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Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Dengue hemorrhagic fever Prevention

Elementary School Students Grades 4-6 01 State Primary School Grogol, Grogol
Petamburan and Factors Relating, Period February - March 2015

Patricia Jessika Babay*, Eleonora Bandu*, Henderina Dokorehi*, Cheni Untajana*

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is the most common viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes to human,
which recently has become a major health problem globally. Based on surveillance data Jakarta
Provincial Health Office in 2012, the incidence rate of dengue hemorrhagic fever cases of 122.6 per
100,000 population with Case Fatality Rate 0.06%. The purpose of this study is to determine the level
of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of students of SDN 01 Grogol, District Grogol Petamburan,
West Jakarta period for March 2015 on the prevention of dengue hemmorrhagic fever and related
factors. The method used was a descriptive study with cross sectional approach. The sample in this
study was selected using a non-probability sampling technique that is purposive sampling with a
sample of 136 people. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The data was analized using
univariate and bivariate analysis using SPSS version 16.0 through Chi-square test and Kolmogorov
Smirnov. Results of univariate analysis obtained distribution of the level of knowledge about the
prevention of dengue fever of is 61.7%, distribution rate of lack of attitude is 53%, the distribution
rate of lack of behavior is 48.6%, the distribution for related factor of sample age between 10 to 11
years old is 59.7 %, the distribution of male gender is 55.1%, the distribution of education level for
grade 4 student is 42%, for sample received health education campaign is 54.4%. The result of
bivariate analysis using statistical test found that there is a significant relationship between the level of
education (p=0.000) and health education (p = 0.045) with knowledge of the subject, found a
significant relationship between age (p = 0.011), educational level (p = 0.000) and health education
(0005) with the attitude of the subject, found a significant relationship between age (p = 0.000) , level
of education (p = 0.000) and health education (0000) with attitude of the subjects, there is a significant
relationship between knowledge and attitude (p = 0.000), knowledge of the behavior (p = 0.004), with
behavioral attitudes regarding prevention of dengue hemorrhagic fever (p = 0.000)

Keyword : knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, prevention, dengue fever

*Faculty of Medicine Krida Wacana Christian University


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