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Nama : Asyam Syafiq Allam Class : Kedokteran Gigi 1

NIM : 20170340028

The Effects of Tutorial Class on English Reading Comprehension in

Dentistry Student.


One of the basic skills of literacy is reading skills, because the concepts of literacy
mainly refer to the capabilities to absorb information and knowledge through reading activities
and proficiencies to communicate the obtained information via written media (Suryanto, 2017).
Without reading skills people would have hard time to process information that they absorb
thus which might be resulting in miscommunication between people.

Reading is the main reason why people learn language. Without reading, the learners
would never know about anything. Reading is also not a passive process but rather an active
process because reading cannot be separated from thinking. This is also supported by Smith,
2004 who stated that “reading is a thought-full activity”.

Reading also can be classified into two types : Initial reading and reading
comprehension. Initial reading refers to an effort made by those who have not been able to read
to learn reading, the example is just like how we try to read alphabets and combination of letters
or simple words. While reading comprehension refers to an activity aimed to understand the
messages of a particular text as stated by Cahyono (as cited in Wilda, 2013). Both types have
their own advantages from the other, such as Initial reading is good for children who are still
learning how to read English while reading comprehension is useful for people to understand
what the message of the text fully.

Reading comprehension is a complex interaction among automatic and strategic

cognitive processes that enables the reader to create a mental representation of the text (van
den Broek & Espin, as Cited in Moore, 2012). It also means that reading comprehension do not
only fully relied on the reader, but also on based on reader language processes, such as basic
reading skills, decoding, vocabulary, sensitivity to text structure, inferencing and motivation.

Tutorial class on Faculty of Dentistry refers to a small group discussion which be held
twice a week. There are 2 types of scenario on Tutorial class, the first one is Problem Based
Learning which use 7 Jumps and completed in 2 meetings while the second is Case Based
Learning which only completed in a single meeting.

In tutorial class, students will be divided into small group, each group consist from 10
to 13 students which would be guided by one tutor. Discussion on tutorial will be lead by the
Nama : Asyam Syafiq Allam Class : Kedokteran Gigi 1
NIM : 20170340028
Head of Discussion which will be chosen from the members of the tutorial group. There will
be also a secretary which will be chosen from the members of the group, would have a role to
write or type what is being discussed on the group.

The process of tutorial will demand the students to be active on searching information
or when learning independently to solve the problem which being discussed. Learning
independently can be done by searching journals on Internet or reading textbook that have been
prepared on Library.

On the previous study (Aulia, 2018), which researched on the effect of Small Group
Discussion method on Eight-grade students reading comprehension , the results of the analysis
was significantly higher compared with those who use Traditional method. Another study
(Rahmat, 2017), which surveyed on Eleventh Grade students found that, with Small Group
discussion strategy be able to improve the reading comprehension of the students. However, a
study has yet to be done which attempts to find the effect of Tutorial class, which used Small
Group Discussion system, on English Reading Comprhension in students from Faculty of
Dentistry Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). This study strived to find the effect
of Tutorial class on the english reading comprehension in students of faculty of dentistry. Based
on previous study, it is hypothesized that there would be an positive impact or an improved
reading comprehension from tutorial classes.



Participant included 16 undergraduate-student from faculty of dentistry batch 2017

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The participant were male and female with range of
19-22 years old. The questionnaires will be distributed to those who have experienced Tutorial
Class. Participant who have not experienced Tutorial Class were excluded.


This study used questionnaires in order to gather the data. The questionnaire will be
printed and spread to 2 person on each of Tutorial group in faculty of dentistry batch 2017
UMY. The questions will be varied relating to difficulty in reading because of new words,
understanding the meaning behind of idioms and figurative meaning, and many other questions
relating to english reading comprehension. The questionnaire will be multiple choice using a
5-point Likert scale (from 1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree)
Nama : Asyam Syafiq Allam Class : Kedokteran Gigi 1
NIM : 20170340028

Initially the researcher will choose 2 students per tutorial group with a total of 16
students who will participate in the research. The researcher would then make a group chat
consisting the participant. Next the participants were asked to fill the questionnaire related to
the effects of Tutorial class on english reading comprehension which have been shared through
the group using Google Form. After that the data would be collected and analyzed. The result
and then will be discussed by the researcher and finally to be concluded.

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