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Materialistic in Oscar Wilde’s The Model Millionaire : Desire





In victorian era some people have kindess that shown to others, eventually his desire
was is achived because of his kindess. A desire if we are really commited to achieving it there
will be a way out to reach that desire . But in victorian period of england , the importance of
wealth for a man makes every parent marry his daughter with a wealthy man because the
wealth is a very important value at that time. In the era of victoria is very visible social gap in
the community between the rich and the poor. because in that era there was a major change in
of the england started from the industrial revolution. That triggered the entire English society
at that time competing to find wealth in various ways. Ranging from establishing a factory to
become a writer, build a printing factory book of literary works,etc.

The graetest contribution given to the victorian era flourishing textile industry. This
time period brought major changes in agriculture,manufacturing,mining and the
transportation had a great effect on the socioeconomic an cultural conditions in britain. In
victoria era not entire society have wealth and good social status. because in victoria era there
are many social gaps in the society and parents have the idea that the daughter should marry
with a rich man. Materialistic makes society of victorian era determine the rules, at least
parents having uch views. Makes many young man in britain at that time despairto marry his
beloved women.

According to a complete dictionary of psychology, interest is (1) a continuous attitude

that re fl ects a person's attention, thus making himself selective towards the object of
interest, (2) a feeling that one activity, occupation or object is valuable or means for the
individual, (3) a state of motivation, or a set of motivations, leading to behavior toward a
particular direction (in Chaplin, 2008: 255). According to Crow & Crow (Abror, 1993: 112)
interest is something related to the motive that drives us to tend or be attracted to people,
things, activities or can be effective experiences stimulated by the activity itself. Rast,
Harmin and Simon (Mulyati, 2004: 46) states that in the interest there are the main things
among them: (1) the feeling of pleasure in the self that pay attention to certain objects, (2) the
interest of certain objects, 3) existence of activity on certain object, (4) existence of tendency
to try more active, (5) object or activity considered functional in life and (6) tendency is
directing and influencing behavior of individual.

The definition of desire according to Shaleh (2004: 262) is a tendency to pay attention
and act on the person, activity or situation that is the object of interest with pleasure. So
desire is a tendency or direction of desire towards something to fulfill the impulse, interest is
an inner impulse that affects the motion and will to something, is a strong impetus for a
person to do everything in realizing the achievement of goals and ideals that became his

Desire are defined differently by some experts but have the same goals. Each experts
defines it an accordance with the views and disciplines of their own. Desire or interest and
willingness or will greatly affect the style of action that will be done someone. Desire is
closely releated to the attention they have. Because ttention leads to the will of someone.
Willing or willingness is also closely related to the physical condition of a person for
example in a state of sickness,tired,lethargic or maybe the opposite of healthy and fresh. Also
closely releated to psycological conditions such as happy,displeased,tense,passionate and so
on (Sobur, 2003 : 246).

The Model Millionaire" is a short story by the Irish author Oscar Wilde. It first appeared in
print in the newspaper The World in June 1887. It was published again in 1891 as part of the
anthology Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories.The story concerns a young man who,
although he does not have much money himself, is moved to pity by the sight of an elderly beggar
who is posing as a model for his artist friend. Although he can barely afford to do so, the young man
gives the beggar the largest denomination coin that he has in his pocket. The young man's act of
kindness has unexpected positive consequences for him.
in this part, the desire in oscar wilde’s The Model Millionaire is reflected through one
character, just Hughie Erskrine. This character describe a man who have a desire to change
his life and he try and try again but his struggle never produce results.

‘’He had tried everything. He had gone on the Stock Exchange for six months; but what
was a butterfly to do among bulls and bears? He had been a tea-merchant for a little longer,
but had soon tired of pekoe and souchong. Then he had tried selling dry sherry’’ (the model
millionaire,page 1)

The quotation above exposes how Hughie Erskien to changes his life with his struggle.
He kept trying again and again but failed . The words ‘’tried’’ and ‘’everything’’ showing
symtomps shown his earnestness. Hughie’s desire to changing his life because in victorian
era a man should have wealth to be viewed in the social status of society. He done everthing
as he can. It’s he doing to change his life for better.

On the other hand ,he also has another desire that is want to married with the daughter of
a retired colonel. He loves the women , but her father gives a rule that if Hughie want to
married his daughter , he must have £ 10.000 .

‘’ The girl he loved was Laura Merton, the daughter of a retired Colonel’’
(the model millionaire,page 2)

The quotation above describe that Hughie Erskien loved the woman so much. The word
‘’ loved’’ showing desire to get the women.

Besides, the story illustrates how hughie’s desire to helping others, when see at others
looks poor. He has a kindness as implied in the quotation below.

‘’ He looked so forlorn and wretched that Hughie could not help pitying him, and felt in
his pockets to see what money he had. All he could find was a sovereign and some coppers.
'Poor old fellow,' he thought to himself, 'he wants it more than I do, but it means no hansoms
for a fortnight;' and he walked across the studio and slipped the sovereign into the beggar's
hand.’’ (the model millionaire, page 2)
The quotation above describe The desire of protagonist to help an old beggar man. The
words ‘’forlon’’ and ‘’wants’’ action the protagonist shows symptoms of desire. He really
want to helping an old beggar because looks poor. In this quotation the protagonist tried to
give something that he has.

In the model millionaire ,it also declares that someone really to helping an old beggar. He
tried to help what he has , and in story the author repeat action the protagonist that describe
and showing kindness.

‘'I shall probably find him waiting for me when I go home. But of course you are
only joking. Poor old wretch! I wish I could do something for him. . I think it is
dreadful that any one should be so miserable. I have got heaps of old clothes at home -
do you think he would care for any of them?’’ (the model millionaire, page 3)

When hughie talking with alan , he revealed to allan about a hope that he do to an old
beggar. The sentence ‘’ i wish i could do something’’ describe a wish the protagonist to help
old beggar and he want to give what he has in his house.

Many people in Victorian espescially a painter, he has a friend rich man because many
rich man have habbits to collection pictures like a Quotation below

‘'What I say,' said Trevor. 'The old man you saw to-day in the studio was Baron
Hausberg. He is a great friend of mine, buys all my pictures and that sort of thing, and
gave me a commission a month ago to paint him as a beggar.’’

The Quotation reveals that friendship with rich man make a painter get a advantages
from his paint, the sentence "gave me a commission" describe that Baron has so many

Ini Victorian era materialistic very visible because changes contdition in britan after
revolution industri which make Enhancement social status.
‘'My dear boy,' said Trevor, smiling, 'that old beggar, as you call him, is one of the
richest men in Europe’’

The Quotation above reveals that Baron basiclly as a rich man and he Even called the
richest in Europe. The Word "The richest" showing wealthy on himself

And finally the protagonist achieved his goal and he verry happy. Because what he hope
all this time finally realized cause his kindness which he did to baron and baron replied
hughie’s kindness. Seem like a quotation below

‘’On the outside was written, 'A wedding present to Hugh Erskine and Laura
Merton, from an old beggar, and inside was a cheque for £10,000’’

The quotation above reveals that The desire of protagonist to getting a money he will
use to marry Laura Merton is realized. The word ‘’a cheque for £10,000’’ showing hughie’s
goal is realized . When colonel make a rules before hughie married his daughter , hughie
must have £10,000.

To summarize , in his story the model millionaire it tries to remember all people that
wealth isn’t everything in this world. But it is the kindness that will make all the better for
our lives and our desire will be reached by the kindness we have done. So we as a people
don’t give up with our current state . Keep trying and again until your goal achived. The
author in this story tell us to doing what the protagonist done. And sending a moral message
to us to doing better in our life, give a kindness to others. Hughie illustrates how to doing
good in his life and Baron given action how to replied a kindness that he received.

Sobur, Alex. 2003. General Psycology. Bandung: Pustaka Setia

Chaplin,J. P. 2008. Complete Psycology Dictionary. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo

Abror, Abrurrahmah. 1993. Educational Psycology. Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana Yogyakarta

Mulyati. 1998. Psycology of learning. Yogyakarta: Andi Publisher

Shaleh, Abdul Rahman & Wahab, Muhbib Abdul. 2004. The Psycology of an introduction in
the Islamic perspective Jakarta: Kencana

Shaleh, Abdul Rahman. 2009. The Psycology of an introduction in the Islamic perspective.
Jakarta: Kencana

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