes tissue inflamma-
tion, which both narrows bronchial airways
and increases airway hyperresponsiveness9.
PREVALENCE, EPIDEMIOLOGY Histologically, examination of the airways
AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY reveals denuded epithelium, edema and colla-
gen deposition beneath basement membranes
In the United States alone, an estimated that leads to sub-basement fibrosis. Also seen
14–15 million people have been diagnosed is inflammatory cell infiltration with eosino-
with asthma2,6,7. During childhood, the ratio of phils, neutrophils and type 2 lymphocytes9.
males to females is 2 : 1, whereas by adulthood
the gender difference is no longer present.
Regardless of gender or patient age, the health DIAGNOSIS
consequences of asthma are profound. Each
year, complications of asthma account for 5000 The signs and symptoms of asthma differ from
deaths in the US. According to the Center for patient to patient, and their severity may also
Disease Control and Prevention, patients with vary in any given patient at different times.
asthma collectively account for a total of 100 The following components are required for the
million days of restricted activity and 470,000 diagnosis of asthma:
annual hospital admissions. Of particular note,
• Episodic symptoms of airflow obstruction
adverse outcomes are not equally distributed,
with disproportionate effects in African-Amer- • Airflow obstruction that is at least par-
icans who have the greatest rates of hospital tially reversible


• Absence of alternative diagnoses to explain Mild persistent asthma is characterized by two

symptoms. or more daytime exacerbations per week, but
less than one exacerbation per day, and two or
Asthma symptoms may remit spontaneously more night-time exacerbations per month, but
or may require medical therapy. Common less than one exacerbation per week. Exacer-
symptoms include coughing, wheezing, short- bations may affect a person’s level of activity.
ness of breath and chest tightness. In general, On PFTs, the FEV1 is still greater than or equal
symptoms are worse at night and during early to 80% of expected value, but there is 20–30%
morning and improve during the day. variability of peak expiratory flow rate.
To make a diagnosis of asthma, a detailed Moderate persistent asthma is characterized
history and physical examination should be by daily daytime symptoms and at least one
performed to identify the following signs and night-time exacerbation per week. These exac-
symptoms: erbations are generally longer in duration,
• Hyperexpansion of the thorax often lasting days, and may affect a person’s
level of activity. PFTs reveal an FEV1 60–80%
• Expiratory wheezing of expected value, and greater than 30% vari-
• Severe rhinitis ability of peak expiratory flow rate.
Severe persistent asthma is characterized by
• Nasal polyps
continuous daytime symptoms and frequent
• Atopic dermatitis or eczema. night-time exacerbations. These patients
often have a chronically limited level of activ-
In addition, patients with newly diagnosed ity due to frequent exacerbations. PFTs reveal
asthma should undergo spirometric evalu- an FEV1 less than 60% of expected value and
ations or pulmonary function tests (PFTs) greater than 30% variability of peak expiratory
before and after inhaling β2 agonists in order flow rate.
to demonstrate reversible airway obstruction. The patient’s ‘triggers’ for exacerbation(s)
Hand-held peak flow assessments should be should be identified as part of the diagnostic
used to monitor asthma symptoms, but should work-up. These can include environmental
not be used to make the initial diagnosis9,10. allergens, upper respiratory infections, occu-
Asthma is categorized according to the fre- pational exposures, medications (notably aspi-
quency and severity of symptoms and the rin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
results of PFTs6,7,11. Assignment of a diag- drugs (NSAIDs)), exercise and emotional
nostic category is important because it helps stress. The avoidance and control of triggers is
predict prognosis, both prior to and dur- discussed in the ‘Management of asthma dur-
ing pregnancy, and guides initial selection of ing pregnancy’ section of this chapter.
Mild intermittent asthma is characterized by
fewer than two daytime exacerbations per EFFECTS OF PREGNANCY ON ASTHMA
week, and two or fewer night-time exacerba-
tions per month. Exacerbations tend to be Epidemiology
brief, lasting from a few hours to a few days.
On formal PFTs, the forced expiratory volume Although it is commonly stated that asthma
in 1 second (FEV1) should be greater than or improves during pregnancy in one-third of
equal to 80% of expected value. There should women, worsens in one-third of women, and
be less than 20% variability of peak expiratory remains unchanged in one-third of women,
flow rate. several studies have demonstrated that the

Respiratory diseases in pregnancy: asthma

severity of asthma preconceptionally and dur- capacity, or peak flow in patients with asthma;
ing early pregnancy is predictive of the clini- this stability means that criteria for diagnosis
cal course during the remainder of the preg- and monitoring of asthma do not change9,23,24.
nancy3,17. Women with mild asthma are less A number of pregnancy-related changes
likely to require hospitalization, unscheduled may act to ameliorate the course of asthma.
office visits, oral steroids or experience exac- For example, progesterone increases dramati-
erbations compared with women with mod- cally during pregnancy. This hormone acts as
erate or severe asthma. Accordingly, among a smooth muscle relaxant, which may explain
women with mild pre-pregnancy asthma, only improved symptoms in some patients. Fur-
8–13% experience deterioration, and only 2% thermore, both progesterone and estrogen
require hospitalization. In contrast, approxi- potentiate b-adrenergic bronchodilation.
mately 26% of women with moderate pre- Increased relaxin levels also promote relax-
pregnancy asthma deteriorate, and 7% require ation of bronchial smooth muscle. At the
hospitalization. Among women with severe same time, plasma histamine is decreased dur-
asthma prior to onset of pregnancy, 52–65% ing pregnancy due to an increase in circulat-
will develop a worsening of asthma symptoms, ing histaminase. This may lead to a decrease
with 27% requiring hospitalization3,8,16,18–20. in histamine-mediated bronchoconstriction.
Other factors also predict which women are Further, pregnancy-related increases in circu-
at greater risk of worsening of their asthma lating cortisol may produce anti-inflammatory
during pregnancy. Asthma symptoms tend to effects, and circulating glucocorticoids may
correlate with rhinitis symptoms, and women also increase b-adrenergic responsiveness,
with more significant symptoms during preg- potentially improving the efficacy of some
nancy experience more asthma exacerbations medications. Other changes that may pro-
as well19. Pregnant African-American women mote bronchodilation and bronchial stabili-
with asthma tend to have higher asthma- zation include increased levels of prostaglan-
related morbidity than pregnant Caucasian din E2, prostaglandin I2 and atrial natriuretic
women with asthma, independent of socioeco- factor1,18,24–26.
nomic status8. Additionally, women pregnant At the very same time, however, competing
with female fetuses experience more severe pregnancy-related factors may exacerbate the
asthma symptoms than women pregnant with course of asthma. Functional residual capac-
male fetuses21,22. It has been postulated that ity (FRC) is decreased due to diaphragmatic
the surge in androgens at 12–16 weeks’ gesta- elevation of up to 4 cm. This phenomenon may
tion produced by male fetuses has a protective result in airway closure during tidal breathing
effect on maternal asthma. and may alter ventilation–perfusion ratios.
With all three types, the severity of asthma Competitive binding of progesterone, aldoste-
symptoms reverts to pre-pregnancy levels rone and deoxycorticosterone to glucocorticoid
within 3 months of delivery. receptors may decrease the anti-inflammatory
effects of both endogenous and exogenous
glucocorticoids. Increased prostaglandin F2α
Pathophysiology may promote bronchoconstriction, and pla-
cental-derived major basic protein (MBP) may
The hormonal, immunological and physiologi- increase immunologic sensitization1,3,4,19,24–26.
cal changes of pregnancy affect the symptoms In addition to these cited physiological
as well as the severity of asthma. Importantly, changes, certain asthma triggers are either
however, no pregnancy-related changes are more common or more stimulatory in preg-
seen in the FEV1, the ratio of FEV1 to vital nancy. Some pregnant women experience


increased sensitivity to viral and bacterial study showed statistically significant increases
respiratory tract infections. There may also be in gestational diabetes, small for gestational
a marked increase in gastroesophageal reflux, age newborns and cesarean delivery for women
often an asthma trigger26–28. Increased emo- with moderate–severe asthma, even with opti-
tional stress can also increase the frequency mal control, when compared to controls with-
of asthma exacerbations15,29. Finally, increased out asthma35. Women with daily symptoms
progesterone levels result in centrally medi- also had higher rates of pre-eclampsia36. Need
ated hyperventilation, manifested as ‘dyspnea for oral steroids was independently predictive
of pregnancy’, or an increased patient sense of delivery prior to 37 weeks and low birth
of shortness of breath18,25. This latter circum- weight (less than 2500 g)35,37. Pulmonary func-
stance may result in more patient complaints tion testing was also predictive of pregnancy
of respiratory symptoms, even in the absence outcomes: an FEV1 less than 80% of predicted
of worsening asthma. values was associated with preterm delivery,
As with non-pregnant women, cigarette pre-eclampsia, cesarean delivery and small for
smoking increases the frequency of exacerba- gestational age newborns1,32,35.
tions12. Interestingly, the same may be said Importantly, management by a physician
regarding excessive weight gain30. Further- with experience in asthma, such as a pul-
more, pregnant women often worry about monologist or perinatologist, decreases the
effects of their asthma medications, and may risk of perinatal mortality, preterm birth and
discontinue them inappropriately. The com- low birth weight in women with moderate to
plex interaction of all of the above factors in severe asthma11. Unfortunately, similar man-
each individual patient determines whether agement has not been shown to be beneficial
asthma will improve, worsen, or remain stable in decreasing the risk of pre-eclampsia in preg-
during gestation. nant women with asthma. Women with acute
exacerbations requiring emergency room visits
or hospitalization should be managed collab-
EFFECTS OF ASTHMA ON PREGNANCY oratively by the emergency physician or pul-
monologist and the obstetrician11.
Older, retrospective data had suggested asso-
ciations of asthma with a host of poor preg-
nancy outcomes including hyperemesis, ges- MANAGEMENT OF ASTHMA
tational diabetes, hypertension/pre-eclampsia, DURING PREGNANCY
puerperal hemorrhage, cesarean delivery, pre-
term birth, intrauterine growth restriction, A detailed history and physical examination
congenital malformations, perinatal mortality should be performed to identify signs/symp-
and stillbirth16. In contrast, recent prospective toms of asthma during the initial encounter
studies contradict this generalization. Indeed, with the patient. Optimally, this assessment
the more recent data suggest that most women should occur prior to conception in order to
with asthma will have an uneventful preg- establish a baseline1. Patients who have not
nancy course31–33. For women with well con- had a baseline status established prior to preg-
trolled asthma, pregnancy outcomes are simi- nancy should have it established at their first
lar to those of women without asthma26,31–34. obstetric visit34,38.
This having been said, and in line with com- A detailed history of disease status dur-
ments earlier in this chapter, women with ing prior pregnancies should be elicited
more severe or poorly controlled asthma are because asthma symptoms experienced dur-
prone to adverse perinatal outcomes. One ing prior pregnancies are generally predictive

Respiratory diseases in pregnancy: asthma

of symptoms experienced in subsequent preg- to labor are more likely to have exacerbations
nancies in any given patient16,19,35. Patients during labor4,24,31–34,42.
should be encouraged to take an active role in
their disease management, paying close atten-
tion to factors which affect their disease sta- Establishing patient-centered
tus and the onset of exacerbations39,40. This treatment goals
includes the avoidance of potential triggers,
particularly cigarette smoking and recogniz- In order to engage the patient in monitor-
ing the impact of excessive weight gain during ing and treating her own disease, as well as
pregnancy7,12. to determine when therapy is inadequate and
Management or co-management of these requires escalation or augmentation, it is criti-
cal to establish specific goals at the outset of
patients by a physician with sufficient expe-
treatment. Treatment goals should be geared
rience in caring for pregnant asthmatics
towards the prevention of chronic symptoms,
improves outcome34. The following criteria
and/or exacerbations, and maintenance of nor-
should be used to guide decisions about refer-
mal activity level6,7,41. An effective medication
rals. Patients who experience a life-threaten-
regimen with as few side-effects as possible
ing exacerbation; fail to meet treatment goals;
should be prescribed.
exhibit atypical or severe persistent symptoms
Treatment algorithm7,10,11,23,31–34,37,41:
or with an unclear diagnosis; present as candi-
dates for immunotherapy; require continuous 1. Patients should be educated on how to
systemic corticosteroid therapy or more than perform accurate peak flow measure-
one short course of corticosteroids per year; ments. They should establish with their
or have complicating symptoms including physician their personal best baseline
nasal polyps, gastroesophogeal reflux disease peak flow measurement which is used to
(GERD), severe rhinitis, or chronic obstruc- compare future values:
tive pulmonary disease (COPD) all will benefit a. ‘Typical’ peak flow in pregnancy: 380–
from early and/or urgent referral7,11,39–41. 550 l/min
Women who experience acute asthmatic
b. Green zone: >80% of personal best
exacerbations during pregnancy should be
managed similarly to women with asthma c. Yellow zone: 50–80%
who are not pregnant. Asthma exacerbations d. Red zone: <50%.
tend to be most common between 24 and
2. Follow-up evaluations of pulmonary func-
36 weeks’ gestation, at which time patients
tion can be accomplished with peak-flow
should be advised to be proactive in the man-
agement of their disease11,23,24,32. Mild to mod-
erate respiratory symptoms should be recog- 3. All pregnant women with asthma should
nized and treated as aggressively as if these receive a written action plan describing
women were not pregnant with the recogni- the management of acute and chronic
tion that the evolution to a more serious con- symptoms.
dition has the potential to worsen maternal as 4. Patients with mild persistent disease
well as fetal status. Fewer acute exacerbations should monitor peak flow values monthly.
are reported to occur after 37 weeks’ gestation Patients with moderate–severe disease
and exacerbations are also uncommon during should be counseled to do daily peak flow
labor. However, and most importantly, women evaluations. All patients should evaluate
with inadequately controlled symptoms prior peak flow values during an exacerbation.


5. Patients should be educated on how to Morphine and meperidine should be used with
perform accurate peak flow measure- caution, given that these medications stimu-
ments. They should establish with their late histamine release that can worsen asthma
physician their personal best baseline peak symptoms27.
flow measurement which then can be used Although some prostaglandins (PG) may
to compare to future values. The ‘typical’ worsen asthma symptoms, this effect is not
peak flow in pregnancy ranges from 380 to universal, and the individual properties of
550 l/min. If patients find that their peak each prostaglandin should be considered when
flow is between 50 and 80% of their per-
making decisions with regards to their use
sonal best, they should follow additional
in patients with asthma. For example, PGE1
steps, depending upon whether their peak
(misoprostol) induces airway dilation while
flow is above or below 50% of their per-
decreasing inflammation and cellular prolif-
sonal best.
eration; as such it is not contraindicated in
6. Patient should immediately notify physi- pregnant asthmatics. PGE2 (dinoprostone) is
cians of any red zone values and the patient a potent bronchodilator and also is not con-
should have a prescribed action plan. traindicated in such patients. On the other
7. Patients with repeated values in their yel- hand, PGF2α (carboprost) may trigger airway
low zone may require an escalation of constriction, inflammation and vasoconstric-
therapy at their next office visit. tion and thus should be used with caution in
women with asthma9,25,43.
8. Chest radiographs should be used to eval-
uate patients with exacerbations to rule
out infection and other disease processes. ASTHMA TRIGGERS AND
9. Serial ultrasound surveys for growth COMORBIDITIES
should be performed during the third tri-
mester for patients with poorly controlled The identification and avoidance of triggers is
asthma and/or baseline moderate–severe important in optimizing asthma management
persistent disease requiring chronic oral both during and outside of pregnancy. A num-
corticosteroid therapy. ber of triggers should be considered and it is
important to remember that more than one
10. Additional testing (non-stress test) may may be operative in any given patient.
be considered based on asthma severity or
evidence of fetal growth restriction.

Management of labor and delivery Respiratory infections are the most common
triggers of asthma exacerbations, accounting for
Scheduled asthma medications should be con- as many as 60% of all asthma-related hospital
tinued during labor and delivery. Patients on admissions. Colonization of the upper respira-
systemic steroids should receive stress dose tory tract by pathogens leads to cell-mediated
steroids at the time of delivery and for up inflammatory processes, which in turn lead to
to 24 hours postdelivery27,37. Indomethacin bronchoconstriction. Individuals with asthma
should be used with caution in patients with are more susceptible to colonization by infec-
NSAID-induced asthma symptoms because tious agents and experience slower rates of
of its potential to cause bronchospasm42. pathogen clearance. Effects from infection

Respiratory diseases in pregnancy: asthma

-related exacerbations may last up to 8 weeks temporal as well as cyclic trends. Typically,
after the primary infection19,28,32,43. upon arrival to work these individuals are
Viral infections are more commonly associ- symptom-free. As the work day continues,
ated with asthma exacerbations than bacte- symptoms develop and become progressively
rial infections and should be considered in worse only to remit or lessen after these indi-
all patients experiencing exacerbations. In viduals leave the work place. Remission is
adults, rhinovirus is most commonly associ- notable during holiday and vacation time,
ated with exacerbations. Co-infection with but resumption of work initiates the cycle­
influenza virus is also common in individuals anew9,13.
experiencing exacerbations. Accordingly, all Common occupational triggers include
women who expect to be pregnant during the metal salts, wood products, residues from
influenza season should be offered influenza grain products and a variety of industrial
vaccination28. chemicals. Exposure to these agents induces
both an early and a late response, both of
which are mediated by mast cell activation.
Drugs Early responses are a result of histamine and
leukotriene release resulting in bronchocon-
Drug-induced exacerbations most com- striction. Late responses are a consequence
monly are due to aspirin or cyclooxygenase-1 of cytokine and chemokine production, which
(COX-1)-inhibiting NSAIDs. The prevalence leads to inflammation of the tracheobronchial
of NSAID-induced respiratory symptoms airway. Differences in the pathophysiology of
is 10–11% in asthmatics compared to 2.5% these responses should be considered when
in non-asthmatics. NSAID-induced asthma deciding upon appropriate therapy9,11,13.
is thought to be caused by an inhibition of
COX-1 in the airway of sensitized patients
which results in a depletion of PGE2, a potent Exercise-induced asthma
bronchodilator. As a result, patients with
asthma may experience bronchoconstriction Exercise-induced asthma is characterized by
after exposure to these agents23,26,27,43. acute bronchoconstriction during or immedi-
Highly selective COX-2 inhibitors may not ately after exercise. Fifty to 90% of all asth-
exhibit the same bronchoconstrictive proper- matics experience airway sensitivity related to
ties and, thus, may present a reasonable alter- physical activity. Clinically, exercise-induced
native if clinically indicated. In individuals asthma is defined as 10% or more decline in
for whom there is no alternative therapy to FEV1 following exercise. During exercise,
COX-1, it is possible to offer desensitization the increase in inspired air overwhelms the
to COX-1 inhibitors. Medications such as acet- body’s ability to warm the air to body tem-
aminophen and sodium salicylates are gener- perature prior to its reaching the distal air-
ally well tolerated and typically do not act as ways. Bronchoconstriction is the result of cold
triggers for asthma symptoms23,26,27,43. (unwarmed) air reaching the distal bronchial

Occupational triggers
Environmental allergens
Occupational triggers account for 5% of all
asthma complaints and 26% of all work-related Hypersensitivity responses to environmental
respiratory disease. Occupational induced allergens require prior extended exposure to
asthma exacerbations are characterized by the offending agent to produce sensitization.


Individuals who are sensitized to a particular pulmonary blood flow during times of high
agent mount an IgE-mediated response after stress. Positive and negative emotional
which subsequent reintroduction to the agent stresses stimulate vagal efferent activity,
leads to histamine production, which causes inducing changes in airway hyperactivity in
rhinitis and progressive bronchoconstriction. some patients. These changes influence airway
Environmental allergenic triggers frequently resistance by modifying smooth muscle con-
follow seasonal patterns and 75–85% of asth- tractions and respiratory secretions15.
matics have positive skin tests to common
environmental allergens. Environmental trig-
gers include indoor and outdoor exposures. PHARMACOTHERAPY
Outdoor triggers are usually related to cli-
mate conditions that promote increases in Most medications used for asthma treatment
agents such as ozone, nitrogen dioxide and outside of pregnancy are also not contraindi-
sulfur dioxide often resulting in respiratory cated during pregnancy. Below, we provide a
symptoms in the general population. Often, discussion of the mechanism of action of each
however, the asthmatic population experi- class of drug, special considerations for use
ences an exaggerated response to subtle atmo- during pregnancy, and specific examples of
spheric changes. Indoor triggers include expo- medications with their FDA classification for
sure to animals, tobacco smoke, dust mites, use in pregnancy9,17,23,32,38. Table 1 describes the
molds and cockroaches, and as such often are
FDA classification system for medications in
implicated in the development of childhood
asthma. Activities that may be taken to lessen
these symptoms include the removal of car-
pets/rugs, reduction of humidity in an effort
β2 agonists
to decrease mite growth, departure from the
house during vacuuming, weekly bathing of
β2 agonists bind to β2 receptors on bronchial
pets (or removal of pets) and the control of
smooth muscles increasing cyclic AMP pro-
duction, leading to bronchial relaxation and
dilation. β2 agonists also inhibit the release of
Emotional stress mediators of immediate hypersensitivity from
mast cells. They can be further classified as
Asthmatic patients experience changes in short acting agents used for acute exacerba-
elastic recoil, ventilation distribution and tions, and long acting agents used for main-

Table 1  FDA pregnancy classification of medications

Risk category Animal data Human data Recommendation

A Negative Negative Use approved
B Negative None available Use approved
B Positive Negative Use approved
C Positive None available Use approved
C None available None available Use approved
D Positive/negative Positive Use approved
X Positive Positive Contraindicated

Respiratory diseases in pregnancy: asthma

tenance therapy in patients with moderate to • Flunisolide (category C).

severe persistent disease5,9,17,36.
Short acting agents are considered first line
therapy for the management of acute exac- Systemic corticosteroids
erbations as well as for patients with mild
intermittent disease. Short acting β2 agonists As with inhaled corticosteroids, systemic cor-
should not be used for maintenance therapy. ticosteroids act as anti-inflammatory agents to
These agents are not contraindicated dur- reverse the inflammatory response character-
ing pregnancy or lactation and have not been istic of asthma exacerbations. They also mod-
associated with an increased risk of congenital ify the body’s immune response to stimuli
malformation or adverse pregnancy outcome. by inhibiting the activation of numerous cell
Long acting agents are best for patients with types including mast cells, eosinophils, neu-
moderate to severe persistent disease who are
trophils, macrophages and lymphocytes5,9,35,36.
not adequately controlled with inhaled ste-
A number of clinical studies have found an
roids alone. Although human data are scant,
association between chronic systemic steroid
they lack any evidence of an increased risk of
use during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy
congenital malformations. Risk–benefit con-
outcome including preterm delivery, pre-
siderations favor the use of these medications
eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction.
in select patient groups5,9,17,36.
Examples include: However, it is not clear to what extent these
outcomes are related to the disease process per
• Short acting: albuterol (category C) se and not to the drugs used to treat it. For
• Long acting: salmeterol (category C). example, reports suggest that infants of moth-
ers treated with corticosteroids during the first
trimester have an increased risk of facial clefts
Inhaled corticosteroids (0.1–0.3%). Despite this, due to the docu-
mented increase in maternal and fetal mor-
Inhaled corticosteroids counteract the inflam- bidity and mortality associated with poorly
matory response that takes place during asthma controlled asthma, and the important role that
exacerbations. In addition, inhaled cortico- systemic steroids may provide in asthma con-
steroids act to modify the immune response
trol, the American College of Obstetrics and
by inhibiting the activation of numerous cell
Gynecology recommends that systemic ste-
types including mast cells, eosinophils, neu-
roids be used when clinically indicated and
trophils, macrophages and lymphocytes.
that benefits for maternal and fetal health are
Inhaled corticosteroids should be initiated
perceived to outweigh risks. Systemic steroids
as maintenance therapy in patients with per-
should be administered in short bursts for
sistent asthma symptoms. They are not con-
traindicated in pregnancy and have not been patients with severe asthma exacerbations. A
associated with an increased risk of con- select group of patients will require chronic
genital malformation or adverse pregnancy use of systemic steroids to adequately manage
outcome5,17,35,43. asthma symptoms5,9,23,35,36.
Examples include: Examples include:

• Beclomethasone (category C) • Prednisone (category C)

• Budesonide (category B) • Methylprednisone (category C)

• Fluticasone (category C) • Dexamethasone (category C).


Anticholinergics not been associated with an increased risk of

congenital malformations or adverse maternal
Anticholinergics act by binding to acetylcho- outcome23,26,32,34,40.
line receptors, thereby reducing the action These agents should be considered as add-
of acetylcholine. This reduction in acetylcho- on therapy to inhaled corticosteroids therapy
line activity results in an inhibition of secre- regimens. To ensure efficacy and safety serum
tions from serous and seromucous glands levels should be titrated and maintained to
and a reduction of symptoms associated with levels between 5 and 12 μg/ml.
asthma exacerbations. These agents should be Examples include:
considered as add-on therapy to β2 agonists for
the treatment of acute asthma exacerbations. • Theophylline (category C).
Anticholinergics have not been associated
with an increased risk of congenital malforma-
tion or adverse pregnancy outcome23,26,32,34,40. Cromoglycates
Examples include:
Cromoglycates block the activation of chloride
• Ipatropium (category B).
channels which results in an inhibition of air-
way inflammatory cells including mast cells.
Cromoglycates are effective in preventive ther-
apy for individuals with persistent asthma.
Cromoglycates should not be used as a first
Methylxanthines work by promoting smooth
muscle relaxation. They also suppress the line therapy as their efficacy is generally con-
hypersensitivity reaction of the airways to sidered less than that of inhaled corticoste-
stimuli. Theophylline, the most commonly roids. Patients with mild persistent asthma
used methylxanthine, is not commonly pre- who are effectively managed with cromolyn
scribed during pregnancy due to multiple drug sodium prior to pregnancy may be maintained
interactions, the need to monitor levels and on their current regimens. Cromolyn sodium
bothersome side-effects. Side-effects such as use has not been associated with an increased
insomnia, heart burn, palpitations and nausea risk of congenital malformations or adverse
all decrease patient tolerability. It is, however, maternal outcome5,23,32,34,38.
not contraindicated in pregnancy, as it has Examples include:

Table 2  FDA recommendations for asthma therapy

Asthma classification Recommended therapy

Mild intermittent Inhaled β2 agonist as needed
Mild persistent 1st scheduled inhaled corticosteroids
2nd scheduled inhaled cromolyn
Moderate persistent Scheduled inhaled corticosteroids
plus theophylline or salmeterol
Severe persistent Scheduled inhaled corticosteroids plus
theophylline or salmeterol
plus oral corticosteroids prescribed in
short bursts or daily dosing as needed

Respiratory diseases in pregnancy: asthma

• Cromolyn sodium (category B)   6. National Asthma Education and Prevention

Update on selected topics, 2002. www.nhlbi.
Leukotriene inhibitors   7. Expert panel report. Guidelines for the diagno-
sis and management of asthma. J Allergy Clin
Immunol 2007;120(5 Suppl):S94–138
Leukotriene inhibitors act to antagonize leu-
  8. Carroll KN, Griffin MR, Gebretsadik T, et al.
kotriene activity, thereby inhibiting bronchial
Racial differences in asthma morbidity during
smooth muscle contractions as well as the pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 2005;106:66–71
reactive inflammatory response.   9. McFadden ER. Harrison’s Principles of Internal
Leukotriene inhibitors are effective in mild– Medicine, 12th edn. New York: McGraw-Hill,
moderate asthma management. Information Inc., 1991:1047–53
regarding the use of leukotriene inhibitors dur- 10. Schatz M, Dombrowski M, Wise R, et al.
ing pregnancy is limited, and they should only Spirometry is related to perinatal outcomes
be used in patients with intractable asthma in pregnant women with asthma. Am J Obstet
who require them for adequate symptom con- Gynecol 2006;194:120–6
trol. Zileuton should be avoided in pregnancy 11. National Asthma Education and Prevention
due to unfavorable results observed in animal Update. Working group on managing asthma
during pregnancy: Recommendation for phar-
studies that demonstrated increased rates of
macologic treatment, 2004. www.nhlbi.nih.
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