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.Net is the Development Plateform which provides advanced feature facilities for the web and
window application along with the window services . The .Net is the Middle layer between
the operating System and the .Net application .The feature of .Net that the .Net Component
can talk with each other without worrying about the language in which they are originally..
Two main components are CLR stands for the common Language Runtime and the .Net
FrameWork Base classes. The CLR performs the task of converting the IL to native code
Which gives the .Net applications to be language Independent . The Other component Like
.Net FramwWork Base Classes act as services to be provided to the .Net applications.


VB.NET is a windows application

Where as C# is a console



vb is object based and is object oriented.In ,oops concept is used

How can i extract the formated word(bold,italic,underline,font,color etc) from the msword

using CommonDialog class

eg:the code to invoke the default font dialog box by using the FontDialog control is giv en
private sub displayfont_click(byval sender as system.object,byval e as system.eventargs)
end sub
the code to invoke the default font dialog box by instantiating the fontdialog class is:
dim fdialog as new fontdialog()
private sub displayfont_click(byval sender as system.object,byval e as system.eventargs)
end sub

Unlike VB6; .net does not require to generate GUID for the dll¶s. The dll¶s are hosted thru
applications ,IIS or windows services. These things internally refer to the physical locations
of the file thus even if the dll is updated with certain functionalities the older application can
still refer to the previous version of the Dll.

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Through SOAP Protocol



the settings made in the web.config file are applied to that particular web application only
whereas the settings of machine.config file are applied to the whole application.



The main difference between .dll and .exe is

.dll is the In process component where it take up the client¶s memory space to run. So the
communication between the application and component(dll) is very fast.

.EXE is the Out of process component. It uses its own memory(not application memory) to
run the component. The communication between the application and component is slow
when compared to .dll


System.Object is the base class of .NET

It Supports all classes in the .NET Framework class hierarchy and provides low-level services
to derived classes. This is the ultimate superclass of all classes in the .NET Framework; it is
the root of the type hierarchy.

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SQL Server supports the ability for clients to store objects within tables

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The other type of multidimensional array is the jagged array. A two dimensional jagged array
can be thought of as a table where each row can have a different number of columns. Take
for example, a table where families are the rows and family members are the columns. Unless
each family has the same number of members, each row will have a variable number of
columns. You can use a jagged array to represent such a table.

A jagged array is really an array of arrays. To create a jagged array, you declare the array of
arrays with multiple sets of parentheses or brackets and indicate the size of the jagged array
in the first set of brackets (parentheses).

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RemoveHandler myobj.myEvent, AddressOf MyEventHandler

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Satellite assemblies are user for localizing the applications resources.
A satellite assembly is a DLL that contains only resource strings
.we typically have one satellite assembly DLL for each language. Because these satellite
assembly DLLs are separated from the main assembly (an .exe or DLL), it is easier to drop in
multi-language support as we progress in your development process.

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Option Strict
Visual Basic language in general does not require explicit syntax to be used when performing
operations that might not be optimally efficient (e.g. late binding) or that might fail at run
time (e.g. narrowing conversions). This permissive semantics often prevents detection of
coding errors and also affects the performance of the application.

VB.NET enables a programmer to enforce strict semantics by setting this option to ³On´.
When used, this option should appear before any other code. This option can be set to ³On´
or ³Off´. If this statement is not specified, by default, it is set to ³Off´.

Syntax: Option Strict [On / Off]

When it is set to ³On´, it disallows any narrowing conversions to occur without an explicit
cast operator, late binding and does not let the programmer omit ³As´ clause in the
declaration statement. Since setting it to ³On´ requires explicit conversion, it also requires
that the compiler be able to determine the type of each variable. Thus it is implied that Option
Strict also means Option Explicit.

Visual Basic .NET allows implicit conversions of any data type to any other data type.
However, data loss can occur if the value of one data type is converted to a data type with
less precision or a smaller capacity. Setting this option to ³On´ ensures compile-time
notification of these types of conversions so they may be avoided.

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In VB to implement a disconnected recordset, after you have filled the recordset with the
data, set its active connection property to ³Nothing´. That breaks the connection to the
database.You can locally also save the data of the recordset by using its Save function.

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