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Brand Mangement


Submitted by- Ashish

1. How do you think are the various factors listed in exhibits 1-6 associated with each other from the
conceptual viewpoint?

Ans.- The factors listed in exhibits 1-6 plays an important role in understanding the consumer behaviour.
If we can understand the kind and mentality of people buying Paper Boat products, we can easily
identify our target audience. From there on it will be easy to stay in their mind. One will also get to know
the scopes of improvement and potential target groups.

Exhibit 1-6 is highly focused on the various Transactions and behaviour of a human being ranging from
individual to collectivism, type of person one is, and the activities and opinions. The exhibits thus are
parts of a holistic study of understanding the buying behaviour of a consumer.

2. What is your inference and interpretation of the response in the exhibit I?

Ans.- The responses are collected on the basis of experimental marketing. The different typrs of
customer experience showed various results. The results on the basis of sensory experiences shows that
Paper Boat is doing fairly well compared to Real and Tropicana on an average. Also, we can see that
people are expecting more from a drink, and not just its ability to quench thrist. People are aalso
focusing more on natural things rather than artificial and becoming more health conscious.Taste is an
important aspect and basis on which people decide which drinks they are going to choose.

On the feeling aspect people like Paper Boat as well as feel happy while drinking it( major feelings), while
they feel good having Real, and like Tropicana. Paper boat does better on the feeling aspect as it seems
to satisfy the emotional need of a customer and provides the best association with a drink. Also, people
are going for Fruit-based beverages because they like it and it makes them feel good about themselves.

The thinking emotion that a drink provides appeals less to people. The customer does not like to think
much while enjoying the drinks. The impact of packaging of Paper Boat can be easily seen to have an
effect. The actions of a company has an impact on the people. We can see that the strategy adopted by
Paper Boat to make customer relate his past with the drink has worked in its favour. The aspects of
experimental marketing is well covered by the companies, especially Paper Boat.
3. What are the inferences that you may like to draw from exhibits 2,3,4,5 and 6? Why are these exhibits

Ans.- The responses from exhibit 2,3,4,5 and 6 are important as they help to deduce the kind of people
who would go for a certain kind of drink. The values people are driven from helps them to associate and
choose a brand. The intrests of people defines the way they would go about certain things, so studying
this is helpful to position the drink accordingly. The conflict of interest happens because of difference of
opinion and it plays a decisive role in availabilty and effort people will put in to get the product. The
relationship of customer can develope with the Brand only when the Brand is aware about the behaviour
of people. The social identity of a person plays an important role, so studying it will tell the choices one
will go for in a public place.

4. What are the major inferences that you can draw from your analysis of questions 1 to 3 and the case

Ans.- The major inferences are:-

 If placing a new product it is important to know the sensory aspect of individual the brand most
caters to.
 An individual plays so many roles in life, what are the tendencies of person in a social gathering
and how it influences there choice is a good factor to study.
 The interest and personality of a person helps him to proceed with the choices, so it is important
to know the kind the company can cater to in a market.
 The relationship of a person at social level is a trend company can notice and utilise in building
relationship of customer with the Brand.

5. How do you think Pravesh Debuka should react to the situation associated with paper boat?

Ans.- Pravesh Debuka should be positive about the current positioning of Paper Boat, he can consider
the present fit in the lifestyle and psychographics of consumers and also they can start involvement
levels of of the brand.

He should focus to take it the next level while strengthening the current position.

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